H mm mm mmn iMM" mmm TT .: . 1 - - ' r ' - ' ' .Ai'... . . - , . - v I cw, r 1 ! ! HJ T"' I STlje Charlotte semr. THURSDAY, APB1L 24, 1879. STATE NEWS. Mrs, Moon goes to' Wilmington next week. 1 Gen. Grant was in Wilmington De cember 1st, 1865. Mr. James Davis, alleged age 105, died last week in Chatham county. ? Geo. D. McMillan, a well known and much esteemed printer of Wilmington, is dead. The truck gardens of Wilmington are in good condition, considering the unseasonable weather. Application has been made for the pardon of the Chapel Hill burglars, now under sentence of death. A committee waited on the merchants of Raleigh in behalf of the next htae fair, and secured 2,000 in subscriptions. Dr. W. W. Love, of Wilmington, was thrown violently from a buggy m that city Monday, the horse running away, but was not injured. t . ' Rev. Csesar Newton, a colored di vine of ilmiffgtonrrtssaTilted one of the sisters of his; flock and wae made to pay a fine for the off ense. nv T)r. Patterson, who had sent m his resiemation as rector of St John' parish, in Wilmington, has been indue- eatx) wunuraw uih siuc, muuu w gratification of his congregation. Wilmington Review: Our esteemed irienu, rvev. vj. u. uuuuui, -i pastor of St Paul's Evangelical Luthe- ran cnurcn, in mis city, wuu ma ladv, will on nclay next, tne 2,tn msr, celebrate his silver wedding. j Gov. Jarvis was expected' in Wii minctnn Tuesday niorht. and the Lotus club had proposed to giv ahop compli mentary to him. . Secretary of State Saunders was to have come with him, and the two are going to Waccamaw Lake for a fishing frolic. We learn &y the Newbern Nutshell of the terrible casualty bv which, on last Thursday was a week, near Adam's creek, two young ladies and their hors- nn o4-viAlran irk tVio ao Tf V Ktt 1 thill! I es were stricken to the earth by a thun derbolt. Miss Mattie Ireland and her horse were instantly killed. Miss Nora Holland was rendered almost blind, and wjis paralyzed on one side. Her horse was only severely snocKea. A small bovwent to sleep in the First Baptist chttch, Ealeigb', Sunday night, and the congregation went off and left him. He howled but could not get out ; then he lit the gas, and proceeded to stack up cushion? and make himself comfortable, when the light attracted the attention of Dr, Pritchard's family across the street, and he was released. This from the Observer. The Wilmington Sun sajg that while a group of passengers were waiting in t he oniee at the Wilmington & WTeldon llailroad depot; for the train to leave, a young white roan, well dressed and "with ;i pleasing face, entered, Carrying a baby in his arms. He walked up to a colored woman knd requested her to hold it for him, Tvljile he coald go back, to the.tele gr'aph office and send off a despatch. The colored woman at once refused, and a young white lady, from Magno lia,, who was sitting near, offered, to hold the babyr and it was given -her, while the young man went off to send his telegram. He never returned, and the woman had to take the child home with her. 1 ! Mr. T. C. Worth, son of the treasurer, and teller in the executive department, has just returned from New York, whither he went to execute a contract for the engraving pf the new bonds of the State. He made the contract with the American bank note company, and says the work will be finished in thirty days, and the issuing1 of the new bonds will begin. Further than the above Mr. Worth tells the Raleigh News that the bondholders with whom he met ap peared greatly pleased with the final adjustment ot the State debt, and stat ed that a large majority of the present bondholders will realize more on their bonds, at the' present price offered bv ine otate, man iney pain for tnem. Raleigh News: On SundavniirhtMrs. Lee S. Overman lost a very elegant gold breastpin, a bridal present, and very precious on that account She had been to church, and missed it when she re turned home, Jt was variously estima ted where it could have been lost, but no one could offer a satisfactory solu tion, Mr- Wi B, Merrimou, brother to Mrp, Overman, had a dream during the jukhi ami saw aub urease pm lyi ng, un der the second bench in the Edentdn Street Methodist church. He was io much impressed witlt the truth of Ms dream, that he urged his sister, early yesterday morning, to go and see if it were not so.' Accordmsrlv the identical spot was found, and sure enough there was the hreaaf, pin. Just as Mr. Merri- mon had seen jt in his dream the night previous. . j j U JUiihS. Christ Episcopal church. Raleigh. i3 in trouble. The Observer says that at a meeting of the congregation, held Mon day evening, CoL ,W. E. Andersou, seni or warden of the Vestry, read a .report showing tto charch'B ctmditidn and pressing needs. There has been a great fallinfccffliiith receipts of the church, vmthefpat.1 t.wej'e ,ohly about fc5QttK;Jfc, r'iwas .the;" 4ihaimous opinion of th vestry, that ? tlie 'deficit must be met, and promptly, it was al- u tucit uiituuuiuuH , oi)iDMn r mar, . r.ne salary of the rector should not hi Wwl AiinnA i..iA I following facts in regard to the finan cial condition otthehurch? There are 79 floor pews. ' Of these 16 belong to the church, the others to members. In 1876 .,,the' anidfuntjjbllected: was, fa j$77 u, $$M iand for thfl mi ipadiiJline; 1st, ' 1879.0Ult 2JWMXi TliftdehtnalUl 14.01 ' This debt' is an inbfja Un the church. oiiu iMiici tiiaii wureuiw lb ao UM1 ueen ttoTig-peiuiB,1 Urn church w I Hoflfl ITaf.R. S ,TiirfrPT rpa" A speech 1 J. - VUWIUltltWUUlU IM4 I in which.lie.said thattheTS6fc-it,nt ber of cdmnluHicaas'l'i, j.v.THet rlai ,i vskwii vtL upon toe ifCOJMrre-i onio increase vtifeir miiwrintiona i d with PCiyhB ffigejd)unieild 1 Chinee Jo pi Physiciaw CnarlestoB Mews and Courier. Dr. Wm. McClung PiggottrtHia will . v ! :remembereu - s having: beenin , ;:charcte qtxm Confederate States labor- atory at Petersburg during the war, has written a letter to a prominent Charles ton physician ? fiomf QjufeeHsJ Hnd, Austral!?, in which he says that g , r iher are a wide fieldyand many , splen did openings for competent physicians Hn Australia, arid advising young,;ener getic, and -competent doctors who , are struggling to make a practice at home to come on at once. He says (hat a po sitlon worth from $i,500 to 2,ooo the first year,is certain, and that il Tany'J physicians ''makeiupl-tbeir-mlndsto make the change he can secure them cheap transportation immigrants,. i i.K-' Th? bad effectt of Imprudence In eating and &ntlnx nre ipeeCU rerao? ed, and the depression Wowing eaUng la quicklr banished by the use of lr. pilVt Baltunore WUs. Price 25 eents. ' - Martha! Douglass's Staunton lecture He wive Some Excellent .Wvicf Tiia virniniivn. nrinted at Staunton, Va- publishes an interesting synopsis of the lecture delivered in thai cny last urooir fnr t.hn rtenencoi acoioreacnurcu by United States juarsnai irreuericBj. Douglass The lecture was largely, w tended by the most cultivated: white people of the place, who warmly con gratulated the speaker upon the conclu sion of his lecture on "Self-made Men, which occupied over two hours. He ad vised his colored hearers not to trust to Providence and prayer, dui to go u work honestly, systematically and con scientiously. He himself had prayed for three longyears mat ireeuom uugui come to him, but it never came uuui TM0 TON mt rinwn into his lees and ear ned him away. He believed in helping no man who was able to neip nimseii, oni niiviAeri the colored people to be HiiKntL industrious, economical, clean Ullfcv"T v - m . , , in thAir nersnns ana nonest m wvu oiinira and Rtav where they are Wo HAnrenACea tne excuus iiuiu mc UA.th aavincr that the warm climate tqq th hest for them, and that one ot the most unfortunate predicaments that can be imagined is "a negro m a snow bank." It don't look right, "the colors don't blend harmoniously." "Stay where vnn ara " aairt the lecturer. ana so con duct yourself that men will be bound to- respect ypu-nvpw yiuiiku AAt to acmiire howIelge aff welf as Eroperty, and in time you may nave uie onor of going to Congress, for if tej neirm ran stand Conirress uongress on&ht to be able to stand the negro. addressing himself to tne wnite peo niA nresent. Marshal Douglass said: "Thpse neirroea are among vou, and will remain with you. You need not expect them to die like the Indians. They are too fond of civilizine influences for that. An Indian is contented with a blanket, while a negro s ambition is a swaiiow tailed coat: the Indians don't like churches and steeples, while the negro thinks the higher the steeple the nearer they are to Heaven. They are essential ly imitative, and if by their efforts they seeK to raise iiiemseives iroiu puvcitjr and attain to the excellence of good citizenship, eive them a chance, bei them lands, and let them practice your economy and thrift. Teach them to be A. I I .1 ! . r. nK-3 mrnl-AtvinflA O I noneSL, luuusiziuus auu ayoiian, uu. you W1n youi-selves reap the reward, for u 11 xMr.JA .-P fntmal t nafiD on the trade winds of eternal justice there will come to this land a peace and prosperity it has never known neiore, BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. Senator Bruce has added a smal boy to the population of the country. fr. Reni. C. Hartsook has been elect ed nresident of the Piedmont and Ar lington Life Insurance Company, Rich mond, V. Charles Goings, brakeman on a Yir cinia Midland freight train, fell under the cars at Springfield Station, Monday and was crushed to ueai n. The first comptroller of the treasury decides in favor oi the claim or rue State of Georgia for $72,000, expenses incurred in the Creek and Seminole war. The Missouri Legislature has a novel proposition before it to punish voters who stay away from the polls three elections in succession with forfeiture of their right to hold any office in the State. The New York Assembly has passed the resolution to tender Gen. Grant the hospitalities of the State on his return. The Senate resolution condemning Con gress in forcing tha army bill amend ments passed by a party vote. The King of Siam is going to send an embassy to Washington. Mr. Sickles, the United States consul at Bankok, re lates that the King of) Sianvs letter, of invitation to Gen. Grant to visit the kingdom was a gorgeous affair, encased in royal purple satin. Gen. Cooke, of Georgia, chairman of the House committee on public build ings, says that the present Congress will not make any appropriations tor the construction of new public buildings, but will vote money to continue those already commenced. ' In Miss A. M. Singleton's beer saloon jn Nashville, Tenn, Sunday night, Thos, R, Baker treated several friends, and, refusing to pay, he was locked in bv Miss Singleton, who attacked him with a stick of wood. Her brother, A. M. Singleton, shot at Baker, slightly wound ing mm. uaKer returned the hre and killed Singleton. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of justifiable homi cide. The Confederate memorial celebra tion at Atlanta, Ga.,to take place on the 20th instant, will perhaps be the most imposing event of the kind ever wit nessed in the South Atlantic States. A grand reception has been arranged for Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, the orator, who will be escorted from Richmond, Vau,by the Richmond Blues and detachments from the other military companies of that city. The military display will be unu sually fine. I Ose of Hie Outraged Giving Testimony lor the South. The Nation. Dr. Cooke, the president of the Claflin (colored) university in South Carolina, who was accused by the Tribune of having voted for Hampton . in 1878; be- cause he had been assaulted in a rail-u road.train in J876, but wickedly denied it, nas been writing a letter to a convene tion of Northern residents at the Sodth recently held in Charlotte, C. , The wretched man. who i nritrinaHvfmm Massachusetts.reporlsT'tha -" w-w v.. V W1U1CU aeotflf! en joy superior rights to those enioyeVl hyJ r-rJ - c them at presents South Carolina. eTMCnrTTTWcpm moreover, has the audacity to assert. alter eight years' residence in the West, "that the South presents greater induce ments to settlers of small capital than ajiyportion f4hejpduntrjwith which he is acquainted." This maffcISus as- wrtipn wno doubtlooo ouggootod ito him x juou uiiri wiiiwijsijro Tariiiaji i onire's them 5tji4wSssthM ct4cle, nt tor Tilden letters -fttCfveThe widentiog .ceM. worn ajargembex of Yor ;set uers in vanousjwirtsbf the ttf iCai ClmBSnlBioldiers .many itifying SOS fSilRr8' trying Tl5Stf?0 w be any i uA-iocmiK ucTLween inrr.n una Nrviirti well knowing that ill-feel in c la at. t.hla v - - - . Krvuva juncture of the highest political Imports 1 Colored EmigraHon. :' ' -IWash. Cor. Baltimore Sun. Senatof Kellogg has received letters from. Louisiana convevimr the impres- sion that the emicrration. fever i has reched tlie sugar parishes of that State, and that the negro hands are leaving in such numbers as to excite the most serious apprehensions in reeardtothe suearcroo. senator Jtellogg says tnat pe fears if this exodus continues it will have a very depressing effect upon the material interest of the State. Some of the prominent Southern men ;here say that if the negro exodus continues io sucn an extent as to disarrapgeiaoor in the South the can can easily be filled with surplus Chinese from the Pacific coastf , f - -CsaaHla Cweaw ! An old tl&slcUto, RtJiWrhww pwHcehaTn : hod DlacfeUn taa-haas ayata xasi jaaiajBussiw: ary the formula of a tingle vegetaoie remeay.ior Uw peVaad pteiianent fiwwtHnpttoiij Kwt n ma wnirn i BMwnaj mm axu- aoiii(i.i aiua ,r lun afiecttttw toa a positive and ratealaireior nerrooa debility and all aerroua xomplalats, after ,l thoosAUdroI caaM. liaa telt it hlfl d- buJc tt , knwaMiaul5BclagtoUowa.j:Jktuated T) una jBota,dadealretotllew.to will send, free of charge, to all who desire ft, UOa nvrinn. -with tnll directions tor Uslntf In German, rrstioa pn tagiisa. t , tmaUbr juldresalne wltlt SCUIR). riiW. W. Sherar. 14 rowers' wock, tester. New York. msr26 4w , ,.iitj i ".VI i.U I Li. uLi.L.J ... J Vn i '.-o.-iT til tool DYSPEPSIA, S1CK-HCAPACHE; tOStlVtN&SS, DYSENTERY, BiUOUS f EV2RJ GUE AND FEVER, m j SYMPTOMS F A reootaire,.ia aometimeg mltenaata mVtix loQgengeFui lntbeHeadaceoHipMiied rithfcDaIlsenation In the hackpartjFam to the right aide and under th shotdder- i blade, fuPnesa aftag.'eatingithjtjtof Hnntion to exertion of body or mind,irri tabilitT of temper, Iyjw aptrits, loasol memory, witfeafeaMngof havingneslectad tiome doty. General wwineaajf gfaliBeai lluttgrioa rai tho Heart. yPots tbfbrogto ' ayea, Yellow-6kiflr Headache generally over th right eye, geatleaaneaa'at 9g with fitful bVeams,' highly colored IJrlnii " U THESE WAEHINGS AEE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WH.L SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTT'S suaK n change pf feoUnS as to astordatt hufTerr. .7 j ) TUTT'S PILLS are cosnpoa sided frm anbatavaea that are free from any properties that can Injure ike most delicate realization. Tley Search, Cleanse, Parity, and InTiorate the entire Kystem. By relieving the en corced Itlrer, they cleanse the bleed t reat psJoashu soars, and thus Inipart -health andTitatity t the biy, eaasinx the barrels Hi act -toarnrstlly. without which ae eue can feel well. A Noted Divine says : Dr. TTJTT: Dear Sir: For ten years I have been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Lnst Spring your Pills wore recommended to msi -I nsed them (bat with little faith. I am now a Well man, hava food appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools. Biles gone, and I have gained forty pounds no! id flesh. Tb?i are worth their weight in gold. Kit. B. L. 81MPSOX, Looi.Ti'.Ia. Ky. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect ii to Increase the Appetl ff and canse the body to Take on Flcxh, tlm e system is nourished, and by their Tonic Ac tion on the DigestiTe Organs. Ueguiar (Stools are produced. DR. J, F. HAYWOOD OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- " Few diMaaea exist that cannot be relieved by re. storing' the IiTer to its normal functions, and for this purpose no remedy ht ettr been invented that has as happy an effect as TUTTS PILLS." SOLD EVE8YWHERE, PRICE p. CENTS. Offlc 35 MiW.tret 14 Ysrk. XT Dr. TTJTTS MANUAL of Valuable Infor mation and Useful Receipts? will bemtiledrM on application. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gmjkt Haib Ob WKlsriBS chanred to a Gloss? Black by a single application of this Dyk- i Jt im parts a Hatnntl Ooior, ats itawrsnsnnsly, aad-ia as Harmless ss sprat water. Sold by Prosaists, or sent by exoreea aa receipt tt $1 t OfRct, 35 Murray St., New York. awl-li. ' . ; THE GENUINE DR. C MoLANE'S Celebrated American WORIVTSPECIFIC . 'or VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. T'HE countenance is pale and lead- 1 en-colored, with, occasional flushes, ! or a circumscribed spot on one or both i cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils . dilate . an zure. t semicircle ; runs along1 the lower ; eye-lid"; the nose is irritated, swells, dnd sometimes bleeds ; -a swelling- occasional-, headuie,wilj: humming or fhrobbing'df the ears fan unusual secretion of saliva slimy or furred tongue; breath very; foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach j pcpasiqhalnatisea and vom- i iting ;, yioiea paihs throughout , the abdomen - bowels irregular, iat, times 1 costive ; stooy siimy,- not unfreguent Iy tinged ;vjth.! blood i , belly j sollen ' and hard; urine turbid ;: respiration ' bcWsiohalijr' difficult,' :and' jlccompa- nied by hiccough ; cough sometimes ! dry and tbhvuls.ive f;jLineasyand; dis- teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable. & ; - ' .!rrWReiiever 'the above symptoms are lound to,xist, a cure. IT DOES NOt',;CQJAIS MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the ptost tender infant. The genuine 'Dr. McLane's Vermifuge- bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. , , :o: DR, C. McLANFS LIVER PILLS' ' are not recommended as a remedy"for -aH-the-rlls-flt flesh ig heir to," bnt in Cotoarnrht llsoJosi ,; anovin all liilians sihiktiA ?ilr Hmi)?" -acherOT -diseases of that characterr4hey t' :t fattdwithout a rival. i.'. .'i;A AGUE AND FEVER. rNo better cathartic can M used prepare tors to. or afr falrinir Hitinin ! .si'lt ' ' -l:t As a simple , purgative they are un equaled. ' ; - 7 BEWARE OF IMITATIOK8. The gennine are never sugar coated. Each h6x(hi; trel6r ht lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's f tachjwrapper bears the signatures of -C. McLane and Fleming Bros. y U i8'1 nPn having the genuine Dr. ! V; McLane's Liver Pil1s, prepared by . Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the Siarket?b.eing J.U f' imitations, of the -e name McLane, spelled differently bui t same pronunciation.... .. , fELEGTRIO BELTS; ear ShSS?f01 pervoudeWllty, premature de K. voauiam street, N. Y. 9r n tti rv m 1 1 Bin x nils 1 Wti1 - - NEW GOODS 1 17r..)T U K i4ka for Baooa, Com, Susav Coffee, . Ho .MMnTttH. A tmmm hl. of P . T?nmtlwm JTmtmmt iKsi.-.i r,v,,. ' v. ...; BEST BTE-WHISXKY. tt 'yxt.i tot or wry .rutnia..a wou. deHvered the ettr iree'orcnarge. W,H l-HIMMiailtHK. v. Tmda 8treet Next door below ft Black's old stand. ap ib. Caesar tad 'luY taff were crossing an arm tT.t 1 of the. Red Sea and the wafnypgejrand, to be rising, UuU. gallant' rarhinander ;chedEed hi? own prancing steed and ordered fits Officers to W dlate hi search of the shallow waters. The one that found: hhusell itt swlinmlng water was as much in his lin&of daty'as ha who found the high est shoaL but tt was to , the position of the latter that all soon flocked for protection from the swell In? tide. So, when the municipal year Is drawing ; " f to a close and the efficient Mayor is looking around tor a worthy citizen to wear his months, he certaln- ' , . .n .:-':r'i ly expects the members of the mercantile fraterhl- ty to be vigilant in selecting a'good stock of FAMILY G R O C E R I 1?VS " AND SUPPLIES, So that every family can be supplied without pfty- ' ...... ing exorbitant prices; wherefore, - F. B. Alexander C, not a member of which firm haaevej? offered or Had hls-namr mentioned tn cpnnecUcirwtth the mayoralty, looked to the Valley of Tirginia for choice - WHITE MEAL, ..V. -v.:. to the best North Carolina Mills for fine Family FLOUR, to their Mountain Store for Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Horns, etc, and to Headq.uarters for Coffee, Sugar, Lard, ettL, and have found on Trade Street a high shoal where ererr buyer may ee and save himself from the dangers of tha swelling tide In prices. Charlotte, N. C, April 17, 1879. PtOUE. FLOUR. 200 BARRELS WHITE ROSE, ASSORTED SACKS. 500 BARRELS 500 BARRELS MAGNOLIA, ASSORTED SACKS. ASSORTED SACKS. f 100 BARRELS OUR CELEBRATED FREE SAMPLE PACKAGES TO FAMILIES. CALL AND SEE IT, TRY IT AND THEN YOU : . WLL BUT IT. R. M.MILLER & SONS . i aprQ JUS TIN AT LeBOY DAVIDSON'S, Fine Oranges bod Lemons, Coeoamrts, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, choice Candies. Don't faii to call and get toe largest piece of Soap and the beat Soap, for &&, in town. , ' JUST IN, JMlhtsrtn 1 f-Also Frellch Mustard dafauMrieo Fruits; such as peaones. .nam CAieai? Marrow is. V - - ce mmwxmm?& s Call-on LefeOY DAVITJB&f. 1 CREAM CHEESE, MACCARONI. Every one admits mine the best stock of GROCERIES In town. Anything you want at 'MS DAVIDSON'S.1 Jlfi.'H-iUmi ... .-.rr -fi,; '-, -M i-: r.n til b - B9SDM to try thOSC . i iu .JWUa)SOB MANOR f'"n... ll.rif ir'MH til UiU'if PICKLES, Pot tip ia FmJeticlttbwg, Vau and .pronounced uieniaisnrtsiaiD .uunoiia. 1 nan auunai f : Pickle, v 'juaot 8uganv Coffees (roasted and groona 10 oruer -ana raw.; Bacon, uams, j tour, JtCi, & ' ifi. V.ViMi-li'-.-I '-:, T" - ' -: ?r- - ? ; ji ' r LeBOY DAVIDSON. "A GREEN HOUSE AND i " ' S E EDS TO RE AT YOUR POST OFFICE, it. . it ; ! ' j i Also a fine All good WtWl n i fist. MSB 1 . xts. 6anhef ri r. kUiOxnY otsat es. w v&nd' .abdr gef mr 'catalogue 6f choice Green' HOTseandBeddlngPlaDts.- : ,7e aan send plants through the mall to any part of the country. - -r.-'c iix,,?-., " "-' ' C. B.'FAIRCHrLD, . r . U.-I.A. Seedsman and Florist, '. March 28-2ir. .. . . Raleigh, N?C. Tin itei .fen-ih SrinA tiir in fttMt 9hktn irtnofrsf Newspaper with mueh -valuabl lnfomwtioa free.' iNew iPinnosi9l2&4lS5 -aatt owapda-ojtw Or- Komnwoa i vi Bunt-w wuie dm neiore buying elsewhere. Beware of Imitators. Address,' DANIEL 9. BEATTY; Washington, N. J.' AfiENTS WANTED for the best and fastest . selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. -Prices reduced 88 per cent National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J -' f 5 A GENTS WANTED for Smith's Bible DlcUona A ry and Holman's new . pidroRLB Prices reduced. Jircnlars free. A. J. HOLMAN 4CQ4jPhiladelpliia,,u wJ .... , Parson's PutliaOve Pffls make new 'Rich Blood. and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be re stored to sound health; if such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. X S. JOHNSON 4 CO., Bangor, Me. BENSON'S CAPCENE . POROUS PLASTER - a i.i.n .i-;- i ' '. r.! : ; ! ' ' ;f :- 1 ' There is n doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous piasters and other external remedies, such as liniments, electrical ap pManoes. Ac.. . Ask physiciansLiB your own locality aoouvn, 11 is wonaernu. aoia by au in tnee as cents. apsiw TpOR SALE. V e- Boiugeblse and Minion type on which this Saperwas lately printed.' It was made- by the old Dhnson- type foundry, of Philadelphia, atuL was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because It became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good uervlce for several years to come. It will be sold la- lots to sui pur chasers, and in fonts of 50 to l,0001bs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte. N. C. "yyELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ? Any person desiring h purchase a wen Improved Oty Lot, House with nine roomsv and modem ixm venieneenV finewell of-water, brick kltehen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at - dec!8 ; - THIS OFFICE, jOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL RSVENUE, . 1 Collector's Office, tith District North Carolina, V StatesyOIe, N. C, April 3d, 1879.. ) Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, on April 2d, 1879: Two Mules. One Wagon and Harness and 24 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of T. M. Morris. Notice Is hereby givenjo the owner or claimants of the above described properly to appear before meat my office In -Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from, date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. 3. J. MOTT, J. G. Yoroo; Collector. ' "Deputy. apr-4 8t lnSOays JOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, i Collector's Office, th District North Carolina, V StatesvUle, N. C. April 2nd, 1879. ) Seized for vlolaCon of - Internal Revenue, Laws,' on April 1st, 1879: xS boxes Tobacco, 1 owner uu- 9- a boxes fDbacoo,,;Uie property ot is. Fos ten 2,1 me property l K. Ja.aoney; one half bariel ef Whtefceyi owner unknown. Notice is nerebygtvea to-the wnetor claimants of the above deecrtbed propertS; to -appear before meat my office te StatesviUe.Taast make- claim thereto before the expiration of thirty -days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J, MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. apr2 8t lnSOdys FAMILY MEAL. 3 Car Loads 1,320 Bushels CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Just received. R. M. MILLER SONS. ap5 rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES In the!ctty, at an30 LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. IF YOU WISH to engage In an honest, genteel business, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to RANDOLPH & CO., fcb4w4t 107, 4th av.. N. Y. B LACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by LeROY DAVIDSON. yanSO - . . AROMATIC VOOTH-VAS TEETH. GUMSBREATH NO MORE IJheumitis yj OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC s A L I C Y L I C SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the ': EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OT PARTS AND tXUTAQ. Immediate relief warranted. JermaneBt cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe- and" Anc . becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy tm both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases wlthinihree days. Secret-The only dlssoiver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists In tne 31oodof Rheumatic and Gouty Patlebts; $1,60 a box 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent to any address on- receipt ef price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by ail druggists.' Ad dre8S. "f 'lm- W WASHBURNEOOk, ,nov7 CfaipOter8Depot!.28ailt-st;N7l. For sato by i. H. McADEN Druggists, feb!8 ly. --:i Charlotte, N. C. 'J'HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ' THTBTT-rOTJETH TXAB. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. Only 93.20 a year, including Weekly. 69 .nuuBers a year, book pages. r The 8ommFic Asxbica Is large flrst-ctass Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed lathe most beautiful style, profusely1 lHustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in- v vuuvm ouu WO UlVDs ICUOUI sUTUtCOS in uff? nryff hod Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, worticulture, the Home, 1 jieaicju rrogress, epciai bcienoe. Natural History. usuiugj.uHvuvui;. itw muss vsuuame pracBcai papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Kcientinet American. 1nwl IKS 4n iA onm ttl OA waaw .tnw eludes postage. . Discount to agent. ; Hingieeobles. Swl MW mm ,M m.mmm A- m M S T T"T mT - A mmm mk AmAriran MACflra Vfnnn A fiAliatfA American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 yean experience, and now have the largest establish ment In the world.' Patents are obtained oa the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scien tific American, of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee, By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the newpatent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. -1 1 1 5 . m Any person who has made, a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Wo also send free our hand book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, - and how procured, with hints Kr procuring advances on inventions. . Address lor the paper, or concerning patents. , i - rJP114 87 Park Row New York. Firl 1 1 W 1 attVA IVdlriTf I ME ILTmA WW JOB'JJlllNTING. - ; f .' t . , - BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER, FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with, the publication of Tbe Ob serves, and theestabllshment of one of the4 larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB' PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has hist added a com plete BOOK ' BINDERY AND Ruling Bepartment, ; Capable of executing the very best class of work at shcrt notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at vefy low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, -And work of tills class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here tn as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it is possible to make It LETTERIHE ADS4I I Statements, , Order Books, Visiting Cards, BalMJards, Pamphlets. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Cheeks, Labels' BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, V Business Cards, . - . Programmes - ... Magistrates and , ( Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice. Special attention given to Railroad Printing.' : Having a larger supply of type than most Job establishments,- BOOK WORK has been and will continue to tea specialty with us.' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 4 Address- Rt). Box 182. o s Ada lis. (WW CDTIH CfTTT- TT nn K "Sr1. itJiaiKDY for Goitre, Conwmpttenti BronchtttsV Nr pebillty, and-sXdiseartel Impure condition of the blood. 8,1 'The'' media of this valuable preparation nrn an anil knnnm n - ,K"iurBiion S,t Ta"":?Z Fl? o"ee te llonmnl nf tha naAaooifv nit . . '"! CerUflcates can be presented from m. leading Physicians, Ministers and heal 0f families throughout the 8outh, endorsw f Ue highest terms the Fluid Extract o7 K wlj)N CARE, of Baltimore, gars " w cwruiaia'ana nth er diseases with much satisfaction." DR. T. C. PUGH, of BalUmore, recom ' mends it to all persons sufleringwithat" eased blood saying it is superior to an preparation he has ever used. REV. D1RNRV R1T.T. nt, ni M. E. Conference South, says be has been Z much benefitted by its use that he cheerfulk recommends it to aU his friends and a quaintances. CRANEN Jk Ofl. rv-iKwi.it. t n ville, Va., say it never has failed to jrive i l8faction. 8 Ml" Tennessee, says it cured him oi Rheuin tism when all else tailed neum- Rosndalls Is not a secret quack prenara Hon; its ingredients are published onevm package. how it to your nhrsiclan and he will tell you it is composed of the shoneAi alteratives that exist, and is an exeeHent blood purifier. Did our space admit "we could give you testimonials from evenitfltl in the South and from persons known to ev ery man, woman and child, either personal ly or by reputation. Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAX 4 C O.. 8 College Place, 1 NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. WRI8TON 4 CO.. Druggists feblBlw' f rlotte.N.c SMITH'S WORMOIL. Athkns, Ga, December 8, 1878 A few nights since I gave my son one dose of tlie1 Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to mi little girl, four years old, and she passed elghty-slx worms from four to fifteen inches long. W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists generally. Pre pared by K a LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 25 cents. - ' feb21d&wly. Is a perfect Blood Pcbifibb, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cubes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves tbe agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. j " fio78 Date, Nov. 10, 18. No. 2 No. 4 Dally ;Daily , Daily ex.Suu. Leave Charlotte, 8.45 am 6.55 pm " Greensboro, 8.20 am f 410pm " Raleigh, 3 00 pm 5.80 am) Arrive Goldsboro, 5.25 pm a80 a J j No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. lot all points ia Western' North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with B. t. R. R. for all points North, East and West.' . At .Goldsboro with W. A W. R. R. for WUmington. No. 4-Connects at JBreensboro with R. & D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex Sun, Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 1 Dally. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, i 9.50 a m 1 5.85 p m " Raleigh, 3.50 pm " Greensboro 1 8.28 pm 1 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 100 a m 5.80 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, CMc A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. & C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east. ' Na 8-Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. R. daily except Sonday. 'At Air-Llae Jonction with A. fc C. A. L. for all points Southland South-west At Charlotte with C, C. 41 Railroad for all points South and South-west . : .8AUOC BRAKCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m 1 Arrive Salem, " " " 10.60 p m Leave Salem, ' 6.46 am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45 a m - Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. A D. andN. C. BaUroada. .. . i SUEEPDCO. CABS TTTHOCT CHANGE Run both; ways on . Trains -Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atjanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte; ami both Ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta, ..j.. ThroughTickets on sale at Greensboro, Bmelgh, Goldsboro, Sallsbdrr" 'antf -Chariotte, and at all principal points Seatkj eouth-WesV west, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address . J. R. MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 . Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Charlotte, Cocxtmbia and Atoobta r. R., ' CounaHA,S.C.,Dee.27, 187H On and after Sunday, Dec' 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule wlB be run over thl roeAWashlngton:time,): r NIGHT EE PRESS. ' Gorae Soots, Na 1. Leave Charlotte, ...-.'.f:. ..: ..'. ..: . Arrive Columbia, 4. Leave Columbia :., Arrive Augusta. V . ' It .! . Gome Nobth, No. 2. Leave Augusta.!... Arrive Columbia. Leave Columbia,. Arrive Charlotte,. V DAY PASSENGER. . AS fvw-Qoan Sooth, Na 3. Leave Charlotte..... Arrive Columbia ' Leave Columbia Arrive Augusta.......... GoiKO Nobth, Na 4. Leave Augusta. . IwIm tfVinmhlil . 1 00 A. H . 0 00 A. afc . 6 05 A.M .10 00 A.l 5 55 P. 10 00 P. . 10 10 P. M. 8 10 A. at. 11 27 AM, . 4 10 P. . 4 15 P. t, . 8 30 p. m, . 9 08 a. f . 1 '20 e. m T mau nilnmkla I HO P. Arrive Charlotte...... JO p These train stop only at Fort MUL Rock H11U Chester, Wlnnsboro, Ridge way, Leesvilte, Bates burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte vlUe. , AU other stations will be recognized as Bag stations. - -5-;i - ; Mra. Pullman Palacy Bleeping and drawing-room oar on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also 011 Nos. 8 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Bleu mond & Georgia Central Railroad. i ft-Tj D. KLLNE. Superintendent t JxOc B. MacMpbdo, G. P. Agent. ee29 . " THE OBSERVER, ' v - Charlotte, N. C.

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