CHA8, B. JQSE8, - - Editor and Proprietor "Free from the doting wrapto that flrtt mu ; free-bora rcamo." I J- THURSDAY, APRHV 24, m. CABRTIX6 07 COKEiLED WEAPON. fOL. STEELE'S SPEECH. . v, . ., ' : ) . 'ilitf Congressional ' Retard, which usually as regular as any newspaper, that comes to The Observer, Tiiui not reached us for three days; hence, we have not vet seen the text ot Hon. Walter L. Steele's speech in the l House Jast Saturday. The Washington cor respondents, however, continue to tele graph and write their papers about it, and the newspapers continue to teem with comments upon the telegraphic reports which they have received of it. Rome of the brief reports which have been made of the speech by the; corres pondents are worthy o( reproduction. We take especial pleasure, injcopying what is said of it by "Bill Dad " the Washington correspondent of the Rich mond State: Well, when this entertaining old gen tleman Rice, of Iowa, got through, another amusing but much more sensi ble man, Steele, of North Carolina, had an hour. He commenced by -saying, throuarh his nose, in true KewCEnjnand style, that he would not begin his speech with the hymn "From many an ancient river, ' "' Krom many a sunny plain. They are marching to dlaklver .' The links In error's chain." i He then proceeded (with the nasal twang) to reply to charges of outrage and lawlessness in North Carolina, made last week by a new fledged states man from Iowa. He reviewed the his tory ot reconstruction days in his State, and showed up in true light the long suffering and forbearance of his people under the misrule of ignorantpartisans. It would be a good thing for North, Carolina,: and,; indeed, for ; the whole South if every Northern man . could read that speech. v It was noticeable that Gen. Ha'wley and other Republicans who are dis posed to inform themselves and judge fairly of our people, listened atten tively. t Steele is brimful of fun, cool as a cu cumber, and has a devil-may-care air about him, and his speech partook of those characteristics in matter and de livery. I have to mention an incident. Frye interrupted him to say that he had recently looked into the history Of North Carolina, and would some time prove that for murders, outrages, moonshiners and the like disorders, that State was no better- than other Southern, States. Steele quietly waited until. Frye stop ped, and then raising his hands said as if in fearful dread of -aueh an exposure, "Angela and ministers of grace defend " us," then went on with his sieech, as soon as the laughter and applause had subsided. "W. H. M" the Washington corres pondent of the Raleigh Obser ver, is even more complimentary. He . writes at much length in reference to the speech, beginning: lint the greatest sensation of the day was the splendid speech of Walter L. Steele, of North Carolina. CoL Steele "went up head to-day in the best speech ' of the session. He took a new line of argument, "carrying the war into Af rica," by arraigning the Republican party for its glaring deeds of misrule and plunder under the infamons carpet-bag governments ot the South. The correspondent presents an out line of the argument, and adds: Col. Steele was several times intei rupted by questions from the other side, but he quickly turned all their efforts into ridicule, and then proceeded with his speech, which was replete with argument, ana ciotnea in tne most apt and appropriate language. At the con clusion of the speech Col. Steele was warmly applauded, and the congratula tions continued for some time after ad journment. So the "Old North State," as in the days of the past, is now, through her noble delegation in Con gress, at the front Her people need no sentinels of greater watchfulness and vigilance. , It is quite evident that our represen tative has made a very decided hit Reflection on the subject Is beginning to show where laws against : the carry ing of concealed dcadlv weapnsvwill lead to, and gradually press and people are beginning to speak out on the sub ject of this foolish legislation. To say that a peaceable and well-disposed man in this fountry never needs to carry a weapon is, to say that this is L topia ; and to say that aliTiAnlftMlpistO wille regarded in the slightest by the Vicious, is to betray a sweet simplicity which could be extravagantly admired if it did not place the good at the mer cy of the bad. On this subject the Wil ming Star has a highly sensible edito rial, from which we extract as follows: As to carrying concealed, weapons, we have this to say: it would be ex tremely fortunate if there were no weapons in the world and all men were good and pure and just But there are thousands of bad, cruel, devilish men in the. world, and weapons of defence, are absolutely necessary. The law tq niinish f or earrrvinz concealed rvreap- ons will probable prove a dead letter to a very great extent The law-abiding will obey whilst tens of thousands will still have their pistols concealed about their persons. The result will be the good and law-abiding will be at the mercv of the vicious and vindictive. Southern society since the war is pecu liar, and it is not always safe to walk about our towns and villiages unarm ed. Within a few weeks two persons at Charlotte were assaulted by negroes on their way home at night. We do not believe that any law against carrying concealed weapons can be generally enforced in the South. We admit that it is verv desirable that such a law should be pii forced, but it will not be done. This is precisely our position on the subject. Gen. Robt. Toombs of Geor- gia, goes a little further, as witness the following from the Atlanta Constitu tion, of Tuesday : We met Gen. Toombs at the Kimball House last night, and he tackled $ on tne question of carrvi rig concealed weap ons: . 1 "What in the h 1 are you all making such a fuss about carrying concealed weapons for?" says the general. "Well general, it is to keep people from killing one another," we replied. . "Yes." savs he, "it will have just the opposite effect. Everybody is expected to lay aside his pistol, and the first thine vou know some d n coward who regards neither law nor honor will shoot you in the back. It is al wrong, sir! A man ought to carry arms when be thinks his life is in riancrer. It is not wrone for him to do so, and so far as I am concerned, I will do it whenever 1 want to defend myself. "My life is worth more than all the sentiment you can put into such a question as that. I consider the right of self-defense irrevocable, and when I have the right of self-defense, I can use anything I can get or find that will be available. I hear some fools talking about abolishing pistols, putting them under restriction like you do pisons. I hold that a man has the right to use poison to defend himself. (Suppose a man had a vial of vitriol in his hand, and was attacked by some one in such a manner as to excite the fears of a reasonable man that he would kill him, don't you think he would be justified in using his vitriol by throwing it into his assailant's eyes? The truth is, the way to protect human life is to let every man who is the aggressor know that the man he attacks is able to defend himself, and it will prevent difficulties. They say nobody but a coward will carry weapons. That's a lie. I know plenty of men who carry them, ana know they are not cowards, it is generally the cowards who want you to lay them aside, so as to give them an advantage over you." We copy and say all this, not for the purpose of inducing people to -violate the law, for all should respect it, but because it makes good reading and just for the purpose of showing how falla- cwus is tne argument m ravor or a prohibitory law in the case of deadly weapons. CONGRESS'S PRbCFHSlKOf Speeches Jones. Blaine and Butler: in the , Nmtse by Robeson Trade with FranceThe Committees, j WASHINGTOIte'April 23. Seitatb, The Senate considered- the resoMiti of pincers of the senate, but WPAROLH." , " it. , i . - u r He puAnithfr -RaCPress Vom menUy,pon ffi4Cifjf and Suburb- if m ffafapfVictorirs London, April 23.-The Times says Lorillard had backed Parole for the city and suburban handicap prior to his New Marketvictoiyi As the result he wins somethinsc -over. 20iM0: The sreneral sausiaeuoa at jtn The International Review. The May number of this periadicai is to hand. It ppenswith a poem of two stanzas, !' Jugurthiji froin the pen of Mr. Henry W. Lo'ngfellbw rythmic if not very clearly understood; "Sidney DobelV is an article by! $he author of "John Halifax,, Gentietnan f "Railway ..Vjb", a remarkably well written, in "sfirucifye and j'Umble article' by. JT W. Midgeley fit is the best production on thlf subject-we veever seen; "Army Reorganization'' is4 treated of - by Gen. Rob't Williams' Hon.i Freeman h! Moree, late IJnited Statk consul gener al to London writes an article on "Our international Carrying rade "Ameri can Autocrats, b Felix L. Oswald, is another striking paper, ahd much space is give j contempprry literature and to notices of rWrifEngfisn books. This exceedingly valuable nionthlyTieedd no words of praise to commend it to read ing people, most of whom are thorough ly familiar with its general character, The table of contents, jabove presented, is all that we need to publish concern ing it now. It is printed by. A, & Barnes & Co, New York, price 50 cents for single copies. The Republicans in Congress are be ginning to talk a good deal again about "plantation manners." This is signifi4 cant. It is alwajs a sign that they have been ginned out in the arguments. That is what is the matter. final action ifc Went over, and the Sen ate resumed the consideration or the army bill. Williams spoke in favor of the bill, especially of the section forbidding the use ot tne army at tne pons. Aiiuamg to the presence of Confederate soldiers in Congress, he said as to these briga diers he wished the people of the North had been animated by the same wise Dolicv as their Southern brethren, and sent their gallant soldiers to be their reDresentatives. because if the question growingflfit otttuewar naa oeen ieit for solution id thelbrave men who fought mthe'SVar,. tne return ot pros perity au iue uppruauu w lei-uiivuiw tiort would have been hastened. of the bill, The South having been re stored to its place in the Union.its peo ple were anxious to co-operate with the other section of the country in restor ing complete peace and prosperity everywhere. Its representatives being on terms of equality with the represen tatives of ptier SUatesj tjieyj najvej irpm time to time "manifested J their rriterest in the affairs of the nation, and after a long night of estrangement they have come into the light and enjoyment of the rights conferred by the constitu tion. Referring to the use of the army at the polls, Jones said he had seen soldiers marched and countermarched over- his little - State. He stated ,a.sit fact that a company of troops was marched f fbm Foil jJarraacas to Mari anna in187T to attend an 'election, and after the election he saw an officer in his own town remain with the. State of ficers until the returns from the voting polls were counted. There was no neces- I sity f oi troops t the polls. IThereivas none vasmiftiheM ed, andvwhfn here was sfrtnneh iinteretet evekfwberecon cerning the electoral vote of Florida, troops were present to sustain the vil lainy of the returning board, which de frauded the people of their President. Mr.' Jones spoke of the changed condi tion bf the South under Democratic rule. There was now more thrift, the public credit had been restored, and there was more enterprise than under the dominion of the - Republicans. AIL the peapla Md J3mustirailated in the improvement of their condition. and they hadr, aw.ajkened.t3r a new-born zeal for "public liberty tind-a determina tion to preserve it, I The ie,oplee wre now satisfiedwith heii $ate igvevh- ments. Blaine gavetieticV that -he wo alo? re new his amendment to the "sixth sec tion 'lie; theft read from the testimo ny befbre the Teller committee taken in South Carefina, that numbers of white men Carrie around the polls, firing guns and frightening colored men away. Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, asked Blaine if it were not true that within the last three days an acquittal had been ordered by the presiding judge in Charleston county, in a case depending on just such evidence as that just read? Mr. Blaine said he beleved there had' been a dismissal Upon affew id the in dictment but Butler insisted that .it was on the evidence, , , , Blaine declared that the '.lections in South Carolina had been mere traves ties on elections. He also characterized unfavorably the elections in Louisiana. House. A resolution has been adop ted appropriating $3,000 to meet the ex penses ot the labor committee, and ranting that committee leave to sit uring recess. I On motion of Wood, of New York, a resolution was adopted requesting the President to consider the expediency of entering into a convention with France for the negotiation, of j a, treaty which shall secure a more equal interchange of the products and manufactures of each countrjVi , , ? , s , The legislative bill being resumed, Robeson addressed the committee. It had been stated, be .said, on the Repub lican s'de of the House, thafthey would vote tor tne repeal of these laws provi- esented in an in the tictorjrof the plucky fullv roved bv toe vol- without ieyingroimasoTneerawnicn"CTOni paniea Parole s return to the enclosure. Another correspondent says: "Parole won on his merits without getting any thing approaching an advantage at the start or .turns in the, course.. 'fil This' morning's ' Sportsman says : "Just previous to the jrace, yesterday, for the city and suburban handicap, at the Epsoni spring meeting, . Elf King was very much fancied and the dislike to Parole was so general that he declin ed to four to one against him. , t Parole is now the strong favorite at 6 to 4 on him for the great metropolitan stakes handicap which will be run for to-day at Epsom. In consequence of his win vesterdav he has to carrv ten' nounds extra in this race, ten pounds extra for the, Prince , of, f Wales' stakes handicap, also to be competed for to-day at Ep som, twelve pounds extra' for the race for the Chester trades cup which takes place May 7th at the Chester meeting, and fourteen pounds" extra for the race for the great Cheshire handicap stakes whichis to be tun for May 8th at the same meeting." . r Fed Archer rode Parole yesterday. . Later. Only..' two horses Parole and Castlereagk ran in the race for the great metropolitan stakes atEpsbm. Parole wpn. , - : r ThA inommnxif thn rfrrolAtlon of the folood wm an important erent to the history of medicine; but j if the blood be full of Impurities, its. ciroulailoD. which Providence intended as a blesdng. provesa bene. ? Henee we should ele&R9e the blood frint Bosadnlls, the great Southern Bemedy. i'h Z. ,pnr4 iw m. ; . 1;. t f ? iS 'New dean, March 17th, 1879. Th nnlars1ffnd mrttfiea that he held fofOor- lection for account of L O. Nicholson, corner I y London and Dinwiddle streets, jrorwmouio, t one half of Ticket Na 49,211. single number, Class "Cv" In the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew tne jnm uapuai ran 01 x mm inw Dollars on Tuesday. Match 11th, 1879: saM tlcket having cost the vam eat ioae dollar, at the otnee of thAcnmnanTat New Orleans, betaut sent through corresTMHKienee sooressea m. jtAMuuuui..jr. u. Box 692, New Orleans, La., and the amount was promptly paid by a check en the Louisiana Nation al Bank, on presentation of the ticket at the office of the company T. M. WESOOAT. Agent Southern Express Company, , . New Orleans, La. apr22 lw ' rttpiemrsk Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags. Elevated Railroads, Lines of Stages, Places of Amusements, Depots and Steamers all these radiate from, or are situated In, the Immediate neighborhood of the Grand Central Hotel, on BraadwaT. New York, which is now kept on both plans, the American 82 50 or $3.00, and the Euro pean plan 91 per day, and upwards. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is conducted dj we Grand Central. apr23 lw A Change that Is Blesslag. - There is no more remarkable feature, In the progress of science, and no greater change in any nrofesslonal Dractice. than is illustrated br the contrast of the medical system of to-day. and thirty years ago. Then all medicines were copious in ouantltv. and nauseous to the taste. TO take tnem was a trial to adults, and an overwhelming horror to the young. Now most doses are smau, and con centrated, and free "from offensive flavor. Until recently, however, one of the most valuable and efficient of remedies was detestable to nearly all for whom It was prescribed. Cod Liver Oil, the only cure for wasting decline of vital energy, and certain means of renewing healthy tissue, disgust ed those to whom it should have dose most good. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda removes tola only objection. Its flavor Is really pleasant, its nourish ing power malvelous, and there is no finer nerve and brain tonic In the world. aprl5 2w . .-. ! N 1st Matlonal lunik Building? CHARLOTTE, N. C, -J : ENLARGEMENT Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRlNtf CHINA With them you can find THE BEST STOCK : IN CHARLOTTE. SEWS FROM THE RUSSIANS. A Polish Party Congratulate the Czar Another Arrest The Czar's Pre . cautions Organizing for Salor rietfs Prosecution. London, April 23. The Berlin cor respondent of the Standard says: "Lt. Dabrovin has been arrested near Nor gorod on suspicion of being one of the members of the revolutionary commit tee. "The assassination of another spy who betrayed the whereabouts of a se cret printing office at Topvovo is re "The" Czar, who until lately drove out unattended, now has his carriage sur rounded by Cossacks." . St. Petersburg, April 23. A high court of criminal justice, under the E residency of Grand Duke Constantine, rother of the Czar, has already been appointed for the trial of Salovieff. Berlin, April 23. Letters received here from Cracow announce" that the moderate liberal party in Poland, appa rently induced by Salovieff s attempt, now adopt a more conciliatory policy toward the Czar. An influential depu-, tation will proceed to St Petersburg to congratulate rum on his escape. mm BELLE FRAXCE. Wewah'fc Btgltti - Yes, woman has as good right to health and hap piness as the other sex. - Then, why suffer so long when the remedy is within your reach. Try Brad field's Female Regulator, woman's Best Friend, and you will have your health and strength fully restored. Call on your druggist for a elrculw, and see some of the wonderful cures it has made. mar25 ltn . ; i Ease Atutaable y the Kheuutfe Yes, although they may despair of lettef , It Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element ' to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely- borne out by urln ary analysis. The name ol this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant br distinguished physicians and1 analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure andvery- benenclaL The press also endorses it. ZEIGLER BROS Celebrated Ladles', Hisses' and Children's Shoes - A SPECIALTY. They ts keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lod low;s,aod other best branxls. Gents will find there the Milter, UeCulIough & Ober, Canfleld, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE OELEBBATiLD AND POPULiR EE GRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying, attention. April 9, 1879. Orders have personal PEGBAM & CO. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS ! BOOTS ! CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE busin'kss. MR. A. W.LUDOLF, OY BALTIMORE, MD.. a man of unlimited experience In this basinet, having .traveled for 17 years in the West and South selling Crockery, Ac, for some of the mostextfn slve Crockery Jiouses North, has been associated with 'WdH T3R00KFIEL1A fj OHN X BOOlCFIELl ) , OF THIS CITY. In the above business, and the firm thus const tin- AuEffort to Oust a Deputy Free Trade and Tariff. XioNTxN, April 23. A Paris dispatch to the Standard says: "The inaction of the government relative to M. Blan qui is emboldening the Radicals. Those at Lyons are now calling upon M. Du- verdier to vacate his seat in the Cham ber' of Deputies so as to enable them to elect M. DeRocheiort. M. Duverdier appears to be unwilling to comply. .fTVa rfia frajlora hova loiW hfifin very active at Lyons. The free trade association of that city have recently issued a declaration1, signed by the presi dent of the principal trade societies, de manding the continuance of the treaties of commerce at the lowest possible tariffs. On the other hand 700 repre sentatives of the cotton and other trades have met at Epinal and deprecated their renewal." Mr. Hew Ht on the Neit Prenidenfjv The New York Times publishes an interview with Hon. A S. Hewitt in re gard to the next presidency, in regard to wnicn ne says ne nas no special intor toation upon which to base an opinion as to who will be the ; candidates. To persons who think as he does, says Air. Hewitt, "that a great wrong has been done the Democratic party and Mr. Tilden, the proper candidate, of that party for the next Presidency "and wn "I - l -m w mi. v lce-rresiueney are now .oiessrs. aii- den and Hendricks. They incarnate that idea. But aside from the fact that Mr. Tilden was wronged in 1876, and that the Democratic party was wron ed through, him, he has no claim, no right to the nomination of that party next year." Itt-regard -to-Mr. Tiklen's health, Mr. Hewitt thinks he Ss in ' bet ter health tnan since 1870, ana i$6f the opinion that there is less- reason to ; be lieve that he will treak dovrn: itt"l880 than he would under the labor of 187fi. Mr. Hewitt feel certain that if the Republican convention were held at once Gen, Grant would be' the. nominee, yet it is not at alt unlikely that new is sues will bring up it stronger man;. - -. " 1,1 "! '' Singular Conflagratioc East River on Fire. 1 New York. April 21. Yesterdav the pipe which conveys the : oil.: from the Hudson Kiver railroad depot, t on Hun- ded the repeal waa pr dependraif settiefh. TMat declaration had, with or without authority, been perverted to mean that they were will ing to vote for the amendment if it were presented as a separate proposi tion. That was not only a different proposition,, but, exactly, an .opposite proposition, because, this" Amendment did nothing more than repeal an ex ception to a restricting law, and the re pealing of an exception to a restricting law, so far from repealing the law it self, actually enlarged and increased its scope. He thought' it proper to make that remark so that the position on the Republican side might not be miscon-1 strued. Ha then made a.leufithy arjru- ment in jdejferree? oft tlyftj If eqeml Elec tion laws and in opposition to the ques tion, qf t State's rights, saying in the fconrse il tfistTjemiU'ks that the govern ment was a government sovereign and supreme, exclusive in its powers wher- .AveiLtbijpfmiiy eminent with power to. act directly ui- on iweiu88jH?g?Kjtjfg;ectiy "Pon their property. -Finle'y. oLOhio. followed in favor of HthfcbUJA . Oil IA A providing for paying eaps. The sub-committee of the House Married Her Father's Coachman. The people of Nyack, on the Hudson, are now excited over a romance in hieh and low life. The story briefly told, is that the accomplished daughter oi Mr.Townsend, a well-known New York publisher, living at Nyack, had been driven out sleighing frequently during the winter Dy ner xatners coaenman, James A. "Weeks, a good looking young fellow. The result of these frequent rides; was that the couple were married at TaoTjen. sir- miles from .NvacK. tne latter part of January, and returned home without any mention of the mar riage. Weeks continued to perform his duties as coachman and waiter, and the novel spectacle was presented 'of a groom in an apron passing the bread ana ouiter w.nis untie i xiw wuiv u ur ing the honeymoon.' The story did not leak out until a day or two- since, when the rumors that had beep, flying about the Tillage took shape in a paragraph in a local paper.' Mr. Tpwnsend was m- tertiewea on saturaay last, put ex pressed entire iehorance in regard to the matter, but proposes to thorouehly investigate it. The young people, however, acknowledged their mar riage; , Kot;the(Sine Mao. Philadelphia, April 28 Jacob Ott, who was last month convicted here of counterfeiting and sentenced to ten years imprisonment, is not the gentJe manbf tha Maine" wKoB so well-known throughout Louisiana and Mississippi, and who is now residing , in Philadel phia. , ... , D Tea Wast te Enjoy Llfet Death, or what is worse, Is the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It Is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief Is the only safeguard against con stitutional ruin. In alt cases ol suppression, sus pension or other irregularities of the "courses," Dr. J. BradneUfs Female Regulator Is the only sure remedy. It acts by riving tone -to the nervous cen tres. Improving the blood, and determining direct ly to tae organs or menstruation, u is a legitimate resenpaon, ana tne most intelligent aoctorsuse c Ask your druggist for It apr22 lm " AUCTION Bv MAXWELL & HARRISON, WE WILL SELL TO-NIGHT, AT 7 1-2 O'CLOCK, CHROMOS, CLOTHING, AND NOTIONS. SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND apr24 It JUST IN JUST IN AT- PERRY'S. PERRY'S. "Assembly Sketch Book.' This is the title of a painohlet iust iaan Mr. J. S. Tomlinson, editor of the Pied I ter8 Point, L. L; burst; and ' a; Singular mont. Press and Tengr)ssing clerk of the present General Aasemblv. j it 152 piges, andgives a listpf all the Ben atora and members of the Genprai' A 4. ssmbly, with a brief sketch of the life of each," and in an, appendix a sketch of . each of the officers or the General As sembly and officers and attaches of the principal State departments & Raleigh, The publication is in : many respects a i valuable ; ; the sketches are well pre pared, and the whole book shows care ful, systematic workj in its get-up. J istfot tfie f ui the thing we print . in ariothef column a statement from the - Washington , jBjpM6Z(oon, of .Tues- z day, that the President will veto the army bill. It isn't; very important, so ' far as the final result is concerned, what he doef about it at present, but it is ih " tereitiag : to i readjwhat is-said, by ; way of speculation,, on? both, sides of the -question, t J.'J , Zacky Caandler . is to speak on the army bill in the Senate. The announce- isefit has been rriade in advance in or- . der that the Confederate brigadiers may be warrhed in time and stand from un . der so that they may not be bespattf red with the fiiuw j conflagration ensued: The pipe is laid across and under-East river , below Blackwell's Island. It ; burst with a loud report, throwing up the water to a considerable height and coverinz the surface of the river with oiL By some means this became ignited, land to the vast' crowds of.; spectators assemblejL East river seemed literally on frre. The fire-boats and steamers rwtrich arrived on the scene able t prevent tlie confla gration 5 extending tothe' docks,' but could notnxUnmish;wthe,buri!iing oil wmca covered the stream. .Tte flames were finally jmbdaed by boats ploughing uirouga me oil ana stimngirnTnp wa ter, but it was not until the yiV'in Sthe pipe had mostly been consumed that the flames died but;"' This' wasfullyjour hours after the outbreak. The quanti ty of oil lost must have been very great. Beyond the scorchmg 6; few vessels, the fences and trees aloirsc t lie bank, and the partial 'destruction of ! the dock, there other harm done.',, H4 Mi - - i Mer Bonds Called. :1- AfefmofTON: April A call was issued tonday by ; th . Secretary of the Treasury for the balance of the loan of 1853 5: per cents amounting to $260, 000. These bonds are all registered. The holders of these bonds may at any time within ten day3 exchange them for 4 per centst par.with interest com- Suted on each class of bonds to the ate of exchange.- If not exchanged they will be paid at the maturity of the call. ' committer '.on appropri atfous,, .tOhom' WcU leitJllU tilt) ICUGlll; UUlllJUl UU lUikLlOIl frorij the Seferetary of -War recommen ding' that ari appropriation be made du ring tne pi esent session to meet the ob ligations of the government to Captain Eads, forservice8' Tendered ion' the jet ties of the Mississippi, held a meeting to-day -and agreed upon a bill authoriz ing the Secretary of War to, make, a re quisition on the Secretary of the Treas ury for such amounts of money as mav from' time to time beCbme due to Eads lindr the acts of 1875 and acts amen datory thereof , with a proviso that no thing contained.iu the act shall be con strued as waving oj iippairing th$ right of the United States government un-: der said acts and- amendments, and-, a further "provisiori that-the act shall not nftfinnatriipd aq apprnrMftHrjaymnTi ey for the .payment pf the million dol lars whlcabecaiiieJirdd to Eads, half in ten years and halLJni twenty years aiter me completion OEi.ine jworK, as ?rovided in the acts above mentioned; i 'he sub-committee will report- their conclusion to the full committee i to morrow, and ' thei measure ' be fbtought before the House as soon as possible; - v CANAL AND BRIDGE PROJECTS.. The House commfttJ&rrMftWi b and canals to-day appointed a sub-com4 mitt0e. 'consistinaf 'ifpaara; K-imrriol' lljXrom the nxt Insignificant origin. .At this sea-. I Turner and. Ford, .to take under irnJ ol ftax peciau, a bold la such aeoinioaa f' uw.uti. wiiDiurin .in 1 i.iih 1 1 1 1 inr.rri. huuh uiu m urn luitt n nnn . iu uk m un uil duced by Henkle providing for a shit) toOTtooSthe d,angs attending It and otten find canal to connect Chesapeake and Dela .tw latiawa,Fevrfr turig, trouble has alreadj wareBays. The committee also di&i setbtf-irjioHeanoV cussed, the practicability! of making pre1-, enr.wtater.i wyio bad r Bosom's gxbxah Pteup v inn niH 1111 111 u mr.sT y-v- , m -x i a.' i w.. m m ciwuuu JL Ui lUSfcB & b. I vvvu uwllf -a vulv WOUKI OaTv TCSUlvoU. Huu a lance 5ek;. lorkH j HospitalUIes Tendered Albany, N.y April 23. The Senate has adopted the Assembly r resolutions tendering the hospitalities of the State of New York to Gen Grant, on his return ifrora abrpad.H ; ? , ; . - ; "'i .' p .. ; .Sf,1 BMf" Threatens every man, woman, or ebOd living In a region of country wbere lever and ague Is preva lent,. since the germs of malarial disease are in haled from the air and. are. swallowed from the water Of such a region Medicinal safeguard Is ab solutely necessarj to nolllfy this danger. As a means of fortifying and accllmaOng the system so , as to be able to resist the malarial, poison.. Hostet iteifB Stomach Bitters Is Incomparably the best and the most popular. Irregularities of. the stomach, liver and bowels encourage malaria; but these are Hheedilv rectified by the Bitters. The functions of digestion and secretion are assisted by its use, and' a vigorous as weU as regular , condition of the sys tem promoted by it. Constitution and physique are thus defended against the Inroads of malaria by tmsmatcniess preventive, wnicn i aiso a certain and thorough remedy in the wont eases of inter mittent and remUteiterers. , , . CXLEBRATEP PHILADELPHIA CARAMELS. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. LEMON CARAMELS. ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBERRY CREAM CARAMELS. VANILLA CREAM CARAMELS. CHOCOLATE CREAM CARAMELS. HATS HATS HATS SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED CHARLOTTE. IN This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, 4c, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house in the South. MERCHANTS Win do well to call and examine this stock, as It is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. MOLASSES TAFFY. CREAM TAFFY. WALNDT TAFFY. FRESH, PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDLES. BANANAS, APPLES, - ORANGES, LEMONS, CRACKERS, AND THE BEST 5c CIGAR YOl EVER SMOKED. apr20 laX Estate. JSAL EST ATE, tkeDeaOMtateot- . pur country is getting to, be learnuly alarming, the; aVrage ot'lUe being lessened every year; wlth- : out any reasonable cause, death resulting generat U MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mlnea,' lands and Houses, " ' -.,,.. i-. . !j i,- -,, if -mi, i .:;,! ii DdwOl n - Advertise free'of cost, aH properties placed In my hands for sale.' declO j TH08. F. DRAYTON, ji ... ::-r Charlotte; N. C EE W. BATTLE, M. ti D. visions for the Shrevenbrt and 'MhrfrAT.o i plianee with many petitions. The sub. jwi, was reierrea to tne sub-committee, bill from a doctor .peen; avoided. . For all diseases of the Throat. Bid , Lungs, ,Bo6cm' GiBJCAii STKPP hii pmvrh UfselfjAabe the greatest discov ery of its kind In medlclnai i Every Druggist In ttus cotmtry wm ten tou of Its-wonderful effect Over 050.000 bottles sold ilast yeaif without a single Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank.' can be found there i all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner sevenw ana uouege streets, at nigiuy j t feb7 3m DR.E.H. GREENE; Bled of Hjdropbobla After Two Monlhs. . " .J iiX, ' ' t - "i 0RK APW1 23. Thos. Kelly, failure known. V,. WJ? was bitten. bv a dog oa the 20th of February last. wa Willi llVdmnhnllla finnHnm ln.l. J j - j I llfferinirnmhiahlv mm .Am. .llirht not. nhinK I .v.i T uuuwi HUH film UlCll I v.,li vT -- nrwu BUbu. t" " i "luraing m great agopy, fliKNTlTffRS h! nmfnssfnnnl OAnrfnM tn Um mn. JL pie of Charlotte and ' vicinity. Being a gradn- bvb oi ooui acaoots or raeoicinej i axopathio ana eouia be easily relieved by (he use of Dr. Bull's pniu, wnicn is ior sale at au drug stores, Homkmathic ,he Is ! qualified to practice either - He will still devote attention especially to Chboj ic DisxASEs, but will aLso do a general practice. Calls attended day or night,!.. .-, ,,. .. i a - Offleaover MeAden's drug store. Resident e on College street, corner of 6tb street, -;. .., -m; , . mar22 dw 3m ; J - I VISITORS To Charlotte are Invited to call and examine our stock, as they will find it most complete in every respect, and cheaper than ever before. W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith A Forbes; Old Stand, Trade St BAKERY BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. TlTEcanwith vvtoae the conflaenee recommend them as ven best manufactured, a.slni; none but very oesi materials. W. N. PRATHEB, Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl ted will be known as JNO. BROOKFIELD A Co It. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the Nortlto lav t In the most extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, hnir orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Sliver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Wilinw Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle SHOW CASES, &C. Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, &c, on each article of China. Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buv at the North anywhere. - LOOK OUT For Mr. Ludolf s return, as it will be a treat tn ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO.. Trade Street, near College. March 27. Under Democrat Office. Ipiscjellatijejoits. i:..L.;..;...L.Ai....A....:.i.x...ii.:.i.; IMPERIAL SALOO AT MPERIAL SALOOl JOSEPH FISCHESSER, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN BEER, ALE,ORTER - 'AND .'" WINES & LIQUORS, '-r- ' And the best brands of Cigars. y h h i v ; ; : Agent for Fred Lauer'i celebrated Reading Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on band from Bergner ft EngeL Philadelphia. Sold by the dozen at a rea sonable price. All my customers can be furnished &t home with the best Beer In town. 'ti Also a fine 4-.;,..-.' jBILIilAfiDiRWOM ATTACHED. Trjbd Street, opposite Charlott ffptelV HEADQUARTERS Bottled . FOR. Laser Beer, ALE AS PORTER, 1 ".- - :" .-' i- ' !) . Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenne.'1 Deliveied to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen.1 iJ i.'fT; - AH orders left at John VogePs tailor shop win re celve prompt attention.' . " Bishop D. S. Doggeft (Southern Metli.) It Is an exostlent corrective of indigestion. Ho used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Man gum, Prof . TJnrVerslty of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Tates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. ' Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Eist'n. I am never without It at home or abroad, it an antidote- to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels repea ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of n gu character. I have seen a "tried-everything" !v peptlc of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It Is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness ei speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support tn its favor as a specnx The word of any one of the eminent divines no underwrite this antidote to dvsoeDsla has deserved weight- Their united witness joined with the ev t penmental use and approval of the preparation w well-known physicians, removes all doubt, it i. beyond question wonderful therapeutical ageni. Editors Religious Herald, Va. Bev. B. L Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It la highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It Is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient without nausea. : ; SOLD BT.ALLDRUGGISTS. .'; r ir,saleby: DkVt.S SMTTH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN ft CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLTJTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20-dw tf- A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. ' ' 1 n E20BCUTiVE PEPABTMENT. ' Hauigh. March 10th, 1879. 1 WBKBXAS; Official Information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAILOR, late oi the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of S. W. Beawell; and whereas, it appears thai the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals himself .hat the ordinary process of law can not be served upon him: .-. . . Now, theref oreTl, THOMAS J. JARVIS. Govei nor of the State ot North Carolina, by virtue of au thority In me vested by law. do Issue this my m elamatton, offering a reward of Two Hundred iw lars for the pprebens.on and delivery of the saw N. B. Taylor to the Sheriff of Moore county, st tw Court House to Carthage, and I do enjoin all cemof the State andaTl good citizens to assbt w bringtog said criminal to Justice. Anr,, Pe-aTour city of Raleigh, the tenth day of lrfr3l87!and n the 10d year of American 17lenCe- . THOS. J. JABYI8- Brthe Governor: Hjja a Ovkemah, Private Secretary. j " , . DESCRIPTION. . ftlM "ia nKnirt H9 Mara of M. about ft " and when last seen wore a heavy beard. mt10d1twRL 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES. : Choice and Fresh, FOB PLANTING OR EATDiG, Just received by LeROT DATIDSOS-