, ,r ' . . : ;. - r - gagaaq ' uu,j . j ' " '- - AiL--W "T ik.-"- -" " " IZ."-"-- iL,-' '"" -'L-- "'" "' " 'CIL.JL - J- ' - ' TO 1"'-J.l li i i iwniiwtjjjMJlL: - 'mmm!Tm- ' ' Sl)e l)arlotU bcmitr. v-J .C97I3 H UiL-rt ul Jr1.- i i I J j I j ; gorjoli' aurl Soli, grmtitr0. f.rn nil b . .FI 1 1 iPl ?1 H KrJ Ji.ll 61I 1 1 THE OB&mTXU job. izrincKMTv tla been Viorotujhfor'eifpjiifri' iptveiy imSed vxmt,amtwUk tkt Laltd Style effyp, mam ry' mtmner tf.Job Worttxmtme fit pormvlh netOmwL . ixUmth ....... 4 00 tltret Months .. 2 W3 V. i WMSKL1 MDITIOX ' ' .tnt nhq ?'"oSvn JnJj jrro t.t ol ?J si j " w-'sni w.ortxi oofite ioi. rtftox-.trli .fAA. ..... - fli'Ju; c?i:7 Ii"; ;-siiU 'idi a lojnovn WmUy, ( thecoumty) in aOwmai. out of U county, pottpaid.. iiz jfo v ....$2 00 ... a! io 1 00 ..... t .... i ti ..7 r... .. I ii. jn i tTi j 111 :r ii rrfrn.niM tivtw VOL. XX. FSOeOtAMMBSi MlSD-BIIJJf, WUBXS CIXGVLASS, CSOOK8, 4ttt. If dU ., 1 V.iJ i : . j ii i; , r Hll 1 'i 11 ,', ,J'ilAl : iM.-viif u OHU I'M .1 -Ml a - ;,ilitli I II II I I jT V 1 X 1 : 1 I 1 I I I . I I I W X.' " I . II I II II I II I SUN UMBRELLAS. ; 51 .!) () 51 '!) i .. ; , . .. Ladles buying Parasols: and Sun Umbrellas win lind the best assortinent at the lowest prices at k- Xbey will also find otherfiRoda to salt them apon which they can gare money. Our stock of Fane and Staple . " ' . i DRY GOODS 1 uoauj .7 .7, V5II Lsnow complete, among which1 may be loonu a tull supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, linen Table Damask m White Blate.. Red, an felow; Napkins, DoylaAand Towels 19 jeyerj, variety r Car-, pets, Bugs, MatttogsoiMlOttCIothj..fin"!hHtiM Out stock of Embroidery udTdmrniagsrls. largo, and will be found Terr cheap. So will our stock of i WHITE: GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES. r HlNJ)KiCHIEFS, jCOR . SETS, FASS.ANDIE., , .. ' h-T Hut lMtl .tt Ask to see our Ten Ceoto LineDrl,,andT kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrellas. You will find them cheap, aldireiWiMlg M.ll tffcpojtipii). Call ami see us. It will pay you. j B UKOESS NICHOLS. 1Jtv. .! 4 ' H 'i!r "ill', Vi ,!i WHOLESALE ANp.BKLAIIw -v 1 .:. :iVti tti j'ifr tiOIJltrtMl'. IBillrC'i. 1 ALL KINDS,; .ftJF, 1u 3i.,nu rf.; , i :-.- 'i; 'I-v. bur. c.w: "nsfw. m ;!ntZ nil FITRNTTUSE 1TJENITIIBS t BEDDING, a BEADINO, AC D1SU, etc. FUKNITUBE! rFmTLoi LOUN(iESf .'055 & LOUNGES ! PARLOR ANQ Cix U, ;-lvBULra tW COFFINS of alTtlhds on band. COFFIWol Mt'ttkMiPOlt baMja I-., ii-'iiu 1 uai.-srfislC .rsS ! 'i. Hi ti-narWi aoitMia dilw o-wwj j Nt. 5 W8T TttAOR STBKXT. I I ,-H iii.vi'j-Kiit" I'uyw jiil I ,.,rl:wi ri tW Lat and .ftntieeHA8 MrtlBbwa ftna mhri1! Jill -T! )V1fb 8dt Ttl ' bW'iMI liin!'"''ill Oil U.U UWi 01 (Lx)JU xm el Jl .rt'mai !-B(t .UiCTfb oJ -jlobllUS irl.1l fHMWTltM? Vii'i -i r-f j rw -nil !o uui(ia lutif UiiiiMnrtft I .Mii'.'l- I Hi r-villl ,iiH-.tli-(Jil nwoim-lNt .ifrAr !;. j(l-Uil;fl bl'KI (Mflrt rvni-jga j.t a Tff a to-?! XTK&R HIT N ll-TTTTU URKR KBK m u u "nu0 1 2 M Kiv :nl Bin.Jji;iffiolat Uofil(,.saiiMff ' KirlfAT rt . Jd J.mjrt-il atill - 1.1 . iiiW itl ttnrt Kitii nWoT .fl iI btrta 9 W uitt 11 RBd fWXT .fl i bt.W Ji ! . rrun liuuiin fdJ jiiil. t!-ilUl WiH cru( t .ii-Miat,, v.i-t .'X') 'sit&i nAStjt U f lill SWA-i Oi ,t JJVl 1 iltll. -:.!!.;! T t btcwM a kftr4lljt ,notino: -u v-HiJi li Tiirxlrt ftjts I lfcf A . li.n -til tiiia sadlifi ul. wttion " J Sot is TeVy'j.l'adeintor r:iMl M(ik(ls' f)I '1i' J Sti'i! . - j? i:'tj d-iJ lit t'fiK .T"f .JiT.. : -..HIT ! , 'AULOU, L'HAMBEUIttXINGJBOOi folu l 3 ; una n' All Goods Packed Free ofJCbargc - Hi?. TO THE PEOPLE. tiMfl (!i;-i j?).; m tflJ fjti'W We WHlflGddDS, Viz: Linen Cambrics, Linen Lawns, White Freneh vngiwaies, inaia muiis, Jttuii jnusllns, Marceus, eondR keL. Aiso.iSr. full stoek nt.Sinhiuv -.1 Insertlngsl and lose nines in white and colors: iorftU to,ok atvotwflgured Lawns, and,. tandies. Our stock of Gloves is complete in every cuuTiB sua osepnine seamless variety 01 enfiapef.inn4. . ham. Begena and Silk. Bemeimbr. wekee tto. J new siyies 01 ine season. handsomest stock of . .r .. in the market Our stock of domestic goods is com plete in every branch, and cheaper than ever. Third sta of, Ladles' Hats Justuarrlvedj1alae a,exmd lot of Gents' Straw HataT tkm't fnrmt wa ham the cheapest stock of Shirts, laundrted and uoJaun-. I41U t. .A .1. T- 1 - I 'A K... wito. ui bite no sure a iiu examine our mucK 01 uenis- itraniiaaing uoods and Charlottea Casslmeres, the newest styles out A 'good as Bwrtlte i8sort- uituu ot . . ! XTOOH JrV( r.-Vi x ' Boots, Shoes, IkcdJlljIniimptly filled. 1 w T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. ChariottelHcf aKli.'Ciiarlotte, N. C. 1 r April 22. 4fM PRI RULE THE DAY. iy.. LARGHjwDS -CHEAP ST0BE OF- H. MORRIS & BRO'S. STILL GREATER I '1 i T hi ! !I f. 1 flU V.i A 1 - )-;. REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Ifetfe Best FlannelSuitsy only H ZlifiQ Bowtltal light Cassimere Paats, S2.50,' 8.50, 4.60 White FaAcrPilei '8, 10 and 12 cts per yard. Beautlrnl Tjiwns. lOandllb i!ft.'. -tri Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. Hamburg Edging all widths, 8 to 25c. per yard. Two-buttonKkGove aj Sc and j $1.00 per pair.'- ' ' BeautifulDweB 'Aaattag, worth. 25e.i for 15eents f ; bPetJW 1o -Jbinl silt 01 ivhjKb ,.- ei Yaed-Wkte,good Bleaching, only i6c pec iart.1 :5i.-,4r Best Calicos, all grade only 6ft cents per yard. ; , t4 It will pay anybody to Inspect our Goods and prices, as we claim to be the leading low price house in Chariot j ) JA J Just rseeiyeweANaiui use oi'ii-- ,i'c .JU'jSA.r'.Jia, : biir'.Har, . Y 5U X . a 1 Alt), a fultlio&xf rm-w- a r - -Tvfl I neajf pyi,amr rwa vtnaoea mainsDoKaan JncKgia Laf asi v t 1 vTl w j We invite attention to our stock of Swiss Sdglngs and insertlnss. the handsomest Hindu in t.h mar. , p.Jl JLvAiW, UMJUClr. a -rTenn, Monday rhe-prnitefl Btates dis iid -n" ii anin .bvniteiu.iiiai K-ti W sdi t trict attorney? naroeen infetrucled to ac- '-'.flr'TSjHlft 1-'d I''" 9f And Ladles' Underwear, at Immense bargains. .HtfHTAiFf K -.3H..U. ... t ,.s HMOBBISj, BROSr r inrll 19.. SPRINGODQICHING. 1 as. w. We tock so comDlete as to include the latest novelties in Men's, xouurs. aoj ' s ana vmiurou rwl TTTP K H It HIT W GQO 00 t h h ri.jiiriior , ja. E OO T HHH H WOTJyOf-; j . ' M'.d" i ' -1 . , iwe Invite public inspection, and we are at au rment whicMsw M OufWdseTs warranted to u mnmnAntMi. and in nrtce less than can be BLPE FLANNEL SUITS a Ji&A&to&l&T&he pasi aMuuin. and thav have gained the roputaUoa of he i iha haat In t.h mnrk r . i itt i er ti ! ,We present this seasonto the "consumer a fine J lihe of - . I r w i..n, Lfod mi ii&:i"iA r o oi ) a pes -? h oHrwpt wniv Sihi Rn-ifw Hats .and any una oi Gentlemen rurnlsWngGoods,.. Doq't, vonbat . f- , 1 1 before you examine owAf. ,w.v1vfwT.i;'r iorner ruo s v -wir Vr April ia. Charlotte. W.C Boston Transcript It Is a holding back, while Hal and Jacx In can DrODefled by steam, or eoulne-drawn. Both hands and feet fight braced, and tuggmg'&J While others sit at ease: nor never ask. 4 j 1 . ma sir or maaam, -please, will w?TiiarBWir ski ji-szs-aaurTr rana biuoiq lenio.nim. Df nis xnena ur, Jimett This book, it" te !sa1d- wOI Ibfr coHipleteor In about mnnrn i i If we didn't have tha Sat riAWitt Tulmim'i T fwB.'anieifejssaraBosr tha he IsgtwdABd 1 1 Kuueiess, we buuuiu nanuy oe ame w suspect tnai ats Senator offers to take a tlwusand drinks in inousana nours. tm Mmperance work is taking i effect when a United ' States 'Senator wUl restrict mmseiitooneaahour.. a SXtWvav la, and no expostulations of his second could make htm dose it "I dont axmd aetttne killed." he de clared, "but I do hate getting wet" The toollakman taketh.hls wife to a church so-1 M)le, and" spendeth five dollars forlce Cream and f eake. The wise man alloweth his wife to sarveon I the refreshment committee; andhen the eveBmi eometh he mteth to that chnroh Z4h TtthS iIh? 7 Ji rTlfiiliiji f " ,T 1 Mg eattug malches''Tiave'Deen introduced lnT the New Eneland (itatea. At Fall River. Mum. I everaldaysago.two. men eat a d5ze eggs Teich I placed "Before them and the non'tobedewde,F was wnicn couia brean a,na swallow nis dozen .in tblwrtetttmB.;i;TBe'i wui men naving acnievea tne real m iorry-two sec- I fnas. ; iii -nj !.. ,ij i.:t..t . Those who love to listen to the mocking bird, hear some first-class ditties about the Presidential candidates just now. Tildenisa paralytic wreck; Thurman wiH die ofiiera-gontnBa arid root be fore lK80ivWaiUtntislubttriy the roots through nightly squalls of nine cribsful of children and Incessant flashes of the toothache, while CkUa& .tl swell; -statesman, 4s likely to burst at any moment M. Sarcy, the famous theatrlcaLcjUlc of the Paris Temps, is really the iutoe&t)of the! Parisian thea tres. When be enters a theatre on -"the first night 01 a piay tne manager oows ana scrapes 10 mm, ne ls carefully escorted tq his box and relieved of his Subr-anfeH slonst theffffWi a'seiohhearingosees reasons 40, ana says iianK- J ',ri ,1J TT Elev 'Lines of juiiuaeuu3uia,,vt radiate from, or L,.and St situated In, the Immediate 1 . 12mhJ rAnlM.1 m I neighborhood of toe Omod ,tCentraL-H BroTwYorkTw 1 . - w . Wn. m. - jm.. a x - " - , wmi 1 prices, I Grand Central. ; apr23 lw BRIEF NEWS. ITEMS. a young son of the Judge, called on Rose, the editor, andgaje hi m a severe beating. ' ' ! ' .Hurt, of Mississippi has been appointed clerk to the House jsommit tee on post-offices and post-roads, Wm. J. HadlbyM iaVVer.H'klbany, Ni Y., who was stabbed by one of his eliet3, napaed'Hughes, died; Saturday night. Hughes is in jail. It i ) hinted that' the possible dark horse for the Democratic nomination Vl ilUlillUdUil ldge Stephen aes&ipfcrj( Co" e stlt5i of ffle fr&sifrt islued a call MdnHa Of 140 (Adon?ftfttM tffTregltiu i of those issued under the act of March 3d, 1864. m t it rw m r rw It is r MtimielBillother- wise Mrs.lBa ittlA metm shot Washingt attras 11 ag evfl 1 ork hotel, is 1 afillttiialinit ilyife con- dition, cattsfed tration. The Cincinnati SundayNews, pub- lishedT Saturday, pliDiianeta an Anon mous fetter of a s&nd$M$ chaiacte and re&rred it ft a HJuer Id indM 1 cate tnit it ws wmtenari itne ante dii eXjAttne3f(gnerl T ff. Wg.JTaftJ, i Last Friday night, on the farm of (rgeCophriik Afou$ ,tWJliMia fQPa Selma, Fauquier county, va-, James Adams, colored, was., clubbed and stab bed to"death,1 wTjM.ttS mWittlS set of bars, by winter 'Payne, colored. The murderer severed the ears of his 1 i victwHKf .I IK . XL .5 f!vrus W. Field prot)oses erectinar a uionuuieub w me Jiuyuau iy . jyxajui i Andre, anaxnow ptpposes -tMatrone De erected tcAN'Ahani Hale, the first of American martyrs to. liberty. Hale was but 21 when executed, and his monu ment will representi tm in5the garb of Z. flU:wAnlAAtTAn mUU viaaIt KtlfA I WfflMW About seYeakundi?edvicdatQi of 4fti. eternal reweaue: &wi Iifeely ulieifc. dis tillers, were to have appeared oerore At TT-'l.J 1. 1 1T.r.Urill. LI18 I J fcepfc j4ea.outtX fwfe spspensiop senteBce-JiduriBg moodJ behavion, iitli payment )f Bstsi"" 't'i 1 In the UnttfctsfteQfroHit Court in Philadelphia, last Saturday, in a suit brought by DuncaaHalec& Ga against H. G. Dunn& Co, mercantile agency, to recover fJOOjslldfn cidilto pary favorably reported, a nonsuit was grant ed, on the ground that the contract ex istine betweeathft ragencyand its sub- c fibers expressly reBeved the t proprie- tors from liability: jThe Journal 8aysthat the Swanna noa Hotel, at Asheville, has been closed during,thei!WtetJ niAttSilfmidswlifg tO a faUure,quJtbpaiMrricholsf who kept jfclu tuiiaMv ti icmply With the terms of the lease, the agent of the propeHy7?Bac1iarge S'teW days aJ-o and puUa-dnanr hv tha name of remith in to hold possession. On Wed- r . . . . . , 1 - . -i L nesday mgnt iasi mxs. jsicnois was met at Swannanoa brj arjtoken from the stage of , Messrs. Weddin & Bailey, put into a closeteeteWggy and si lently drove into- town, Jit.oii jin front of the hotel dcrtk'wMclliwidlocked (but 3he hadanother key) unlocked it, softly sutiped'.inv.stoje aipng w pie ropm, Shutbarid Atood oVer him illke .,& An- Wouting angel, bidding him to clear the- premises, Tw well, he aid oy cnmDing om at a nariff SrTndnwJ-...- upaee,snmcwofcTvj9ur:ooyaBeea, KXHf 1 5 ! 1 ' 1 J' ' , i? : ' 1 -- -"' Press eager on in calm, relentless surea, w " y,orMay, X86I: toe exchMge to -,-f ?-?, - t --, -,- - -j--. T.dj.jlw -40 k, i.iu. a.-vit . I .1n 'i'l , - Ur. -vH ItistobedoomedCTertobackseat. tlbondsiTt fetS ,,!h; u" 'fiid on -r ,a',tl '.lU. , ' TtttffiSaM M w itiTrj iztivM u amu.H ; piansju,s mencan xs ouor &i.uu.aaiM jeuso peaAUinfaa lerl der, and upwarH AhfelSrcl is edtrnucted DytB 1 I i f I I LJ SB III! S if A shevillJdtjWurZy The btnef tiiffht 1 641 toose to whom ft siisuidJiave dbn most gbod. IW ifrtXitfTr VT.A" Vaalri - TTn?il Ttt'8 Emulsion of Cod. Liver Oil with the Hypo Jthe Stage halted -at, the ,Jge Hotel, j pnosphi 0f Lime and Sodarremoves this only Mrs., McDonald,' from Boston, alighted and-asP1 rora room, wnicnvwasjgiveu ber.'IShiei ptocured fthe serticest of ia Bdrvant and dispatched him after hus- ini thpi rarnenters' trade, and was. at the Ittme ol hjs'f'a VrritaLgaged iu ftlie erection 6f a tine boildifig for Mr. Ballard. " The servant went to jur. mo Donald and gave him the I hfswiffi. "All riehtrtell there soon," but instead of going to see J ha wif AtiAVEerarn'oed to parts unknown, f t and thVuniSdrtunate lady is here vwith-. 1 MSl&M UUUUII14Jl&lii.-lIlia nUJir91cai.n.IE.Erk ek tMr treasurer, ia L-authocued otxw vcewf'fri-rww'iviWMpiHn shim of 6T000 UnliaMtattt!tofft-fti instead of one-tenth of one wet teent t-,.. 1 NJlAflADSMil AdAmMml wryRBKxiwiiTi Shi a)se;Ae.abl 3WWiiS,iAP tW,l a?TV-iWJt,fl,J uenerai ASSemDly may, provide i:taat thft indiovint fTaf mnfs lTlinl inVOn! SektfSliiOT? faaeStau tionsn airfteis witofesefi awbearirifi? ' befape'arihd jtlt iti' 'a eriihal feage aseito be paid "Only fheit 6uinmoiiea W1 V jiji.j,5.i.ai. i. s Tin . LJ.-t. i , J. f ,lwi"inirTLii103I0SiI 6rohoi4of; OfSbdiirid'teVe'te jitrDabV aiess summonea oy soiioitwas aoove ; nor shall a aolicteUi wifuUWi-uiuiB Lhan -,j.:lkj1A.ii1CTii.Li. i.j.i.j iir XSTMIffi ucuitjayfu. ittauoH-HV4w.i.CPMiJH V w or ueienaanc in swell case De liaDle I Jt . A. 11 A A for pay to raore than two wifcaessea.un- less the court .ior croodlreasona order otbJwise. tjltt icases of ppeali from i jimices Rrgrmftitl--,TO$te0,',ff) ' IOB TM MafiBebuiiiiiKMlt 1 Ditwujri J-ibU!:-.'! OiL'he'Wrmef'itay bex5aBe18S!, is1 'at' j?reat uncertainty apoujbuiae duttesiiof snert T under t exectttions1 isswed" ! debftitoadlWatol WmtWm iffc ,'liave. b i(UiiiedVi4)enalties.L .ajJber; caus' there for a rfmtimatrt xecrii- LtioUd fifth BaAdS'f1Sl)eftffa,(litefiff! fsawe time will force the sale OfopeB iiy al mereiy nomimu sums ana cause fereat distress ladJi&ifrwi-dtrithout at it ia 0t.reap- t08' Wjiere'tW-wmf' t i:.,UI.Tu.l fiLiI., . iliL.TlJkt I h, W.pome; at, 1 1 wiuiriTTU tt'nn n vik- navativr Arajiiii t4 to make a levy on property nrtdef BiceA e I cution issued on iiidcrment!! nhfairiftr? on debts contractecfraior ta the adop tion of the ;cpptlitton,Qf; i8Q8 be and any. aidonilt penalties iaoduMabiiities Tirn ana w tyicn8tahleiiace March any speetive county Under the satoefie! latiOHs- aWdtJeriaJtieaf a Sredfr'inM prescribei. J)y4w rfn the jeas4 of other constable& u -yi S For servant and watchman hire -In the capitol building; 8750 was annually appropriatioain the salary -and fee bill March 14, 1879, the Governor and pen itentiary board were directed to make t.lio onnnrf i Art rv-4- a AAnirSnfa nmAnff 111 urin I4l'i8mbv been mthOflMedwsere them tor., (any ; couit Rvithino their i Be r?"l.the works of internal improve ments authorized to receive them, but in n-Cqs M tlietfc to bIess tlid hundred drt ffitJ Western NoWC3rbn na Railroad, nor less than three hun dred on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road. And all convicts are to be kept at work on State rot untiL uaiieu ior uy mose auinorizea w nave them. ;iiii.i:a..i! 1 r By an act ratified onIarxjh, 14, 1879, the Governor is empowered -to have the wmcu me affairs of any . railroad in which the ";v'"viJ',''M.l'''','l'u"I' " state nas an interes;;, investigated Dy s member of 'the board of internal im- provementii;and to take proper action concerning any matter reported upon. Thememoer of the board appointed shall have power to administer oaths. .nd3fbr piTw6flarM -Mrtg'ftffl'6ir powers granted w-weomtmttee ox in vestigation appointed by the General AssemDiyrrfcnejig3!gnau,eKeeuteywnts pensa! for. Anv person failiner or ref usinsr to obey njSHminons of or4 W answer' questions shall be guilty of a misde meanor and punished byiiflne and im prisonment at the discretion of the jUUUe,,, , Ttt'J .Jl sir If i f AVfhe'ihMrice of 'Kinona grange, which met at Mooresville "on tlie 29th yAKW Was made'Iawbh1 March 14th,' 1879, that no person, by himself or by his agent, shall -buy' sell, barter, ex change or dispose of in any way, wheat. rye.$ats,4K cforjspiritootts ; liquors j in lub uounues vi xreueii, xvuwhii ana jCabarrus between the hours of sunset and Biinriae, Penalty. 1ftr nr thirty 1 iiay s in jail. . ,f Tie Death-Bate at Oyrjsoit lsge6ln to tfe feaffufly ilarpilng, tne average of fife being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most insignificant origin, , A ihls sea- son 6f the'year'especfaliy'.Vcold is Buch'acommon thing that In the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever oVLtrng- trouble has already been taken, a cure would haye resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of theOiToaIwlgsl BQecBia gtBuyhroWiaelr tote j&e gratbi m of its feln4iA8dlt4WMiiyery pOTgirt in this country will tell you-of Its wonderful effeot Over j A Change ihal li a Blessing. There Is no more remarkable feature. In the progress of science, and no greater change In any Drolesslonal nraedcea ttemiJS iUuBtrated bv the contrast of the medical system of today, and thirty years ago. Then all medicines were copious in auantltn and nauaeoas to tft taste, j Td take the in was atuoverwi hxrrr to the young. Now most doses are small, and con- centratea, ana - ireet arom i oaensive tiavor. Until recently, however, one of the most valuable Und efflcientat rexuedies) was detestable to nearly all ior wnomitwasnre-wnnpn, i-n i .Ivor mi rn a only cure for wasting decline of vital enerev. and certain meass-of renewing hedthyi tissue, disgust ed those to whom ft stosukLhave- donei most good. oblection. Its flavor Is really pleasant its nourish- Ine nower malvelous. and there is no finer nerve Uaud brain tonie in the world g tint i Z it ? t Vs aprl5awj kJmtt If JPHi'Hi Sutlonal Surgifat IristltiiH. Tw9 o tha surgeonaiof -this notable Institute wfflTj visit Charlotte, N. C, ,May 15th and J.6th, 1879. . ' ' 2:' A.n,jlL.j.iiJ lr.k.i' 'iiv.. ' rt , swypmg tur me vuuiuiwi sivveu xutsj wui uave With them a fine outfit of braces and surgical api flies and Fistula, , Catarrh, Private Diseases, Diseases oi me ivye, so. n or iuu paracuiars, no dress i NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 'I m aprl8d4t w4w Atlanta, 6a tot sucn member as they would for a iu JMZ : 1 rtt ii ia 1 j 1 II 1 qwuu omcer, PI ,tne .owanasaau jpe allowed me same compensation tnere- riPsSSffe f roirf f puaneasrana wui dst preparea to ireai au Kin as oi tT .Zn Op Deformities and Chronic Diseases, such as Club 11 til Jl ,W 111 Umr Vaot 'TTIniJ TMoAaAnii ;Pan.tva1 : finwlnl.. Mumuii ', I I .r.-X ... ....... r. - , . v,,. , , 1, i.,,J jiii;i 1 ;;K.iirni'ti; :..1.V I 1 1 I ; ik. tv..; m.fn .." : i-.j- i h h . . ia); i.n ifj ill iiinni I iii.iUflit'ii..-- u-'um! ol rtTrtWiiirtriA i 1 ii i Ul i Ml ii lull. -(-.l-iK'tltii 1 I.ifK i,li.lf ii. - - - b irrii.'ii-ti,l nav .ni J.uuiU i ! .win iiJiff iwjbiwi; y,i luiui wy JCI&IHW in : rjHiif 'jfUTi - Ji;tl J oil I -. r-rtt sr-; gome:;d';see BEEoirn'ro lli'.ij "'i' ! ) iihii I (i. i . -. " THE .)! -ili''li! 11U U U U U II LI I I UJU..U II 11 '0TI'O". W jHJ;Ur-: ,.:), .,..;"( i ':..,;:!., , ;r .. . -f v .-V, .. .v i -'1 i 1-.,.: it; .':.,;!. -mu:- ;: !i ...... ..... - .if.,-:' -.o - . ' . j., - s'ii,, '-!i;'l .tM '!, 4 -. - i : 1 ;.' 'j nEvr shown in thfpity.' Hernember that we are the rolers in Low April 21 1879 - - .... i . i iiili' JoI 1ifi 'ili WITTROWSEY i., ! & BARITCH &BARIJCH if,- -i ::;. i. s i -ABE- I ; il :i I i .71 REOIVING DECEIVING RECEIVING -j;7i-)-. ' i J i ! .MM- THEIR STOCK. 1 r.r . i. STOCK. r i Jk' nui ini-; i m!.i )Y. IV I I 1 ,7liii,''H J 1 1 lt j "( SECOND STOCK. fBCQND:iSTQ --.;:: nf , i- : - )! , i 1 -! i. i TAKE NOTICE, i: i- - .a if .11 .1 '' '!': .. li ' ' i i . i wittkqwsky: & BARUOII. Hj!!-.: 3-! i: ...) aria i 'i.tfiij. ; ' iU' EICTION; ii. . . i in ii Vi' -'U;: -ill Notice is, herel neid Haw-, Piloses la the several wards of the ratyof Charlotte, qr Major and a Board, of Aldermen for said city. IM; VI HIO lUUUUli J O C, IH . kUD .1UUCK. 4IUUII ff :f.i .-!,.'r!..Tfyfiti ! WardNa lBoglstrar, John L Ems! t ! - Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. Howell, A. E. Gray. . .. Ward NO. 2 Begistrar, H. B. Williams. xnspectois rfoui .Sloan, A. R David .ViiiWatiltel Insnecton John L. Morehead. Dr. William loan, A. B. Davidson. , (, y. . ,t . i 8-HBegJatraE, BJ PBoyd.IJ- r f r & MOatesl X.' H.1 Carson. M. A. Stai i'il'ViiT Oti-f :--a--.l lii.'iiivii. i; ; si IP, 2., 3 Mijr'il ia r 'M 'i'DHiI . .... f-. - . . . . - r I Jnspeotors--J4 YBi708( Bufus: Barringer, B. B f&hi ii i M.!E?iiiimEB;jsneriffi;)'; t ' ?t.a ii Jnni B. B. SMITH,' Mayor. i-'ittl Man 28, 18Z9.-MJde.05 ui U)U;A m tf U NDERTAKING ..ii I'll. fi.-lyi'' - - - '" '"' is! 'T T ' ' - " Taewodexsigned is new prepared to fill an orders -it i-m l-. . .n-M -'i. - . for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a u in-;1 vi. full assortment of . t - , j 5 oifftv'.-S"-' ' COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES,' - - ; ' . '' : " Both Wood and Metallc' , . ' in ''. - . - : y.1 t -i Jt-:t"teijri9i -as fiiw ar 'imi.'. - i ia i I Hearses fnrnlshed tf - deslrei . . i i'" 'Ji --. , ....... - .7'..,. ... . r T-in' f r f i ; v '- Furnittire of every Description Repaired at sher . .ju" U' -- ': B RW"1 ' I'lWuwb ,i; ti l.i- With E. G, Rogers, Trade Street," ' June 20. i 1 1 t 1 f'iti uhi. , n . 3 gKff;llI -,- If 4 l;ltm i iit.I ..iiiv't Itniw Hsi -i i,i:L -i) fcl)ii Ul hi) A .L.U lliiil lliiS .1.1 :' i'.t -5i fci.il 'ul 'iUiL .Uiili'.iH bifcH ... V' t . " - -i.l iKliil jl 'iT i 1 1 1'ir.lll l i 1 if iiRx. ul -111 ; .:j;itfciu(Cf-iliKq "iu'i vilijsv. hr .n? . muA-i u m-.nx n fu.f. .,. i GOEilVtABLE STX)iEll!P!ifcE i -:i-i. .1 nil ji;iu j i : n i - - f ; r ' ' -1 -r , 1 MPspeecituiyy l l- FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING i L. BERWANGER . t1'.' .lll-T ! -'HA "HE FOUR REVIEWS 1879 1879 AND B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of '' ' .,iii lilyii i i:t . $; :j, .: -TlEdlribajslWWbJg),, L. i, The Westminster Bevlew (LiDeralV - The London Quarterly Review (Conservative: The British Quarterly Beview (Evangelical), blackwood;s - edixbubgh magazine. . These reprints' are not selections; they give the' originals in tuH, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. . . , , . , , , ;, No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Bcott Publish lne Comnanr. ' In resneot to tldelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu j rlty of style, they are without ani equal They keep pace witn modern tuougnt discovery, experiment, and achievement whether in reUidon. science, lit rerature, or art,. The ablest writers U their pages witn most interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. i.. - .i .'..'; TKSMB rOR 1879 (IKCLFDLHO P0feTkE): pWabie'strfcOytoadce.'''1 ' "For any one Review, ; ! $ 4 OO'pet annum. For any two Reviews,1 7 00 " For any three Reviews, , i ,10 00.1 For all four Reviews, , it, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magarinei1 - 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Beview, 7 00 ; For Blackwood and two Reviews 10' 00 For Blackwood and three ".,,13 00 ." For Blackwood and four . 00 V ; , ; . V POSTAGE.'1 ': y This item of expense, now borne by the publish-' ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent' on the cost to subscribers in, former years. : ' , C L;U BS. A discount ot.twent? oer cent will be allowed to clubs of lour Or more persona, Thus: four copies of Btaekwood vt of one Beview will, be sent to one addMsa,! for $120, four copies of the- four 'He views andlactowooii for $48, andeoon ,1 t nh i ,i jiK?l i New Btmrfbers7amIvlr J 1 !l lSTflrmay hav, without charge, the numbers for r lhelast:quanerori870orBUckp6rioal MmMcpmpK. AllW. .fn Juta i-)i)tiuiifrtu4apaMiji wj:i )t it-mi hihhi Mur.-vri i w subscribers to any two. three or 1 tout oi the above periodicals, may have one or the : t our Heviews'f Iorl878; eabserioera to aH five may have two of the "Iou Bevtews' or-aneoet of ciacgwooas magazine tor ls ita o ri t,..f..ijf: i Neither, premiums to subscribers hot discouiitto ciuaaeaa oe auowea unless tne money is remitted direct, to1 theubUsheiB. iHopjBialumslgivea to clubs. ., . ( T? .,t, t-1 ii tft . . To.seOTre premiums It will be necessatt to'maie early application; as -the" stoek available1 for that parposefaBmltetLrf -- is a'h ff i-Huiii;.' ; tHEXMNABt) SCOTT PUBLlsW.,1 , ' -1 - i 41 BareteyStxeeVNew York . i I. il In'i) i .in ' m ' it tTABPEB'S WEEKLY. : i , -r-- I L'U 8 T K-A T'B it - j -'' r.l. tt 7iH-H J .i-.ihiiX i" ii-'.li : The WBtrediAnaeasnyattheheaa-of illus trated papen by itaane-, literary quality, th beauty of its type and woodcuts. Sprlngneid Republican, t Its pictorial attractions are superb, ; and embrace every variety of sobjeor-aad- artistic treatment1-' Zion's Herald, Boston.; ) nii.it twi-wi i; . The WXKXX.T .1S a potent a nation of correct political pi agency or thedlsseml. red nolltlcal nrintilDles. and a nower tul opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences.' .J XI I V.i.lJITI JO'I 4. The volumes of the Wxxklt begin with the first Number of January of each; rear, .When no time 19 II1CUUVUVU, IbniU 113 UUUC19IVVU UIM UIC51W oer wisnes te eommenee vwon ineMumoer next r the receipt of his order. .!i.il;(ih0'il.t I- - ii! '. ,A i I I I -ill ! i - I i . , ' I iHiuiiru'u vvuiiinu iiii . . . . Harpert Magazine, one yearyii . . i. Lu. 4 00 Harper's Weekly, 3-, i .7H..ii..tfj4 00, The Three Dub! Any Two ene yeac 00 or Cauadaji ,u.i:ui vitvjL J'tHMiH :aeat cloth blnmng.vrtllbesent'by express, free ioff expenses (proviaea jne rreigsiaoee uocxceea oiki lollar per volume).. for '$7.- .00 .each.,, A. i set wmbrigtnr t compnging- tweni iQ'HiWO,' k' volumes, ,8611 oeipt ef taeasa at the rate o . freight at ejppeBSBrt pmttwtiiMtf tifoil mkti ciolu cases ior eoen voiuiu,uibui jvr uioaing.j be sent by mail, poBpf Remittances ghonld he ndb- peetoflko money order or draft, to. avoid chance pf ktss.a i, .t L Newspapers-are hot to copy this advertisement without the express order-or Harper A Brothers. Address t I 'S"t HARPER Jt BROTHEttS' ' desll)t.:.n,, , , ll:, (;!;.( i.HewYorlt, MEW AND DESIRABLE i 'Ml ; ViJ- jfl ; -vi; A jr. iva ai.'.i i-. . u.j-.. t.Vi . 1 , h Jurt the thing- for farmers.:' Best - ever Invented, simple, cheap and effective, i, r.-rjot,: (i -i ,v', The agent will remain In Charlotte untQ It onday for the purpose of selling county rights to make and sell the machines, j Sample machine on ex. hibition in front -off H.T, Butler's hardware store; taprlO- - ' l ' .- -t i 1 fiij, I 4 J to r""ff; SWEET- plant! I" ,-'ii.'tT '.vrirt! :.a ! NOT TOO LATE TO" PLANT. i- i i ---r' !ffi-i M-cin A full supply staT on hand. Also ihe dosth? cele hratedJ "-' "-' " - ."!- .X.Cl . RA JAH JAPAN T5ujmj:'W v.U - ",f,r'-r i. J" 1t v.f H cJii 'iAt'A',J," March 27, B. Jo. IlUWElilj S. - I 1 3 .Vsi('t')i" - ii I i r A.fi" ;i?n il w; r;M4ii If-glJ; Ir'VI-ili'j (-,! v-.- in ,- . . . -' v.'tr.fii.tt.l ii I . 1 ! il-i II . Ill . !:!. i ii..'t.W?. -itji ll';ili Iri'lJiltVi VllI ll-SXl l.l-IT.t :t - ; - -- -i- . ". r -Ji' frtli ... ? a ;; iT in ifIf'sT V'i Iwojt 11 ''t-i.l' . -i.t n him i. hihmii. f..Jt; ini'aiii' "! illHI flv.it ? tl;. i klt. r r rff-jB;ffi I- ilip iii-K'- ;t'.:iit -1i!JO .li'j'ilT .1. ;!; j;!-v.ui-U. UJ J" 'j.IH:11." .1xi'i 'l it Prices f,,ineClo)4viniTJiui ;'' & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailor. A SPLENDID 0PP0B1 i.-i. ' 1: , '--I i nUli '"' ll'( 'i .. To win a fortttoe.''' Tteh rand Distribution, Class Ef at New Oeansr Tnesday, ' May 1 i ; ' ISth, 18T9108th Monthly Drawing. ( ; -vi ' ; 1 i -tilt ,'f-i ' i,l !!. iLii ; - , L0UT5IANA STATE LOTT COMPANY.' A i--. - -.! . i .!' .-. , ,1 This Institution was Teenlarlv inoortjorated bv the Legislature of the State for Educational and TKRM OF the lnvtola- pledgedwith a capital of Meserve nlace monthrf i e second Tuesday. It never scales or nostnones. Look at the following distribution: " CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. ) 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. ' Half Tick' 1 ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : ' I ! .' !l Hi . Ji'.i!-'! ?),.( ji ; 1 Capinrf Priie,: . . ;'.V.;. .V.'JSOiOOO ' . 1 Capital PWeei t.ui- 10,000 -7 1 Capital Prize,. 6,000 ' 2 Prizes of $20f.. Hi ia... ....;.... ! 6,000 5 Prizes of 1,000.. ,.t... , ,6,000 20 Frizes of' - SOO.V.:.:..1.:...:..'..' iO.OOO ,100 Prizesof iij.il0O,...i.i.....rt.i,- 10,000, 200 Prizes of . 50... . ,10,000 500 Prizes of i !i20.'Ui ii .nU'.:A'l 10,000 1,000 Prizeot ,4,0. j 10..000 , AFPB02MATI0W'PRIZBSt, ; " '!! t X fi'lnnrtJxtaorfPrtof lt6titi'J..Ji S700 ri V Approxlmatton Prires eC 200.,a..; ;,,l,80O 9 Approxhnatlon Prizes Q-iv ? 1 Responsible eorrespoodlng agents wanted at all . A for rates to clubs should only be made In WewtWeariA.' - .. ,- . 1 1 Write, clearly statuur fuH addiesa. for full mfor . , mation or sendordersto-' ' - ' ' : tusuaijuo iwi 014 ew vrMma,iA)uiauiu. i 1 Atf eW Grind Exmor&r'lwliigs areBnder ; the supervision ajid managemerit of i MINERALS . , fT. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A EARLY- 1 apr8)l 5i.i -ii iri rSHxi k 'U5IU Ti - 5!,-.iil 7?i' 1 Sifaa JUST BECEIVEn ! ' Vi'-i; :K f!rATm -l iirA.w,?electE4Stoek,f f, ,f.,;t.-- raTIG;;PAPEi;:',', ;; i uiyifiuiuK nuio, MHHiiwqiHia, M7KuL ouh-i wir,,) ., fap, which they propose to sell cheap i for cash; . ii ais irrencn raperer ewryaescRpamtiwjtfijcau- velopes to match.. , - , , ., j .', .. Also Paper to boxes, to suttthe morttt&eus. ! J AtW'i'-KtH iV-t; '1 ia fcJi; Uiul'i -i!f " SpCIAIt ETIQUETTE I", NEW Y0; RE J; t; , $ r. , IA standard treatise upon the laws of good society, ; nNew York.- , . , .-iH-) ' .. ; 1 liv.Hl id .ii'V; 'J ijl,'i ,i, i if,' -Ti. rrrvtiTtl ufill'!t,i.' I Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Inst received. , ,'. i ,llli ..LVji'Jii'-JtUii'j Mil O) Jwwa.lii. '; i llif itil i4 v-ju-J & oto'J t.ft yhl i ... ... Jlp-MwW Tbdd 'BJ3&lebrtekl TO it'i)it.-i 11 YBii APsMflM&ft fclfei -wait J'.m! ifUBBERlPEMSr- TTDD T 'arBRO. are also, agents ior jsmersoa . celebrated BubberViM Jl Miim m t- i ftl .ajJ8iiw i '9tKw Jfit ;;1 HANBfTAIPSrr I ii 6itMz-iu3 i '5wnU luittf oJiu turn J and ahybrders gfren'ttteW will reeefW !prompt'ai,'!t 1 tention;, .'mitix o'flisr V wolijio'i .' -jn tj'ib Dt'T 1.'.. iii -Vi.";'i'?of!f 'ii. .3 ' .M';:. : 3?t.is v.,rK.v!TIDDXRO'S. ic-;y ,.i':: :t; ' 3'J v-'iii,-,",'i CASHFAIirFOrrtt6S.-"r- . j "Janso g.'awitfi'-It -iiU';'f ti-ij:o 7ti Mix 200 m CASHWILL roMHAOT 5 -im L t rt v.-mi:M 1o v"'.sX e,-fiVr--iT UNITY-i ' . , ',i E. BtJTTEBlGS? A! C0.S llETBbPOXrrilf 3"11 8tyle,tte Otbett 26x40 tncbes. Wasln ne anttlrf replaced toy a.new one: Addmw a BAILEY 7 b editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, enmlUt,! :e s. o - laUtf ! I i I! I I Ji 1:5 4 i : ' t - 1

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