" - SUXD AY, APRILS, 1819. 4 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. tAliCOAD BIEECTOBT. 3 ier trains to and from Caarleuc. onail the. MJ Sad (Washington time); .v j ' T f Arrives from Richmond and Qoldsboro, Leaves for '"'" S Arrives from Richmond... f Leaves for ; '' J- 1.00 a. m. 8.20 a. m. 10.60 a. m. 6.45 p. m. ATLAUTA lb CHAJUXTTI AJB-UNX. aU Arrives from Atlanta,., 8.20 arm." 1.05 a.m. 6.50 p. m. 10.50 a. m. Le&ves ior auhuk,.. Arrives from Atlanta,; Leaves for Atlanta,. . CHABUMTX, COLOMBIA AOOUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,.. a. Leaves for Augusta,. . ...... . .. vrrives from Augusta,.... .... Leaves for Augusta,. . 8.10 a. m. 1.00 a. m. 6.30 a. nt.' 11.27 a.m." ' cAbolota csmtbal. , if Arrives from Wilmington,., ;...M.r, . 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington. ... . -... , - 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby,.. , .-.... 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby, ,7.00 a. m. Arrives from Statesville,,i'tf 1 i ft T &.ou p. m. Leaves ior ssuuesvuie, 1 i ,uu a. ui CHARLOTTE POST OFFICE. OPTICS H0jjJB& .f j CLOSES. 5.00 p.m. 5.00 p. m, 6.0a p. m. B AR n m Money Order Department,., 9.00 a. m. Registry Department,.. . . .-W.C ) a. m. GenlDeUv'f StampDeptg.8.00 a. m. " I- " B. III. tar On KundavstSe General I iverr inatitamu Department KlU be opeB-fronrv.OO a. nr. to 10.00 OPWWft-AMfcQatNO OF KAILS. nirawa v rfttM - t ' 11.15 a. tti. 6iK)-ThU riijirlotte AflairbiTft.lt.XrA.OOam. 'Wftlbfl " & Augusta R.B., 8.30 p. m. 10.00a. m. WUm'n A Charlotte ; B. R. 8.80 P. m. 5.00 a.m. Charlotte & Shelby &, JUn.,;5.80 p.m. fi.00 a. m. & Statesvflle. - . 5.3Qp.Jq. 6 00 a. m. r- Beattie's Pord, thorse Touted Mondays at 5 00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8 00 fem. ; Yorkvllle,. (horee route.) Thursdays at 6.00 p m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. ni. , 1 WJ W. JENKINS. P. M. THK HDKBKlt TO-HAT. St. Pktkb'sE.) Chdbch. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. YOTTNO llEK'S CHRTHTIAN ASSOCIATION HALL. Devotloiial exerdfes this aftfo0 at 4:45 o'clock. scbool .In the afternoon at 8i o'clock. " baptist Church. Servtees In the morning at 1 1 o'clock and bt the evening at 8 o'clock by Bev. B. G. Covington. .Sunday school In the morning at life o'elock. " sr Marx's Lothkbax Church. Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at X 'clock by Bev. E. A. Wrngant, pastor. Sunday hool In the afternoon at 8 o'clock. first PkesbttkrIah (hurch SerVices in the, momlng at 11 o'clock-ana in me evening at o'clock by Bev. Dr. Miner, pastor, Sunday school In the anernoon at ayt o wwau: v ; i Associate Rktorkkd PrkhbitkHIaI Chapkl. .Services In the morning at 11 o'clock jind the af ternoon at 41 Cdoelt by Bev. W.'T. fallen pas tor. Sunday school the momlng at 10 o'clock. Calvary kianON Church. Services m the morn ing at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 .o'clock by the pastor, Bev. J. F. Butt. Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock and clasVmeeting In the af ternoon at 2Vfc o'clock. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church. tow mass at ,u o'clock and high mass at lOtys ortock In the morning; vespers and henUtIot tJiaVs o'clock In the afternoon by; Very BwJP.H. Wolfe. Sun da? school In the morning at o'clock. To tow ommer MxTHOrmrr ' Av CHURCH. Ser- vices In the momlng at 11 o'elock ami to the even- ing at 8 o'clock by Bey A. A. Boshamer, pastor Sunday school In the mftemoon !at 4 o'clock. Prayer toeedngeveryWednesday evening at lt o'clock.; -. Stranger oorfllally Invited. Graham' Street (Colored) Method iar (K) Church. Services to the morning atill o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock by? the pastor. Rev. L. B. GlbsonTTSunday school to the morning at o'clock. Prayer ' meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, r , H INDIVATIONS. I War Uepaktment, Office Gdief SloAt; Officer, Washinqtosi, April 2 i m p. m. ) For the South. AUanUeStates, falling barometer, watraer aouthMy: winds, m creasinar cloudiness and tpossibly Ugnt rains. .. . ,'; ty v Local Heprt tf Xwiertoy- Second Prksbttkmas Church. Services hi the morning at 1 1 'dock and lrf the enlng at 8 .nvkwk bv the pastor. Bev. X. BL Harding. Sttnday 9P.M Barometer,.,.. Thermometer- Relative Humidity,, tflnd Direction,'. . - " Velocity. Weather, . ..; jl'.-.'; (20R81 71 49 S. W. 8 Fair. Highest temperature 81 deg.; lowest 58. -'flIeteoyltct Kerd. wiiATirwtiaaqBT. awax 26. 40 p. m. Stations. Barom J. ..Wind..' YeL Weather. Atlanta,..., S 11 83 an, Cloudy, Fair. Fair. , Cloudy. . Clear. Clear. , Clear. -Fair, bearing. -Lit Rain. Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.' Corslcana,. Indianola.. Galveston.. 80.02 30.10 29.96 29.77 29.86 00.00 30.05 30.02 29.89 29.93 29.88 80.03 30.09 80.02 30.00 -i a v. . IK 34 79 f- 00 78 81 70 76 70 78 78 75 81 a e. Jackson'lle. S.E. ' a 1 N.E. 8.1L'"''- a E. a Key west,. . MobUe Montgom'y, N. Orleans. Fait , Fate - PontaBasa 17 Savannah, St Marks. 14!t"Fiilr. 4 2 -Cloudy. Cloudy. Havana. ... index to lfd.yertiieMenw '- .' ' " ' K. D. Latta St Bro Important, . . 1. L. Setgle A Co SUkft: f v. -a:- ; ,; R. M, Miller .8on-Floar..fi. ;r . : T. Walker- Attention, fclremen. r ' -"' nt i A good deal of eneritfbejing in fused just now mto;thek.ic? ramc. A good many Charlotte people are eat ing strawberries out of .-their own gar dens. ' " At leasf a half dozen -fishing parties left the citv yesterday, and it was a pretty good fay for fishing: j Maj. W. W. Flemming, of this city, will deliver the annual, address before the students of Pioneer Mills Academy on the 29thof Mav;;.X i ' - The Gounod - club meets Monday night at the residenee-of Mrs. Dewey. JJoth active and associate meniocra urged to attend. 'hi' Messrs. Osborne" iind Flemjtoilng; the t.wn fnHM!ttA9 f or the mavoralty, will not discuss the issues; In .Ue ' contest J whatever they. are-m the public square until Tuesday nights fj'f n The Busy Been yvXHJrstxiJ. ThA AntArrAinmftnfe tfDf feiven on the afternoon, ot the . 3d, of May by nie I5USV - xiee ocieijf ""j yard, will open within -Queett'of May. Besides this feature, which. ;,wm be ,en-i tertaining- and : attractive, ; ice icream, strawberries and'-: other jef resnments will be- served; .and ;the; Italian band will furnishu music throughout the evening. The -yng 4 ladles hope to afford a tyeasant entertammfent for young and old:;;4ri "7.'l t q Pergonal. . . . ; .::;&,. ? ' The vadesboroITemWi;6aya: "Our military men are just now feeling sor - w nav..n,u. ti. rn..vftrv nouular among the ' members : of Ins; regimenr, AMUAAUtU't ' 1 A V . - L -i r - J- and it js to be regretted that h0 has seen Southerner says he is a model man who will-resign a colonelcy to take a cap- tuincv i.ii:.w is! i&tii i MersSApl1l Patrick, both former residents, were in the city yesterday.1 The roitner is now traveling for a Ne'wJ York house, and me latter now resides in Dan vine. Mr.W. W. Overman left the city yes terday to take a position twith a ; New, iork house, to the i regret of many friends, , t; Jl A.M.J2P.M. . 80.101 I 2 96 ... 82- 83 .. aw. ;aw .-. 4 - ; e . . -jyatrw I f Fair. Friday nichr- aftr - io famiw n- Joseph Freeland. . vhn . Iitm in fhu OTEI?! street and fired a shot which was heard to strike the house. Mr. Freeland went to the front door with his pistoMn bis hand, and as he opened it another shot w as area ana tne party went on with- J,T Ml ty . ? f V'tyf T?11 A A8 MAmift Atfofi after eeii discover- ftArwarrla yealed to fact that one of the uho& iuuHb prouaoiy ine one nrst nred, had entered the front door. While it,. 1s t hardly tQ be SIlDDOSed that tha nartv In this case wished to do harm tn iin v nor. I t,i Mllnr norain cill :- MryJippeMTtd those who are guilty or it should, when cauelrtvbe well punished. A Rentarble Counterfeit. Money handlers will hA j know that the secret service has cotnB intor possession of 'a faosA remarlrahr counterfeit. It is a counterfeit . jo I United States leeal tender note and u I calculated'to deceive even persons ao - customed to handling notea ot thafe de4 nomination. What makes it the morel remarkable is .the. fact .that Oie work on inenate was5 exeoutetf wttR a pen and ink. All the intricate figures and curves, nprfftr.tlv nnnfoffoitrl by pen and mk. The sicmature nf Jnhn Allison, formerly register of the treas- i ury, is almost exact, while that of John ew, tortnerly treasurer, is perfect. The whole bill, back and face, is aTwon- derful piece of pertrwork. The bill was detected at the sub-treasury in New urieans. W. L. Thomburg, a well knowii q'ar penter of this city, met with a violent death near the Brewer mine in ' South Carolina, twenty-five or thirty miles from Monroe. The accident occurred Friday morning about 10 o'clock. Mr. Thomburg and Dr. Chatard. one of the riim-ielorOof IHe'lrtfntsJwere in a hsprin wagon togetlief and Were driving a, spirueu norse. ine animal became uncontrollable and the two men were thrown violently from the vehicle. Dr. Chatard was only slicMlv hurt, THa iqmMBfion fMiLheprenuwt into a pile "i uiuKeii ruuK sum 111s skuii was iraetur- ea He never spoke afterwards, bul gfadnallr grew worse and at 7 o'clock1 breathed his last. . , Mr. Thornburg's remains were brought t Wolfe's station where his wife is at present residing and will be buried at Big Steel Creek church to-day. He was about twenty-five years old and had been married less than a year. He bore a good character in the comniuni- ty and .was liked by all who knew him, - ' ' v j 1 1 , tt(, A TMteful Tribute. At a meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry in that city Thursday night which was.lanrelv attended hv J v 1. ii. ...... . - v . .r 1 uoiu nits acuvo memoers ana dv tne "veteran corps." resolutions were nassed as follows : "That the Wilmington Light Infantry have heard with unfeigned regret of the death of Mrs. Dora Gregory, of Char lotte, N. C, a lady whose, estimable character and warm attachment to the company, from its organization to the time of her death, endeared her to us and the en tire. community; that in her death the cothpany has also to regret the loss of a member and officerwhose name has been borne upon our rolls for many years as its vivandiere, at. her own request and as an evidence of our grateful appreciation of her friendship ; that a committee of the veteran corps oe appointed oy tne cnair to tase mea sures to provide for a suitable monu ment to the memory of the deceased afid that they be authorized to receive subscriptions and take such "steps as they may deem proper and advisable to serve the same object." Young Men' Christian AMOciation in the State Mr. T. M. Pittman, of this city, State secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association,- has begun to receive re ports from the various local associa tions throughout tire1 State, from which he is to make up his re port, to be for warded to the general convention which meets in Baltimore May 2lst-25th. The reports will show a surprising growth of the organization in North Carolina. When the State association was organ ized in this jcity two years f ago, by Messrs. Hall and Cree, only four asso- ciaticns were known to exist m the State. . Mr. Pittman thinks the number now is about twenty. He has received rpnnrt.s frnTn nVfirt'l.qnfHaHrns. whtrh ill K t an Hie iiciu, tue seai, me nne engray- I vjyvia-iuuW' II I I ing work, and even the fibre in the pa- f frTerapletor"company,, uei. are aimosr, nerrerriv priiintorfottarf 1 ueiueu in 1 ;narinrx t.n tirsr nr show a total active membership of,siilStjSb,. The largest association yet reported; J jwzfAf in ureensDoro, ana nas lou acuve meml J2 "iWi0 bers. Winston and Chapel Hill echfiil- Thn Hma QnH rJonn nf fho riovf gnntu al meeting of the association has nofc a i i? j i .1 4.: .i4t.l vet uecii uacu u v tLBCAGCuuvevuiutuiLf tee. r The secretary says the committee swajtirg JprM invitation to some town whose association is able to en tain the delegates, and that the time will probably be in 'June after the meeting of the general association in Baltimore. , To the latter feonvention each asso-. ciation 13 expected to send as many as two delegates and not more than ten, whatever may be its membership. The names of these delegates must be sent in to the secretary Defore the conven tion meets, as well as the statistical reports, both of which should be for warded within the next two week?. An Engineer's Bravery and Presence Friday afternoon while the train on the eastern division of the Carolina Central Railroad was on its trip .from Wiimintrton to Charlotte, a most unu sual occurrence , befell it. Stopping at a VvtA krvAMve w.- wifhdrvnmB wood, and six mues iur .i toVwiIo ma nf U'nrxl was discovered by Engineer Cook to be in a vrirhr. hia7. The material was so very inflammableNthat before the train could be stopped the flames had taKen noia on t.h e box-car next the engine, as quic lv as this could be done the engine was unouple4Fomha train, ana leaving tfoidfcctdri feverfew; Ithfe train; hands and passengers to fight the fire on the box-car, ine engineer, ui .wue xutcuoc heat generated by the burningpine, stood at his throttle and rari the engine three Inindred, yards up the road to point where he knew1 he would find a pool of water on the road side, pool OI water on mo xuau biuc jj fimfl he had made thiaLdistance, the en gine looked to the passengers in the rear like a sheet of flame; the engineers clothes were scorched, his flesh 1mtere(l and the rosin drawn frpm the cab over, his head; but with buckets of water carried by-the fireman and wood-passer ir nnnk finallv extineuisbed the flaihes. throwing the i wood overboard as fast as he cpuia put out me nre ou iu jr fima it w ah all over the water : in the tender was hot almost to the boiling int. hut for all inat no aamage nau Trtnmi theartv behind having iu LATe? a meantime extinguished the fire on fthe rox-car. Enkineef (oWsehce' crf mind in Irtthn t-hid t.nai nn tne engine ana ruamiix it forward-to-where he could get water to put out the fire, he prevented geat damage to the ngin6.r - , - 1 A bassenger' oii the train, & stranger in the city, put himself to the trouble to oii nnnn -n vfiftt.fi rtiav to narraw ine above facts. He rightly concluded that Mr, Cook's conduct in the- jnatter was Snaorvinor nf honorable, .mentaom ' and this opinion we cordially endorse. : Our . Tenerable .. and " distinguished friend, Kedward Glavin, was once an' honored citiaeuof Wilpiington, and even now-as his hmd staVts oft to wan der amonir the creeu hills around Cork it . always, passes ( by ilmingtoB nd VMpl&Zm&tfajo&Qet I of that city neTet loses Bijrfit cfc ftsuf ormer citi- pi juc ajiu uiciisiiiTc- J.us a reccait issue been said once or twice, is ttotwithout honor save in, If we are tuen we have an illustration 'at hand. A fpteTrtTtmpfAlcopfiS Dbseev Vr1 ht vesteWavlfceofo former townsman ..oa!be late fforirjajtyorof inac cicy. 11. ne- snouiai oe-1 Baminateav and elected,xe?utpa$adej the&ii- ii 11 1 IMS SOiOTt ; timincar -The Thome comedy comanVbrr1rf has been DlavirAriiii the: fimaBr tnwna 1 ojC Botith . Carolinlt firxbably sum-T mer in Asheville.- imiv m dw ! f! -r: irotessional cocobaflKS' liSCye xetired Jo give the amateur a chance, but the iaer, .1 in Charlotte at least, do ot Smsi pcu lu uv auxious 10 uiKe aavantageoti whkjfi. son, is booked for Atlanta on the i2th and'l8th.":'?.n",i,!-i,", i'." ' ' ; xammi Modjeska js charged with saving that Wilhelmj is a terrible flirt and is more teuu w ned prWstsswtst hirgailarittles I nuaix xyt ma wiifu iiccoiupiisiinieiiia The Philadelphia Record estimates that already $238,000 has ;lem paid in that city to witness performances of "Pinafore." ' ;-r . 'Mlai Fnny -llayipnpVrl'awSmmense houses - at thft iiQrrand ' Opera House in New York last week lnvPiiue," ''and teha will plavlnwt drMa'alllhis week, the last of her engagement. 'Mr. J. H. Haverlv annornis that he has secured from the domestic ciicle of( New York families. seventyrfive child ren, who will shortly appear m a series of matineft perforttiances of aH. M. S. Pinafore."- ' , Wilhelmj is figuring quite' extensivfe ly iit New. York city. He waa to have appeared in a? grand concert in Stein- yay .HaUast FHday night. t--- appeared in a ner jple at Auburn, N. Yljfst -Tuesday- He had played there the night before in "My Son," and the troupe were Just about leaving their hotel when one of the members got in to a dispute with the landlord, that ended in blows., Mr, Raymond came to his associate' relief, and received a blow in the left eye from the landlord, "which made him sov mad that he went to his room, got his jcane and returned the blow with it Then the landlord had him arrested, but the matter was finally settled;: without : a triar This is the second fight Raymond, hai.hid with a hotAl .irAAnAr , .1, 7 ' - " ' :i J ' -'- ; uxirf Iical Religious Note. Rev. Father Woife, Of the Catholic Monastery .m.. (Jaston !rfiOuty, will officiate at the Catholic chnrch to-day Rev.-sFather "Council is in, Ashwillo Church tlrerel' ' , .il 1 ,H Capt R. !L. Graham ' werittol Dallas yesterday "to deliver an address at a Sunday school celebration these. At no point in the State; have the fcealous efforts of Mrs. Moon, the revl- 1 Vallst, been more appreciated than in Winston. , Her portrait now occupies a conspicuous j)lace in,;.the.hall of the Toung Men's ChristiaacAssociation of that town. 1 : Concord PresbytervclosiB3 its session at Bethel church near Davidson Col lege, to-day. " Last nday was. the. day observed in : the Episcopal and 1 Catholic churches in honor of St. Mark, the evangelist. The Episcopalians of North Carolina are at last to have a church paper in the- State. It will be called The Mes senger and will be published in W The names of its editors have no announced. The Southern Baptist conve: meets in Atlanta. Ga Mav 8th following is a list of the delegates ffonf tms state: ,, -. ..p Major Wm. A. Graham, Iroi Station ; Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D. ; Hon. John . Scarborough, Rev. C. T. Bailey, Col. J. M. Heck and Col. A: D. Jenkins, Raleigh; Rev. Jas. S. Purefoy, Wake Forest College; Rev. Theo. Whitfield, D. and Rev. lt. H. Griffith, Char lotte; Rev, A. C. Dixon, Chapel HUU isev. u juurnam, uurnam; itey. jn. Cobb, -Fayetteville; Reys.;Ti! Dixon, M Webb, Joseph Scoggins, A. PDixon, ; vr,. J . liosti " Shelbv J 'illev. i. iBmilR6vML. Stradley, erdan. Lnmherton; Rev. 1 J JBi BoOne.mteSVlIie J. S. MtadOWS. JPejriJtev.,H A Brown, 'Wifr fnr TiAri fi ,W ( Kaimncrh Wake Wake ifi "v -i w - . . " --7 "Forest; Prof. C. L. Wilson, Scotland Neck; KeV. ' John Mitchell, ' DjD, Asheville v Rev. D. B. f Nelson ana Ke v. Ji P. Morgan, Hendersonville. The Soiree Masieale at the Instiute. A soiree mustcale, . given by tne pri vate pupils of Dr. Bidez, took place Friday eyening at the Institute for Young; Ladies, and proved a complete success,, as weu jn, j,ue: eietaaoir ssm the execution, of the music. The selection had been made so very. carefully,' that the taost fastidious taste could, not .have .objected to anything, and it rrnist bfe considered as i a sure proof of the refinement Of the artistic sense, among the peowe ibf ; Oiarlotte, that, such music; couldHtoe'SO-wll Teh dered d'Biebratteteir.ratciateLl : Solosfiwere ' su'rto.vliLtS. TkLli. lArmis- TT r fir v-i v . j mi a teaCL, MrSaATi WJIOlliinu jjuaao rxa. Wr1stonhbse;;voiceS'nav,e, otten oe- fnrA flpJlirlitM ChatilotW audiences, and " . . , itshtsv Mrs. k u.i5iaez, miss canine 1 Hannah suirl Mias Vnrra Radham. Mrs. 1 F. B. Bason who, to the disappointment ofmanv. was unable io "sing a solo on account of a Tery severe dolrtlapd . two i young iaay-piamsts,enaowea ,wiui i mguiy promismg taienr, wiss jx i xwuiey and Miss M- Stoney, comf)letM ,the list or tn private , pupws presem.eu ; uy aji. Bidez to thenudience.-' ' ri u -j Thermaui' feature of the evening was in three vocal trios, of which, two, Au tumn Sofia, by Goldbeck; sung by Mrs. Armistead-Miss Wriston and Mrs. Bi dez : and Dragon FUes, by Bargiel, sung by Mrs. Morgan, Miss Badham and Mrs. Bason, were raptuously encored. We nndoratand t.hfiv ar t be snnff asrain at. the concert to.be given, by- the Gou- noiupv- fa. The,:soia?sung; nj-xuxs uiaez, the doctor's-wifewaa the occasion for her ofs a 'Temarkable snccessj; ; A .real ' a . " l .1 AV - mV aWaH lvAtir iTAWtr rniiXtnlMMArlstLfl aildlfllice :;,wat'With: thif paperAjteJpphet-ifl fcift4Befdt&th adjournmenr several nie-t . 1 1 y l .1 11 till i 11 n i msten I. rniorl rrhe heFkhmellotTilto ifc J irff anawitn tnennisnea. syie ,jwiju pcii varteA hpr rpnderlrtflr Of Qn&Ol,HaleVV B t'i-'t most beautiful arias, 'j f ra Ti.TDfiwev. Dndlz's "ierv able 'assistant in . the music epartmeut of thA institutej helDed him in opening and rin!n the ftoneert."whIeh1:wa5. on the wnoie ana in every atuhubi-v one best ever given in the-schoot nndeiarrjl management;,-;,:,-.;::-: jPWlc Spekte:Tiiid,rHjig. ? To" the Editor of The Observer! v t ' a ' i As several M .theV. wards ot the city hnld mRfltinErs on next Mondav evening. Wr.' W. W?Fiemming and -myself have concluded to . postpone , the public dis rnssion alluded to in your t columns un ! Trta!ivpVAnlTi() at8 o clock.. - ' Respectfully, ; ? V r - - , N . - F.I. OSBORNIi. 7, The Federal Coert Jn Statesville ad ibufrfed' yesterday1 Most rfhe cases tried were for fraud against the eo e r- ment-blockadinfir. illir.it riiRtliny 11- ing whiskey and tobacco without a license, etc - Oyer twenty nernons rpr vrf : . : " . " . T " convicted on these chanren. and a ttnm."l for a year, and one day, the teTva&m which sentence inquire that the pris-; uiiem inr bchv.w iusuif' ijcui tell UltUTY , bers of the bar addressed the court in behalf of the parties. His Honor Judge Dick relented in response to these ap pSals' and 'shortened the sentences, thereby admitting of the prisoners be ing confined in jails within the Statd.' Tlievsllltb'JSiBnt to .Knrka and. "MTv Doirellttfeit' Ih "adaition to these! Lali.umber Of persons, who received the benefits ot tire ajmrestvar the last term and gave security ior the eotet, being ua. f auie 10 pay -tuts une a, ine present terljwere sent M Jail: Tlwcourt was very, busy all 44ieH.iR eek, and transacted more than the usual amount of busi- ' . . . . , . - .1 " f '4U,.. I., 'II ' uapu opragms, ine veteran conductor on - the ' run between Charlotte and Greensboro,, was. caught between, two flat cart on the side-track at the meet ing point; nijrht before" last and slichtly injured, fl& e,toa$hQ. .city yester- uay witu 111s iruiu uut was uasen worse audniay be laidnplor sometime. -h-vM .thp,Spartanburg, and Ashevule: Kailroaa ran up to Butt MountamKOap .Thursday; The road is now complete tawUhin three 'and an quarter miles: of Hendersonville. ; jTheJWestenfcnpnsTelegraph Com pany is puttingtip new polls, along the line of the Atlanta and Charlotte, Aur Line. Several car loads of polls were brought inyesterday fox ths purpose. ThaiwtfFegularssaiger'trains and one excursion train went into Atlanta"! yesterdarvnli crowded with passengers' wno went to witness the memorial ex ercises there which werj& of ,a very im posing character. -v' e! Beginning to-morrow trains on the Western North Carolina Railroad will run to the east end ot the big tunnel, jndHgidafl BTfety daMthereafter. All passengers, freight and mail for Ashe ville will be delivered at that point W1BD POLITICS. Yicket forityf' Ward. To the Editor of The Observer , Allow jne a, small place luiont 4 pcesehti toe Mum in your col- ames of 11. T. Butler, G. J. Tool and B. Frank Wil son, as the most suitable persons for aldermen of .Third Ward. Free Thinker. If JO J'1 - ' Sleeting- In Ward No. . mi a et tvr .m wine cuizensoi wara xo. 2 are re quested to meet at the mayors office Tuesday evening at B O'clock for the purpose ot nominating candidates for aldermen in this Ward. , Citizens. '.Hi V VOTERS' OF THE "VVARt). To the Tme aaet'the Trie. "J . toielEdltorot The6iserf:) I J 1 " When aldermen have been tried and proven .themselves able and efficient, it is an experiment and a dangerous one to change for those untried andttn -knoWnJ Hence messrst Millet. Scott and Tatenf should receive the hearty supr port or tne voters ot vv ara jn o. 1. . ? , , . ,.1 . .. T '' x ' Another front Ward No. 3 To, the Editor of the Observer ;S- . mk rfespectfaliy suggest Mr. W. N. Mullen as one of the aldermen from Ward No. 3. MAir? Citizens. aLDERSt AN1C TICKETS. P Another Fourth Ward Ticket. ToEdrlSTOblelrerl' fT 1 Meri0)of PMfeian?McNinch. areienergetic fpasn nd3 will see that iYantiNo. itthevaxe elected, snail re- eeiyaus snare neat yampravemenrs. ..i - W V .! ... . ' i The voters would do well to elect tnem Laa ajornjen,, , m ogress. ifeose wfll support Hon. Henry T. Butler and Wilson for aldermen of the Third nroTERS. rrft i : kiWatoealti, Maj. FleaamrB Card. In compliance with the wishes of "Many Cltl zens" I win be a candidate ior marar at utoensn i ng election la (May. i Erer yielding a cheerful oba- dience to your will, i am, wun respect, -' - Taut AtwwHAflt. MFffUlt '- ' w. w. FuKKnro. & Mil limi tiri ttL piLlc ToiheVoUntftttCttytfChartoOe:- Fkllow CrnzKire In.thls brief way I tare con cluded to anaounee myself an. Independent Candi date for the office of mayor ofthe city of Charlotte, at the approaching eiecuom in nay. xorouKniy Independent, I shall not be In the least influenced by any ring, caucus, or convention ; I shall hare no friends to reward nor enemies to punish; I shall not bribe nor purchase a rote, nor attempt' In any rmrlnrhnndrtrt wxT tn amtnm oner bat I Barticnlarly solicit the deliberate, independent rote.' Iam In favor of strictcoonomy and low taxes. . Then is no oontics in this election, therefore I shall ran the race to the end and take' the 'risk, let the result be what it may. In thus announcing myself, I think it unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statement of prindples that may guide me; but wULtioJyfay ttiaO shall ever cultivate a genial, brotherly spirit with those that I may become asso ciated with; and permit me, in conclusion, to make VOBC Votes ana COOHrXHMSlfi twuo, uij uesk cicr- ( ttens shatthetoeeteitof a lair, nonest ana lm- I nartlal ducBarse or mi auaes. Resnectfullr. . . w.&kobmsnt. Charlotte. NC JLprll llth 1879." I . . r- r Mr. Oshorie lKUie Areas. , i i a i it i InVfisnonseto the solldtaUon of my friends. I have consented Jo become a candidate for the office of mayor. z uMBeneetfBlly, na Tm Vt ta ! Life Daath. or what is worse. Is the inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual now. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immdutie sehef is the onlr safetuard against con stitutional ruin. In all eases of suppression, au isn ortotner irreruiamiss 01 tne "courses, - 5ft JlHradaattLs FetDftteategtdator is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous cen tres, improving the blood; and determining direct ly to the organs of menstruation. It Is a legitimate Sreacnpnon, ana ine most mieingent aocwra aw . Ask your druggist for it ? gjeutistru.' -d 1 M . -lU.f OFJTFE OYER U R, WRLSTflN A GO'S Wlth 25 yBa7xrrlan6 I guarantee entire atlsfaotton )anll, Hi R EAt ESTATE, )t 1 j Jttptf iWp&lqX AGENCY.; For selling and buying Mines, Lands ajKl&ouae&V Advertise free of1 cost, ' ait prxverOes njaoed hf my .M nutli. it .n hands for sale. B3 a- " - ' THOaj. C5AYT0N, declO Charlotte; N. C. to tae Bduoroi inc i ManVtax mvers? K. Y. McAden. 5 f, PLR i fm-- i s r i - - i ?riiEnAYonL is i s i ayii r,i 4 I 9 &ich1iiim!m t ' I ;GREAT 33AKBAIN&1 tiTrWflnma raW noftTU.iaid and Miver K . Hn 5T ITU .no. H iiarewicinuuuurwni uure mil, 1 j. ' H "Mil -3r A. r t i?er S? ov'i- 'j'-i' -. 3i W5 fimt GQU INI) JsinSP SPECTACLES., Tf Gold-Head Canes and everything you want dee34 5 H p: tlSNX, From Fads, Franoay , WATCH and CLOCK IKKXfSt faLPKB and filL- tlBPLiTEEL TmdeBtet,tvpostte Ffc4 nsbyteriao Church, j lEverr kind of renalrs made at once at halt brlos 1 and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or : monze uiioing, iionng. euyer-raang ana uat-. vanbdng mad at short notice and equally as good as new, wont dona for the trade at low nrieea: er Apprenooe wanted, woaiiremium and goon references.- , . . ,.,...1 Benalnd: work uncalled for wffl be sold at me expiration of twelve tbonths for cost of repairs. X A N T H I J E . Prof. Hertz's Great Oeman Half Restorative. The beat nreDaiatte loathe fialr now known. It gradually restores gray hair gto its natural color. Drooucinr a luxunaw rrowui. eraaicaies scmn ana dandruff, cores all diseases of the scalp, prevents the hah from ftUllnr out and relieves neuralida in the head and headache. Try H- Prepared by XANTHim CO., RichmoBd, Ts , and for saw by auonggista, - ' . . DIXIE SOAP. ' 7.'J, CBZW - ,i BJchnwmd, Ta, ManafactareaU the standard varieties of LAUNDRY SOAPS, Which they offer at lowest prices. A2m-DYHPia?IC PILLS. These Fins wm Dre vent and cure Drsneosla. They are an awtvaOed Dinner PULinlld aperient and admirably adapted M aJamlly medicine. They are used by the most caKIvated people In our eountay, and are extensively used by physicians m Oiete practice. Bold by Drurgtets generally. Send for clmu&r. X. R. BECKWiTH, Sole Manufactur er, raersburg, va. ' '' ' KMXNSNf PBS. B.JL;k J. CIEDLET, ST. LOUIS. MO., Say: Colden'a Llebig's Liquid extract of Beef Is a very agreeable article of diet, and. particularly use- rui wnen ionics are required, oeing tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dtp therla, Malarial Typhoid fevers. Weakness, and every ae pressing aisease, we na have re scribed it with great success. Sold by an P - We will pay Agents a Salryol tlOO per monui nd ezpenaes, or allow a large cooimiHsion, to sell our aw and waadcrful ioTeotionn. Wt mem what w mm. 'ftrmr'- tree. Address Seuiui &Co Man hall, Kica, rr A DAY to Agents canvassing for the FlEB- 7 sn visrroK." Terms and own Tenns and outfit free. Ad- dress F. O. VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine. a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw ft Co., Augus ta, Maine, A DVERTISEMENT of 4 lines inserted one week .xA. in 800 newspapers for $10. Send 10c for 100 page pamphlet. G. P. HOWELL ft CO., 10 epruee street, . i. auUttiomxlt&. JUSTIN JUSTIN PERRY'S. PERRY'S. CELEBRATED philadelphia caramels, chocolate caramels. v ' . lemon CARAMELS. . ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBERRY CREAM CARAMELS. '. VANILLA CREAM CARAMELS. ' CHOC0V.TE CBEAM CARAMELS. MOLASSES TAFFY. CREAM TAFifY.; ..I WALNOT TAFFY. i "'' ,:- - ....... .'- ... ,' i ; 'I FRESH,, PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDIES, , BANANAS. - APPLES, - ORANGES, - LEMONS, -:'SV VX : . 4111 ft.U CRACKERS, AND THE BEST 6c CIGAR YOU EVER SMOKED. pr20 D. S. MAXWBIX. . ' Auctioneer. JAXWELt VHARRISOjq-' " ATjCTIOllr" AND COMMISSION : , MERCHANTS i, '' 1 I 1 ! J-'f ' 11 j Buy and i . MERCHANBISX AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; dec3 r I rJ aifflt -3 siU '!? Ill ( VOX ' ' . . . WIQ give strict personal ws,'. - - " - s.-, , , i,r- . ' i'" ' "attention to aH business entrusted teonx eue. t El&wed; wali Sbeettngs, et&, eta, as lew as any house la the State. fTj reeelve iew goods every ' . Four doors above Charlotte HoteL dar." ' Tery iMpeeftuTy,. - -T," l ; -.tVll -WH".aa:vCf 4iil m lelaB:tu1r,4tiltp9ed ifcw, taslamN, IrThruliioa aW all NornMrn and 'Eastern Ctttea to - q wnn me. Saartoator.-an tfaiaeftiee Jt Ohio, ill i ,.'. ;-j risKKt ."'". '''-SirwiDi pomti m eeorgla i: -Hlii fl'ik H;iJ ; :, '' ' -11 iBswattce sad KMMgaamateed as Low as vii.rji-ji, ' ; ' Infonaatioa funilsbed fU tii; . "Ml I "' SU ';. . , ., i.tv y,o!i ;t::i -Jii'V.O " H:tf .. ii..-:.' ' . .. . ! ni iff!.!, ,,:.;!'; . ' r-' v. J ilii.; ii i., , : i .iJv ., . Geo., Freight Acent, Wilmington, N. Cy .i: i!,-.' sptS0 D :li. .Kowoflan to the trade a fun stock of Labia's Brtractaaad Colognea, Ingnsh Select piees. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap Kngiish, French and 4 . American Tooth Brushes PBESCHIPT10NS Carefully prepared at all hours, both nlghl and day.at & MclDKN'S Prescripaon Store. SBOUBITT! SSCUK1TX ! 200 Barrels'of C. WEST ft. SONS CXTBA No. 1 nBOSKNB ASB ALADDIN SECrjRTTT OIL. Wesfs XkUa No. 1 Kerosene OU. from C. West ft Sons, Battlmore. Hhiest MedaLamrded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Da. J. H, MoADEN.Sole Agent CHARLOTTE, N. C WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT" E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCiv -or -U A N C Y -i? A N C Y GOOD O G O O D O " d Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes Including some 'novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CXLULOID TOILET Cases' French Flate, Haod Mlrrow, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a fall stock of English and li-..-s t.l " ' - M,tt . American Tooth,' Harr and NaU Brushes; i.j: L. B. WRISTON A CO. declS 1000 TEE SIMPLE DEEDS, -. - ilOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the ; . -tWi ii v OBSKRYEB OFFICE. :-. H! .' . i ... . THCStST J vl $1500 " VvkiteScwiNb UachireCo. .xatzx' ! .(: -i.'Siaib -ffn sec A new lot received this day (Monday) by expressjwetty and cheap. Always call on as tor Drees Goods, Grenadines, wtucawaaean-aanaemar. ws Keen a maminoent uung you want mine ifuHonime.- (i . ----- TN WHITE ftOODS We keep trerythmg. via: 8 ifes and Mall Muslins, i ain . an nrv rihAsn. V bun Urn luravxit au very caeafb , s- .thwettci OXtecyvOT Hamburg Embroidery and an other Trimmings from as AprQ2l. E, KCQtTff ciKJLcri; - i TO ALL POINTS 80CTB. t :i ' t-J i T. ' .. ft 4"',"'""" '. ' '(tB " ' i . oOmMQaaSMfacOSlMtar Oe TraDsporUon of rharlotta. StatasrlUs, AsawvQla, Buthertordtoa and Western K. C Saflroada, ... Alabama and MtestaatppL .. 1.. . ii.-: '. i ': . - i :.' via any Competing Llaa, and Tlau as Quick. upon application to T.T.SMITH, Agent a C. Railway, Charlotte. 'si- Sodttls. jpiELD WBOUBALB A1TO UTUL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUIfTRT PRODUCE Keep constantly on band FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE. IRISH POTATOES, AP- PLE3, DRIED FRUITS, Ac. c Exclusive Dealers In BAMSOUR ft BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. also, PBorairroRS or na CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, afid to kept to first class style. Terms, Per Day S 2 00 W Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terras see the proprietor. WOmnlbus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS. Proprietors. Mr. H. 8. WnaoH a Ladt Superintendents. Hmntr Wilfono, Clerk. feb9 $2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL H E H V V E SAVANNAH. GAV A B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Room. IM. L. 1 Feb. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. 16tL s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE 'Salisbury, N. C. C. S. Bbowh, Proprietor J Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C S. Brown, Jr dee 80 Chief Clerk; W. slstant. O. Shelbum As 1 .T113 KUBPHT' PRACTICAL TAILOR, Hotton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the strtngency of the times I will in fu ture work, very cheap. , Will make fine suits for iu, vassimere ions xotsk. nam ot suiu same rates. I guarantee all. my, work ,-nont, . no charge. Give me a call and be convinced. July 17. : - ; LICHTENSTEDt, MERCHANT TAILOR, CHARLOTTX, N. C. 11 Begs leave to inform an those in want of a rood salt or parte thereof, they ean eall and leave their orders with him, as he Is the beet artist cutter and tailor in this section. Should a $60 suit be too expensive get one at half price, but have tt to be artistic, styUsh and perfect .. av WAMAWTCO ADORES Cleveland, oHto. a 3L ra- -o- Also a nice line of Kid Gloves. Black Cashmeres and Black Tamise Cloths, all of Cloths, au or We have any- une or Trimmnir tuias. au eowrs. Plain and Barred Naiasooks.'MaMaHa, fadla Lawns, crnck of Uullea' and UlsiiMi' Cuffs and Collars in ALEXANDER HARRIS. USPATCSLZN

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