.Vm, I;..'" : ii r - J I '1 r sn i i la. ' - III 00 Mr Mtmi. 4 00 2 00 Ote Month. . .. .. 75 WSXKLT MDZTION , (lthteoty)l&mmc$.... ....... Out of tki county, pottpaid, 88 CSoofle. S2 00 a io . 1 00 SUN UMBRELLAS: tit 1-adles buying Parasols and Bon Umbrellas will Imk1 the best assortment at the low est prices ut ELI AS, & COHEN'S.' They will also And other goods to salt them upon which they can ave money. Oar stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS J ' r-- ' - Is now complete, among which may be found a i full Supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting i t--l'ni- '.:. ' " i t and POlow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen i: Table Damask in Wh te, Slate, Red and fellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car pets, Rug. Mattings and Oil Coins. ' Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of : 1 WHITE GOODS, H0SIF.RT. GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFSi SETS. FANS AND TIES. COR- Ask to see our Ten Ceats Linen Cambric .Han. kerchief and S2 Sun Umbrellas. You will find them cheap, and everything else In propo:tlon Call and see us. It will pay you. ELIAS COHEN. ifttrotluvf. TITRGKSS NICHOLS. I 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAI.CR IN ALL KINDS OF I t Ml FURNITURE FURNITURE t FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! Bedding, Ac, BEDDING, AC. BEM)ING, Ac BEDDING, AC. A Full Line of CHEAP 3EDSTEADS! 1EDSIEAD81 LOUNGESI LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBTOt SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! IJfCOFFENS Of all' kinds on handl ' COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -JKl Na 5 WKSTjTiUDK Street. CHARLOTTE, N. G d.'wj 7( v)-.i - tLadWajid,GeBJ bes a Itlu nnc.b janS ' a ABGAINS j' i IS i UBBRKH N n TTTTU OR BNH N II T U KK fi If U VRSR HNN II UU E. G. ROGERS W1BEB0OMS, . -u.it X . I ;. . . 'n;'-;n". i :f.''. : . .. ." :,(-!- illWj-jit XllU'Ur- ' . .VHVdjJ 'in tJaiVit.'J 'i')rt m& :l .' tf 1t $t) " ' . WiW -.i iiif! . 1I:-:,uill fjSrt , t,JWct o Potewrno j'-. dr.iv: "UtiJA ifrl - ? ; J I'i !i :'- iU rtt f iilitt , !' to Ii'UW 8 'ti'TJ. .Hi'fUtSnV'W j t'Mt,ir'Ji(tt mo rt9-. My Roelru v lAfi'Vemtiraeetfairull Line of - i -)f , L ,:1 . 1 ' ' . ' . i , 1'Aklttv.CHAMBDrapfaROO '. ' ta'fS lMT .'tlgia -ij'0? " i ' OFFICE FURNITURE ' Ail Goods Packed Free ot.Charge - Daily, of year, TJRRB KKJE UB BE ; j .f r ? - i VOL. XX. ijrij &oo&&,'MtAuiufh tec GRENADINES, &C. . "iri tB Jiw Uctlrefl iBihet lot of Black and Colored SILKS, TrlBuaing Silks, In Momle patterns; Black and Colored, Brocaded and Striped 81 GRENADINES. a (Mi A h ii indsome line of Black and Fancy Scotch GINGHAMS. Don't fall to see our French. Organdies, In all the new styles. Lace and Lisle . iq all co'ors. Gauze and Nainsook Shirts. A full stock of 'STRAW !t$ lULLINERY GOODS. Orders proroptly fllled. 15 T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Ctoartotte HoteVi-Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. April 27. ij u v rnn& RULE THE DAY. i I LARGE1 CROWDS if 3 Dally throng the CHEAP STORE OF- H. MORRIS & BRO'S. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Men's Best Flannel Suits, only $12,00 Beautiful light Casslmere Pants, 2.50, 3.50, 4.50 White Fancy Pique, 8J& 10 and, 12 cts. per y&d, Beautiful Lawns, 10 and 12V J Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. Hamburg Edging, all widths, 3 to 25c per yard. tvbottoii Gloves, all jshades, 50c., 75c. and S1.00 per pair. Beautiful Dress Bunting, worth 25c, for 15 cents ;" "perjanL -! Yard Wide good Bleaching, only 8e. per yard. ' Best Calicos, all grades, Only 6 cents per yard. It will pay anybody to Inspect our Goodir and prices, as we claim to be the leading low price hoaln (Dttar)otte F .., . Just received, a beautiful line of Ranging In price from 121& Cents to $3. ( j 11 A LU (IX Also, a full line of STRAWcGODS And Lndfes' rtiderwear, at immense bargains. ., .T H. MORRIS A BROS. In .'it SPRING -CLOTHING. it-. i T i.r T W. KAUFMAN A CO. .'.-.'.Hi 1 i - ' r.WA-i.A ;.-f.f. a lie erbeilment Xrchaslng a we nave stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's ! ) JOIJ MTirZWr- LKXJ L OO TTTT H H n HB H UUU V O OO QQO ID KlCffJ h1 We tovltiy'lWmspeetioni ahcf'we are at all times ready toigrf'qtwta 'itrlcesEvew garment wnicn is soia at our nouse w warmuwu w Seas represented, and to price less thaa can be bought elsewhere. We continue' to sell ''ix.Y-:: ":"t I Cheaper than any other bouse, as we did the past season andUhey have gained tat reputation of be- lnu the best ln the marke .. We present this season to the consumer a nns ipmiAUocrAaH Boo,Shocs and Slippers, nludlgMiDXi Jakeltl fecountry. '- There nian a fnnnd in nur stock a eomnlete line of fine FelL:8Ul and Straw Hats, and any kind Hi Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase, before yoa vtsaammiat hock, m cue eoeaiww hi: a . BARGAINS, .1:.. ;'.. CanWhadaf April 10. 'MlXtiM .8A.-: ' " ;. ,W.KAWMAMCO.'Sr)rM Corner Tnde anofTryon Sts.,- , , -Charlotte. N. C. . u. SILLS. .'X I 5 NT II i . r ft ' r ' ' The waitlng-wdmen wait at herfeet. And the day Is fading Into the night f s-t: tui And close at her pillow, and round and sweet;rn..i;. The fed rose bums like a lampaBghip v i ,?!L Ana unaer ana over e gray mifirsioi; ; .u;itntjs Jtnd down ana tiowp lrora Uie mossy evevif' 'i ' And down from the ycwe' long wild leavear Tbe&hmraln dronneth'soeokL floeoid.-- j-kh Airiiever had a sleeper a sleep so fair; v ,nd! And the waiting-women that weep around' ) Have taken the combs from her eolden halrl rtaie foikrindt.(; Theyave hidden ttie liihc ftomlier'levely eyes; And down the eaves where the mosses grow iu.ut Tne rain is dripping so slow, so slow, a n And the night wind cries and cries and cries.-' f 7 From ber hand they have taken the shining ring, They have brought the linen her shroud to make; O, the lark she was never so loth to aing, . And the morn she was never so loth to awake ! , And at their sewing they hear the rafni ' 1 r r Drip-drop, drip-drop over the eaves ' '' And drip-drop over the sycamore leaves, - As If there would aenrer be sunshine again. ',) The mourning train to the grave has gone, And the waiting-women are here and are there;' With birds at tb windows and gleams of the soil Making the chamber of death to be fain " "" And under and over the mist uniaps, ; ' '- Ana ruoy ana amethyst burn through tne graf," Juki ones ownes grwtereen whb sprsy, And the dimpled water its giaa delaps The leaves of the sycamore dance and wave;'5' ,u" And the mojumersput oft theaiouniing sBowsf "' And over the pathway down to the grave The long grass blows and blows and blows. And every drip dtop rounds to a flower, . . . v And love in the heart of the young man springs, And the hands of the maiden shine with rings, As if all life were a festival hour. ... 1 nr1 rlfj OBSERVATIONS. . - An actor, recently returned fronvthe mining dis tricts, was asked if he had a full house on his first appearance, to which he responded, "Full house! yes, they were all drunk." Among the names of the many noted baseballists who have secured fame and money by i their achievements within the diamond arena, we have never yet seen the name of the Prodigal Son. vet ithe fact stares posterity la. the. f ace tfat fee was sne nrst- man to maxe a nome run. Waterloo Courier. ' .i-T!"--!'"- . There, Is only one object In. the wold which win" attract yoang lady's aitenfeani frpmi the;.haad some young man whom ihe'rheetstonJthe street, and that is another woman with a hat two laps ahead of any style she lias yet seen. Bradford Era, The editor of the New London Telegram appears to wax sadder -andVsadde every jd& THIs latest reads : "An efliWr'9 property 4-A pofrbf ed cane, a stolen umbrella, and an unregistered dog." Never ratadVoM fellow, hang on to your properties; don't gtveOp tie fchip; hope on, hope ever; never sai aie; wnat you want is to cultivate your lymg lacui- to -batter advantase. The Georse W; bnsmesa doesn't pay now-a-dnys. The aee.der' man ds pictorial and sensational Inaccuracy. Giv4 it to them toot. New York Commercial Advertiser. ' Up m0ttow :8omebody gave d 'party. One of the guests proposed to be a mesmerist. He-mesmerized-a young man, and for an hoar or two made him the laughing-stock of the house. Then. shenjie. attempted Jqunmesmerize him, tne,,iut-, jgaoctomig tone'lrorid J refused to come out of hls traaee, klase eery fwutaaa In the bouse, f Doareaa llbatimof lnk onahl mesmerist's shirt f front, 1um only eondesoendea recover his senses when the terrified operator had ned lor a doctor,- t l ' iSSgffwSfts i "What a ftrem tnlna-Jhe 1 Inelne Is." edalmeor a FrenehmaHT lotlafcto one oUhe fads watanranto.A'Wlnr so?" inquired a mend sitting next to mm. Ueeensen is to tnat great invention tnat i owe my rorruneJ My aunt, who was killed last month by a railroad accident, has left me $20,000. A month ago to day I was hard at work trying to earn a living; to- aayiam a gentleman, wjnva great invention .mbllng house, kent etTRounds. was found in a devastated-condition. Between the hours of 3 and daylight some enterprising sportsmen had entered the place, had blown, openiUe safe and SOU m lawful Surrency and "i JEM tganoeaienl wna engineered lenmjmpsrfAd inemaelves. The lata mantsafe ftosStbrrhave of mak ing headway against Chicago faro bank Is when he goes In with a crow bar and a can of dynamite. a5 Cot In t& Rampage. l. fHickory Press. Since last Saturday there has been, a great deal ff ejeciiement Jig-oughout muifitycaise(W)y Jiiad dog. Idrffli, oiie femes ana ithe other years! solis f Jtr. GftJaklweU, were very severely bitten by the dog early Saturday morning. The children j- were playing around the yard atf tne residence j near Hickory when the dog came up and attacked them. The dog seemed, to be very ferocious and bit them in several places before heeould b frightened awav. Dr. Baker was I'M riipedMed)fal atterj. I tion. The parenfe nave been verynitich exercised about tne cniiaren, ana are doing everything they can to stay the riaSicTinf ts ldjfpio Wa. TO phU time thd chifdren na"ve slfowfi no-signs rf ltnin mnrfl than tlpsh wminHs. There is but little doubt that th'e frog1 rereixea to was a genuine maa uog,vvuw , W. H. Lutes, of Cleaveland countyi-was in Hickory this week and informs1 us' that a dog filling the same description 4 had been tnrougnnis section, it was first? seen on Wednesday, about eight f miles beldw elqy-1 came to some hunters in the woods, bit their. dogs r and made its escape. Thursday it batn ' by Senator Hoyfe's store, at Black-Jpjok and bit his dogs and several duck and geese. Later the same day it bitetyr two lime negroesiwho were njavjngrpn flrrt robd side. FridW -it hr afDuiig ladv who was recently married fe'Mr.i James Wells. She received seyeprj sbt'. vere wounas DUt nnany succeeueu in beating it away from her. The dog then came on through the " Hog Hill " settlement, then through the neighbor hood of Mr. James Keever's, showing fight with ogst cow8,.qhickes, , and ev erything of the kind with which he tjame in contact. rridaVtlfKt he came -to- IJickory-and juaaped. oa,ajiegro man,, J who beat mm on witn a ooaraynoF, however, until he had lost a partialis overcoat in the fight. Saturday imorn ing, after he bit Mr. Caldwell's children, several gentlemen guarding at thj$,'tau road works, followed the rabid! animal and gave him a silent grave near the Catawba river. . .. . . . ii J ' dtnrn'TffehTO:Waaington. A Washington letter to the Louisville Courier-Journal says: "Titoe was when Southern members kepit,.house here and entertained handsomelyiKow it is the exception to find one doing; So. Most of them live either in hotels ! or lodgings. There are nine of those, de lightful messes formed byvthe Senators from this or that State. The large: for tunes and handsome homes how. .here were exceptions before the war". A member or Senator now with his paltry 85.000 a year cant keep up with a social nroerfcwlrdcM4eauiresfrom $15,000 to &5u,D00 year, from its rank and file, TihtHresult ia the, thernerrj)oor. and proud, won'tassert himself;. He cannot equal or return tne sumptuous -enier-tainnaents of hisrwathy Northern or Western brother; so he goes out; but lit'dfesses porty? burrows in Jodg ings, and his false pride keeps hixafxfjm organising Tajgclety where a m'odest house .and entertainment, good campa nv and conarenial Deonle shall stand in niar.ft of a crorereous establishmentk fliia; f Rnrjinmires and Hunkers' in UverytTimei i 1 MTM--0 ' . " . - j .. ,1 was w lien. a.. senator was a iremenoous - social factor, but now, unless he lias a W J ' - J . Private9 tdrtflnSif 1 fsHfi niati of rtf . birth .and culture, h&smka down w levfil of .the averaze memDeroi.jUQn-, " Th discoveW of the circulation of the brood was an important event ia tne history meoclnei but J II me DlOOa OO iuu oi. im purines; iu i-iremauoiii which Provldei Intended -as a blessing, proves a bane. Henoa wa; hokl eleause thejriopd jrtjh, Bosadalla, the greatSouthern .Remedy : - apr22 lw , . t-i w; t fii CJifcaae the ch a DYa notorious eliaTactePfmm Awftonmth i, rut is tmn 'JwdhBhi eieVeff "-i 1 llo t.! ' I .C :i re. tut Hi yjjtol htUt .-lvuin i-j iai .iJ it- Tf: ia rprpA - tit at. "Mr KfminlitAn: Unifitf tateainlsterto Russia, will Mr "Yrr:tlie time nd . nlianfl : for W'Vmmmn.mii baa'tatooifll Ujr olaiBDfccm.oi South JaToUnvflTacancie lathe cbthi SriulIiQriftU and board. ;j - - i V WashingWil fetter of the 24th to the lBirldnf HmtAtmMesars. Scales' and !Davis.Torth,Caj:olia, made strorrwi7srote'$pijeH qij 'the 'WfttjlHSw aria'so iUd-ifMr. iw Jjriia, aivd other Gheewdaf mute, of Whitet hmirOTIiW JNara i of age, who-eparwlJyot6;hS rjfe about two weeks Mtor,rtDetfcB Xhuxaday in a lieotyf lIMEaifrM. eslrtHrherthRyagh fceiSriaeJU&ei the; pistol to hia temple, lulled hioasell mr stdhtly- Hty 'wife1 13 till flive;but car, not suivlt. ' .,7 ' A The' giMafutV 6f tfii'fthhyd cotftt 1 VPv the,JJ.m4a-j ame qwaeiae, ana tor Mete a two tiaytiltm& engaged in the examination ot witnesses. Tlrtrrs- day they, returned a presentment . for murder against uenwooa ii. iiinas as principal, and against Harry T. Hinds, his brother;1" as accessory Defore;the actqriii the killing of Isaac D, Jamfes. Thescnool census f 'ItoltimOTe.giyes SoOfli yiildren and, yfcuthof the school age-betweeen 5 and, 2 J years. By the last UnitediStates census, in a popula- hCwldrenvf, toe seftool age,qui to one in ieacfr 2.11 of the total population. On this bitsis Uie "school ! census j makes the total population of tHe y.to be 24081. t MarkvjGray, the would-be assassin of Edwin. Booth, atChiago "was commit ted Thursday in default of .20,(XXj bail to await the action , of . thej grand jury upon aeharge against him of attempt ing to kill. The penalty of the crime is froml one to fourteen: years' .imprison ttient. Gray persisted irf-'regretting his failure to murdet, " Bpoth, saying he wotiicl kilt Him when free '-agairi. Fariher Particnhw trf' lWAftempt Upon' Itte i 1 '- Special to the LodUvfBe Courier-Journal. Mirl excitement over the attempted isasSsmation of 1 Edwin -was a.viery larg aiteidan.ee, Ji: There he play aioB g smoothly;. and:the audiehce - w as particularly enthusiastic, over the 'pre sentation of the play. During - the ; prison scene of the last act a load report was heard, another shot, and the' crowd, was wild -vwith .. excitement. Booths with i remarkable presence of mind, arose and said "That is the man !": and pointed to a man in the first Dalcdny. .,!,.!...... .-i, . Booth left .Uie 'stagria behind the scenes found his wife: prostrated. The would-be assassin., .was,4rjamediately secured, and rgreat t efforts had to be exercised oh the pari of the DOUce to keep him from the violence ; Of ; the crowd.'i After tire' ' excitement., . had somewhat , subsided .Booth cambupon the stage, and tlie' vast audieflqe gave nine lusty cheers ' in- Jiis- iooor.. He answered with a stwpfactl:: thank -you." ' The prisoner: gave theiname:qf 'Mark ensrasred as' a retail' drvgoods'clerk in a prominent house in St.'Louis. , Ie said tnat nacame jierejor tne, express purr pose, of-kUling. . Booth, wasorry that he Iwiihpa&l 'Wpi 'haarkJ ;if: he had another miance lie would talke care e care to do a good1 job. AHoHhe nrotive for the deed' hfe said' he would ireihain silentthat- wa; -afRcref , between man, tw-enty-threeiyears fif ;agri pt light build, and bearaa -striking resemblance f: RfwatiVi. t A;a. to where his father , was Jhe would ayirjtWngi i batniane4 tha$ ttiai;; w, afiaiaisr.e' Ailetter was 'rhnXA-'nL 1224 itii'antaAh TTafw. Daveaftk- fCctaik9qiwhick' had r been Written ,bWbrQ1di;;Jn this he mm that if M.wenTOM' theatre he ;weui&ther kill or be; killedfejf Booth. The opinion prevails here thatf the nian is insane. ,n: j Boothr"ieas!sfeen at the Grand, Pacific, Hotel, latitonigh and . says thaV he can conceive of no causa: fot tlue.. deed; that he did not know. nor. had he. flver seen the man Gray, as he could iremem ber. " " "' f'i'iii- j j Mrs. Booth still lies prostrate at her room at the Grand Pacific. : The affair has caused a decided,, sensation, and indignation runs Wgh against the per petrator... . A ilartisbufg (Pa.) dispatchays Bitition is Jjeing circulated among the emtjeratsofitfiePennsylvania Legis lature, which has been signed by mem-: iDad'be1 signed by all,! calling, OntnelJe$nT)iCTats to insist upon the re pfeaTfeftJie" Federal election laws. The petition, which was writteny Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, xecites that there is much reason to fear-that the dishonest Eractiees-of the Republican fftrty will e reiteated unless these statuteaare wiped, out.The successful fraud of 1876 na' eniboldehed the population for a stronger effort of the same kind iri 1880, Another cheat will compel us to choose between two of the most frightful ca lamities which can happen to any" peo ple civil war or tame submission 6 a government hopelessly rotted.) What ever was the intent.. ot; thoe . enact ments, it is obvious they mayj be used by a corrupt ' adrdi4istration for im proper, unjust andioppre$sivs purposes; nay, it is certain theyhayBJ been so used, and so long 'as " they ' continue on the statute-books we. canao hope for free and fair elections. Tha (incorpora tion of the repealing laws in the appro priation bill is indorsed, and ; the pas sage of new laws is ursred to secure the people against the frauds and violence WUiVII, HI LUC iXVBCU&V UJ, piCCUWYO ICtt" islation, will without doubt bo attempt ed ; Berious Banger Threatens every man, woman or ch&) living in a region of country where fever and ague, la preva lent, since the germs of . malarial dlaease an In haled from the air and are swallowed from) the water of 8H0h a region, Medidnsafegaard b. gbluteiy necessary to ijulllfy thia dangeE" As a moans of fortifying and aoelimntlng tbn system so he able, to resist the malarialMlson, HosteU Blftets to Jncomparab t best and the mostropTmu., Irregularities of rthe stomach, liver and Dowels encourage malaria; but these are speedily rectified by the Bitters. 'The functions of digestion and secretion are assisted br its use, and a vigorous as well as regular condition1 of. the sys tem promoted by it. Constitution and physique are thus defended against the- Inroads f malaria by this matchless "preventive; whlelj is' a&e a certain and thorough remedy In the worst Leases Of later mlttent and remittent, fevers,'-' 'JiL . " '' -ilf.n of,-' r f5 Vi-j:;(f, -i.i.ns - -J t - i 11. ;i lf V1 Hi , in. r i ! i .'flf . In th Mrlr nart of AverT KMuion there is a natural iafrfdjm tafow ftyttw irtifrrVr , fW fa. ihyilln'gw h h ynblfe. and the general standing of our house, will assure all in- i nMMt klk UkAh lu Viii 4 ,tn'anA WitfArii fihriM W ' Von1 tuiiiiink nf whtrh nHRl mention will be mad. Tho lntaoi A; j-, ., ' "f.f Ii It has many admirers among those who prefer atw ( I imx.incBOiasAiiaway nocK, wnn tnree c iour t f'lii in shape and style retaina la hol In popular favof.; sIts length, a, pttB, longer, than last season, and it u one oi, tne most useful among the gar ments of a feBUemaa wardrobe. . Thajateriata J ' mmIwiaIa; i H u rated taaWaMlB ilDnltt ''i&riK Waai:.sswHni.jris iMdXmm'iuB''n and aeaTbut boasts 'pajtlealarU (ltTocan. uiuque ana very eiegant. . , Tjt.WhftoTests.we have a State Wotetto to' this reason's selections. Oar ejrorts have been to place upon ouf eemtera'oMliabWa - WBtavlte tb attention oi.aU, both-far and near,MBmdtoefr ad4ahtagwffl be toe we wfll send goods to any section on approvahwlth privilege 1 ? .V-, .' Kill , .( . ZMnllM UL POL THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this city. Bemember that we are the rulers in 1ST Low Prices for Fine Clothing. April 22, 1879 ' L. BEKWAKGEB & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. wrrrKOWsKY WITTKOWSKY ' & BARt'CH &BARUCH ARE DECEIVING RECEIVING . RECEIVING THEIR SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. TAKE NOTICE. WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH, arl6 'WW i ' KLEClTON NOTICE; Notice ts hereby, given that an election will be held on the first Monday In May. (being the 6th day of the month), 1879, at the usual: polling places In the several wards of the city Of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city.. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John I. Elms. ' Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. Howell, A. E. Gray. . Ward No. 2 Begistrar, H. B. Williams. Inspectors John L- Morehead, Dr. William oaq, A.B,'I)aYldson. -f ; ,vWard NO; 3-jBegistrar, B. P. Boyd: Inspectors R Oatea, J. H. Carson, M. A. Stauffer. . - Ward No. 4Begistrar, B.P Waring. . Vv tnapectors X 7-Brycev Rurus Barringet, R. B. Alexander,: v: . . 1LX. ALEXANDER, Sheriff ; B. CSMIia Mayor. , March 28, 1879.tde. U NDEBTAJCINQ The undersigned is now prepared to gll an orders j for every class of Undertaking, full assortment of Having on hand a '. : ; COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, . - -'- - Both Wood and Metalic. - - ' ... ' ' "f .PBIOM as LOW AS ANT. Hearses rarnistted. if desired. 1 rr x-,-. tvtn Vurnlture of every Desorlpttoa Repaired at abet W.aL.WJSHELM, , : With E a Rogers, Tra Street, f June 20. tr- -Jit .iS.t'i'J K desire to know what are the newest, latest and most . WE3T END SACK. aliapes and Weas instead ef adhering to the eWO pouons;roni cut a tnue longer, giving!!, a vum. aau ':;;:TI'itMG: Al&ER FROCK, t- -. t ... . ... iV.i ii (' i;ii;.!l;ini ) .: ii.! ,,.,(. " ' w faKM m-nA v.a ahanA, ,m nArf4 Ttt nni1 TTjit' . - . ..... 1 . .. mm mi for mi Izvloftiznls. 1879 1879 rpiIE FOUR REVIEWS AND g LACK WOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative, The British Quarterly Bevtew (Evangelical), AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: they give the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, f art 'The ablest writers nil their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with an intelligent narration of the great events of the day. TKRM3 FOR 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly In advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " For all four Reviews, 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 13 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 " POSTAGE. This Item of expense, now borne by the publish ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers In former years. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review wilt be sent to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views anLBJcOu(Lfor $48, and so on. ( PREMIUMS. New subscribers (aDDlylne early) for the rear 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for Ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. ' r. instead, new subscribers to any two. three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the " Four Reviews'' for 1878) subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine fpr 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to cluba, . , . To secure premiums It will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose U limited. - - . IhENARD SCOtT PUBLISHING CO., ' 41 Barclay Street, New York TTARPEB'S WEEKLY. I L US T R A T E D . NOTICES TEX PRESS. The WsxatLT remains easily at the head of Blus (rated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of Its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. 1 Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and -artlstus treatment ZJon's Herald. Boston. : ';, ; The Weekly is a potent agency for the dissemi nation of correct political principles, and a power tul opponent of shams, frauds, -and false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. i uhi j jfl ciOihri;Vi : i iJ;;it. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of 'January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will oe understood that the sub scriber vi&hes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. j : ; , . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year,.... Harper's Weekly, ,.. " Harper's Bazar: " ' The Three pabQoatlonB, one y ear K. .$ 4 00 . 400 . 4 .00 . 10 00 v 7 00 joaj two, one feux.f Six subscriptions, one year, ...... 20 00 ' Terms tor large-chi clubs furnished on aPDOucaaon. Postage free to a?1 subscribers in the United States or Canada. : , ' k .v i I'j if ' - The annual volumes of 'Harpeb's Wkkklt, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenaea peoq n aa tne ireigntooes not eaoeea on dollar pec volume), foe $7.00. each,. -A complete set conrDrislnir twenty-two volirmes; sent-o re iwei attl celptof thaeaaoatthe rate of $5.25 per volume, freleht at exnense of purchaser. c -) Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for blndinz. will be sent by malL postpaid, oa receipt of $1.00 eacb.;! a ;u s. as ! : iiu- '. . . Remlttanoea should be made by postofflce money order or draft; to avoid chance of loss. : " - Newspapers are hot to copy this advertisement without the; express order of . Harper ft Brothers. Address - sHARPER BROTHERS, - .XTEW AND DESIRABLE i ; ' '!'''J-L-FEED' CUxTER,---i' ". : . : vl-:.' ;:- '.;: i -.: . .. n: .: -r Ju.'ithe thing for farmers. Best ever lavented, simple, cheap and effective. The agent will remain in Charlotte until Monday for (he purpose of selling county rights to make and sell the machines. Sample machine' on ex hibition In front of H. T. Butler's hardware store on Trade street -apria--"- . SEET; J POTATOES. NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT. ' i A foil supply still on hand. Also, the Justly cele bra ted . - -. j. , ' ' Tli Tlrr-TlDiVT rtrpi , M.i. ' i ri ' ' Also fine Strained Honey, i - a M. HOWELL'S., Marco 27,; Ti fjtfa 0S8XXTMB ORDSFAJtXMUlT v .. ...... . - , - - .. - - .. .- . Han been'thcnvugJOu tupplied vitth mry wrdetf tBcmt,mdniih V Luted Styit fTw, mry tnemmer 0Jb Work cm, watt tadonoaA tMcdMrM. h in thecaneuW em tvrniih, f SJtori TitmiEmHxiTVi, asm, , ,. . , . ., ryJAGSRSGXIPTS, POSTERS, FAMPHLSTSrCntOULASS, OSXOKS, SO. . 1 1 1 fashionable styles, and also who are reeomlzed "I r.in- of the past very stylish In appear- gniwui aiimuiuc iuc uiuw uy ciorj ' - - . . . P'f! ilAnartmAnt wfi Invito tKA tnflnAvtinii nf IHa mmt Aiil. upon the very recent Introduction ot theUniver- ' ELSEWHERE ! potteries. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune, fifth Grand Distribution , Class E, at New Orleans, Tuesday, May 13th, 1879 108th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA 8TATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob thb term of TWKNTT-Frva JXARS, to which oontract the inviola ble faith of tire state is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Half Tick ets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize $30,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize fi.OOO razes oi $z,ouu 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000... 500... 100... 50.. 20.. 10.. 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20 Prized of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of. s APPROXIMATION PRIZES t 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 $2,700 1,800 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. X $110,400 Responsible corresDondlna aeents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation I he paid. Application lor rates to crabs should only be made to toe te Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly statins' full address, for full Infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and man: meat ot generals G. T. BEAUREGARD and apr 8 lUBAL A, EARLY. S0gifl and &tutioutv JUST RECEIVED -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with En veropes to match. . . v : , Also Paper in boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE 8F NEW YORK. IA standard treatise upon the laws of good society n Mew iotk, Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot just received. 4 :. Edward Todd ft Ca's Celebrated RUBBER PENS, A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen TIDDY ft BRO. are also agents for Emerson Celebrated Rubber HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them wfll receive prompt at tendon. E. BUTTERICK ft CO.'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS - For May, 1 879, lost received at TIDDY ft BRO'S. CASH PAID FOR BAGS. TTOR A FIRST CLASS , - JP.'t -i ' :"':,.:': 'n, -...-..' Smoke call and get a Sudor, at ' . ; . , 'T ; V LeROY DAYIDSON'S. Jan30 . ' v 200 CASa yflLL PUBCHASK A Power Printing ' Press, Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 Inches. Was in osa until replaced by a new one " Address J. C. BAILEY, editor., Enterprise ; and Mountaineer, . Greenville, u.. . .t ...... JaUtf 7 1 , J

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