: 1. .""- I ed w in-: SATURDAY, APfiit 26;i8ff is 'enter- Thome's comedy company taining.Asheyme. Kerr tfaigO Iitt bM for mayor of fcaiisuury, . The combined population of alem and Winston is estimated at 5,00O Capt. J. II. Sweeney was marked to Miss Maggie King in Wilmingtjon on .Wednesday,, . i , Thos. C. Whitehead, son of Dr. M. Whitehead, of Salisbury, died last Mon day night at Maryville, Mo. i Newbern made its first shipment Of green peas on the 22nd, ten days later than usual. The crop is reported as ex cellent by the Nut Shell. J Teague, who killed the negro 'Denny in the streets of Taylors ville, last Sat urday week, did not die in jail tJie foi lowingaiBBdayras was reported; but is still incjattiUi&WfllL .jjjtj, j. Gov, Jurvifl and Senvtary (jif State Saunders are bein&fcandsomfeiy teiea andtreated in WrrMflgtofif They went tji thft sound, of course, ana were to have cone to Lake WaccamawrFe8te&; day. L. W. Anderson, of Stokes county, was elected president pj .the DanxjJJ & Yad kin River Railroad Company on the - 19th inst. He is said to be a man of greatheuergy, fine, .executive ab$ a4 of great influence. Mr. W. F. Williams, of Davie county, was throwri'froffl'his ttujgy rrtthe out skirts of Salisbury and sustained severe injuries. The Patchman says he was carried tohStai where lie 4tiHMt tended by D.'nftrMtela&uHHAp Salem Press? tavie1 ounilistmei-s are driving droves of hogs frpm Ten- ne3see. JN ot only -m 1 tne1 cwoKea worm made to profit in the production of the sniritumis. hut also bv the raising and fatteniftg'bf large-hSfifibeft'of . . . i- ' - " 'ihj'v iho-j . A oiocaaer was caugnt in trreensuoru the other night. The revenues gave chase and he would have gotten aWay, but his cart turned over at the depot and two barrels of whiskey fell onihim and held him tight till the officers came up. Reidsville Times, Saturday : Charlotte they reached; , (ireensboro,, , Newsboy was asked whv lie didn't buy a thous a T.llflllS- and at once, but he thought there might be a hundred or two left on his hands. ! "He leaves a wife and sixteen chil dven nt$ i!n,h,rtW8vthe.59ncltt sion of anxltuF Ptien the Dan bury (Stokes county) Reporter. If they will ; apportion their sorrwequally among them it will not be very severe on any,, : M, : .,.(:.,.! . . . : The competftixaminatloii 'i()r the cidetship which Col. Armfield'controls at West Toihti will take phrce t SCSts ville Saturday, May 7th. The&xamin ersre . 'JPrpf. J. H; Hffl,B(3B. Boone and M. F. Free?und;jF.s,i()f Statesville. ' ( . - j Iredell Inferior Court sat four days, ast week. Tlie Landmark says elev-j t c3fs were continued and afLrp. entered in tliree. Out of twentysfx cases finally disposed of thre were twenty-three convictioos and three ac quittals. , I I . ; i , f t Too bad! The Sun, in a veiy hand some report of the speech of; the dis tinguished presidejit of our State Uni versity, before the Historical i and Sci entific Society of Wilminarton. only mentions his namfc onoe, andihen callsl liim Tlntlor' Golclsboro Messenger : The Methodist church reports 73 accessions tq its mem bership the result of Mrs. Moon's good labors. About sixty were baptised on Sunday, and we understanbthat anoth er baptism will take place next Sunday, both at tlie church and in the river. The Reidsville Times says a Mrs. Nunnally, near Ruffin, Rockingham county, was standing in the porch the' other day with her baby in her arms, she happened to turn around and stum bled over a dog lying down behind Tier, and it threw her to the floor and broke her baby's hip. The Raleigh Observer says! the reve nue people haye been stirring up the Orange county distillers. They made! a raid on the borders of that county a few days, past, and captured eight stills and fixtures, which they destroyed. Some slight resistance was made at ohe ot tlie places visited. i I The Watchman cirron teles aa sericju accident as having occurred rihursdav ot last wees to an intant daughter ,!of . Mr. Cl Hi McKensift; nearjSalipfeury.) j It supposed she was sitting riear a ldet- 13 tf draw the vessel $o her, eroptieoT the contnts.Jt(ihCjJilIjjPer condition is sua critical. . j Wilmington Revietet .'tfx4ter We learn from Mr. W. J. Hand, who was'a witness .to. the feat, that a young steer attached 'WA a cart1 fan 1 away from his owner,a44rivr, a .colored., .man, yes- terday, near the northeast ferry, nine miles -from this cijr, and. plunged int6' ' : 'trfft'Ti1riimfl aifr Mir' W. J. Eganv ; NeW' YOTkl&mer, was arrested in WilmingtoJO'fednes day for refusing to pay, the wtyiiicense tax in addition to the State tax M $io& The mayor decided that he should nav the tax, -but the case was ief errvrm idge Aleares ot the , Criminal Conrt. who decided that no citv tax riVM ha ,.-. .collected since the passage of the last - vact of the.IiegisUtui on Ihlfe'siibiect j w iiAiiwY.uimswjsscerap smil- pgwun isap:(tocaViof Ue tug ..T-r1?.1 , :rJ.-'rtin1HeiiirW'in custody at the Central .--mrinilsTuesday morningj as havin r; upon nrcasurj i IWKTTY I ttrstoBtandivj ; fimeuuusfi Ql Oline WlllTflLiPrl r n A; u , : iv"' " lmuy, ueriugnier ana w g Ltnanib V. J and ili oiiyWkim'bv her dautrhter. Mi a xooacco lacrorv. anl thv -i.- - r n f man, makes $75 a month 1ai ani non anl fWi m own cnnaren, aritme haft)eerr1rtrtrr , iy liiuuiua aim now ownaa. iiuuse auu iuu U( ,xue Ataieign uoserver sava II LwirrWA fl ispendr that the individaal liabilities " of its editors have nothincr to rln with the paper; that 1 the terrible stringen cy oi me ?FFH.jpreTrmteil the.prompt collecti6n 'ot 'debts Mdeltb him. made him unable to meet the claims of. accreditor who needed his maney,; and, ;to prevent misfortune to tha paper or, to its editor's creditors; It was i.necessary!ito ri take ujteps,-. . and promptly, to avoid such ai calamity by miking provision, as was; fully roade, for the continuance of the newsDaDer. and fulfilmefirojf all itycOBtracts rwiilr subscribers And adi avernaers.-T ' a Elevated Raflrofds. Lle of i Btaeesf Place ot im uwmftnts. DbdoU BDd Steamers all -these - radiate from, or are situated in, the, Immediate, nn'rhborhood of the Grand Central Hotel.- on LJ "jft r Br.iadwav. New York, whleh is now kept on boih S U 1 K toe American $2 50 or $3.00, and the Euro 1' pein plan $1 per day, and upwards. An elegant ReBtauranL at moderate prices, la conducted by the Grand Central. - f. ; pr23lw. ' K SOUTH C1R0LI3A ITEMS. WyU1Wbeen elected town T. clei-k-nf Xancaster. and r. J. rniuiys ,n,Tlw,fMauldin, block, in Greenville' i weeks ago, is to be re-built at one sHri An expert has condemned the Lan caster court house. He says it is only U&r tagemeYttieffwda; wuug, rarotighit.1 ,jiivii9t About $1200 or more hive been sub scribed and paid by the people of Co liimbiatA iChantabte and other like purp within the Mf sixty days. tlev. W. H. Millen, of Chester county, basibe'cho:ta'apdjheSpci ate Reformed church in Winnsboro un til the mppfin c of Presbvtery in Octo- V&A 0 m Columbia Register: Wednesday, the Governor issued a pardon for F. L. Oar dozo, and Robert Smalls. Cardozo was set at liberty by Sheriff Dent immedi ately on receipt of his pardon. Andrew Wherry, a resrteiMzen nf York county. va sittings TifirtobTemt'mtuTiaay.Jhetf1ie was onHAtiiv taken sick and fell. He was .carried to bed and died in a f ew(jm0J fbnfiarv Tnesrlav. Two M mem were T . , J--2 it w.antiired. one oi wnom waww wnnnHMl hv the sruards that his had to be amputated. The other three are still atlafgfcha'td of' them are supposed to be wounded. ; Greenville News: A negro faichild, five months old, suffered sudden death near the colored academy, Tuesday by aaroiiAwino- a niece of raw bacon.. The mother had teft.4hfraW todfefwtyft fnr nnlv about ten or fifteen minutes; and returning,4toun, itdead, the piece bf bacon having lodged In'ltr'throat so ias. to Drevent breathing or crying. ' The New York agent of E. B. Wesley and others, and CoL W. R. Cathcart, of Columbia, called upon the $tate, tyW; urer Tuesday, and made a formal aj- mand for the payment oi a mimon auu a quarter of Blue Ridge scrip. Lirttt - wtt thp turrt nf these asrei l quarter of Blue Ridge scrip. Tnis ac-ion-oft the part-of these agents issup- gosed to be the basis of a suit to De rought against the State for the recov ery of this money. The demand was not complied with. Abbeville Press and Banner: A re port of a distressing case iOf the death of a little child of Mr. Rowlett, tele- gP onerator. comes to us irom i- u ixvruci ges. it seems wiai tuo uuitmj, has hart several vears experience as a nurse, had laid the child to sleep under too mucn cover, its iace ueing uuveicu with the .blanket. Some time, after ward": tt&S found in the agonies of death rreHhwftpcation, ana it died in a few minutes.- BRIEF SEWS ITEM4. President White delivered his fare well address to the students in Cornell University, at Ithaca, N. Y., Wednes day. No allusion was made to public affairs or the dutieSiflonnected with his mission to Germany. Dr. H. P. Pefirod, observer-sergeant of the signal corps, stationed at the chief siznal office. Washinfffcon, las been or dered to South Carolina and adjoining States to collect irifdrniation relative to the origin, movement and effect of the recent tornado at Walterborough, South Carolina. Rev. George Bowers, pastor of the Congregational church atCoonyillQ, N; J., has been arrested in Boston for al leged forgeries while in charge of his Coonville flock, amounting to nearly $7,000. He was accompanied, to JJoston by a married yipnwtn nHmed' Le. Croft Tl,rt ia ofill fhoio 1 ( f 1 A mass meetings was held in Cooper Institute, New York, Wednesday, in aid of the colored migration from the South. Thurlow Weed, Rev. Dr. Henry New man and othera-were on the platform. Rev. II. H. Garnett presided. Resolu tions violently denouncing oppression of colored people were passed and a ool Jection taken up. .., i The annual election for officers dfthe. Tammany society or Columbian order was held at the Wigwam, in New York, Monday evening, the ballot resulting in the election of the ticket favorable fo Comptroller Kelly, which received near ly 600otes, to 4 scattering rotes. Con gressman Cox arid others made con gratulatory addresses. The A ienipl tr Avainate Edwin Booili. . Xhicmjo. .April 23. While Edvii Booth was eivlriff the' Bollloauv ih th bst act of "Richard II," at McVicker's theatre to-night a shorAvaanred at him by a man sitting in the left hand upper gallery. Booth satatill afwaxdapout ime e?onas wuen na snoc was the left wing of the staget,'p5Irrtinfe dut as he went the would-be assassin. Tl latter was at onee seized, and, but for the intervention of officers, would have been,, roughly, .handled, lie states his name is Mark Gray ; thai; tie1 is Wnty three years old ; a dry goods clerk of St. Louis; that ho has been three years preparing to do this deed, and is sur- priseo; at nis failure : tnat nis iauure to klllBobtb Isttte bttlypartdf tb-attenpt which he regrets. He refuses to state the cause- of-higi action, but saya his rea sons will be regarded as sufficient. fnlTWenthid LAlEtt-r.Uray says soof u,t wronged a been jesfDlved to punish him ever since. He states M isf rom Keokuk, .but is Dow , LVPlinp-fnra firm in St.. Tirtnla. He was only thirty .feet distant from Booth when he fired the shot. Ha fend pn his person a letter addressed to a lady by the name tit Katie stating his intention of shooting Booth to-night, and assert- it .Lawrence Barrett is a superloF actor to' Booth. dience at McVicker's remained after hJplsMe, and the pluy pgoaeeded to V4 WWout itireakJ 1 U 1 1 .rl i fiiri mil ai fcTOry,ojffliaisJ tK t Sticronol. 60 vTa, 5 ri k?ftfoman in jpol, 60 yea &. reprimand.! and was piKtcitiei - o-v jei against "TsnegraaL. T aim to so irrfrjrtatedtbathe rair wikfe wrjwrnrath grasv his moth j El's dim and EiTvuuldhk)w.' J'ox this action the old ladV Wilflfl flftmnlaint icjstnst rrm bfwe a judge, and he was ordereertoppeaar in court. Whereup on, filled with remorse for having tried to avert the wrathful blow of his moth er, he seized an axe and chopped off his offending, hand.-' t t The Vii?lnia llebt Busincsfc ! ' RicirMbND, April a4-Messrsl Ellis an1 VvnnytV M A.1 "XT . "VT1 funding asseciAtionof theUnitftd States, lunitea, are now, in this city ana -vers VVUU U1VUV1VU VV UU J ' t TV 1VU banking firmao as iohe details of re funding the State'debt. The formal ac ceptance of the terms passed by the Gen- rMdAengr ill eu, wm dp TSarTrgci oy tne auuitor w iub i - . ,. governor, who is now sick in Winches-1 fTDEBs hi professional services to the pew ter, for approval? Th first,ateh,,.ot mkR2&ml bonds will be ready by the first of. J una. "-' ' ... ' .-J.fci :.?: Nature .does not executAJ'snaV ludiments. but always warns the offender against her laws by the Infliction of pain. Give attention to her warnings, and take Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills in a good time to prevent the encroachments of disease. Price 25c a b&aaahi. m m. m - mmr mmrnr a z ar - - a. iA j r iimitif f i - - - t-m Aiir .a &a v vii wmr T'W "-w n -.-a w i .. - i c J ; r I 1 .1 V',..v, . ,.'-.r, r- r tt I . - - - - - utw. t I mum. INTRODUCED 1066. . A TORPID U the frnllfnl antirM of U111V Alt i neni amuuir wuw im- " - DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS, . DYSENTERY, BILIOUSma, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, 4fJpf.it a I SYMPTOMS OF A TO.KPID LIVER. X of Appetite and ITapae, the bowela jejeeoetiye, bateometimea alternate with jlooeene. PeiQ to the Head, accompanied 'with Pull ew!W. Kgart.Pam ! in the right ide end under the ghoalder UaHa. fiiUnaaa afiec eatioc with k dwin- ettnatioa ffeflity of temper, Low epirita. o! memory .with a feeltoyoffaeving neglected BOme duty, General wesgineaa; Dizzinegg, yes. Yellow Bkin, Headache generally ketehtye. Beatieasnesa at night - with i fitful cu-eama, iiwrnsi highly colored Urine, ft THESE WAEHTJrGS ASS UBHSEDl i SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. ( TIITT'SUPIII 5 are poclalljisutaortwrf t such astonish thPwllfWrS from plasliawera, aad tkaslmj nana i LjjtaHU n thm hedTi rau X4 .k . k.wli la '.ri lllfUIT. W'lllion: Dr. TUTTs Dtr Sir; For ten jerI Kti l3e o tijlbmtliwlji tioa on the DUpaUTrrwalia, lteul Steela are prodncea. ajw .i DR. Jif. HAYWOOD, Sew dbMatnc exist that eannocbe relieved by re. SOLD EVfiBEBS,f BWE,?,CTS. One 33 Miirrmy Street New York. TtfrrSMAMJAIitfr VWUDWlufor- ination onapi J if I ..facta KetundPolar; Act Jnstjmtiieit,-n t-' Office, 35 MumSerf apr 1 lj. TJ:lJ-Jci n ore uieruDiic. THE GENUINE if.muii: to eimol i-tiUn C1 ri. Mm for the' CURE 6f. . ' Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, vsrsrsi anq sick 'illfJift nh Symptoms of a Cisea841Iefe DAIN in the right side, under -the oL the ribs -intfrt&BH ftr stre , sometimes the paia i$ thejitk side; the patient is rarely ble to lie onlhe left side; SiomeiUuea the pain is fcirjtinidf irthd hodUalDlmde, and it trequently extends to the xop of the and is sometimes mistaken ism in thol jnriTb sldjtn acn is affected with toss of appefile) and sickness; the bowels in general . are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head lis troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen- , .eraJiy a consiaeraDie loss oi memory, I 7cjwithpVnf41Mdn of having left undone something whrch ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness, and debility ; he is easily startled his feet are cold or burning and, he, com plains of a prickly 'serisatidft of the skin ; his spirits 4f low ; and although he is satisfied ,that .exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summoir rp fortitude enough to try it. IrV'lact, he distrusts every remedy. , eyeral of the .above mptoms nd where few of them existed, yet exam- 'U.tlU ikt AILa Kn1iiiAir 4ik . shown the" Livfcft't have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in (Cases of Ague and .Fever, vhen taken with Quinine,' are productive of the mpst happy results. No better cathartic canDe tiseid, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would iavise"alt!wK6'aref afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. "' For 'anUious 'derangements' and as a simple purgative, they are un- equaled.- The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax 'Seat on the lid. with tne Imnression Ui. MCLane's -The genuine McLane's Liver Pills 4, h bear the signatures of C,.1IcLane aqd , Fleming Bros, on the wrappers, Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C! MCI'ANe's LmrB' PMXS, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitfeburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name JcJme, spelled differently but same pronunciation. i AW W. BATTLE, M. I J y 2 tn fliA flwf Ann AM the Traders' National Bank, can be f Dund. thero. ou uuun aunng me aay, ana at his residence cor Beven and College streets, at night, f . v.,.,.. ixjkE;; GrKEENE I homkopathic) he is Qualified to practice eith 4jitiBmi-tii n f iw wiu sou aevow aRenoon especially to Canon. 10 Diseases, but will also do a general practice. i calls attended dav or nieht omce over ucAaen's drug store. College street, corner ot 6th street. Residence on marzz aw sm LIVIT eaues. troml-. UMSeMMtiJitf A. .1 on hi CBXAPER THAN XTXE. NKW GOODS f r ""'i-J 'i-K ; -f.H .V v NXW nATUBJES wins w ura iur imdu lasses, ana ecner- Benr Fester's 'ii ; 'Hi 1 1-' ' i i.., ....... '. . tt frM-AT ftfaree.c-ji '&iMMING3SHCiJ OJ sal, jicwxiwjoc eipw .wiiapn & juaoars oicj buums. 1 1- WHKf JQeaar n .hirBtaaiWere erosaingt Viwwu tt Ait bmoaoA ti iiir ahtf-t -HM Oter8eavAQdtiteaten jiew:Q?m4 till mU5 3tJHid .1iirt. l hatwitlMtif to be rlnlnir thnr rnllruit. tiomnianrlrr rlnrlrfif Wt own pMAtac4teed and' ordered his officers to ra- dlate In search of the shallow waters. The one that found himself In swimming water was as muefcln his WW Wnya who towi U high est shoai, but it was to the pxtalMi of the totter that all soon fioeke&for prMdon from the swell- ia drai arannd lUttWM but-, -.Hii. hhertaln' HOHthgutu 90J fit 1 ..J fraterat- tnkftf AND SUPf J.IES, ' ,: .nlatft a its la tit rf i a -ivr tma ,Ujuo wis srt inoai wo .uuot-efl) "of iwafcwflftrir hwvei i offered r ftr tami Action with Iha 'Jin nun ! iUi lj s.,, w tbfe Valley ot Virginia for Hit dji ;i. l. , t.. .-. ftiM -1 J.fH.-.:.; v' vn;h 1 WHITE" MEAL, to the best North; ,PalQ)iua,i,iUa for fineFamUy moil lr-iii i ,. . l -dolD'Uii liit.llii lot n3 Jiivut'in :J m; tomtit I'm bns .unuiun i'i totSr goto trf Store tor Butter. ECblckes aa,WB8diaimteifiwieeacfift Ike:, tmdteiTe found on Trade street h6alliere entf euye? oar aee and save nimseU ftrfflottlewelMntidelnprtoeft. n; Cnarto6e,H. C, Aprfl lT,'187(fe ! " ' ! - FLOUR. FLOUR. i li J-ii'.T 1 Ji ITE ROSE, 111: VHUIUIiI SACX9U 5Q01BARBEL8 600 BARRELS r -i. -MGrNOIilA, ASSORTED SACKS. ; ct; ASSORTED SACKS. ' : i i 1 OBARRKLS OUR CELEBRATED !Jirl -'a itfaOlO .7il!i:;; v"1I i A. I -j.r . " " iijii-iH: i,nn in;. m ujut 9Vj;a iiiW i!i7 FAMILY. FREE SAtPLXiCKi) FAMILIES. CALL AND SEE IT, TRY IX AND THEN YOU WILL BUY IT. ii .tWSOt. A.. . . U I i, . ..! RjMiMILLER&SONS. aprSO " ' JUST IN ' " LURUi DATIDBON'flr Fine" Cooanuts, Bananas, Malaga Gmnes. choice Candies. I 'ITj ' Tit t ' t t fuHtd dall andFob latKst piece of Soay and the best soap, ior oc, in town. JUST.. IN, Choice Jellies In buckets. Also French Mustard and a full line of Canned Fruits, such as Pears, Ptne Apples, Quince, Peaches. . Also corn, Tomatoes, uranam Flour, Oat Heal, Marrow . . 'Beans. When you want Choice , C 11 A C K K R S Call on LeROY DAVIDSON. m ivfi -r. CREAM CHEESE, MACCARONL ITAMCf mine the best stock of MBIES 4 0HfllnTlS yOa want at r t ui - , ' . , 1 h Be sure to try those WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, , , at up in Fredericksburg, Ya. and pronounced the best ever sold in Charlotte, i nave sbubo or Pickles. Also Sugars, Coffees (roasted and ground to order and raw.) Bacon, Hams, Flour, Jc. &c i , LeROY DAVIDSON. w . Ist&XXMit&ns. - Ji'.- A GREEN HOUSE AND '. S'.E'ErD,;.. S T OR E a'. v t- At'yOUR POST OFFICE. 2 iCROSES liROSES ! 3 ; jliuxli I JlafeTai't ( i nah ,Vtiut nun u. "f'Ay;.:.;;. . ' j PATENT - r-t tt . tiS? "nd get- mr catalogue of choice Green Hewe and Bedding Piaats i -we can send plants through tlie mall to any Dart of the country. . C B. FAfRCHTLD, ' 1 uana n Seedsman and Florist, March 26-2nv Raleigh, KG L.L - ..... - . ".T- fib not fa to sei imy latest 30 pae niasttaten Newapffpet with' inochr vaioabie iniormAtim-)fmeil MeW'risnoajViZo.l3o anampwardai''SiewOr-. ean,- -S8S;ta &44D- - lie sure t- write me before bayiiig elsewhere. - Beware of imitators. Address. DAf,BRAT7T.rWasniBgton,N..,i ' -' i' in li'ifil htiii .-fMhHiiniUu infi't AGENTS WaITTED toe tae 4best fastest selling- Pictorial! Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 83 per cent.,, National Pukuhhino Co., Philadelphia, PaiV. ?-v -';Ti - ' i a. .. 4 J; i.fjj- .- ; -. ij-: A GINTS WANTED tot Smith's Blhie Dlctlona- x.raiBuTian.'inew,,; , . , r picToiiiAt, bibles: rnees reaocea Circulars free. a. J. HOlMAN i i CO.,Pblladelphia. - j-J. 1 1 1 "Tii i L-'i' Pareon's Purzative Pills mate new filch Blood. find will comDleteiT chansre the blood 'In thn entfm system to three montfii Any person who will take! one am each night froto t to 12 weeks mar be. re stored t sound health, it such a thing be possible. fenbjtoJettef tamps. t JOKNSOJ BENSON'S CAPCINE : POllQUS PLASTER Tam, teiio doubt abopt the cieatauperioritf of; una vsum err common, porous piasters ana other exterhal remedies; soch as liniments, electrical ap pliances.1 Ac.1 Ask physicians in year own' locality about Iti i It Is wonderftrt.! ; Sold Jjy all Druggists, Pde&25eena.ur,,r!i ; . ; : ap22-4w , pOB&AUtV ! jfne outKeoise and Minion type 6n which this aapetwas lately printed. It was made by the old Jota tyDe tOundrt. or Phlladftlnhlft. aiid w jot; dJaoarded because no longer fit par use, but pn- v wvimbc U) vecoxuo ueueiKiaiT ri use a amereni style; ptWpJt will do good 'servtee for severaJ 7BacKonMk -ii wui to sow m iota t sm por ehasersi and In lonteof 50 to lXKCbs, with oj oct5 . , Charlotte. N.fJL , . CITY PROPERTY YOB. &ALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well 'improved ury iax, noose with tone rooms, ana "modern con-' Yeniences, nne weu or water.i mcft kttehen, within fire minutes walk of the public square, can be ac- e)mmclatedby aj)p!ylhaw' ' decl8 UiTTt, f N OT1CE OP SEIZUBE. tT. a INTERN AI. REVENUE, ) Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V StateBvule, N. C, Aprfl 8d, 1879. I Seized for violation ot Internal Revenue Laws, on April 2d. 1879: ' ' Two! 'MuIml One Wnirnn a amflB anil O i wAca juautuaviurca lODacco me property or x. 1 ' Notice U hereby1 giveh to tie owner Or claimants of the above tesrtbftd Birtnprf. ta . tmrxwir hnf m fate at my office, in 8tatesvtLle. and make claim thereto before the axpfratton,. ql thirty Ways from tfWS-f1" me same win ne ioneuea to the owws. 'MUTT, J.G. Yocms, i. , , Collector. 1-v i apri st toQdy?;' " ' JTICEDTSETZDRK. a -v jS. INTERNAL REVENCE, 1 (VuecWsJOffloe, 6th District North Carolina, V l 8tatesville, NC., Aprtl 2nd, 1879. ) Seizeafdrvftilatlon of internal Revenue Laws, on April lsM87fr 8 boxes Tobacco, owner un- anown 1 4 Dexes Tobacco, the property of K. Foa- . ier( ,uw ugars. tne property oi k. m. uajme; one half barrel of Whisker, owner unknown. Notice is hereby efven to the nwnnr or claimant Ot the above described property, to appear before meat my omce in Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof , or the same will be forfeited to the UnltedStates. . J. 4. MOTT, i. G. Yorao, . Collector. Deputy. apr2 8tm80dys i&tzXXmizttus. FAMILY MEAL. 3 Car Loads 1.820 Bushels CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Juet received, ap 5 R. M. MILLER & SOUS. rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an "CONFECTIONERIES in therdty, at -janSO LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. IFYOU WISH to engage. s an honest, genteel bastneas, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to " ft f lu. ,'(i9X.4thavN,Y- Under cost b the barreL by , ' LeROY DAVIDSON. an30 ' : i tat MA TIC MM TEETH. GUMS'-BREATH I ! ,NO MORE H.B JJ M A T I S Vf OR GOUT AC U T E OR C H BO N I C S' A L I C Y LI A -SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark " "bythe1 '"' EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., ' ' Olr PARIS AND LHPZIQ. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure ' guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated pnyncianB or joirope ana America, .oeooming a Staple, Harmless and Reliable Remedy on both continents. -The Blithest Medical Academv of Paris report 95cares oat of 100 cases within three dan. feeoret Toe only aissoiver oi the poisonous Uriftjlcld which exists In the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patienta. SI, 00 a "box, rT twxes for 00. - Sent to ni addieas en reoeint of Drice. idorsodbr Dbjslclana. Sold br all drugjrlsts. Ad- areas , wAstmuiuxis ju., aiovT Only Importers' Depot. 23 Cilfl-st, N. Y. -i For. sale by J. H. McADEN, Druggists, fehl8-ly. Charlotte, N. C. pHE SCIENTIFIC AMIRICAN. THXKTX-rOCBTH TJtAB. The most Popular Scientific Paper fi the World. ... ' ' - : (..: -i' ' . Only J3.20 a yw. mctading postage," Weekly, 52 xnumpen a year, 4,uuu dook pages. ' The SerKMTTJTO axxbicah . Is a large first-class Weeklr NewsnaBer of sixteen nans, minted In the most beautiful' style, profusely Illustrated with splendid engrarauEB. nnreaenonc the newest in vennons ana tne most recent advances in the Arts and Sdeaeesi Including New and Interestine Facts In .Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, uecucai jnogress,' social science, .Natural History. 1 papers, byemrnent writers in all departments of i befence, will be found In the Hdentlne American. 1 , Terms, 3.20 per year; 81.60 half year.which in ! eludes postage. Discount to agents. . Single eopies, ; nn cents, eoia oy su Mewsaeaiers. itemit oy tal order to MUNN Co.,-Publishers. 87 1 Row,- New York wai tut s : w, -,xt -rfVT , ,t, PATENTS-In connection with the SdenUfio American, Messrs Munn dt Co... - Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents,) have had 84 years experience, and now have the largest establish- meri m tne worm. ' .ratenis are obtained on the best terms, v A BDecial notice ia mada tn thn Kninn. i tlflc American of all Inventions patented through i this Agency, with the name and residence of the r rateniee. - aj tne immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction, often easilv .effected. Anr Derson who has made A nt.vr aiurmm mr i Invention, can ascertain, free of chartre. whether a patent can probably be obtained, bv writlne to tha undersigned. We also send free our hand book atxut tne raieni Laws, - intents. Caveats, Trade-, Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions.-Address for the paper, or concerning patents. - - . - - - .P " mmn dtCCrParkHow, 'New York. ! BranchOfflce, cor. F. 4 7th Sts., Washington, D. a 1 J' ZiJn-d)m JiM VjtW A.FH MM ' 1- " TU flOUBOlilll..'. Jtt DIlSS HUt l I Vl 1 .. . . . - r. r id S't -it fii) i ii i ( .Uhh f! i JI LI .-H tl f BOOK BINDING; j . STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of The Ob- sebvsk, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added a com- pleie , BOOK BINDERY AND 1 -.-'" : . ,i Euling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notiee. Old magazines', newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome siyle, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tl ls class, ruled and bound to order. ' We are prepared to furnish ctose estimates on every description of LETTER FKESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice, and In first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, , ? ' ,- " And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a triaL We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as It is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels' BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, Business Cards, v Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks. In factj all kinds of printing done at short notice. Special attention given to Railroad Printing. BOOK WORK. "1 nAu-:' . Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Address ' " P.O. Box 82. THE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C SMITH'S WQRM Oil.. Athens, Qa., December 8. i kt A few nfehts Rinv I Worm Oil, and the next lav h W'wo,rms- At the same time I gave one to mr little K,rl. four rears old. and sh tJa my worms from four to fifteen inches long. B"l,s' v WormOil for sale hv nn idvi . ta .,1 T pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, G a. ' ' ,v ...WBUWUMr ieD7 (lllllr Is a perfect Blood PcamEit. and fa th only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cubes of Syphius and Scrofula in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from th system; It relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generaliy. teoao Bm THE WORKLNGMAN'S FRiEN T HE WORKINGMAN'S KRIENl ). In these days of polltteal trickery, a true friend ine urae oi need, a friend indeed: and such a friend is I)R; WM. HALL'S B A LS AM the LUNGS. It Is a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, HOARSEN ESS , . and all diseases of the Lungs. ChestandiTimw.t This well known remedv has been ty years and has cured thousands of cases, roan ol which, were given up aa hopeless. Noease,- however obstinate, can resist the heal lng properties of Dr. Wm. Hall's Ralsam forth t7 Remember that itln t.h Balsam that cures the worst cases. JOHN F. HENRY, CUR II AN A Co.. Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston A Co.. marl 1 ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debilitv nrpmaturo cay, exhaustion, etc The onlv reiiahis otm cir culars mailed free. Address J. K. REEVES 43 Chatham street, N. Y. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TKAINd GOING EAST. No. K Dally ex.tm. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, 3.45 a m rj.55 p m 8.20 am I 3 00pm 5.30 a m 5.25 p m I 9.30 a in Greensboro, Raleigh. 4.10pm Arrive Golds boro, No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points In Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R, & D. R. R. for all points North, iSast and West. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally I ex. bun Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 1 Dally. No. 3 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 am I 5.35 p m 3.50 pm 1 ;S.;rtdi s.2b i m ! 6.47 a m i jtaieign, ' Grtenuboro Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.50am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch, At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. K. for ail points South and South-west: at Air-Line Junction with A. & C. A. L. Railroad for all points South ami South-east No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. K dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction witi a. a. v. a. Lu ior an. points south and soutn-nev At Charlotte With Ol, C. & A. Railroad for al. points South and South-west SALEM B&ANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 1 Arrive Salem, 0.5t)p" Leave Salem, , . " " " 5.4nam Arrive Greensboro, " " 7 45 a i Conneetimrat Greensboro with trains on the R A D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CABS VTTHOTJT CHANGE Run both wars on Trains Nos. 1 and 2. betrei. Hew York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro ana unarioae, ana both ways on Trains os. j 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond. Charlotte and Augusta. 'lurouKB xicKets on saie at Greensboro, itaieigu GoldBbonv, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at ail principal points South, South-west, West, Nortli and East. For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMURDO. , i Gen. Passenger Agent. nov20 Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, . COL RAT IA AND AUtiVSTAi AD. Chaslotts, Columbia and Augusta R. B., COLcnuA, S. C, Dec. 27, 1 On and after Sundav. Dec. 2flth. 1S78. the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over tlii road, (Washington time,): NIGHT EXPRESS. Gorna Socth, No. i. Leave Charlotte. 1 OOa.h Arrive Columbia uo a. m Leave Columbia tt 0; a. Arrive Augusta 10 00 a. Going North, No. 2. Leave Augusta 5 g: p 10 00 P -m 10 10 p- S 10 a. m. Arrive uoiumbla Leave Columbia, Arrive Charlotte, DAY PASSENGER. Going sooth, No. 3. Leave Charlotte 11 27 , 4 10 , 4 IS . uo A. p. P.M. P. Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia Arrive Augusta ; Going Nobth, No. 4. Leave Augusta.. Arrive Columbia . Leave Columbia. ArriveCharlotte. . . . , 9 03 a. 1 20 i ao p. 0 30 ! Hock HIU. These train stnn nnlv nt Fnrt Mill, Chester. Wlnnuhnrn - VMimmiT Leesville, Bates- burg; Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte ville.: All other stations will be recognized as flag stations. - .a Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room on Nos. 1 and 2 Greensboro to Augusta; aiso um Nos. 8 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond 4 Georgia Central Railroad. , , T. D. KLENE, supennienuenu JNO. R. MacMukdo, G. P. Agent C2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I , '.. Yadkin County. I In Proba'1 Court. Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of Benjamin Sparks, deceased, ?-. ; .VS.; The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, Ieceatf NOTICX OF FINAL SETTLKltENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court tw Lydla Dimmit, wife of Paton Dimmit. Hai "i. Felts, wife of John Felts, John Sparks, and bethReddik, wife of John Reddlk. are beirs at in this case and non-residents of the State. , It is therefore-on motion oidered bytbei-i that advertisement be made for six weeks in Charlotte Observer, notifying said defu"in- to appear at tne merit's omce in xaaiuu"" In twenty days after service of this notiee, au them take notice that If they fall to appear taai w same will be taken pro confesso and expane them.:. . i t-jjd-, Given under my band and seal of ornceii' klnviile, this the 10th day of February, A. D i- ; . . , . ISAAC N.VESTAl" v. . Probate J""- . j3-dltw5t,