15 .XT . ' ' -i - 1 ' , , CHS OZ&SXJSFiEB job ngpjpwgyr V wont, and with tht Latest Style ofTyix, gwtl e nr -? manner Jot Workm,now,Jb$ (KM wmsMtoiL.,' dtinxitch and ehmpnas. Wtoan tttrt&h, at 8 on BLAKK8, BILL-BEADS, - "- r- t - LETTER-KEALS, VA&D3, jM', Hi ' -( Tiua. itAtjjpij, poaijuts, rSOSBA MMKfij BXWDrBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CffiCULABS, CHECKS, 4C AirtV. o (JM) acrw $8 00 Sl Months. ....... ,....v 4 00 Three Month - - 2 00 Or Month... 75 WEEKLY EDITION : ;t utetfy, (' tht couMLys 2 00 oat of the counly, pottpaid, 2 10 .Six Months V. ............. 1 00 ay Liberal JtobMstUmifOfrtfad. ' i l f f t it VOL. XX: NO. 3,171. t r -V.h;: . "!f n-mu .ZHi xi.II 15 - - . . .wl- - 1 IMJJ III I m m r jc SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladles buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas will liud the best assortment at the lowest prices at i KLIAS ''eeilEN'S.' They will also And other pods to suit them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS :i f moi4 whi ma be, uLJYa ls n0w complete, a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and PlUow Casings In linen and Cotton, Unen T.ible Damask in "White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; Niinklns, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Cpr-l-ts. Bugs, Mattings and Oil Cloths, our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, ind will be found very cheap. So will our stock of '1' i WHITE $OOJ)S, HOSIERY. GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, COB SETS. FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrellas. You will And them cheap, and eyrfMnela fnlproportjon. ' Call and see us. It will pay you. J ELI AS & COHEN. UBGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL '" tti)' DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE f FURNITURE! BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, &C. BEBJMNG, Ac. BEDDING, AC. Vi va Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEAD! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! NOES GES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAjpEBBUITS ! tar COfTmS iMnds on hand. tW COFFINS of idLj8'M$f$ ' r srr.lt -stl .j , U "t v J' No. 5 West Tram 8tkkot. ' i- - -y-i. i '-jvi tMr Ladiss!.and .gentlemen's Burial Robes a tine supply. ,,t jan3 ARQAINS !. v: I.-' tni-iilT -:rti i::i.- 'rr .1-4,.: " J .-is ..:t .t.Ujjw, " " ;! '- E ff I cVetti-ifrJV ' WfKI ' T 'ft '' "()' In,: ii'i ,. 0RRS;Wwi-I?4rtff' URBft KEJ8 OR RSO II T U UR UK ' t u U UR H.K HS II T U UB BB 1 AT 51 ROGER'AREROOMS, : ' H !tn! tiiiifirfKii'Xl ruiiii " ;!!- .w y. To -jwb - -..(J y.iili vritT .a'.bfs : " 4 .;iaiLbiti ju1i 11 tumid cti'w ! , Nxrr ToP(TwrtCKi4 wi lu'n f- -.Ai.rOHT . .mot-nill .WO ; Hi- Ik j dn lo 5Kli ton 1 -ami tttft "1 ' "I Ik; iUi.(fiixiijt 4rfj vi ibJ : ! )!.'.. . UfiJJlilJ III SJiiKlH liifr ; I r Stock 1s?eryUi unf rteMMk VnU tine of f ? Wi MH't in wtnrfl j ! ! .i'jnwo43i'i!itia ?i'.-i'.r.i rr.iGi(-na i : '"j-"'. OWICB VUKNITUaS" I : fv - KOI j '. ' All Goods Packed Free ofChargeH f TO THE PEOPLE. We wish to call special attention to our new arri- WHITE GOODS, Viz: LlnenXambrics, Linen Lawns, White French Organdies. India Hulls, Mull Muslins, Marceils, Massalla, Linen De Syre, Plain, Plaid and Striped wJr$Ui$ tosttblsa.ldVngs and InRertings, the nanclsonTeSt" goods Jnvtfte-market. Also a full stock of Hamburg Edgings and Inserting, and inaertlngs In wilte and colore; Lin en' Cuffs and Collars,' Lace'Bibs, Xace, Linen antP Cambric Handkerehlafs, r - Don't fall to look aTonr ngnretl Lawns and Or gandies. Ouratock otGJoves la complete In every line. Long Lace' Gloves and Mitts tn all colors. BarrtaandTJosephine seamless Kids. , Also a good variety of cheaper brands." Ladles' Pmasols h atf toe new styles ot the season. Umbreyas in Ging ham. Begena and silk; Remember; we keep th handsomest stock of DRESS GOODS fn the'marlet l)rL stock oTomestfJgdbols i JeorX plete in every branch,and cheaper than ever. Third stock of Ladles' Hats Just arrived; also a second lot of Gents', 8traw flats. Don't forget we have the cheapest stock of Shirts, laundried and uatettn dried. In the city. Be sure and examine our stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Charlottesville Casslmeres, the newest styles out A good assort ment of . - T ; , A i CiX)THlNQ Boots, Shoas, Ac. PtfW pjmptly filled. ' Respectfully, ' ' (t) j.seigle A CO., Opp. Charlotte oteTryon at, Charlotte, N. C. April 22. IL'tyw P RIN D'S RULE THE DAY. 1 3 it LARfeEl'CKOWDS 11 jthrong Le Dally stor! -CHEAl OF- H. MORRIS & BRO'S. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Men's Best Flannel Suits, only $12,00 Beautiful light Casslmere Pants, $2.50, 3.50, 4.50 White Fancy Pique, 8tys, 10 and 12 cts. per yard. Beautiful Lawns, 10 and 12 '"", Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. Hamburg Edging, all widths, 8 to 25c. per yard. Two-bujttoji KJd JLy a hads j00- 75c and $1.00 per pair!" BeanUfoi Dress Buntiag, worth 25c, for 15 eents- : j pet yard. -: .,, , . ..... . y ' Yard Wide good Bleaching, only, 8c per janL, ' Best Calicos, all grades, only 6 cents per yard. It will pay anybody to Inspect our Goods and prices, as we claim to be the leading low price houseinCJjarttej j f Just received, a beautiful line of SiiSgVi price fen? HietOs to $3. , i if :r a u AH Also, a full line of And Ladles Underwear atlmmense bargains. H. MORRIS A BROS. i n.u ; .April 12. sprIM7 ) ) .1 .KAUiMjafiCOv,,, ."Tir,--., A Vn).AA MAAH ' . A. M .i:-it We a stock es in Mati'r Youth's. B( M ) I. I -J. A 7 I fr&Vifr lISWSiS g! ttmes ready to give Quotation of prldea. carment wmcn ia.soia at our nuw naiiouw Beas represented, and In price less than ca be iaH3ATTA CheaBerhan anr other, house, as we .did the staatttei have gained tne reputation be- fmg the best m tne mance flne Pools. Jhocs and Slippers.;;; :mu tobJ ItilhoJl I Ineludlng the best manes m me country, auoxw 9n ,1m tiAfaimiiniiur stank a ftomnleLe Hue of rmeFeltmut anof STraw"11ata, and any kind of UeUemen' .ruroishlBg .Goods,,, pon't. purcna before' you examine ourBtocva tae-cneapess is in 0 BARGAINS t wad uts uau a W.XAUTXAK&CO.'B, j . Corner Trvde and LTrtoriS tna-j.ryonBtsM CharjTo N,C, April 10. fiEOTHING- r 'i k a have made tne expenmeni 01 purcuaaiiiK so complete s'l Include toe latest noveltt sv's and Children's- ! . , I. 'ot'T AIXAqt HABHETi Harper's'Magazlne for May. When the nights are heavy with musk. And the stars are ripe In the gloaming. The low moon breaks like an apple of dusk Through the shadowy leaves like a pomegranate huskv ."'':" V -iis. :h .bj.h -mi; And I know that ioj lady Is eomlng: : - ?. By Oie prlnrrose's Javelin plume, f ? ; And the eereus open, as though . . ' An April frost, to Its delicate loom, Had woven the snow-flakes into a bloom Of capricious and odorous snow; By the shadow that, like a glove, . . . The passion flower's leaf has thrown In the lists where the laurels breathe and move. By the Bweet syringa's piping of love.; : , , . Adhe Jessamine' bugles blown; ;; . ..." ; But the lisp and the laugh of the leaves In tae hushes are low and sweet, , ' .. At b peep, hid In tbvtaanarind sheaves , ... , For the hour of btoaBeaa on mtdsumtner eve, AM the soands f her coming leefc, i , juiwitt .jn ifi i. -,:,) :..,7,. ...... ... Like the udden bloom through the husk T Of ther prlBMose at eett-ttde ; u i,,. ,V : She come y ddieaand-pools f musk,. ... .. , That flower to shape la the fragrant dusk, . And follow he? opeacyedi'!:- : . j, (. ann lit im'i.i i id ;M Antb lush and the bloom afford 6ueh a harmony hour by hour, , My mmi confesses a food accord . To the sweet responsive word for word Of .the night In Us perfect flower. Lyi- OBMiJ;VAqriOSS, .!! 'tHilUli SlQl'iii I K . - i'man Wv'be' M tnrrt of . properly eook-1 iddenir called utv- 41 A ttleutatmeTbrresDonderrt'of the Hartford Timet estimates that am ounce of boney consumed at luncheon cost the bee who manufactured Jt 460 miles of travel and he goto ao belt either. The Pope Wtaaklng great.' reductions la.hls per soaaL household, .observing that It is useless to Iteep up an enormous , kitchen where nothing ls plate.., Ot, personal service he requires very little, so that his retainers wlH be reduced ) oris third of friwiinfriiT;';' ; ' . o'f-.i ' An feTrf 1re fn i'iua rnhea "ChaWlea " liuicnlrt- 1y drawled:Joeephiw,'lookteg up from-.ber. book, I see one of the studies at west Point 4a trigono metry." What' l' trigonometry, . anyhow?". VTri gonometry, replied Charles, toylBg wlthan Invalid rnou8tache; "ls aa 18 the science of palling the trigger, or coarse." ; tnougm saf saw joseptuoe, resumlja r-noveLAtoTis . m , , . An old gentleman without tact, on meeting some ladles whom he-had known as girls in! his boy hood, cordially remarked.: 'Bless me! How time flies? Let me see. It is fmy-two years come next April since wehised to go to school together in the old red school house. I was a little chap, then, you remember, and you were fine young women." The old naa fiould never: understand x?hy his cordial greeting was received so coldly. : ', A emplteAted: chtcken Case has taxed the legal acumen wf one radswon the Georxla beneh-.aad tw0 ex-)uges oli-the floor. J The partr ot the first partewfied Orasstmaed to own Che hen, and the party f the Second part was charged with, having stolen tae same. The hen- was. introduced in en dence anddnlyWentlfled, but while the . two ex- Judges were arguing the case on its merits, she laid an egg in court. As soon as her cacsue naa aaver- "rjewctAuullualloir; the paity of Oio first udicial peaaulstte, amrtbe janitor mumbled some thing about ttortoBlwtnW f f SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Winnsboro has the measles. W. S. Gregg has been elected presi dent of the Chester building and loan association., , HanncyPrbytryriiet at Darling ton on the 14th. Kev. W. S. Plumer, I), was elected moderator. I iNr? t?re 4ast two years the Pickens town council have not had a disorderly person to deal with, nor have the citi zens paid a cent or town tax Afeefibtts buttlria scrapeocfeujfred in Charleston about midnight last Satur day, in which two men were seriously if not fatally stabbed, and one man bad ly bitten. ) ) Messrs. C. D. Page & Co.'s lime sheds and buildings, at Limestone Springs, ,JimuiQUfg QoOntv, with their con tents, were destroyed by fire last Fri day night, causing considerable loss. InjCbestei county- on , the 10th, two bretnersGTeorge aftm Johnston Crosby, returning from a hunt, got into a iriend lv scuffle, when Georere's erun was acci 4 dentally discharged, the load:.rjassinr- ythKlijsj brother's jad, and mtA mg a wuunu wiiiuii'whi piuve'iisutu This irom the maieun. Ismael Harris, colored, while lyin asleeo on the South Carolina Railroad track near Gadsden, was run over by the up passenger train last Saturday and had his arm terribly crushed. The' WJeat tslurfrcfi frd was vrrmqimpt his JJemtcmr(fempioyer, ana' 11 is arm was amputated at the shoulder joint, but he will die, , Columbia Register, Tuesday: The community was shocked yesterday af ternoon to hear that Mr. H. Li. Habe nicht had committed suicide - by hofcn ing himself through the heart.; lie wa? proprietor of the establishment recently opened on the cornet 0f Main and Tay lor streets, and wasiformerly a resident of Charleston;. He was about 32 years of age, afrdteix a wife and several small children.f.r Spartanburg Spartan: The friends of Mr. Philemon "Sanders will be much pained to hear of his, sudden death in Warterborb.' .He had been married on lv a week and tiad &6ne with his bride to spend a few days at his father's resir j dence in uoiietonouniy ' ne naa ueen a citizen of Spartanburg for several years,' and was tavoraoiy . known ner; as a young man of fine business habit! an4inntiring energy., : , ( T (J(, Judge Bond having issued a subpoena j pear before the court in Charleston and produce,, the poll, listsiof f the late etepr t ion, Colonel & nls' answers ' that he is too sick to come to Charleston, and that he- - cannot' buffer - ftriy records to leaive his office. He will be pleased to show, them to any-.one, coming into his onlce? to see them. Judge Bond will hear tar The Bulletin says that an altercation occurred Tuesday mornmg, .at,-Ellis' bap-room, in Chester, in wmca Mr, NewtoaiBiKhaaarr Aattshot throas5 the loWeVarrf tttertamrh by a piatot I in the hands of Policeman Foard. Who-' had repaired to the scene to-'qugg itn disturbance. The wound was exam-,. xence. The dlffiiulty ongmated lh a di$r. pijte over a lifrelstle. TnHftih ThUiina colored neoDle's con- T. '-'-'T' r . - . . TYHirrrt Orleans. Moflgay, a re; port was adopted favoring organized fMr, by-saldcoiored,men. lastlyear- produced 35,Q0Qid0Q of wealthy that -it is proposed to let white men yajtftsu - J gar, cotton and rice, an4., that a herfpo members? ofs uoagress!anaiine..pr3eBii DehiotatiffajoritrMn acrent.for the Honduras Immigration ety.ises lortnj tne wftjaiuk uu juYaiiduen. varneia against tnerevpiu ofittfat Muiitry uma.it vttimateftiortf tjn .so j . .for. tbfl,,C0to. man. andjhe sujecn 3Kasmerre-,iW4, .KfHiW in vJ8lnnffiOld0hn"BrownViub I .J..!W..U'I ..Ji-., 4',, It fff All t&osa desiring w eTrioy that ihigo 4iegree.-ei health whieV puw blow iftdacaa 4. inftlntalnp; should wwfmm IW-Ml9i: I'a'fU.- An acrtllea: MlarBlrf i vides that all. expenses' 6f ensrraviriflr bonds, clerk hirei: and.any and afl othe expenses rncureu m. sei-Lung meiyortn Carolina Railroad construction debt are to be paid by, the, three .commissioners out of their one-nau: per cent, xrnmis- " For the speedy trial of criminals,'' on March 14, 18T9; concurrent iurisdi6 tion ,was given, to lnteiior and Superior Courts to try all cases of :whicHiinf eri or Oourts. have had of may pe given Ju risdiction, Jnsticegare'. to bind over defendants in all such causes, and make all ftriminal processes returnable, and appeals j ar$ to ,1 . taken," jfTbhi justices tothe.next ucrieeTO::c6u!ct; i1t 6u- either the Inferior ;; pr ' the Superior VjULU U u auj. . wuMV nuuit auau (tub haye been tried; and determihed at any term of said Inferior or Sutehot1 GoTirt! shall be transferred , by.; the' jplerk of such court to. the next succeeding court, be.it Jjiferior or; Superior.; The hand ing over . of the papers jyr.tne clerk of one court to the clerk of the other court where the trial is totakejuace, with1 the receix7pirwiKr1(t of the former; "is -1 be1 rieirT 4. sutficient transfer of any sttch case from one court to the other. v - PROBATE OF PEBS. Whereas, very oftentimes much trou ble and delay occurs in the proof of deeds and ptber instruments conveying property, located inthi&! State toy par ties thereto, who are non-residents or absent from the State: : ; V ' " The Qenerat Assembly of North t'arolt- na do enact: Section l. That every clerk of a court of record in any other State shall have full power as a commissioner of affidavits ond deeds as is now vested in regularly appointed commissioners of affidavits and deeds for the State. Sec. 2. This act, shall t be in force from and after its ratification.. . Ratified the 27th day of February, A. D. 1879. . , To provide for, the payment of jurors, an act ratified March 14,4879, levies a tax of $2 on each party convicted un der indictment in either Superior or In ferior Courts ; and of $5 on any one ad judged to pay the, costs in any civil suit in said,. courts,; Clerks tc charge saijl taxes in bills of costs, sheriffs- to collect and pay intq county , treasuries, to be set apart for a jnixfjmd. . The register,of deeds, is. required by act ratified 'Mtth ii,4 1879; to serve by mail all notices Issued, by boards of county comirdssionets to justices of the peace, road overseers and school com mitteemen, ;n Ueuxrf the service by the sheriffs of the several 'coantiesi and shall .receive as rtis compensation his actnal expen ses for mailing and noth ing more. '-'The cfc is nbfc to apply in any county' witli insufficient mail (facil ities. ' r 1 WHAT TO IX) WITH DRTJNliAKDSj The Geiteral Assembly of North Caroli na do enact: Section l. .That any person, who ha bitually whether contiguously br, peri odically, induTge$ in the ,use, of intoxi cating liquors to such an extent aS to 8tupef y hnrind.iahdtoreridref' in competent - to transact .ordhiary : busi ness with safety to hisVestate, "shall tje deemed an. inebriate. wUhinttemean- mg ol chapter hfty-seven 70I BatUB s Revisal: Profcwte& The habit of so in dulging in such, .use shall have been at the time of inquisition of at least one year's standing. , . r t , , Et, 2. If t upon . inquisition any per son shall. beLfoujjid.to be aalnebjfa'te, the Probate Court or thesUperiOiCOnrt in-or out term shall immedAateijf.ap poi nti some, one of, his nearest ' ftlaronsj by blood or mar ilage ', sucn-'tetatlon be ing; a, sci-eefij jrp,'gnardiah.' bf Lthe estate, o.sucjx inebriate, as irt.the case of ohansi In case 'such, inebriate1 shall bave.noi relation by .blood or marriage i competenliin thAiudfflnhtrOf Itha'tiDurtf , .to ac as such guaiuuai btj'case Ch; riauwn, saui; refuse t$ a snuuuart idian, t&e: wurt.snIi apbeJht some other discreet pereqri aSj'siicn guardian. .,' ; i ;. . Sec. rjEVarx. 'jmaj0i&QtiY inepri ate shall tovfe anVtheItAandpdiyers overi jhei estate :of suchinebtiate. ftnd shall be subjeet to a.,te du1?es Mnph areconierreq (iiJHpxea.pyjw,.Mvn i:!SE?,4.:' eneerr'M Whorflaguardiaii shall,, .poinjtedsharl,, tocpnie &nrl anaKlfl nr manaorin ;f airs, the, CQur,, which ffifr miarflian la VifrnnV aju.htif move him and restore to said initiate all his property, to manage ahd' Control in as "full anfl ample a manner as he held thasamerffior to Jaw having been. adjudicaf leDnate; ,Sec5. This a i in forpe from and after, its ratification. it. XJ tiatiflftd the I4tli dav of March I.., feomiDgeto 0 ie. army mil, Lwasnuigiuu ncpuuuciui, j.ucsuaj.j through unofficial Mayes has gone cdHsideratloni f his dutv in refaftftri to the armv bill as to prepare the"otrtlines of a veto of that ; xfieiiaure snouta n vut uhs in jw pi oh eftt f orrnf 1 ' Tf ls-further 'known that he has follbWed; the debate on ' the bill in both hbtnVesf!'cl6seIv' and that he has frequently remarked- to 1 Republican members whotttave called upon him" at; the execulive'mansib'ft during the past ek' that' hW'ir thoroughly in accprd witlf the. "jartf in' this" ! matter,; ;As3d6 xi-ornrtnis i-emarK; nowever, ne nas! per 'sltetttly declined to give1 any certain ihttmauon of nis intention to sign or veto the bill.- The report that he has !!tVrepared ; th outMnes of A veto does therefore come irom mm; norisremaoe bV anthorffc? 'from -atry : mv& iofficiilly ana Bervea yesteraay w,Gemoraue me Dernocracy'ta no little extent us it wa& circniatarne those, who? pc tend, to, , jNUO;feoinet)ung of its contents, ands who i reallr isboiula know, the be'ief is entertained that he will takn tliB.hrna(ln Ml ' i. . A.1 -.A.JT 1 . l qU TmbiMWMFW9fap nauonai gov ernment of nropef , afd legrttimate iau thrtrffv iHi tm control of Its own affairs. 1 . - thor arid 'practically places5 tbat 'eohtrol in ;fheu2narMrfu6fJ theState conernirfentsi. alsofthatri? gfj so far in its repealing f effefcta as;to 'deprite"th legally constit T triitfeotlitferS ' of tlie United states courts of Jana tiWef WmtQ$ep: the law I fprtoed qnarters ts thatne-wili' in this 'iBipi-TW-'Wd6rtwr' reiterate ftbe argumentsi advanced by SenatoBlatne - i. JFWpwardsof thutymraaira.iwTnslow'sSooth- yrup nas pean useq , ior teauarea corrects. pi we wowwa, reueresj wwq wuc. resuuwep a baweiai cures -ttysentew ana ai&iafiia. wueiner arising ironj feewinor oujer.ww t AO 1 well known remedy. 25e per bottle. jm.im m- ..V -iosr SB-it? ibi Sit 'dm i'i a-M-if .p,-i-M vii S Jraye;beehvai- r fcfsr rwn a,i- 17,fiU w I H iJttli:ii Repreuting the .novei; CLOXHINGr IN EVERY CONdtSlXBliE April 6, 1879. COME AND SEE BEEQRE BUYING ,UL ltDIIL lit HIT THE Ever shown in this city. April 22, 1879. WITTKOWSKY WITTKOWSKY & BARUC H &BARUCH -ARE- RECEIVING 1 RECEIVING RECEIVING THEIR SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. TAKE NOTICE. WITTKOWSKY i & BARUCH. arid ELECTION NOTICE: ; Notice ls hereby given that an election will be held on the first Monday in May, (being 'the i5th -day f the mouth).' 1 879; at the usual polling plaeee tu the seferal wards ef th ciij of Charlotte, tor Major and a Board ,of Alderman fot' said city. inspectors -De. M. M Orr, & M. Howell, f A. E. Ward No. 2-38 , a B,-Williams MnDeidtors' lohfi 1 'ttntt Dr.' Wnaam, bloah, a.b. Davidson. -IS! fl.i i v j ,,: Ward No, 8i-Regtetraf , B. P. Boyd. . , . i In8petor8 R. Ji t: Datesr J. a.. Carson, , it ll ' " ' V Ward No. 4-BeglstraJva' P. Waring; inspect6rsJ;T. Bryce, Butus Barrlnger.'i 'B, f ! M. XL ALEXANDER, Sheriff. i'i87fll.We, jb, u,aLiTtt, .Mayor, NDERTAKINa J 10 r -The Hdersigned is now prepared to fill all ofdersi for every cjaspf UnertakUig. Having on hand a: roll assortment of , , ;, -f n COFFINS, CASKETS, AND BURIAL CASES, '' ' ' ; Both Wood aid Hetalic ' 1 I ' WHCB8 AS LOW A8 AMI. j Hearse . rumlshed If desired. ,-JfiiSUtaeerof jet OtoetiptioD .Repaired 4 kbor r - j" r f ; I bit r-vir W. Mrf WlliH KL . fjs c -jf;'-",j ;j nia'i'"t --'i-n- WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF - . I SSIilS Mi j I'-iiti h v-fi ii: ill Willi M -hh, ; ji :'-nil 'till ! !.! A general inspection Is cordially, solid ted, . - liespecrfulK -0 FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Remember that we are the rulers in H" Low Prices for Fine Clothing. : ; , L. BERW ANGER & BEOi, Fine Clothiers and Tailors. 1879 1879 T HE FOUB REVIEWS .VND B LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of i- The Edinburgh Eevlew (Whle). The Westminster Bevlew (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (ConservatiYe, The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), AKD . ' BLACKWOOD'S EDINBUEGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections', they give the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. - No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, anoTpu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether In religion, science, lit erature, or art The ablest writers nil their pages with most Interesting reviews ol history, and with an Intelligent narration of the great events of the day. ) TERMS BOB 1879 (TKCLVDING POSTAGE): ; Payable strictly In advance. For any one Bevlew, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For all four Reviews, 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and oae Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 13 00 " For Blackwood and four , " 15 00 ! POSTAGE. This item of expense, now bome by the publish ers, ls equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on 1 the cost to subscribers In former years. CLUBS. A discount of twentrper cent will be allowed to clubs of four or moreperions. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent,,to one address, for $12-80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1 879 may have, without charge, e, in ie numbers for the last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as hey may subscribe for. Or. instead, new aabswlhcrs to any two. three or I four ol the above periodicals, way have one ol the Four Reviews" for 1878: subscribers to all Ave may have two of the Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine f of 1878. . i Neither premlujns to subscribers nor discount ta clubs can be allowed unless the money is' remitbed direct to Uie publisher No premiutos1 given to' etebsJ':--!'! '!!.; - Tif-,(M7 i To setore premiums It will be necessary to make early, application, g& the, stock available for that purpose Is limited. " . , .. u - ! THJB LION ARB SCOTT PUBLISHTNG COj, , , - ;mi , ,4aj Barclay Street, New tork JJARPpR , WKEKLT. 1879 I ,'I.US T R A. E D.f ( j Ncrnriia np -rfflS vkksr. The Wexklt remauis easily at tne head of frus trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty ritatype and wooaau.-spnngneld BepubWoany l i its ipiqtorjtai anraoaoos ai supero. , ana embrace Avar va.rip.tr of subled -and artlsoc treatment -i-1 6nVHeralBb3ton 11777 -nTTr xne wksklT'U a pnenx agency iur ua cussemi i ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false prefeneea. 1 Evening .Express, Rochester. ' 1 '' ; The volumes of ifoe WtEVL? begin with the first Number of Januarv of 'each year. : When ne time Is mentioned, Uwfll.e ivnderstood -that the Sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt 6f his order. " 1 - .H t-:."f ! HARPER'S PERIODICALS. , HafDejs'J ae,ohe5ar,o.i.;.i...'..'.':-.3 4 00 HarpeVs Weekly,! uarperriiazax, j m-,t The , 1 1 1 Any Slis Teunj ror large tluos.rumlalied on apppucaaoau : '.niu tfrniij iMf I -t- The annual volumes of HiitPKR'a WKZixf.-tna peat cioin omamg, wui De sent Dy express; Tree or expenses provided the trefght does not exceed on' tfouac-per voiune)i ier 85j00j aclx. ) Aieomplete se.-reomprlsms: jtwenty rtwo ,voJurBes,,ent'pn re celpt of the cash at the rate, of $5-25 per" volume freight at expense of - toutciiaseT.' uiT , I wiabe.ftent.b35 mall, peatnalftjoa receipt at FeWttancea shpWdmeyb i i Newspapers jam hpt( M 4epr ttris ,- advertlseinerif Teelf tfluu Jon Ji .Jj!Se3GDrfc. Jnsm rerl 5 Best! .U slmple,heap and effective. " '-j Jiovli The potent jrll isinaln in Charlotte -antst SEondat for the purpose of seUng; ,county ; righta to make and sell thr machines. -Sample machine' An fex- luumua nrirunvoi n. x. rjuiiers' naraware siere apritt ... , , i -a '.f'NOT'TOOia.ATK TO PLlNTvi ; A full supply stm,, hand. , Also the. justly ele j;rfftit JABJAPAN TEA.il 3ilT 0 -Jit -i i lot Tbree pubiicauonSi oae year,.. iu 00 TwO, one jett.,1.'. 00i nbserfeOotis. one teai!.-i.u..ua.Dj'. 20 OO K H ! i ii 1! : ;., .' STYLE 4NP PRIC$' ' i r; I- '.t'ti -i; . E. D. LATTA & BUO, j; ELSEWHEIiEl ' ' - it II ?il ! !' A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY-' J To win a fortune. . 'Fifth Grand Dlstrtbutlon, Class E, at New Orleans, Tuesday,1 May 13th, 1879-108th Monthly Drawing. i LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly' Incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, mm tkkm of twknty-fivk tsabs, to wbieh contract the la viola-, ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of SI ,000,000, to which It has since addetf a Reserve Fund of S850.00O Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: ' CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : Half Tick- I Capital 1 1 Caaital. . $50,000 J 10,000 . 6AT00 kiu600 .... i. . 2 Prizes of $200.,.. i, UflUATOW iWU ....., ff. 20.Prlzesof "500.'...........'....... (J.UUU 10,000 100 Prizes 6f : 100 .. tif 1U.UUU 200 Prizes of i m J.. .. ...... . 10,000 500 Prizes ! ..,: ,20 Mt.....,. 1O000 l,UUU.rizesoi. j. -, io.....r.,y,...tW.'..lVWO APPROXIMATION PRIZES i '''fe'ioo '! 'I una 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 9 ADDroxlmation Prizes of . 9 Approximation Prizes of; 100.. i.. - 000 1857 Prizes, amounted tv..: 9110,400 ; !Responslbleeorresporidbi9' agents wanted at all prornUentjpoiiits, ,to whpm a liberal compensation Appllcfrtion for ntteq to clubs should only be Biftde to the Home Office id New Orleans, Write, clearly stating .full address, for tun Urfor mattonsendto,,, yr. ::: Postofoxje BoTdeaiNrWOrieansi bNustana : Ali)tir GTarKl Extrabrdfriary Drawrnra ar under tbejsupervlsion andTnanagement, ofTpENERALS G. T.lffiAUI&G EARLY. . apt 8 1 I;i7 vliii;i-fr.iil':l ti u sluu'i 4'" 1. .!i-AT-i:ii!(V 1 ( ..1 W-Vf VJ-ji.WtfiiVI-Mtt Hi.' 1 1 ;,AjweU selected Stock of. vT.fi!:1 1 InetodingNote, Letter, Berrncn, Legal and Fools- auyy tnhlih rhav nwtnnaa m oaI 1 Ahban fn cash. .3 Also FrefMih Paper 01 every descrlptto , WlthEn- P'SSo p1?plrifexes io' sufV irie rfrasttdrous. . SWIALTfQlTTK w.yOfiK.- 1A standaAl treafiaetnpon the Ik w, of BO04 society nliewYorK. .().; ,i)(,Y VH Jt Congress TTeTBRfeldpesfrrewlot just received. ii! t - " -H 41 1 1 'A ' .) VA"L" p.rt-i j 1-f;(rnr.f Ii I.iljjtilj A Pen by some'consldered'superloif to a -hold Pea VU-xlJ t iI-t--jt- i-inrr-i:'!liw .v.!ifm'e iiTIBDY ABRO.are alsb fegenb'for.tiiierson oeiehratef Bupbei , vrt;ti , h HANDtSTAMPS.i Vf)i(f iti i Hoflflli'J ;-. 1 1' any orders erven them 90S rerefvo pronrpt at 'VH-. or -,l. M w .,fl fxtR f-irn .(f.f-J -.3i i yJlfTTntJl.!IIH!.' ,!i. E. BUTTWUCK-OOWy METROPOLITAN 'to .uim aiiKWIaltiMAiit'' iii,)i-!- T!'i 31 tin! ,'n "I- liif"- ! H.itri ?fll l. 'Ii; ' -i It !(J .CASH-fATD FOB BAgB. I 3 4 fB:i,FImTClLiS,.-,, -ri Smoke call and get a Sudor, at laua rl fftOOOlN CAS Hi WllX)TUKOHAffli.. , , x. rower srrwuim i jrrc-icrii-7iMi srrle. size of bed 2BxO laches. Was irf us until ffiilepuwed- a new ofc li AddresW JtM '1BAILEY, 1 si its ifilif

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