1. tr. THURSDAY MAY 1, 1879 ANTE-VETO SPECttATTOBTl' Difference of Flewi W! the tourse to be ' Pur li'T sued by f be remocra(!, Special to the Baltimore Bun. Washington, Aptil 28. Persons as suming to stand in close relationship to the - administration 'haw to-day-B-nounced very positirdf tttha army bill will be vetoed,, awl therefore tbtf Democratic leaders of the two houses are discussing the plan to be pursued m such event It is generally agreed that whatever course of action is resolved on must necessarily be determined through the deliberations of the caucus where all will have the opportunity to express themselves freely and without reserve. What the caucus will decide upon' cannot at present be foretold with any degree of accuracy, as conversa tions had to-day with a number of lead ing Senators and Representatives indi cate a wide divergence. of views, which must be reconcile;! before any policy can be laid down. As has been the case for a long time when political issues are at stake, the Northern and Western Democrats are much more averse to anv retracincr of steps than are the SouthelnTarTJnjejoTXBe foremost of: the Southern tteroocsrs said that wnue, as a man it would be gall and worm wood to him, yet as a politician and j as a Representative of his section, hetwas in favor, if the President vetoed the bill, of abandoning the struggle at once for this session, passing, me appropria tion bills without the political legisla tion, adjourn and go home and renew the fight when Congress came back flex t year, only in case the people had in tb.9 meantime given unmistakable evidence of approval A Northern Democratic Senator expressed views entirely the reverse of these. lie said that in case of a veto he, should go intone-Democratic caucus and raise .Mvpfeft to the last moment against 'any (Surrender of the Democratic position; that if the President should not take the appro priation bills as they were sent to him, let him do without them ; that if the President announced himself in favor of military supervision of elections, he had no doubt in the world all the big Northern States would on such an issue declare in favor of the Democratic party. Another Northern Democratic Senator said that he would not believe the President would veto the army bill until he saw the veto, message. He said the President could not veto the bill without stultifying his own record; that if he did, he. was for the Demo cratic majority of the two houses ac cepting the challenge as soon as it was made, and then see which side will give in first. It was said by others that if tne President should state any objecr tions to the bill which did not involve any principle' for which the Democrats were contending it would be just and proper to modify it to suit his views ; that he had since his tacumbency shown, with scarcely an exception, a disposr tion to rise above mere party Considera tions, and his views on the subject, if i hey should be divested of partisanship, J were emiueu iu respecnui auenuuu, The plan of passing a joint, resolution o continue for the next ili jtoohth the appropriations oh'the" basis of itMfcills of last year, in case of a disagreement with the executive, is understood , to meet the concurrence of Speaker-Randall and of Mr. Atkins, the cburjaan of '' 'thert House committee on appropria tions. It seems also to commend itself favorably to a good many others of the two hpusesi 1 But it bitterly opposed by quite an influential element, which declares that it would be the most com Southern Senator who expressed him self in favor of this plan said he was anxious to adopt anything that would avoid a dead-lock between the executive and Congress; that it was very well for the Northern Democrats to cry that they would take nor'give no quartet, as the responsibility of the whole thin'g, and whatever outcome there was of it, would be laid at the door of te -South, - -nad that section was tho one that would have to sufjer. It will thus be seen how much at sa -th Dentfocrats are. This. is to De ascribed to the almost universal , opinion entertained .by them that the ' President would sign the bills as they . were sent to him, and which opinion many of them still cling to, despite the semi-official announcements of to-day. But if the vetoes come there need be no doubt that the-Democrats will be long in determining upon their course, and that when once determined on, the lines "Will ' bB olofedrf pTstflid itBrf d lay ' dbwnitheir fattos orHo join in 'battle. Special of 28tb't6 Richmond Dispatch. i thaa akfedVacoiies of ihey WearS tb'doan the eyentj Mr- Hayes refuses to approve the army bill. To this question the re plied ha'viep'geneally'VbfeM' eyltf7and ing on ,Uue belief that it is not well to discount trouble One, a stalwart West ern Democrat, however, who has ho compromise in him, said, "If we were to back down a cur dog would not bark at us." None of the others were as ae greislf a tit tjll l&jM M Jihdicite whether fhejr were Tor 'going home finally withoutiDassinsr the aDDroDrfa- tion bills or whether they would piss themVattd g6-Wthe !country' oh the te- fmiu oi me oddoxious laws, un the ffpaf enf tmi tliergifelative pasted 'the HWseTjVtweritv-odd majority, but this included the Green- tiQnlrora art1 rfiwr ro n n Vvn maISaI la&nnkwiunva, asfUmytito pass ttife 'afrtty abeslatlv7Wtfdiation bula pure and simple' and to ,do this they wUltfittt'thRepubUcans. I ,.. say. go he04usetheyal3iaYe announced Hh the House that they wanted the sectiotis 'in eonftwersy separate' fWiinl 'the ap propriation bills, and they vote4 Satur nday Afternoon with the Ilepublicans for Oarfleld's amendment to strike put the -v sefctibha iof heaegislktlvebiir feTatiig m tne jurors lest-QaMteands ithe!lpu;Tiil marshals and supervisors. It. will pe 1 remembered, too. that this amrrlrhefit exhibit it is not certain but that enough joaMuit uviuuvmia in a unfttWith1.aReDi SSa 1 Jmr. itswiJlavff Ho idea . i.21JD(SA - . "' .. Vn T ci m a t oenaier iiamproir nor woing well. .OIHOrWAJ3V3J3 .03 i rwimri. rir. Si I am sorry to have to say that Gen. Hampton has ex&ilM S ffeitQell of suffering since lie urrivea nerV"-' H4 is a regular attenaant upon the .session of the Senate, but is not apparent! strong wf uiuf m ub so. I4MImoslfritteriifglex ions in regard to him on all sideband I am constantly beset with inquiries re 4 Il.a.l laulut l.itli.l. "I. v,- ' LllikNHie 7 Two of the surgeons of ttila notable Institute will Tlslt (arlotttyliC. JIay Wthnd lBJh JgTflfc awprtfoiialhl kOar)qtte teL ferfim$r4 with them a fine outfit of brace and surgical ap pllances.and will be prepared to treat all kinds of gDetornutlea andj.ChroDle leaseanchaaOvitk Feet, Hip Disease, Paralyals, p rrinrtiiMi' 1 -3'lnea5 nd!nBtula?' CatarA,lrlTa wieaieaVJ prl3 d4t ww Atlanta, daL, The Chasleston -Schutzenfeat .began Mondajr.' . tm ward Willi, rnlnrfid- of Soartan 3 burg, reacaped from the penitentiary,; Monday. . , . The 70tmg ladies of the Columbia Vomal rvllftre nroDOse to have a May xcuron,taAguslisM wU ?JdX Senators. W. Maurice haSi been re appointed by Governor Simpson aide-de-camp onnis staff with the rank; of resi- 4ence, near- ReJayUie, burned on eun- - day night, the i3tn uiu, losuig ueaiiy all of his household goods and clothing. The fixe was the vyork of an incendiary. Columbia Register: "We are informed that Mr. C. R. Franklin is quite sick in jail, where he is serving a sentence'; of twelve months for assault and battery on William McAllister. He was com mitted on the 24th of March. i Chester Bulletin: About dusk a few evenings ago Mr. James Cameron left: town to return to his home in the coun try. When he was about a mile and a half out on his way he was knocked senseless from his mule by some un known person, and robbedof all the money and valuable papers he had, on his person. His wounds are not con sidered dangerous. ooajw i T5estej miUttn! Iasl bttuuttay About three milesTfrom "town; Mr. James Blainey-iaaftver-haJedjbv some rascal and robbed of twenty dol-J lars in currency, seven dollars in silver, two pairs or shoes, iwo, nats, anu sever- ai oilier amciea wwuu no uiu. wuju that day in town. Up to this writing there has beeii.no clue tpthe robbers. , Chester Bulletin: A homicide was committed on Monday night in the western portion of this county on Mr. Smith Hardin's plantation. A 'snort time after dark Perry Hughes and Geo. Parlor hfwama enffarad in a Quarrel about a fish-basket, which resulted in the stabbing of Hughes by Carter. Hughes lived only a few hours. Car ter was arrested and lodged in jail to day. He is said to have committed the 1 t A i! " l 1 atrocious act witnout any jusunauie reason whatever. TBE BOOTH BANGER. Was iiray Itching for Notoriety 1 Booth Unmanned. I .1! Chicago Times.' The monomania theory is the favor ite one. It is supposed that Gray was itching for notoriety. He had no doubt remarked that notoriety awarded Cur ry, who in cold blood muraerea tne ac tor B. C. Torter and dangerously'wotind ed his companion, Barrymore, in that paradise of: scoundrels, Texas, and may have had a desire to achieve notice in iikfaBhion1. He knew that even an attemptTon the life "of so important a personage as Edwin Booth would Bring him into exceptibnaT prominence, and,, although he insisted that his purpose was to kill the actor, it is oy no means certain that such was really his pur pose since the'wohder is, owing to his proximity to Mr, Booth, and the clear light in which heftfraa presented at the time, how he could have missed his mark, be his marjunanship ever so in different The first discharge was so wild thatthe bullet mark cannot no to even be discovered, and the next shot went several feet above the actor's head. Be this.as.itjmay, notoriety was evidently the point aimed at more than the man, and this he has succeeded- in achieving to a degree to satisfy the most consuming desire in that direct tlOH. ; i; (. 'mf'A ; .. inui It has also been learWea:rttiati'iGray was decidedly. stage-struck. He imag ined himself a great actor perhaps the "coming man." A victim to his own conceit ie ay haye tegardeyMj:; Booth as -a rivw to -be rid of at any price, and the fact that in a letter found on his person he disparages Mr. iwotn s acting,! would seem to lena col or to this hypothesis. Of course, such jealously could only, have found lodg ment in & disordered mind, and any theory that does not take monomania, not to say; irisaBrttjifrte account, must either assume : that there is some wretCiifedjraetk om of this- matter, or thalLthe .would-be assassirV has rett'Jv strong 9 rovpCAtimr f o th'6 act ai JaBswnptioR VMchafceording to present knowledge, is certainly most groundless. . To Mr. Booth this attempt on his life. especially in view of the unenviableJ connection 6f the family name 'with a like exploit, is an event. that has almost unmanned him. . Some .unfeeling, gos sips have started the hypothesis that the whole affair is "an advertising dodge;". but it is safe to say, ihat.Mr. Booth Would give a year's earnings to enace tne event or that Wednesday night from his memory. Mrs. Booth i quite ill frorn the effects of the frigtyH to wmcn ner susceptible nerves were? suDjectea, ana it is to be hoped that no Oorimia mna tvi tinnAtW. will aetata. - ' Wadiinoa Pmooal News Items. Letter of the 28th to the Blchmond Dispatch. I hear that Hon. John Randolph Tucker, who is now at Baltimore for the purpose of ,hv4rjrgJiia eyes pperated th, will nave' to remain there ia month. Governor Wade Hampton will leave for South ' OaYolina this week 6t fote- turn any more this session; ifr-fttet, jhe um nut cuuiB u) stay, uup 1 am happyito know heffiiirttal good service wane nerer: consiaeraDie trouwa murine tm few days. Governor Hendricks. diana, .wasalso jitthecapitol to-darj uo iwaw lusirraiB. uui ne UOes II Qv have the-eSfdAitfef -following tba Bayard, Tilden and Ttmrman have lin Congress. Senator voorhees is undr 8top4 Jbe4uftrightTjr per people think Dan. has residential dreams hinierf; M. McDonald. th iYt'ihlyff"tnpr 1 jjw vc(ij mucu 01 an 01a itoman, is not able, remi Jieutenant-colonel. .'. Mr. Jarrfl, T. Biirnett had his pott says, to do a great deal 'foCrrrVFalfeeVe'ffi opposition at home himself. The don men coy if thov win ho will-be sec ticket -flHft riends if Sfln- . ;arnw- gaMsMswaa iaa 1 1 n f Slow nfien FhuadeUi Jeav l" i s,of,vetoesX npffy 2as been overVlBe, recosaacQiepoits rexpected disafOvalof the iWJttiWakei olhe m-Tfourth found nriisinn to stand out against tne 1 : 1 M.S m r a 1 T legislation of Congress, the list incluU tag JMeapoff, both the Adamses, Vfen BureW, Haftisorf.VTaylor and Fillmore. Monroe and Lincoln sent in but one veto apiece ; w ashinirtpB two ; Polk. 4.1 s . a- - . -J FMIe ai TtUifajiiiacJi Jacksa .a-vayv tBHW AlAstlileUUSIMJals ' UOUlViMIlL. Which vas on the inflation hill: "Mr. ive iapreYatr I h J.;u -: " L" JL j r w i a wj4nutuui.iz.iiijj a Buuciai term or vuuii. iu iuossissippi, again on tne silver sir fpJp efeat tne ft02JS5?,LJ?s,, canno Rlren to the fact that fly.BKfte lwadacrievtortulariwdyE they stand unexcelled. , Prkvi miSi lolTT bgfs Tfrnn trVj,i' -n.. rlliV-t j twelye; Johnson, seventeen, and Gf4t!K , twenty-ix, the only : important one hth toot i mamMt 10 i a b Nu tv .k fr.1 ii" 1 1 3 bZTh 4 POLLS! INTRODUCED, I860. H ia the (ndtfol sontce of mur dUelKWiIiQrr sent among wmcn are . j j DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTIVENESSfii DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVER, AGUE AND FEVERS j JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY COM4; j PWINT, COLIC, ETCi 1 - i v SYHRIOUS OF A . .' TO fcPID LIVER. IQ8a of Appetite and Natiaea, th bowela.,,; axeoostiTO, bat Bometamea alternata withy looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied k Vwith aDull senaationin the back part.f aia?, , ti In the right aide and under the 8houlder-gj blade, fullneaa after eating, with a diaia-vf ; j olination to exertion of body or mind, Irri-j j tabflity f temperj IOW pirita, Loaa 1 ft . ynemory , with a feeling of having neglected j i aomadaty, .QeaegaJ, wanaa; Pizzine6tT; n Eltttteraig attie Hearts PoKbef ore tha--v, eyee, Yellow Bkin, Headache generally over the right eye, Reatleasneas at night with fitful dream, highly colored Urine. SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. ::.;t'. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapte' slifch cases,, , a i slnsle pom effects: such a change of feeling as to ; i 1 j l f. w ; TUTTSIIFILLS ! -; ml are compaoadatl abtacea that are tree from any -plropertlea that can inj are it . the moat, delicate organization. ' tae entire Syrtett. B reuering te nemyeuonon nnmere. ana uim ' health and vitality to jthtf body. the bervrele t act hatarallC icatuttoa- tarallTf JidrhensO I A Bpnna roar Puis 1 thMnl bat with lit iom roar fills wers noommanaM to mor-i osaa , : ttT bat with little f ith). I am now well man, J d I lifcod flty pcimclisgfij ilea it. .. , ht id OM. Tffoai vTII VVIO a 111 li fW edT ThrfrtotrfetiaoiieraehieiA.OTii-' , aad caas be bedr.taTake aMJCtiirttlios : ..e ' ayateta lflhn anlby their rrnie- Ac- tie :tt ,U IMeait ,OJthnVi3ttfutur Steels are produced. laiasin 1 1U; " Fw diniyMihttii onrt be relieved by re Storinc tn Xrer to fte normal functions, and for thia purpose naremedy hf aerer been invented that lussshssaYBMsaTCTrrS PILLS." !u 9wiy?xjfmTs. OflUce 25 SI array Street, New York. Q Clap JTOTTlBgCKatTflnible nf or ' idatsonmSaefniSMipwlil on application. I a Closst BLACK by parts a Na aDDlioationof tEislT It int. arnral finVnr sflta JbutantanaonslT. and ih st natialis aanarlafitrsttrf 8hyrUraekisu, or seat by uonai on receipt ei F j r i i . m i, i.i.i. i)iun J i j i art) it . i ; i 45iYear Rfbt!atfT$ Public. THE CEWUiWe H . Ol s-7'.JOJ .Ti ! ! CELEBRATED LIVER - v - FOR THE in ijctjt F6R THE'CURl-,0!i,iiT3i"i'.' 1 iepatiiis, or Itlvieir.(piii&tt : ' ' ' . . , ... ii 'f ' DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE, Symptoms of. a Diseased Livet. in Ihe Irichf "side.. underTlhe edge of the ribs, increases o pres sure ; sometimes the pain is ill the Wft ,( side; the patient israrely bteali ' IS elt!tihder the' shouldetIade .'and .1; 1 ach is affected with loss of appetite '. and sickness ; the -bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with iaxithe head is troubled with pain; 1 accompanied with a dull, heavy sen! .sapon in me DacK pan. tnere rs gen lerally a considerable loss of memorvl If canaruedvith a painful ensatiori , 01 oaring leu unaonc somemmgvnicn -ougbt to have been done4 ; A,slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. T'-!T'eoaai6f!' ''weariness anjdebi1ib ti his feet are coid.br biunhig, and he com plairisioy? a ptickiy sensation of the skin; hisspmtsareiow; and although . he is sAtisne4 that .xerei$e?ojild be h beneficial fetj hi3v,-yet)he. can scarcely sumnKmtrpitopmude lenoagn to fiy it. jt4ac.,r jlistostredyi 8 ..S-everal of the aboyej.sHnpms attend - 1 hi the disease, but casesJhaveioecr&rred werefew., them existed,.yej mm ' ihafion ' of , the D6Jdy, ' after aeath, has shtyvrn tnfe l.rvlk to; haver "beeri exten sively . derangedKi .it wkI .- ' J-nDRi-C tMcLANE S LlVER PlLLSy IN cases of 'Acxm' and Fever, when ; , .,,talcexi wUhlQuiniej?are productive of , Xl . 1 1 . X ' 1 kaiaartic'eW'VMdptpatator v w aaYise. au wna.are-amiccea rmmmis 'equaled. ",): .i,nv;-u w'ja' vii';:i-- ! fliol JiThe trehnihe are nlewr traip'tak(T. Every box has a red waiseal oa the lid, with theirrfptessionDRv McLane's Liver PiLiiJui f"f'' The genuine McLANE's Liver Pills Fleming BROS, on the wrappers. j ; C. MgLane's Liver Pillsj rjrerared bT I, wmjuag';Sros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the ",' market being -4ull -of - imitations ofthe nefPcUe(lTli: lane ( - , - , TTI i . - , r i, TZ : IT S EEB -S T OR E i:iW AT JIODB POST )F1TC& w A. ht 8enT and -get mr; catalogae of choice Green Bouse and Beddins-FlAnta. - t . We can send planta through the mall' to any part of the country. - ' I 11111111 I liirl knLI I Will IV bl Vkll gut mta eBrWnxa cluitted ti pii.rs it frequently extends to" the toy orth ' snouiuer, anu is omeuiue&--imsiaKen " for AeirttaittMirrlrr storni 1 .Seeosmw and florist, KXW GOODS rvjy -t-v. iA L-.? vrO ! ' KKW GOODS rwi M . it i: 3 '.A'- i n "ilj 'i Come tor me for Baxxm, Com,-Sogar-Coflee, Mo lassea, and other Family Grooerjea.-, . A-jj' - Wurt received, s few btfizelf pfJBerry Fostera (Da yle county) -iTsi , j u iVJi r,. , jftrU Imtin -nyv.l .'ihsxnilti end .31 I i BlSgT BTK WTHSXKT i I. .Also a line lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All roods delivered In the city free of charge, TI7KEN c?esar and hla staff were crossing an" $3W ocitmiu ran, ) .lu.iqiP? on A , ann: ofjiBejftejatera.ife traMnt cbmraandet checked his h'iKVH lij .aOli'Oli'WiUt fell ' r r. m pjpanpl$g steed and ordered, hja offictrs.te WJ'SSStSiSL aieareh'oT fafoffi& tii"Jr& oner ei.feoji4Jamel4n(SWtoiroairi aa eatsboal, but it-was to ! UieTPoSltiODff ithfl latter lnc tma. ,agtwnap rnuldpal y ear la drawUur toVeldM and the eftotentlUyevLs lookiac arojid; for a worthy citizen, tqear hlamantlfrbe oqrtato ly expects, the members of 0 mercantile raternjt-, ' ty D6TipBtaejeoUifii Vi, ,-, ;:? oifi .itf J t&rs&u-i 1 Jritiff G; U ' Q C , E. .ft' X J5 S bl -Ii: ii jrf'jjiiii.'i-lMiOJj; on nsra vnns f:i -' nyJit:'i ftS Ju hhsi l!i'tjn'fJf.v -;iiJ 80 that eterriamUy tad W airppBed without pVr'- Iqgjjjllprloijerofev ,)f7.. ; ! ;v, F.'' ; Ik j Alexander & , ykolco UAii oihr elmta ol baJyfKjz ou it '') vi no '"''vl m; ')!!.': ,)tj liui r f t not a member of which firm has er offered or lUdhls ilanie -aTemtloned W connection with the inaybraltr,,. looked' '.ia ihe'iTaUeyoii'irlrsJaia.for choice t Pi WHITER MEAL, . : : ! to the best North Carolfna Hills for fine Family FLOUR, to their Mountain Store for Butter, Eggs, Chicken HansSj ftai sm toBeadgaarters for Coffee, Sugar, Lard, Ac, and havefTound on Trade Street a high Mt 1 R'rafsnts; ; ,r" shoal where ever buyer may nee and save himself from thdnewf 4to awel M FLOUR 111 GRADES. . t-.ft ii Xii iii lo "iO't.iSl h ,":, y,i) FLOUR. . . i it !) ' - i liADX EXPBESSLT FOB FAMILT USE AND I '. ' ;; -i. 1 m -, i.i'ti 3 i jGUABANTXXSi ITNKB . ) . i I . ; . - , u :'l .' i.;;; ul3l ttiOiod 11 li.ll T tlwi M.J j , . '."vj 712 .flOUwri lit'?."'1 'iKT) blli; ")! Tih.,? RESPECT ' ' -TBAR- Patapsco, nffTtMtiiyfriSraVjian'Wiw fliraflrtBr.i S riiir..-.' jioua.laiisfn lo efilw.j iiK; BrilJiant, -08- .!lt'" 1 ! 'I . I ,1 , . '. lyj - . JLNT OTBEB SBAKD ON TBS MABKXT. , 'yrt CoTIlBBdVt a sJBT)leptakefree. !:j:! 15K7 fll &9K)lal9) t-1 f 0 MCriJ 1 ;tj:l) ' : RiM; i IfffrW, boot ?if? n-?c.'t.a?j? Lu t; i-::-. ; ',!'. si :n?f -.ViJliH !ATi-.l b'j .j: ii.filt te DAYDDSdirs, Fine Oranees and Lemonsv Coeoamita Bananas, Malaga Gmpes, choice Candlea., . ., Don't fail to call and -get the largest piece of Soap andter;c16c.,intown. IHJgfel Til.ii.. T1IU Choice ielnea WetiC'Al Trench anda full Uneofi CaarFrujte.sTieh.aa ijaawTuir,ueniai l&,.Olne.,Peaohes. 'FWur Oat aate Marie .,:r.l a f.Mi -A wtU iladfiMliajnnXBDOiiT jii Van i 9i When) ::e;RiA-OiE"RrS: . IBOT ATinspjt, a ri)j!(:((.( ii CBXAM CBEESX, MACCABONI. MUKiaiit t isj te i, tt)t; i'4i Erery one admits mine the. best stock; of GROCERIES ii : a..:; -iJiJui town.'jnythlngjouwantat , ;,,:.. ! Il ) 'J TUJ t .ill IT-." ( i t. H .TO Ji I'liJ; UiJ HIT -1; ,ir ik;.i '-.:': : Sft br. w43bjb to try those .1 i ''i.r'i tin i i, hrWlIiDBOB MAKOE. t v;PJCKLES, 1 Put up in FrederlCltsrurg, Va., and pronounced the beatererJNM b jCharUHte; I .hare all kinds of Pickles. Also Sugars, Coffees (roasted and Kiwra wyioL-Ht -I wwu uauwf Hnur SWEET; EOmTDESi -X -dttt H. J.asmb Uk'.Oj u ill I xirlau -id f . ; MOT TOO LATK TO, PLANT. 1 '.'. "I . j' Miff j f, !' , 1 z. A foil soppry atiQ -Q hand, -AIM Ahe iustlj cla Mtl 9M Jlir i t. (. i- 'M llf ' rrrmt t -J pa (14 w eHrJ:, JttA JAH JAPAN TRAI , R Alse Ane atraiaed Hone.iu''d: siIj nj 17 ls Lri om and JitO!?. &f!f HO i;!r 5 ' asr Ttio ?f;fi wii'-fl. H HOwjSLL'S. rT1 lnotsendfbrWla?2 Newspaper with muctt -valuable to forroaUon fnee Jwai,i26.:$l&.ad7Mpwr .6o,to 44a . S440.; Be fuitojwjite; ae pef orsM ing eisewne: A GIrraANTKitbr'tho 'bested fastest J. selllnflr Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced SS percent. NATiowii Publishing Co., PhiladrtplLl Pa, v w-r t ) A .GENTS WANTED for Smith's Bible, Dictiona J ryandHolraan'snew '" ' An; U luJvnw iiui-.jl -. i 'fifeMS, Prieeft reduced. ! ClremArs!re, HOtMAX ai 11 .a . . and will eomnteteU: chance the bloed In the entire system h three monibAj Any person iwhojwlll take. one pui each ittghtfrom, l to la weeKs mar De re- ta neainu u sticn a ining be "possible. Senfcbr mail for 8 Jletter stafnbsJ L JOHNSON 4:Q0f.Bangqr, Ie.:i 1 f b rri n-yt r v.- BENSON'S CAPCTNE ' POROUS I PLASTER ! There is ho doubt about" Che. greaiauperlorlty of this, article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as Qnlmenta, electrical apr nnanoes. Art. Ask DhrsldanH rn rriur ewn localltv .about it vltfs wonderfoL i:SeM) by all IDrugglsts. nmm t. 7M TXHAIX .,-, . .; .... ..(......: The fictirgeoise and Sllnion type on which thin aner was lately minted. It was made br the old ohnsemtrpe foundry, .f Philadelphia, and wa$ tea oeeaum uq wnger mr use, 001 on lt became neceasarr to use a dlffemt BCTteMtye.jiItwlildo Boodserrlce for several .jtArAWtoiaei'JIwCIbesoldlri'loW toM' pur- CBaeenana fmj tk SOU ip liUOOinawna or without case.Aiflres8 . , ,..:.. OTSEByEK,i -ii r4- iil li TTKLL IMPBX)VED v - ! 7' i r ; ' filT jPEBTT FOB SALE. ' ' Any perosdesMng teprirenas 87 well improved City. Lot, House with nine roomsand modem oon renlences, fine well of water, brlek idtchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at decl8 THIS OFFICE. JOTICE OF SEIZURE. ' U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Collector's OfBce, 6th District North Carolina, V , 8tatesvffle,)N.!G., April 3d, 183f. . i Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, on April 2eV 1879: 1 TWo ' MuleA One Vagon and Harnesa and 24 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of T. M. MOTTl3.( :w . ill, 11 i'.:,- r Netice li hereby given to the ownier or 'cialmants of the: abtn Klescnbetl ptoperty iafipear. before .me sA w office In, StetewUte. and make plAlm .tceteto beiore the eiplratlon r thirty days fijom date breof4)r ;tE&-aarne wfH forfeited to the UnlidStateu; fouvti o? M.j. j. MOTT,Pii iiti&&fPH!3vi 5""jnr i'! ? '.'3o4ieetot.bG JJOTICB OF SSIZUBE. j . ; 3 ' i' INTEBNAL BEVENDE, 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V StatesTllleiJl.a, Apdl 2nd, 187.- I Seized for vtotatioTi of Internal Berenue' Law's, on April 1st, 1879: 8 boxes Tobacco, owner un known: 4 boxes Tobacco, the property of E. Fos ter; 2,000 Cigars; -tae-preperty of R. M. Gaffney; one half barrel of Whiskey, owner unknown. -' Nattee is hereby given to the owner er claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration, of thirty dayB from date hereof, or , the same will be forfeited to the United States; J. J. MOTT, Yorao, Collector. ... : '.-' . -Deputy. apr3 StiodOdys i , ... FAMILY MEAlj. i.l- li'Ji'.l '.'iii.: ' " 3 Car Loads 1,820 Busnets ci'b6lted ileal. Just received. - - B. M. MTLLEB & SONS, ap 5 S .... rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an In theTctbj, at o lan30 CONFECTIONERIES LeROT DAVIDSON'S. AROMATJC .i ri liHmjHt ViTTTsjajui ri s TEETH. GlIfJS'BflEATH A CD IS, OjBj C SB',' N I C S A L I-C T L I C J ' i " STJBE. CURE., : Manufactured only under 'tble above Trade-Mark . 1.; ; . : i ' . : r.: , . !;!' .; "el '?:;'.ni. -WhI , ...1 v; r- !;':, ! . EUBOPEAN SALICTLIC MXBITJINB Ca, OT PABg AHP LETP2IQ. ' Immediate relief warranted. Permapent cure guaranteed.iNow.MAuaWelja9ed byalbMlebKited physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple Harmleas, and. ReMable Remedy en both' contlaenta.' J The ; Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 85 cures out of 00 cases witoinfiiree days? Beinet--TSe''0Bi9JdlfiS(jlvei efl the poisonous tQ4o&5hteliexffi1 iaej Bipod jt. Rbeumatlc Endorsed by physlcjans;. SoM by all druggista. Ad- 'Sfnriul Mm TBTBTT-FOBBTH HA.;.' ,Ob1j! m(k ajeftr, iselUntf postage. 1 WMt, 52 i"' irwiY inn; iiun) .rrilrn:' The i ScttKtaro -XicebIcam ia k large firsWilass : Wseklr Newspaper ol sixteeji pages; printed La the . mostbeautUul style., lfusely WHatrated)r,witjv splendid enernvfass. tanreBBntfriD the nnorAat in Venttons and the mostTrecent- advaacea m tbe Artt ' aufi oraiKTOj; mniHnmg new am JunBresosg facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the HomeTHealth,; januu riuovn. bocuu Hcienca. NanmujunrAn. Geologyl Astronomy 'The most vaJtaiUMopracdcatf papers! emineBti wrlterai i i anjaniatevaxtawnteoC J&cleoee, will be found Jn the Hoisnti&e c Terms. SHO per year.' Sl.fiO half vear.w dudes postaee.'- Disooantteacente. ' fcmete Teniceniani boia D-suHeMsdElera iiBemltbsTpoft'1 rAi jiB.m' corjriecaon with 'las' HcWhflaq American, Messrs. Murm . "Coj: i. SoJiStors iof A merlcan and FtOeim Patents. ,ava had. S4. vaaii 1 SPeJ5in? PiWJiavee largest estabhfjtf) oo-jxu'-meit to the woridi'-' Patents arettiearrUii ,F- X J , besttermsyilAarJeiCAMlsTdaM J ". Oto 4Hri4t.4Banasrte this Agency, wia lhe iiame and residence ol lbs; cmxit, . ij uip uiuucun vuviuauon iiiub given, pobtte JattejittODi Is.' directed te Ae merits of the tnventioa. 4aa ascettaia. free bf Dhain htbar patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the imderstaiedjj .Weajso; send fxeeur Wa ibSgki Mark, their' coet.v and. how nrortiA for pjocarbi8riFancesn invebUoaa.;.- TTONN CcTarParkBOTf.Wtori.-11 jiraiiea umce. oor. jiv x 7tn ets., Washington,, C lit to V DO) BT . X. . .1 MM I T T f . t Wi'ti 't i j5 J" if i:i .r7ji Tvfi vnjrt j). - Harina; removed hh bfflce' to tf w first, linn the Traders' National Bank, an ) be iaund them 1 aer Seventhiind' Colleae streets, at nteht r' ail nnnvB, mtrtnvtntntuur, Afui nr. t.im mattanaa ww. W 7)b U ib-i - U viimJjDct i-j .Tff4i ;f ji ..,LJ v .,"mTj i!r . r M Jr . WNI)ING, 1 4 M , I i. ftv-qlj 1 li i,J ), I'. - in. 1 H I STEAM-POWER. if": II via ,11 'i.::fast iu .bl .m 4 to . lillli'il i-iiil Hi if IK "f GOOD WORKMEN. in ji, In connection , with the publication of The Ob serves, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRIHTINO HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has Just added a com- Ijleise':' ;.' ' : '' ; if. nj:i -: BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures,' .1.-1 BLANK BOOKS, ACCENTS CURRENT, And work of tMs class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every descrJtion, a ; i ., . , V . . . ; ' . ' LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS prints here as attractive a manner as in 'NevTorJr.' '' v,r 7 We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do wen to give us a triaL .We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as it is possible to make it - 1- . 1. :. ' ' I '''HI LETTERIHEADS, .: ;iofcVq isutii(i ..!; ;.; .. Statements, . . Order Books, ; ;YHl.ting CardsJ AL A 1", : ;,Bal! Cards, .1 Pamphlets. 1 i - 1: NOTEi HEAPS, CRMtjil. i'iii li;'' .i. - hhlri! i ,En?elbpepN' 11 ;andbf0S,": 1 ;n;. I ' i'.i ii-i ! ::! .IftfUPPS, . :s, Labels BILL, HEADS, J .'ji Y ! DeedsV ;f--- .-nil !ll ' ! li i ji kSi i i f.Vjn rr- Bastnesi cards.. t ru:-'i ... : i-.l etit -ioT0grajumest!(.. . . v&il f if8giSfrstes,'aif : i In fad, all kiads of priattna dose at short notice. i Ji v;uiiuo iui in c v I . mr gr Y"" k aawBVH sa wava w IMMIIWWM t g 1 'jiiii w tJt- vim u iu.iiiarjji jf. j w l3!1! than mpsf jo) es lpUshments,- POOE WORK Yad been" and will ft iv)n:!ifr.j' in; r'?i u : rurv b tlx' 1 in; ft,f(!'' h'l 1 t SATISFACTION CUARANTEED. tii.-j-i t b'l. .i"ili: , ii . 'i 1 -J; i'!lriAMM i "5 .l:Ui,.ll( i TTTK OBSEBvEB. (II ; ' , Athens, Qa., December 8, 18s 'A lew nights since I gave my son one dose nf t'v. Worm Oil, and the next day he passed frge worms. At the same time I gave one ton little g.rt. four years old, and she passed eteh s worms from four tp fifteen inches long eigIltsx Worm Oil for sale by Druggists KeneS11 pared by E. S. LYNDON, AthTns, Ga! T' Pre Price 25 cents. - feh9i . .manjj Tsl al VutAtni rw... . - ff, w'w.,, J-iuuras, ana Is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cubes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism and speedily cures all skin dig- Sold by druggists generally feb25 6m rpHB-WOBKINGMAN'S JTtlEfnFT " X WORKINGMAN'S FBlE2fD. In these days of political trickerv a tn, f-. J tfae time of needTls a frleid lm,1'1 afrtend is '"'asuui DK. WM. HALL'S BALSAM ""the LUNGS. -. it is a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTIIMa BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Throat. This well known remedy has been used for thir SOT and has ed thousands of Sl' J, which wem pivnn in n. hyvrrrzr o, mdny of in fiAiM rf rwfT:, is.JSl me Deal Lunca. 8 Bisam for the RememhsT thaf it t, k . BaiBam that cSSTthc rwor7teIWr'f w of ,hf JOHN F: HENBY, CURRAN A CO.. Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. B Wriston & Co., Charlotte, x. c. marl 1 ELECTRIC BELTS. iSSW. Premature de- ll nuZi l-r omy reaaoie cure. -'I Address J; K. REEVE Ctr- REEVES, 43 vuomimji pueeiu x. I, Feb,20KdAw3in:; JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY. For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed m my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte. N. C. declO Xisctllnmoxis. TF7U WISH to engage In an honest, genteel Slo iih6.8' 1 make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to f-Mf BANDOLPH ft CO., feb4w4t 107, 4th av.. N. Y. c ONDENSED TIME. ; NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. THAlNd GOING EAST. I No. 8 No. 4 I IXiilf Daily I ex.Sun. 6.55 p m I 4.10r ra 5.30 a m I a m Date, Nov. 10, '78. Ko.2 Daily Leave Charlotte, 1 Oreensboro, Raleigh,. Arrive Goldaboro, 8.45 am 8.20am 8O0pm 5.25 pm No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.H.C.R.R. (or all points to Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with R. A D. R, K. for all S06?1?? f 5K We8t Geldsboro wltli W. 4; W.B.R.for Wiimington. Ko. 4 Connects at Greensboro with B.4D.R. B. for all points North, East and West. ( , TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. bun.- Date, Nov. 10, ',78. No.1 Dally. No. 3 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, " Raleigh, " Greensboro 9.50 am 8.50 pm 8.28 Dm 5.35 pm 6.47 am 5.30 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.60 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Ch&rlbtte with C, C. 4 A. R. R for all points South audi South-west; at Alr-Llne Junction with A. & C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and No. 3 Connects at Sallsbnrv with w v r R B. dally except Sunday.' At Alr-Llne junction with A.&C. A. 1. for all-ppfnts South and South-west. At' Charlotte-with C., C. k A. Railroad for all points South and South-wesU , , ' " , ' SALKat 'BHANCH. ' Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 P m Arrive Salem,' " - " " 0.&0pm Leave Salem, " 5.45 am Arrive Greensboro, :" " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. & D. a&d N; C..RaUroads. BXJXKPZ&S CARS VflTHOCT CHANGE Bun both ways' on."Tralns Nps. and 2, betweea New York and Atlanta via Blchmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on' Trains Nos. 3 and I Charlotte ahd AtiOTitL . . t .Through, Tickets a sale at Greensboro, RalelgD, -'TprtncipalLjpototsiSouth,- South-west, West, Nortli anq gumi.. , ,j.pr .migrant rates to points in ArKau sas and Texaaaddrpss. , ... :, ;nov20 Klchmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA . AND RAILROAD. AUGUSTA "CllAHLOTTK, COLtTKBU AND AUGUST A R. . - .-i CraaoA, S. C., Dec. 27, 17' f". On and after Sunday, Dea SfithJ 1878, thefol- luwiug passenger acneauie will oe run over w road, . Washington time,) 1 v" ' " NIGHT EXPRESS, Going South, No. 1 Leave Charlotte, . Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia Arrive Augusta. ri ui al , iGQiNV North, No. 2. : Leave Augusta. Arrive Columbia. '. Leave Columbia,,'.. AmcaidottB,L..:.... , 1 00 A. tt 00 A. M . 05 A. M 10 00 A. S 5 55 P. 10 00 P. 10 10 P. . 8 10 A.M. 1 ; ! i" r si i Jgotng' South, Na 8. Lea've Charlotte..: yjj.u Arrive Colambla. , . .... Leave Columbia . . . , . Arrive Aueusja, ' ' ' goqtKg Nphth, No. 4. Leave Auguata... Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia, Arrive Charlotte .11 27 A.M. n .. 4 10 P-M. 4 J.5 F S' .. 03 ... 1 20 .1 no r. a 0 80F.H - These train stop only at Fort Mill, Rock Hi'' Chester, Wlrmsboro, Ridge way, Leesvllle, Bate; burg, Ridge Springs, Johstou, Trenton and Grani vllle. All other stations will be recognized as na ataHansi H?rxf.i; . m pats ssivuif av. viwiUAi wuhim AKivM ? " T. D. KLINE, Superintendent. ;1 Jm B. MAcUrspo, 0. P. Agent. inaai1 JLr aQAjTaVWvIo t-Ma 1 To11VaH 'CraitXSJ JA a Balelgh,N70L-.i) ; d ,iii y-j '. $ ' P. P n 'PrtV 194 Charlotte, N. C. .1 .n J-J feb7 jm-"" -'""; ii..1;5 .ui. 7701 j ii

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