4 00 "7llan57 0- r;h ir I.--', ts y'T not.'i"--- ',.'... Month 2 55 "i vi o uv. ir.r WEEKLY EDITION : ,!-. iw county) in advance. ... $2 00 Li CHARLOTTE? : IJift?11 of the ccuntvftixy k v . ... si in w PAMPSLETS, CtBOVLAMJt, GBMOXS. St&'J. . VOL. XX. J I I- SUN UMBRELLAS. T iidles buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas wUl li.id Hip lst assortment at the lowest prices at ft LIAS & COHFT,S. They will Mlw And other goods to suit them upon u lik-li they can ae moneys ur stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Sen (SaSikkl WattftiiW&i We "wish to call special attention to ouf new arrl- WHITE GOQDS, Viz: Linen Cambrics, Linen Lawns, White French Organdies. India Mulls, Midi Muslins, Marcells, Massalla, Linen De Syre, Plain, Plaid and Striped Nainsooks and Victoria Lawns. We lnsltft attention to ous stock ofwissEdzlngs and inserUngB,4ba handsomest eoo)lsh thelny- lien n nl 1 ntuiir A XT O TY1 M lVf fcM(rTlT MIWl en Cuffs and Collars, Laoe Bibs, Lace, Linen and TAnr foil ts iwir a tftMf RoiimtI Tjivnn nnri Or- nil! u tail M tWIW UB VU U&VMVW . gandies. Our stock of Gloves is complete In every lln..i:T.ni9 I.iua ninwi and Mltla In all colors. Harris and Josephine seamless Kids. '' Also a good . . I lTL.kMllila . In ' IIJiU ine new Bvyies oi vne seiisoii. uiuuicum m mus- . 0W complete, among whlcJi ; nan be Iohb a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting ,IU1 Pillow Casings in Linen' and Cotton." Linen w in whtA RmI and Yellow: , V rf.: ru... ham: Begena and SUk. member, we keep the iwylas and Towels In every variety; Car- 1 nan(j80st stock of " ' l is. ltug-i. Mitttlns and Oil Cjoths. -. , . . .1 T ( m mtnmi lu lttlrA (1,11 stock oi KninrwHierj im """6 . . :,, K- ri..Hi.i vtt cheap. So will our stock of ;" ' . ;--. WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES Forsake. '.'if i?7t. (( '" r London Society.l lie sky Is cheerless with clouds of gloom; i irh7hnha am nam and th lesws are shed; The rushes sway to the surging tone m t a nhmini mhnaA TniiHls 'to null BmLBBaai'i ' ti And never a gleam of suwo'efhead, .ana 't-nntt u And never a blade of grass left green; And crysiai iewei au rewii hu bow w nere mouaaaa w-u m t The birds are singing no song joy: ' . win chiu of the winter's breath xlfestroy 'rnA.neni oi sommer wiuuii m wra-tH t ir For comes me toucn oi a ouun uuuicn, XKorlB Cawlilw Watjftf njw)ngreei.v .,,, , IK'. l-eJ K.- .tue- Hcmse last And HANDKERCHIEFS, COR- 1 1 )i . . n i.i ! SETS. FANS AND TIES. . ; i i y. DBESS .GQQPS , lnhrailkit)onrstotSk of Mm1uJsJf.mi nlAfa In Auarahnnoh nnA phpflttfr thJlTfAVpK Third stock of Ladies' Hats Just arrived; also a second lot of Gents' Straw Hats, uon'i iorgei we nave the cheapest stock of Shirts, laundrled and unlaun- I in 4Ln A4-- Ta ciiiM an1 AvamlnA Ail-aflflr of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Charlottesville - Casslmeres, the newest styles out A gooa assort ment ei i. , , . rk'aMnA? iaiAa anil shlvAiinff birds. O stream that has never a song to sing, O fickle swallows who heard Tils words, nail wniayerea ucreaji uc i""' vuis, . u My sighs with you to the South may bring The old, old story of trasfchetrayedi For here I weep, while on wayward wing You flit and flutter hrougjunjma snaae. I see you fly where my love has flown; .naVAfi fnllnm tha ahlmmflri ntr tniAK rkf tnmJiffh amvkful An . a. oa& imrt-SCFOwn With rays that never may lead Mm back For lew and nckie are vows uuu wck. The trutn wax lives m me iar, O love, O Hie, that you migui ! If only to tell me what love - -L . . ' H kiln. JhriflA tl8 u worm a summer ui uiion uitihc, - rr f , . or a thousand Kisses w naze oi uutuwu c Mi) Or a thousana vows imu proclaim you imirc, XI . AAn Ka wit lnrn9 ur a wrong uia ir m. wj w ,""; j t- I.wamvu .hoiUlnn nf laara that hllfirnt Those eyes whose lustre you loved so well? it is- worm tne loss oi a iue ututeui. . To lo,ve too little or love too well? "-:;.. A AAMJntoflll &OAO Q 11 t'AT And HitTI. xnai lOOK at me irom au ouiwa wu - s,j A clond that was burnished gold to him,, ;,NW,fJ Who touched It once wlth-a touch so prouaT , , O face that has gathered the winters chill 1 1 a Mm RIQM VIUTA11 orrt.t Hi. v- : . j a '4''iii- .i J fieldKtuxjompaiiiedi tqr onaujat; of ( bill) for ttitmiBJteiSarael GsStaftber,: 3 3 J etareef ttod j-ldalinevM. Shouae; of $2620 each for tax alleged to nave beit UlliaWIUJUV - t3X4Oi?U( 4 V vaav' iw, ciai on tp s ing biUa-'i amaagitiliersg . iwergjj intrO 2 f 4 hic& was reaa.a jw7t ?'ih, wuip, and i ef erred to itii&i &m TOitteq 0r . pat- id nMotfa xna ntm ii aa. wiuinr uironii ccddhasprest , ; -(!Sr?ti My aope from a hope tnai -mign naytuo,, l!t, . j j5 i J i jar; ocaweiv aamwivYW! w i" R Ndj;342 granting pension to 3$d- Will X. iiuiiou, , A and second timarluJ-Uref erred to the Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand- . . ' t'.1 ' til tlLA 1 kerchief and $2 Sun umoreiias. iou mem cheap, and everything else In proportion, i, It will pay you. t all and see us. ELIAS & COHEN. ivmitttvjc. (A TV. j() ) W HOJ.ESALEr An RETAIL i KS"'?.-t'r--r rw if'.' WiliCU WOO XCfWA uvVV"- w feferxedto tli)foniite of ways an i.ft r i r v., (w i i r w l i mtirnrt t r la. ana oraeTea to wo ' ! kAyUXVU U1UU amwa w - - - !o';3l5)!f6rthe relief of-Wimam 11, X ILUlii uouu, -law vvn " " revenne ror tne"nitn !-aisincB j ixuim .(twVwi-Htttrtodlfirui n. first, and ttfWSflif referredi to tte comr W!r5Jrf iU'ftvs'ikrrd7mejtnB :.' '.'. m,:i Uin I1V A 1 r I 1 Li ! I'll x, hlo nvcrmnl tn An1n &i -r. x J 1?af?llava r-f rW 151 . ww, SSSSSIJ Wdy-fron; aJthes, or grar . I ' " ' ' f ! -Kentucky boarti of a..m herT-Awftm-Wwri ttMat might tenner traieiy. ordered td be prmtea. ' ; , l - t cy 1 ;nfuvfrtrtul Q'ni fH Boots, Shoes, &c tej . Oi-ders, promptly filled. ' "Respeciirlly, S T T. ll 15WGLE k CO., v 3 'Si tlmeai ena dai and saberei tefalU asleep by the Are take the XSrZl?Jl ZA On. Sot. Night. r f ?i.V, " Jfflilij' WE ABE DAILY Jit i fijitiiali! . It Amjoltl -jn.? J",,'i'!-;:'u : .itfft?i-f-,:: .' lit:.. x . ,.: , - . , KECErVlKt AN EliEQANT ASSORTMENT OF 'J. Ul',' SPailG TEXTURES, v ' l fiiu- ;i.fT .ilM! c:r Jn;f this ' . -i ' ,'' . ew-York Market. !! i . i CLOTIUNU IN EVERY IX)NCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICK. -r. 'J, tjj,l . . . ....... .1 i.i;i..v .d-wo geheraT Insrtion is cdrdiaiiy pouciwo. - i. i'l.il i.fi! I-.. : T ,', Respectfully April 1879. E. D.XATTA & BRO. COME AND SEE BEFOliE BU Y IN( ELSEWHERE ! v-'f'iit- m l,liKGESS NICHOLS. 1 Opp. Charlotte HoteL TryonL, Charlotte, N. C. April 22. ' M i -u. in.noi. Mum a Krv whn imes around with a yellow patch in his blue pantaloons may some day write a volume of poetry In blue and gold or nave a silver piave ou, uia uwi. IEAL.KR IN AM. KINDS OF ' A A (Ml fi FURNITURE FURNITURE! . BEDDING, to'.(U() BIDDING ftC BEDDING, &C. 'S' BEDDING, AC. FUKNITURE t A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS J UFiAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES ! - ' - . LOUNGES t i Ov LOUNGES LOtlNGESKf r-. -t V vT" k JT CU ifkindaon hand. -fiEl iSTOFFTNao '&ijL-ii!:' tr- COFFINS flf all Kinds on hand. . .;v n-if lit': I. ;- III !;.( l.i .':';. . .. .i'i. jur . fj v ,m N.l fi JKRST XlUDK STREET,. .. .- ;.) ;-. - ' .1 .'I t;Y..A .X : .tin !-.' rl- iTr -CHARLOTTE, N. C. -if : -l .'mJ T .' r '(. ', . W 1-.- f.l: .)' .;-'!.i)ll( oj ;tVjUl.L ii ' :-'-lli: -fu. '.' i-.-a '.ll PRIONS IV. RULE THE DAY. es on land cblleterJ-lTuTrr citizen in-the Nothing Is so painful at this season of the year, "f ""X w Tf prred to the as the dlsheartenCQg spectacle of a nine-year-old a first and second time, merrea 10 ine hen, looking through the fence at a man digging a committee of vf ay iaad means, and or- garden, whfle she exercises her rugged legs and dered to printedr- sffirftr: 4wt Ourexchanges aytM-- Sifiinna. rilftrfc in toe western iudi- uint.tn1nilAl men. DUt 1WUSUU lon.ro y-r--- 7. ,ij i-.i;.v 't., wJtu'J .').' i.7TT . SBITSli $ .51. THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this city April 22, 1879. lRemUb?ithat.Wtherders:.in HT Low Prices for Fine Clothing. L. BEBW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. T - 1 LAR&E'CKOWDS MlithTonI fhe ' 1 f CHEAP STORE OK 1 H. MORRIS & BRO'S. t Dobson taxes me oeiu i eux nuuiunm yii" r. -rrw '"r- r Coding home late one evening be deposited his dog on the lounge, and turning la&ifGad. ftjlkst dPi arod, klcke.rseM down strs. He k ItwOl'M yes. 0. yes, gentlemen, the court adjourned imtu rnornftf, the Judge are drunk, and the-countyrat-L ,3 i f STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Men's Best Flannel Suits, only $12,00 Beautiful light Casslmere Pants, $2.50, 3.50, 4.50 White Fancy Pique, 81& 10 and 12 cts. per yard, Beautiful Lawns, 10 and 12 " " Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. Hamburg Edging, all widths, 3 to 25c. per yard. Two-button Kid Gloves, a! shades, 50c., iw. ana '.,11 idiots one John Appel, of Maaison, ma., swwaww vjsoJ saBt'KVP uieaifi.viM..,vwtt prominently a week or so ago. Appel was to drink j 05 'Nortti, rolina'Stoefe- was Jad.a 1,000 glasses of beer In. LOMhom. He dWn U fit" gecb ".amiuii oftodiubbenL the committee of claltoA: , reported to havl occurred. Late In the afternoon - SuthWlftUd r'hhrwasiread a fir?? and one of the Jurymen Pced jttKe com- housedoor, anebl-wl ?8t.&foiL " d- thft-counts-at-U Afv RtjMlft alsrv intriduced a Dill (H. B.O.rBO) for the' relief of Moses W. iuvu. isKW-fiiiaif iiL first and second-' time, and referrfed, to the com mittee of claims. ' w-dir.,,. - surface of the earth will have neen graauauy cov-i mroijeeH) au ""w'uvw.," " v" .irtz ,nH nnhin? win survive of mis i-oSrAf vain-1 HaT1f of .InsenhBost generation save a few circus Jokes and Susan ic waa fefia flrst'and second time, Anthony. - , 1 and rei 'ertecLtathe committee Of claims. luiw.iunM.imiiiwr and It shall Come back I v f j iit.-i j ifnwu4nvai4 o Tkill TT KanTa'retUl B. 362) tQ e an WO ranaiMd I the philosophical looking young rnanol ,f OT theerectiflnof ft United States COart iho nnaii "Hon so?" lnauired the most venture-! ui. WuzfirmA in the ratvrGf-Char- ei: :ffi2nWilw read SS?tamP Thenheiook? flrstand, aecondilimft'tef rred,to the ed around, and they all looked around. cfcltlmittee 'On publiCJi bmldmgS . and thecompany, with a more bulging brow than .the. ... rWw. tV e nrinted. -;ifr:-of Jfortli Carolina, intro- aucea a uiii in. xw. ow; w xvFw ATX A tjiiCvlv ' aivv t -77 tomey are in no better fix." tL6;r:5B0 f or the' relief 6f Moses VV, Let us eat and drinK. ior HMDonw-mm. w . . i rr wi ana ma rila ThA Hlin. SO- coruuiK w x i ui. AiAirv....' , . B i , rf nnn nnn raara Kir mihlnh t.lmp the snine onir iyr :ZJ A BLOODY DEED IN V1CKSBURG. $1.00 per pair. Murder of a Young Steamboat Cleik in a. Low. Music Hall. I tax of 10 per cent on State banks and State banking (associations; wmcu woo read a first and second time, referred to the committee on canning anu cuncu 'i ,T, r. L'vri.il. ln4.Al5rrt a lark in. JUT, JJaVlS. OX - OUU Viuuuun, cwov Beautiful Dress Bunting, worth 25c., for 15 cents per yard. Yard Wide good Bleaching, only 8c. per yard. Best Calicos, all grades, only 6 cents per yard. It will pay anybody to Inspect our Goods and prices, as we claim to be the leading low price house InharloUe , ; Just received, a beautiful line of in thS citT. Atone o'clock; Suhday JSWciOamiWwj o: llhmveslnm and. ordered.to b, winp. mom of the above named estab- P r -KaU Attfr tLaddlttei line supply, , : . j ..ui ' jan3 , 7 - :r,fT:'7 7 Ii AUGAIN3 r IN. Oil. .I .t! t f itr , I i -S'J.'ii. f 'tiwilngUikkimm l!4 Cents to $3. 7 f l ' f - i i I .i r1 i . . Also, a full Hne of STRAW GOOLiS And Ladies' Underwear, at immense bargains. H. MORRIS & BROS. April 12 . , . y ... i ; r J . s room, oi tne auuve uicu. . - Davis, of North Carolina, aiso m- lishment Amon tho present were tj.oju.ced a-biD (Hi Noi 868) to reduce Jack Burton, captam of the night police , x dyade exclusively John Dent and' Joe1- Dent, steamboat apples. pekches, or grapes, to tjhir clerks. Burtorr, a man of herculean pio- t bd to provrae for tlie col- portions and great aTuir a rrtnd natured intoxicated is apt to be Quarrelsome, committeef ,v?ays and rireans, and or-andisdisposed-to play rough practical defioWnfed.'-- ,,UJ I . jokes at the expense of his f i lends. Un Davis, of North Carolina, also in- the night of the killing ins 7'nuniui. xvjin lH. R. No. 369) to repeal the playful-turn o KmmP section 4716 -of the. Revised Stf WITTKOWSKY WITTKOWSKY ; : , :.: BARUCH & BARUCH 1879 1879 :E FOUR REVIEWS AITD B LAfJKWOOD. - V ARE- ; ' '. RECEIVING RECEIVINU RECEIVING TITEIB SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. Authorized reprints of h The EdmbufghTRevlew (WhlgV xne wesuninswjr hotwit wiui . The London (Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), . ; AMD ' BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE; These reprints are not selections: they give the originals la full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. ' No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leo nam scott yuqpaning ijouunuit. iu w H BUUU16UI, nuu pir Keep nent, ami acblevemeilt. whether in religion, science, lit- nrjmm. or art. The ablest writers nil their ottjerijes. i! t.w nT7vst iniuuaHmi roinAm hf htatnrv. and with fan Intelligent narration of the great events of the day. ' - TKRMS FOB 1879 (IHCIAJDIKG POSTAGB) : Payable strictly In advance. For any one Hevlew, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 1 00 For any three Reviews, 10 O0 u For all four Reviews, 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 1 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three " 13 00 irnr Riackwobd and four " 15 00 ; POSTAGE. This item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the COSl TO BUDScnuera ui iviura cl pbs; A discount oi twenty per cent win be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, ift'H2-80i four copies, of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNr?! To win' a fortune. Fifth Grand DistribuUoh , Class E, at New Orleans Tuesday, May 13th, 1879 108th Monthly Drawing, LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature ot the Stale for Educational and ni.rftohU ..mnaAa in ifiita mn TW mm CIV TwnTT-rrvx TBAB8, to which eontract the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Funa oi V35U,UUU. its uuanu blnuaus nun BEB DISTRIBUTION Will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : i TAKE NOTICE, PREMIUMS. ' New simscribers (aDDlyrag early) for the1 year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize, . . 1 Capital Prize . . . 2 Prizes of $2,500. 5 Prizes of 1,000. 9.0 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 100 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1 ,000 Prizes oL $30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 m ono 10,000 50.....'..' 10,000 20 hmjuu 10 r 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 82,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1.800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, aniotintlng to $110,400 tiA.AMViA ikAMMnAftitiit aMMtfa rnnntAA ui All - .knflKa fftK 1 ' . t Will D POlU . Ur, insteao. new siioscnuers iu auj iwu, uuoo ui m . - J.JaJIU mnv haVA MIA AT mA takes at tne expe c. m Dayjs, of Nertnoiina,ii - UrmmTrATirorv s night oi tne B-uiiugTiia rjv" l trod ueed ,a,wl til. K. jno. sew; io rupem yV 1 1 1 JVVJ V ! piayiiu-uiu. vm... -- h Section- 4a0i tft ,WlBi,:iacu wv" , four of the above periodlcais, may have one of the lot' la'ra- orknihAra to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews,", or one set of Blackwood's Magazine foi 1878. , tn Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs canf be 'allowed' unless the money is remiwea dlreet to the puWlshers. .opreniums gureu d Tsecure prerltams it wnl be necessary to make early appHcatioa, as the stock avauahte for that purrjosefo limited. 1 t,i ... : , .. : ' BH&b6NARD SCOTT HTBLTSHTNG CO., . 41 Barclay Street, New York hats of aU .who come wUhiii the reach which wafl read afirat:and second time, of his cane. Among ui s I ref erred-i to thomittixteo. on ,mvaiiu ed was Joe Deirt, .b SWtunt Burton's cane .Klanced .3 swucki r7mVisrofrNharelina, m avo 1 'rrnrm" Dent.' nis younger . i..j -Vift yw -rt rt tn amend brother,-a boy m yearsan(L8tuie,see- section 51o-rf the Revised. Statutesri-e- Ing what naa occurieu, lating to usuryr wnicn -was reau msu chair and said to n1jrTf tid lecond . time, referred to the com Jack, you'ro getting t,nn rough., it this mittee dil' banking and currency, and thwfiriD:uju-ayMM'j i ordpred r,o he nnnrea. . hurtBurtfdn' rerf ? If you dorrt ,., like it let her 5??? ,r , n - tiiri lL Armed Soldier. for his pistol. At tnis juhw .. , :;l f r r s . . , jx t- irifQT-FoT-o nushed & BARUCH. ar!6 ELECTION NOTICE. VV v u t- u 'K IT u U RRR M N II TTTTU UR BHH N II T U it RRR KNK II T U UR VV R tM VK.ll U RKK KKK URRR . ... AT ' i 5 hui-ottnrr. rr lniKiieie. to iit i . .v luaji wuw -- . ; MidebBurtotf'wolently that sb- having: just , awakened from a sleep of PTJTTST 'Oil CLOTHING. SKo n&eSS" JBurtpn drew his pistol twelvl or fifteen years, arrived in the ferHirS KJjVJ x hah and fir "wS ohnlSefit was struck City yesterday, on his way South. He rkbe , 1 keeDOT7WaStrW -the Dip . ... Liai?.iWiirAlv took.-S!,oft!iiitr -irin'r-"MaaaachUsettsJ His W. KAUFMAN 4 CO. : T1BB ;1BU. put"i TJtV "J.r.L:i.il.i, avlmio and n! HAW WK Fii ROGERS' WAKEROOMfe, ;' si I .i'.,friifvi.ft ' .! ! ' .-.' 1tf' n i 'i J-isl; Tr .!,: ; -i -id: ! f I" I ' I I . . , . i . " . . , . . ''I U i-L L..aViJ Anerimentof bBrfehaslh tn include the latest novel SflomJfcBo?. Tand Children' ' ' A v. A. OOO L oq O OCX. n . . . i ..hran that nn plAirf.lnn will be held on the first Monday In (t,tto h day or tne mouiu ioiw. " "VTtu.wrf I places in the several wards of the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. Insnectors-Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. HowelL A. Gray. Ward No, 3-Registrar, H, B. WRuams. Tnwuna John L. Morehead. Dr. William " r h h Ttemnle. troifrh'thDieces had hardly aoan, a. anrauw. wn t testimony that John Mnif 'W 'nold together. - The stran- ward No. 3 -Registrar, B. P; Boyd. xuwu -- j j I u.iu.'7V4,a4IiA mnotor that - . - u l : Tn vrft l.rmeaRniaa Uj;uip wjui miu w Insnectors R. M Gates, J. n. wuou, ju. . r ' tnw,.tnoooaaan IE. 1.. thwrnnh t.hfl War. rUSlV r.. anu. timcwuiii, v of-r-arwu-T Tia lrnsmsarMv and Lw..r i Niiin ncic dubmvu.w :ui";."-r . ., I -T i, tT:ooWa So To f h' last hnt. th6 e'vlQenCef IS a$nneiiuHV(ii, caru:iuge-uuA.v; iXJ-w : p-v .-r-- to&TiSSlfiWW-' armed soldier;of the Confederacy, and wi shot in the sMaerlaeT,the ' tha.he tedrtfajhgmMassa- ":'' !' IK'S ;!! i;, ."ff c T-f i i;, ' - i ..;t :;d rUHT ,M. .K . !( :f C'7 l iii?,'- ii;'-'iih-i't!i' .(ti.ijiu..?!- '"''4- t'.?-'i 08!iiKHH 'HlJ i-t f(fil ( I -'tf 1 Ri-W t',i) -f.l .;$ i If. My stoWU veiy'iat, embrtew A Tnll i.lne of l ? 1 ? ; wnq fthOT, IT! lie snuuiuci-wiiwAv, r uiiu,4ir;io..uH, viurr8 . . 7- 8 5 MhI 8 n 9 which he hasnoteenjfor many ayear o o k o , t r h .hu fiM -f Dent isthefourtn jPftv???? Thpugnmsn ,.1 ..f uA.-Ti mi l,i nt h-.-Wh ': KHieci ner "-rT man- J ZZ" r7Zlfcr rASced down Ward No. 4 -Registrar, R. P. Waring. TnnnARtors J. T. Brvce. Rufus BarriHger, R. B, Alexander. 1TTV i t) CTUITfT Mannr h IA A. March 28, 1879.-Hde. 'w-toi4i;p.,MW. at $ Kyffierlar. ur-;; ati, his converse time. Vafouilwt 'S&TOalsti-'P11?.?- tion-exhibit? great intell gence, He tiTL tKfS fhaa ean be: -:KffiPliat'4men hke wajkfea'-yesterday 'from Richmond to V&HESSSt aweco1nnue toseu - fyfiff SJl".?! , Petersburgnd feft in the afternoou, . A ,1...... 1 '. ..V-- 1 - after having received pecuniary. assist- Senator Hamptor. . , lncv" - "jJNDERTAKTNQ ill J WUllllU. . Appncauon ior races to crane muouiu uuij uv uw to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for full Infor mation or send orders to . , , , , , M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under . . . " ft V r O ITU IU1VU VI. UA11A1UUO thA mnArrlHlnn And Q. T. BEAUREGARD and apr 8 A, EARLY. TTABPXR'S WEEKLY. . 1 . I 8,1 W . ' I IU8 T B A TED. SOTTCBS OF TBX PBSSS. ; m.. Hhsn mfnibiiaunT ftt thA hAad af illllS- X 11c njuuoii iv "" - . T T trated papers by its one uterary ouauy . me ueauw Of its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. its Pldonai awacuoua ans ouyciu, ei cumouv every variety of subject and artistic treatment- Zions tierato. uosmw.! j . ' . . The Wxkbxt is potent agency, ior me uiaaemi- nation of eorrect poiiacal principles, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. JSVeuing uynna, hwhmwm . , Tha vniunmaa of thA wkeklt beeln with the first . . t . aak waow WliAn twi UmA is mentioned, it will oe understood that the sub- scriDer wisnes to commence nnu u numuw after the receipt of his erdet HARPER'S PERIODICALS. . Harpers Magazine, one year,. ... . Harpers weesiy," -MarpertBazari ifi 1 1. . Tho Three bueaUons,; one year, Any Two. one year,. . . . tax SuDBcnpaoiis, vuo jour, . S4 00 4 uu 4. on 10 00 7 00 i 20 00 I nv rrn m i W1U17I SUITS I enreapertoayr rt ll st Baltimore Sun. VPWJE&Z-'SZSfoZ 1 J'L rT,Tn vnqni.iauslv ingtne oes m uo - . ' moi - pTihft how Senator ,i v auo .'fl""F we present tms w - " rr"-" i i l l 'L . I tt.i. . "I t Eoo:,fe2ioes and Slippers, -' v -if 5 PARLOR, CHAMBER; DLNINv RO( ' AND dent's desk to.take. tho . oath 01 .omce, clad from head to foot in a suit of rebel SaWSYouWln aS SAWAtt Rturwid Straw Hats, and any kind of fharlotte.NJ whllft? OH 'hlS IwaytO - - -- --Btnn,. og theCheapeSI If-:! W knfjAj,T f ' ! ' ' -:.; f tssrti-.- pwpwrtwi? m.nT-wKi , -..iM-i. . represent roypeowB, w up;aw.i OWICE FDBNITUKJE i -.,' j Can be had atf Au Goods Packed Free oj. Charge April ia ' V.BIJFMAN ft C0.'S, T-; S i'S::f ..Si nate a partisan A v . v& 0 abon&or, untv. iwuiiw"","v,;-"".- all so aTdenuy aesire aim neeu. IT ,T t.jwji 43erlou Danger Threatens "every miati "woman or child living In a region of country where fever ano ague is prevar 1 h. nn.a nT unHnu oisease are iu- Jialed from the ralf and are swallowe from the water of such region. MaoiemaisaieuttBiMiB.1 cnintAiv necessarr to nullify thiB -danger. As a means of fortifying and acclimating the system so as to be able to resist the malarial poison, tiosusk 1618 Stomach Bitters is mcomijarably tbi best and me most iwpulaK ' lTiegularMes ttie 1 stomach, liver and bowels encourage malariai butthese are Bodily rectified by the Bitters. Th functions of digeSseoretlon are assisted by Its use, and n vigorous as well as regular condition of the sys temromoted by nvConstitutiOB and imyslqueare mus defended against the. Inroads of malaria by this matchless preventive, which Is also a eeriain and thorough remedy In the. worst eases f . Inter mittent and remittent levers,-: The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. . Having on hand a I full assortment ol COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, .. ' . Both Wood and Metanc. PRICKS AS UW AS ABT. . .Hearses famished If desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired .at sher w. . W. M. WTLHEXM, J mQiX. a Rogers Trade Street. Uk. BUUDllUWUUO, vuv f v.. , - - Pnfrtjurft free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. ." . '. , line annnal vlmes of Haspbb's Wbkixt, in neat eiout.Dinaing,. wiu oe sem. oj cxyreso, expenses (prorraeo! the freight does not exceed on doUax pet volume), for $7.00 tMtt.t A complete set, composing iweuij-mn rauuns, oi " oeipt of toeash at the rata of $5.25 per volume, freieht at expense of purchaser." ' i . i. wmbesentbymalll ipstpaid, ; ,on receipt of $1.00 miffonm WnnM h mAk WrjOstbfOOB money iwder or draft, to avoid chance of KM&2f J ". r Newsware noMo w ertoment wltnnllE lub tsx ureas uiucr. vl uyii . . . -. T k T uL'l Address decll HARPER ft JUST RECEIVED AT TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with En velopes to match. Also Paper In boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE 0F NEW YORK. IA standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Just received. Edward Todd ft Co.'s Celebrated RUBBER PENS, A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen TTnnv Jt BRO. are also agents for Emerson Celebrated Rubber J HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them M receive prompt at tendon. , New York. -June 20. h Vl? '".'5 I'i? ' "i 1 J'." '! Vf'EW' AND taSSIRABLE ,..:;;. .'. ;. ! 1 . ' I --FEZD OJTTEB, 1 1,1 at thA thine for farmers. Best ever Invented, simple, cheap and effective.;' ; . The agent will remain in Charlotte until Monday for thev purpose of selling county rights to make and sell the machines. Sample machine on ex hmiOw Id front Jrf .'SCT.3atler,s hardware store OB-Tmde street-'i i.iloini ..., aprltf SWEET, ; POTATOES. " " - '' NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT. , rt 1 ,,f r ii, t 't " y , . ' v ... . .... , II.. .1.a1mii.1 A fan supply itm on hand. , Also , the osUy cele , i BA JAH JAPAN TEA. ; Also fine Strain A L March 27i; . . ,. - - !- ',5 r BUTTERICX ft CO.'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS For May, 1879, Jost received at TTDDT ft BBCS. CASH PAID FOR BAGS. TTHDR A FIRST CLASS Jaa80 Smoke can and get W'vHvrrn'. $200 TN CASH WILL PURCHASE Honey. 1 - S.M.H0WKLL'& A Power Printing Press, Guernsey' make, old rleSof bSJ 26l40 lAWaa In Dsjm laUtf " 1 i.i 4 ' 1 f.l S -i 1 1