lAiatr; t CBAS. R; J05E8, . Editor IToprietw 4 "Free from tbe doting noror that jetter ,ur : ' r! T. ) free-born reason. ? t " J 4HC0ifDXtER-CtrRTIS CASE " -vk. ATiw '.u ' I'yAV- rniWVil Mwwwmif "mulefg were tofonwetKty tete-4 gram In yesterday's f pai thMbe trial of John E. Poinde$ter,, iof the fatal shooting of C. C. Curtis, in Rich mond, Va, last month, had resulted in a verdict of";Tb'h'r'ii9insjlanghter arid the sentence of the prisoner to two years in he penitentiary.. The, case has proven one of intense interest, and the interest has been general and wide spread. The case presents features ot a marked and conspicuous character, ; such as are rarely associated with crim inal cases, among these being that the woman was one of' educa tion and high respectability. Whether the punishment - meted out to Pomdex teris sufficient pr excessive ques tion concerning which there will be a wkle difference of opinion among dif ferent people. The whole matter' of civil and social law is more or less in ' volved in the case and the questions arising under it therefore addrfess them selves in a measure to all of us. There are offences which cap be com mitted against the laws of , society which deserve punishment yet? of which ihft civil law takes no cognizance. To iluit these. ofEenceamust go unpuU' iahH hppaiiaa there is no written law by which! they; can be regulated, is to say that society is in hourly danger of disruption through its very regard for the laws which are designed to keep it i together. The written and Jtie unwritr 1 tei lav must go band fin hand in main- i Aaininthe integritybf society! thi lat- 'r uAhm mo hie minT5Vra I1T.V ici tcrtvuco uiau j to his fellow, and tne iormer teacues him of his his fellow and to it. In enforcing the latter man has no warrant from the fdrmer, but when the former comes to deal with him it should wisely take the latter in to .consideration it should view collat eral circumstances and graduate the punlsfimenTof tIie6ffendeTT according to the circumstances which surrounded him. The case in question is one which, we Ionceixerose uhdeilconditions such jia!thnk tirlicated labovfe.i Without -T " ; : ' 19 - - ; I i reiereiMBvu wceurtuui yi ucna.- InUtfW thewnnesseywe discuss tne case as presented in tne evidence, x ne V ta 1: mi 1 i,nj mn n,nn .yuuug ixi u..u once to visit a shoe-store and had been exceedingly annoyed by tlje imperti nenoe of a derk ; he had made himself disagreeable to the last degree and had proceeded to thatj extent where another step forward would have been an open insult. The young lady, having no near male relative except a one-trrmed broth er, confided-her grievance! to her be- trothed lover. ne represented to inm that such and such outrageous ltnpeT ' tenances made . up her case against Curtis. Poindexter knew ; that there was no law to which Curtis could be made to account for his insolence, and lie did what any other spirited man, who loved the girl, would have done under the same circumstances he be came a law unto himself. He procured a horse-whip and chastised the offender ; and when, later,. Curtis came with a friend to his place of business for the avowed purpose of comnqitting an as sault and battery upon him, Poindex ter, literally "pressed to the wall" as far as the law requires a hian to go in avoidance of bloodshed drew, and fired These' are the facts which the testi mony brought out and which the jury Evidently believed. TJnder these cir cumstances who will say that Poindex- . vtx comnuiiea ;t crime ueservingaeam r We acknowledge a suspicion that Miss Cottrejl exaggerated to her lover the facts of Curtis' treatment of her. It ' may be that she is a personof such rare modesty that Curtis' natural converse tion and proper suggestions, in the course of their business transactions, "were -construed by her into an insolence ; hot iattindedi;dr jm the con trary, that her own;open jmanner and conversation? jou uuTtiscto say things which under, contrary circumstances he would not haye said. Either of these 3ltldlBIB2 tf;i.i,f j. ' 4. ? 1 a. wj nue,i we say, uui f 4, neitlierh.w beari - itAfa? asvISWtooindextW., The wnmon i.o 1 tri ii.4fi v uiNA.r f' "M V .V V IVU CAAV4 AAA IV AAVXLA i - ? ha4f confidence,, represented certain ' I SpUmWtieMxito, exasper: ? he!r6ceedSto as an Jndirect . consequence' not-f an original purpose", slayd the i young man. Curtis may have died for an offence altogether i imaginary or perpetrated under cir cumstances as nearly , justifiable as can ' befin either case Miss' Cottrell has a heavy load of guilt : to bear ; but so far as Fomdexterisjconcerned neither of mese suppositions snouid be allowed to weigh. He Hcted upon ! the facts as represented to vhim by his promised wne, and ne ; acted bat s naturally. i VT'lrnAIAtAfrJ,:i Ji ' r O-. vKV.Wrm V uuicBis j i iui ri it 1 1 1 1 1 1 u r rnm nuan , rt y. ' .. , . m. "..' -.'(.. r ' 0 portance to tne welfare of. society. Tais paper need not say 'again" how carnival of -blooctshed which 'Is just cause, tak thyejV9llr.lillw men : Dut while it is anxious for m none the less anxious to see the law i j ,d nothing to weaken the force or the nqutmgto weaKen the force or the jhuigs-ot well ordered society, itaWdsdnieinfractions of socia . taac peraiome uiiracuons orsocia W3 wniiu suiubi needs, tnongn . v now running not In the land, to see the hy..7V:: ' livrxeciiCediti' toU'bf ifsfsternnMii'knil - 1 f ,.4.r-i . 77. v liK.-jpittUtBuu-ov .-Apni ,arj."-A' nev . . .i.vav.-uu.i,; upvu vauoo iiuu, WUUOUI 1 SUtbeS Lfl ell tnft K1I . . its individual members, j punish for it- " . Tf. and webnlv demand that whn flnpo th is the civil law consider the mrU rniiTirlincrs,- and, administer no severer puni&hment than' t.he..ircumstances ot the case requires In its discriminating Mm A f m tctaII Am, A.1 1 1 A. ; . sense OI justice, wen m tue living as .'to the dead, the Bichmond jury .has set ' a praisewortny example. Yes. woman has as good right tobealth and hapV niseis as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long : lh.n th nmMir is within your reacn. Try uraa ham iTomnin KeBiilator. woman s -ues fi Woman's. Best Friend. , t J. and you wilL have T your health and sttength fully 'wi-j. Srel on your dnstforaclioJar, and see some of the wonaenui cures u uas uww. ilKCTOJ AID WtLDOS RAILROAD. ft' i We referred two sreefcs agorlo the recent verdict inNhr:rnptoii $ Supe- riorTourt for $15,000 far the plaintms, in the case of the administrators of the late ; Edward : Conigland against the Wilmington & Weldon Itailroad Com pany. Mr. ponigland, a deaf man, was walking albng the railroad track on a bjr a rtrain; knockedff juid k; ilia , aamimbrabu Aiyuguu uii were riven this verdict. We took occasion to characterize the finding as rank ; injustice. ' The Weldon ' News .1 7lt ii. .vLvi-t t A A'rrThe vote was then takeajiKf4reHers on comes The Observer and the papers wnicn have agreed with its view of this are matter, dpi not now whatr hey talking about - The Fetes then sums up the testimony taken on the - trial -and a reading of this confirms us in? our original opinion. We were ! not dealing with the details of the case. Howfartheeneineersaw Mr. Conigland, I t .;-- ii f x3j AjtLUJJnKk .. 0 . r - how far Mr. . Conigland could hear the Tunning of a train and how far the blow ingof a whistle,'are 'all minor matters',; and the main facts still stand but: that Mr. Conigland, a deaf man; got ori the railroad track on a windy day, was walk ing in the same direction in which he perhaps knew a train was coming, and thus, while using as a highway the pro-: perty of a corporation, lost his life. We submit these facts and ask if any intel ligent man reallyhelieYes thattfcie ministrators of Mr. Conigland were en- titled to recover damages. ;He was on the railroad company's right-of-way, and it was by his own negligence, his lack of prudence, that he was killed. If this case is tobe taken as, a nrcjedent, iraifioad comuanites had better elnplov men to standby f their roads, dbe to cycij uwcu juiao, on n.crcF .i " the track with sticks. By way of postering its cause the News mentions the case which occurred ma Virginia court wees oeiore iasc,! where the parents of a boy who had a leg broken on a turn-table of the Rich mond and Danville Railroad, were giv en damages in $10,000. The connection is unfortunate. The Virginia case was simply scandalous. It would not have been worse if the boy had stumbled while walking along the railroad track, fallen and broken his leg. We are no lawyer and we do not pre- I T , L V . 1J7 1( II J VI U.AU ...VS . A VJ tend to say tuat tne law does not war- rant sucn verdicts as these. We lonlt - have to say tnat if any do tney are very ... . . . . !.. iif bad laws and cannot be repealed toe early. But the ground work of all such judgments is prejudice. That the rail- raods, by their sirrogance and injustice, in too many cases, are themselves re sponsible, for this much 6f this cannot be denied, but that furnishes no excuse for the public and for courts and juries re garding them as legitimate prey, and fleecing them mercilessly simply be cause they can. teias'tuk. Ihe Legislature Adjourns v tthout Making Appropr kit ions ' Heavy Rains. Galveston. April 26. A suiecial from Austin to the News says the Legislature adjourned without passing the neces sary appropriation bills, and it is pro bable that the Governor will call an ex tra session. News specials from all parts of the State represent that the extraordinary heavy rains have caused floods in the streams. Railroads have been washed in many places and traffic is entirely suspended. At Houston the Water rose eighteen feet in three hours and carried away all the railroad bridges. .There are many washouts along the Buffalo ayou and tne damage is great Fitting on Shoe. From a JJew York letter in the Rich Y-V-1 A rn177yM-kAA.t wA 4-nU. 41. muvuvi a fdtvti't'UvfK'Cf 1 v WID U1C 1UUUW- ing apropos of the Curtis-Poindexter case: A New, York eirl invited her aunt, .from Sayannah" Ga,who . wat ficrpd relative's . horror, piojected her pretty a,cT the shoe clerk's SitttstS w dress conveniently outof the wayrwhile strange Immodesty n exposing- he s COCK meed root tn m nl p o-arp -Anti wTior. fK; L,.y v"j:-:f r "v" buttoiSgrad .Scfi prietv nnnW TinfT , Inho-Ar ondnro v. I . W m VllO 1?J ?S piitiueu inai sucn occurrences were the regular iiuti in iew xonc Warlike Preparations Between Chill and .. -wwi: : ifiut if -f M-:-i.. Panama April 26" The news fmm Valparaiso to the first of April asserts that Chili has declared '"war against Peru on accountof the alleged sympathy and friendliness of the latter country for Bolivia, and formidable? warlike preparations iare now! beingmade by Peru. -War is regarded onlll hid hievitable. If this proves true Chilf will rrnotlr lmnrno' A..J!li. ZZrXrXi.i JiZlJJV&WvW w 4Mi.uiojFouuunea. Her . n n. . raw M.I M w 11.11111 u i u ur nnniM' nr.., i nf Prmna wna 1 J i -, , attack bv, th Chilian flonf ir,fT livw V"Wantfleet IS not un- 1 W1? e landotatloitj rSDarjer Iff Of KpJorinm wroto m the Pppe grettln theJropnding tf uiuguB ju jaeiemm in conseauenee 5? apprenensions ot tne clergy as to I the education Jaw. t't budvv vi. vuo pi uuuaeu revision 01 the education Jaw. The" loberreDlied that he regretted - the necessity oTany iSff.?.1 dld n9 consider thamVonos"biM the rishtS Of theGhnrch:ir.ndivnl the action of the Beleiah bishom in nn. it. I POSing thelaw, and said . the dar.holiAa 1 w?ud Permitted to conform to that ! measure; 1 . i3 TheDnrham TnlliAM Rnentna "i Lit t 4 M ' i-rr . tft' , London, April 26.The further ad hesions of the Durham colliery owners j hivt, fiuinjoeu ir.aruurauon on tae "Whole case is announced. iThe men are resuming work on that basis and it is believed that' the strike is practically I "May your troubles only be little ones, and may yju always have Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup handy, said an old batchelor to a newly married couple. i,r Waii vud Anil friuh Man nnVtTVi "T:: 17 i BRIEF SATUEDIFEQCEEDMGS. ThKStmspf T f . Rests yn-XThe Tfififjt f Mill f J-iu f oiza on iuif 4-ioiunt Whalthe Cojhm ftteesb 1 , Doing. - Washington, ApnT 27. IIorsE. I - ; ..1,--" . A The House immediately went into com- I mittee of the whole on the legislative bill under; the nve.mmute rule. The discnssion under that rule Will Close at T 2 o'cloCK-gE wiffll onkmi& m ispeefh a - -1 -j i it 12 o clock the discussion on the 'legislative appropriation bill closed. An amendment offered by Weaver, of Iowa, stntung out ail tne proposed leg1 islation except that relating to the test oath. was dereatea witnoat 'division. ontjjOl. lso. TheresuJW.Qeivea. witft apt. clause on the Democratic side." Several bills were introduced and the House adjourned until Tuesday. Thfl ',HouM.'ooiiiteebnMdiiie diseases to-day . reached next to the last section of the bill lntroduced by Rep resentative Youmf ' to irrcrease tn,e , ei- nciency of the naUonai board or lieaitn. land to prevent tne introduction into or rsnrpgn spread within the United States of con tagious or infectious diseases. The secH tion referred to provides that nothing as to 0upened4;O4mp'K' sanitary Or quarantine law of any State. Spmeob-f' jectiori being; made to this clause,) the committee adjourned ubjerit ta the call of the-chalri3".!-? , m ,n ; r. rt r. '6 -i-.n7 'iJdW tt l!nv1?I SHEBMAN, N,fCSEiT4PE IMLAR. fiJ Secretary Shermari-- appeared before the coinage, wetghtsAnd lueasures'com mitteeofthe House to-day,, and gave his views relative 4to the conversion,. of etfaae-dgttar Into: bahwrrThe Talue of the trade .dollars, he said, was greater than.! like im(?untrof bullion; hence it would not be possible to purchase coin for the purpose of melting it into bul-. lion. He considered tne act or im ae mnnfitizinc silver a crave blunder. In treply to a question be stated that small aafesiTOuMlje excttongM for fraction- mmH&M2? alue of the tirade adllr, The saiawayoyce: nts. ' SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. . . - , . . , . Jriaua. unio. aispaicn says me rrprn -fiZ3n m;i,a iinft hoon firriMi am extensive corn cribs of Orr & Leonard, adjoining, badly damaged. The loss is $35,000. Partially insured. The funeral of JBishop, Ames -takes place Monday at 4 p. mi. 'At the re quest orrxne iauj xwsuoy, iter. w. o. Edwards will conduct the services. Bishop Smpsori -will also take part E. Howard & Co, watch and clock manrifatirffri of .BdstDW are finan cially embarrliserheir liabilities are understpga-ypopr fi w,ty. Warning to Squatters tn Indian Terrl- ) jTT 1 1 J tar. n t (r I iWASHlNGltQN, April 27 The Presi- dent to-day issued a proclamation stat ing that it had become known to him that certain evil-disposed persons nave set upon foot preparations for an orr ganized and forcible possession of and settlement upon the lands known as I the Indian Territory. He warns all such persons not to do so, and further .warns and notifies them that if they so offend they will be speedily and imme diately remqf e 'by jtbi agent, dnd if ne cessary the assistance of "the "military forces will be invoked to carry the laws mioexjecitloif ) i (James B.Jleck as a Farm Hand Lexington Transcript. Mr. G. D. Hunt was keeping a livery stable in this city many years ago. One day a stout, hearty young man, carrying a bundle on a stick over his shoulder, came into his stable and asked for em ployment Mr. Hunt, having a farm near the city engaged him, and sent" him out to work. While on the farm thje tujdg 4na fwrke4 )&$$k and at nignc stuaiea law. ne was, wmie on the farm, simply a farm hand, and a godnp,toe. 4 fewvyeafs,4ater this 'young man wasidmitteato the baf in this city, and soon his name was a most familiar one .with allthe bar and the public. That namettHlay indicates, not Kentucky 'u Healthy Finances; I ri .v., lfnMA TT 4.,1 ' v" "V,V VV' illw ""iASa "l- nncitBr TKSK sideration, it is said; is what Kentucky JX V;?I?Z?Jl I a Qrnn lAna rnnnfr I n w tror ogrmnff unit ' 1 i lilt rixi'ii f&rtmntk riirf tVia fortnrtrewl Suritfi ' '' ' lor from Kentucky, James B. Beck. !i ; "CQT ThXnffl of America of New York. These bonds SSSJ? 'fKpnt.SvTftSM, In Ifft-iriS r in 4 per cent. Donas, or loan at 3 ' per cent to banks at Frankfort, Ky. .tufe uispos, wnen..QL..course, 1 or ai- for f u- interest T iMlW-Mfctaf f lUti. London, April 26. The spectators at the walking match yesterday number ed 11,000.. Ate o'clock Urowp had made 532 miles, Sazoel 485 Corkey 467, Wes tern 437. -Ten thousand were present :U. it! i . If there is anything In the ."survival of the flt test" Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills must be '-counted in;" they have lived-long and do better work: than ever. v:r New Orleans, March 17th, 1879; ' (The underslmed eertifles that ha hM tnr nj. lection lor account rf L. .O. Nicholson, comer of KS.lSLfr inaon ana uinwiacue streets, Portsmouth, Va.,: 1 01488 " " the Louteiana 'state Lottery, which 1 drew the First Canltal Prize of Thlrt- ThnucuTui Dollars, on Tuesday. March 1 1th "1873: kddtS I having cost the sum of one dollar, at the ofnceof , in. i.uiinanv Bri.w.Ta arMAnna km... . .1 I enrminniulAnM mtihrMuut tn If A ri.n.,i.4 i 801 52, New Orleans, La., and the amount was promptly paid by a check on the Louisiana Nation- -,m. mAZi Southern Express Company. . rt0 . New TJrleanSjLa.1' I i XVr i 1? V, owbbs. riaces or I " ' rr"-,r"t' rV1? uvvre Sioi'W ciSS 1 t" .i"1K-i..!v"u aepi onpoui American S2 50 or $3.00, and the Euro- 1 pun5i per aay, ana upwards. An elegant I M wuraui, ai moaeraie prices, is conaucted by the ndCentraL v - . rMt s.mci i ' H.tiea.1 sitgieai i-B,. Two of the surgeons of thlsTiotable Institute wIU I visit Charlotte, N. CfMayisth- and I6th,i87, "topping the .Charlotte HoteL They wUlhave, with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical ap pliances, and will be . prepared to treat all kinds of Deformities and Chronic Diseases, such as Club Feet Hip Disease, Paralysis, Special Diseases. Piles and Fistula, Catarrh, Private Diseases, Diseases of tbe Eye, Ac For full particulars, ed , ' NATIONAL SURGICAL rNSTITDTE.iir s aprl3d4t w4w - Atlanta, -Oa A Card. - .''" To all who are suffering from the errors and ini screOons of youth, nervous weakness, early de - cay.ioss oi mannooa, c, 1 win sena a recipe mat wlUcure yoa, FREE OF CHARGE- Thla great remedy wra diunvAmd br a mlsslonarr in to the REV. JOSEPH T. US MAN, Station D. New ' I DVUIU AlimilVO, OCItVJ Of DClltlUIAAVOCrOU VAlVClVUfJ J York City.- . " ' ' , , r.s , , : . Jan 25 - ' ' - K- A Chaar tiat ii a Elessiag. Tie 3 Is no more remr able feature. In the progre s of clenr, and no greater change In any itrofefc lOtu pi?- oe, than Is Illustrated by the f ontra A of t e n .ileal system of to-day, and thirty 5 ears r ?o. a he , i- all med sines were cot ious In uant y. arlna w; to U e taste. To tae them as a trial t j adiutv rid in oerWBelmin horror ZXXZr ?n?te7. .1 . . TI nAnM- Until recently, however, one of the most valuable d,eS?ilt ' remediea wa tebitf5 Zut trd certain mearm of nmin huftlthT tl38ue. dlsenst- fi5g?es hoaki tove 5f KS nnosonues oi lum ana MOda removes uiia uuij Ing power malTelous, and there is no finer nerve and bratn tonic In the world. aprl5 2w . ''if -tiv 'i' ., : Ti -;; '. f T ;0wMiaoB cure. . , - j i An old DhrstcbuL. Ktircd teem waoBoe, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission arv the formula of atariA vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent ear tor consumption. Droncmas, catarrh, asthma,- ana bu biw iuhi iun tuiecuons, ai80 a posture ana nmcm cure w nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested . its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make it UUwH aUV DUUOIUH 10UniB - JUWOMM V aaw motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering,! wmsendfreeof charge, to &U whodeslre Kate recipe, with full directions for preparing and using known to Ills suflerlrM fellows. Actuated by In German, French -or Englisl it mail aaaressing wun stampnsmm Oils paper. W. w. onerar. i owerr.iHOCK, r, new lorx. mar25 4w 4yase ittainahia y tftekhev latie. Yes, although they may despair of relief, it Is niiaJn&blA' it. rhAnnuUli mifferers. for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys ' unportant1 channela for Wood purifleatlon he aerJd .element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin arr analnlaj Th tiattm of this grand depurent la HoeteOers, preparation likewise - celebrated as a remsay ior cuusupauon, which cnunr cvuuuuuw tion bf the blood iwith the bile and a certain means oi relief la dyspepsia, sever ana Ague, ana nervous ailments, u la, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant br disanculshed nliysieiaas and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure; and very penenciai. ,j:a9 press atso enaorses it. C9T GREW JAGKSONmS BEST SWEET AT4 1 J I InRAfiao. " ui ''' $ i fELESRAMC, HiBKET RER3RPS. aPBTL 26, I8t9 ; PBODTJOC. Cincinnati Flour steady; family 4.45a5.5(X. Wheat firms red and amber 100al.O6. Corn firm and in fair demand at 37a3& Oats dull at 28a32. Pork quiet at 10.00. Lard stronger; current make 6.00, Bulk meats quiet;' shoulders 8.50, short rtha KLt abort clear A.7K: bacon active and firm: shoulders 4, clear ribs 5.10, clear sides 5.25a37fe. Whiskey active and firm at 1.01 . Butter dull, the heavy receipts having depressed the market; fancy creamery 20, choice wesba reserve I4ai5 Central 0100,12813. . Sugar steady; hards restera reserve 14al5, choice -.white Klka&Ui. New Orleans tta7U. Hoes steady and flrnr; packing 3.85a0O. - Balttjiojb Oats steady; Southern 34a37, Wes tern white 33a35, do mixed 82a4, Pennsyl vania 33a35. Hay market nrm: prime l enn sylvanla and Maryland I2al5. Provisions firm: mess pork, old 10 5010.75, new V bulk meats loose shoulders 3, clear rib aides 49k, per car load, packed new 44a5Va; bacon shoulders, old 4?k, clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, QlMaSlu Lard refined tiereea 7aW Batter steady: choice Western packed 15al7, rolls Hal 4. Cof fee quiet; Bio cargoes 10al. Whiskey dull at 1.07a. Sugar steady; A soft 8a& Nxw Yorx Flour no decided change; No. 2, Z.3oa&iu, sttpernne western ana state ss.40a3.55, common to cood extra Western and State 8.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern Hour heavy; common to fair extra 4.10a5.40; good to choice do- fi.ROaA.fiO.-Wheat unsraded win ter red l.oeal.12. Na -2 ditto 1.12tta Corn uiigrauou 440 vs. nv. a, 4U04UV. taia oiam Coffee quiet ana unchanged; Kk quotea in car- foes llal4& in lob lots llalSi. Sugar quiet; Cuban eVta&fe, fab. to good refi'g 6la, prime AU: refined standard A. 7. cranulated 8Uu powdered 814, crashed 85fe. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Kice in fair demand and steady; Carolina oootea at oaoi, tiouiaiana wbatHtu Pork new mess on spot f0.37tyfc Lard prime steam On spot p.20a9V Whiskey 1.07. Freights firm. i COTTON. NoRVOtiS Quiet; middling 114; net receipts 438; gross : stock 10.76H; exports coastwise 1,000; sates 160; exports to Great Britain . BALTmoa-Qutet; middllnc 11; low middling 1 1 liA.:xod ordinary 10d.: net reoelDts 144: rross 270; sales 45; stock 6,523; exports coastwise 35; spinners ; exports to ureat sntam ; to Continent-. . Bostow Quletr mWdllng 11 e.; low middling 11; good ordinary 11 h; net receipts .192; gross Mleal3; stock 4,825; exports to Great WrurniaTOH Quiet; middling lie.: low mid dllng 10c. goo ordinary 101; net receipts 3; gross : saies iv: stocK 1,842; spinners ; ex ports coastwise c to Great Britain ; to Con- neni ;to cnannei t. , PWTT.tTiwT.PWTA Qrriet; middling llc: low middling 11 tc; good ordinary lit UVae: cood ordinary llVfec: net receints 15; grosa 170; sales 813; spinners 183; stock 10,227; exports to Great Britain 867. ATOTJ8TA Firm; middling lll&c.; low mid dllng 10c.; good ordinary lOftc.; recelpto 41; shipments; sales 9; stock . OKtRT.TPTTOM Quiet; mlddlliuc 1114c.: low mid dling- 11.; good ordinary lOifee.; net receipts 108; gross ; sales 100; stock 9,834; exports coastwise . 42; Great Britain ; Franc ; Continent ; to channel , . Nxw TOM-Doll;. sales 148: mid uplands 115fac. mWduiw Orleans 11 Sic.: consolld'd net re eeipts 2,663: exports to Great Britain 15,482; Continent 844, LrrrErooiyNooH Moderate inquiry. Uplands 6d., Orleans, 6 7-1 8d., low mlddnng uplands , good ordinary uplands 1 , : ordinary uplands saies 7,uuo, specuiauon ana export 1,000, re ceipts 1800. American 13,000. Futures 1-32 ' cheaper. Uplands low middling clause : April dellr- and 8e miber 6 15-32, September IT , r crop shipped October and November per sail , March ami April . -. . . . , . . FUTUBJES. ' Sales 86,- 000 bales. : AMfi.; ll.66a.r57 11.68 ll.87a.88 12.03a.04 12.18 llv98 11 .26a7 10 .91a.92 10. 85a. 86 June . , July August. ........ September,,.... October.. ....... i November.,.:... December, v.. . i , " ; " --JTK1NC1AL. . . Nxw York Money 1.02 i. Exchange 4.861&al4. governments Arm. . New 5's 1.04 State bonds dull. , ' - .. CITY COTTON MABXKTI . . - -j . Omoi or td Obskbtxb, I "r CBARUrTTB, April 27. 1879. f The market yesterday closed steady, as follews: noil mMiTItnir ' ' . 1 ' " V ' - 11 Good middling . fc. . . . 4 . , ... juacumg.. Strict low middlings Low middling., vs- . . . Tinges .....vt. Lower grades. .. I .... .. ......... 1C lOSi 1CWS : 10 8al0 CH4 LOTTE. Pit vCUCfi .AURKEl APRIL 25, 1879. COBMCTBD PAtLT. Cobm, per bush'l ........ . Mkau , " 60a62 60a62 6oa65 35a40 Pxas, ......... OAT9, shelled, ;.... BACOM-r' . tifi '-in N. C. hog round.. .. .... Bams, N. C ... . , . t Hams, canvassed.-..:... Boix Mxatb : i 7at 10al2i ! Clear Bib 81des.. .. .. . . . COFFBX . ... :, . ; Prime B10V.V. A ; Sugar-house.. .V . .. t" . ... Molasses i! Htaie z2Vfeal4 23a25 S5a40 36a40 1.00O2.00 OJfcalOft . - f ' 65a75 3.50a3.75 1220 ,8a9 B.OOaS.BO 2.75a8.00 2.25a2.fi0 ' NewOrinii Salt. , -, v - ' . Ierpool tne: Spsak- - .. v White.. . Sweet.. Irlnh.., . . . BU'lTKB lNorth Carollni':'...;..- E068. mrdflnn. XOUB . ... , Jamllv Extra..... 1 Super.;wU."i;.wAi.t.. 4i lb V -Dlt: Ern.GREENE; ; f iTl 'Siii?." and vicinlbr. Being a cradn- 1 bomoVat ? inedlcine, Alopathio and . I avstenL r - wpiacuoe either mlsslonaryfn I mbSSUIP lde!S 'ttenUon espedaliy to Chuos essed eneloS t Si&3H' . ge1Srdl DriScl I mrrS?"6?,?'. or night ConeMaen'.ar" 'tore, tasldence on WMiege street eorner oL';".; a ntmt OT wu man22dw8m - 5 ATTENTIONd T7IRE 'DEPARTMENT :ment 3 4 rvtiK offloenoi tne ainereiu coinptuues n wur- X byoideitoappeM.wiHiuMumm'W nut areas onuorm, at ineu jespecuva uiuia.jirv morrow (Monday) at a p. m. ior mspecnpa, geu eral parade and practtoe. , A full attendance is especially desired, tsy oraer oi tne uuei. a- mr-mm w I -t -y: - im rt- yt.; -JatJ , , 1" . .- .. -.-rW 1 1 A TTR A T 5 AD f illlJpA JUr K XXAAyzx AV . LL who wish to buy Luxuries acknowledge that "PKBBY S" is tbe place to get tbe best. His stock of Candy and assortment of Crackers have never been equalled in this section, whilst Oranges, Apples, Bananas, 4c., are very line. : . ' ' ' . . BmoKers snouid can ana try bis new rive cent Cigars. N. B. Housekeepers will find Crackers a great Tea Table Luxury, Fresh and Crisp. TCEt ICEt ICE!-Come to ns for good pure Ice at x one cent per pound. atwell a bbo., SprlnKs' Bulldine. apr28 3t Opposite Central HoteL FLOUR ill GRADES. PIEDMONT PATENT FLOUR, MADS EXPBESSLY FOB FAMILY USE AND . GUARANTEED FINER ' ' RESPECT THAN Patapsco, ewater, Brilliant, OR ANY OTHER BRAND ON THE MARKET. Call and get a sample package free. P M 'MTTaT"R"R &" RONS i.A It A A LJXJXLdlX vii Uvil k5 apr27 STRAWBERRIES -AT " T E H ft Y1 ' S " TO-DAY. TO-DAY. IN order that the people of Charlotte may treat themselves to the above luxury, an extra supply has been ordered and will be sold at prices that '. . : . ' -;. anyone can afford. , . f f A fresh line of .those magnlncent CRACKERS has Just been opened. Don't fall to call and get a supply of luxuries for Sunday., '.y !':V'I, ' I ; . .1 . . . it-. 1 , j ' ' apr26 . -t ..... s inALDWELL 'BOmSK.1' CALDWELL HOTJS wAL DWELL HOUSKJ CALDWELL HOUSiV Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, f. Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, - " s? . . CHAELOTTE, N. C, ' " ; ' CHABLOTTK, N. C," S. P. CALDWELL..., i.........., Proprietor. This nous la permanently established and offers aft the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persona visiting the city will find It a pleasant home.' Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. ,,tf KAXisrer day, transient, $1.25j per week. 16.0a Begular table, per month, $18.00. .JanlO - - Doaraand room . w.. .lt. ..... EVERY Bridq Luxury ,V$WAM & CO., 1 Building. 1 cilAHLOTTE, X. C.,' Have now In store a nice and complete stock of j Hats, Trunks & Tra?eling Bags. -o With them you can find - ', I ' "IN inHART-OTTIEJ ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes j 1 IHECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, MeCulIough ft Ober, Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also I . J i .j i if 5 ? THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGrRAM SHOES. Cails6roetores buying. Orders have personal attention. April 9, 1879. . PEGBAM & CO. v-', vr i i U BOOTS BOOTS Jk K SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN 5 : CHARLOTTE. This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac., embraces every grade, and win be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house in the South. MERCHANTS : ...i : , Will do well to call end examine this stock, as it Is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be solo;, at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. VISITORS To Charlotte are Invited to call and examine our stock, as they will find it most complete in every respect, and cheaper than ever before. w; g; poRBES, Agent, Smith Sc. Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St i BAKERY. BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. jVJtTE ean with confidence recommend them as 1 1 V -5 ithes very best raanflfactured, using none but the very best materials. W. N. PBATHER, , Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl 1S T . M M S S O 0 N JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Propriktok. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER AND: WINES & LIQUORS, And the best brands of Cigars. X 7. Agent for Fred Lauer celebrated Bepdlng Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bergner dc EngeL Philadelphia. Sold by tne dozen at a rea sonable price. . All my customers can be furnished At home with the best Beer n town. t . M ALSO A FTNE ' " 1 BILLIARD" ROOM ATTACHED. : -r Tryon Stoet, opposite Chariot HoteL HEADQUARTERS Bpftld, Lager Beer, ' -"t i X- t. 1 ! t -?-i-'ij rrl., - - .vH ALS AND PORTEB, Is earner Trade and Boundary Avenue Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per l F.CL MUNZLEB. All orders left at John Togel'a tailor shop will re celve prompt attention. M ina;pala(i.: JNO CHOOKFIILD fn -.o r .... . . Frida Saturday and Monday, April , j 2. Wetake grlal plt?aau ml nrformlne om and the public generally that our new . - . . . - - has arrived and Is complete. stock We cordially invtte a'l to inspect our large ,- n well selected assortment, consisting 0f CHINA. GLASS AND CROCKERY, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY. TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW wm Lamps, Buckets, Chandeliers, etc., etc., All of which we will offer very Sow. at prw, ,0 suit the times. it J COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to give us a call, as we are preparwl TO FILL WHOLESALE ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN H0l .SK. Very respectfully, ..JNO. BR00KF1ELD .1 CO.. Charlotte, N. C. April 24, 1879. Ipiscellatijeatts. Bishop D. & Doggett (Southern Meth.) It Is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used It with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in liis estimate ( the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without ft at home or abroad. It Is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a "tried-everything' dp lepticf fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. DrA Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testiinonr of men of national fame and of strictness oi speech. It is not too much to say that no melief- ever had such support in Its favor as aspecuv. The word of any one of the eminent divines woo underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserwi weight Their united witness Joined with tbe ex perimental use and approval of the preparation V well-known physicians, removes all doubt, it beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. it. Dabney, LlTd., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It Is highly esteemed here by the regular Me eal Faculty and tbe people. It Is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, sopennc. tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DR. T. C. SMITB Cbtrioite, N, C. ODELL, RAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLVTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. " " mar 20-dAvt tf. A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOB- $200 REWARD. -' ' TEXICUT1VE DEPARTMENT. Ralkioh, March 10th, 18 Wbsbsajb; Official Information has been received at una Department that N. B. tayluk, ia tnA mimt, Af Uaam .i. 1i.imu with the IHUr der of 8. W. Seawell; and whereas, it appears tw the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, or s wu ceals himself that the ordinary process of law can twtt Ka MmrArl nrwin him Now, therefore; I. THOMAS J. JABVIS. Gorer nor of the State ofNorth Carolina, by virtue of au thority in me vested by law. do issue this my pro clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred D01 law for the apprehension and delivery of the saw N. B. Taylor to the Sheriff of Moore county, at tw Court House to Carthage, and I do enjoin all on cers-ox the State and aU good citizens to assise w bringing said criminal to justice. , Dam at our dty of Raleigh, the tenth dayo March; 1879, and in the 108d year of American Imiependence. THoaJ.JARV. By the Governor: In & Otxrkam, Private Secretary- DESCRIPTION. . Taylor la about 83 years of age, about 6jw n Inches high, well set and will weigh about 1 w i' and when last seen wore a heavy beard, mar 12dltw5t 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES Choice and Fresh, FOB PLANTING OR EATING, Just received by ' i i t r - 1 LeROY pAYirsos- V

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