SATU BDAY; APRIL ,20, 19: 4-4-? LOCAL I.NTELLI.LMJL BAllROAD DIBIOrOST. . t , The following table shows the niniilng ol passen uer trains to and Irom Charlotte, on all the rail lds (Washington time): y ; BlCHJTOin DAMVIIJJL, s. rri vestrom Richmond and Qold9boro,v i.00 a.' m. fixator " " H.'20a.m. Arrive from .Richmond, .,...,.,. 10.50 a. m. Leaves or . : '. ....j.-;;. 6.45 p. m. ATLANTA CWMXTTI fl-LIHB. f3 Arrives from Atlanta.,.;;.. Leaves for Atlanta... Arrives from Atlanta,...,, .Sjf,? -8.20 a. ml ..i;-l.01 a. m. ...... r 6.50 p. m. ...... 10.60 a. m. Leaves ior aubuib, CnABSiOTTK, COLUMBIA AUQU8TA Arrives from Augusta,. .. .eaves for Augusta, . .. -8.10a. m. .;" 1.00 1 ra. Vrrlves iroin aukusw, ..... Leaves for Augusta,. GABOUMA CENTRAL. arrives from Wilmington,. .... . . ... Lenves for Wilmington, .., .... urlves from Shelby,. . , i, wives for Shelby.v. ..,.. 1L27 a. m. 7.29 p. m, 6.00 a. m. 5.00 p.m.. ,7.00 a.m. ATLANTIC, TKNNKSSKK OHIO. arrives from StatesvlHe,. Leaves for Statesville,..'. p.30 p. mv 1.00 m VHABLOCTK POST OFFICE. omrs hours. J ' f , OPgNS. tliOSE&: Money Order Department,, .0.00 a. KOO p. ro. Registry Department,.. ..w.fl. 00 a. m; 5.00 p.m. (ieii lDellVyAStampDept,. 8.00 a. Bar" 6.00 p. nv " ,.,-:." a80p.iru i45p.B. j ty on Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Pepartment will bd open Irom ttOtl a. mt 1OQ0 '' m' OPKiSIKO. AN CLOSUnfo KAILS. . -vi ::;.-'-:i-fflPIJ('; CLOSES' icmville 4 Charlotte R.K.,. &OQa,m.-i,fi.O0 p. m. " , 11.15 a. m. ) B.00 p. m, charlotte & Atlanta R. R.,. 8.00 a. m, i fl.00 p. m. & AugustaR. R... J0 p. fa! 10 00 a. m. Wllm'n & Charlotte R. R., . R.IM p. to, fi.OO a. in. hjirlotie A Shelby R. R... . 5.80 p. q. ; fi.00 a. m. statesville, .... 6.80-0. m. 0.00 a. m. Beattie's Ford. (horse route.) Mondays at r. no p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. ntf ' 'nr Yorkvllle. (horse route, Thursdays at 8.00 ,v . and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. s I ft IMITATIONS. War Department, i office Chikf-Signal OFFiCEii, j--Washington, April 24, 7:30 p. m, For the South Atlantic States, falling 1 arometer, soutlierlyf wiwds j partly Hnurtv Aveathe'r and occasiohal rains ;md siight changes in teyiperatui'e. j I. oral Itrporl for Vc(eida. 17JLM. 2 P. M. ; 9 P. M Barometer Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction.... Velocity,. Weather 30.214 ' 68' 94, S. 5 Foggy- 30.0a! ': 79 40 : 8. 6 Hary. 30.020 70 57 S. 4 Clear. Highest temperature 80 deg.; lowest 57. Index to !Vew AdvertUcmenl Perry Strawberries. HOME PEPtClM!V;S. The german last evening . was quite well attended, and the occasion was a verypleasant one. It is found, after all, that a few peaches have been left, notwithstand ing all the frost, and freezes,;. - , J The courts took another huliday yes terday. There were no cases, of any im portance on the dockets. More shad have been-caugbt in. the Catawba rive, this season than ever be fore. Are ouf ''State' fish : hatcheries due the credit of this? , The Hornets' Nest Eiflemen will probably invite some of '-'their latly friends to accompany theni to Colum bia. With a political meeting, a coneert at the Charlotte Institute, and a german, almost every body was away from home hist night, ' V. Maj. Flemming publishes; a card thi3 morning which gives promise of a de bate between himself and Mr. Osborne next Monday night. ; ; ' Mr. Motz, who came up, yesterday, from the Brewer mine, brought several specimens of gold, among these a beau tiful little bar, something over 300 pwts. and 099 fine. , 1 Register Keogh announces that the bankrupt case of Joseph Graham, of Charlotte, will be heard for final dis charge from all his indebtedness prior to May 30th,. 1878, at his office in Greens boro on the 12th-of May next. " Personal. . . . Judge Schenc'k is nowJ at home, hav ing finished Forsythe court . Mr. Ernest Young's injuries are not at all serious, They will, however, con tine him to his room for some days. Col. G. W. F. Harper, of Lenoir, is at the Central Hotel. Death of Mrs. W. E. Ardrey. Mrs. Maggie R. Ardrey, wife of Capt Wni. E. Ardrey, one of the members of the General Assembly , from this coun 1 v, died yesterday afternoon atlhe resi dence of her husband ifti, Pr?vlcV3uce township, after an illness extending over several weeks. ;;, Mr'4LArdrey-wa a (laughter of the late Captl AV. P.Rob i ii'son, of this county, and was a person hiuch esteemed on accounliof her many womanlv virtues. . She leaves' several children, one an infant, ahd the sympa thies of many friends twill go out to these and to her sorrowing husband. ' " v" ) Official PoHtage Stamp, &c. It has been decided at (the postoffice denartment that the official postage stamps can be used to pre-pay postage and registry fees on offidisd mail mat- ter after May 1st; that official mail mat ter can be transmitted througn tne 111 an 3 under cover or use penalty en velopes from officers :, of i the : jovern- mont fn nrivjta rwen-Hpa sifter MaV 1st. that official postage stamps may be sent ry officers of thgovernrtient to pay re- turn postage in answer to communica tions on nfflcial business sent to pri vate individuals j-.thaUj however, the jiiutloular mode prewjribed for the use of "penalty envelopes," tenders it im pioner, if not unlawful, that they should I used under any circumstances by uther than an officer of the go vornm en t. A Final Separation . : Torn Carey, not Carroll,: is the name of the white man who was sent to jail Wednesday on ' the charge of assault with attempt to ( Outrage, a negro girl. Carey is a peddler and came here from Xew York city. His wife having got ten rid of him was making arrange- (ftntj litti rnSiTMtVrtib. Z. "w. 'rvir flva , vphts utm to wed this man. H is lexoosed now as as rfepradslt Him. to said . '. . . mf. 1 rr ..4,1 JSb 'ffYdu Waht havetoid imwnp got, t iki. w.ninTi i r1.i b:u;li but itfs no usB talking about that: aid tTiat 8l, wa ,maid in the family of Dr.-Radwat- ofBeady Re- said f Ur notoriety, and ;was loaded ft s yesterday to return to JS e w x or .elencmgmoueyernc ner back to Hew YorR xVnere sue relatives and friends; She left the mag- istrate's office tpsee the .jailer and 1 make urangementsiorseciu-ingaumia-iu. bye. B r e7TJpeniblishedinTHi:pfiSER THE CONVJENXIOX. .0 UJJj Hit' lilt : f J t ?T er. F. I.O.borae the Lrge Crowd and a Ni iaatiM by ! r i f . ;? Upon the assembling of the conven l '11 ior the nominalirm Vf t w court house last night, composed of m bite and colored citizens, Hon. R, Y. ileAden was called to the chair upon motion Of D. P. Hlltnhiann nn rvr. rr., tion orKi3ddytSetditplfsothe city papers ere Teqtiestedfe" att By the time the organization was pertected the court room was literally packed. Mr. MCAuen on taking t.h ohr j, . ... - . inanKea tneponyention for calling him to presutit -vqvr sc'iarge; A hody of Jiis iellow-citizens, without distinction of party, and endeavored necessity of order. Mr. R. N. Tiddy introduced the fol lowing: , Whereas, It is the desire of the citi zens ol .Oiailottuasstohled iaconven t ion for the purpose of selecting a'ca"n lldate for the office of mayor, for the term commencinsr Mv nth i7q in so. Fleet no one who is un worth v to dis charge the duties of the office, and ' Wherkas right and proper that the pFbce$dingjotiifc 9'oiive(ntV shall le conducted in a fair and impartial manner to the end that justice and har mony prevail ; therefore, be it Resolved, 1st. That every citizen of Charlotte who is known to be a voter shall be allowed to cast one vote at each baHotu" i" .-I- . . .- ... Resolved, 2d. That all nominations shall be made publicly before the con vention, and no candidate shall be de-; plared the nominee until he shall have received a majority of all the votes cast shall be considered by this convention wno snau be unwilling to abide by its actiom ;!:.!-. Resolved, ;lth. That every man who participates in the proceedings of this con vention shall support its nominee. entlifairffCfC)" On motion of Mr. 11. N. Tiddy, the convention was declared ready to re ceive nominations. Mr, Geo. E. Wilson nominated Mr. F. Brown. Mr. Henry W. Tatem nominated. Mr. 11, M. Miller, but Mr. D. P. Hutchison. by request, withdrew Mr. Miller's hamp. On motion of 'Mr; Johnston Jones, the convention decided that the vote should be taken by ballot. At this juncture Col. II. C. Jones en tered the room and informed the meet ing that there were at least a hundred and fifty men, at. the door who were un able 6 gald admittance en account of the crowd, and who had as much right to a voice in the convention as any man then in the house. He, therefore, moved that the convention adjourn to the open air. 1 This motion was opposed strongly bv Dr. T. J. Moore, who urged that the vo ting could be done with more fairness in the house. Following this was a general, and somewhat excited discussion, which was participated in by several persons. : Finally Mr. R. K Tiddy moved to amend Col. H. C. Jones' motion by ap pointing tellers to receive the vote of those on the outside of the door. Mr. F. I. Osborne then addressed the convention at some length. He said it was known that he was a candidate ; he had asked his friends to come to the court house on that occasion and vote for him there ; it was the place appoint ed and the vote should be taken there, but while he believed that by adjourn ing to the open air his interests would be injuriousryf affected, he waswilbng to do so in the interest of fairness ?and harmony. Mr. Tiddy's amendment was put and lost, and the motion to adjourn to the open air was carried. The chairman took his position on the court house steps and asked for further nominations. ' The name Of Col. Chas. R. Jones was brought forward, but. was soon after wards withdrawn. The chairman then -announced the following tellers: J. II. Weddington, C. W. Eddins, Geo. E. Wilson, K. N. Tiddy, D. P. Hutchison and I. H.Foust, and said if there wras no objection the tellers would' take position in the pas sage and the Voters would file in two at a time and deposit their ballots. When the voting had progressed about five minutes, Judge W. M. Shipp with drew the name of .Col. Brown. Mr. Geo. E. Wilson then moved that the motion previously adopted, that, the convention vote by ballot, be reconsid ered. This motion prevailed, and he then nwl that Mr Oshnrnflhfldwilarwi the ... .... moved that Mr. Osborne be declared the nominee of the convention by acclama tion. This motion was carried amid cheers, and loud calls for Osborne. The nominee then came forward and thankMrl the conVentfori for t&e Compli mentary manrier in'which the'riomina tion was made, and said that he was ready to meet Mr. W, W Flemming, now his only opponent, at any time and place that gentleman mignt designate, nl dismiss with him the issues that might arise in the contest for the posi tion. Hp, wanted it distinctly under stood that he was the candidate of no onmoration or combination of any sort,but represented the interests of the citizens oi unanoiie, wnu wuum hp. had hpp.n identified from his infancy. The speech was enthusiastically re ceived and was followed by short ad dresses from Mr. McAden, tne prsi Hp. nf trip conventions and from Mr. Geo. E. Wilson; in response to cans, ai- t which the convention adjourned wp maaig for the aoih o.iriay cciebra- tlon. Gen. R. D. Johnston, who was elepted chief marshal for the 20th of May cele bration, was compeued to resign uie position owing to engagements which will necessitate ins ayacuto num uj mtv at. that, time, and the executive committee have induced Col. H. C Jones to act in this capacity. Col .Tnnnashas suiuointed the following as sistant marshals to act with him on the ohrh lfmni Mp,(.klenburg J. G. Har ris. Thos. P. Ross, L. A- Potts, J. S. My- tL t tj r'ir Tarv.-o Wnnd Row,, ers, ui. av, aa y", t!nf V . anT?rank Brown t uaDarrus -to oei nihann TTnion R. if. Davis; liaston- w n Ahpmat.hv: lredell jonn. n. ' T.incnln--r,ar)L George Phifer; r.leavelandT-Dr. Robert J Brevard; York, S. C David Hutchinson. TU rub interest-violations of Law. I ' TJT V,,A If 4xtnm tiplinl.lA ailthOldtV that, fish ava being taken in the Catawba ndrfat the recent M. ot General AssemDiy oy uiaeruiiK jxmu. itiNimii ail.' , iiiuf ww w - dictate ,o a u . i-v .p. n ca nail on t- scaled fish from as i:thZ iVah of June exceut flay of April toh im-Qt June, except L. X ntln.111 1JUIU mo I tt Set ons' "To reinove i aiiuo psw undersUtnd Jlt; . ZTZ to r7i,;rtTpmi to the South Fork an.nhaeIrems' t0 t&e 5u. of the CatawM f i r,-tYflll f dvnamite or other tzsz. irZ okilfi8h:vhichhas, . ... , , T '"-kill.- Jl yy?. i . , , . I bercwedeatolf'iad ealloW U a nesoivea. 4th. That no man's namfl 1 DeaiCot JHaJ. Calfwm 9SeJSe most venerable and ri John IL CaldwelL died yesterday more ing at 6 o'clock at the residence" of his brother,Mr. A. Caldwell- in this city, at'thei kg left t eightyeo yaik Maj. Caldwell bad outlived, nearly all ot his coutempowie';lHe;pa'fausti! tire o Mecklenburg, a; 4 the Craighead f amilr. He had -always mccix n iuall UJt AlALjf ,Vilil 4il ,.Ul CUt And intJMifrtiifo arirt'HiraA anrt iTii f all rohf bnoiir him f Tlio Urell.Winwn form, almost erect to the lasli and his benignant countenance, . jsrill . be much. I missed rrorn our streets. andv: although. as is well known, M has been ill foM somes wees,pasV:f be intelligence which, this paragraph convey will l Be' anjif pieasanc surprise , to many persons whose eyesiit will catch: .nitt-.;jtM4lii-'5 iRmrtTtf.flrt xneramiuoxar lifrfcitft m evenmjttbaJjeanlt mMmMMk corners and stopped talking mayor long enough to discuss it It lav flat tm itsi back, which ludicates bbth-according: to different people thai it will be a dry moon and A wet moon. You pays your money and takes your cost. , One matt remarked, while- they were looking at the queen of the night, that pine poles uut iu me.iigni oi me moon in januai or February 'soud jmake jfertcej fa which would last twentv vears. an that cut in either the light or dark of the moon in any other month, "would J not last two years. Another, jriari said he, was neither a Dutchman, an Indian nor a farmer and. that a distinguished pro fessor, of MancJieaEer, Ejigland, wEo had devoted sevevallyeafre tb studying lunar signs, had declared as the result of his investigations that moorirnsJ r ere au, uumouggery ana that the moo, ffecled nothinz. , For -his iiarf, he. hi lieved like the professor.., .All theJba anCe of,the crowd took another' obsep vation, and ; with the exceptiofl pt man whiiad been- reading' after.wie professor Ueclared that the moon-was just ahoat as. far north as itwfts'latj mouth and that we might look for an other cool month. They, were.about tA pool their, issues, too. as to the rain sign whpn an At-hr-r "fiVt'sinlA nallorl w uen anotrrtr maif came Up ina called me newspaper man aside to ask him " 7T ?uiXF V? i,:n, - . J ill! ; i oatCFa1r Nek fall "? Tlie executive commit.tfiR nf thA f-rr olina .tSSjf Ji&dciaiioi? StiW dstr- iectea an arrangement with the owners of the fair grounds for renting the;sarne for the purpose of liolding a fair there next fall, the-errhso the .agreement. Deing mat the renters are to pay $400 and make all the necessary repairs. This arrangement renders pertain the fact that we are to have a fair at all events, and with this, view' the ''execu tive committee will hold a meeting ai the office,!, E..$fye, HutchisQu & Son next Tuesday, at 4a Oi clock, f or , the put Ppse of preparing a premium list and arranging tne .details tor Degmnrng the work in earnest. We are informea.that there is sufficient money in the treasury to begin operations on, and that the executive committee will spare ho funds in their hand3 to make the faira brilliant success. The association is not a money-Sniakingconc$rn;and every dollar of the funds , collected, will "be devoted to the maintenance of the an- l -T ' rtir ,1 ' if -til j. iiuiu iiui. iiie uccjs vi tue iatc last year under the most disadvantageous circumstances, affords a sufficient guar antee to the committee that all their efforts will be heartily supported bv the substantial citizens of Mecklenburg county, and or surrounding counties. The prominent idea in the organiza tion of the present association, and the one to which the success of its first ex hibition was mainly -duer is-thai it-is emphatically a farmers' and mechanics' association, and its fairs -areiintended for the promotion of the agricultural and mechanical interests ot Western North Carolina and upper r South Caro lina. This is still the object of the as sociation, and in furtherance of it, all farmers and mechanics in this section will be invited to co-operate with it. Exhibitors may, theretore, begin to prepare for our fair in November. We intend to have one, and also intend that it shall be an agricultural and mechani cal exhibition, which shall not be sur passed by any in either of the Caroli nas. ALDEBIHASIC TICKET. For Ward No. 1. To the Editor of The Observer: . - r The nameaof Messrs. R. M. Millef, J. A. Elliott and G. Scott, are presented to the voters of Ward 1 for the nomination on Monday, tbe 28th inst;,: as suitable men to represent said- Ward 'in the; tew , , -i4.; m municipal aumimswauwii ,. . , ' ' ' MANY VOTERS, Anotber for Ward 1. to tfceldltojf of 3Che Qb) begeaveds toiie cqn- hlcW meets jthBMjns of follow-; ing gecweraau rD,o Mvuit;oHstixute a- pTst-V alderfflajuc jtckf t. for this warn:-1 w cooiva. jtu nigiBi .iiu n. Metz. CITIZENS. XTieetluft' ia Ward )o. 4. A meeting of the citizens of Ward No. 4 will be held at the dotirt house at s n'nlock next Mondav .evening for the purpose OI nominating ajiuenueii tu icjr resent tins wara in me next, ' Citizens. Public Debate Between Candidates. To the Editor' of the Observer: I understand that Mr. F. I. Osbonie has ehallencred me to debate. I will meet him on Monday night in thepub lie square, na ar, sucii oimi times anu places -as he may desire, Bespfictfnily, ' ! ; LEMMpTO. FVNEB1L NOTICE. ThnfnnATai' DArvbMA of Mai John TL "Caldwell wUl take place from the First Presbyterian church, this morning at 10 o'clock. The friends and ac- qualntances of the family are invited to attend. i f dilsnM nf h at Tinshiind tn this eltr. last evening at 830 oloek, l&s. aohn R. Rler aged 'ZS years ana q raonins, The funeral serviees writ take place this after- h.oon ai SHU o-oway fiw"? r . it . a. m t. arAM.Ainf I church. ne menas ana acquauiututs vi un t family are invited to attend. Tn this MiuntT. Berrvhill townshlD. at the resi lnM nf her ion. J. M. Bemblll. on the 20th Inst.. Mrs. Elizabeth uerry nui, agea 0V4 years, t ane naa been a consistent member of the 9ettipdjst church for upwaTdB of thirty years, ah ).,?.- .- rJ" mt y Bjoy ttfcl i - Death, or what la worse, to the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. . It. ia mndition whieh ahould not be trifled with. TmmviiaJ relief la the only safeguard against, con stitutional train.': In all eases of- suppression, sua mnnainn or other irresLTilaritlea' of the "courses." tV. j. nmdfleid'a Female Reaulatoris thetly sure remedy. - It acts by giving tone to the nervous-oana. tres, improving the blood, and determining meet ly to the organs of nMnstrnatlqn.; W jftleglftmate prosorlptioav and-tSe most Intelligent doctors nge it - awyonaaraggSr jirsw'' hwA ' t,S :.T .nw-n'i. ?r,,?;;, r-'.oa'Hi n't'' wt ilwd ot the Wrgeons of this Botable Institute will Viitft Cartott N. stopplngat the Charlotte Hotel .The?! will have with them a fine outfit of braces and 'surgical ap Uances, and wUl be prepared to treat ail klndsf efonnltles and Chronic Diseases, such as Club. Feet, Hip Disease,' Paralysis. . Special Diseases; Plies and TiXOL Catatrh, IMViitB Diseases, Diseasies ot the jfcyej && or full particulars; ad l16 NATIONATi SURGICAL tSSTITUTE. ;r 'M , apr!3d4t.w4w - ayj,,' ' Atlanta, Ga. r txedbi ITI. - -. Mxl.FleMiBrs CaHU -. Ineompllance with the wishes off "Hany Clu cans" I will be a candidate for mayor at the ensu ing election In May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe fiUence to your will, I ant, with respect,- '' ? .I xoarweaientserrant, W. W. FuoocQie Mr. Komeafs Carl to Ike Pabllr. , frsLLOW CTTTZKNSr--lB thk brief wT 1 han emv ate ior me omce or mayor 01 me cttr of Charlotte, at the approaching electkm In May. Thoroughly maepenoeni, i snau not in ue least innoeoeed by any ring, caucus, or convention; I shall hare no friends to rewards aer eaeuifc to suni&h i iahall AOt bribe nor purchase a rote, nor attempt In any Junderhanded way to secure one; but I particularly squciiuie oeuoerate, maepenoeni rote, l am in favor of strict economy and low taxes. There Is no politics to this alecQnn: therefore I shall ninth race to the end and tabe the Jsk;: let the result be l wnat it nay latous announcing myself, i think It unnecessary to elaborate or , make any further statement of principles that ' -may irmde t but will truly say that I shall ever cultivate a geslal, brotherly snirit with those that t may become elated with; and permit me, in ooncluatea tonakB, this pledge: That If honored with a majority of your Totes am -eonauwin. iecHonw Best exer tions shall be directed to a fair, honest and im ptaltellsehargecmy!(lBttes jf;fif .. : BespectfuHy, Y Charlotte, N. C. April 11th, 1879. Mr. Oshorae la the Areas. In response to the solicitation of my friends, I have consented te beeense a candidate lor the prlioe of mayor. , 1 i i-Ai wBeBpectfullK -i .,-. ; , ' , F. L06BOBNX. j 1; :i ! iii.ii,tJtt ,. jj lt' Hew Orleans. March 17th. 1879. l lecuofl loracoouc-- oi Uj u.ienQisoii comer oi muuuvu wuu iiuniuvuv owwwof 4 VltOUlVUUl orwihaif !Tlcet , No, 49,211. single number. Class "C," in theTuislanaState lottery, which drew the first Capital, Priae. pfThlrty. Thousand Dollars, on Tue8day7Marchlltn,1879r said ticket having cQstfaOiBunvjif one dollar, at the office of the company at New Orleans, Deing sent through correspondence addressed to M. A. Dauphin. P. O. Box 692, New Orleans; 1 and the amount was promptly paid by a check on the Louisiana Nation al Bank, onjpresentatlon of the ticket at the office ? "wfgiL SeJtherEJessempy, y ) ! New Orleans, La. apr22 lw w ari A Change that Is a Blesslag. Tim l!H There Is no more 'remarkable feature: 'th the progress of sclenceand Uno greatet change In any professional practice, than is Illustrated by the contrast of the medical system of to-day, and thirty years ago. Then alk medicines, were copious in. the young. Now most doses are small, and con- kxuiioku, auu iikb irviu uuciuuve lutvur. iUma Teeentiy .howeven one o hemost .Taluahle ana emcient oi remecues was aetestame to neanr only cure for wasting decline of vital energy, and cenn means ox renewing healthy tissue, disgust-, ed those to whom it should have done most good; Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Qypo phosphites of Lime and Soda removes this Only objection. Its flavor is really pleasant, its nourish ing power malxreloasi and tkerex so fiser nerve andbralaoDnlclhiheorldi 111' 77 aprl5 2w '' CoBsamptioa Ctret. v -' - An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his fakdds by anf East India mission ary the formulae! A single' regetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested : it wonderful curative powers to thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bis RifKrinc feliows. , .Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of ehargei to all who desire it, ffiis recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, Tsaiich .English. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper.' W. w. Sherar, 149 FoweW Block, Rochester,. New York. marzo 4w Attainable y tko-Bkeanati 1 f Yes, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rhemnatie sufieeers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purlfloationrrthe acrid , elesient , to which pathologtsts thi rnot emlrieut fcttrtnite we painful symptoms a theory completely bdme out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain mean&of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague,, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by diiKinruished' physielaa&and analysts who pronouticeilt M IjerniieutiyJpure and very beneficial. The press also endorses It '!'''T:-l-WoaiaB'8 Btffeta. Yes, woman has as good right to health and hapv plness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long when the remedy is within your reach. Try Brad field's Female Regulator, Woman's Best Friend. Land you will have your health and strength fully rre3o6ea.rcallon yourmruggw farciit)2arrnd -'i 1. 11 11. JBAL estate, ;:. i. MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, Fhr (ellfng afWiiWg.iip! J ndtises, and will , -. - " t Advertise free of eost, all properties placed In my ' I BandSTor aipe. a r . , 1 t T A THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte. N. C. declO FAMILY MEAL. 3 Car Loadsj-1,320 Bushels CHOICE BOLTET) MEAL Just receded, ap 5 ft. JL MILLER & SONS. HE BEST STOCK OF GBOCEBlESan CONFECTIONERIES in tfi cltyifat ieROY DAvTDSON'S. Jan30 IF YOU -WISH to engage in an honest, genteel business, add make plenty of money during the holidays, sendjour address to BANPOLPH CO., feb4w4W v i - f , 107. 4th av.. N. Y. AROMATIC VJ TEETH, GUMSvJBEATH NO MORE .RhepmatisM OR GOUT "ItJ vhA d.t Ibbokic A L VC Y L I C 8UR1J (TO 1 Manufptnrl cilj wdr tbe above Trade-Mark .4. ....It hythfi. ij i I :' -. i 'i EUROPEAN S. IC MEDICINE CO., " i- OVPABntAimLEIPZIS. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure B?iiariintaed. Now eicinaivelv ased bv all celebrated physicians of Europe indv America, becoming a Staple, uarmiess, ana tie name uemeay on oqi continents, rxhe Highest- Medical Academy e Paris reDort 5 ewes out of 10Q intarei days. Secret The only dsmver of the poisopi Urlo Add which extstsiln1 the Blood of Rheum; andGjDdt 'jRotlehl $1,00 a box; 6 boxes for $3 00. 1 Sentto any addresi -on receipt et price. Endorsed by physicians. ' Sold by all druggists Ad. dress ; wAamiuiuiisr a iu, ,. nov7 Only Importers :tepoW2S(;8;X ,1'or sale by J. H. IJcAIlEN; Erueglsti CANDIDATES 10 1 ri i $mm4 TT jyR. A. W. ALEXANDER, OFFICE OYER L. R. WRISTON & CO?3 If L.u rj jth 2 Lars' ftxperLJ I ganteJfcttre mm 1 i'i m I en V air.f t "" 1 1 ' - Jewelry and Taney: loo4-okl rnd SIlTer Watche8,IIwand tlated SCiiblfVar, .GD3 1 -;aua.o&xMr JEWELBT, 0'3 3Hf gTLVE&ASD t L :vu a moan GOLD AND HLVEB L a SPECTACLES. ' - 'i ' " "1 Gold-Head Caries and Lewrythtttf lereafif - - i ,a t,i- dec24 P. UtSHK, J WATCH and Paris, d SIL O ij. 5 Trade Street, oppoalta ElrnreJyteTlaif fmift Xvery Una of reUflmadPai M" JtSft prlce and want piie feat. Every kin of Jewelry or Unman Glkltnir. rlnfiwtnv. RHvAiPlotlnV aiH ftoL Tanizlimaieflahnnoaoe-aMiequaUgoo4 u new. wTTim gn loruie uaueabMiwonoea. referencea. " . tiiia't , - Bepairetf worT inealIM tarwihbe soU at the expiration ox twerte montns Mr cm m repatca 4 Sptl5 1 ,',.I.a ne ,,t I II I I l llil ti"'- - ' f , II IMS ikJ Pmt fffTtT'n Bnnt Rohiian Ihlf IltRnlha The beet preparation for the Halt now known, it gradually restores gray hair to lis natural color, producing a mxnrlant growth, eradicates acroff and dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, prevents me nair irom iaumg out ana relieves neuralgia in the head and headaches Ttyrffc ' Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Vi, anf of sale by all Druggists. t j j DIXIE 0A?. p. x'cBEdo,; ; : l Mahufacturo' aU the sdafdJrafleJea of LAUNDRY SOAPS; Which they offer at towest prices. - ' TRY X)UR DIXtS SOAP. '. BECKWITH'S 2 ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PIIXS, T These Pills will prevent anff cure IWnbeasla. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pat mild aoerient. and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people la our country, ana are extensively usea py pnysicians m their nractice. ' Bold bv Iuseists trenenUrv. Send for circular. E. R. BECK WITH, Solo Mahttfaetur- Cr, XSWIBIMUg, IS, - ; , ., ; . EMINENT DBS. S.L..& J.ClEDLET, 3 t i BT, LOUK, Mtt, ; bar; Uuden's Uebnrs Liauid extract of Beef is a fery agreeable article of diet, and particularly use fut when tonics are required, betug tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dtp therla, Malarial, Typhoid fevers. Weakness, and every ae pressing aisease, we nave prescribed It with great success. Sold by all Druggists. T 9 V V J. u .,4. a m . .. We will pay Agen u a halary ot Stluo per month and expense, omTlown lrge coo mission, losell our new and wonderful inventions. We tnem iuhat we say. Sample free. Address Sheikas A Co., Marshall, Mica. $71 DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Fras dp I sxd Visitor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. 0. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. rjrj - a - month and expenses guaranteed to 4P f Agents." Outfit free Shaw A 0 Augus ta, Maine. ADVERTISEMENT of 4 lines inserted one week In SOO newsnaoers for SIO. Send 10c for 100 page- pamphlet G. P. ROWELL fc CO., 10 Spruce street, N. T. I&tiixftttlontvies. JUSTIN JUSTIN -AT PERRY'S. PERRY'S. CELEBRATED PHILADELPHIA CARAMELS. CHOCOLATE. CARAMELS, LEMON; CARAMELS. ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBERRY CREAM CARAMELS. VANILLA CREAM CARAMELS. CHOCOLATE CREAM CARAMELS. MOLASSES TAFFY. CREAM TAFfr Y. WALNUT TiFFY. FRESH, PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDIES. BANANAS. - APPLES, - ORANGES, LEMONS, CRACKERS, AND THE BEST Qe eiSAR YOU EVER SMOKED. apiQO gructiatt gates. D. G. MAXWXLL. C. V, KASBJUIIf, ASCtiqnaes jJAXWELL HARKISQJyr AtfCTfOW AND COMMISSION I MERCHANTS, I)ay a&u en eonsignsnenlall kmds el - MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY RODTjCE; VUl $Ht atoHA personal p M .j Four doors above Charlotte HoteL dec3 (""'in, , -,j m ' L1;..:ri 4. 14:1. .4.:) . j,..,.. rtiflltt Sines. AilNTiripTSPATCTUNT XIRQLESJ 'tan n il j;rj' n , tli WTLMESGTON, THRObGGHTW Thla Une being fully equipped for - btfime&s, WlbBlngtoQ and an Northern and Eastern. Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations . AttanOe, Tennessee ft Ohio, i 'q !mp ' AS well as potnts1 In Georgia- Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as - !1 Information furnished t .' ' r;i : ' '; - , . .... -, Gen. relht Xgent, Wuolngton. N. C.-' 0 i-.i eptao 1 1 Mr,). ! ,: , , Now often to Ore trade a full stock of. ll-j..'.--. i -,; . . ... '1 , .. . ; , ! i .il.-'.ii , , . Lublrf Extracts and Colognes, , , '(''III ' Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap :'H'"! Enjtftsb, Frencn' and ; : "IU ' ' American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Caret uliy prepared at 411 hour, both night and day'at H, MpADEN'8 Prescription Store, s ECURITYl SECURITY! SECURITY! 200 Barrels'of a WEST SONS- EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AKD ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal OH Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a ore test or 110 degrees ahrenhelt before it will bum. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. w E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOC E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOC K - -T3ANCY GOODO - X1 ANCY GOOD k5- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes lncrrj(lfng some 'novelties, which1 will pay you to caQ an examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases' French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English, and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON A CO. decIS 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. ""jl '! tun tnt hmbIm1 thla'jtav X(nniv hw nnmu Always call on us for Dress-Goods, Grenadines, which we make a special! 1 WHrtcSEWiMC Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. . 1 We Iteep a magnmcent line of Trimming SUks, all colors. thing yon want in tne line. Ki .t ipff'..w : IN WHITE GOODS Wo keep everything; vte: 8 vlss and MuH Masllns, ' . : etc., all very cheap. We have the largest stock of Ladles' and Misses' Cuffs and Collars In ' the city. Cvder your Hamburg Embroidery and all other Trimmings from as. .K,..,i . Wenaveabeaunulllneol . ' LINEN AND UNION LAWNSj , ; figured; Yavels, Sheetings, etc ete as lew as I day.' ' - ' t Yin tespectfarif, ' ' - ' .. i'-- Apd2L . . , ' NORTH CAntjiCU.) TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled fatmwes for thifTiuuportloil ot Charlotte, StatesvIIte, : AshevUle, Buthertordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Atr-Llne. and Western N. C. Rail roads. Alabama andlUfliwIpr. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C. & Railway, Charlotte. JjMELD BROS., WYOLK&lXJt A1TB KSTUL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AY . , . , PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac i Exclaslve Dealers In ' RAMSOUR BONNIWELL'S and A. L. BHU FORDS various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PROPRirrORS ot Til CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept m first class style. Terms, Per Day . ... S 2 00 tar Great inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. kVminlbus and Carriages at every tfi FIELD BROTHERS Mr. H. a Wilson t Ladt,. RjENBT WlLFONO, febg Proprietors. .Superintendents. Clerk. $2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL H E H E SAVANNAH, GA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Boom. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters Hotel. Feb. 18 tf. s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE 'Salisbury, N. C. C. a Bbovtm, Proprietor J Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.! C. S. Brown, Jz., Chief Clerk; W. 0. Shelbum Ai slstant. dec 80 JAMES MURPHY, , PRXCrrlCAL TAILOR, Hotton's BuBdmii, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I will In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Casaimere suits for $8. Pants of salts same rates. I guarantee aU my work mo fit, no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. Iulyl7. jyj-' LICHTENSTELX. - MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Begs leave to Inform all those In wantf a good suit or parts thereof, they can can and leave their orders with him, as he is tne best artist cutter and tailor In tins section. Should afdO suit be too expensive, get one at barf price, but have it to be artistic, stylish and perfect. nmitv a rut eheftn. Also a nice line Of Kid Gloves. Black Cashmeres and Black Tamlae Cloths, all of We have any- Plato and Barred Nilnsoo any house In the Ste, f W receive new goods eve ry ' ,". 1 I I '' iLXXANPXR ft IL1ELI3. . .. iv-.'' n .- ...4 f.. . :h! till. jr-, . . rt- bJ , ; f CI , til i 1 fyiV, 1

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