t . . . ' t i CHAS. R. JONES, Editor aud Proprietor 'Free from the doting crupk that fettw our TUSEDAY, AtKlL 20, 1879. THE DUTt M QHSISE. r Most persons will agree with the New Reagan s quinine Dill aoes not ROiar enough. His proposition to scale own the duties on all quinine salts tp the twenty per cent ad valorem rate now levied on the sulphate alone- is still too much in the nature of a compromise with the few American manufacturers of that drug to suit the consumers. " Free quinine" is the cry now resound ing in all parts of the country. The same day that Mr. Reagan's bill was offered twenty or thirty others -were presented repealing the whole duty. Alarmed by the general outcry against what is justly termed a "blood tax," the handful of monopolists who have grown rich uponthe sufferings of hq-. inanity are perfectly willing to accept the reduction proposed by Mr. Reagan. In a pamphlet entitled "Annual Review of the Drug Trade of New York for. the year 1878," prepared by Mr. D. C. Robbins, for the forthcoming annual report of the chamber of commerce, the author, speaking from a knowledge of the subject derived from the manu facturers' stand-point, concedes that the present duty on aU the quinine salts, except sulphate; should be reduced from forty-five to twenty per cent, and that on sulphate te ten per pent. t He isalso- willing to reduce the duty -on three other valuable products of inchona and nuinidia, now included in "medici nal preparations not otherwise provided for," front forty to twenty Cents But the penile will not be satisfied with a mere reauciion m ine tunquiib ui ui, duty. They' demand' that the entire duty shall be removed. Messrs. Powers & "Weightman- and a few others have' made fortunes out of the iniquitous tax, at the expense of the health and lives of thousands, and it is time they turned tlieir talent for monopolizing n to some other channel. " " THE JTECBO exodus; J t kill. tlo 1 me army auu. rauuauv AiaenrfiUUcnnaett hare teiunrecte;a:.grei.it, w-tf trrtT v -j tr . jaM m - t.f- lif is ' o: . h W ASH W A SOBER FIRST THOUGHT. In the course of the present debate on Democrats manv character. -By these recordslthey havli convicted one after another of the most prominent Republican leaders of the most glaring inconsistency in de claiming now. in favor of troops at the polls ahd Against riders on appropria tion they hay e quoted taarecotd, in fact, and proved inconsistency pn tne opposition juntilit has Decbmfc monotonous; but the' New York Bun has revived an incident "and unearthed a letter of such singular relevancy that one cannot help narrating the one and quoting the other. The story is that the Republicans of Maryland in 1868 foresaw their defeat to be inevitable at the then pending fall elections of; that year- unless they could' bring about a state of things that might create a necessity for military interference, upon which their last hope of success rested. President Johnson referred the matter to General Grant, who reported bhithe 24th pf October. 1866, asf ollows "So far there seems to be merely a very bitter contest for ascendency in the State. Military interference would be interpreted as giving aid to one of the factions, no matter how pure the intentions or how guarded and just the instructions. It is a contingency I hope never to see arise in this country while I occupy the position of General-in-Chief of the army, to have to send troops to a State in full relations with the general government, on the eve of an election, to preserve the peace. "u. S. Grant, General." . . It - i& - such documents, .and. such, records as the above that cause the ' Republican attitude at 'present to ap pear so ridiculous to the public. 02TLT THE SENATE IN SESSION ;- The Legislative Bffl &ef, reH Veto of iy Mx ecieixx Ha' The legislative executive an45udicial appropriation oui was received irom the House and referred to the commit ter on annroDiiations. . The Senate then took tip and passed: :: v if.h oi iqto th Sracpnas proven Itself to be the neatest dlscov- " -... . 'f ,f. ... . r I immfaT loll rnn nf Ifo .Affant Dmr ofjnilitarx"telegraph lines in Montana aiKiirexas ana repeals uie auiuuuty heretofore given to the secretary of war to lease the water-power at jvioime to Uie iU-Uimq iunc vuivvc" T The Senate ,,then, l proceeded to. tpe seats ' on the "floor tit the" Senate and House to th6 heads of departments, arrd that gentleman made r a speech in its advocacy. Morrill followed Pendleton, opposing the bill, which was, on motion of Pen dleton, laid on the table to be called up hereafter.,, ..ii5 , .v. . : . A VETO TOJEBABLT CEETAIN, The best information obtainable oa the subject of the consideration given bv the President and members of the cabinet! to the army bill, is to the effect that it will be vetoed. Members of the administration intimate that the cabi net is. unanimous In favoring such ac- tion, ana tnat ' a vera message wm im sent to the House to-morrow.-' ' -' cornFtRMiTroN. -The Senate confirmed the nomination of James M. Melton as collector Of ' in ternal revenue for the; second district ot rennesseejr-i':v?-' "oj-.'t xu- AN OMISSION STJPPLIED The House passed the legislative-bill on Saturdav bv a vote of 140 to 119. , Tjo Emtprs The woras -Tire diii was then passed, yeas 140, nays ii, were accidentally pmitted, from Saturday's reptfoFhrfllousd prbieedings. TkeDeatkBueef Our country la setting to be fearfollr atarmlng. the arerage of t !e beh lessened ever year, with - oat any reason&Ue t& jae, death resultlns: eeneral- lyfroth0vniostinsl4pllkaorlgin. At this peaV son oi the year especfeOly, a cold is such a common uungmai xn tne aurry oi frrery day lire we are apt to oveooktht dangers attending ltnd ofteo find -too late,' that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set In. Thousands lose their Ures In this way ev ery winter, while bad Bosckk's fiwui Stbdp been Taken, a cure would hare resulted, and a large bin from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases CITY COTTON MAEKET." ! - t, Ornc o th Ohmv.kyi k. t r; Chaklott. April 2. 1879. f y- The market yesterday closed, steady, as follows .vw in T 111' ...... JJT --T. - ; MlddUnC. ... t. ....vAi... J-'--1 Strict low middling.. . i. .... .jw.f,.. Low middling..., .v,...,-;. '.... Tinges ..... Lower grades. ...... . . . . ............ tLr si. PEGRAcjm T U - Bliatlon441nit uil fag. fcl it II 8al04s (UK 'TVd LOTTE PK DUCE MARKET . APRIL 28. 1879- DCtKD I OOBfiKC I- i GRAND-OPENING ! country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold ' last year without a single failure known. . A Chaage that tola Blessing, U:- ; ; 1 There -Is no tnbrto remarkable feaiurell 'ln the progress of 'science, and no greater change In any professional practiee, tha& Is Illustrated by the contrast of the medical system of to-day, and thirty years ago. Then an medicines were copious m quantity, and nauseous to the taste.' - To take them was a trial to adults, and an : overwhelming horror to the young. ' Now most doses are small, and con-, centrated,' and free from' offensive" 'flayor. Until recently, however; one of the most valuable and. efficient of remedies . was detestable to nearly all for whom it was prescribed, Cod Liver Oil, the only cure for wasting decline of vital energy,' and certain-means of renewing healthy tissue, disgust ed those to whom it should hare; done most good. : Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver, OIL with the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Boda removes this only objection. Its flavor is really pleasant. Its nourish ing power' malvelous. and there is no finer nerve apr!5 2w . . Ease AUataableby thCBheamatie. 'Yes,' although they may despair of . relief, it is. attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there to a remedy which carries off, by means , of Increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the , acrid element to, which symptoms a theory completely borne out by win ary analysis. . The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remeay iorensBpaaon;'wnien causer contamina tion -of . the brood i with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. Jl is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly TCcOmmended as a medieuial somniaM,Dy owanguiBaBa pnyBicianaaaaaaaiysM -who pronounce it . to- be minentty pure and, very beneficial., . The press also, endorses Jt. . , Cobh, per bushl Fkas. " .. Oats, shelled, ...... Bacon H. C hog round.. ... 1 Hams,N.C... ... - Hams, canvassed. .... BDLK MKAT9 : Clear Eib Sides. . COFTKB -PrtmeBIaiVt;.; ; . . . Good,...- SYRUP ' Sugar-house. HOLAS6KS Cuba.. New Orleans........ Salt ; Liverpool fine ...... . SUOAB White......... Yellow. ..... Potatoes Sweet...... Irish. Buttkb North Carolina. . Sggs, per dozen. Flodb . Family... Ultra.. " Super - DATX.T. .-'$iSifi :'' KOai BOa62 5ia65 45a60 :.7a8fr 10al2Vi u5a& 14Vaie 12Vsal4 23a25 . 5a40 Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRING,. . A A .AO lats, Truu 35a40 I.00a2.00 78V5 65a75 3.50a3.75 12Vfea20 8a9 ;3.00aa50 '2.763.00 2.26a2.60 82 -aj I MM ils & Travelinff Bags. i3 5i AT THE--. VWy.ii i i) 1CHINA PALACE .A,LI."ijifHr( JHP. DROOKFIELD & CO With them you can find Tin-: jjjTi TCfl .IISfHAOm., ZEIGLER BRGS and Children's Shoes D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, KNTI8T- A TH REIT NED CALL TO ARMS. Here is another of those double-leaded, sententious articles from the Louis ville plmrteou mearspmethirig; .i-k!!, If MnWritthoriiefof Tennessee, does not precj:loUon to -investigate the "exodus" villainy, we engage to do something which will not be. to Mr. Whitthorne's advantage. This whole "exodus scheme is a piece of scoiindrelism. The monsters who are at the bottom of it know perfectly well what they are about. They have for their object the falsification of the next census. ; . The "exodus" scheme is a census move ment purely. The negro is simply to be used, as the Republicans have always used him, as, so much fuel to fan the flame of sectional strife and ' hate, re gardless of his fate, j- As a trick,' it is the Worst yet; a base bbni, black-hearted piece of barbarous cruelty, which every villain who sup ports it knows to be infamous! and inhuman. Mr. AY hittborne s proposal is of the first consequence. Let him proceed with it without delay. The prominence which the Courier Journal gives, the above, and the exceed ing vigor of the language which it em ploys indicate that it has good caue for s saying what it says. The .census ex planation is very plausible. The Repub licans will have made.! a . ten-strike if thepan run all the negroes out of the Bonthern 8tates, colonize them in North erri States and keep them there aintil the census of 1880 can be completed, liy this means the representation of the Southed States iii Congress will be decreased and the representation of cer tain Northern States increased. After the apportionment is made , under, the new census the "nigger" cantakecareof himself; hfijean come back to the South or stay in the Jfprtliwest as he;likesJ "I This is, ir all . human probability, the object liaa' in view by the Republican projectors of this heartless scheme; may be thaHt is some lower object; eet tai nl y it ll "Ache' higher. - ' ' ! : jWithin tbe past few:.dys there has been- at "ashingions ioine talk' ith which the nimble pistol was not whblly disassociated, and this, too, among the dignitaries. The long and the short of it is that Mr. Lowe, Greenback mem ber of the Jioyse ; from-Alabama, .rej cently informed a newspaper reporter that Illinois soldiers in the Confederate service had told him that their com panies were raised as part of a com mand which Gen. John A. Logan (now one of the Senators from Illinois) was to have had in the Confederate service. The reporter of course printed the story, and Gen. Logan denied it, using offen sive language. Mr. Lowe invited him to go out of the District of Columbia and settle the matter, which invitation the General declined, whereupon Mr. Lowe publishes the correspondence, and adds : "I will not brand John A. Logan as a liar, for he is a Senator of the United States. I will not post him as a scoun drel and poltroon, for that would be in violation of the local statutes. But I do publish him as one who knows how to insult but not how. to satisfy a gen tleman, ana i invoke upon him the judgment of the honorable men of the community." ' About this time look out for n e ws paper talk about plantation manners. STATE SEWS. tinnl nrithp. 1,1 I il l I IMPRISONED MINERS RESCUED. U,iving'p,emoS Four I l.lmShhkaMub 1 .5 11 If 14- PhilAdelphia. April 2S7:-AwnKes- barre special savs : "The efforts to res cue the men imprisoned in the mine at No. 10 slope have proved successful. At j9 o'ejock -this morning the men were a-eacndkiaiid all taken out alive and well but suffering much from exhaustion and want of food, , They were impris oned over four days. A relief of labor ers have been constantly, at work night and dav and finally these succeeded in block of coal. ,The imprisoned men had built a fire and sustained themselves on the meat of a mule whfch was caught withihem in JLhe.falL. Astream of atef riMiig titf oUgh the rninfe cMenc etl theirAirt. I They wre J f ouiid ooa conaitKm.i navins ffiumereci v ttle from their coiffinetaentS c . VomaVs Bights. Yes. woman has as rood right to health and har Diness as the other sex. -Then, why suffer so lone when the remedy la within; your reach. Try Brad field's Female Rarulater Woman's Best Friend. , and you wiu have your neaim ana snennaruuy restored, can on your aruggun ror a circular,, an see some of the wonderful cures it has made. - .mar2olm .i-; -. ; ., ;.- , ,. . -t : . r .. ' New Orleans, March 17th, 1879. : The undersigned certifies that he held for col-' lection for account of L. O. Nicholson, comer of London and Dinwiddle streets, Portsmouth, Va., one half or Ticket: No. 4V'dllr-siag,e number, Class,"C? in the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew the First Capital Prize of Thirty Thousand Dollars, on Tuesday, March 11th, 1879; said ticket having cost the sum of - one dollar, at tbe office of the company at New Orleans, being sent through correspondence addressed to M. A. Dauphin, P. O. box wz, mew (means, la., ana tne amount was promptly paid by a cheek on the Louisiana Nation al Bank, on presentation of the ticket at the office of the company T. M. WESCOAT, - Agent Douxaem .express imnpany, New OrifWiut. Tj- apr221w OFFICE OVER L. WBISTON & Cd'S Drco Stork. A ? Celebrated Ladies', Misses' A SPECIALTY. They also Seep MiresVBurt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents wUl find there the Miller, McCullough & Ober,. Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also . mU .:?ih THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEG-RAM SHOES. With 25 years' atistaotkm . experience I guarantee entire Jahil Call sure heforc ,byh attention. s ' ' April 9, 1879. Orde . have personal PEGRAM 4'CO. ELECTION NOTICE. BOOTS BOOTS 7 held on the first Monday in 'May, (being the 5th R( )( VIS ! places In the several wards of the city or unarioue, for Mayor and a Boara oi Ataermen tor saia city. BOOTS -BOOTS Ward No. 1 Registrar, JohnL Elms. Inspectors Dr. M.M. Orr, S. M. Howel A. E. Gray, , : Ward No. 2 Registrar, H. B. "Williams. Inspectors John L. Morehead, Dr. WiUlam SHOES SHOES SHOES A Vet 'xpECTXiWe acknowl edge no surprise at the, telegraphic, an nouncement? from- Washington . tbis' morning that a veto of the army bill may be expected. f VTp to the middle of last week the cilrrehi off well-informed. pupim opmion at vy aslungton, as voiped by tile5 m6st reliahle5 riSwrjape corres pondents, was in the direction of an ap proval oftliis.bill by.thPiat, though il bM seemed all Wdn ' to have last, however, the general tenor bt the the aam npriod w. nn - There is serious talk of starting a tobacco factory in Raleigh. There is talk of organizing a lodge of the Knights of Honor in Rockingham. Rufus King, a Quaker preacher from Indiana, has joined the female revival ists in Raleigh, i;- .--.i Two tickets for commissioners of Lincolnton are out, and R. J. Shipp heads both for mayor. ' . ' The memorial day exercises in Ral eigh are to be postponed from Saturday, 10th of May, to Monday, the 12th. Messrs. A. J. Sloop and A. L. Davis of Mooresville, Iredell county, have invented a brick machine. Father "White, of tlie Catholic church, of Raleigh, has gone North to collect money to aid in the construction of the new church edifice proposed to be erect ed in Raleigh. 1 The store of ..Ward & Moye, in! Wil son county, was destroy ed . by Are last Saturday night a week 5igo. Iasb on stock, $900 ; instrfance, $500. K.'?X The Spirit says a ljttle child of; Rar chael reak;' colored, residing near M Pickett Leak's mill, in Richmond conn ty, was 'bTrrnt- to death last Thursday morning. ' - . . Mrs. C, .A.. Lewis, sister of the' liate Hon- Wv Battle and mother-in-law of Prof. L. R. Mills, of Wake Forest college, died at the residence of the lafr ter, as is learned f yon), the Raleigh Neioh. last Friday. Weldon letter of 24th to the Raleigh News: At the election of reirimental officers , here yesterday. F. M. Parker wai chosen colonel;) AtB. Sorrel, lieut colonel, and Lwll. Longy major, n'v The Enquirer saySi'tat sinqe tii'est day of September last ovee 13500 bales of jcottJon havebeeri i'Werglied1 tifr the Queen ViptoraAMicajon. London Cor. Dundee Advertiser. Rumors of a vague but somewhat alarm ing character have been current for some days with regard to the health of the Queen. I have not hitherto alluded to these reports, but they have become so persistent that it-"wotdd -,betiseless longer to ignore their existence. It is said that for some time past Her Ma- lestv s health. has not been in a very? satisfactorystate JThfe 'dfeath of the Duchess of Messe gave her a snock from which she has not recovered, and the tatigue inciaenr on tne ceieDration of the marriage of the Duke of Con naught fexercised a5debre'ssinkiflience on her health.' The journey vf -Italy is not a mere holiday trip. Sir W. Jenner considered that a change of scene and an almost entire absence from official duty of any kind were necessary for the QUeen. and this is the reason why she has buried herself on the. secluded shor.es of an Italian lake. It isnq doubt m consequence oixne somewhat gloomy statements regarding HeriMaiesty health which are passing in society that other reports connected with the sue' cession to the throne are also current. It is said that unless a considerable change in Her Majesty's health takes place she will no longer be able to dis charge the functions which belong to the sovereign of the country, and rumor points to the possibility of an abdica- Elevated Railroads, Lines of Staees. Places of Amusements, Depots and Steamers all these radiate from, or are situated. fn, the Immediate neighborhood of the -Oxaad Central Hotel, on Broadway. New York, which is now kerjt on both plans, the American $2 50 or $3.00, and the Euro- a plan $i per day, ana up wards. . An elegant itaarant. at moderate Drices. isoondueted by the Grand Central. apr23 lw Coasamytipa Cared. An old physician, retired from practice, havlrur had placed m his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, fox the speedy and permanent cure . for consumption. bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, -and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make It known to ma suffering leiiows. Actaatea by this motive, and a desire to relieve human wittering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English, sent by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers Block, Rochester, New York. marzo 4W Sloan, A. B. Davidson, , - iWlHBeglstrar, BJ -F. Boyd. J Inspectors R. M. Oates, J. H. Carson, M. A. 8taatfer. : j.-.- Ward No. 4 Registrar, B, P. Waring. Inspectors J. T. Bryce, Rufus Barrjager, R. B. Alexander. . , M. E. ALEXANDER, Sheriff j B. R. SMITH, Mayor. March 28, 1879. tde. , ;. AHEAD! AHEAD! AND XND AND AND AND HATS ! ifATS1 ! HATS ! The discovery of the drculaOon of the blood was an Important event in the history of medicine; but n tne eiooa oe rail oi impurities, its circulation, which Providence Intended as a blessing, proves a bane. .Hence we should cleanse the blood with Rosadalls, the great Southern Remedy. , aprzz iw tion. it isjiuiymtlpubtl fact that since the ueparture of tM QueeM tor Italy thfe prime minister has several times seen the Prince of Wales. On Tuesday he had an interview with his royal high ness of more, than an hour's duration, and the jniee woidfy sejB p be since to some extent discharging the duties of the Queen with regard to public affairs during her absence in Italy. In a matter where there is necessarily a good deal of speculation it would be idle tq . make, definite statements, but there tare tDtWh'lkir&&aai&me what startling surprise is in store for Parliament before the present session closes. . Stndents Arrested for Disturbing Pub- ' He Order. v-f dispatches'from the capital has been to the effect that a veto Bright be expected, and after the -associated" dispatch this nrningjtliia action may be regard , ed as certain. So be it After proceed ing to this length the Democrats cannot pick. The President must. , MR. WhITTIER AND 'THE jJfEGRO. Mr. WhUUei: ja , something Of a poet but not so much of a poet as a fanatic. The other ar jwr&JsM to a friend inBoston: fomf?- J. trouble to add my name to the call for the Faneuil Hall meeting inlaid of the colored emigrants from ; the IbuUdozed iJvUbU ( ' 1 .; . .. Z.7.f-'. 1? ' J , . J ',- i Tie expressed himself clumsily, hav ing m$anl VaJ ther fe(4 bull- dozed. Tint the Ric6inond tHspatchis 4ispose4 to holdum to: the point . .and, saying, that "ft ii the bulldozed South truly observesthafc Whittier accident- ally dbtiplly a, truth upasanisfjafiatj associates. .Deatlt4.as.;ain entered jthe halls of CJongresa Tsterday it laidt low Hon. Kuh tllar of ihe fifth district of Iowa. Mr. Clark was a Iiepublican in politics, ' a lawyer by.prpfession, first entered na- tionai polttics-as a nremerlJfOTortyT . Fifth Congress and' was ireelecte'd td , the PprtjLxtlr :(grei!aefeatia, Democrat anoVa Greenbacker!.' t 'm ' ' i'i--jr Hon. Th6s; F. Bayard has oar (Miftts: for copies of his great speech jdelivered ih tfiSenate.oathe 2Jstinstwwh'en tne atmy. appropriation bill was unctef con si4eration in ;hat body. ' . J,t' the same period last season. Mr. Ed. Graham Haywood, Jr, of Raleigh, has a position 4n 'the treasury department a,t Washingtoa, arid Mr. d Xb! Freeman, of Henderson county has been appointed, on the1 apitol Hpice force. This is learned from the Wash ington correspondence of the Raleigh Obsercer.1 1 'Moimti$cmiikii ' Lincolnton News ?. On Monday even ing some one entered the house ofMri JV S. Ouion and ajemptedto carry ff several articles Of . clothing; and 4 ami tare;. It seems that the house door had .been ;:kebtpetiV tmtiUsometime; after London, April 28 Three medical stu dents named Gerewitz, Arohnson and ijieuevmann, ail jews, nave oeen con victed in Berlin and sentenced to im prisonment for disturbing public order and maintaining secret connections. Liebermann, under the alias of Arthitf Freeman, is connected with leading so cialists in Europe and America, and was on his way to Switzerland from Vienna, whence he had been expelled after a iinths.iniprwqument, .when he was sejaeaanPLUSsen or,.eUn' on ac count of his communications with Ger ewitz and Arohnson. His letters show eAr ( J?ln -for, establishing in .Berlin a section of the Nihilist order to act as a sort of way station- between -!the Lorf- don and St prpurgeowtistsj, TBMirlB MiBKET EEFORTS. ' - - : APRIL 28, 1879 ; ' PR0DUC?. Ctncihhati Flour' firm: famllv 4.50aR.SO Wheat steady: red and amber lOOal.06. Corn firm and In fair demand, 87a38. Oats firm at 28aS2. Pork, aulet at 10.00. Xard . stronger: current make 6100, Bulk meats stronger; shoulders 3.60, short rios .ooaou, - snort ciear - . o; oacon nrm; shoulders 41. clear rib 64MUa, etoar sides Sfealfe. Whiskey active and firm at 1.0 1. Butter dull, the heavy receipts having depressed the market: fancy creamery 18820,' -choice Western reserve 13al5, choice Central Ohio 12. Sugar steady: hards 8a vv& white 14&8. New Orleans 6a7. Hogs acave ana '.nnn; pacaing suuaou. JBamtmorh Oats eteadr: Southern 84a37. Wes tern white 82aa3ti. do-mixed 32aU. Penhsvl- vanla1 82a33V Hay market firm; prime Penn- syivaaia ami Maryland 12al6. t Provisions quiet; mess pork, old 10 60aio.75, new i bulk meats toadV packed new 4iAa6rbacori shoulders,' old eiaar no siaes. new o, nams, sugar-cured, wa. Lard ieoned Uerces 7Uu Butter unlet: choice Western packed 15al7, roils raalS. Cof fee dnQ; Rio cargoes 101 Whiskey dull at A.oav rBugar steaay a sotXijKavi.), Nkw Tobi Flour no decided chanse: Voj- 9. 2.S5aR.10. suoerrlne Western and State a.dfia3.KR. common to good extra western and State 8.75a 3.80, goodtoenoiee cte .v&a4.oo; goutnern flour heavy; common to fair extra 4.10a5.40; good to choice do 5.50afl.60. Wheat unaraded win ter red 1.02al.l8, No,'2 ditto 1.13al4 Corn -ungraded 4ka43Ka 8, 41a2.Oatt81a Coffee uletjana unchanged: Rio quoted i in car goes li al4iiln. Job Iota llalSVt. Sugar inlet; Cuban 6att, fair to good fea'g GWs, prime Wil ireflne standard . a.u 7k- granulated 8 powdered, 8M(. eruahed',8 Molasses New Or leans 28a42. .f Bioe ;ta fait demand and steady: Carolina quoted at 1 6aeiu Louisiana 64ba64tt. Porkold mea Km the spot 9.26.; Lard prime steam, pn spot o87V&- Whiskey. 1.07' Freights quicu , .,, , i JLL who wish to buy Luxuries acknowledge that "PERRY'S" is the place to get the best His stock of Candy and assortment of Crackers have ) - - ; C never been equalled In this section, whilst Orangest Apples, Bananas, Ac., are very fine. Smokers should call and try his new five cent Cigars. ' N. B. Housekeepers will find Crackers a great : i SIMtlMi STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN V ' ; CKABLOTTJi F ' j OH tW$, Stitu. ill $nfo iloadnyAprt i5. 6. We take gwapea.'Wn"informh(oiir friend . and Ihe public geue; ally that our new stock ' r ' ' ' " ' ha arrived artd complete. We cordially mvlte all 'tof inspect oiir large itnd well Selected assortmt nt, consisting of CHINA, (i i H ) S3 AND CROCltEltY, PLATED WARE aSd CUTLERY, TIN,' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps, Buckets, Chandeliers, etc., etc., All ot which we Will offer very low, at prices ( suit the times. -its: COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to give us a cull, as we are prepared TO FILL WHOLESA L E Tea Table Luxury. apr27 Fresh and Crisp. TCEt ICE1 ICE I Come to us for good pure ice at jl one cent per pouna. Ai wauijitu., : Sorlnes' Building. apr28 8t - Opposite Central Hotel. gT. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE : ' FOB SIBU AMD :BOTS.!": : AHJTJOAL CBILDBSM'S KASAZnOL , Messrs. Scrtbner&Co.;inl873, began thepubtt, an iiuusiraiea jusgazane i Dodge as first num ber wa issued, and the magazine bas ' won the blgncet pceioon. itnas anonuuycircuiaaon oi ; ', .;' .ot 50,000 orpts. It is miblished simultaheousiy In London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, ft has not reached Its editor's ideas of best, because her Ideal continually outruns it, and the magazine as swiftly; follows after. ,. To-day Br. KicnoLASstanas lhHl ,JK, ,. , : Th arrangements for literary-Bad art contribu tions for Qua new volutne-r-ttie sixth are complete, drwin from alreadx Javorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R.' Stock ton's hew serial story lor boys,-.- i'u - a fotx wxLLayysBfp; u 1 VASHiSECTOiAimiisjiriie agri- rultural reports for April shoy that all classes of farm animals ,3auiaout;Qf aCTltTros quarters in unusually good coA- Very ijLuTS'S i POrtedn in ftSii 1 most of -- - a. w raja wmi iva n-. Etuiiiii. nua m ditions and to deficiency of feeding. Death of &;&om at F arson aBrownloir. KNOXVILLE. Tenn ADril 28. Gen. James P. Brownlow, late cavalry officer J m ine unicea states army, ana son of ex-Senator'BtownlOW,Adted iBtt his moth ers residence nere Saturday niRht The remains were taken to-day to Franklin ior interment. An Atm ivaa. J1 a MU AL . J - ! and T sficrPtPd hiif"ar;aShr eat extent or violence, except among hx&f10 ' hehogs in tbutoWrLwuJrgl HJyfl tire lOJWfOnnftjWaSj lolmm crwallpI hn(T7.hnl0ra nroTL some counues.'t rjtat' an, Xhe these cases the mortality can the niMri iTiir ! Probably be traced to bad? sawtary -eon- somerjoay-'was la the uotaeVbat before Mf. Guion couldiret nis tiistol the nartv bad jumped through? the . window and wade good his-" Mescai'rrviTiffff nothingexcept 4; vm-Ptimum SlecttoD of TrlnceV tiulKuto$$$; TlRNOVA. Anril 28. The assembTv of notables to elect a Prince of "Bulgaria wui meet to-moiTowi- rihe iiuiganans generally favor Prinee Dodonkoff Kor saltan, or uexLignatieii; , xney ;say inas a Prince Batterberg will only be nominar 1 was u tne otners recuse it isimprc bable that the powers who' Laye ,the right of veto jvwould approve of any ! Iowa Caosreumaar Dies : Bidden! j. WlfemNGTdisrt April 28.-l3origres-man Rush Clark, of Iowa, died sudden ly in this city thisi afternoon. He was in good health yesterday and was seized at 3 o'clock this morning, with menin gitis, which terminated fatally at 3 thij aftern6on. ' r,.' r' sort. S Death, of an Arjny Officer. Nohfolk-uiett .mlddnmr 1114:. net recelnts 477v: gross ; stock 9,318; exports coastwise 2,vi&isaje3ZdSxponsteureaciKainu,t 1 BALTrjfOSK3ue:WhldnnEilriow tlVt.; good ordinary l0f.; net receipts gross 975; sales 190;; stock ft848; exports : coastwise , if orilnnaM avnAFto -a flittat TMinln fiVi oyuuiraa TT) paffwn ; tw .- aoKt , to Continent . .. . .. . Boston Quiet; middling llc.: low middling 11Sb: eood ordinary 11 ; net leoelDta 704: sroaa 2,2i5; sale ; ' stock 1 4,825; exports- to- Great Brltalnr-v . . . i 1 i; n. . . . . i WiLsnHOTOil Oufet: mlddlmg flttfiow mid Uling 10c ; good ordinary 10i; net reeeipta 4; gross sales 60: stock 1337: spinners ; ex ports coastwise 509: to Great Britain -7-; to Con aent1 : to channel i - . !' ' ' ' sktftni oiiieVr'middilMViiacL': : '.' low middling llfeC;good ordinary 11 W;; net receipts 110; gross : saies spinners io; hocx 10,7X0; exports to Great Britain . Atjotjsta Firm; , middling lllci low mid dling lOTfec; good Ordinary. Iu&; receipts 30; shipments ; sales 380: stock . 1 .7 r . -. -'- . f ... CASHifiSTvH--Quiet; ralddlteir lltte.': low mld- dringnli.; good ordinary 10c;-netXrecelpts Wt gross T; saiea ? iw; stookK,v.ua7; f erporta coastwise, Srvfireat Britain,. 1,, Trance ,t-x firttoerAt-chamiel VH' Nxvr YoBilMl: sales' $e5l mli uplands llci ,midfllng Orleans 1 1&T consoUd'd net re celptsr ' 4,026; exports to Great Britain- 2,760; Coritoentt 10 vttiKitfyqtf $Ktfr: r; -HK'i?4. t; , UvBRpoot-NooN-Fraction eheaper. Upiands 6 fr-ldd., Orieausi low i middling uplands tt, good ordinary . uplands , ordinary nplands t-. sales 8.000, speculation and export 1,000, re eeipts ;84,O00. American' 33,000." Futures 1-16 eheaperj ,- Uplands low middling clause : April deliv ery ii April-and May do, May and June 6 5 Ja2, June hnd July 6 il-32a5-16, July and Aogust al3-82a, Aiugust and September 6 7 16, , September and October r-s, October and Nov ember r-i. New crop shipped October and Nov ember per sail r-. March and April ..'s , - '!""i! , TTOTUBBS." f t Jlkw Toak Futures closed firm. Sales Win nm through 1 the twelve monthly 'parts.-e- gmnlng witn tne number : for novemoer in 4 , ue first of the volume. and will be illustrated by J as. ' X. Kelly. The story Is one Of travel and adventure In Florida and the Bahamas, For the kuis, acon- "KAtj a !dozkh abtJsaAjrjarKBS,r ' By Kathariae D. Smith, with illustradona by Fred erick Dlelman. begins in the same number;hd.a fresh serial by Susan Coolldge, entitled "Eye- bngnt,' wkb plenty orptcturea, wuioe coaimenoea eany m tne volume. : rnere ued rairy-taie cauea This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, 4c, embraces every . grade, and, . will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold W. any house in the South. JVIERCIIANtS Will do well to call and examine this stock, as it is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. VISITORS To Charlotte are invited to call and examine our stock, as they will find it most complete in every respect, and cheaper than ever before. . ; W. S. FORBES, Agent, Smith & Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. WE can with confidence recommend them as the very best manufactured, using none but the vrfbfcst ibbtJrfalB. H.f .jll ' 1 W. N. PRAT HER, - ... -. - -i i Trade Street, first door above the old Market. 1 - - win also bea eontin- ,..LLL:i:x.i..X:..T...T.I.U.Ai. Imperial sa L o o Imperial s a l o o 1 lorair,,,i1,uvltl.',, 1 Written bt Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated br Alfred Fredericks.' - About the other, 'familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a gdod- - content, -pernapsv 10 lei ner nve JOSEPH FISCBSSJSRi PBOPRrKTOR. humored sQenc volumes already DEALER IN prophesy i concerning the sixth, In jfespeet to short stories, pictures, poems, numor, instructive sKeicnes, ana tne rare ana tore of -JackKthe-PulnIt.M' the Verr LitUe Fonts" dei&rtment, and the "Letter-obx," and 'JRlddle- box.Hr..v v t .iiiii.-f,.v.v.fi;-;.i Terms, S3.00 a year; 25" cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher or this paper, and by an booksellers and rjostmastera.; Persons wiahins to .aubseribe direet iWitktthe-.nublishecs ahonld write name, pbstoffice, county and State, In run. and send with remittance in Check, - tv o. monerorter, or registered tetter to :; !-rf aecio : ; 743 Broadway, yew York. BEER, ALE, PORTER J'It-.i AND WINES MQTTORS, r- - And the best :brBds of Cigars. : .v - '. ir. it t 4 i .. u .! ,j -r Aeent for fred'LaHr'ff celebrated 'Bepdlng Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on; hand iron) Bergner & Engel, Phnadelphta. Sold Ty the dozen at a rea sonable price. All my customers can be furnished at home, with tne beat iieernitowiU; .,;jr .,7 i.'S - .-ui ' . k.i -'.;4 i .i-fc,- Oil iALDWELL HOUSE. CALDWELL HOUSTj V VALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSllf , TITT T T A T? Ti T? ( CXM Corner Try an, and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Stafeeta; July.' August..-, I .pAvWUfc. September. October.;' 1 Wovnnthr'' I Hw". JWecember. SAN FRANnTSf!fT! A TYI'il 9S A onopi al fromiPDrtland. Orecron. uuam OI. lien. Alfred Snllv: TTnitftrl vnt States' army, at'Vancoirvre barraekswtt ' &rr":X-:ir:-SJ:?.;::".!?- -fii.eo TO all WhO ATA anfhfni hum ?j ii!fwi 1 win sena a reel Demit will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This sreSt SiTVwJS: fl8yered br a missionary -in rvo-? self-addressed envelope ian.25 J,t ,Kwiv isiitl CB1ABLOTTE, K. d, , i CHARLOTTE, N. C, 78,7 & P. CALDWELL.. .Proprietor. r. 12.22a.23 r -v., . II .WOa.91 ecember. tuvt . 1 . ii . ,5. .- ; , aa.9ia.99 tWM J.-JcMi-t ;! .; governments steady. New5:i04 bonds' : yy.;it Ux.l$ .r I k w - Vy ;-? ' This house is permanently established and offeis all the conveniences and comforts ot a nrst-class 1 boannng house.; Persona tiating the ettywut find tt a pleasant home.. ? Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. t s.$ Lf-A 4 RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week; $8.00. Regular--tJ3Weifl3.00rhoardand ropm per month, $18.09. Kt n(K:u-4 t,T V'ianlQ ' - . t ..:ihi n'wril Ml vX ATTACHED. k-i Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte HoteL ' j ' j f 1 -)'!'; T r headqx?aM1IrC ORDERS AS LOW AS ANT NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO., Charlotte, N. O, April 24, 1879. r.i ,25jDYSPEPSIAE FOB jisoiuea Lager uecr, W -i Is corner Trad and JtauKuvqr i.wW- jielivei'ed to any part of the cily, free of charge for $1.00 per H7JAi)HUNZLER. . All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re eelve prmp atteuiiorv .d uftwivi-" mar4 riWT iitt --T ih-v,-i I Bishop D. & Doggett (Souther Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett ln his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Bw. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy lit Lee.'D.'D., Meth. Hist'n. I am never without It at home or abroad. It is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a "tried-everything" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It Is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support In Its favor a a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Then united witness Joined with tbe ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is. beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Va Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL, P., Ham. Sid. Col., Ya. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TisMABChclW; . ODELL, RAG AN ft CO., Greensboro, K. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 dAw tf. A 'PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. S200 REWARD. j A,,w EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, i 4 A Bie March 10th; 1879. 1 Whkek AS ; Official information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAYLOR, late of the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of a W. Seawell; and whereas, tt appears that the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals himself ihat the ordinary process of law can not be served upon him: Now, therefore, L THOMAS ,J. JABVIS. Gover nor of the State ofNorth Carolina, by virtue of au thority in me vested by law. do issue this mr pro clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dot lars for the apprehension and delivery of the said N. B. Taylor to the Sheriff of Moore county, at the Court House in Carthage, and I do enjoin all offi cers of the State andTall good citizens to assist In fringing said criminal to Justice. Done at our city of Raleigh, the tenth day 01 March, 1879, and in the 10d year of American Independence. THOS. J. JARVIS. By the Governor: Lxx & Otxbxax, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION, Taylor Is about 83 years ipf age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, well set and will weigh about ISO lbs., and when last seen wore a heavy beard. ' marl2dltw5t 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES, ; Choice and Fresh, FOR PLANTING OR SATING, . Just received by LeROY DAVIDSON. n 1

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