TirtTRSDAY, APRIL 24?18f9. f RAILROAD MRECToRi. .:ri'j irer trains to and, from Charlotte, .on all the ralfc ?oads (Washington ttme: ;i,if. ; ti ,;i j irrivesfromBlchmondaildQoldsboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for " - M' H.20&.vai Jtves from Richmond,. ., . . . 10.50 a. nt Leaves for ' 6.45 p. m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE ATR-LUTE. A rrlves from 'Atlanta, - - 3.20 aTmS Leaves ior Auan Arrives from Atlanta, .f , . Leaves for Atlanta, 1.05 a. m. 6.50 p. in. 10.50 a. to. CHARLOTTE, COLCTIWA ACOTJ8TA. i j Arrives from Augusta, . Leaves for Augusta,. drives from Augusta,. ... i .eaves for Augusta, ............. CAROLINA CENTRAL, Arrives from Wilmington, Leaves for Wilmington,. Arrives from Shelby, ; Leaves for Shelby, ,8.10a;'m. i Art o tv 6.30 a.m. 11.27 a, ra. 7.29 p. ra. , 6.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. i 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENXE88BE OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvllle, Leaves for Statesvllle,... 5.30 p.m. 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE P08T OFFICE OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. Cl Money Order Department,., fl.00 ft. m 5.00 p. nt. -5.00 p. m. 6.00 Pu m. i...,iUfrv nenartment.. .. .-. ;.H.iN)s. m., r.pn'i Dellv'r ft Stamp Dept.', 00 a. mJ 8.80 D. m.i 8.45 Dv m. t&- On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to lO.q n1' OPBNINO AND CLOSING Or MAILS. 3 OPKK9. i CLOSES;'. Danville ft CharlotteR.lt.,. 8.00a.m. 9.00 p.m. 1 " " 11.15 a. mi 6.00 p.m. t hiirlotte& Atlanta B.R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. ft Augusta R. R.. 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. m. wilm'n A Charlotte R.R.,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a. m. charlotte A Shelby R. R.,. . 5.80 p.m. 6.00 a.m. " ft Statesvllle,...,.. 6.80 p. m, 6.00a.m. rw Beattles Ford, (horse route, Mondays at 5.00 P- m., aim iuesuoja at o.uv n. ui. v 'isr- Yorkvllle. (horse route.) Thursdays at O.UU 1. m., ad Fridays at 7.00 a. m. 1 ' W. W. JENKINS, P. M. X ; War Departmestj 3 a office Chief Signal Officer, j Washington, April 23, 7 :30 p. m. ) For the Souttv Atlantic States, warm er southerly winds, except colder north erly on the 2orth Carolina -coast, fall ing barometery clear 6r partly cloudy weather. ; .v.. , ; jr- Local Report for Ycsterda j-.' ' 17 A.M. I2P.M.T9P. M Barometer,. vv.?Jt Thermometerr, . . Relative Humidity,.... rtlnd DlrecUonxv Velocity, Weather ..: 3a354 61 ' 55 S; W. 6 Clear. 80,196130.188 81- 72 ' 23 j 38 S. W.Yf S.W. 6 - n Oear. I Clear. Highest temrfatartf 82 deg.; lowest 54. HOiHE PENC1L1KGM. . The Inferior Court- ineetarthethird Monday in May and will have Its hands full. The McGinn mine is advertised to be sold on the 1st of May by J. A- McLure at the court bouse. . The near approach of the season when the strawberry festival blooms is noted with mournful interest. What of ithe. proposition -f or a conti nental fall on thugat of 40-9017 It would be decidedly in order. i The -young ineniligiyeanOther eermaii complimentary to the Strangers in the city, to-morrQW f night jA Serenaders are oufe every nisAt iow. The midnight) air iUteralbaden with 80Og'S3vJj The concert by the Gounod cTutT will he given in the opera house a week from to-morrow night. It is gener?.lly understood that the candidates will meet each other at Phillipi to-morrow night. The occasion will he interesting. The courts seemed all to have suspend ed yesterday to ' allow the magistrates to talk electkmr--Theie:W8 not -a sin- pie criminal Case called. There's a letter in the postoffice at Wilmington for Dave Kelly and an nt.hpr at. Haleicrh for Mrs. P. Query, held for lack of postage. The law defining the jurisdiction of magistrates is still considerably dis cussed, and there i& a good deal of dif ference of opinion among well mform- (1 persons oil .the suujecu. a Farmers in ' certain sections of the southern part of the county, complain of having suffered in recent years from rust in cotton, and "are how in search of a remedy for the evil ; It has done considerable damage. . Within the last three' weeks about fifteen negroes have been arrested. in "Five Points" on the charge of vagrancy and as many more have left that dis-j reputable resort from fear of arrest on Hie same cnarge, ,y t A gentleman, whose tiarne .has Veen brought" forward by his friends as a suitable candidate f or ithe .position of alderman, was applied 'to- by two dif ferent parties yesterdayToffices with m the gift of the board p6t yet .elected. Verily, the ipVforcetvfttonh- in. ' - ' 'Vrii;l i.i .L . A J c -. The MuoiclpalUr Davidson Col- The citizens'of 'Davtdson&llege held a meeting in-thattowh day before yes terday for the" 'pnfpose of nominating candidates for town ' officers to be elected the first Monday ih May. The old officers were unanimously ' renomi nated as follows: FHNmayorr.W. P. Williams; for comtrtissioners 'Fwi J. Knox, James Allison? H-'K Helper, li. L. Query arid5 W. JMartini Fiie tovfn has but Tecefttly assumed the rbes ot mnnininalit.v an a 'Rhe; takes sbme mtle pride in adjusting them gracefully and hw.nmincrlv ir.if-,..' , -, , :. l.tJ, ) , Ornoer JLteemtOwi .m.- Drummers takhovit cnse to sell goods in NerthiCarolina have to pay 8100 for each license unless it is to sell liquor when they mfet pay $200 each. Tiie new law exempts .UieniiJrom, the pavment ofHiny' cminty 01 municipal tax. Manufacbftrersiaretwpquired to take tout liuenses. and even the own ers of nurseries cannot, sejljfruit trees without pitfinta construction put npiw . Jhftlaw by the attorney-rgeuak-ji. . j - :- Went n9yfA,m- f Some months Hgo Ia Weil, a Cermaa. Jew, resident in Union coiW,Jk was pardoned by v YaAce," having been convicted of killing a man in a diflicul ty near his homel . Thj P. Observer noted the fact that the pardon was giv en at the. time of; Jta issudrice, and yes terday we 'were shown a clipping from the Hildescheimer Tag?esmatt, a news nanfir nnhiifthfiri in Northern Germany, giving the partlcm'tVpwd011 which had- been translated fromfiiE Aw The-Staterax -tor i879Jp' ; ( )ur present revenCid.iict Ievfes on the one hundred dollar Yal,liatiQn,:tJie fol lowing ta'.f or the i-preseht yearn For general purpose?,; L 13 oeij ts J for ) insan e asylum, etc, ft cents, i fof penitentiary, 0 cents; total; 24 cents. -The school tax levy,;8W icents;nietaaitsj;.tbe.''6aTne as formerly,VThe levy for !State; purposes this year -is 54 v cent! fless'on the one hundred dollars "valuation than was. flltiUlHtir n:r it tti-t'ii Call for a Convention of tb People. .VetLUndergrie(Jjt "tvoter pf the city oJMiarfotte; deeply interested in its welfare and prosperity, believing it best for all parties, do hereby call a con vention of the voters of the city to be field :it it-o court hou3eon Friday even ing, A pi il 25th, at 8 o'clock, to nominate rentable to all parties. In the interests of harmony, candidates in the field as well as all others, are requested to sub mit their claims to the decision of the convention with the distinct under standing that the meeting is called to furthe)- tle ospet of ,110' particular W. B. Xisbet, W. R. Myers. Rich'd N. Tiddy, J. H. Weddington, Wm. D. Kyle, II. A. Klueppelberg, E. M.Nathans, OlfAsikx j W. M. Morris, ' S. P. Alexander, E. G. Rogers, Fred. Fanning, E. S. Steele, F. R. Dnrham. P. P. Zimmerman, JJr. J. M. Miller, N. Dumoit. J. W. .Millerr -' Chas. R. Jones, " Jno. F. Orr, J. T. Butler, R.E. Cochrane, Thos. Grier, Walter .Brem, M,KBadingkSu' L. R. Wriston, C. M. Ray, Sainl. Cohen, I). Elias, S. Wittkowsky, M. L. Frazier, F: I: Osborne. j . a.. usDorne. I. II. McGinn, J. G. Harris, I). H. Byerly, M. Bernstein, S. Frankenthal, S. Iandecker, A. R. Nisbet, '"W. LTriday, ' Berwanger'&Bro, AV. C. Blackwood, Wm. C. Morgan, F. A. McNinch, larrisotk Wafcta,W i J. Asbury, Geo. WT. Bryan. T.T.Smith, II. C. Eccles; John E. Brown, I. Sclriff, Henry T. Butler, J. P. McCombs. in it. JJutv A. L. Smith, J. R, Holland, "le Third Ward Meeting A Denial. To the Editor of The Observer: Hon and wish to correct a mistatement in that local. There were only about fifteen persons in that convention, part of them being drunk. It was. a jne sideu&ff ah ataiijfitimlerfjthjpJes ent seeing Jiow it was going, had noth ing to, say. In the statement that the meeting was unanimous for Frank I. Osborne for mayor, you have been mis informed. There were at least four persons there' who I know did trot 'con cur in that movement. One Who Was Present. April 23d. Mr. Edward Glavla for Mayor. Tothealtorspf The-'Obsejvr ".' "With due respect to the candidates who are now in the field for the mavoiv ilty, none would make a more efficient id vigilant officer than our respected friend and fellow-citizen, Edward Glav in. He is a gentleman of excellent moral and mental attainments, and should he become the chief executive of our city, he will endeavor to modify some of the recent ordinances that are now in force. Therefore, being friend ly to the cause, we place him in the arena this morning, as te does his cele brated game birds, heeled and equipped to win. Citizens. A Proposition to Sell to the Hiybefet Bidder. To the Editor of the Observer: If you will allow me, I would suggest that a town meeting be called and that the mayoralty be put up to the highest bidder and sold as the imperial crown was once sold in the city of Rome. This would bring a revenue to the city in place of tax. ftiel I tyill tptfn meeting for Saturday riight ax 8 o clock. Come one, come all. Peace-M aker. Personal. Col. J.W. Kates, division superintend ent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, resident in Richmond, Ara., was in the city yesterday. Mr. Jap. Miller, formerly of this city, now a merchant of Gaff ney s S. C. recent ly made a narrow escape from death, he and his horse falling dovn a, preci pice thirty feet. He was only slightly hurt, and is again able to attend to busi ness. The friends of Miss Sallie Scarr will be glad to learn that she was better yes- terday, although sun Dreaming tnrougn the tuhe inserted into ner wino-pipe. The physicians hope to be able to re move the tube to-day, for awhile, at least. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt D. Walker have returned to the city, after a somewhat protracted absence. Mrs. J. S. Ehrich, a member of the firm of Ehrich & Co., of Eighth Ave nue, New York, which does the largest retail business in fancy dry goods that is done in this country, being $2,000,000 per annum, is in the city on a brief .yisit,tp his kinsiaan,Mr.S,. Wittkows ItyTT Mr , Ehriehg ifc . - reluming. Jhome from a trip to Florida. The mayoralty There were no developments yester day in reference to the mayoralty fur ther than indicated in The Observer yesterday morning. The call for a con vention, numerously signed, appears in our columns this morning. This is the first step taken in the direction of ad justing the conflicting claims. Two of the candidates, Messrs. Brown and Os borne, it will be observed, sign the call, thus giving pledge of their purpose to abide bv the action of the convention. Thurttff ih&idtleg ' tepernjen are an nounced, The fate wirl W narrowed down to the nominee of that convention and to the other two candidates now in the field Messrs. Flemmingand Nor? insnt unless they, too; submit their claims to the meeting to-morrow nighti The convention proposition has attracts ed a great' deal 61 attention and the con vention will be one of the largest ever. I hhl in thecity f - Railroad IVolen. The Atlanta "STCharlotte Air-Line is nfFttrinor snftf.ial inducements to persons who mar wish tosattend the , memorial ktlkntal vlifeklts will be sold good on the 26th and until 3 p. m nn the -27th at $6.70 from Chailotte, The mail-cars on the Carolina Central have just been supplied wttn tne new nntpnt. mailbacr catchers for use at Hag stations, and at p6st6ffice3 where the tmina do wotistow iegularly. They are a great; i,nroyement on the old methods, anA ro"fmw in ffftneral use. ? ' fThe'superintenaent 01 ran way mait Qordcn nntififts roads carrying the mails. thataU. new raiiyf ay postoffice cars and those undergoing repairs should be pro vided with safety heaters carrying f&: firps - ! JIM The State of Georgia has instituted a suit in the -State -courts for $8,000 against the Atlanta & Charlotte Airr. Line, Railroad. for, taxes on the proper XY.QAm(rmtox fetfl 1876. The suit is on trial at present and the road .1 cl;unis,exrn;i!ion.nnaer ;tneiaws 01 .use -o 1 T o of the sureeons of this notable Institute wm visit Charlotte. N. C., May 15th and 16th, 1879V stopping at the Charlotte Hotel. They willnave with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical ap T)Uances,'and' wlii W prepared to treat ill kinds of tWnnnitiefl and Chronic Diseases, such as Club -cwt win nunaiA. Paralvsis. , Soeclal Diseases. piiM arid Fistula.- Catarrh, Private Diseases.; Diseases of the Eye, && For full particulars, ad vttTm AT.StraGtCAL INSTITUTE, ' G&yn yur Iaper of to-day, a lo caYoWtkefqbifefttlln ibfTjOrdWrd TuesKy-h!ght. 1 Vas fh'tM cttovin- Dil3d4t w4w i-.vT AUAnrawa "AXiit3lAKie TltkTEf. " L Voice for Alderi lernan x&tem. To the Editor of The Observer: : - HenryW. Tatem has been onrr alder man for several terms; and has filled the position with dignity. He is identified, with the First Avard of the city ; his te-; cord is good; and his views -are progress slve. The voters will show their annre- ciation of his merits by again re-elect-J mg mm as an aiaerman 01 tnat warn. ;-,,- !, .g ,..:.r; ViJ V. f - v MBCH ANIC. The Postpenemeut. : : '''-l-, An officer of. the Hornets' Nest Ritle men has received a letter from one of the officers of the Governor's Guards of Columbia regretting the? necessity f o postponement of the 'day of the unveil ing of the Confederate monument, but promising to give our boys a good time,' in any event. The, postponement,:?? mate at 'itte f SiUggestion jof tth6y mer chants' of the.towri whos could notjwell afford to j close iheit business houses:on Saturday, tbe-day -riginally agreed hp on. The Hornets hope to be able to carry down about twenty-five men, rank and file. . Statement of the Financial Condition f the City. . . .... . Considerable interest has been mani fested by citizens, generally to see the stltteniett Ot the condition bf the ; city's finances- the disbursements and re ceipts Of the present administration and the condition of the debt. 1 This state-; ment was made 0 the meeting of the board of aldermen Monday afternoon, andjref erred la the. finance committee for verification and approval. The committee will report to the mayor as there will be no other regular meeting of the board of aldermen, and thecitf clerk informed uj yesterday that the statement would certainly be published this week. It will show the financial affairs of the city to be in a very satis factory condition. . Wrenched aai Sacked ' By the pangs of rheumatism, the Joints eventually become grievously distorted, and sometimes as sume an almost grotesque deformity. To prevent such results by a simple and agreeable means Is certainly the part of wisdom. A tendency to rheu matic ailments, may be successfully combatted with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine with the prestige of a long and successful career, of Un bounded popularity, and of emphatic professions endorsement lt removes from the Woo those in flammatorjf impuiftieawhtert as the cause of rheurhatlsmf 'and' riot only purifies the life current, btf enricb.eslt, promoting vigor by fertilizing its source. Dlgesoont the action of the bowels and the seeretion of t the bile, are aided by it, and it Impels the kldneyi and bladder to a regu lar and active performance ' of their functions. It Is besides a thoroughly reliable remedy for, and means of preventing, periodic fevers. aprlO lw CANDIDATES FOB THE MAYORALTY. , MaJ. FIemmiBg'8 Card. . In compliance with the wishes of "Many Citi zens" I will beu candidate for mayor at the ensu ing election In May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience to your will, I am, with respect. Tour obedient servant, W. W. Eusmmino. Mr. Sttrment's Card to the Public. To the Voters of the City of Charlotte: FKiiow Citizens In this brief way I have con cluded to announce myself an Independent Candi date for the office of mayor of the city of Charlotte, at the approaching election In May. Thoroughly Independent, I shall not be In the least Influenced by any ring, caucus, or convention; I shall have ao friends to reward nor enemies to punish; I shall not bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt In any underhanded way to secure one; but I particularly solicit the deliberate, Independent vote. I am In favor of Btrict economy and low taxes. There is no polities in this election, therefore I shall run the race to the end and take the risk, let the result be what it may. In thus announcing myself. I think It unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statement of principles that may guide me; but will truly say . that I shall ever cultivate a genial, brotherly spirit with those that I may become asso ciated with; and permit me, in conclusion, to make this pledge: That If honored with a majority of your votes and consequent election, my best exer tions shall be directed to a fair, honest and im partial discharge of my duties. Respectfully, W. s. Norment. Charlotte, N. C, April 11th, 1879. Mr. Osberne ia the Areaa. In response to the solicitation of my friends. I have consented to become a candidate for the office of mayor. Respectfully, F. I. Osborne. To the Voters of the city of Charlotte. At the solicitation of many friends I announce myself a candidate for the office of mayor at the ensuing election. Your obedient servant, JOHN E. BROWN. . A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D,. New York City. Jan25 TELESRAPHIG ;HMBT, REPORTS, APRIL 23, 1879 - PRODUCE. , - V CMtarSlW-Flouruiet; fanriW -4.45a5.50 teheaL.' iect. and ' amber ,100al.5. Corn quiet at37a38. Oats dull at 28a31. Pork dull and nominal at 10.0O. iard quiet; curreni maKe n uu. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 3.40, short ribs 4.40, short clear 4.62;- bacon steady; shoulders 3?fca4, clear ribs 5, clear sides waiskey aenve at 1.01. Butter dull, the heavy receipts navmg ae- pressed the market; lancy creamery 2 la22, choice western Teserve 1110, cnoicw vm. umu i 1 3. Suear steady, hards 8ta9Vfe. A white 8a8, New Orleans 6a7i4. Hogs in tair demand; pack ing 3.25a3.45. Baltimore Oats dull; Southern 35a37, Wes tern white 34a35, do mixed ddVaa, rennsyi- vaula 32a35.' Hay-marKet nrm; prime tenu sylvanla and Maryland TSalS. Provisions auu; mess pork. Old 10 ouaiu. to, new --; uum uicaw loose shoulders 3. clear rib sides 4, per car load, packed new 4i4a5Vs; baco shoulders, old 4, .clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, yiaa&t. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter quiet; choice Western packed 15al7, rolls llal4. Cof fee quiet; Bio cargoes 10a 10. wmsKey auu iu, 1.07w-i Wlgarswaay; a soa ea, . ' ijw nnVZonr m' brrvers' favort' No. 2. .353.10, superfine Wefiteni and State 3.45a3.55, common to "good extra Western and- State- S.75a a80, good'to Choice, do 8.fl5a4-50; Southern flour heavy;, common to '" lair, extra. 4.10a5.40; good to cnoice ao o.ouao.ou.. wucai uugrciucu jiu ter red. l,05al.l2. No. : 1 HttoT.lS. ,orn ungraded 43Vaa44i4, No. 3, 4141 jOaj Coffee In active demand; Rio quoted ,ta-oar-goes Iial43&, in job, lots Ilal8l4. Sugar firm; Cuban eikafo, fair to good rett'g 3 3-,16a6, prime 6f refined standard A. 7, " granulated 81, powdered-8Mi, crushed -868-Molasses-New Or--leans 28a42. Rice In fair demand-and; quiet; Carolifl-uoted at-4$aa, Louisiana 6art-Pork-old meet on spot 8. Wa.0&: v JLsrt-jwtoie steam on spot .18a20. Whiskey 1.071. 1 eights firm. .. . . .. . .. : . , . COTTON. -1 OKLk-Qulet; middllug 1 lMti net receipts 59T; gross ; rtock -11,417? exports coastwhe 1,1 60; sales 1 60; exports to Great Britain . . BALTTJioEE-Oulet: middling 11: low middling lH4c;good ordinary t0c:' hef receipts 2;. gross 7l4ales f 135-, atpckl g;268i' :?W!lt'l' aOisDinners, exports, ii Great.Britaln 115; JBcH-jfulf middHng; lle.: tow middling llto; good ordinary lljnet receipts 36o; grof s lYoDo; saws Biwatpotui: - rninam Tflrm? mldfllinff ilt: lOW.. tTBd dhag 10 good oroinary 104, aoi recciym , , aent-;tocttanneir r v '1 v-;c , vXwTT.iTiT.intA Steadv: middling 11 The.; ; low middling lle, good ordlnary-lrt,5c; net receipts 24r. grow 48; saleaSolf winners 328 stock f lftiitiJrhTtW!ddni!'t4l.r : low; mid ahlnmBnfe i sales R: StOCk'.-4' 'i J -A '.-'.sj ; y rwiBT.TBarroK Firm: mlddlins; 1 mc; low nua aiiniiif nod ordinary nslOtect net receipts 130t grose ; sale 300; stock iMMQi ' exportB coastwise 171; Great Britain ; j France ; Continent t to channel -vsisr ; : u T vw vnir TTnsfimd: sales 447: mid unlands il&bc. mlddilng Orleans HaC consolid'd net re; wants 4.54 1 : , exports r, to ; Great n Jjntaui -joo Oonttoent913..jto;.; mtimu 'Z'M 't,rfEBPOOLoir--Cottorr --steady.:; i Uplands 6tad.. Orleans, 6 5-lfW., low miocamg uplands, eood ordinary uplands , r oramary upianas sales 10,000-speeulauott ana export i,uuo. Tgipg"BOTl aa imeHean.- rmurw we-tetteiH u pianos low miaaniig ciause: Afni oeuvery , a pril and May , May and June 6 J-32aMl, Junek July 6 -32a5-16, July and August 6 6-lttall-82, August and -- September ' 6al3-82, September ana Octobers, October and November- New crop shipped October and November per sail -s-March and April . u t , r FUTURES.' v '' , 1 Futures closed firm. Nrw Yobx 000 bales. . Aprfl May Sales 169.- . 11. 708.71 . ll.78a.79 june...-' a ll,97a.98 July ..... ...i. .ivexagw'.iilS44a16 August eeptemoer. . . . f October.. 1184.99 lJ..44a.4.' ll-.06a.08 10.98a.99 November...... December. FINANCIAL. Nw You Money L03al&. Exchange 4.86aU. govemruents steady.. New 5's 1.04 State bonds Li '- f.1 v CTTX, COTTON MARKET. " ' -r Orrics or tu Obskbtxb, t w , Mwawrri, Apni 24, i. The market yesterday closed firm, as foil Good middling ...C... .v... ill Middling. 10 Strict low irdddTlng. . .. . 10 Low middling........... 10&8 Tinges :V: u 10 Lower grades.... ,4.,. 8al0 CBA LOTTE PR tUCE MiBKEl . APRIL 17. 1879., , CORBBCTKD DAILY.' OoBH, per bush'l 60a62 Mxai ".., ...................... 60a62 Psas, " - 55a65 Oats, shelled, -A.. 85a40 Baoon N. a hog round. . , . . Hams, N. C j. Hams, canvassed. ... Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides...... COFFKK Prime Rio. Good.-. Strut 9 10al2i oa6 14ial 12al4 Sugar-house. Cuba... K..A..A A..:.? .it New Orleans Salt 23a25 35a40 3oa40 Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 Stjoab White. PlfealOtfe Yellow 7tea8 POTATOES; Sweet 65a75 Irish. Butter y. North Carollna.5 ftaGs,1 perdozen.. ': Flour ' Family Extra..... Super.... 3.50a3.75 f 12W&0 8a9 if.. It 3.00a3.50 2,75a3.00 2.25a2.50 s T. NICHOLAS, SCBLBNEB'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE AHIDEAL CHILDRKN'S XASAZINE. Messrs. Scribner & Co., in 1873, began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Ma pes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first num ber was Issued, sand the -magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of ovkb 50,000 copnea It is published ' simultaneously In London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, Decause her ideal continually outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, its well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton's new serial story for boys, "A JOLLT FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly ;partsr be ginning with the number for Novembei 1878, the first of the volume, and will be Illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. The story is one of travel and adventure in Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSKKKKPEBS," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins in the same number; and a fresh serial by Susan " CooUdge, i entitled "Eye bright,' with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early In the volume. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called "BUMPTT DODGET'S TOWER, " Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fea tures of St. NiOHdStfceedltor preserves jfgood humored silencp, content,' perhaps, to let fei five volumes already, issued, prophesy Concerning the sixth, to esject to short stories, plctures, poems, bumOTj lhstmctive sketches, fan d the lute and lore Sf "JaclMn-tbe-Pinpa,?' the'!"Verr Llle Folks" department, td ihe XLeOet-oJ!, arj "Bjdle box." Terms, $3.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub SCTlpUocs received by the publishei.of, this paper, and by all bookselleri ana postmasters. Persons wishing to- sntiscrfbei direct with; the publishers should write name, postoffice, teounty and State, in full, an send wlur remittance in eheck, P. O. money order,,oT leglstered letter to is declC '743 Broadway, New York. A A. 3 Car Loads 120 Bushels CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Just received. H M. MILLER & SONS. ap5 ; , n : ; r rpHE BEST 8TOCK OF . I GROCERIES an in the"city, a Jan30 CONFECTIONERIES - -9 1 LeRdY DAVIDSON'S. IF YOU WISH to engage in an honest, genteel business, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to . RANDOLPH ft CO.. feb4w4t 107. 4th av.. N. Y. TLACK STRAP MOLASSES " Under cost by the barrel, "by - f t rt . - LeROY DAVIDSON. Jan30 pfA '! JU innM IVIM I i,m A.AAf U VVAw. TEETH-GUMSREATH , NO MORE H.E.V.MA T I S J - OS GOUT ; AC V TE O R. C H R ON I C A L 1 -C Y L I C J SURE CUBE. ManuTactdieJ miljideK Libo Trade-Mark h by ihe,., . EUROPEAN SALICHfLC MEDICINE CO., - y OF PARIS AKD LEIPZIG. immAdiata relief warranted. Permanent cute guaranteed: NwAcduarreiy tised by all celebrated pnysicians oi jsurope ana America, oeoonung StaplerHarmle&Sf and Reliable-Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report T5 cures uutcftCD cases within tnree days. becretThealyjalisoler of the poisonous Uric Add which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Jouty Patients $l,0Qb box, tt boxes for: $500.' : Sent te any address on ; receipt ; of ;price. Endorsed by physloiuns.- Sold by all druggists. Ad ttreseii . ' m -- , WASHBURN E 4t CO.. i nov7 r Only Importers' Depot.23 (JHttrst..N. x. 1 1 ' For ale sby J. H. Me ADEN, Druggists,: febl8-lr.- Cnarlotte, N.C. P. Ttbm Paris, France, f l )ER WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, pILDER and SLLr 8verpl1tkk H II i Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, TCwrv kind of renalra made at once t half Drice- nfid warranted one vear Every kind of Jewelry or Rronza Gildine. Col6rine. Sllver-Piatmz and Gal vanizing made at short notice and' equally as good u nam - Wnrtr iVina f nr th tRuln fit Xttm nrtaAs. - gAppreiitlce wanted, wltai premium and good"! references. "j Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration oi rweive raonins iorcost oi repairs C Prof. Hertz'sereat German: Hair Restorative. The best pre p ration for- the Hair now tarawa, It , cradually restores gray hair ta its natural color, producing a taxarUMt growth, eradicates scroll and dandnut, eures all oiseasesot the scalp, prevent the hair from falling out and relieves neuralgia m the liead and beadaeoe. . Try It. 1 Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Va $ and tor sale by, aH Orugglsts. ' .psr.p,: ,0 t.y n DIXIE SOAP. P. J; CREW ft CO., Manufacture all the standard varieties of Which,they offer at lowest prices. ': ? ar TRY OUR DIXIE SOAP. liBECEWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills wm -prevent and enre Dyspepsia. They are in dhrtralled DUmer PfU, mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are, used by the most caltlvatedj people in our eouhtoTrand are extensively need b phystdaaajn their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. R. BECK WITH, Sole Manufactar er, Petersburg, Ya. ; - ; . EMINENT DRSi f S. L. & J. C. NIEDLET, I 8T.Tjotrrg,MO,Vv Say: Colden's Lieblg'tYquld, extract 6t Beet is. a very agreeable article of diet, and rjarUcularly use furwhen tenies are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected, InDip theria. Malarial Typhoid fevers, weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed It with great success, j Sold by. all Drugglsta. We .will pay Agents a Salary of fcluO per mouth and ex'pensw, or ailuwa large eommimioa, (oaell our, new and wonderful inventions. We mom wftot mi (sample froe. Address Sheulmi A Co, Mare hall, UicA. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Fiee side Visitor. " Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. YICKERY, Augusta, Maine. " - $77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co.. Augus ta, Maine, ADVERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted one-week in 300 newspapers for 810. Send 10c. for 100 page pemphfet G. P. RO WELL ft CO., 10 In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Ware, ' rr-AT ' J ' J. T. 1H ITLER'S. WATCHE8, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AJTf" SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Capes and everything yea want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOU&T CALDWELL HOUsHe Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Trjpn and Sixftt Streete ,. CHARLOTTE, N. a, CHARLOTTE, N.C - r . "4 S. P. CALDWELL. ' Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class bearding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, $8.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. lanlO STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) In Probat i Yadkin County. f Court. -Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of neiyamin bparks, deceased, vs. The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEIIEKT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Lydia Blmmtt, wife of Paton Dimmit, Hannah Felts, wife of John Felts, John Sparks, and Eliza beth Reddlk, wife of John Reddlk, are heirs at law in this ease and aim-residents of the State, - It is therefore en motion ordered by the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks in The Charlotte Observer, .notifying said defendants to appear at the Clerk's eEBee in Yadklnville with in twenty days after sendee of this notice, and let them take notice that if they fall to appear that the same will be taken pro corrfems and exparte as to them, - ...;. Given under my hand and .seal of office In Yad klnvHle, this the 10th day of FebruaryA. D 1879. ISAAC N. VESTAL, . Probate Judge. , Jl-rdltwSft ' J-JR. A.. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICE OVER L.Ti. WRISTON ft CO"S " -fmrw SniKt 'Til Uyuarancee entire atisfaetiM - . . Janll D. O. XAXWELU CP. F.EARRISON, Auctioneer. i t T AXWELL 4 HARRISOXT AUCTION AND COMMISSION -. MERCHANTS; Buy and sell on consignment all klnd3 of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;- wai give strict rrsorial m I attention to aUtasraesi entrusted to dur care. frT..' doors above Charlotte Hotel. dee3 ( MI&LIKJ. CENTRAL VU WILMINGTON. THROtMiB fTUICiBT BOUTS ' Tnls'tine being Freight from " ' fully equipped' tor business, Wilmington and all N)rthoraarjdEaatera Cities to .1 Oreenvffle, 8peJtanborLv all station ' ' ' Attantto, Tennessee dt Ohio, : VI :.'-,! '' hw As well as'pornts in Georgia insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information f urnished F. W, CLARK. , Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. N. C sept30' D iR. J. H. McADEN, DRUGGIST AJfD CHEMTST, Now offers to the trade a fiill stock of. Lubln's Extracts and Colognes. English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English. French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTION Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at H.MCADEN'S Prescription Store. 'ECURITY ! SECURITY 1 SECURITY! 200 Barrelsof C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AML ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCXV 17 AVCY GOOD O r ANCY GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles ef Perfume Boxes Including some 'novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases' French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a fall stock of -English and American Tooth, Hair and Naff Brashes. L. & WRISTOjj A CO. declS 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the - OBSERVER OFFICE. i .VJi'itHJ"."!'! I.H jmi- i i) f n ruj A new lot received this riav fMondavV hr, vnHui. Always call on us for Dress Goods, Grenadines. solo &As IT ' i k 'f'i f yv' V:; y4f WHnrE$iayiHQ MACHIME?COr CLEVELAND; 0H102 i " ' ' ; I - '-r ,r"- - - which we make stecBrty. We keep a magnificent line of Trimming Silks, all colon.' We have atir- ining you wanimjijuraon line. IN WHITE GOODS 'H- "M: !T! '",. ' f,lff:fK"hf n-t: i . i . -4 We keep everything viz: S rtes and Mull MusltnS, Plain and Barred N itnsooksMassaUa, India L .wi , i. .... . " " '.' " ' "t ', "' j rn"iiit't-i itstJH uri in; njisfiiwuis ;: etc., aU Very cheap;- We have fbq fMgfcft&y&i&'vrt Mlsses.Cuffa ami Collars in . . the city. O.der your Hamburg, Embroider and all other Trtrnmlhgs from us. : ; ; WeteaveabaauttfUiUaeoin . : LINEN AND JrigedaTwels, S, ieeOngs, etc.; et&r isle i April X. ; :S : :M 9m V NORTH CAROLINA. ; T to ALtTPOiNTsr Bornr-i fir- - otters unequalled facUttiea for the Trans portion of i 1W - Charlotte, SuUesvllle, Ashevlllb, Rutherforuton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line. , : and Western N. C; Railroads, " ? Alabama and MlsslsslppL via any Compettng Line, and Time as quick. upon application to T.T.SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. JJUELD BROS., WHTJtJiaALE AB RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly ori hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS; TUR KEYS, CABBAGE. IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, At. Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR ft BONN I WELL'S and A. L. : FORD'S various brands of FLOUR, RHU- ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N.C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and Is kept In first class style. Terms, Per Day .,. $ 2 00 Great mdrjcementa offered fai tahlA hrui fri ers ; for terms see the proprietor, ty Omnibus and Carriages at every train. FLELD BROTHERS, . . . . , . , . . .Proprietors. Mr. H. s. Wilson ladt, ....... Superintendents. Hemrt WrLFONd.V .v.':... Clerk. feb ; ,1,, S2.00L $2.00 MARSHALL H E H U S u. s E SAVkNNAH. OA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $3.50, aceordihg to loca- tlon of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Feb. 10-tf. '- Clerk, late pf . Planters' Hotel. S TOP AT THE BO YD EN HOUSE Banshnrr.N. C. ; p. jS, Bsowsr, PtotuJetoT,! Late of the National Hotel; Raleigh.' !. a Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W O, Shelburn As sistant. - JAMES MtJRPHY, v . ,'. ; ' . PRACTICAL TjLILOB, ' Holton's Building, Trade Street, Jp Stairs. Owing to the slWnae of the times IwUl in fu ture work very cheap. -Will -make- line suits for $10, Casslmere suits for $8. J Pants of suite same rates.1 I guarantee all my work me-flf, o charge. Give me a calLand be coBVtneed. 'lo uoiabu ww- .-'fit bin- of 4.iii,;.. LlCHTElSTEIir.'fl1 si' U! l iipacHANT tailorI i-u; CHARLOTTE, N. C. r ' . - if.: - . , ' t -t: j . Begs leave to Inform aU those in want of a good suit or parts, thereof, they can call and leave their orders with him; as he is the best artist cutter and tailor In- this section. Should a $60 mrrt be too expensive get one at half price, but , have It to be artistic, styfish and perfect. ' ,, ' - - III! I B s - It twettv and Eheab. i Also,ra!nW line of 'Kid flloves. Black Cashmeres and Black Taralse Cloths, all of R.;!i,li,7 hi! n-niib lln9 5 vi... rmf ) '.n-rituti'sw t. .1 li!J'H 1. ' fiil ?i'7:! il! TJNION LAWJSrS, any h-jfise ui &e S. lv' receive - new goods ev if Very respectfaTly, 'Ar;r v-. - r - - - - - 7- - - - a a iiuw, - imiur ' levied for the year J878, ; . : V-"- . 4 1 A- f

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