f- i- r RIDAV'A PHIL 25, 1819. LOCAL IJiTELLIGENCEi 1 1 i BAILBOAD DIBICTQBI ?fj . . - - ' - -V - -f Th following table showsthe running of passed The.'vrivi fmm Charlotte, on all tha rail So, (Washington Ume) i -i BlcmiOHV DAM TILL. r-f 4 . fmm Richmond and Goldsboro, f 1.00 a. A" I tar " r" s- i 8.204.lB. KXm Richmond,.. . -.-......10.50 . m. leaves for ' . . j 6.45 p.m. ATLAHTA 'cHABLOTTB AXB-UXB, t. Jf' .rrises from AUanta,. ....... 8.20 a.im' f JJwS tor Atlanta, - -f 1.05 a. m. VS2ves from AUanta, i 6.50 p. m. ffis for Atlanta, ,.,,,...,.,,10.60 a. m. COLUMBIA ADOOSTA. f irrivesfrom Augusta fiavesfor Augusta, K3 from Augusta, "lives for Augusta:, CAJtOLINA CENTRAL. .rrlvesfroni Wilmington,. ....... . investor Wllm ngton.... .drives from Shelby feaves for Shelby ... 8.10 to. n, 1.00 a. m. 6.30 a. m. 11.27! a. m. . i ;; 'J ,: ?-. , 7.294); -m. 6.00 a.m. 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a.m. ATLAXTIO, TKNNK88KK OHIO. .rrt,es from Statesville,.. reaves tortftatesvllle 5.80 p. m. 7.00 a. m rHAKLO ITK POST OFFICE. OFFIO HOURS. OPENS. ,i ...pv order Department, l.fl.00 a. m.; Wry Department. v -. . . ..00 a. CUBES.- 5.00 p.m. 5.00 p. m. n.uu p. ro. &45p.m. lien " ' " H.HO 8.80D. r--On Sundays th General DellTery and Stamp ..ITrtment will be open Irom 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 jliirtnient ;i. HI- OPKKIMG AND CUHEK8 OF MAILS, i urina. uuueusw 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p. m. 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. ra. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. 5.80 D. m. 6.00 a. m. Di.nville & Charlotte B.K, Charlotte & Atlanta R. R., & Augusta E. B., wiim'n Charlotte B. R., thirotteAhelbyR... - Beattle's Ford, (horse route.) Mondays at - no i) m., and Tuesdays at 8.UO a. m. tr-' Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 ,lIld Fridays at 7.00 S, P. M. 5 INDICATIONS. War Department; i Okkk e Chief Signal Officer,: v Washington, April 24, 730 p. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, falling liiiometer, northeast to southeast winds, -rt'sitionery to higher temperature, partly i-loiuly weather, possibly followed by locitl r;tiii3. l,ocal Ileporl lor Yesietday. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer Thermometer....... Relative Humidity, lVInd Direction,.. " Telocity Weather 30.275 30.205130.196 71 I 62 87 ? j 51 7 11 4 Hazy.! Hazy. 69 54 N. K 12 Hazy. chest temperature 88 deg.; lowest 58. HI; mdrx to New Aarertlee loliil Brookfteld Crockery, c IIOTIE PENClL-iNCS. Tliceiman to-night will be given in Die Central Hotel dining room. Messrs. Brookfield & Co have a grand niienins of their new stock of china to ilav tomorrow and Monday. The at tention of the ladies is especially invit ed. Their advertisement furnishes par ticulars. , The pupils of the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies will give an enter tainment this evening in the chapel for t lie benefit of the patrons and friends of the school. The exercises will begin at s o'clock. ;;' .1 Judge Kerr telegraphed the sheriff of fiaston county, yesterday, that s his physician would not consent to nw at tempting to hold the Superiot Court of that f minrv. which should begin next Monday. ; ' i The Very Firtit. The first watermelon seen in this re gion since last silmmer arrived yester day. It was sent to Mr. X W. Miller by his brother Mr. R. E. Miller, who.is now in Charleston. It is doubtfwl if there was ever a watermelon seen 'in Char lotte before as early as the 24th of April. The melon in question weighs about twenty pounds and appears to be per fectly ripe. "f ; A Leg- Broken. i A n m ntv hp.ftr keff on which Mr. J no. D. Robei-teTvas sitting, on Muntzlert drav. vesterdav afternoon, tilted near t he corner of Tryon and Fourth streets and threw him off the wagon. One of his lees caueht in the wheels and was limken lipt.wppn the ankle and the knee. He was carried into Burwell& Springs' and the broken limb was set by ur, Miller. ! Arrangenientu for the 30tk A wpoir fi-nm tn-morrow the' eeneral committee of arrangements for the 20th of Mav celebration will meet in the court house to hear reports from the siih-rnmmir.tpes and attend to such de tails as have not yet been completed. It is especially desirable that the finance committee be readv to make their re port at that time, and with this View the members thereof in town and coun lry should exert themselves to raise the requisite funds. All reports must be inade to Capt. T. L. Vail, in the city, by Saturday morning. A Uateful MUwion. ' Mr. J. X. Hunter, a well known citi zen of the nnner nart of the county, hav ing been advised to travel for his health will soon begin the canvass of the coun tv for the sale of "Our Home Physician,' by Dr. Geo. M. Beard, of New .York, a work well known, and crreatiT esteemea by those who have used it; containing lull instructions m the art of preserv ing: the health, with plain, practical ad vice for all medical and surgical emer gencies of the familv. The book is a very useful one and. is highly recom mended by the medical profession. We trust that Mr. Hunter will meet .with success in his undertaking.' : ' Memorial Day. ' e Tlie Ladies' Memorial Associotion have invited Col. J. P. Thomas, of the Caro lina Military Institute, to deliver the 'memorial address on theflOth, and the invitation has been accepted. The selec tion is an fllmirahle one in every re- twct. and Charlotteans niav and do ex pect an elocruent1 and tasteful address from Col. Thomas. The ceremonies on the occasion will be of the usual char- apter. Rv. "R. H. Hardinar will conduct the. velirrinna vorcipa i Thft remainder of the programme will be announced at a later day, but in . sufficient time for all necessary Drenaration rfdr the interest ing occasion, r li " ' ' JVeiv Rules of the Supreme Court. The. RnnvAmft Court before adjourn ment adopted some modifications of the rules covp.rnincr the practice therein, which are-of special; interest to lawyers. The districts are to be called in their numerical orrleir and one week is- to be given to each district The first dis trict is, however, not to be called till Wednesdav of the first week. . Monday and Tuesdav of that week ; are to be given to the examination of applicants ior lie.enP. nrapr.tae' law. The call of ases at th nd nf the idocket will be gin with thei tpfnt.lt week.- "Anneals from Muv district, not docketed before the end of the week set apart for such district will go over to the next term and not, as now, to the end of the docket, i i m ; i : We do tint. helfovA Tn tnftdlrfnn for children, but we do believe in Dr. Boll's Baby Syrup and assert xhat no family should be without it ; - . haVftf twcrr tnsLlA wif fi me Unarlotte. Columbia and Arnmst. Hal ad by which the Hornets' Kest ! Kitleraen secure th use, of a special car toearry themftd (tolumbUoatfctflSth, the car to be attached to the regular train 'which- leaves at 1 a. m, and re alms the following morning at 3.15 lae company are allowed to carry as many of their friends as the car will hold,- $ntj. -Jtber prieef a MckeKfor eachipftssemreifwill be S2 fotftiitf rohhd trip. The Hornets Nest Riflemen will be the o.ily visiting company from another State on the occasion, the Clinch Rifles, of Augusta, being unable to attend since the date was changed from the 10th comeiatrxjf mi t Among: the Firemen. There will be a joint inspection and parade of the fire department next Monday afternoon. The inspection was to have taken place several weeks ago, but was prevented by afire bie)i broke out just as the companies were "prepar ing to appear on the streets. The time for the annual elections is near at hand. Delegates from the dif ferent companies will meet in the hall of the Independents and elect a chief on Monday nigUt4 the 2Sth. ( Friday the 2d proximo, the Hornets elect officers tor the ensuing year ; the Pioneers elect. luestfay, the 6th, and the Independents Wednesday, the 7th. None of thASA elections can be anticipated, excent that of chief of the department who will be F. Harrison. Esq Tlie Concord cornet band, which tjh Pioneer fire company has engaged for the 20th of May will come over in their band wagon with four horses and six teen members, and will blow themselves into the city on the nieht of the 19th about 9 o'clockT, "At 'least Htbis is fth? present programmed i i Ciw W Runaway Accident. One side of the shafts dronud from its fastenings to a buggy in" which Mr.' Ernest Young and Miss Youmans, the latter from Columbia, were riding yes terday aftemootiji tear - Maj W. W. Flemmingl on 2 east JTrade Utreet. The accident frichtened the horse. which plunged forward with such force as to throw the young lady out into the street Mr. Young, seeing the danger in which he was .placed by theincreas lng speed of the animal; and tiny condi tion of the shafts, endeavored to jump from the buggy, but his body caught in we mica aim m ieet uecame intanglea in the wheels, and in this wav he was dragged some distance before he could extricate himself. The horse dashed off at an increased speed, as soon as he was entirely loosed, and a few hundred yards beyond the palce where the ac cident occurred, the buggy was broken to pieces. Several persons witnessed the accident and fan to their assistance. Miss Youmans escaped with a few slight bruises, but Mr. Young was nght severely hurt and had to be conveyed home in a carriage. No bones were broken, but it is feared that he has sus tained serious injuries, and will be con- nned to his bed tor some time. An Appeal from WaJterboro, S. C. Publication has already been made in these columns of the fact that more ban half of the town of Walterboro. S. C, was laid waste by a cyclone one day last week. Not only were a ma jority of the people rendered homeless by the tornado, but in many instances their provisions and clothing were borne away on the wings of the wind and thus the owners were left desti tute.' A relief committee, in view of this lamentable state of things, has been organized and appeals to the pub lic for aid. A circular on the subject has been sent to Dr. F. H. Glover, of this city, formerly a citizen of Wal terboro, and in addition to: this he is in receipt of a letter from his brother, Mr. Joseph E. Glover, of the afflicted town, representing the needy condition ot trie people, and urging him to apply to the people of Charlotte for means for their relief. Any charity exercised in this direction will.be worthily bestowed, and we are authorized to say that Dr. Glover will take charge of and forward any contri butions which our generous people may see ht to plac in his hands. A Very Grave Charge. Annie Johnston, a colored female, made amdavit before J ustice Davidso: yesterday that about 1 o clock in tl day she was assaulted by a white mai named Carrell, who attempted to col mit an outrage upon ner person. rell was accordingly arrested brought before the court, when nied the charge from beginning The woman testified that the assault was made in Carrell s own house, he having first induced her to enter it un der the pretense that his wife, whom she had come to see, was in one of the rooms, whereas there was no one in the house at all. When she entered he closed the doors. She finally succeeded in escaping but not until her screams had attracted the .attention of some of the neighbors. Carrell's wife was sent for and made a statement before the court to the effect that she had that mornine been compelled to leave home band: She alsif ormed the magistrate that if he would remove Carrell's cloth ha orrt'iilH wmnva Parrel I a ninth- ing he would find a wound in his back which was inflicted with a gun while he was attempting a similar outrage be fore he came to Charlotte. The magistrate decided that Carrell should be bound over to appear at the next term of the Superior Court to an swer to the charge of assault with in tent to rape. Being unable to give the required bond he was committed to jail to await trial. 1 1 r Gen. Yoang Alto Suggettted Again. To the Editor of The Observer: ' As thejnvention to nominate a can didate for mayor is near at nana ana the good name of our city depenas on our selection, let us in good faith work together for our common good. Many names have Deen suggesiea anu several very worthy men have announced them - selves canaiaates out iet u, iswu and true citizens, who feel a deep inter est in the future welfare of our grow- iug cityi cohjef Thonar $n wnom nonor is due' ahd that maif is4 nd Vther than our tried and true mena, uen. jno. A. Ynnnar. He has been intimately - asso- fiatpid with us all his life, has used both his means and energy f or the i?ood of our town, ana- aas w w i io proved himself faithless to any irusi, and to such a man we can safely entrust the future of our prosperous city ana feel assured that its integrity will be maintained. Many citizens. ;j Wrenched aid Backed . ' By the pangs of rheumatism, the Joints eventually become grievously distorted, and sometimes game an almost .grotesque deformity. . To prevent such results by a simple and agreeame means is certainly the part of wisdom. A tendency to rheu-. made ailments may be successroiiy comuwu with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine with th nnestlee of a long and career, or. onr; bounded popularity, ana vj. euiiim.v i-i- m. Tt .nn. fwm tha Wnnil thnm IB- enflorsemeut. j.i reiuu, uvm flammaiory mzv.w -wwon, pauio as the cause ' rtn Mf a mirrant. fertilizing Its sources Dlgesaon,- tne,, acooa oi w bowels and the secretion of the bile, are aided by It and it Impels tfte gianeys ana uuuum lar and active performanoa pf their functions.; It is besides a thoroughly reuaoie rsmeoy wr, au. means of preventing, periodic fevers." .&3 aprl6 lw . T)r. Murphv McLean, of Robeson, wss thrown from his buggy, his horse run. ning away, and had an arm woken, : ' iirojtwyho three churches, (? M-, , V f Grass growing around .Greensbprq is a great success. t I f 1,i J a great success i I ic i f lxi I 1 1 CoL Polkis to address the people fit Jj jieaveiana on the z4tn ol Jiay vi .. The Raleiffh and Gaston Railroad has received a largeiedg Thursday .38,600? in pld,bcads-were-f sent in to, ttemwtrtr.iorexj- cnange. Hv..ir -st 4f.MTjt .-ivi'tu: tawMi A Guilford county Jiurseryman:th!hks: 1 that Ihpt-fl -will : be a .foarth'ofa-T)eachii ipnn - va it immi'MlHsii r. jlL mt- t Ladies fcnd ge'rjtlemeh InSTViMirigtfir engage in a Dig f dx httnlf to-morroSv morning. a.- .. Hanmfy 'sw.uvt ri A. complimentary concert win oe giv- i en ME&i.U Jtafcnveiierci at an paunaa; AA,Vlf UIM, ja,- LruUrW 1 lecthredttefOrt 'the-HJsterii entific Soeiet in Wilmington. lat night, Offine-universny.-i mtn. ittt-uptmn-mm i The floating drefe in course ot ereOr tion in Wilmington 'will be 70 feet wide and 280 feet long. ' . . ; " " '.Vr Col. Junius I. Scales, of Greensboro, will deliver the 'memorial address at Winston.' Judere Cloud is' Judge Cloud, is establishing a"1 sort oT zoolosrical earden la t Winston, lie ue- gari on stuffed hirds whifl' he collected1 wnue in jt loiiaa tins winter Nat Boyderi' was recbmmitM tp;. jafl. in ant)ury-y- uge-fcenonoK on nve indictments. Ha isjAlseharged with a Mr. Walter H. Page, of Wakewufttyj is on the staff of . thBew Southern in- 4ependeBtXeiiiocrflB, p&peti ;Jn 2Je, ( Ajouisville, J4.y. Mr. Robert Mi Pur man. "of the Ashe- ville Citizen, has been -appointed clerk to Geh. Ransom's Senate committee pit. railroads. . - The Shelby Aurora says there have been something over 5,000 chattel mortj gages given in vicaveianu couuty bumjc the 1st of January, 1879. 1 " The Odd Fellows of Greensboro: will celebrate their 60th anniversary km the 26th. Jno, N. Staples and I M, Sqotfe :n j .i i . ; ' ' wiu uo tne speaKing,- ' t :.innx -The Oreensbore4aW"6ehool is inareaa ing rapidly. " There: are. some .fourteen students in attendance ri6w,Jwitir the probabilities of double that number next session Tha Star understands that the crav- ernment works at New Inlet, .supposed some days ago to have been injured by the washing of recent heavy,. Winds, have really been greatly improved. 1 Cleaveland county has produced a man who went to school two days.' The first day he turned back before he reach ed the school nouse ana tne next aay the teacher failed to come. .i',. A man named Ledf ord, who died Cleaveland county on the 21st, had been subiect to fits, and as a preventive against these had been wearing around his neck a strand . of : the rope .with which a negro had been hung. ' Miss Emma Hahr, Of Greensboro, as sisted dv several voung ladies of tsaiem and Winston, gave a concert in the last named place this weeK, wmcn' is .'.yery highly spoken of. -.riY .i i . ; Willie Otey, the well-known Baleigh barber, has been, by-Senator Ransom, offered the foremanship of the United States Senate barber shop, salary &0Op per annum, but declined. An election has been called for the 14th of Mav for the citizens of Mfc Airy township, in Surry countyi to determine whether theyiwjll subscribe 20,000 to the Mt. Airy and ure is.no o rtaiiroau. BishoD E. A.- DeSchweinitz, Rev. E Bondthaller and Revi R. P--Lineback leave Salem for Germany on Thursday to attend the meeting of the General Synod of the Moravian cnurcn, wmcn meets in Herrnut, Saxony, in May. Winston Sentinel : Mr. Appleget, the architect, is here making the plan of the new hotel to be erected by Capt. J. E. Gilmer, of this place. The hotel is to be 120 feet front, five stories high, and will have four store houses under it. Waen jhed it will be the finest building in State. I Winston Sentinel: In consequence of ie fine tobacco seasons, the breaKs in our warehouses during the past week have been larger than at any timesrqce Winston .has been a market. Since the last issue of the Sentinel 400,000 pounds of tobacco have been sold here. Trucking fc the eastern art of ttie RtAt.fi is a crrowinir industry in a donble sense, C Ji Vorhees, the marfager of the Southern Express, reports tnat last week he made contracts for the4elivery in Northern cities oraXWQpusnjasgreeu : i- ; i i . t tT SlMrU&t&Ttt Pim KjrimijPxfeiideni Graybhas tlstlnTfr6DCha ham. we learalyprtging la ftrnrrwsfctni2 -on : thatr feeCXioft ot the Co var rtv T"artkiM -iValtev road Trit fTTk-of n'inee'rBare -abodt four miles from town and are running the experimental lines this way. I n Vntirt Tq m Greensboro Patriot: James Duncan, an insane man who had for some time been confined in jail, hanged hmself in his cell Sunday night. He tore his blanket into strips which h&fastened to the upper part of the door and thusr strangled himself. He had several times attempted his life before, in con sequence of which he was usually kept in chains. Baleigh Observer: The commands of the State Guard are in a general state of advancement, and tippear to be ani jiated just at present. There is a revi val, so to speak,:in military circles, and manv companies, are ..fUling .up. their ranks, perfecting their drill, etc. . This is a cheering sign, showing that , the State may haveno fear pr,any diminu tion of Ler lorces. , ; , Tq.v '., unA Trviiitr 'flxfindine colored. 1 brothers;! andjCitizens of obes'WliM a fiht last sauiraay auorxi a wuuiau The woman got into it and ddrjng its urnorrPilS Jack trot a blow On the head with a stick which, it wasithotigl for awhile, would prove latai, out wokii is nnt. apriWnsi " The Robosonian gives a uno-thv nocouut-of the distBrbaneeT On . J . i 34- T..,il'a 4-rtMTTiaV,lT tne same ua y, iu. ou a i o w , uoiup, joQB McGeachy and ToW Curiie, also nr,inrd. had adiilicultv about a woman John's head was cracked with a stick and he died Sunday, . . , 'Wilmington Stars Od, the arrival of Governor Jarvis a sal ute-waa fired at th6 dpot.:T)y the:,Cape -ear. Light, Ar tilleryrand alarge crowd v?erev assem bled in front of the hotel in expectation a xtruierfi from the? chief executive of the; State, but it' 'was announced by F. .begged to be; eicused fro speaki account 01 excessive; si wwrt,; were invitmmroijnfl.t reaiiirHr oom. where they could -see and shake tlrhis-feeri(inMch .room, l moriTiPT the eveninff was DassetL a A lanner wl eyemug nw tooot,,..-, f --" " ; . .. " ,. ; Thft Plant savs that in. wnrnam last iZ ,?o niahl dnrino- the nrevalenea to?mof rwind andrain tH4 aroused by loud ;cnes for helrx.uThey -nohArt -rtiit.3 into the back -vardy from whence the Series proceeded and found that. AnmA one had fallen, into the well. Thn well was onlv abonti ten'f eet-deep and lucHlv had lratma$iatetin it A colored poy WftS passing' t0th4 to MfhBri ana not kuowiuk ii wou there : walked few bruises, - r in, " He escaped with a. Mr. millet' H'Df j The name of Mr. R." M. Miller is1 rMrtArffnllv nresentedior the consider ation of the forthcoming conventions pfor mayor ancLwui ne supportea oy f 1 Z , many Fbiends. Convention of War No. 1. 1 ftSnffillf lffl5 Meefn' conventioa at tiiei,xuifor!.;OiSco ,MonHj day night next, at 8 o ciock, sharft to nominate candidates for aldermen of said Ward. Citizens. ' niajM (mim CANB1BATKS FOB TIB MATOBALTT. .jrJiijfe hJ Wl ItXm 'XU Hi MMHj Hmk i'-t In tom&teW&W a wfehes of "Manr cm- tens" I win boa candidate for mayor at the ensn- tne Aloanm telfas.aswneiainBO rlmiifiil aim dience to your wUl, I am, with respect, ,,m . ewoDoiBWK servant, . f'Hri Semears CsrrC ftkt FttHs txaawCtnzmmbfaOda brief oav t hacm m einoea to annoanee myseu. ma xuuepenaent uanop date for Oe ofBeaof Bsavar of the etty of Charlotte, at the approaching election tn May. Thoroughly faospendent: I shall not hs la the least lnftaenced y any ring, caocos, or convenooni I shall have no rtendi ssj award nor pemtBS toponlahi. liball hot bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt in an nndihaiHiedwaT-secare oBe; bat 1 pardoolarlT. solicit the deliberate, independent vote. I am in fawof attrics osbnmns and low taxes,.!; Themis no politics in this election, tnereiore i sn&u run the raesito tbesnand takesh cisk, ietthoresuU b what it may. In thus announcing myself, I think ltamneoBssstoieJsbnta make any fartbet statement of principles that may gmde me; bat wUHraiysay that I shaU rer ealUvate a genial. Drotneny spirit with tnose wat i may oeeome asso datedwtth.sjBd permit aacSBelustoa tsmak this pledge: That if honored with a majority of ' your votes Saw ceooqtoeoi rsteotlow, my bet exer tions shall be dtreeted-to a fair, honest and Im partial discharge ol my duties. , i , . Hespecguuy , l"W.aKOBMMT. Charlotte, N.C., Aprfl ,11th, 1879. In resDonse to the tSoUeltatlon. my friends, I have consented to become a cam fortneomce of mayor. jjMjsrcjnWi F.'L OSBOibrsi To the Veure sr the eltj sf Clurfhtte. ' ' At the solicitation of many friends I announce. mytfttfit candidate fortbsiBCBce xtt mayor at the etrtolnTelwloiLrYe;l)e JUrLN JS. UUMYIBt. J'n.';ifii! Wui KirkU. etf.'witia'liaM'a eoodrlithttoheaRli and hap5 niness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long when the remedy is within -yo" reach: Try Brad field's Female Regulator, woman's Best Friend, and you will have your health and- strength fully restored. Call on your druggist for a circular, and see some of the wondepol. cures It has made. mara&.1P-.Li,i i III it De Tea Wait te Enjoy Life? Dath. or what is Worse, tt the InevltaUe nsoM of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition wmcn should not do tnnea witn. Immediate relief feitbeonlJ safeguard against con stitutional ruin. in all cases of uppression, sus pension or other irregularities of the "courses," Dr. i. Bradneld'a Female Regulator is the only sure remedy.1 -' R-actsbr ghrtnr tens to Us snroni oeo- s, improving tne Diooa, ana aeiermmmg airect to tborzahs of meastraaOoa. ItU ataithttate prescription, and the most intelligent doctors use ft 'Ask your druggist for It .j.-i i apraa jm. ' ' 1 ' .I'll ii''HH ! ' ' . , ni Neerleans, March 17th, 1879. The undersfamed certifies that he held for col lection for accoont of 1 Kichoisoa, corner of London and Dinwiddle streets, Portsmouth. Ta,, natiof Tteaet no. 4W,2iv,ismgie numoer, i c.v hi ttra Louisiana sa draw the First Canital Prize of Dollars, On Tuesday, March 11th, 1879; said tteket having cost the sumo (HtedoJUar, at theofneeof the company at Mew Orleans, 'being sent through correspondence addressed to M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Rnx w New OtImhis. Ia. and the amount sras promptly pai oy 4decK,.oa tns Louisiana nation al Bank. On presentation ol tne ncaet at tne omce of the company T. M. WSSCOAT, Agent Bootnern .Express wmimuj, Mew Orleans, Xa. apr22 lw Elevated Railroads. Lines of Staces. Places of Amuaementa. Denots and Steamers all these radiate from? of afel situated iin. the Immediate neighborhood fif lhe Grand' Central Hotel, on Broadway, Mew York, which is now kept on both plana, ins-American z ou or j.uu, ana tnesuro pean plan fl per isay, and upwards. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is conducted oy tne apr29 1W ' ' !. f; the error aod o- cay, will retni South tothi York City. janz 5 6. iJlUST IN s 1 lilt Tl CELEBRATED PHILADELPHIA CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. 'LEMON Y I T CARAMELS. ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBERRY CREAM .u. ,CARA.-ieT.;,.;;,.i . .nNILLA'cB ' CHOCOLATE CREAM CARAMELS. MOLASSES TAFFY. , , CREAM TAFFY. sdnvi '-.WAXNUT ;TAFFY. uir.&tltt .r.-riU.iil') 1 il ' ' . FRESH, PLAINJtND FRENCH CANDIES. bananas, apples, oranges, lemons, yP'.j A ') !.') ' CRACKERS, AND THE BEST 6ClGAB YOU EVER SMOKED. apr20 Having removed hto office to th first Boor over the Traders' National Bank, ean be I3una uiere all hours during the day, and at bis residence cor ner tsevenin -uiu iouegB imicb, . : feb7 bm - rv.. DR. E.;Hv OEEENE rp EN DEES his proressionai services to me peo- J. pie of fia vwuwy. amug a gmuu mdlc, (Alopathic and ate ot doic Homeopathic) quaiinea to practice eaner system-,).,: v enfJoJ--Wi , h wiil.sHlI devote attention esf IC JJI8BASK4, DUt Will &1SO UU- KCilCliU ptwuw. store. BdeiKe on "4.WUegeireeitwrneroi ouiwt. i nnr ! ' 1 aliLa 1 1 1 : i i i "1 f if k j.WWnw2. a gjraom taris, jBTanos, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and IL- H o t n-wi ; i Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, MMi U) -Tutt Gray Stom Every kind of repairs made at once at half prtce- ant warranted pae ysar isvery nma jewelry or Broriietiumngf tjoionng. BHvomatuig auu uat- vanizing made at snort nouoe ana equauy as good Work done for the trade at low Drtoe.- - .thai' ApprenOeewan wtth ymppty good vrao - 1 trrrrcrj BeDaired work uncalled for win be told at the expiration of twelve months for cost or ye pairs aBISo isuffert tent rewons ot routn pe woss sveaKnese catJ1ou?FiO'?SMaTrS edyi avasi useovenw Hoyi aamusion .TTTfrltM RtLl. I Li1iy4. tm mi . .... . . m. w ..l.. , ' I --f- X''A!'l'T-:Kl:N;Eri!i Prof. TTrrtz'a Hmat iSerman Halt' Kestoratfrtr. The best preparaUon tor UwHalr now known. fnauaiiT restores gray but w u iuuunu corny producing a taxorlAHt crowtb, eradicates ktoS and dandrafl, earn aU diseases of tbe scalp, prerents the balz Irom lalllns out aod relieves neuralgia in the bead and beadacbs. - Try sX Prepared br XANTEIKB cou mebmotML Ta , and lor sue w v s , ,P.J.CBSw4 C0., , MnirfMtnie all the standard vaitetlet of LAUNDRY SOAPS, M. Whieh.they offer at lowest prices. TRY OUB DLTJE SOAP. BECKWITH'S AKTI-DYSPEPTIC FfTJA -Thaaa 'irin win triWrrtnt AriA They are ah unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are weed by the most oamvated people In our country, and are extensively used by physicians ih uieirpracBoe. poia oy uraggists generally.' sena for etremar. E. R. BECXWITH, Sole MannfartttP er, Petersbarg, Va , DDBBrfDB8. S.L.& J.C.NIEDLET, ST. LOUIS, Ma, , Say: Coiden's Ltebiss Liquid extract of Beef is a very agreeaMe arocie of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are rea aired, betnsr tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dip theria, Malarial Typhoid fevers, weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed it wiw grew success. , awa ny au druggists. , We will pay Agents a Salary of auo per month knd espenaaB, or attowa large commiaaioB, toaell our bw and wonderful in Mentions. W mm mkmt we am. ftanvle lr Adm8sMAJi Ce, lUcshsU, Kma. A DAY to Agents canvassing for (he HFnrs bids VBrroB." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. YICXXBY. Augusta, Maine. Arjrr a month and expenses guaranteed te 3Bl I Acents. Outfit free Shaw it Co.. Aukus ta, Maine, t.- ADVEBTISXMEMT of 4 lines Inserted one week in 800 newspapers for $10. Send 10c for 100 nan oambhlet. O. P. BO WILL CO.. 10 Spruce street, N. Y. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Faney Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Waie, J. T. BUTLER'S. ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL H0U8K, CALDWELL HOUS E, CALDWELL HOUS Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, a P. CALDWELL. Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers an the conveniences and comforts of a flrstrclass boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be famished with rooms. BATES Per day. transient, $1.25; per week, S&OOl - Regular table, S 13.00; board and room per month, $18-00. ianlO UXtsjcjeUaite0tis. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In Probat.) Yadkin County. f Court. Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of Benjamin panes, aeceaeea, - vs: The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased BOTICK Of FINAL SXTTUUCSNT. It appearing to th satisfaction of the Court that Ljrdla Dimmit, wife of Paton Dimmit, Hannah Felts, wife of John Felts, John Sparks, and Eliza beth Reddlk, wife of John Reddlk, are heirs at law tn this esse and non-residents ot the State, It la therefore on motion mdered bv the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks in Tn Charlotte Obhkkter, notifying said defendants to appear at toe Ulerk's orace in x aajunvuie witn in twentr OATS Brier service or uui dodol ana im them take notice that tl they fall to appear that the same will be taken pro confem ana export as to thorn , Given under my hind and seal of office tn Yad kin vine, this tne lutnaay oi reoroarr, a. u ism ISAAC H. VESTAL, Probate Judge. fi dltwBl D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OVEii L. R WKISTON 4 COS IntFQ STUffiK. With 25 years eximrterice I foanuttee rutlre laull 7 nstactkm . , Hi. C. T. EULHKI80N, Auctioneer. - 11 AXWELL & HABBISOXr -AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . BuyandseUoneonslgninjintall kinds of MEBCHANBISB AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; :...i:i , . : . . ' i. w4. . ii, : - ' - '! - -J- ' Will give strict personal - -j ; . attention to an bustness entrusted to our care. Foot doors above Charlotte HoteL g d.ec lASOLTNA CENTRAL : , YlA WlLMINQTCM, or" i: VA tHEOCGHmiC.HTEOCTI I This' Lias being fun equipped for WWhees, WUmlngton and au Notthem and Eastern Cities to Greenvule, Spstanburg, all Stations .i AUantiv Tennessee It Ohio, As well as points tn Georgia Insurance and Rates gaanuiteed at Low as Informalten furnished r.W.CtlB. . . , Gen. Freight Agent, wTlmlngton. N. G sept80 Svngs and it&itims. jyB. 3. TL He A DEM, druggist aHd canter, Mow offers to the trade a full stock of. Lobin's Extracts and Colognes, ' English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. lECURITY I SECURITY! SECURITY ! 200 Banels"of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE AfcD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. HishestMedal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal OO Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will bum. C West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. w E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to can attention to OUR 8TOCAV -T7 ANCY GOOD Q- J? ANCY GOOD O Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes including some 'novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather English and Pocket Books; also a full stock of American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. B, WBISTON CO. deelS 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. j THE MKT .ft r?fl. $1500 FOR KMtT ffULARS " -'" YHrTESEWlNQ MACH1ME T? T3L A . j . J.. unnj.. K. anmaa Alwi7s caff usf oTbr JrenalmeZBlaik CasHmereT and Black TamiaeC!oths,aU of which wemake a specialty. We keep a magnificent line of Trimming Silks, all colors. We have any thing you want tn tne Button une. IN WHITE GOODS We keep everything, viz; S riss and Moll Muslins, etc., all very cheap.; We have ithe largest stock of Ladles and Misses' Cufoi a Cona to , the etty. O.-der jour Himburz Embroidery and all other TrUnmlngs from us. e have a LINEN AND Figured; ijwels, Sheetings, etc., etc, as low at dir. :T,Aprn21, Tjryrespcctlily, 3fetrjttt Situs. DISPATCH UlTp - : f.l' ' St NORTH CaROLIMA, to all pocrra sodtil offers uneQuaHed facilities for the Transportlon ot Charlotte, Statesville, A&heTille, Butherftmrton on the Atlanta ft Richmond Alr-Llne. and Western N. a Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quiefc upon application to T. T, SMITH, Agent C. a Railway, Charlotte. JpiELD BROS.. WHOLESALE aKO HIT Alt GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PBODUCB Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES. DREED FRUITS, 4a Exclusive Dealers in EAMSOUR & BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ' ALSO, PBOFRtXTORS OF TR CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept in first class style. , ! Terms, Per Day $ 2 00 W Great indneements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. a3TOmnlbu8 and Carriages at every train. .J FIELD BROTHERS .Proprietors. Mr. H. & Wilson t Lady,. . . . ... .Superintendents. Hkhbt Wilfono Clerk. feb9 S2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL II E H E SAVANNAH, GA. ii A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate 82.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Boom. M. L. HARNETT, Feb. ft tf. aerk, late of Planters' Hotel. 'TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C. s. Brown, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, Baleigh. C. S. Brown, J?., Chief Clerk; W. O. Sbelburn Xr ' sistant. dec 80 JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs.' Owirtff to the strtnoancv of tha tlmfl f will In fii- ! tare work very cheap' Will make fine suits for i $10, Casslmere suits for S8. Pants of suits same rates, i guarantee au my wont mo.nt, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced, s . . July 17. . ' " ' M. LICHTSNSTETN. merchant tailor, CHARLOTTE. N. C. 1 . . Begs leave to Inform all those In want of a good suit or parts thereof, they can call and leave their order with him, as he is the best artist cutter and tailor in this section. Should a fttiO suit be too expensive get one at half price, but have it to be artistic stylish and perfect . 1. LI ill"). ..... '-! SOtlMpLE .WAJuMirnT0 : ADDIiES: CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. G O LIS;.' nrattr anA itluun AlflO a niCS Una Of Kid GlOVeB. Kaln and Barred Ndnsooks,lLissalia, Ioaia t iwts, beautiful line of UNION LAWNS,7, any hicss in tt State. Wj receive new goods e? r ft AIEX VSDEB ijt HJ BBIS. flu-

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