atye l)axlott:bstmvt " THURSDAY, HAY 1, 1879. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE RAILROAD DIRECTOBIY Tha following table shows the of passen eer trains to and from Charlotte, the rail BIOHHOMB DAXVILLB. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, Leaves for " . - Arrives from Richmond,. ............. Leavesfor ..... 1.00 a.m. 8.20 a. m. 10.60 a. m. 6.45 p.m. Arrives from Atlanta,. Leaves for Atlanta, . . . Arrives from Atlanta,. Leaves for Atlanta, . . . . 8.20 a.m. 1.05 a. m. 6.50 p. m. 10.50 a. m. CHAKLOTTK, COLUMBIA ACGU8TA. Arrives from Augusta....... ....... . . .i 8.10 a. m. Leaves for Augusta 1.00 a. m. arrives from Augusta,.... 6.80 a.m. L -aves for Augusta,... . .. ... .. .. . ...... 11.27 a. m. CAItOUHA CXNTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,. ... 7.29 p.m. Leaves for Wilmington, . . , . . 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, :.. 5.00 p.m. Leaves for Shelby, 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKNNZS8XX OHIO. x r rives from Statesvllle,. Leaves for Statesvllle,. . . . 5.80 p. m. - 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE POST OFFICE. - r OFFICE HOURS. OPENS. CLOSES. Money Order Department,.. 9.00 a. m.: Registry Department,. ... . ..9.00 a. m. in'lDellv'yStamDDeDt...OOa. m. 5.00 p. ra. 5.00 p; m. 6.00 p.m. r - - - ; p. m. '8.40 p. m. On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be Ptt from 8.00 a. nu to 10.00 a. in. . ' ormriKG and cLoerHO or MAILS, i - OPXNB. CLOSES.. I a n ville & Charlotte R. R.;.,: 8.00 a. m. 8.00 p. m. -i- 'M 11.15a.m. 6.00p.m. c harlotte & Atlanta R. R... 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. &, Augusta R. R-v 8.30 p. m. 10. 00 a. ro. Wllm'n & Charlotte R. R.,. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte & Shelby R. R... . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. A Statesvllle,..';. 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a.m. 14T Seattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at , do p. in., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. . " vtr Yorkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 i, in., ami Fridays at 7.00 a. m. : 1 W. W. JENKINS. P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department, okkice Chief Signal Officer Washington, April 80, 7 SO P, M. ) For the South Atlantic States, rising barometer; north and west wirds, slight ly cooler, partly clotfdy weather. Local Iteporl for Yesterday. I 17 A.M. I2P..M. :9P7m Barometer Thermometer..... Relative Humidity,.... Wind Direction,. . . . . . Velocity, ..... Weather 29.899 fttt 44 N. W.r 6 Clear. 29.759 79 27 W. 12 . Yalr. 29821 72 42 N. W. 2 y Clear. Highest temperature 80 deg.; lowest 57. Meteorological Record WEATHER REPORT, APRIL 30, 4:20 P. M. Stations. Atlanta,.... Augusta .. Charleston. Charlotte,. . Corslcana,. ( ilveston,. ludianola,.. Weather. Fair. Hazy. Clear. Fair. Gear. Fair. Fair. CM ear. Clear. Fair. Fatr. Tatr. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear." J.ickson'lle, Key west,. Mobile,. .. Montgom'y, N. Orleans. Punta Rasa Savannah.. St Marks.. Havana ... HOME PENCIL.IPM.M. f May day. The wheels of local affairs are run ning without a jar or squeak. The McGinn mine will be sold on the property to-day at 12 o'clock. Getting too warm for dancing. Noth inmoremay be expected in this line until the 20th otMay ball. What has become of the;Tcavairy com pany which seye-Xal parties were organ izing a few weeks since ?i The Oneeri of Mav festival in V6L Brvce's yard to-monow evening will begin at 6 o'clock. The doors will be closed at 9;, i . '". - ... We are instructed to ask all who are to take a part in the Queen of May fes tival to meet in Col Bryce's yard this afternoon punctually at 5 o'clock. The canvass tot the mayoralty is still progressing very quietly. It is said that there will be a squabble in, two of Hie wards for aldermen. 1 Our .townsman, Dr. L. . W. Battle,, .linori tfpaf prdav on ereen ueas from his own garden, and he is probably the first ('harfottean who has" done so this spring. I- - ; !, f A correspondent, .iuggestjs' in 'another column what appears to be a just and equitable way out Of, '.the om plications which have arisen, in the ,; becond Ward. r The annuaXrepbf al of Mayor Smith and the city clerk and treasurer are out at hist and speak for themselves. 'The reports will be found elsewhere on this lt.tire arm will oe ream yuu iuiwwv city readers. A lady sent a servant w: a rera,u Sro cery store yesterdaiy 'Jot ramns for Dutch bread. Theimejrchant scratched his head for awhile and then sent down t wo packages of yeasG powders, feee it? . We are asked to insert the following: "The pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, of this city, expresses his thanks to his friends for, tne mna remem brances which were sent to the par sonage on Tuesday evening, the 29th. Direct information from Judge Ken is that he will not be able to attend ( leav eland court which should eonvene next Monday. It seems bardly proba ble that he will, -able, -to .bqld.Any courts in the districtlieloxe the tune of the eircuitxpirt ; ; 'J; During the monthof April there, were four interments in Elmwood Cemetery, one of which waacf the body of a .per son who did not livein -the corporate limits. In Pinewood (colored) cemetery tliere were fifteen four male adults, four female adults and seven children. The fish in the Catawba were perhaps npvpr finer tiant.hev are this season. Day before yesterday , Mr, Geo. K. rate, of Mountain Island, Mills, came down with seventeen flat-backs which weigh ed one hundred : and ; twenty-three pounds an average uQt it about is seven lounds apiece. - These he earned on to Greensboro..' l,?' ?.ym Pentonal. . . Mr T M Afrrn the Atla'nta Constitution, is in the city. c. F. Hendeer advance t he citv last evenine..Vfift will endeavor to make arrangements 4or the appear ance of the club here on the 13th of May. Mr. A. Macy,.jnanagerottheJKjng's. Mountain mine, is registefSd 'afrthe Central Hotel. - I The inviUtions-to the nnivery eel ebration of the Philanthropicu'tnd Eu menean societies of '.Davidson s College o the nth of June, are out.. They? are exceedingly neatand tastoful. Col. i. K. Mcllae delivera the annual, address Barom Th. Wind. VeL 29.84 79 N. W. lT 29.87 '84 N. W. - 7 29.87 80 S. W. 9 29.75 79 N. W. 14 29.76 84 a 18 2SJ.tM 79 S. 15 29.93 79 S. 28 29 91 86 , W. , -6 29 93 81 ,N. W, ; -7 29.95 81 S. ' 14 29.92 85 8.W. 4 29.95 2 S. W, : 7 29.98 78 W. . JB 29.88 84 N. W. , 6 29.92 86 8.W. 11 29.93 79 N. " 7 hi ii o ciocK vinxne troorniiiKit: wv lepresentativesiof .the twos literary so cieties peat Jit ,13f) itt the evening. The Observer is indebted to;; the- mar slmls for its invitation, and twyl Un doubtedly be represented on the occasion. I The City. FlakkceW , . , . d .Mator's, Office, J fipStftanlfi CL April Hi, 1870. 1 lie following exhibit of the financial condition of the city as shown by the treasurer's report, fs respectfully, sub mitted with the hope that it will prove" satisfactory to the tax payers, while the receipt? for the current fiscal year haye been nearly $ix tkmiitiM 'dollar e.tlfdnthepfecedinghVstm 1 am able to congratulate you upon a materi al reduction of the outstanding debts of the city amounting to about three thou sand dollars (including debts contract ed by previous boards, retirement of uonas ana payment of coupons and in lerest,; ana trie; further fact, that not c dollar of new debt has beert created du fact, that not 'a ring the year. I would mention as one of the main causes of th falling nff in the revenues of the city for the current! yvm, a uecrease in tne cotton tax from fifteen Cents, to ten cr. rwr hal nnH the fiirther.f act that the receipts of cot ton in this market from the first of Sen-1 tember to date, have been over fifteen thousand bales less than for the corres-1 Pding period of the previous year. The fire department has been recent- ly.suppiietr with 1300 feet of new Lose, mutt uas peen paia ior since tne aate ui me treasurers statement, and is to be congratulated upon a state of efficiency second to none in the South. Your streets and side-walks have been materially improved during the year by works of a permanent and subf stantial character; and 'especial atten tion has been given to the sanitary con dition of the city, the good results of which have been apparent in the almost unprecedented good health all have en joyed. , The models of beauty and neatness presented by your cemeteries 'give evi denceof the care ihd attentiofttnat de partment has received ; as the good or der which has characterized the city for the past twelve months also attests the. efficiency of the police department; 1 Upon the whole, there has been a gen eral improvement in the condition and future prospects of our growing. city. .New evidences pf thrift auid -prosperi ty greet us on every "hand, soon no be further added to, as I trust, by the early commencement and completion of a commodious and creditable union de pot, for which arrangements hsvve been perfected, and upon which) wirk is to he commenced,a8 I am assured, in a few weeks. Again thanking the citi seps and officers of the city government for their cordial co-operation and sup port, I remain, Your obd't servant, B. R. Smith, Mayor. CITY OF CHARLOTTE TREASURER'S STATE MENT. Receipts and Disbursement. May 10th, 1878, to : April IBth, 1879, ? ; ! BxcmPTs. Cash on hand. May 10. 1878, Revenue Department, from C. W. Al exander, City Marshal. Listed Tax lor year 1878, $ 1,129.88 14,635.14 1877, 1876, 1875, 1874, 274.06 33.90 12.00 12 00 447.86 120.00 40.00 1.00 104.00 Mayor's Court Fines, Dog tax. From D. P. Hunter, Sui on account of sal of apt. streets, cash di mule. Cask paid for Temovlne nuhi&nee ' Cemetery Department, sale of lots, Cotton Tax Department, amount re ceived from J. W. Sprinkle, cotton License Department, from C. W. Al exander, Marshal, Tlz : Liquor Ll- cense tax, Special License tax, 3.895.60 2.484.40 3,097.21 $26,287.05 DISBCBSRMKMTS. Street Department, Including salary of Superintendent, Cemetery Department, including sal aries of Keepers, Fire Department, including amounts paid for new hose, Ac., S439.25 , ? "s cast 61 new tanks, . 879.77' , " cost repairs to bell tower 1 8 00 Repairs' to engine houses, dec, Police Department, Printing and Stationery, Contingent Department, including fitting up Signal Office, $202.08 Rebate tax paid Teiegraph Company, 100.00 Am't paid on judemeui ra. city (old debt), 1,015.30 Ain't paid lor publishing; i proceedings of Conven tion of Northern Settlers -.. -rln book form, 10,000 copies, . .... 100000 Cost of keeping City Clock one year, , .: ,, 50.00 Amt paid feed for prison ers, sanitary police, blankets for guardhouse , , etc., etc , Cotton tax department, Salary DerjaittneByU u , ,,,, , Bonds Department Interest and coupons,' , 6,225.75 2.394,14" 2,760.94 4.013.32 198.01 1,963.49 1,593 49 374.75 382 60 1,043.97 2,446.59 uasn on nana Apru iotn, ikiv, i 1 826,287X15 FEED. NASH,' City Treasurer. Haying examined the books and vouchers of the City Marshal and Treasurer, we certify that this statement Is substantially correct. S:T?wTLKEB,!FlnanoeCoin- April 28, 1879. Marriage Ucenve. , Malaillcferiss JTeie "kkufedlto the following named persons by the regis ter of deeds of Mecklenburg county du ring the month of April : WHITES.' J. G. HoodyA: B. 'Johnston. J. M. Brafford, M. J. Cloutz. T.J.Knox, Elizabeth A. Potts. W. W. Cooper, Elizabeth Barker. A. M. Davis, Mollie French. E. V. Hope, H. E. L.awing. J. L. Paul, Lizzie Kenley. John G. Nicholson, Laura J. Harkey. N. J. Stewart, Laura Hall. James Broom, Amanda Strube. COLORED., A Ghas. W Alexander! Ifzi Ross. . Henry Williams, Alice Smith. John Henderson, Clarinda Dennia. i Levi Berry, Mary Johnston. , Paul Fox, Emma Witherspoon. Alfred Johnston, Ann Swann. Andrew Kelly, Lucy Elms. Wilson Caldwell, Davie Lock. Smart Orier, Alice Watts. George Miller, Jane Gilliard. Lonzo McCorkle, Etta Berry. Important f Tsu:coniMUt. A circular is being sent to all the t bacco-dealers Intthe ccmotry by promin nent tobacco 'manufactaners- of New York city, stating that an effort will be made to get a bill through Congress allowing me wuaw uwa i been-paid the tweotypfourper cent tataaufimahedaatowcrksiatwMcAlpines TKavon fhrfore. advised before Ma 4 Mr.- jtrxrf itf jtven2edVln.'flliuiff!in 1st, to take account of the stock of baceo on hand; anu nave " properiy aitoornooa or? Aiannewsj Bwaionuxn xue tested before a notary public, in orderJ coursebf two r ireek1v1U that there may De no question oi Iss, f the ritlesr .!. wri rsesonoiaixmrino in.w-iY-orkcifev. .Hewas ff- SUM . -m . Ens irree the owner have been boughtfrom W-ZJL "'"r, ZXZ l?l?i:Zrn: The charter, hdww-r,xDlrcs in VfSrT.rr. me cifcvis- " .. . that he was killed Dy some one wno, fanciedthatne saw m acuous aymr .-tWfto oxrStoT torns of bydrpphohia. ; Such 4 dog 18 OT, -5fcjiXirih2 i nlllri nf eeS.,W shows how any one can operate profita- Vare In ', this section, and ther V gen TtpSSF vS? Mailed free. Stocks and bonastel Qov- LraTWrpt the road would be directly to the disAd- erurnent bonds suppUed. Apply to Lawrence aSfSr . ,H8 vantage Of Wilmington, Co;, Bankers, 67 Exchange Place, V.J. , ' ' t S'. Wbat I Ahead. We are to have twentv more days of oensation-r-next Monday the, municipal election, on the Saturday? following, the I memorial exercises, ana on tne Wta tne celebration nfiha onft Tmndred- and third anniversary of-the Meck3.entuTTfiailroadwhich was an action by ther Declaration ! of" IhdeDendencd! !Then the summer dullness will settle.' 4own upon us, and we will experience four months of unrelieved flatness. I ! '.f ' burini th'eVtwb Mva ilhat'eDntv Revenue Collector Coite has been in the citv I delivering sbecial tai: stiunm for the yea eridirigAprU. 80th, 1880, he he received the sums annexed: ' ! .Twenty-seven retail, liquor, 4ealers, lMnejretafl dealet triinalt jiH(r, $20 manufactured tobacco. '- One manufacturer of tobacco 10. "' '-"Two manufactorers of cigars, $20; tSA The total number of r,iicenses.sold were 164, for which the sum at 175 were received by the collector' for the government, A Vmetai InVeiitoi. 8 Mr. J. W.'McLure, of this county, a section master ortthe Charlotte, Colum bia & Aucrusta Railroad, has .invented what he calls a labor-saving track-bar, to be used for the purpose pf brj.ngiiig' "c uoua w a. bouu aevei. xie claims that by tbeiuse of i his invention two men can readily do the work of three, thereby allowing of the reduction of the force on each section by at .least one hand, and; also that it "brings about a saving in cross-ties by admitting of their beinc used much lontw.-' fihnld ttproVewhat he. claims, it .win,.p6 ival uable acquisitionitonthe road tools now in1 use; ! Mr.McLure has the repu- vanuu oi ueing a nara wormng, watcn ful and intelligent section? master, and we hope he may be able to introduce his invention inta general use. He haa not had it patented, but It is understood ,he will soon make the .proper applica tion, being confident' that ttothing like it has ever been inrehtedbeforft Bellemonr Park: " Alrerdy'-Bellemont Hark s looming into prominence again. It promises to be as popular a resort this summer as it was last wbenit furnished such' a de lightful retreat- to: our heatroppressed people; ;The; spring bas been cleaned out and its waters are, bubbling up pure ana coia ana sparkling; the booth on the grounds has been white-washed, and beer, soda water and cigars will soon be on sale there again,' the brush and leaves have been burned and sweDt off and the spot is, already most inviting. The uark supplies a: want width 'our people have long felt--it.,giveS ' them a public resort to which they can flee and escape the intense heat 0f the summer days, and where they can . while away the long summer afternoons and even ings. Lon g flourish the- park,- and long live the public-spirited geLt emah who first directed public attention to it, And who has done so much' toe- beautify iti ana ma&e it attractive po its nuntireos of visitors. - :-: - . - A Ijaw hr Wltlcla ta Csrmiuient Some time ago, a law was passed de claring that the pay of postmasters should be regulated by the number of stamps cancelled instead of by thenum- bersoia. This method was ageptea in place of the "one which Tad-'previously obtained on .' Account of the discovery that many of the smaller offices were defrauding the goverrimentf out of what legitimately belohge'd td It by trading stamps to retail merchants at a small discount, these merchants in turn trad ing them to wholesale merchants ,in larger towns tor. goods. The extent o, the increase in their , pay which som country postmasters " must have gained cannot be determined with .anything like accuracy, but must nave Deen con siderable, as is attested by the last quar terly report sent to the ppstofflce, de partment by the postmaster in thlsfcity. This report shows an increase of nearly $1,000 in the sale of stamps at this office during three months, over any. father period of the same length since the present incumbent has been irt;omce 1 . . V auput wrce-yeari. n i What the country postmasters gained jh, tlbimWW the' government d& iiototaJarg(eoffices, for ppayfr mowf the latterf which 4U ev4nolni0d itf a Wteme iaS3Vwas not regulited' by the.-Bamelawisthat applied tdni qftrteslDf M Ifywej QaSSSbUt they hadttaeneoMthem -regurar5 salaries. A report made to the postoffice depart ment prior to the enactment of the law showed; that thlsi fraudulent practice prevailed very, extensively throughout the country, and when this fact is taken into consideration0 it will be readily seen that, the government must have lost many thousand dollars, which the cross-roads postmasters pocketed and pro-rated on- the 'basis of competitive ability in tradipg stamps,! ,.. What is the responsibility of mer; chants who buythe stamps is a question of morality wmcti nBea-not oeaiscussea in this connection. r ........ r .iv,j,;-;i-.-v; ! . ' .': vir . ! rAs;it ii ,eertafn,!'Uiat ; th6f Westem North Carolkia & Asheville Railroads will compete quite strongly for' ine,rBtfmmer4 trayei to the i mountains- oifc Xoirth;'Caroltna;rt may be P ' j ... ;1 m 1 il. exneetea ;i tnaB -iares . wm z oej 10 w 10 mountalSitpflrists. k ft . is, staterj ; that ' the )3eas6rrtrtB' be incuceff with tidk rfn at ro from Charlotte "t6 Asheville I anld return, including stage fares; and it is reasonable, to suppose tnat.iney will, during-theseason, gfetevenliwer than tnis.f . ai i n -mim w lpam. bv throuffh a business let ter from Hickory, that therd is a fetWrig- er prouaomiy, just ut jjjcocui, ui we building of the braneh raidati',tryto Lincolntoil 1icrHSckdry,c abrinecting the Carolina Central "and Western .N orth Carolina Railroads, than thera has ever been, beforevi iiiegotiatioutoxnis ena, thecontractsi wufcffinoeguirjn5ew m .weess ,! itH i , ttitj&4w$vjfi imovetps.omew.9ifVv.ii;u iw muuiu ior Court lof guppents.'iwo in the ease of the ergi8 against ,tbe?Atlanta & laior taxes inst decided amount claimed is ahout)J10JX)0, 'An l iioi f tv. Rnnrsmft rourt is: orobft 6t Wadesboro Kain foHinraBtrocttoTrf the road as soon utfthe nr.tad fcaa&L&ja Seuiember next, and 'if the road "if not 1 i - , iu.i i a . ..... . i. ui,. t umu. uy TOiiiwjwp,""'. a ta Ten Tbaiukid Dollar Di Tiie-Yorky ill j&pfviri fact that the Supreme Co etes the "ofT South Carolina haa just rendered a decision in Plaintiff asrainst the defendant for 015,000 damages for injuries sustained by him in the falling in of the railroad bridf and carsrat thes South' Fork of November. 18T7. " t t .-.j ft It has already Deen stated that thQ case was tried before Judge- Aldrichf. and a. jury, at the September term, 1878, of the' Circuit Xfourt for .York county, and the jury rendered a verdict of $10,000 for plaintiff. Defendant's cXselatie; a.idoUqu for a.fiey f trial ojaVihe igcounds- that the verdict was against the preponderance of testimony and the damages exeessiveThe mo tion was refused and the defendant ap- pear on tngrouna tnat it bas no pow erjunder thGonstitotion. prescribing its jurisdiction, to award new trials for errors of faefciin theerdictof Ittries, alleged to have been committed in this case, on the ground that the verdict was against the preponderance testi mony and , the damages excessive; its authority in granting new trials "being limited only toi' the review' and correc tion ot frroxsMt, Jaw M. the decisions andrulWgs'ofvthe judgeT m ,-,f Tli Situation UMM.SC0nd Ward. To the Editor of tMebsetreri''' In par ties, and especially in the interest of J iarrness- to- nenrorers 'in -xne tsecona Ward, I suggest that the best way out or tne aimciwty in regard to wno snail be aldermen from this ward for anoth- Lpr ysaris f or tte votera of the vward, fwithout regard1 to-party, t vbte for tne tnree men wno stooa nignest in tne only ballot taken Wednesday night at the convention held at the mayor's of- fl : On that baUot li. Wt. Sanders re-1 ceived 62 votes, Martin Weddmgton 48, and T. T: Smith 42. " The white peo ple of the ward are perfectly willing to i accora a,.coioreft renresentarAve on tne bbar4froto?this ward -but bey eaanot J . . 3 a. j ; j 1 Al . 1 3 -A uc cA.puiu w ueciue w iiu mail vuiureu , man shall be, and as the only expres- sion oi opinion nas Deen tne conven tion which adjourned Wednesday night without a nomination, it is fair to suppose- that Martin Weddingten will be stronger on the day of election than Schenck, if the vote in the convention shall be the criterion.. The interests of the iijL jfewandlgoodjeffieijent alder men, and the interests of the two races cannot be separated. Let us have har mony. Many Voters, l ' WHifE jAND Colored. 1 ii THE MATOBAJLTV. CANDIDAm FOB THR MATOftAtTT. HaJ. FlemmlBg's Card. In compliance with the wishes of "Many Cltl rens" f will be a candidate" for mayor at the ensu ing elecUon In May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience to your win, I am, with respect, xovi ooeaient serrant, 17 Mr) iJfTW Mr. .Norment'8 Card to the Public. To the Voters qfthe City Of Charlotte: Fellow CrrizKirg-TytMA, tf. I If ood cluded to announce knysall aihllaaeealeiit Candf- date for the office of mayor of the city of Charlotte, atthespproaciinr eleotlea in May. Thoroughly lndeDeadenL. I hail hot be in the least influenced by any ring, caucus, or convention; I shall have no '-frfflidiitn Minl nor enemies to rtiinlHh : I oh All Jnotbnbe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt In any uaaernanaea way to secure one; dui i particularly solicit the deliberate, independent vote. I am in faverof strict economy and low taxes. There Is no politics in this election, therefore I shall run the race to the end and take the' .risk, let the result be what it mar. In thus announcing myself. I think it unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statBqwniJw: KWutipteynawir mayy gmaegme; Dut wluulyaf- thai I Shall fer cl(iatja genial, brotterly fpttlt rfh tpose. faat I muff eeobme asso elated wiiii-artapirmtf nkniMi coneluilom to make this pledge: That If honored with a majority of tout votes and eonseauent election, my best exer- oiwhaUedlreged to affair, honest artd lm- .rttaldischodu kT U-l k W.&Nokmi NOHMkNT. Charlotte, N. C April 11th, 187H. Mr. Osftenre ! the Arena. In response to the solicitation of my friends. have consented to become acandk lor the omce of mai Obornk. Bo You Want to E: ot Whltlvtr,Isktte!JfieTOiWe result obfillfcedsuBirisk)iM)ttieafetritflow. It ls' a'TSbnaitlon whtchshdurO Toot T trifled with. Immediate relief Is the onlyeaf eguard against con stitutional ruin. In all cases of suppression, sus- rnsion or ouiejjrreguiarraes oiine "courses," Dr. J. Brldpelf eitital8 the only sure remeax, wacaBviMt tres. iADrevlnelotA ly to the ofgans of menstruation. It is a legitimate tteujgent aoctorj use i3 a The Blesslsg of Stroig Nerves Is recoverable, not by the use of mineral sedatives, but by a recourse to effectual tonic treatment Opiates aad tM lfke saoakfhlr Ve used as auxili aries, and then as sparingly as possible. Vigorous nerves quieApaee; and jawefedlrect way to render them so is to reinforce the vital energies. That sterling lnylgQrantHjsttter'g Stomaph Blt l,Um 3oidd.'ilcifji4(i4fcrli purpose, since it entirely removes Impediments to, thorough .digestion and assinulation of the foodx tfrat the body is insured Its due amount of nourishment, and corequntly oFstaailna. jRhematlc tenden cies and affections oi the kidneys and bladder are also counteracted by'the Bitters, which Is besides a pleasant inedjclnal stimulant, infinitely purer than the raw' excitants of commerce, which react toJurioarrupohXlTerfous' system. aprSCiw -tJ'' ..j.-.i. eir'SUet' Our country lsgettrflg to be fearfully alarming, the average xf life being Jessened every year, with out any regsfaanle csjusej deiti resulting general ly from the most Insignificant origin. At this sea eivpf the yearspeolaUy, ftcoia is such common flflngfhat to tad hUtvy Of every- day life we are apt to (nejlM often tod too late, th8friFe,TM wtnng: trouble has already set in. Thousandslbse'thelr lives in this way ev ery winter while, had .BtjscHrat'a Gkrman Strup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large r4Ufreaaa4tar)tfaoldAd. fr aU diseases of 'thiThroat ahd Lungs, BosciKK's Gkbman Sthup has proven-ltself to be the greatest discov ery 01 US Una lU.nUuipuo. .civerj xruKKuu 'u uuo country wilt tett you hrits'' wonderful effect Oyer 950,000 bottles soM last year without a single lanure,known,uj ixm UkZiiJ Ease Attalaahle by tie Ckcamatle. 1 TesWthough! they tnay tdespatr of relief , It Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a iinWi v K l ah VXrrlftsoff j brk aoeana of increased actirlty'rf- to 44duyrurp)ftaiUf channels for blood puriflQaaon-be acrid element to which pathok&sts-ttte'tiiost aml&eiU atmbnte the painful imntnirH a thearv emnDletelv borne out bv urin " " ' " ... . .. . mm in V..U.WU. .U Hostettere, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation; which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain manna or nuw ui oysDeuHW never ana ague, ana nervous ailments. It la, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, ana is mgaiy reconuaeuuea as a meuwuuu hed physicians and analysts umeauy pure ana very euaarses it. rstu 9saTfeeJiewste mwewneasv Thftiuw enmbtnaiioB mMlMkl-oro stocks which Messrs. liawrence x uo., en, Nr using from S50 to S500 capital.- By this system orders from thousands of customers. In various l suimvij BumSr aie-peoieu . una oae unmeose capnat,ann nnArnted as a mlshty whole, thus Klvlna to each shareholder all the advantage of 'vast capital and shrewdest skuu rronts are aiviaea every tut aays. Any amount from $10 to $75,000 can be used In Messrs. Lawrenee&Ce's1 eomblhations with equal' a. tArv.mnnuiM iuiwwi. mi ii win uiasn am linnib kaxe 1 RK7 UIC7 JTr presenpnon, and the most u 1 14 the month. 2oqwui retnn,aoo,epei, ; JiriTin i iMIiiH iMiill im miii ' .. L . , .. - t- " - GREAT BARGAINS InJewc-lrrpaiul Fanci Goods, Gold and Sliver vj.-waaaw, surer aaa ruuea xuuie dm, .SDSl tQaOUGOn7kU WATCHX3, ; , CX0CK8, . JEWELBt,. SILTEB AND STLVKBr plated; WABE, .t . - qold AND 8ILTXB SPECTACLES. OoW-Head Canes and everything you want .1 at ITT T. feUTLER'S. " rrom rans, Tance, ----- WATCH and CLOCK. MAJEB, OLLDEB and 8IL- I n VEB PTJLTEB, T Trade Streetopposite First Presbyterian Churchy ? i f " ' Gray Store. .. 1. 1 ... .-if.. - Every kind of repairs made at once at half Drice- and warranted one rear. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze GUdlnz. Coloring: SQver-Plathur and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. won wnaror we trara allowances. BT Apprentice wanted, with premium and good 1 refereneea. Repaired -work uncalled Tor wm 1e sold at the expuaoon oi twelve -monthf iorcos or repairs. .;. wptis 4 .-f , 7 ? i j. .A.fW! TT Prof. Hertz's. Great.Xjrerman Halt. Restorative. The best preparatton fojrthe Hair now known. It gradually restores gray- hair to its natural color, producing a luxuriant growth, eradicates scruff and dandruff, cures all diseases of toe scalp, prevents the hair from falling out and relieves neuralgia in the head and headache.. Try it Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Va , and for sale by au uruggists. - DIXIE SOAP. P. J. CREW COf , -. Richmond; Va., ,., Manufacture all toe stmdard. :tles of LAUNDRY SOAES, Which they offer at lowest prices. - tar tbt otri bixg soap Uea BECKWITHS ANTI-DTSPiJFriC PILLS. These Pina wfll nntmnt MiTmn, TlvKrxn1a "They are ah unrivalled Dtoner Tm,' lnHd aperient, ana aamimoij aaaptea as a iamiir meoxane. xney are-used by the most cultivated people In our J country, aad ase extensively used by physicians in -their practice. ' Sold by Druggists generally. Send ior circular, is. k. bjUK.witu, bole Manufactur er, i-eieBOurg, va, . . .- l li l I t i i J.I u EMINENT DBS. ST. LOUIS, MO., say: eolden's Lleblgrs Liquid extract of Beef is a verr asreeable article of diet, and nartleulariv nae. rfnl when tonleaars reauired-. belnur tolerated when feather forms of animal food are rejected. In Dlp- rfnena, jxararrai xypnoia revere, weasness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed It with great success; -Sold by all Druggists. We will pay AguntH a Salary ot SluO per mouth and expenses, or allow a large cvmmiKSion, to sell our new r ua woaaermi iBTeniioim. we mem vhat we sow Bunple free. Address Shibkas & Co., Marshsil, Mica. A DAT to Agents canvassing for the " Fisx sn VlstTOa." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine. A ft a month and exnenses euaranteed to r) t Agents, to, Maine. Outfit free Shaw & Co., Augua-1 - 'K DYERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted one week vjX. In 00 newspapers for $10. Send 10c. for 00 page pamphlet. G. P. BO WELL CO., 10 Spnii ice. street, N. Y. ! ' : Btehdp . 8. Doggett (Southern Meth.) n is an exoellent-obrrectlve Of indieestloni Have used it wtta prompt, benenciaj resutu. , RevI Dri Mangnm Prof.TJnlverelty of N.' C. I concur with Bishop Dotsett In his estimate of the vest focKetuure. Ry. E. A. Tates, P. E. N. C Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without It at home or abroad. It is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging 4s checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high Character. 1 nave seen a "tnea-everyuung- ays- peptic oi fifteen years relieved by one dose. " Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) - It is endorsed try the dttect personal testimony of men el - -national fame and of strictness of. speech. It is hot too much to say that no medicine ever had such snlrmort in its favor as a specific. The word of anr one of tke eminent divines who underwrite this antioote to oyspepsia nas aeservea i weight' Their United witness lomed with the ex- rjenmentu use ane-avurevu oi tne nraoaraaoni oi well-known physicians, removes all doubt.. It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious ueraia, va. Rav,R.,L. Daeaex, LZDv, Ham81d CoL, Va. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medl al Facuitv and the Deoole. It Is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific , torae siigauy apeneni, mnu nausea. 1 '' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, r Fer : -.. ' DR. T. C. sWt Clotte.K'. C. ' Y ! ' , ODELL, RAGXN it CQ Greensbeto, If. C. ' THEO. r. KXTJTTZ, Salisbury, N.C.T ' : mar30-dwtL' ELECTION:';NOTICE NoaiiChv'fftaiiitfeiection will be helrlnntha flrat MoniiitT tn May, f being the. 6th . day of the. month),-! 87fl at. the usual polling places m ueevem waras-evtnecitxoi uaario, for Mayor ana a uoara oi Aiaermen ior saia cjir in J j WaMNj.:iffteglstriVJjoWLr3tns , Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, B. M- Howell, A. R. Gray. , ,. - . . i WNdltegstrai, TLB. Williams. ' Insoectors John L. Horehead. Dr. William . Ward No. 8 Registrar, B. P. Boyd. ' . ... wamters pJ n r bd& .-j - w Wftrd No. ReglsraWBi j IhspeMdtWriJ.T.lryce, Rufus Barringer, B. B. Alexaader.; r. nrU-s-. 3 ' l .; .f - M.E, ALXiZS.'SUrlft, B. SMITH, Mayor. . "v; March 28, 1879.-tde. Am tmmw 11 QABOLIHA GESTUAL v-1 "-.i; i. tHBOtaHTBBamJBOCTl This Line being fuQy exjutirped ' tor' business, rmghtfrom s ihimU . -it-h---, - .. . ... : - r i ' " Wumlngton and all Northern end Eastern Cities to " ' Qrwnvule,apaxtanbarg, all Btattona ' . ''iflattlei, Tennessee Oblo, i. . . ,.f .." . . i i .!, ;.; :iri.';,n.l ,. ' As well as points In Qeorgla t' . A ' . . . il , Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as . i i v j i 'I i. j , i ' InlonnaUon furnished il ;: nl ereicht Agent, Wumlngton. Ji. C. ; sept30 gvttijs and HXcrXiciiits. UUtij ! IpkH'.-; hit- i. - -hi . . 1 OfiPGGBSY ARB tSnOST, r-ul l.r. Now'ofleTs to the trade a fullatock of LubuVs Extracts and Colognes, ' EasUah Select pices. Colgate Honey and fflyeeritB Soap. .-if English, French and.; , American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours', both night and dayat. J. H. MOADEN'S Prescription Store. gECURITT ! 9ECURITT I SECURITY ! 200 Barrels'of aWEST4S0N8'' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE SJTL ALADDIN SECURnT OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C West A Sons, Baltlrnorev Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. . Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit hefore Jt will bum. C. West A Sorts, Baltimore. " ' ForSalebr 1 Dr. J, H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. a AHEAD I ; AHEAD ! LL . who. wish to buy Luxuries acknowledge that '-PIBBY'S'' IS the plac,e to get ' the best His stock pt Cahdy and assortment of Crackersave never been equalled in this section, whilstOrapges, Apples, Bananas,. Ac, are very fine.. Smokers should caR and try his hew five cent to Clgars.! ' N. B. Housekeeper will find Crackers a great i "i". .,r',.ll : ,; . ; Tea Table Luxary. ; Fresh andCrisp. , apr27 - -- '- .i .r - . D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, 1 ,.;,,t-hTI8 ij , is OFFICE OVER L. R WRJBTdN A; 008 ' : -v Dace Sroan. Wtth 2 'yeary'perfence""! gaarantee :enttre ti'K.H ii n H .fliiitt ;.i i-i- t'.r, i.V U'nitil A atlstactioni Ui lfOii'U:WJ;'! I T . p . l Il i" i mtf v roMKTidwuut: ,?.-.?.m.i I'M-, alvmld hna a-)t. 1 '1 r. : RESIDENT! ;DUKEIt ; IN ; NEY YOBIi; l) Inui f)l9T68 Jl&&iiu illtit j r r?r,f mi: fpfin; .'ifft Ytn' i;itr Hnhi j We are now prepared to offer extra advantages i Any special evdets4tsiianilUedttrwnli oswBlt beet eflarts wnl be wed to pJeaM the taute of the .-We are leeetvinc New Woods allr. end ell are want in aor Hue. i .t.i--.i-iy bt,".r . Feeling satisfied that the quality and price of eut for bargains, and all the ru. f T: V. i .-l-aliira jBnalJ? 'Yt t.!f mo ixiK .i !&.:'! fri JiiJyu ! 1S ou.j Vi.i Vaojii.94.j iATJDT:NOl6ijjTl-l !Veryrespwful1y; April 30. DISPATCH LETC' NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH, offers unequalled faculties for the Trans portion of Chariotta, Statesvllle, Asherffle,; Rutherfordton on the Atlanta & Richmond ALine. and WesterrrN. c Railroads, Ahhama and Mlifamippj, via any Competing Uae. and Time as Quick. upon application to - T. T. SMITH, Agent C. a Railwar, Charlotte. JjTELD BROS., WBOCJBALB AMD BXTAIt. eBOCERS and DEALERS tn COCnTRT PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FKESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS,' TUR- KETS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP ' ' : PLES, DRIED FBUTTS, &C Exclusive Dealers bi : RAMSOUR & BONNIWELL'S and A. L. BHU FORD'S , various brands ot FLOUR. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF TEB CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C . This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept In first class style. V ' Terms, Per Day 8 2 00 Great Inducements offered tn turtle lumn). ers; for terms see the proprietor. . tyOmnlbus and Carriages at every train. 3 FIELD BROTHERS, ....... Mr. H. a Wnaos Ladt,. Hknby wiltohq, . Ub9 - Proprietors. .Superintendents. Clerk. $2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL XT O U E H O U 8 t? O U 8 lit O U 8 SAVANNAH, OA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor Beduced rate $2.00 and $2.&0i accoidlng to toca- ',',!. . 'tionotRooinv.r;.,,,.,, M. L. reb. HARNETT, Clerk, lite of Planters' Hotel. 16-tf. :. i i J '. : r. M M E B L L 8 S N JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Proprietor. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER y. AND YINES & LIQUORS, -i k Jlnd the best brands' ci; Cigars? Agent for Fred Lauer's celebrated Befdlug Beer. a.eeps iresa pocuea seer on nana rrom uergner a EnceL Pfalladelohia. Sold bv the dozen at a mi- sonabie price. All my customers can be furnished athome with the best Beet in 1own.) ,-: ALSO A FINE BILLIARD. KOOM ....::.! ATTACHED.- .' ' Tryojn Street, opposite JCharktto HoieL, HEADQUARTERS , i t. -i polk .' '.- i ,' :., AXE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary' Avenue Delivered 1 . i to any part of I the city, free of chaise for 8J.O0 per doasn. FCiMTJiZLER. 4m Ufa t ioki Togera re errompt attention. .; 'irn'oill-. Jfi-f.'.-i; .xrv.(-J.r-:;, 'tiia. .JsUiUtliSiil i'v'Hi' i.:!i iU'-'i n IVttJ Jus-i i . - f n u u n . . m a . . iU sKs;tl :J,fiiifjt!f.M ii;jif'fi ., - y-A!.! ;llll:r: Vt I LH'j,(i Ji in, ini.i .t i.-nfi ni mk..-. il Ji V J-.f'-' i to our and (mstomfrs. 'Our'MR. HARKS bxs ti iAa i .wactd. io :wo firas w4J.3 W biK!A enrol .t3ts ed li! hoi , w;a;;! nave Ms tmrhedfate and 'r ersoAl ; Henthm, thd his Boat tastldtoaa.;- .';:u.'l ..-;-l -.;Ut .( eanHaUyilnvited to.eall 09 ns fo a&ytklng they may " r . . -T 1 -r m ' our goods wtll be the greatend'acermm otfchy one . , iHl ' 1LEX1NDER ft HARRIS. friends J .1,.. . . m. m. 1,

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