- -rrn i - (if-.r.--T a --.- , , i . i . -. ... ,,.,'. , a -v .. T . . ! . . ..... .. . . , .. . ' - ' - . . ...J.. -r?TiJ aril ?rij i.jR774'i h li f 8VB8GBIPTI0ir basis : . one year, (jxwjw4) i siaW?. . tS 00 turf r tt;ivi. XJ.-v40 Sot bam t)Wrowv vpntixi with tmrv mettled. - 9tm4MtteA (A Rytet of Twe. em& every 'AW rtrw - w (me Month ............... 75 Weekly, (J count) to odmiMt S2 00 SiiMonO.. 1 00 Liberal Bedctkmjor Ctmtm. Of Job WOtKeaHWOtB. oewMe-VAKMOm tttjiji i ,twr :,.'-- ...... -li fyf.iv . .ii:i:vru ;r .r, "Tj .f . r.,.-. .! -x.- : - 1 v.. ....... . f LXTTEB-WBADS, CASUS, . : . ZA6& jucu&irxs, rvsuaust VOL. XX. -(l.TA'i -a-Bmww-Kmsmma- ti m J firm mi . mi .v. if a hi i i 'v. ii i r - r ik f TO.- ... v i 8rg 50tfjflg, IotMtt0,M '&c T ! if' sunIjmbrellas. jnri thai Ladles buying Parasols and San Umbrellas will laid the best assortment at the lowest prices a ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will abo find other goods to soft them upon which they can save money. lOur stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. . ,:!', to ? HtfflW,1;V-t -ril ftf!' .ji-tyh. ..now complete, among which may be found a 18 .1 ' .:'ll'twil vi!I fas .M-Mfll.r. tv.,.,ti. tuU supply ot House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, linen v.,nkirw. Dbyfa? indow& nvelrj farTety H-1 A'f T pets, Mattings and OH Cloths. Our stock ot Embroldea andTrlmmlngs Is large, . ..,i iminil vrt nhAnn. So will our stock Of ami wi c r .tJj HOSIERY. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS. COR- i.i- SETS. FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents tlheri Cambric Han kerchief and $l"sun ttntbre1lkkb'oawili mid them cheap, and'erorylhlrig:rtsB'ln'tJrt6oW. " ' Call and see us. It win pay you. "ELIAS ft COHEN. DUKGKSS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL KKAJ.KR IN r li -.I f T ALL KINDS CF u 11JRNITURE BEDDING. AC. !El2a i RwnniNO. Ac. BEDDING, AO. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! 'T J '( Y ! ? i i- ! .i 1 A Full Line of t7"-' J";'"'T' DISH. ... T.- .. . . , . I All ACI lit .amcBu VUiWW tit Mil- 4 .,., i-i.u r. iiii. )(. nvtiivrj-.. 3in i - 1 . , , i ouugnt mj Keep me way oi uve twoBuanij - . . . - - - . . 1.l ; DRESS GOODS. LADIES' HATS. t letilTed per tsxpreJ solni pyiiajiii w -wa uv o v -v Beneath me yawned the darkness, wide and deep, My footsteps tebewuder and retard. : .hniu i No help warteft, sswa on my knee to reep Close to4beerambllng edge, and eUng and w With weary nmbs,4md hands all bmteed andsc Uf "lil Ilis ;(-V-1 'ii 'v Jt!l ti ..Uiii -.ri i i For this, mataonght;! was tafth-wltt desperate HUN, To grasp the worn-out relict td a creed; , To grasp the worn-out relict xd a creed; , I reeled and tell-oh,'wTer upon the breast w arvrvwriuvi -ir vuvm w uw - r m . . . . , . . . AT DUVU 111 -HMIUU1T 0lHmi U M ffVSW We have Just le hand some Lace striped BUNTINGS, - hA iii T ' In Black, Drab and Cream colors. Also, n . TRIMMING SILKS, In morale patterns.,. Don't fall to look at our Black and Colpred.S.Us, uimer Silks, 8Uk Gren adines In stripes and Brocades. A second stock of . . . . . . I UIVU Among senators, zaen. cnamner u spree eim nem. ""'..- .r- f 1 v Tix . i. iim HAOAnnnnAin nnunmai ne u neYer nun- i . n.iu 1 t atk BCHXFDU VKtUW C -iMVU VI 1MB MMMre v-.M 1 OTA - - IOH7, A man In I arfVTTTO hTl TMrBTX nOrS nas U) own a nm-daM mlae por ha cells at $110 per ToTbe colored French .,.( ;,- .fl;iil ii;.,.,t Whe And Colored Linen Lawns, The hwdaonih est stock of ' w -. l hBmuM ti rut anAfLVino- nwxmm InnnrliV'A Vismnm Y -' ' ' ' " l-' '..'"'-I- TUdL l&ttl in1 this' season's selections; Ourlftorts have be place'upon .sii iSHpWffi WBSS3SBS& ilio,iiespetteagea;m awba county, anyokstraction to the ' ..nij. ..a r j-io'i i ' 1-.-t,, . ,, , . ,., : ;SSSfiSW; 5SiSE 1 1-,... G-ME 'AND' SEE BEFORE-BUYING ELSEWHERE ! ; Itheyeax.theiiiaMrfto ; i : i,, ; ..UN..' Jill! J. ,11 t-lKHise cleans ttaetebe -0-5- 'Jii.l SWISS fJ EDGINGS ii . : ' -'ui AND u' .i.i; .a jia'j i. : INSERTINGS In theT marked iiso a second stock of Lace and LlslA, fiojres ahdritts;ailors. , ,. ," i,.r 'J vl rfc VT J .ir. TL.KIGLECO.v , the roam:: 40aeuaTeM WONDERFUL ; ...v. , in ffiHBl iiiSiE 5 CENT COtJNTifeR ' ' CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! if ,ii .nil 'a u- i-,.i!!.,'t()8lUW!,u U kM Lit: ARTICLES Kttu0'FOR ' ' CHEAP BED8TEA f idAlHAltBEBSpi-SI . , COFFINS of all klpds on hand. 4El K. 5 Vest Tbaob St-uot. "I AH )VATiAA , CHARLOTTE, N. C ,,4,,. rti i 111' 1 tar Ladl-is' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a tine supply. Jan3 EXPOSED AT H. MORRIS & BRO'S: 1 'jnii'siiLi arnii. t'l 5CENTS' :. r..-j a Hf'.K i.iinzTi.i- . UAOHJl; a WORTH 25 GENTS; . Useftrf In eVery household and needed by etery- body. . . - .. i- i k. it'i ! ,'i:u ; !t Don't fall to call and see those wonderful !VBATiG"AlNS;. .1 ' 11 i ' j. .... .-. MA's-iM ti l ". Although all corfori'oo nateaaced by the .v. .a T ii m-.;.u "... . .. i . r 1 it : . A i 1 1 I M late rise' of Cotton, we are stm selimg wsor, B ARQAINS -(!.: ill HTOZ. Ill 5 vnswii ; wt,i iLTtg gpE- EC E. G. ROGERS' WARHOOHS f I f f i) stock is very Lar, anoTmlwaoM a FuU tomee s AUL0lt, Cn4M?? PWPfWi. 'if i 1 ..,. ' . . . . OVKICE FURNITURE " " i i.v f .itM;(Ut'i-J -ni at sednoed rates, we Inylte ererybodj to taspeet - ii. .1 if.w.T . ('.if i-i.i il.t'i ii-.l .Jar: ' . 1 . iiu v I'f 11 11 is: I .1.1 (:. -i:!iiriiA. 'H mi-Jnwrt . i I"" t '"'''- 4.-.KAUif---.Tf 'a1 Ii .1 T -JUTJ-r-rt i) rH'M5fe;-ll -O.l ill :t VSi2li4 ii -4--11 .J.'tt-r Vii VUniv-iT- to know what am the nnniL latest and most fa insert m lieu thereof the word April; ieuu in Spring jSan&ento Is our new . 1 1 ! and in line five .of said section, strike ; ' l"' " An'-ui '' out the wxaaTjutf.J ......... years" Tand insert rl TiMdie'S rirer, in , ,A:&-u Je4.L riiahJi id iqi-n-n nuJi'. Nrr-i, L v 1 m. , . . , ...- ..;.( , ..4.,; (,..!. f ..,1 I ii : -'. t' also who are recognized ; . house, will assure all la-. made. The latest de- fillihA R li 'IHiHt'l 1 J.i -iUr-i-i nr,I . ! ' "' ' " " ' ' ' ' ; . i ..' XI7T7CT 17TVTT. C A OIT : years" Land inse-Trj ireacnes tivbt, in , .aj-xh 4fc.i ntauui m fcHiiaosi v-jjjq-j u, jS J-f .k-tli . . .2 soul to Iwarenly darkness lies at lesfc. in L.incoln ana uaswrauniies, onn -iwM-wwi;i) M .,, 1 i,,,, - : ' "' y'i'irfrV ' ' - ;.; Torkof Catawba and Buck creek, Mc- CwjftpicwvlVoctwith v..-1'. .oiisiTATioW;'; ,y ':ftji&iS 8w;,,';: "V, ;,v; ;u;.;nftj , -iok' .-njiino-i'iiii nna-m ;,)'t; r - . i . vij-,!!.:.! i,! . ii :. shall not Tjreyent persotH nsnrfre to ,,. , .., . t .,, . ,.f .rj,. ;i.r.." i,h.,n t ..wa ti i.i.i,,- ! t InwU v: THE:P$I!EBJA!fi of March, A. IX ;-LJia atoipjci to.JjtdBao0gerithaiil! .nWoVvSS -p- . . r - . -. 1 j -ii'-,) - . t . . . 1 .'Hi ft i ; t' . SEC, TBarxms act 1 gracvf ul appearance, are made up In every variety An int tn Rtrar-0 (he Ohslrneiiona1 le the Pas ai. .Prirtia' J IsnwaW in the" wtth TrT'ii an the most usefni rniwiig the gnr- e iVtti' sTUiB (peSIn-onr Hat' department we invite the Inspection of the most cut rnjto jlevlees of shades and styles, W boasts particularly upon the very reeaproducUon oi t. Univer Unlver- ouf - l. j.,..jMMr nniu uaui&.uL icojl wu.ivvv r ' 'in" m - - i i . taSdbwttwtcla-lnevery ; "h i.; yiij J.nui iiwuiLUA . .iiili .ub j jJia Ilia UHT Z0 .0ll HU ii id O'. Jiowwltb -u antt' ingnrenea law'jQanjft, 7 -r ..'," i. J I; : w w ii . i ?sisr:. i nff viniauoii ui uiis couliuu i i. .t-. r the stam upon &. icase ' i soap,' er.-wimvan wac ' , , op an sttB down In a I fine wid.iiop.jaod wtth, piii .mjii,';! I linTiriHiiriiiiMiii .. . i iwtiiir trips eer some pall. TIB VETO AND T1LK DE310CBAT!. .,:'i:Tr:X. ona who ate, obstmcpTffiTOjg Wm'ttt n ti IT 1.1 IT I A FIT i ' -. - H 1 1 I B"B a at 1. '..Wi ' f-t!i;i -M"(l!l,i'(' ' t .-.'j, k h ! it J 'ill ifff: .'t '!.' IL.'l !.". iioij inho i '.'ii i t 0- - io :-ja;'J liif.J. ?J7 i-.'if.i.'J-'.ii -'ii,,. ;.h : )!!) i r-s. ) .. . . I' .'.i i'.iUi llllf I' .., .... .; -..,, ' l'7 '' '; '. - f..rv nrKx hnrA rtho fr W,n-n CT TTt C"TrT TTTT. T . i in WvlrtA flahtirK'a'. riVr 'Aaid akm 1 Of - . I . a,-rf "JtK. r. ' TT f T TTrilTT'. f-pio : ' - THI FI NftT LOT.OF ! CLOTHING Eclipse, (mt "the vouniryxare. land five of ir4iatWt;'f0ry-t . , W a cTiT-Mji-WTtr rt iHta-i J-T1ia T)Anrfw I river in th pi tiiiiflai'riJibgeilbed lu sec- crati&Wftmbers'of the House wwrtinto tiononevof thw!Jtoi,ra,Bi1Sf .j- . ... .. . J . 3 t i lt. ll : ,,.,--,;-.,;.. ...f 'l.. . 1. 1 i i - ' ' . - .raiiw v m io!1iiiiiiiiuiKH rau I i , . i mill . ..i. i .1. w i. niim, uaia cm. buv i jhbwbbb. . v -w- . 1 . 1 , n . , " rW , I A. II L.I Til . e r tnurof thffnooer.lobbiea and to Moertaiiiif there, were . any Tailors. sauntei.araunfl aurrepatiousiyipoK- aspjviiaW:4:i ii uiJw:' . : .. ...Wl,f , ing wwm;-' owingto tw jmm-,9t- 6tjm0e0 '-'Ft 'caucus proceedings irutome of the pa- andafterjittificajiftB !. MrniL j 1 i I I ' !? ress had in some way secreted thern., si, , mM'.WA-. bJ '-!' Wir i ' ,l selves in he-uiug distance of the can riiaar- rhev satisfied .themselvea -tkai idttie fcauius ooSdet WhA Malice Totoards )tcihe and With POISDEXTER SEKf ENCED ''ii'. : .'i ' i. iiHi'i ( AkXAA il.ot.o,iiiiia ArrakAoA mhol Malice Towaras'aone ana nun --i . UW1 ISflUMWlOuaui'lU) v v.vvi. mvrAiitiona taken bv the caucus leaves the army of wrreswntents here at sea w-mgnu A ny are qryuiK awui wjwii seeking their friends and sturdily en- of this afternoon s proceedings, cut wviviwyikw ii..: r,.J. l rfii rT I . IT. i rliTxrS. was Tea u) ine DHT or I ".1 n Charity for irem of, H-ili .niiiimii fehil rnu'.' j a i'rjrtiicvf '-Ti. -nsE.ri-- sr rrrrrcr. nrvvv have 8aM that tW press correspondents sponse Srtr? 11 voi-mnMl imvA U iU lo o. - , " M , mu ' v ! : 'xji ' 'i! r i wm have an opportunity to give their heeEi5gto why ia' geamefg 3?oi-tsmouth Va., and thetfee' all Hail and Through Cars, Enabling Qmck- SSSSJS ' . est Fossibid Time ta-allPoints South and Southwest. - ' wuiuuciauiv.iEacuiiiuuii w " v"v . ., . i, KS-cirntnili Jii "s t ') ' H'"l' " . :. ' , , - tJrSJ? &vOT JSte -S W, Zn -liMM;0- COMMISSIOK, KO HAlLIG EXPENSES, MINIMUM LXSIJBANCE. mark, their speculations concemmgUia J fenlKS.! ! I -arlreteop Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills f Lading Issued at Steamship Wnfl roumuuiio vuw;i-usu! Ti .;.! iritnifi oni .iiKierK' i 1 Mark Gtoodz Dlainly Via Seaboard Alr-Llne. Freight received at any nour oi ine aay, siuu iutuuku dius oi io-uu owauiomy mmiT of recent caucuses lWisTmjtJ'not' -t r .. ;, ,. . . . XTTKXJr AttJl ratified fev. the- ittd-fment of the 0rn-'r "u rfx7 rJ I mit. mnkSivn th firs lr. t--4t verdidt WhifelL if ? Time was aevoteu w-aay "j- .6-v --. -i-..;r . 1 j ' toteeTissbigthrtapppriety of .JAISSS bers1 TnfaktTiff ; pu MiC " tne utterances oi 3 k"," cT BT'tl nWiMi-W'7-hi:I "'" -i 4 'his native State, which has edueatedr' AV ,vauvim v--7rf ? T ci.rvi-kii'i ( f li- ' c H I ' r'l". i ! - - Ti If . It -Jewfeaejilamves,, Mtte: neir';aMMre aim w famM I l i ' ;'s; ,! eagerly sought than they have fflW Ml&W I m.l.i r- iuv.i.w'Mi-A ' amm. tMAWMUMtii 1 iiiirUi ii iiiisnL n n i Jin imn n-r -ttt iTTirTWi-i mi b t t 1 ( i .1 R SjEINCH South Western Agent, . : l , ,.i ; ii , i ! j T. T. SMITH, Agent C CXltailway, ... Cfiarlotte, 1 1 . . ; CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) 7iL lXoies. afteplttVe'lyMerilflr'W. sayiniyj to fe. rMiMfcrrmtW spoke m terms 9f.iWWPathy for the waareachefc - All sorts of niiabrs are deceased and for hisiater. lie aiiuaed rifew. 0w?lstoi--e effect that(there"wae tofo&9fcP$M a spirt in vf arf-rM vwa tA him twh that there was a great aeai 01 wuk u ho- i jjwiwt..mhtiA&?ttv the fact that at an early ;ru ,. jjiwif iii; -j .ii $) X,a:N.T.:IL,I;,N.E. ' Itiferts's Creat'rnB Beraliv The bestTreparatton for the1 Half iiowktrowa It gradaktty Restore gray ' a-lri to Its natural color, prolox4ng;aluurltp'owth,erad dandrNfl, cores all diseases of the salp, prevent the hair -from -fairing out and relieves neuralgia rn the head ' and Iadaone. ' Try It Prepared by XANTHINE ca, RlchBiond, fa andiorale by allDruggls,; ,.;! .rt-II i! 'An : 1 1 1 1 . re defi ed. tne fact tnat at an eariy ;nour w-mgus-r snntinm to aii IfcllU Hill ran , I ..u Ui i f -,krfW3 TfieATd alttO awmriTTAH I -h--. -- . --.-- : Ile'clkert bv thankiri.' m&mPX. . U A. 1 JN . . ' . i ..Hi - r . t i-U.. l. ... 1 1 i . :i 1 f usnun an-iwwn wwrwnii HiFPWfTTrrraii' wneiieiioia-Miaii ineaucusisjo- 4 aifiiESCSzv lutely6etfefmvrfcemof WtBfed Ttere ... I HaYi'fAi fcUtWnbUi I ... I " r-T tt r--jp : .1 wjr rvT1- Another Story arm it is proDaoiy me -rtl:4;" " . .1 'I ' ' 1 r .'il' ! "' .Ii: ! i ' 1 I ' ;i (-).V' . ; s vr. v. v.., ... 1 j i "IL A A. i.1 AAHA1..n2A. U.a Arfl, . ... 1 Wei WILU LCiUB. At ui uu 'torthe bufDOse of feceiMhg,flndJt(3Uaaifc m-., tv .m, . nerallli of new and UpoftthWortf-thenVffiittee . . ' . SrHlnat W ai e.rn enable but it is unaerstooa inui tnen- sessiyir r rtwr'TrrV .-W, .,v i T priees. SUlTiib tssiuui l u yn-'i'J iiioji Hause,branchof the corixmittee, that.L ..a .k :a?'u . t xi ,;.i5ii.i i..' - .-,;jti -rhtt-h ivMimur asithe , , n 1 wtv Uwk m Mimnktai in Men's, Youta'sv uauuv oiJUuMl Cnlkuea' icludfe v. bat -its : (niiiiK? : A Special "lot of. , . , V 1 V f .H i ," 1 !l M ssa cashmeres AND ferTjeeedni utf nrawaeini It viv'biMilii!s--K(ni;.i3:i-is 11 r l ! f;t;.'.,7' rf. Wr tjiatnothmgof importance ourrearje-1 "r .. , ' . . , .'.fit "IT AiPr eTI?r,Jl ixaaituUtoaxX . vSSi what &mmms A i i4n.tff ;( w tu mthe-wperU-ent et parehasing at-, cotaitV falf named, WOWL,' jWPO n DVniC'' ' ' 177 TTT. rS;r; 74.: uwTcu.iv- 1 ra.Lu.Dl.Bhihnuniif BiaiKI.I'-Tl fhi. hnmrla-m nao oaili3ri TilBlnff Rinn re - ' T'""r. T.TT-Ti 11,1 Wl UUillMJ'i.i"avX"KV,l .-f"8mT.r , ,. i.--Miir in Jjl I jcoH X U OSOOTIUWI w i riwto mum man itoea.resdy to.jive auptatlon ot 'JZISM I.-tiriilnhiriMfeS4Mfr M1N WWIim-H-a w Xe as represented and rkW a thaif can be" . f 7 . j t ,r. ..kiboa. mt l(if d. at bit XI .?-nr .fm'f "in it TiKw.ii.i"-" " - ' f i-!Jf.-fi ! Jm.-jI v-.uj ml S--'i j ,!i i;iJw J 'cii'i Mill aitrood dealof discussion upon the such -rr7r v: , ; iwmjiuuwv. i?ri Involved Tri the whole controversy, txne receipts iroxn-Heemai revenue , a r. sua ji (51 noHKisunn J VJS -t. .n-imhM nf Ifkv tliA -tPti mnnthsTfifthft fiscal vear I ! . j hhe most ultra character, while Ransom ended1 April 9t6Mfi4L ; klub luuob ui , t M rmnarfid with the L i ...... .. ...... ...... U BOlUt) OtllOlO TTOTU I wu. . N , , 'T : f' ... f-; tliil'l r-i .-i A, -' .,d oy oo j Bffs ad Slippera, ' All Goods Packed Free of. Charge -r mr v Tiff A r . licludlDgthI lJhifceshl UMa3 ean aSo tefound In our stock a complete line of fine Pelt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of naeme"i ruraUhlng floods. Don't purchase bef you examine our stock, as the cheapest . BARGAINS i Aprfl tO. n aiul Trim RtJL. " rdarlotte:N7c. us iSdlt& wW founded, yiif'i i - 1 Th?Senateicaucus Bnntveryi ntue fenit ft nhismiatirh'' iff. i-vnlvlmi whole controversy. I The receipts fwttiT4aenal revenue ekisting appropriations bv joint resolu-r withstaadingithe reduction of taxes. 1 tfctoftheestio j rZJxim? ITMIil Aril ATVfl. I TliFrUI ;t-T HUfe OCbf 4i; i w vIlW " ,'-7 V. "t ed before the miaqie oi June. I Tk-otH a- hn la wnrne. 1 the inevitable result WnxAta ArtntTni mnirTslon of the nenAtrual flow. It . - f v.-' ' IS 1 COBIUWUi'-lUwMiwkw, w NiumniHi. On Brterny, To thfllr anromtaStfeature of even Chat famous street,, .atltutlonal ruin. In all eases of wppnslon, MW-y a SwSSiKnmttoiS tn8lonor other irregnlartttes nf fcecoui3e-,',f tl ZninASlWmfi J.BradfleldXPeR , ftfjuipfmL at moderate prices, w cuimuwcu uj uv urwoiyuvu, t I 1 U ABl JAJUA lUUjUf IVI U. . i . apr22 lm Grand CentraL aprSO lw DIXIESOAT. ' p.'i.cjiw 4;bo,,; . : 31ehinxmd, T4., "tfjinV'ifn 'all 'tnft frfanArd varlfitleg of LAUNDRY .SOuVPS, tTRT OURDnUB.fiOAP. iEI JUST RECEIVED AT TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, .. a well seleeted Stock of WRITING PAPER, Including Note, LettenSennori.'Legal and Fools cap, which theypropose to sell cheap for cash,. Also French Paper of every description, with En. velopes to match. . - n t . ' !1 Also Paper In boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE F NEW YORK. LA RfAfHlftnl trfcntfcifl nnon the laws nf arood socletv U New York. u , .-..:!'. : ;i Tr:i T3 1? nTTTXrTTTT C tLLUV(AX,T f AX -AX li.i T-oaeriirrltpiedaC-idc Dfsaepata. Thc-aif aaunrtvalkHl Diane PW, mild aperient, anf arfralmiVI iulAhfAiLaa'af amll mndlcuie. Thev (are-iedt-uPtSemeei' cultivated people hi onr eeuntry, and are extensively use ny paysKsansm .Uelrpractkse. Sold by Dnigf generally. Send lor etrcuiar. a. H. tnwaw urtrf buiu juanumcuj r er,PetoraburJ1lfI,1T,tfiJt , ' j ( EMINENTpRS. S.'L:J.C;OTPLET; Say: Colden's UebUfs Umldextmct of Beef la a, Arery agreoable arOok tf-5gtedartleularly nae--rmiXSmi tniii . ii -.n--i-ii il-il.if-itfM.fi-1 -4irn ti - - . - - Congress Tie Envelope a new lot just received. Edward Todd 4 Oa's Celebrated i 4..!,. : ' 'ii.'i. 1 ituxxi.K'riro, A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen. ..... ;.; ".-iii'l 'n-'lv'i'i Mi...U.1: TtDDt ' BRO. are also agents for .Emerson Celebrated Rubber' : -- . 4 . U.W :,.' i : HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them win receive prom pi a t 'teatkn..i . . . ;!i..t . ' " i if!" j 1 E. BTJTTERICK i CO.'S METROPOLITAN " , ; ; ! ; ! il!!-. .Mil i Klil'l. i'..'. '"1 .liiii i . ,11 iiJiiyiiiiJini .1 .iii.ij .rjf i, r- .,i i-; Si. 1tYiwtoIM' TerialaSJsim free Hid- AlPACCAS; '(! tl - i - f ; 1 - - ---- . . t . , . i 11 1,1 il , :? ,.J tmU-Jl.j.M, ' ka-r-Tfarrrrrrnfti: 1 ' lii;TlirAXWELL 4'HARRISOXT . AthJntpnaKanti.last io lIFfSS 4Uli 1T1DD1DC Sflla.8-.: I , t.(W ,1.v.;,.fiff--: JJ-. liT- i" ,.n;...v. ..... . ". . - ---- r- ; f 'U ' ye... I 1. ..if-. Ti. 1 m .T I ... I i Tmndrslgi now pteparedto 11 ail orders tor every class of Undertaking ; Ha-lng on hand.' fuD assortment oT ----: EASHIONS ; ! For May1879, Just received at , , T I .i....; II. .1 i: ! ' ! I il.:il.i ' J. -I TTnnv npo'a. ..i .i;..rv-.-.---r .ii'f.l i'-J-ilj" ': CASH PAID FOR RiGisi ' ! ' lii-HiuuiKH -- r--.il .'t.- ' i; .j -i!l .l'fciH Si" AUCTICCIixNIIt-.' 4 i s-': gentlemen;1: Avtsrw vie itpjvr hVfir P-AiifUrJk l-iM,L4iMJji;Ta; ars?i:-'' irii 'i jr.H i. uu nuw mn"iH'. j rl uw .mnr. 1 . - JrlV-.'r "'If t-ilj kiiatoweIMr-M WITTKOWSXT 4fc BARTJCH. .4-H8 ?nlilk1 td h-ilBtrtl H Mliiio .aau i ... i,. . m.H hi si-ay iin"- fTfifirsf fnmlshad . f) ! fcuohtkl! r.n t.Z 7.r.lC,f.70.rtA htuoV ramftatw of every Derlii6-( ReMtred'at'iinoT' iiMJU!ii .ii lMi ieii tJ 51 k w.ifc'irii-iU?a,; Wtth X. a Rogers, Trade Street. Junaaa -IT?!. ;;iiiJ -'Mlri'-t ,IWiJi.f . ( j.,,; KMutf . ,gJl lO JMU JfOOSlf !?UrJ! f ,r. " ! ":ifli;.:'. y Buy and sen on consignment an kinds of rf Ml!RCHANBISZ ANl) C0IJNTRT PBi)DTJCEV A.! 'xif 1 sil .'' .suiJji-J iJ 1 A . I I 4. . r J ..... - . i . 4 1 T , it auennon wau Duamess pnirusveu w our caro . t , . , ( n''f -'" iU?.- tiul !" v"m , decs ' .ifiMi'I Oil: ft AQAA IN CASH WIXJ PtfltCHASIsa oK 5a vA wwer wmrmg; v n ress,: euernsey man"v-i:uui style, size of bed 26x40 Inches; : Was lq me T iw amnlttaw1 War nA As--V aH-a.aai 1 f- H A 11.12 T- editor Xnterprlse and Mountaineer, Greenville, AC - 2.:-.. J-" JaiUtf I IK4 I... I.J'.ff'i-

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