. - ' '. , .. . . - .' " 1 . j " ' " ' wi ii i . ? . .-- -v-'if 1 . - . L, ? - yp-4Mww -- zK,tiK,x$ iluil tinj CHAS. E. J0SE8, Editor ud Proprietor "Free from the doting sciuplifcthat tetu r our free-born reason' t t TUESDAY, APRIL 22.1879. i. "EXPOSTULATING WITH M Ri BENWBIK8.f The following Very striking editorial article appeared in the Louisville Cvur rier-Junai one day lasfrweek sIfe ha& somewhat the ring of a semi-officiajl ut terance, and it is in all respects sucha paragraph as must command attention : Governor Hendricks makes a very great mistake. It is a mistake, too, which is unworthy of his abilities and his character. He ought to know that as a nominee for President in 1880 he ia nnt a nmsibilitv. His route to the White House can only be blazed by Mr. Tilden. Nothing is, nothing can be, surer than this. Governor Hendricks is our neighbor. His friends are" oujc frfftnds. In services and in talents he ia th Tier of the best. Under other rtitions we should eladlv support Kim for t.hfl first nlaee in the eift Of the nation. But. as matters stand, he, of all man. has least showjfrlf the old ticket is not nominated, the party will go elsewhere for a candidate. The nomi nation of Governor Hendricks over Mr. Tilden's head would in effect be to diserrace Mr. Tilden. It would be say incr that Governor Hendricks had done something which Mr. Tilden ought to have done. In nolnt of fact this would not be true : and. in point of policy, the nartv could never be broueht to perpe- . trate such a blunder. We do not, of course, understand Governor Hen dricks to declare that he will not run lor Vice-President. He merely puts himself forward as an aspirant for the first Dlace. It is this which : constitutes his errorJVIen in their-, places are the men who stand, and, in the long run he stands highest ' who bes tr compre hends his order. The old -ticket is an idea, an issue. ' Alone. Governor Hen dricks is just one man, an able man; a good man, a deserving man, but repre senting only a personality. He ought to see thif I It wonldiSave him world of troubli tad disappointment, and (re lieve hisl jarty aid his country from embarriisMnenfc ft " - - t The nail is here hit squarely on the head. The next national Democratic ticket may not read: Tilden and Hen dricks, but it certainly will not read: Hendricks and somebody else. Mr. Hendricks cannot be nominated for the first place on the ticket over Mr. Tilden's head, for the reasons set forth in tin ekar-tttv-ftefltentions awl-vigor ous paragraph above. For all that the article is said to h'ave -caused great an noyance to the" anti-Tilden Democrats in New Yorkvvw ho are supposed to have their eyes4 m Mr. Hendricks for the first pl&cfeuyi.thjj ticket - MR. STEELEDHE RECOXSTRUCTlON DAYS IVAURTH CAROLOA. BA YARITANWEW BlttS! f That was a very palpable hit which Senator Randolph, of New J ersey, made in his discussion of thf army bill .in the Senate last Friday, when he toicuoi pie interview between Mmsetf d&ndvIesi- dent Grant in 1876, when' he went to the President with a request from Gov. Hampton that the troops be removed from the South Carolina State house. As the Philadelphia Times, an indc- DcllalUi xvaiiuuipus iciuiuiawuvo vx Pesident iGrantr-is pertinent to .-the issue mow? vncier cuiisiueu.u ux wid Senate and: timely In view or. tnepres ent reviving affection of Republicans towards the old regime of military methods. The incident was one renew ing no credit upon General Grant and one that he will scarcely wish recalled should he enter another campaign ior the presidency. Such contempt for ju dicial decisions ana sucn discourtesy towards a State executive respectfully asserting the principle of local self -gov ernment xn its mildest iorm is nappuy without parallel in our history, and the people will not be quick to invite a repe tition of the offense by committing the country further to the sanction of mili tary interference in, elections. This story of Senator Randolph's will be heard of again. So much of Senator Randolph's re marks as are related to the matter un der discussion are printed on the out side of this morning's Observer. Circumstantial Evidence. In its issue Of Thursday last, the Washington Republican used a very offensive epi thet in connection with the name of Acklen, the much abused young con gressman from Louisiana. Thursday Mr. Acklen toiled up the steps to the editorial room of the Republican, and "Friday .that paper recanted what it had said of Mr. Acklen, at the same time blaming the whole business on a news editor. The circumstance of Mr. Acklen's little pilgrimage up the steps, and ithat of the recantation in next day's paper, can hardly be called a coin cidence because it isn't a coincidence; but they form a case of circumstantial evidence about which even a Southern jury that had taken the test oath could hardly have two opinions. ONE iN Tllfi 8EXATF, rCTIlEa L THE If 9 nouss. Bavard and Maxey W i he l Uiiprtcede&ted Number 6f:Kefo Measures in the Lower House. : Irtny Bity SEWSTTEQX -A.T-- Pr Learning Wisdom, &c. A Tilden club at Ocean Springs, Miss is alluded to by the Vicksburg Herald as a club "to turn the State over to the Republi cans next year," and commenting upon this, a Republican journal says: "It is well to put these casual ante-nomination growls on record. They will be serviceable as sauce for the dish of crow now in preparation for their au thors." This last quotation is recommended to the consideration of our party friends. We may sometimes learn wisdom from our enemies. Mr. Steele has made his speech on the legislative appropriation-; bill. It.; was delivered in the House last Saturday afternoon, and seems to have produced a marked impression. The Record con taining it has not yet reached us, but we notice very complimentary refer ences to it in several newspapers. ; The following, telegraphed from Washing ton to the .Richmond Ivtpatchi and dated Saturday niglrt, is Jthe first that catches our eye : At ten minutes to 4 o'clock Mr. Steele, of North Carolina, proceeded to reply to a speech made by Mr. Frye, and the member from Maine, 'inter rupting, said he took back what he then said viz., that North Carolina w$s not chargeable with the outrages that had marked the conduct of the Democrats in other Southern States, for he had since ascertained that she had as many moonshiners and kuklux as the rest of them, and if he were given fifteen minutes he would prove it Mr. Steele, raising his hands, said: "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us rand his manner, as well as wha; he said, made the House roar. He gave a history of the carpet-bag rule in his State, Hvhich was listcn3d to with attention by every body, and when' interrupted got the laugh invariably, upon the Republican who undertook to question hin. He told under what wrongs' the people suffered when they resorted to the kuklux, and cited recent instances of lynch law to show that this manner of redressing outrages is resorted tp under great, provocation even now in States north of the Potomac. He told the story of the rule 55f ignorant partisan judges in North Carolina, with Iwhom injustice was the: rule and righteous decision the . exception, and said ' the wonder was1 that the' people endured them so long and sn patiently, -He also touched . upon - the! hpoto pxodha. und said the North would get tired of it. -Tiie- speech wasii cpttarone,a9d MrrSteele was congrauuaie.a atip close. 1 r ' And the following appears! in the Washington Gazette, of Sunday : j Mr. Trice of IowW eotitinued his speech and was followed bv Mr.f Steele &kNdrth i Carolina who took for his text the following quota- won: .. j "From many pa ancient river, Froa teeny b sunn jtUto, ; i f Tney are fnarcbtag to dlstclvcr The links In erery chain" r and proceeded to assail the Republican positions in; a manner which provoked Kreamerriment. VIRGINIA VARIETIES. T he State Debt Proposition Accepted Jury in the Poinaexter Case Colored Celebration. Richmond, April 21. The council of foreign bondholders, through their --r 1 - . A 1 . .-. : il .1 ft . , Ilolliday of their acceptance of the plan of settlement of the Virginia debt as provided in the bill recently passed by the uenerai AssemDiy. lneuetans will pe arranged m a iew aays. A iury was obtained to-day m the Poindexter murder trial from the veniremen brought irom Alexandria and Fredericksburg. The jury is com posed of six from each city. The annual celebration bv the col ored people of this city in honor of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, took place to-day, the festivities consisting of a grand mili tary and civil parade, oration and firing of a national salute. 4The procession, headed by a detachment of city police, embraced four military companies, thirty benevolent societies, seven bands of music, a triumphal car, with thirty eight girls dressed in white, and a large, number of carriages. The day was observed by tne colored people as a general holiday. Everything passed off orderly and creditably. Imposing Catholic Demonstration Borne. at i :!!! ASOTHEft 11BEL OS MR. TILDES. Tiie income tax and paralysis busi ness having become stale, Mr. Tilden is the victim of another falsehood. Cer tain relatives of tliat gentleman are in the manufacture of ipatent medicines, with their headquarters; at, Xehanon New York. -Withm th$ast few days the NewQrkrTo'&wie Is out with a story thafMriiaetilaargeiy ,4nter- ested in the firm, and that a lot of ..its goods have been - seized atf various points, because the bottles and boxes r failed to ont4ia the requisite!' revenue stamps, with the exception of fa few on the top layer 4a each . package. Now, notwithstandiiijr Go. Tilden takl t a ; Ifew York Sua reporter that he has not .now.deyerfmsf'1e6imeetIdn with the firm ; of Tilden & Coi; and nbt- wiunsianomg liiden & Co, in a card over their ! signattite make the game statement, the e cwjll igo.on the wings o: tnewina ana "wnrfeactt" the four ids of the United States before the truth;. lairiy gets -its boots on : and it ' will be taken up by the Republican press and iterated , and reiterated bv inese ; genuemaniy - journals, all ob . livious of the fact that it met with the ' lie direct before it was cold, i z- i;r ,.-....-. i ' ...u .m'.- T'-'-A aii vurkj nvavs oi . . on sort and another, point very strongly to the fact that Gov, Tilden is regarded by the .Re , , puJDijcara as about we most dansrerons 1 man in the Democratic party, and that be is one or tne best leared arid best . hated, men m the country.; Rome, April 21. There Was a great Catholic demonstration and display of sacred relics yesterday in honor of the Virgin Mary, as a protest against the alleged sacriligious teachings of the Protestant minister Dr Ribetti, who had posted hand bills announcing a dis course entitled "(ilory to Uod Only. The pilgrimages to the three great basi licas of Santa Maria, Maggivre, Saint John Latran, and Santa Croce, in Gierusalemme, in response to special rrivitation of the Cardinal Vicar, were very numerous and enthusiastic, em btacing all classes of society. Thei demonstration is described as most im posing m its proportions and solemnity. Arraignment of Tammany by an ex- Tammany He. NeW 'Yo'kk. Aprit- 21. Herbert O. Thompson, county clerk, has written a letter to Grand Sachem, . Augustus, Scbell, in reply to an invitation to at tend the election of Tammany Society to-pight, that he and his friends will not participate in the election for the reason that Tammany Hall s attempts to exclude , from participation in , the councils ot the Jjemocratic; party forty thousand Democratic voters of New York, has lost its reputation, for.intel- lgence and independence, and does not permit fair elections, "Mr. Thompson says that a bogus opposition ticket may 1 . i . it J c f , 1 1 , ue run, uul mai, it win ue oniy a snam and not sustained by him or his friends. Brief Forelgi Items ROMk'April 21.-Gen. Garibaldi will go to Albano, April 27. ' ,'" ' ' ' : - jLiOndon, April 21 Mrs, Monstry.the actress, is dead. Phtlufpopolis; t April t2i.;-General Stolipine has received 'instructions to take I the necessary ; ineasutes to com mence thex evucuation. of Roumelia ort iahokev Apni.-2i;-uen.: .Roberts is ready tp s start, on .a., march through Shutargardan Pass . with two splendid brigades with which he win W able td occupy cabui, even unassisted by other columnsj..'T'P1''- -;..?ii'!,.!L5- - m mm m . . . ;; : - 4-t j - . 4;V1: MJTJ' ; New Orleans. April 21-The State constitutional convention "met to-day and was f called to -order bv Governor Nicholls. ': In a brief nddrpM h AllnHprt to the responsibility, of the work which 'j lay Dei ore tne convention, the pressing needs of the State for competent ana efficient legislation, and a cessation of internal troubles with - which-she was npw-afflicted. A.f ter i prayer by . Rev; convention elected Xj, A.TWiltz permanent ichairman and A. v. Harns, of Painte Ecaupee, secretary, After appointing committees the con vention adjourned till tyvmorrow. rJL l?d S rocks the cradle to the hand that 3$L2i&?J&' Symp 18 the best ffifPjwntery. piarrhoea, summer Comtf alat. ,-',' i ""vvuc, ag. rrwe 2$ cento. - Washington,- April 21.-Senate. The Senate, shortly after meeting, re sumed the consideration of s-the i army appropriation bMls. f Bayard defended on appropriation bill?, there being no thing unusual in it. Hence the cry of revofUHGii jwaa vusuuswinuai ana i Orn ish, and one "which the people would condemn. Bayard said the constitution expressly provided that no army appro priation should be made for more than two years, in order to keep the exis-. tence of the army in the hands of the people's representatives. Before 1874 two-thirds of the legislation relating to the army was placed on the army ap propriation bills. To accompany a vote of money for the army with directions for its use was eminently proper, though in general he conceded the impropriety but not the unconstitutionality of at taching extraneous legislation to appro priation bills. To use troops at the polls waa todestrdy thei'reedxJm of elections. Force and freedom cannot co-exist. Bayard having referred to the pres ence of United States J troops in New York city at the November election of 1870, Mr. iJiaine asxeu mm wny tie uia not cite a case near by, where Buchan an, in 1857, ordered out United States marines In a municipal t election and. seven citizens were killed Within a mile' of the capitol. Mr. Bayard said that he was citing an instance nearer in time if not iu place, and added: "Any man or party infringing upon the liberty of the citi zen will meet my condemnation now and at all times." TAbDlause.l He condemned alLactiontending .to refcardj the advent of good feeling between the sections, and concluded by, expressing confidence that the people would sup port the majority in their present legis lation, which was in the direction of justice and individual freedom. Maxey followed. He said the consti tution did not confer, on the United) States governmentanthbrity to regulate elections; inereiore 15 .jcoiua noi ueunr constitutional to repeal or modify a law allowing such action. The present law interfered with the prerogatives of the State government, which alone had authority to protect its citizens in the right of lawful assembly for any pur pose whatever. Free government rests upon a free ballot, and falls with it. The Democratic, party could afford to be condemned for acting on tins' prin ciple. In reference to Blaine's remarks about ex-Confederates becoming Sena tors, Maxey said they were here by right and did their duty, not stirring up civil strife, but believed in and endeav ored to hasten the era of .genuine brotherhood. Blaine had also- alluded to President Lincoln. Maxey said they all accorded to Lincoln fairness of thought and fearlessness in action. His words,, "with malice toward none; with charity for all, were adopted by the South, which acted on conviction of right and endeavored to build up the waste places of the war and bring hack prosperity to the whole country. House. The business in the House of Representatives to-day was confined to the introduction of bills under the call of States, the unprecedented num ber at 1385 being offered, among which were the following: To establish a tax on incomes ; to abolish duty on quinine ; to regulate the distribution of the bal ance of the Geneva award ; to prevent the payment of Southern war Claims; to provide for the reimbursement of loyal Southern citizens for? war losses; to amend the pension laws ; to enforce the eight hour law; numerous bills favoring and opposing financial legisla tion. By Whitthorne, authorizing the ap pointment of a joint special committee to inquire into the causes leading to the removal of large bodies of citizens from the Southern States to certain other States. By Garfield, authorizing the Secretary of War to furnish tents and rations to destitute colored emigrants in Kansas, and making an appropriatioiMrf &15JD0Q for that purpose. By Ellis, to, secure from loss deposi tors in the ! Freedman's Saving and Trust Company ; also, to aid in the con- Btruction 01 a railroad between the lower ports on the! Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean ; also, providing for ocean mail steamship service between the United States and BraziL ' - By Stephens, of Georgia, repealing the existing tax on State banks and equalizing the tax on legally chartered banking institutions, whether State or Federal ; also, to enable the importers to use metric weights and measures; also, authorizing the coinage of a new metric gold coin for international tise, to be known as the Stella ; also, appro priating $100,000 for the erection of a public building in Augusta By Smith, of Georgia, for the relief of banks. By Felton, of Georgia, compelling national banks to recognize and re ceive the standard silver dollar as equivalent in value to gold coin of the country; also, repealing' the duty on iquinine ; also, making the trade dollar a legal tender; 1 ' By Gbode," of Virginia, to apply the proceeds of the sale of public lands to the education of the people; also, to restrictthe'lmmigrattoir'of Chinese r also, for the removal of. political disa- Diiines ; aiso, reiunumg certain uirect taxes on lands collected from citizens in the lat$ insurrectionary States.; ! '. By Cabelli of Virginia; abolishing the tax on spirits distilled from apples, peaches and other iruit. t By; Joyce,- of Vermont, proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the payment of the claims of disloyal persons for property destroyed during the late war. , By Huntoii, of Virginia; for -the pay ment of certain advances-made to the United States by Maryland and Virgin ia; also, for the relief , of owners and ui-chasers of lands sold for direct taxes n the insurrectionary States;1' . By McLane, of Maryland; prohibiting officers of the navy - andr navy contrac tors from contributing money to politi cal purposes. By Henkie 01 Maryland, to aid in the Senator Vance, or' North Carolina. .TTTCT TlV, - -II ST N ' Speaker Randall contemplates I a trip to California after the adjournment of The Chicago and Alton Railroad has been opened from Kansas City to St. Louis, for freight. - Rainey-has-caved in, and will accept tuo iKijsijj appointment cieutsiuiK m JPEGRAM & .-CD;, 1 3 1st National Ban ituuanig, ? e irA R LOT TTNC., PERRY'S. PERKY' gv i 5 Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPUING J , hcoioiwowhl a &nt Philaderohia Friday sent $107 and a large auanti- ty of clothing to Milton Turner, minis ter to Liberia, now in St. Louis, for the use of the, colored, emigrants in that At Austin, Miss, Wednesday last, "W. A. Grantham -struck M. J.' Jones, city marshal, with a bridle, when the latter drew a revolver and ' shot - Grantham, killing him instantlyV' Jones: 'was- ar-restedj-JM e.iiilcnBii -.r?:?tsi io ,sc ; Last Saturday morning the shops . of, tuw vuesaueaK.e anaynio Avauiuau cum pany, in Richmond, paint ahd 4rying shops, lumber yard. , three coaches and seven dwelling .houses adjoining the shops were entirely , consumed. . . . , Levy Nichols; a :well-know' -Wall-street broker; was found dead in his bed at the St Clond Hotel, New York, Saturday ; morning, having committee suicide by taking chloroform.' He was short of stocks and Otherwise financial ly embarrassed.; ' ' ;s ' !: An officer of. the . Bichmond court was in , Federicksburg Saturday, sum moning a panel of citizens of that place from which -, to select jurors for the Poindexter trial, it being impossible to get a jury, in luchmond, In the Great London circus; perform ing in ' Philadelphia ? Saturday, Frank Melville, the well-known bareback rid er, was severely injured by I being thrown" from his horse,1 which took fright and stumbled during the perform ance in the ring. . . ' v'--';' While a considerable number 1 of the J members of the Louisiana constitution al convention from the - northern part of the State are likely to' favor the , en tire repudiation of the State debt, the New Orleans Times thinks that the worst that can happen will be a reduc tion of the interest. A Richmond letter says that in the case of Baccigalupo, in that city, for attempting the murder' Of his wife. Capt. John S. Wise said it made but little difference to Baccigalupo (whom the defence claimed was insane) wheth er he was consigned to the state prison or not as he was in that condition of mind that he would not appreciate the famishment. Baccigalupo had a sane nterval just at that point and shook his head in a very decided negative to Capt. Wise's proposition. i t 'CELEBBi-TEb ! VI it CAEAMELS. f ''" ' "' '' CHOCOLATB - : CARAMELS, -i-:.;.-; ' ' ; lemon ,V '; ;'; . . . : CARAMELS. ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBERRY CREAM . CARAMELS. ' -'; VANILLA CREAM CARAMELS. U&tHf Trunks & Traveling Bags;' 1(K ENLARGEMENT -OF SO' to9 CHINA Wltb them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHARLOTTE. CHOCOLATE CREAM CARAMELS. CROCKERY . . .. . : AND GLASSWARE , BUSINESS, MOLASSES TAFFY. CREAM TAFFY. WALNUT TAFFY. . FRESH, PLAIN AND FRENCH CANPIES. BANANAS, - APPLES, ORANGES, - LEMONS, CRACKERS, AND THE BEST 5c CIGAR YOU EVER SMOKED. apr2Q . -- . .. Ruction gvdzs. D, S. MAXWBLL. C. F. HAHRISON, Auctioneer. . ZEIGLER, BRO.'S Celebrated LadlesV Misses' and ChOdren's Sboes f. A SPECIALTY.,., . They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbroot & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCuKougb & Ober, Canfiejid, nd.. Miles' hand-amde Boots and Shoes. , , Also ' K, ' . THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGftAJM O&S. JJAgTELL & HARRISOJ AUCTION AND Call sure before buying, attention. . ; ;- 1 , ..' April 9, 187. . i Orders hava personal PEGRAM 4 CO, COMMISSION BOOTS ! MERCHANTS, BOOTS !' BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! MR. A. W. LtJDOLF, v OF "BALTIMORE, MD., amajaol uulimlted experience In this business, hating traveled for 17 years In the West and South selling Crockery, 4c., for some of the most exten sive Crockery houses North, bas been associated with TOHN T)R00KFIELT ti-OHN- 450OKFliLlJ, OF THIS CITY, In the above buslneas and the firm thus constitu ted win be known as JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay in the most extensive stock of Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; Will give strict personal - attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte HoteL dec3 BOOTS ! QTjfcENSWARE, SHOES SHOES SHOES There is a strong probability that the present company operating the Cincin nati Southern llailroad will be super seded by a new company, which has been organized with a capital of $1,000,- 000 to operate, that road. The terms of the new lease are considered more sat isfactory to the city, and the new com- Eany only await the acceptance of their id by the trustees to complete their organization. If this is done it is be lieved the new company will take pos session 01 tne roaa on tno 1st or May. It is probable that the trial of Currie, the murderer of the actor. Ben, C. Por ter, will take place in the latter part of next month or the early part of June. Currie's brother, the mayor of Shreve- port and two other able Texas lawyers, will act as counsel for the defence. There Were no practical results from the meeting of the prof ession in New York on Thursday, towards organizing to as sist in the prosecution. It is estimated that it will cost $30Q to defray the ex penses of witnesses and counsel. John T. Raymond, is ready to hand over Wil liam J.sxors cneck tor &5W and his own for $100 more as soon the treasurer of the prosecuting fund shall be appoint ed. Other subscriptions have been made. " M M E E 8 L L N AND AND AND AND AND AND China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deco orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, 'Cutlerj, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle SHOW CASES, &C. JOSEPH FISCHESSER, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN BEER, AO:,POIiTER AND ' WINES & LIQUORS, And the best brands of Cigars. Agent for Fred Lauer's celebrated Reading Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bergner & Engel, Philadelphia. Sold by the dozen at a rea sonable price. All my customers can be furnished at home with the best Beer in town. ALSO A FINE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte HoteL HATS It ATS HATS 1 Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, 4c, on each article of China. Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. SPRING STILES! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED -CHARLOTTE. 1 ; ; ' .: ; IN OUT For Mr. Ludolfs return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of line goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO., Trade Street, near College, If arch 27. Under Democrat Office. The Death-Kate ot Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that In the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set In. Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery winter, white had Boschxx's gkbkah Stxup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Bqschkk's Gxbmah Strut has proven Itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind In medicine. Every Druggist in this1 country will tell you ef Its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. : HEADQUARTERS" This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house in the South. FOR Bottled Lager Beer, A Chag4fct4s alntg. - There is no more remarkable feature, m the progress of science, and no creator chanee In anv professional practice, than Is Illustrated by the 1 T7T riTTT contrast of the medical system of. to-day, and thirty J X jJ U 1A. years ago. rneu an mecucmes were copious m Quantity, and nauseous to the taste. To take them was a trial to adults, and an .overwhelming horror to the young. .Now most doses are small, and con centrated,, and free from offensive flavor. Until recently, however, one of 'the most valuable and efficient of remedies was detestable to nearly all for whom It was prescribed, Cod Liver Oil, the only cure for wasting decline of vital energy, and certain means of renewing healthy tissue, dlsgust- eo tnose to wnom is snouiu nave aone most good. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda removes this only oDjecuon, its navor is really pleasant, its nourish ing power malvelous, and there is no finer nerve and brain tonlo In the world. apr!5, 2w, , .. ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per ozen. F. C. MUNZLER All orders left at John YogeTs tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. ! mar4 MERCHANTS Will do well to call and examine this stock, as It is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. ELOUR. 200 BARRELS WHITE ROSE, ASSORTED SACKS. 500 BARRELS 500 BARRELS . VISITORS To Charlotte are Invited to call and examine our stock, as they will find it most complete In every respect, and cheaper than ever before. W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith & Forbes', OM 8tnd,lTade St pliscjejtausiros. B A K E R Y . BEE AD, CAKES AND PEES, fres& every day. MAGNOLIA, ' Ease AttattMole.kT the Bhennatlc : Yes, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rheumatic. sufferers,' lor there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys Important Channel for blood purlflcatlon-rthe acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urln ary analysis; The name of this grand depurenf Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy tor constipation, wmcq causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia, lever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is hiehlr recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished BhystotanMnd analysts who pronounce it" to be eminently , pure and very oenenciai.. xne press aiso endorses it h ASSORTED SACKS. ASSORTED SACKS. w the -11.,... tr E can with 'corifldenee reconifiendj them, as the very best manufactured, using none but very best materials. 100 BARRELS OUR CELEBRATED. , Queer tegislatlve Doings ! loaislihi: The action of the' Legislature of the State of Louisiana in passing" an act to repeat the charter of the Louisiana State Lottery Company has been announced In the Daners: but It aDDears that the vuiiBu uvmuu ui hi c au.i jriaiiu auu junior i Dy eoniract nunareas or. mousanas or aotiars w war shinanal m w ftiJ . i :-hvt-ra keen the doors of the far famed Charity HosDltal open for toe sick and suffering cannot be aceom- ware ship canal. By ilcKensie, of Kentucky, allowing growers of tobacco to sell $1,000 worth without a license j also, putttng fialtf J ana saltpetre ana quinine on tne iree i Br Frost, of ' Missouri, autnorizine the appointment of James Shields as briffadier sreneral on the retired list. , By Chalmers, of Mississippi, for the improvement of the Mississippi river: also to aid the: education of the . colored. face. By Reagan, of PTexas, to reimburse the I btateox Texas for monev paid for fron tier defences; also, for the payment of Southern mail contractors. , i': OBSCENJE LITERATURE..;: i ; ? ; ' The House committee on , postofficea and post-roads to-day took up for con sideration, and will endeavor to report during the present session, upon memo rials from different sections of the country complaining of the passage of obscene jnatter through the United States-mails. , ' "" tUsfaed. The Supreme Court of the United States has always maintained that the sanctity of such contracts cannot be violated, and hence, for twen- xy-nve years irom us organization in a 80S, it wiu continue its work of usefulness and benevolence. The Louisiana State Lottery Company draws, next month, its 108th monthly grand distribution at New Orleans, and an application toM. A. DauDhln. P. O. Box 092, Mew .Orleans, will, secure any in- ; .iormanon aesneo. iiiiil W.N. PRATHER, . Trade Street, first door above the old Market, marl . .Auction; - By MAXWELL & HARRISON, TO,-DAY Bfsflop D. 8. Doggett (Southern Meth.) ' It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Man gum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with BlshoD Docxett in his estimate oi the Test Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, EJ.N.C Conferace. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy Hi Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlsfb. I am never without it at home or abreadi R b an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels rerou ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of nigh character. I have seen a " triedviytbig " dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Dm. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men ol national fame and of strictness ef speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support in its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines wbo underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Their united witness Joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is. beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Ya. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. - It Is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, sopoilfif. tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DR: Tv4 SlWHCnarlcte, C,; ., ODELL, RAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 d&wtf. AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M. J PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR XIX VXiXJX4AXJ. 1 -A 4 s " - '. - - 5.'.! -.MSli .. . ; .',: I ;:U .i.i.if.uj v -. books; :-.fc GLASSWAliF,: jaLi V free sample packages to FAiniiES,. CALL AND SEE IT, TRY IT ; AND . THEN; YOU WILL BUY IT. . CeagklMf la Charca. Noplace In the world equals London for the constant barking kept up In the churches. It is like a- DernetURl fiilad of mall arms.. Whr don't they take Hall's Balsam and get rid of their cougnsr u w ine most wonaenui remedy, and tne proprietors warrant it In - every Instance. Let all ooughers give it a trlaL t , ,y:-i. aprl& lw, R.M.MIin,EK&SONS apn9itr UNLIMITED GOODS RECEIVED UNTIL B1JR OF SALE. MM 1 apiJO 1 i: For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wtnslow's Sooth ing Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity Of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. , An old and well known remedy. 25o per bottle. Xipttxmzons. ) ' GREEN HOUSE AND . . ' ' , v. - . . i : . . .'.is:.:- S EE D S T O R E BATTLE, M. ihM m i r iiUV. ii ai AT YOUR PCST OFFICE. Unknown to the Jury, i wMerttBCttrmte: I ROSES ! ROSES'! Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there an hours durinz the day. and at his residence cor ner Seventh and College streets, at night, a t u ieD7 am .:,:. l4 L DR; HGREENE SHt Frederick. Aorili. Thft inrv of inquest upon the r icenF lynching of the ; neero. -James Oirroll. returned a i verdict that he was hanged by men un known to the jmy.ri j.; ;t :;-.' , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' " -The eredlbors: of 3. IS. rcmdrlck. hankrant. wflt i take notice that unless their indebtedness is sett led I within ten dnya, the notes and accounts against wem wiu oe aoverosed ana sold at puouc auction. f - - : Sead and get my catalogue of choice: Green Hon e and Bedding Plants ' 1 ' Wj can send plants through the mail to any pari oi vue coumry. ; . - - - - . ; . C. B. FATRCHILD. Seedsman and Florist, March 26 2m. Raleigh, N.C; f mENDERS hta. arofesslonal services te the. peer JL pieof Charlotte an do vicinity. ? Being a gradu ate of both schools of medicine, (Alopathio and Homeopathic) he Is qualified to practice either system. VV! 1 J T - He will stQl devote attention especially to Chbo io Dihkases, but will also do a general practice. Calls attended day or night Office over McAden's drug store. Residence, en College street, coraeret 6th street, mar22 dw. 8m ! s '.t; , t - . . EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ; Ralmgh. March 10th, 1879. I Wbbbsas; Official information? has been received at this Department that N. B. TAYLOR, late of the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur- a a ur Cttan. A w.t.AAna a annnDN that TOB ACOi t tte N Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals nimseu. tnat ue orainary process ui mn not be served upon him: . How, therefore, I. THOMAS J. JARVIS. Gover nor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of au- Sority in me vested by law. do issue this mypro imatlon, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of the saia N. B. Taylor to the Sherlil ef Moore county, at the Court House' to Carthage, and I do enjoin all offi cers of the State and all good citizens to assist m bringing said criminal to Justice. ., Done our city of Raleigh, the tenth day or March, 1879, and in the 103d year of American Independence. M T T11Tl.a hv Out nonmnr! , Lxs & OvaBMAK, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Taylor Is about 33 years lof age, about ifeet e iches high, well set and will weigh about 160 s ad when last seen wore a heavy beard. mar I2dltw5t. f. 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES, Choice and Fresh, . FOR pilNTINQ OR EATING. - Just received by '' : : - LeRQY DAVIISON. r - wt

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