TUESDAY, MAY & 1879. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. BA1LBOAB DIEECTQBTv The following tabla shows the ruraitag of pusen Ji trains to and from Charlotte, on all the. rail & (Washington time): . Arrives f romBlohmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 10.50 a. m. wes from Richmond, Leaves lor '"' ' : 045 p. m. ATLAKTA OHABIiOm AB-LHrB. . . rrives from Atlanta,:, , . 8.20 a. m. Al1 Atlanta t AX m for Atlanta,. Arrives from Atlanta,... Leaves for Atlanta....... 6.50 p. m. ...... ,100 a. m. cHABixrrnt, Columbia augusta. Arrives from Augusta,. Leaves for Augusta,... v rrives from Augusta i eaves for Augusta,.. ..3.10 a.m. 1.00 a. m. . , 6.80 a.m. ..' 11.27 a.m. CABOLINA CXNTBAL. v Arrives from Wilmington,. , 7.29 p.m. Leaves for Wilmington,. .-. , . . . : ; 6.00 a. m,, Arrives rrom oneiuj,. Leaves for Shelby,. 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a. m. ATLAHTIC, TKKMPtm OHIO. "K : ' a rrives from Statesville,. ves forStatesvlUe,.,,,. 6.80 p.m. . ,.''.'";.. ... . j 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE POST OFFICE. :w . OPXHS. CLOSKS.. vnnev Order TtepartmeinX'lmoo a. m. .vK.00 p. m. nwristry Department,. . ?. .9.00 a. ra, - 5.00 p. ra. ,?Sn&un8tampIpiTaOO a. m. 6.00 p. m. (,eini4 f .iT 80 p.m. 8.45 p. m. r on Srmaaysthe G$ral Delivery and&tamp apartment wW be opeiriom 9.00 a. mJA 10.00 a. m. OFBNINS' AKT-CI06IH O MAILS. .- OPKK . OLOSKa.- nal,vme&Charlol; p. m. , harlotte & Atlanta R."R.,'. 8.00 a. m. '9.00 p; m. u & Augusta R. Hi,. 8.80 p. m; 10.00 a. m. wilm'n 4 Charlotte H. R.;. 8.80 p. m. , .00 a. m. "harlotte A Shelby R. R.,. . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. & statesville,...., 5.30 p. m, 6.00 a.m. Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at r. no p.m.. arid Tuesday at 8.00 a.m. ' ' & Yorkvtlle. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 m and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. , . p' m" W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department, i Office CiiiEFfSifiNAL, pPFfCEJt, Washington, May 5, Ti30 p. m..) For t)ie Sooth Atlanta 6tateaj sBght 1 v cooler northwest winds, partly cloudy weather, stationary or .rising barometer. Local Kepert lr Teterday, J A.U. ,P.M,9P.M Barometer ". Thermometer Kelatlve Humidity,. rVUid Direction,... Velocity Weather .r49-K17 29.784 29,822 ,65 . 5 Cloudy. 75 5 S. 6 Cloudy. 8.W. -5 Cloudy Highest temperature 78 dec; lowest 63. index to New AdvertiMementts Attention, H. N. R. . , . . t, , , Mrs. H. M. Ramseur Lost Mrs. J B. Franklin Attention, Ladle. R. M. MlUer 4 Sons-Groceries. J. Moyer Boots, Shoes, &a ,; HOME PEICCiLlTVCM. Three of the city churches-were closed Sunday and the others were crowded. A lady advertises in to-day's Obser ver for some lace which she lost Sun day on Tryon street Col. Chas. R. Jones lectures to-night before the chamber of commerce and the public. i rir A V Al4vanflr. rifiTitist has re turned to the city after art absence of" six weeks, and may be found" at all hours (luring the day at ms .onice. . , .; The regular monthly meeting of the church aid society will be held this' (Tuesday) afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the Home, corner of -Sixth and Poplar streets. " - -; The sheriff yesterday- received the blank assessors returns from the , State auditor, and is engaged in sending them out to the aswssow efth severaltptfTi- shi ... HlGTJiOlU. It is stated by a citizen of Gaston that undef the recent act of Assembly pro li ibiting the sale of spirituous Liquors within ceii)taicejCiot? certain churches, vlllagWjtad1Xualiouses,it is not lawful now,.to sell liquor j,on more than about five tifiM territory embraced in his county. ... Noticing the item in The- Observer to the effect 'that-the i Hornets' Nest Riflemen will carry, a pretty . full 00m- liiny to Columbia 141 tne mer merchants will let the boyg off, the Columbia Register 1 uAf at 1. n 4,. I s;ivs: "ui course tne mercnants win let the boys off: If they don't,-bur boys w ill never forgive them." Mr. J. Moyer, the; well-known Trade street merchant has quit the clothing ousiness and ,19 now nanuung. doois, shoes, hats, caps, etc! He has.l)e$n in business in Charlotte for a long time and has an en viable reputation for; honor and fair dealing., Ilis advertise ment in another coluinu will attract at tention. . .-';.t V : Last vear was the ohlvi'One within the memory of any man when it .did not rain on the day of the municipal election, ay some oversient "on ' tne part of the clerk of the weather it 'Icon-- art ot the clerk of the weather . con- j tinued dry all day, but yesterday, the 1 vierK iuuy realized wnat. was expectea "i mm in rne premises ana me wyer- i Hgns were dampened awrdin?to cus- t,Mn- : : - . . . ... ' A Strange direwth in heaS. . A citizen of Lincoln lays on our table a singular growth which he says is des troying all of th6 wheat in his ' county: U lias sprung up simultaneously with the wheat and grows to the same height Xo one has ever seen anything like it before and its exact botanical classifi cation has not beenetermined7The people have begtfaito call 'it "Dutch ((ekle" but nobody knows why, for it presents no point of resemblance to the "lu-fashioneH oruWa Tf. hsw n white 'loom on the ton. and bears numerous pods each of which contains four seeds. fJ.".1' i8 th8, gentleman -who : 1 'g3 us tne specimen declares tnai it s drawing alf of tliebsce.&pm wlieat. .nL . . .' - ... 'I . -j H aavorf-iw .i i w to Smoke a Pipe. i i , , . '-,j-ir,-.i. bK-JSS noary with aee and venerable ;mth Journalistic traditions, endeavors to-1 uu me ioiiowing on its connaing readers : "Tn . thma whn utfjinhAii ; the pipe it may- be mattetiHnteri a Z . .Know now , their,.ili Pan: or !imthe usualnrHhe lastl --.or tne txibacco becomes damp rrom v,c presence of oil or nicotine drawn, Irom the heated tobacco above !' Which .UI neaithy as comparea.fWitn i-ne jwoke from first to last: Placeia -smali Hantity of tobacco in the bottom of oo wj, light it, and when well afire, fill -pipe, ana Defore eachdrau Kht pull outward throuish Jl't &1 od W II IPh Aoin.. it i .. a a - - - vard nuiuC i a 81, Snored p pe - rZ"ui , Thk Observer calls that hand. , It experimented with the above meth- od anrf warrants it to make 1 any - mart TH E-liUNICIPAI ELECTION.' i. I. OSBOBITO ELECTED 1VATOR. ATlnkirrUTto atrium, f I . r imrTiM rr aimrr i and Aidenat y VTstHU. 1 . Although the vote for mayor in yes- terdav s election was not so full as it was last year, the result showed that there was none of that public apathy on the- subject which some persons sup- posed existed. I Indeed, the total Vote cast for mayor foots up 1,194 against 1,329 last year when the interest In the municipal election was unprecedented votes cast vStZZ J? Se v0! 5, 7552!? Frank I. Os- W W ISmirTS X vTr Maj; and lfor S rnVT Mri 11 juj. usuornes maiOrir.v AVPt-Mai wiiim- Osborne's maioritv ovpr' Mai F'lpm: ming 54 votes. ? . As to the general features of the election, there is little to be said, lhe friends of the contestants en tered into the election in the ear ly morning with a great deal of spirit and for several hours all worked hard. .By noon a majority of the votes which were cast during the day had been poll ed. The candidates and their friends manifested a greatdeal of enthusiasm in their work, -but went at with good feeling and very little bad blood was exhibited during the day. One or two difficulties of a minor character occur red, but generally speaking good order was maintained and the election passed off as quietly as the average municipal election in Charlotte. Public interoat. increased as the issue became more and more doubtful, and when, after the clos ing of the polls, the result became defi nitely known, the enthusiasm of those pn the winning side was unbounded and Mr. Osborne was borne in triumph Liuuugu nie streets Dy ms mends. The followinff is the vote for mavnr and aldermen by wards, the three alder men receiving the highest number of votes in each ward being those elected: WARD NO. MAYOR. 1. W. W. Flemming. 218 F. I. Osborne 124 ; Majority for Flemming 94 ALDERMEN. C. Scott 325 Thos. Grier 341 D. M.Bielef........ Jl. 225 Scattering 25 WARD NO 2. MAYOR. Osbome 173 Flemming.. 133 jority for Osborne 40 aldermen. T. T. Smith f. W. W. Ward X J. T. Schenck, colored John Smith, colored L.'Wl Sanders:...;.1..:.. 240 153 116 111 92 77 Martin Weddineton. colored t G: B. Nazarenus 42 Wm. Housef, colored. 32 J . fj. Johnston, colored 19 WARD NO. 3. MAYOR. Osborne 198 Flemming. . f .5. . 142 W. a Normeht .. ............ i .... !. . 3 Wm. Johnston 1 Majority for Osborne 52 aIkrmen : -' J- W. Gordon, colored,. . 211 John Garribaldi,. 183 H.T.Butler, 172 W.M. Mullen 171 R.Y.McAden,. 138 Scattering, 15 WARD NO. 4. MAYOR. f Osborne, 127 Flemming,. . ... . t-. . . ; - 85- Majdrity ieVODorrrf. . ALDERMEN, '42 CDowd,. f. .. .f. u. Tf. .. 4 S. Wittkowsky,i .... -. :.'. D. G. Maxwell,. 4 .... 4 . .w. ....... J.IL TariiesS,r.i : ..4'.... . . . 148 135 127 114 Last night Mr: Osborne, having been Visited by a number of his constituents with this view, appeared and addressed them on the public square, denying the charge that he had packed the conven tion which nominated him denouncing the writers of certain anonymous let ters, thanking his friends for their sup- port and promising a just and economi- , .. j j. 4.; i 41.. rr e 41 cal administration of the affairs of the city. Short; addresses; were aiso raaae py Cor. Wm."Johnston, Dr.' T.J. Moore, and Alderman-elect Gordon. , 8tateville News In Brief. it- :! urn , S3 f-!2 a;" r -..r - rvi r Mr? LDaSYui TCallacei of r the- firm oil , m Walla4eBf6i,fef aftwdays .agq for, Europe rBLe.111 spend severed irwnthV therei; enieflyTh- busings corlnectedr with the, shipment of roots and herbs from thisState' iItT,.Afr' , Col. Julian Alien has starts his . fac- toryfor the .manufacture of cigarettes He employs eighteen hands at present and expects soon to increase his- force And rxjrin tAe mannfacture Of cigars 1 and chewing tbfeacco: v - ' ii it ! gaid.thatMr.k IL 'SrZL! 1T1 IflA' SUlt ng IwlTiOt htf"1" ta w mrm " - - jrainst W. T.BlackweU &,C5o? for, theJ Durhamn; trade mark ;on jBrnoklng-l t4-tiarn. . no ., weaiLDV DarueevK-aci wvr North, wha will assist him In the pros-; D-Shakaspeafe-Tato, a well-know n-j citizen, waslyiugrat theippinj OCf peatn vesterday.rdm paralysis. 'His uroxner, Col. Sam! MeDowell Tate, of Morgan- i SL AXiOMA. MtaCWM townirena eiacrbsttfjiidewAlkB to nrevfrtDle froinkiing: hereoft, V ?,r-ii?i:i? been I ec during the past year. It prid & on the Tseidn' of six bri les brick i iVTurches. 15" ott, ravenue collector, ha with- I U1.B MA ..... . . 1- m because tne appropnawoij, mo icve- . - ij 41 4 mia HAnartmentha Civen out Jr rr)hm wan considerable excitement I and interest in tne muuxKiyeu wtouuu. COL & 1 Sharpe, the oldmayor, was and interest In the municipal eiecuon. the only candidate in ;the field for fthat aAu Kut' an nnnoaitinn ticket Was tUt in the field against sthe ioki board of commissioners, w nen tne train ien t a p.t. the indications were that the old wari wmiid lindoubtedlT be re-elected. In connecuonwlta the, eiecou aaur irz&l. tsrinrfwitE.ameof a rrTiiprnftn f the nlace : counled lYXM IZltS . . nwjMM e ... Jrm wi- - a m rw.T.. 4,v iha waA n.hnut.ta cowhide him. ri.An n,4i .lifflinltv writs ad mated. n UC14 w ""v " ! ' ! li ii i i t nr i . r ThA HPPrind onarterlv meetintr of Try- raVto laree conereeations; - At elder, preaciwu vn "rV? conference lastjiight W. 3. Yates, A. Hales, Dr. . JL-,a, Ureene and Dr. T. C. Smito were eted dele- gates to the district JjnJS conference , is ,tQ ,be held in,, Concord BCel During last "week BtatesTille was -visited, among other people, by three sport ing men who stopped at the St Charles fYrtr.nl - - "UThon . Wa Hma avrlvw1 - tvtrri setUed and demrted. and the third a man namea Dunn left but did not set tie. He went up the Western North Carolina Bailroad, learing a trunk in th hands bfrthe landlord at Statesville 38 collateral, 'After a day or two the landlord opened the trunk to see what sort of a prize be had drawn, and found therein two"large and influential sticks" wood, cut, pi-obably, from Mr. Dnnn's native forest- - Huu Wedie naiten. TheStateMedicalSocietymeetsonthe 20th inst at Greensboro, and -the Char- lotte Academy of Medicine meets to- night for the purpose of appointing del- egates thereto. On the day before the 4i. 4.1. 1; 1 ... State Doard of medical examiners meets, also at Greensboro, for the pur pose of examining candidates for li cense to practice medicine. Dr. Jo. Graham, of this city, is a member of the latter board, and Dr. S. B. Jones, of this city, will be an applicants to it for a license, - Meeting- ef Caanly ComBtlskieaerM. . The board of county commissioners met at the court house yesterday in regular moncniy session, present: T. L. Vail, chairman; T. T. Sandifer, J. R. Morris, R. A. Torrence and A. G. Neel. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. a pennon was presented from one-1 fourth of the qualified voters of Paw viccb. luvvuauip, praying uiab an elec tion be ordered in said township on the first Thursday in June next to give the people an opportunity to vote for or against the prohibitory liquor law. un motion, it was ordered tnat the prayers of the petitioners be granted, and that the sheriff be ordered to ad vertise according to law. . It was ordered that T. A. Squires be paid $9.50 for work done on the bridsre across Four Mile creek, on the old Pot ter road. A petition for a change in the States ville road was laid before the board and arguments heard pro and con, and the matter was continued until the next meeting. It was ordered by the board that the chairman make out a bill against New Hanover county for board and medical services given Frank Johnston, colored, a citizen of New Hanover. After the transaction of a good deal of business of no general interest, the board adjouned until this morning. Railroad Notes. The merchants of Richmond have made arrangements with the. Piedmont Air-Line Railroad from, Charlotte, and the Western -North Carolina Rail road from Asheville to Richmond, for an excursion on the 26th of May, and return on the 30th and 31st, at the rates of $5 the round trip. It looks like there is something in the talk about the building of a branch of the Carolina Central. Railroad from Lineolnton to Hickorv. It is stated bv the1 Newton Enterprise that Manager Roberts and Superintendent Johnson, of the Carolina Central, were in Hick ory last week in this interest There is to be a meeting of the mag nates here to-day regarding some mat ters of common interest among them. Mr Nicholas Duls, who has been for a number of years one of the clerks in the depot of the Charlotte, Columbia & Railroad in this city, has been tendered the position of treasurer Of the Spartan burg & Union and Spartanburg & Ashe ville Railroads, and has accepted the appointment These roads are to be congratulated upon the wisdom of Col. Anderson's choice. Mr. Duls will fill the position with intelligence and with the utmost fidelity. He is a young man of firstrclass character and habits and of excellent business qualifications.' We congratulate him upon his promo tion in the line of his business. 1 " Dr. C. F. Brem, who recently inventr ed a self-acting car-coupler, has receiv ed a high endorsement for it from the highest authority. The models having been sent by Dr. Brem to Cant R. IX Wade, master, mechanic of the Rich mond & Danville Railroad, that gentle man writes: "They were examined by rICol. Talcott, general superintendent, jana tjapc ureen, auperinienuenc, yester day, xne seir-Oupiing device is a very simple and efficient one, . and any road contemplating adopting a self-coupler could not do better, as far as my know ledge extends, than adopt yours." The Davidaon Autboritiex and the CharlettelSalewm an. Davtdson College, May 3, 1879. TO the Editor of The Observer: Although as a rule, "great minds run in the same channel,'' they sometimes differ on points of law. The town au- .1 a 4 . L - A-A. I tnonties oi tnis piace are not so uiusny irrnwwt f th nti nf the last Tciala- ture as to-day's Observer intimates. aid authorities did not prohibit a sales- man from a charlotte house exhibiting j8 samples to merchants here on yes- terday, but otselling goods to individ- nais until he paid a corporation tax of 10c jjad said salesman complied with th orovisions of the late acts of course 1 n0 corporation could tax him, but be i acting under authority of the laws of 7ft77 with a HffffTifwO and is. there- I fore, in the opinion of the authorities. 4 lioKU ( a mnnininol fav Tn iliatlAA. ta IIIA.Jin .J. .1 ..i " the commissioners I respectfullv'te uest y0u to tosert the above. . ; . ,;; :," mavott. A CARD. Tn Mr rUwCIMe f daartoitc 'The'itienng'Votie.;which you, gave me on yeswrdajr nag; out enoearea me . vour cood or I . "p. for mine. 'VWS! if tor mine I know that you wU rejoice , with ul. As I stated in mV card of an- Tour obedient servant, V ..-.! i W. W. FUEMMWG. I . a A . 4 4 I 1 . aula iv PXAtA.J LL who wisa to buy Loxories acknowledge k wimiivffi ia thM niaM to cet the beat ; HI stock of Candy and assortment of Crackers have never' been equalled la this section, whilst Oranges, , .;:.s. l ' Apples, Bananas, ftc. are very fine. Smokera should call and try bis new five cent 1 1 ' ' . 1 ill -A iMAtrAM Mllt a .1 w aw umianHmiMin wain uiiu viuvaviw ' n. iii np. "r. - 1 1 Tea Table Luxury- Fresh anaunsp. -- , t 4 ,.. 44441, r..!' i'.- SWEET POTATOES! NOT TOO LATE TQ PLANT- ,- .- i full supply sfJll on hand. Also , the Justly cjle orated . ' v - - RA J AH JAPAN TEA. f Also Tine Strained Honey. ! i ' ; ; " ' ' ''At -.. i ; i T aM.HOWELL'a TIm March 27. ..v-4....J .Jk.., -t aaa nx smPLX Bxxsa, .;." lUvU -Ai ;,.! . is l5XrAjt ? HOST APPBOYEDTORM. . " 8 tfiJQOt w.! . t Just Prmtod and For Sato at um OBSXBTXBOF1TCX. P AT THZ BOTDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C 8. Bbowk, Proprietor, Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) C. & Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W, -S Bhelburnt Ar dec 80 JOSEPH DEALER TJ T? T? T ATI? TrT rPT? T B&Eify AJUllf, rUit 1 rjSX WINfiS L MQtJORS, And the best brands of Cigars. Agent for Fred Lauer's celebrated Beading Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bergner & EngeL Philadelphia. Sold by the dozen at a rea sonable price. All my customers can be furnished at home with the best Beer in town. ALSO A FINE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte HoteL HEADQUARTERS fit rsr tnri 3&J i ii II If. peer, s o ALE AND PORTER, Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. HTJISZLER. All orders left at John Togel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. GRAND dPKNlNG ! AT THE CHINA PALACE -OF- JNO. BR00OIILD CO., OS Friday, Satu day and Monday, April 25, 26, ft 28. We take grfeapleasiffet if informing1 oui friend and the public generally hat our new stock has arrived aad Is complete. L.We cordially Invite all to inspect our large and well selected Assortment, consisting of Vain A, ULAS AND CROCKER?, 4, PIATEB' WARsA TIMOQDANJlf WJiiOvT: WARE, LamDs, Bucketi, All of which we will offer very low, at prices to f IO J tM't aultthenme.n ' '': ?- -'. : rif f) m 1 1 i 'iw -- COUNTRY' . , JUy. Jkf-- li MERCHANTS 4. i will d well to give us a call, as we are prepared TO FILL W H QL&&iAJL. E ORDERS" AS LOW A9 akt HOBtin Hotm;:; 1 - . Jl 'snui tr f w; 29ino is to i5 - jkOl BROOKTLELD ft CO., , Charlotte, K Ci ApW 24,1879. A GREEN HOUSE AND SEED STORE 7- 4 -f Alt' V IjiUJ:.-!.! ? AT TOUR POST., OFFICE. ; ROIROSES "send and cet my catalogue of choice Green Hons and Bedding Plant. ' ' "1.1' ' t we ean send plante through tle man to any part of the country. t. J',. V Seedsman and Florist, March 26 2. i - - - Raleigh, N.u - MPEBIAL 8 A L O O TT M P E R I A L 8 A L O O IN nis.fi a if B3lllipf A Havmg opened a Shoe Store, with everything fresh and newr I am prepared to offer such as For Iiadies, Missea and Children, and a everoffered in Uiismarket. , Thanking ;'.:. iliiiillDi P. S.I take pleasiire ik announcing to my old friends that I am now stiying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that with an experiencof.teayearajn.thShoe ; tod Hat business, ! can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. MaioVl879 PEGRAM & CO , 1st Natimal Baiisr Binldlng,' 1 ' ' ? "7 "t W '!'"-' . C IfA"R II tfT TE , N .C., Have now In store a nice and complete stock -of SPRING l S4.J i ti Kti- BOOTS H 7 Hats. Trunks & TraTeling Bags; With them you can and THE BEST .STOCK ''..: r,xO "f W Vt HO IN CHARLOTTE.' : l i i or..?. !(t ZEIGLER RROtrS rTTTUT Celebrated Ladles', Hisses' and Cbudren'a A.spiciAiTti:: : :v., : : 3: They also keep Miles', Burfs, Holbrook ft Lod low's, and other best brands. Gents wnTflfid there the Miller, MoCullough & Ober, Canfleld, and. Mfles' handmade Boots and Shoes. - Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES. Call surf before buying. attenttOD April 9. 1879. . i' in; . v-.'i Orders have personal : , - V.. i? PEGRAM ft CO. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS ;BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS SHOES. SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN A rSARLOTTX. . 3 i This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac., embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house In the South. MERCHANTS Will do wen toeall and1 examine5 this fetock, as It to especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and win be sold at wholesale or, retail on most reasonable terms. YpITOIlS To Charlotte to eaU and -examine our stockraa taeyrin ted tt swrt oompleto - tevevory respect, andehefcBpiei 0 . W. a FORBES, Agent, SmltlftTorbeg 01d Stand. Trade St gtuttat, D ,R. A. W. ALEXANDER,' "DENTIST- ' 'T f V-j Li J 1 " ' I ' - w. I. .. . . . . . . Of! OFFICE OVER L. R. WRJHTON ft COS m ,,,, i f' f"',-,l lt.-( (.- f"l With 2S yearn! experience I guarantee entim ,t .k.! ;iwH .ff . - - - artofactton n.ru vri H Janll SHOES ATSTD 111 It H I iiiii Hi-fi. -!Vil': -itr n; ."'' ?- '---7- full line of the best goods for Men and Boys; which I propose to sell cheaper than my friends for past patronage, I trust to merit the same in the future. Respectfully, ':v:H;-;;,s:v: :;;;.v;;-J , Trade Street, next door to A NEW DEPARTURE. A RESIDENT BUYER IN NEW YORK. We are now prepared to offer eitra advantages to our friends and customers. Our MR. HARRIS has gonete New York, where he will remain for the rest of the season, and will be on the constant look out for bargains, and all the ; - LATEST NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE." Any special orders transmitted through us will have his Immediate and personal attention, and his best efforts will be used to please the taste of the most fastidious. r We are receiving New Goods dally, and all are cordially invited to call on us for anything they may want In our line. Feeling satisfied that the quality and price of our goods will be the greatest Inducement for any one to buy, and trusting that our efforts to please are appreciated, we are, Very respectfully, April 80- C AROLTNA CENTRAL YLi'wTLMXNGTGK,' THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE Tins line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wlhnlngton and all Northern and Eastern Cities to . Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio, Aa welt as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished T. W. CLARK, , Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO grttgs and gjejflijcittgg. JR. J. H McADEN, DRUGGIST AND C1LKM1ST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of. Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared' at n; boon, both night and day at H.HCADKN'8 PrescrtpOon Store. 'ECTJBJTY ! SECURITY I SECURITY! 200 Barrels' of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE in ALADDIN SECURITY OTX. M'fH 4M9l 8iisrerJrJ0I if;- ) i't r. st'sExtml lKeroMTie OIL frame, west , OUUBp OiUUUlUR , hi. v- k' "' niofiAt: vh) .wanted at CentennlBi FjCDOetOon. OyBtat CUWonov Canton. Warrwtod to and nre leMor nu vugiwrn iaonniwu wm bum. u west ons, iiaramore. - f U ' " t '.it . - 1 ' For Sate lr Dm. J. H. MoADEN, Sole Agent; . ,u CHARLOTTE. N.C - vax Estate; Rr.w-'vv- ". MINING ANDDDDGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mtoes Lands and Houses, i-tt and win J AdrexUae ItM eonV att ipertiM placed in my i. t Bamuror sale. ; . . vt fHOS. T.DRAYTON, eiO Charlotte, N.C HATS J to the trade a line of the best goods, ill's ii J ' MOYER, 1 Kyle & Hammonds Hardware Store. J. Mc. ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER HARRIS. Ifreiflftt Situs, DISPATCH UNIT? 1 NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the transportkm of f ' Charlotte, StatesvlUe, Asheville, Butherfordton on the Atlanta ft Richmond ALlne. and Western N. C Ballroads Alabama and Mlsslsalppt via any Competing Liae, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C C Railway, Charlotte. F IELD BROS., WHOLEULS AND KIT AIL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, 'CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, 4c Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR ft BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THK CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This hi nousenas been refitted and newly furnished, 1 r and is kept in first class style. 7' Terms, Per Day ... S 2 00 W Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. , tWOmnibus and Carriages at every train., FIELD BROTHERS Mr. H. a Wilson Ladt,. Hbtbt Wixfono, ..Proprietors. . . Superintendent . Clerk. feb9 S2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL H8 u u E H s T7 s lid SAVANNAH. GA. A B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate 82.00 and $2.60, according to loca , Pro of Room. , M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' HoteL Feb. 16 tf .4if.;;V:i(i:. BAKE R Y ... BREAD, CAKES AND PUS, fresh every day. '.- J i -- -. ..: ' . - - TXTE can with eonfidenoe recommend them aa Y v .the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. W. N. PBATEXB,, . ... . '" , ; ( . . .,, .SV! .A. ... Trade i Street, first door above the old Harke'j ! 4. - . -. v . ' ' ' . " . marl t 1 i rpHR BEST STOCK OF , 4 .1 X' 'i GROCERIES an CONJECTIONlSrES htthactt. at 1 Jao80 7 i i..sVI7V .4 urn LeROY DAYTCSOU ?. "o tnes it "as sick as a buzzard, , l in uiy, nexu t . 1? iit-'j j,j