" . . i . fUBSCszrnojr ratxs t ; , . . , 2rf aa ai .' Vi A JWfc "BiSTheen thoroiah with, cetiry ,me&e& taonl tznd VfttXthr ofTwt.m tpe, M i $;JMmtJ 2 00 ' l . m m. afjoo worn Month " -; 75 WXMKLT MDITZOlf t ' 1 ' wy, (to ' 2 oo -v tuteountv, VMtpaid, - 2 10 " . PEOGSAMKES, HAND-HLL8, FAMPHLST8, CJS0VZJLB8, CHECKS, dO. 1 00 VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. OTHDBSDAY ':: ,, . s-4-;NO., 3,177.. f 4 At , . . ... fcf i- : 1 ; r , - , :' - - ' i ' " - " "" " 11 ' . .' .. -i . f i . - i . . r-..:- t - " - SUN UMBRELLAS: v V ; ladles buying Parsuols and Sun Umbrellas will ! ud the best assortment at the lowest prtces at ELIAS & COHEN'S. Tbey will also find other goods to suit them upon nioh they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple ' DRY GOODS? y GRENADINES, &C. JFe have oat recelred another lot ot Black and -" Longfellow, Internaaonal Benew ior iaya i baths, Apollo! in monarch, the splendid. ; ; death In the hollow . ' ) Borne he descended. " unthroned, miatteuded; ; .fJ ; baths, Apoiwi Viv- i ?How cold are thybaths, Apollo! ' - : 'M Cried the poet, unknown, tmbefrtended, , , -. As the Tlslon, that lured him to follow. i ; With the mist and the darkness blended, , . - And the dream of Ms life was ended; -. ; How cold are thy baths, Apouor li.'JJU- A Howeoldarethy ill! 111 ii Cried the Afria VII 1 V As down to his MWU .11 . l' Dark dunseona of llll ill 11. t , Uncrowned, KJM.ujKm.KJW Howeoldarethy 111 f -i.ii ;r Th cTand intt has ifooiai; An, indict ment taurainstlMark Grayiiiwsamlfr ... . f1 , -, .Tk .1 M ., witfa intent xoKUiixmuui. i rxov rsw- Thft United States Supreme Court ad i'.-.'.'iHu; !:; .i In the early part of erery season there Is a nsioial desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and. also; who are seoognlted fftapiirfctU UPtWIly In Vh toMMlMHL li to, WMiEUng 8J1 B sI4tederetttheinforihaaMsl 9l I ?,?ira1s Lofraa duelloii ' M A A. U MMl.tnH 1 . ... J snrrive all the newsnarjer witOelsms Derpetrated I . A no : OBSERVATIONS. ions, it wiU adjourn for the term.1 " : 1 1 1 'C) -w ! itr-w thism ! ?b iu,!- ..j V- OiV u-.-i . nasjwd a resolntioB-heartily approvine f ? 1 1 - n - - :v . . YVjibl iNlJi lOAUlV,. . the moral cduraM. exhibited AyiSenator 1 mdeelurangtO;JKCjept,ti)fi cea" ..... - , J. j. ..... f,..t . iianes ana en mm uneTioia otine newest aesums. ----- j i u 4L : .'H j ii Jwm; nl JAtbM: Uritn 'i(iUM!fnm tmttMuL- front cat a trltki lbnttMiMneit ttneai an graceful appearance, records of the Treasury Derjart-. iJwIan7 it ; .7T-ayn .. . '.- i .. ery styllsn In appear' are made up tn erery variety : it')nirv-. is.xsni U'n ihi ar-n; . -.. THEPRINGETALBERflP FROEv Colored now complete, among which may be found jull supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting mil PHlow Casings to Linen "'and Cotton, linen T lble immask in White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; v-mklns. Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car- pt-is lMgt. Mattings and Oil Cloths. - 0ir stock of Embroidery and Tztnunings to large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, COS SETS. FANS AND TIES. SILKS, Trimming Silks, in llomle patterns; Black and Colored, Brocaded and Striped Silk GRENADINES. I' J . I ( i - t .1 4 I A handsome one of Clack and Fancy Ssotcn . i GINGHAMS. Don't fall to see our French Organdies, In all tbe new styles. Lace and Lisle at Its expense, you know. 2Tor. iter. - -"- ; 1 ment 'showtnatexHsenaior ixnoverr oti i wa rtnll Jfinn Knii's anAnEion ui mi ma Liiaii I . . ' ' . Parole defeated eighteen competitors, whlle.Bowell ,1 of . customs., ftopg tnfflorida, coast ; , ti ..j'i . i ! ! Si, had all he could do to get away -wun jou&pne oil tat has acceptcL JUie i pacw -.anftt IS J .-,. j; . William H. Vanderbflt has added to Ms eiten- ..,'H.-A -uriijj Wriifi ft ''g'iiio'iw favof. rl8: Kngth; is a itttlei lbnier lian last asoh,'ihd it is one of the most useful among the gat slve railway interests the largest stofarm lit tote iThrS WgpJWpTOetttaJlA nft ' SSftSr PArtmentwe invite theinspecttonof themeul. wtthDrarersawttBeii wtdown and Introduced a I IUa A nirrVi xrn. I OiX WjumttBtlAslMKunilnJted to wry recent introduction of the Urtver- blU to Issue': a "btUIdb 'of treenbekit fits idea to 1 :1" V "?"7- I T ... . .. . " . 7 : - - nsetves.- I man nas Deenarreswsu uu bubuiwuu i..BeajZdrnumoieaiMvryeiegBiuwu eux i v-2-.H i i-miii f !,::: .. . ; ; that heaven , helps those wUo help thei Atra Island Then ter.'W giving the poisttoi ' . "w l . . . Zr - . .1 cvxiktk Ai irvi irnru utii . mil mijuiii vtim 1 - w lnnn mn suihtibitti ot mi 1 . nmn Tar u.1111 n5tr. Mmi Lnir hii ISLn, at Itossnnore uocetjeK ixTOfAne j;,j.v"y,yp' -; ; ,;;(, ; I b-inifBiTetliwVltiw 8taifatUla wV-.wm oasaerii vprogreaa'jthlspeasbn's selecaouft.Out eflorts have been to place upon our .vaiiiiaKVa jivui uc lire suuif. vi tyv tt... ovuw y - - 1- v . ... f . Very respectfully, J -thus '.Mil a r JiAT$A.&JJIiQ, The people's CMhew, -,.-5 )pj .v w rpuhamO. "r Ask to see our Ten Cento Linen Cambric Hand' MITTS AND GLOVES ...-...of a,.rt jw Sun Umbrellas, tou win nna; i n 7H - . I ! Kere.. I in all co'ora. Gauze and Nainsook smrts. them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. 3 And Indeed (here la good.reason why, : 4 green? iiw JSTVBmriw i. JTuu5'tT fo rm tne strong puraer-iuo,. . - , ' ifrifft'xflrrrmmasMrr je3rcmwt'.wv Scantv haired butter-tub. - 1 f fiiUVirta:hW(hiw -oT tTffi'sSotlS TOM' ..itaSiX -utthU bed last week. He will prohaWy- re-1 different railway lines and find on each one their cover. . ..u,,,,,,, t IVffISSSSSSJ: 1 .. Thfti trial , of,Thoa., Bufor(L for the a ram's hom or the, ptreeto, of ,BoetonjCteiflo 1 murder of Judge Elliott, was begun be-1 Th.t. van TwtlltA and nhlldnir man men- 1 MrttYlftV ; .1 llflfTA l lliraS. ,!OT JW Jt Urjt. 1 ; ,C?QME ANI) ,s . , - ' ' 0 ... ... A full stock of ELLAS & COHEN. Wxxvnituvt. STRAW AND MILUiTEBY GOODS. Orders'promptly hlted. " aoned in the cmco (uai.) muerprm, wno, onpui- i jg onetOt the eoiinsetiac.aeiBj'J5W-te.f hand, requesting him to leave his door unlocked. I.yoJ. JU, r.WiWVgP .iH3PBn)tKf?.V1 ,1 He did so. Upon rising In the moriuhe dlscov- iBodiiaan and otheiUi n: ku nnmfl i""u"' ai that he had been robbed durlne the nleht Off I.. ... ! a i ,!.!.. ,. v - ' ! r i i- SEIGLE CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tyyw at, Charlotte, N. a fSoSSSIto hS drawn down' a Spout J whictt was ais- imflESS NICHOLS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAI.KR TN 7 in monev and a watch.., ... ... .. , m r A hov tn veara Old. SOU 01 VV. A, -Al- Some time &W.hne eT poll-parrot; wAa sunning Dert, wnue piayiug in tw w"-1" herself tea garde hi Oakland. 'Cat a large hawk elevator at PenneW, HL, Jriaay, was THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this ; city. Remember that we are .the wlers in. W7 Low Prices for Eine Clothipg.,1 April 27. WONDERFUL 'JiU l' Wit n'Uifci ALL KINDS OF In ths Superior Coort at Atlanta, Ga., :$0naftWaga r. i-l.ll Tw 1 seemed hxeartyjlfcijtMaii inersomp, xWl,ItyYOT w",','''' I uop 'ftVrWtty-l'M'frtVtllWI ,u:.TdlWllvHfllVer passes . . ease Tuesdayii-iAi trial lSiweiproDaWe,. j ;1 Washington, April 28.-In; the'Su.. nhuWJ te"defepse J maty'rft'SomL;. ; m nonrt to-dav. the case ofGe0.i.S5raV2,iufc.tf?fl 5nftii'i .1.; BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, AC FURNITURE FURNITURE! nrAinn iVmrt. tn-nav. tne case OI tieo. Li.iL3 ji-ii aun.w''- i-hj rir.n4- fjmr.nt nMrtria . urtLQ affirm 1 l - Tfitt 'srifldiBri and sadoBatn wl7Epre- One of th assignment'Ofm) in the sentative Clark, of Towa, lessens, ;the court below was Drotgrxt. upon ;xne nepumicttirwiierTiro " nnoaHnn i inrnr'a rli JlTiallfwSl.tiin.ltl IS TVOfelf OBCted that:M8' SUOOeSSOr Will beading, c. BXDLET ft sons' new york celebrated account ot participatiflte: '4'th-'tebfeH be elected itttimei tftjiakeius-seat at j -! FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! BEDDING, AC 5 CENT,.C01ITER lion and the Tor's test oath exposed at i ; iii i , 1 1 ii , ; . , ... i l .j,. . . . . 1 . , , - " r A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I 1MU ViVllASVlVM i j , , f- constiutionaHtf of the to-1 thissession, and as tfte ram8w;oyaie - I , kk f - Tiiia AAH:.HAn hatell.wirtfative mrAer.'.of Tex- f 1 . i . t !. inn.. .4.1 - i f a io. ovruu(uf in vv aaninorrrn .BnArxIV.' I opinion,- iiy usuce muit3r, cuai -juiui-i o.tw"rw Mfni8-riw.i-..7 is no more obliged than a witness is to the- Pemrjcratarj 1$$?'' o4-n - A-n rfrtt" 1 ACS rr A nATI fllTl fXT rT HllUll. 1 r X-M I I IV A. i I I V.tZ- , I m. - . r fication, his ;guiit or innocence of a a: jjjrtna; donsHfatiotfai. con-: -via Steamers to" Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick crime which would render him infa- - tiOIinia- a:rei6luiutfwa;1ad0P-- v f ? - i -o.ii.i- m: -n x- Cf fffV.trof LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! H. MORRIS & BRO'S. Wpardby rrtsiebtin auired to disclose im this manner. If X , A i 'h. nrnnArhino ran bfi he be guilty, his; challenger must prove paui-and at what rate of intwest"! with it by otlief combat testimony, a Jllt danirer of defaultmir"aaiiir "iThe separate concurring opinion, J ustice I em-aittoo Dhaa ajao -roooiye prdposals; j!ieia gaveniajjriewa aa ioiiuw. x from creditors the BtatB.as'tP a com agree with the jeauTt that J uror-Jtioimes pn,miSe in tnis case conia, nm pe requirea wan- - est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO PIUYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. . L0UNGI LOUNGI V Lounges LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! y COTFTJSS oTluT kinds on hand. tT" COFFINS oi f- t n't r,r, X mi UUU9 uu uww :.: v:;-hr .:i No. 5 Wnar Tbadx Strkt. . CHARLOTTE, N.C. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes line supply. t . -; ; jan:i . . ;, ARTICLES SOLD FOR 5 CENTS Actually WORTH 25 CENTS. Useful in every househotd and needed by every body. V.f ll )'.- U Don't fall to can and see those wonderful BARGAINS. Although altcptton goods nave advanced by tbe late rise of cotton, we aire stffl selling all our DOMESTICS : J. o iinTi. 1 vriht ..jvd at nv hour of the day. and Through Bills of Lading Issued at steamship Wnarw xoffl ce ef the UnC For Information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac., apply to either of the undersigned. oTi'm-oj-n-.vu( f:3J ! .,. .', .. K. S. EINCH, South Western Agent, '.-.I 'P T HlflTn:, AfMitltf, Ha wav )-1 , harlot LP. JN. t . JL A fJALA.a.AA( -SfW v- V" i 7 i 1 W. CLARK, General height Agent, ) ca: April 30 d6m. swer questionaf put to him; but I go fur- The Memphis Appeal reports a pros theri Ido aolsthinEwtnat Uie act of Con- perous state of -business m that city, Whi.v. : iviitTntrthrttrnt oath desmte the prostration to wnicn 11 was as to' past 'ndi subjected by the jellow fever scourge wJ past, WnRiRUMvPwc,t Jrr I vri ZT1 vr.r!Z I m m n T rai V jority of ciiiwma fll II II 1 111 I judgnt; the'lct-isvA6t::ionl I -I Ifj ll I I iivandomonsVr 1 I Ul-ll 1 of our institutions, but is leariy lun- ryoluffie toftaitunt, fiin.l5tonanttj T A I1T17C whnti riATninaiad br .tatiMialtorcies theiHWfieftMJivVI iWmmmm-u . : u UA-uwm act covuu 1 war was were : 1 A A siiiunonai reiauons-, w iue umuu, i dav asrajtat ii was as much out of place and mopera-. 'wfiitffin-thVJVuagS tive as wouitt eea iawarwring soAr'imlfW5aflJ riier in fivprv .soirtnern man s nouse. i k at r . e tKfidjvvHfi a n .vpl ii f4.rran- 'j.rsi .r. i i rr.'trr.niL i Bne of Buntings In .,; - . i,. .1 rft ia TTTf-' .ffr. ?tfffr ! :-LM -r.ii i 1 r TI. : w-Ttw"i z-itJ. .. :: TrrmerMlniio t syrvananarjTom,inra n ! I xJOwaivcn. " jpoui man sou twov- II ! constitutional andvoid. as a wat me 1 - ure to be enforced in iifinVN - - lstaned, but after thejgratofjte ! ; !' OYer,naTOeinsurgOTt taTCs r- "A;tT. Grimke. a welloknown isolorea : restored to theirnomraf atttt pni- i-Boator waa.marjied. axrfew'f ; 5 ' :,i l--wawlii-feMU We nave this day added to our stock a splendid 'TwiBninnim ifumauui u) liik a. lcih. iciea,,. PLAIN 15 ARGAINS Tt follows that theicrvi 301 1 tfiivi isiaa. We invite everybody to inspect i that if Una is xtoc aone ;ov me duf large stock 61 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, IN SHOES, IIATS, &C. , tjas IT r or f juii-:irn. jp ti : :'t-' -S. April 80. H. MORRIS ft BROS. M.'iT d PKBB gPBING CLOTHING, W. KAUFMAN 4 CO. both nnai oti hills will Vjecassed -at this ; sessien in rAtrnlar m-flftr Without the riders, if "f0?.'??3 .. V?' that Is made necessary by vetoes, 4tSSSSSS an evidence thattheKepubUcans would itif'HfebMi' eptleWare ;,,wi like to canr theiiiejct fitectian on a false, uii WJ5 Sjf issue, and that is.alUenatoryiSrf)!' waViwhenfed by 'wani but the Tn;, onxira'tv'iili-iuKon ilia il,fiA mala i on m alls t who dabbles with the otherday.tbatonanmald geayenpny parHes-woriqpm;to"OTt JL. and :tw wnoie. .wwaivW. (PWM J if oinir a dfiviccnxnetiaeaaers'cfirm tudw ,m vMv AtMH p?Mi.J parties tp avoid real QnestioiW', keep their organizations tie longeK " AND mftffSSSSSSSSi LAOEEFPECJTSr . . ja . . - ,hi !-;'jjThi'Wmfc '., ; .Vtili.) 00.. flras. jo 1 aayaairjarnjitAivuuHj icmiue 9 : 1 iticf Somaiibitedt hehind hiBr anron. - i i nfthFl JrwtBiieJgh ny!"V ipso r.ii I v ,2U"-'---T- niH Cewmissron. : Mr. W..M. Rumlpebial!iagent jot the f ttoha lavsnnnciDailv acme -vvoea 1 1 1 I' v; . -A i iO ?(;. K. G. ROGERS' WARER00M&, .. xtiiiitK ifi--.it ;.a-:.-.--v..i. ... f f.t..tif: iili A 8M1R-f -I wl maA tA ifrrherlnient of stock so complete as to Include the latest noveli to Men's. Youth's. Boy's and Children's State rinfefa W0fifcSO-iatlt!iiwt et-3vwwvjajrf- hasjjUfitfinisheasoppiyingtne screams itifl' snmaiibiteet benina her aoi ,.r.re you sue man cnac puousueu mat new- 'ahd itdproved way to make cur rant caKe r . .An .... rHelsaid fie-as. ; ' 4 ' tTpu;saiat) mix washing soda with the flour, and stir in a little corn meal da wee. oil to give it. consistency.' IWbelievetsojf:"'-. i-Aw,.) 5Mn;c s,o.nie araojc 1 M OQO r-TrvyH.1-5.00Ql Tar. f f! '3 IJ f W.I .1 lit ur. ..-w MMfrimnman: ana times ready to gfre quotation of prices. Every J eost of the, commission annually, garantwhteh -Isold at our house Is wUTnted cust w hljgW' be as represented, ana in pneo t . f t , r- i nere. weoon-uw .. mnmnvau of Wounded Boldiers. : .. i 11 . " i bought elsew- BLBEFIJLNBiELlIITS YffmJSSi h4t 0ie offieials of -the Senate are re- WOUIlQect U -UUU Buuuetst ocu" av aaid that there was purpose to remove, wounded so dtiri thfl Democrats could learn Of but five such who were Senate employ- ... , i . 'awu A, f . - A-l-v -x... -, iJt' ! i I Mr Stork 1 - Tat .nil nmhraeoa a. Full idneof I ' " ' . , t -rrrr -mT-:-.' t Cheftpe t&an any ower nouw,w we HW1?? movmg -Tm t j - f r' -f J nreseWthwwq fit vrMufUiMf r fmf no 1 w arts . PA kLOR, CHAMBERS' WNllJO, BOO ' ; nir;:' ..:. .-. Glinna. .I es. JNOw peners anege tuey wMvTf noais, duCT oiu r uuvrMi) ed Tjnion soldiers. 'vne oi tnese is cne .-' ..JSl'iJJi "i- J f nnmu1 hv Sonatnr' finnkline dur ... .... . utiHit .: 1 I vwo "".'v.i.-'"T''TV.-r'-- ing, the debate, but jMX vv anacp suuu uismant'JhaT? Pen cne.aervieeas .mtudcianneven -wQiinded nd nis irrrvTTt .t. vUA o, t aii ilia before ywamjne ?fT! 1 5ft .-' I . l.a M..: M-abaalri lt JWUtnfW"V P1T I ' f'Vf, t,T . ; ; oin Ufomdjn W Stock a oPtete Unet . .. . ' ''Xix'' I ne FelW&Wl-an Straw 'Hatr and any kind ot ' OfFfCB FpuiTUR? f ,.'C": 1 Jll - ..I j , -fi i; 'l i ' AU Goods Packed Free of; Charge Can be had at on l purcnaav rrr' 1 I bounded soldiers Retained arilepubliT - t l fana t' i,,t'.. '- ifl r" " tT . ill nvr RMnnhnf thiitv vears Mrs. wnwtows eoom V- .- - , T . . , I ,, . ; . - - -. - . . war wvtud nas Deen -sea iur cuiiurem .wnnii .r I fTrtitrf tbe stomach, relieves wind coucre v vimnriK A CO.'S. i I ta hJia mfiiiiterrsad aUrxhoBa, n owner Trade and Trvon Btai. ansmg immiwuuus ""f 4PT0al I -r- 'Charlo.N C, t kiwmaar. 0per "w-vrx -5j Also, an excellent lot of BL 1C GRENADINES, from 20c. to S 1.25; and a general lne of new and desirable Dress .Goods tbe most reasonable pricey A Special tot of BLACK CASHMERES 'A ri--believei "And to': add? fifteen eg: molasses, and two ounces, of gum arap and set in a PQoA Pla.ce ita taKe T ihinlrthat whk ft :J : ; r'V , ; V Vll,a tafcei-.tnan caenr.:ana cue mi- pouaewue RnooKea mm awn weapon ;:that feltiiike'ifcand olab,- but which- hef elt tor Mi heart musthave been aTiair-DaKea nunsr oi cake; sneAnicted'KOT-the- FmWWbat- !vw .Jm-i x :nt : " fc8--'"3 . The Poiadexter Caseitttlbff'fbV c !?ew Trlafc the '9m2'Xfi viccey, ; at nvoliiintary ; piaaslaughtrt. in killintr Cj l Curtis. tola7 submitted a motion fot AetvrMalpnludfW OtnaXUiiaiucl eyiaen.CQi pnqeinir ing the horsewhipping, It not having le gal connection with! the;subsequent at f raVtivMcttesuiti. ,Coj:tis?iSecond tat4threrdict was COnErary toiue jawanueviueHce; nuvu. that one oi cne jnropinaa, DtOT-e WS sworn, expresseqsLitefeided opinion of the guilt fit ; th.ft, prisoner, and fourth, thHt w. other members of the jnry.not beins entitled .to. vote or: hold office in j the State in consequence of not having tpaid the capitation tax reqxdred by lajv- I rL.L. -i' '.lic.iii.: 5. i.A, ' Af. wepj uisquivixucu w apj jp .aa. jmwA? ter a lengthy arranftent the . Base was Mspped viU ftairsdvy for a. further neaniig. " ... . ' ' - t The ladies sing, ,?in the sweet buy and buy," we win mAp.t in that beautiful store, and we certainly can raise no objection. . But remember, tbe little Anita at noma, and dd not leave the nurse without a 4 -bottle of Pr-wu s u&oy Byrupv'-. 1 1 -AND A SPU-NDIP OPPORTUNITy .,. . . . . . . " r I , . ..... . . , , ' , , . ., , , t i : To win a fortune. Fifth Grand ' Distribution, Class 33, at New. Orleans, Tuesday, ' May ' 13th, 1879--108tti J-ontbly Drawing. , i;'it jtt tiiVii ii i LOUISIANA STATRLOTTERT COMPANY. rated by Educational and Tbls Institution was regularly Ineoi the Leelslatare of the State for unantaoie Durooses in ihob. iub iajt tjuub w TWKtrrr-rm xBAbs, to which onLract tbe.laviola- W,000,000,towhlchl fund of SSS0.000. 1 BEB, DISTRIBUTION wUltake place monthly on the second Tuesday. - It never scales or poetpones. ixwk at the iouow oisqruwiK . CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. JUST RECEIVED ' TIDDY'S; CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of ; ii' ; WRITING PAKBBfiii Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Lal adYaoU cap. which they propose to sell cheap for cash. , Also French Paper of every description,' with Eh velopes to match. . m yutA.' Also Paper hi boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE OF NEW TQBK ble faith of the State is pledged with, a epul of i stanoara a $1,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve i n ew jora.; U standard treatise upon the laws of good society 1 100,opn TickeU at Two fftUars eaciv, Half Ttek l jt flna TkAllww . , . ' 1 Capital Prtae,. .w.iu.'.ii . .. ... .. . $30,009 ! R tMaes of iuLOOO-a l . . . u ;j i I! 1 .t. APEBO-LDtiTjCN i.nr '(- 9 Approximstlwi EriMSt $300..... $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200.-... 1,800 9 Appfg-lciafgn)oi;10Qtti.i 9O0 vum 18CT ttte4-xdoua6-lgWli.rtHl!..V7 ill0,4O0 e corresponding agents wanted at all ALPACCAS. Drss and Tricanlng Silks. r. New things In H03LSRX AND GLOVI3. . ; pnnae-i points, to whom a liberal eompensatton ptolfen? for raieTto ciubs'glould enly b? made totbeHoroeOfncet- NeWOrteans. '. .r ,:Wrtteiiearly staUng fan address for full Infor mAtii'rand Ardftraia M! ,i v .i i .' m ,- .? Postofflw Otieai-i; lATulsianaj ; Ail our Grand Ih-maMh-uy Dmwtngs are noder the supervision and nanagement ,pf ; GENERALS G.T. BEAUBEQASD and JUBAAi A, AAiU. ;-i-r,Jti 1.11 r-i rti.j It . . , .f - ,tf ' , j.-. f 1 f The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders r . -I is. : Ac i'. '' 1 rK i. Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Just received. . ' " i I :,: . " ! " t. '-ni ; Edward Ted&Co.'s Celebrated; ) ii i : RUBBER FENSr ' A Pen by some considered superior ,to ajGold,Pen tIDDT BRO. are also aients' for "tiai&ridti Celebrated Rubber : ,,tt ,r:.; : " . HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them kill teceitei prompf t ;.) --.).) ii'.i -i i -.'-i ' U BUTTERICK' Jk CO.'S iirrtPOLH'AN"' V ' FASHIONS For Ma 1879, Just received at 5i;;' 1,:,'"TDVi'fiRb;S.; GASH PAID FOR RAGS.' i.l i th o. K-rwxix.' t id-; J'.i1 i 1 l';r .-Jul ,iu-;ii t ' i- i tfcii I'J , , jj., . JATOIX & HARBISOJ j-iBui.i -AucttonaerS t .;:n i i.!t ij r C. i!.K i; AneaAt tnspectlonof the above will be Interest e to your gentlemen; i gronwmftnd our stock; of SPRING AND SUM VEB CliOTBWQ' the nwe compieto fii the mar- e jtto-weu-ho! and Dooalarlow prices. - ' ----- - ' -- WITTK0W81T cBACH,' :ctMMisSioN; for every elase ot Undertaking. , Having pn hpnd j .i J....J ,.1 I . ."7 -.1 ',',- . COFFINS, ;CAiKSTS AJSftSW-AL CASES,-; -.ill Hj- ?;ajt Jit.V- 'i'.l ."K-". ' H'A'H ra'ASlvAS-AW.r!--',r'; -1 '', t'lj ,t 'J"f-iJ.ti'Oi!'J W'JW Hearses. lurntaffjdesbi Furniture , p j(ery, pesertpkm; tepau.ioj' :'.r'H-.I ijlf IB ot-Wf 1 liitf Lj- f f-.o i'j v--iWBaXa RogeiW Trade Street;1 lune 2a tA i idnw-ii g m j ! -i ti 'ii ' I- -m fill (?'' '-i J -iM 'I 'I! I- .J''!' Pi! i MERCHANTS, Buy and sen on consignment an kuiob m , t MEBCHANBISE AND COUNTRt 0DtTC:- .vi 'Ji n.:"i. " " j JMitiflj 4 ii'- wm glvwstrlct personal' 3 ' . . . ... . i. ...... -v.; r. l-.n-4-..M aTl'K-afViiMia AnfmotAd to Out' Cafe. Uth-tr- -,k- jo jjir- 'ill rtut-ii'I . . JWl uwi. iwv, . f( (I I A Power Printing Press, Gum tnsk-vJd style, size of bed 20x40 inches. Was in use unU 1 replaced by a new one -Address J. C, BAILEY, Editor ' Enterprise ''and 'Mountaineer, J3peTCTille ja,V4tt .i-iitbwU..c ."iIsn3 a -r

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