She ljar!btte bstriier; . i ....L,L,' U'J. ..: '-' g firttavKittioti rates : J Oaav. o' Veur (i!) advance. .1 .$8 00 Six Month ......... 00 tut Mouth 2 00 O m Month .v. , 175 12 OSSAKTZS JOB PJf i KTKKVT , ; IK:?:: ' 1 Bat been thoroughly mmUeS with every wanAmdwOA M iififbioJVj, and mmht of Job Work eon not of oom whA dm WEEKLY EDITION ; nonce. - -t , ' 4 TAGS. RECEIPTS FOSTERS, ' psoejEiiOfxs; bakd-billp, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CSECKS, dC. II eetty, (' edwwtct.'.Usi.. tVotyiP)pa4"..v....... ... 2; 10 Six Month l; 00 pgr Liberal Reductiontjor Glut, f: j; 1 VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1879. NOi 3,182. r i SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladles buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas will li.iU the best assortment at the lowest prices. at ELI AS & COHEN'S. They will also find other goods to suit them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple ' ' DRY GOODS is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; Napkins. Doylas and Towels In every variety Car pets, Rugs. Mattings and Oil Cloths. j ( .our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, vind will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS HOSIERY. GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, COR SETS, FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand i,ow.hiAf and 2 Sun Umbrellas. You will find fHJlw'-' them cheap, and everything else In propoitlbn. Call and see us. It will pay you. ; ELIAS COHEN. oo&st QlrfhixiQ, Set nmwm. DRESS GOODS. LADIES' HATS. We have Just received per express some hand some Lace striped BUNTINGS,' In Black. Drab and Cream colors. Also TRIMMING SILKS, In morale patterns. Don't fall to look at our Black and Colored Silks, Summer Silks, Silk Gren adines in stripes and Brocades. 1 second stock of colored French ORGANDIES, White and Colored Linen Lawns, est stock of The handsom- "gnvnitnxt. UKOESS NICHOLS, SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS In the market Also a second stock of Lace and Lisle Gloves and Mitts, in all colors. Orders promptly filled. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. May ft. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WONDERFUL DKALER IN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. BKDDING, AC. FURNITURE FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! BEMTNG, &C. BEDBLNU, acc. A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! RIDLEY A SONS' NEW YORK CELEBRATED 5 CENT COUNTER EXPOSED AT H. MORRIS & BRO'S. Editor aid Poet. ; Chicago Tribune. 'Twas a man wrapped In an ample cloak, Poetic in his mien, That went into the office of An English magazine. He gave unto the editor A paper closely writ: "I would onto your Judgment, sir, A poemlet submit; Pray read it carefully and say - What that you think of It" Slowly the editor read It through; On his brow an angry flush There came, as he soliloquized About "hogwash," "rot1' and "slush." And he gave back the manuscript Unto the bard, and said: "That ballad is the very worst That I have ever read. "If I such trash as that should dare Print In my magazine, Then men would call me a three-ply ass And they would be-right, I ween. "So, sirrah, take thee a Stout sawhorse, Thereto a bucksaw good; Thy poesy it is n. g., Thy line Is sawing wood." When that the poet heard these words He 'gun to fume and fidget. And he said unto the editor, "Thou art a howling idjet" "Read o'er that ballad again, sirrah, Read o'er that ballad again, And then thy candid opinion give My name is Alfred Ten . ' "The heaven you say!" cried the editor, Astonished; then he said, "That poem Is the finest thing That I have ever read. "It shall appear this very month," And, kneeling on the ground, He gave the Laureate a check For 1,100. OBSERVATIONS. LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! ARTICLES SOLD FOR LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! 5 CENTS James Gordon Bennett's winnings on Parole are reported at $130,000. The English journals are filled with sad prophe cies of coming revolution. 'And on her lover's arm she leant, And round her waist she felt it fold," And down the dusty street they went Where soda and Ice-cream are sold. Courier-Journal. The youngest theatrical manager In the world is Charles Matthews, who manages Haveriy's theatre In Chicago. He has not attained his majority, but has been connected with theatres in different capacities since boyhood. The following appears in a Boston paper: "Wanted A reliable coachman; must not be un der 60 years of age; a lame, one-eyed homely man preferred. Must be a good careful driver. A wife and children no objection. No young bachelor need apply." You never can calculate on women. A Berlin prima donna refused to sing recently because there was too much dust in the house. And in California a prima donna recently declined to sing because there was not enough "dust" In the house: No matter what the West Virginia laws say, we nnummA that church festivals will be running "double turn" (as they remark in the mills) when ever four thousand per cent ean be made on straw berries and sky-blue milk. Wheeling Simday Leader. Miss Mary Anderson is a doomed girt. The moment she allowed the world to know that she had $80,000 ahead It became simply a question as to wnai masculine uibumiuou bihj buuuiu w dow. There is no escape. An actiess with $80, 000 has to forswear lap-dogs and poodles and keep a husband. A philosopher says: "Have you enemies? Go on and mind them not" That's a capital plan, Astrraiallv if the enemv is iareer. and is patiently waiting behind the fence with a big club to discuss the matter with you. Better yet Go around. Waterloo Observer. A young woman who had never learned the gen tle art of cookery, being desirlous of impressing her husband with her knowledge and diligence, manages to have the kitenen auor ajar on u uaj after their return from the bridal trip, and iust as her lord comes in from the office exclaims loudly: "Hurry up, Eliza, do! Haven't you washed the lettuce yet? Here, give it to me; where'sthe soap?" Grtaf that kills Is very rare, but a Frenchman named Count, residing to Paterson, N. J., died the nthnr dav. and death was shown before a coroners jury to have been caused by thrombosis, or coagu lation of the blood, which the physicians thought was the direct result of excessive grief. The de ceased had just lost a child to whom he was deeply attached. i,r,.; . STATE SEWS. ' United States Court in session in Wil mington, i ' They are making counterfeit money in Johnston county. The "Wilmington Sun announces that a man in that town has invented a ma chine to lick stamps for use in post offices. . Dossey Battle, EsqW editor of the Tar bom Southerner, has been invited to" deliver the memorial address' at Golds- boro, and has accepted, the invitation. Dr. J. C. Walker, superintendent of hpAlt.h. Dr. T. F. Wood, secretary of the State board of health, and Dr. W. G. Curtis, quarantine; physician left the nort of Wilmincton for Atlanta on Mondav. to attend the convention of the American Medical Association. WUfeingtoii Sun: The widow of Al len Denton, colored, gaveTa festival at the City Hall, one night last week, for the purpose of raising funds to erect a monument ;over her husband's grave. A number ofj relatives and intimate ac quaintances attendeoVyet the affair was not sufficiently appreciated by outsiders to mate it a success. The Goldsboro Messenger states that Jesse Davis has been re-sentenced to be hung at Smithfield, Johnston county, on the 18th of June. This was a case of rape committed by a colored man on a -white woman, removed from Frank lin county, which was tried at the last term of Johnston court. The case was carried to the Supreme Court, the judg ment below being amrmea. . The Goldsboro Messenaer says: From Tuesday night, April 29th, ,to Friday night, May 2d, the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad shinned from this place 2,225 boxes of early peas, and also 871 boxes received from points on the Atlantic road. makin2 a total of 3,096 boxes shipped by that road during the three days mentioned. In addition to this, we learn that about 1,200 boxes were carried by the Norfolk steamers from Newborn ito Norfolk. This gives the reader some idea of the extent of the trucking business in this section of the State. Only 88 boxes of peas were shipped by express from this place since our last issue, of which 56 went to New York. 13 to Philadelphia, and 19 to Washington. In the early part of every season there Is a natural desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and also who are recognlzea as standard authority in the fashionable world. Our relations to, and dealings with the rbu our house, will assure u tii' telligeitf readers fiat the tnfomatlra Several changes have taken place, both to shape and pattern, of fabrics 1b Men's Garments, of which special mention will be made. The latest de- mand In Spring Garments Is our new . . 1 " ' ' --v ; WEST END SACK. It has many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and Ideas Instead of adhering to the old time -worn styles of the past very stylish In appear ance and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. - v.; Our St Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three or four buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving It a neai and graceful arpes ranee, are mede up in every variety of Spring textures. THE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, In shape and style retains Its hold In popular favor. Its length .is a little longer than last season, and it is one oi tne most usenu among me gar merits of gentleman's, wardrobe ni mniFij m VrM'ratin, Gnmittw and various patterns of English Worsteds. Out Pants stock Is complete, with every novelty to fabrics, and the shapes are perfect. In our Hat department we Invite the Inspection of the most cul tivated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of universal approval. Our Neck Wear assortment Is almost unlimited lndevlcef shades arid styles, bat boaste particularly upon the very recent introduction of toe Univer sity Scarf. Unique and very elegant In White Vests we have a State reputation, and we will only assert "progress" in this season's selections. Our efforts have been to place upon our counters only reliable and standard goods, and to the rapid Increase Of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. We Invite the attention of all, both far and near, and theif advantages will be the same, for we will send goods to any section on approval, with privilege of Inspection before payment of bill. . ; . f , , April 27,1879. (. en u.y, E. D. LATTA & BUCK, The People's Clothfcirsv COME AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE ILL WOOL llttlflOT SUITS FOR S7.50. THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this city. April 22, 1879. Remember that we are the rulers in $W Low Prices for Fine Clothing. . L. BERW ANGER & BROn Fine Clothiers and Tailors. LOUNGES LOUNGES! Actually PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Wrarr Tradk Sthket. ' "' I CHARLOTTE. N.G , IW Lades' and GentteTnett Burial Robes-a r:iie supply. j;in:i . WORTH 25 CENTS. Useful in every househotd and needed by every body. j AK(iAlN8 IX Don't fail to call and see those wonderful BARGAINS. Although all cotton goods have advanced by the late rise of cotton, we are still selling all our DOMESTICS at reduced rates. We invite everybody to inspect our large stock of ' DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, &C. V URRR NX K US RNN JT URRR N N W ITS. RN KN UU R RS VM It TTTTU II T V II T URRR KKK TTR. BE r J URRR BR h UR BE UU R REBR H. MORRIS & BROS. April 80. SPRING CLOTHING. AT '' ' "I R. G. ROGERS' WAREB0OMS, Next to Posromcf. Mr Stock is very Lar'.l imd embraces a Full Une of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO AND ' If. . OFFICE FURNITURE '- ' ' l '.I I 'It i GT All Goods Packed Free .Charge ' VIRGINIA ITEMS. Capt Daniel S. Cherry, a prominent citizen of Norfolk, died Friday last The painting of the scenery of the new theatre at Staunton, has been awarded to Goerge Welsh, of Balti more. The Lexington Presbytery has li censed Rev. James R. Smith, a son of Gen. Francis Smith, of the Virginia Military Institute, to preach. The freights on the Virginia Midland Railroad have increased considerably of late, and the entire capacity of the road is taxed to accommodate the busi ness. The sales of tobacco stamps at Rich mond, Thursday, aggregated $200,000; at Lynchburg, $181,000; at Danville, $100,000. From Lynchburg over 1,000, 000 pounds of manufactured tobacco were shipped Thursday. Kenny, the "colored man sent to the Virginia penitentiary for marrying a white woman, has signed the necessary papers for an application for a writ of habeas corpus, upon me auvive ui me United States district attorney. The ground for the application is that the conviction of the parties in the State court is illegal, and that they, having been declared under the sanc tion of the laws of the United States to be lawfully man and wife in the Dis trict of Columbia, the marriage is-valid everywhere; and that Under the recent amendment to the constitution of the United States, the act oi the legisla ture of Virginia forbidding the ' inter marriage of a colored man and a white woman, and vice versa, is unconstitu tional and void. A Letter from Geo. Sherman Charleston News and Courier. Headquarters Army of the U- S., WASHINGTON u. u., juay 2, loiV. ) To the Editor o f the News and Cou rier: Either you, or some personal friend unknown to me, has sent me a corjv of vour narjer of April 28. contain ing the notice of the death of the Hon. James Simons, with your editorial no tice of his life and character. I am pleased to realize that in his life time he construed me as one of his ad mirers and friends, and now that he has gone from earth I beg to be construed as uniting with you in mourning his death, and pointing to his many virtues as worthy the imitation of the growing generation. Mv annnaintance with him beean in 1842, and has been kept up by letters and personal intercourse ever since. He always seemed to me the type of an ac complished gentleman, handsome m person, dignihed in manners, and classi cal in letters and conversation. His death is not only a loss to the commu nity in which he passea nis wnoie lite, but to the country at large: for I have reason to believe that his thoughts and feelings were not limited to Charleston Neck, but reached the uttermost boun daries of this great country and the whole world. As you well describe, he inherited a name associated with the events which brought forth a new nation, maintained its honor and dignity to the end, and has left a family to prolong it to the end of time. I beer vou will4 convey to his widow and children the knowledge that I, in common with many who reside beyond the boundaries of his State, knew Gen. Simons, respected him. yea, loved him as strangers to his household might, and will ever rejoice to hear or new honors gained by those to whom he con signed so iair a tame. With respect, yours truly, W.T.Sherman. Tr -OUTH OaSoI INA WCVV OTHESSEE apfr IP Via Steamers to Portismouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points bouth and boutnwest. NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSE3, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Sealoard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Throuth Bills of Lading Issued at Sfcamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, c, appiy ro euner oi ine uuuemipicu. K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C Railway, Charlotte, N. C. AorU30 d5m F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) ATTENtI LADIES. We have this day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings in Mess Which One Editor Made in Trying Kill Another. to PLAIN W. KAUFMAN. CO. wr ..L.Ii.ti,. sTnArimentof Durchaslng a stokmpleteas to taS the latest novelties toMen'8, Youth's. Boy's and Children's O O L o y . -o o L OO TTTT H H II JS N n O T H H II Nfl N 8 Q T HHH II N N N o o t g g n g n g oo t H. an h GOG O G O O GO GOO We Invite public Inspection, and Ware at aU times ready, togive QtwtaaoDM oi .P rmenvwbicn is sow a wur uu .WMniw as represented, and in price less than can be bought elsewhere.; we continue w wju BLUE FLANNEL SUITS SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Sneak thieves are driving a lively business in Charleston. The child of a colored preaeher, by tii name of Burns, was Durnea 10 death near Acton last Friday morning. Hon. Jefferson Davis has written an exceedingly graceful letter,, declining, with thanks and regrets, an invitation n attemri the unveilinffof the Confeder ate monument at Columbia on the 13th. A correspondent in Walterborough, describing the recent cyclone there, cited, as a remarkable instance, that " a sheep was jouna lying m iw, y every particle of wool taken from it as cleanly as a razor could have done jt, Dismissed the Seryice for ft Canard. Cheaper than any other house, sa we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be- Une o epi f resent this season to the consumer a fine Indianapolis. Ind -May , 5. Last evenins about 8 o'clock. Geo. C Hard ing, editor of. -the Herald,' entered the residence of. Calvin A.', Liaht editor of the Democrat and , attemnted - to shoot the latter because of certain publica tions in the Democrat. Light grasped the Distol. flrettinsr his finarer under the hammer, thereby1 preventing an explo sion, and held on until assistance came, when Harding was arrested. He re mained in custody until an early hour this morning, when he gave bail. At twenty mmates, atter ociock mis moTninsr he entered Light's office and fired at him several times, mis3ing Light, but hitting an employee named Gerhard Liznio, inflicting a serious wound. Mr. Harding is now m jail awaiting the result of that wound. An other employee of Mr. Light's, named Richard Walders, jumped out of a sec ond story1 window, during the firing, breaking both ankles. Latest Vegetable Maiket. At New York, on the 2nd inst,, new Southern potatoes were unsettled, and only large stock has much call, and wr at &5a6 Der bbl. Fine Bermuda potatoes sell fairly at $7.50 per bbL, but poor lots rule much lower. Green, peas were a shade easier, and rSavannah were quoted at 60c, to $1 per crate ; North Carolinas were at $3-50 to &4 per half bbU-; Aspargus in light supply and rather firmer; Southern were at $2.50 to $4 per dozen.; String beans $1.50 to $2.75 per crate.;. Cucumbers, Southern $3 to $5 per crate. Cabbages, Southern $1.50 to $3.50 per bbl. A; circular says that new; Florida potatoes are small, and prices consequently low. String beans aUo wed to ; remain, on the bush too Jong are old and tough; -they should be young ana tenaer iq, commami iuu prices. Cucumbers, Florida white spine are at $89 per box. .Tomatoes, new Florida $89 per box;, Bermudas, six quarts boxes, ; $1,75, Squashes $22.50 hnx; Strawberries were decidedly higher. The steamer lots were worth- Vjfzxo &&vzxtisztamt$. XANTHINE. Prof. Hertz's Great German Hair Bestoratlve. The best preparation for the Hair now known. It gradually restores gray hair to its natural color, producing a luxuriant growth, eradicates scruff and dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, prevents the hair from falling out and relieves neuralgia In the head and headache. Try It. Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Va , and for sale by all Druggists. DIXIE SOAP. P. J. CREW & CO., Richmond, Ya., Manufacture all the standard varieties of LAUNDRY SOAPS, Which they offer at lowest prices. TRY OUR DIXIE SOAP. LACE EFFECTS. Also, an excellent lot of BL VCK GRESAWNKS, from 20c. to $1.25; and a general liiie of new and desirable Dress Goods at the most -reasonable prices. A Spec:al lot or BLACK CASHMERES Boo.'s, !iics and Slippers, 7 r k Including the best makes In the country There cln aJso oe found in our stock a complete line of toe Felt. Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of Oentllmen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest ' BARGAINS Can be had at ' wi KAUFMAN & C0.8, -" '. CJiner Trvde and Tryon Sts. ' ; April 10. ' Charlotte. K.O. 'r- London, May 6. Sub-lieut. Coyte, of the - Royal Navy, arrested early last month in CorK vn suspicion , vt. ucmS the author of the hoax about a ; pirate ohm nfF if astnet lisrht. Ireland, alone- side of its capture on the: 16th pi J anu-j . and receipts by express not prpv- ary last, - nas uetair wmw Uf jjjg iarge notaers.werei enaDiea w oo- offence and dismissed the service This was the story tnac sent me . guuuun Goshawk to e on w fruitless chase. Sub-lieut Coyta was serring on board the Goshawk at tne: uma, ? . ' On Broadway. New York, the great thoroughfare, a prominent feature of ven that famous street convenient to all places of Interest, and noted for Its luxurious appomimeuui-iB hau mc .mm Central Hotel, vhlch Is, -now- kept on both plant the AmerloaH at 32.50 to $3.00, and the European., at 81.00 and upwards, per day. An. elegant Re staurant, at moderate prices, 1? conducted by the Grand Central,, - vjj-j-: t:.i . - . apr30 IW . - tain-6065c for, anything fine. .The first crate of .North' Carolina stock came in and brought 75& per ouart, j t; - t Tf ron have been drlnktne too much, which how avrt ran should never do. a dose of Dr. Bull's Bal timore Plus will place you in good condition again. -Our present banking system Is a vas Improve ment on that of twenty years ago,- as every one must admit -who -remembers the trouble we had as to deny this snouia m&e a aose ox natvs Mver Puis, and recover his normal winery ooudiuon as pn$tf w -AND- BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills will prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people to our country, and are extensively used by physicians in their practice. Sold b7 Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. R. BECKWITH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. EMINENT DBS. S.L.& J.C.NIEDLET, ST. LOUIS, MO., Say: Colden's Lieblg's Liquid extract of Beef is a very agreeable article of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. InDIp therla. Malarial Typhoid fevers. Weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed It with great success. Sold by all Druggists. w wi4 1 m tf Audita a Salary of S100 per montn nn.! xwiik, r lUiow a lare cooimiiwioB, to Mil our new buiI wouilrfiil inrentions. Wt mem w ?!f Sample free. A(klreae8iiu t Co., MantuOl, Mjoh. & A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fms p i . 8iiH Visitor." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. QvVICKERY, Augusta, Maine. Qffas and tattattjerg JUST RECEIVED AT TIDDYS; CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with EnJ velopes to match. Also Paper in boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE OF NEW YORK. 1A standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot just received. Edward Todd & Co.'s Celebrated RUBBER PENS, A Fen by some considered superior to a Oold Pen TIDDY & BRO. are Celebrated Rubber also agents for Emerson ALPACCAS. d&iyn a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit freer Shaw A Co., Augus ta, Maine. - Dress and Trimming Silks N,ew thin? In HOaiERt AND GLOVE3. ADVERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted one week In 300 newspapers for $10. Send 10a for 100 page pamphlet. G. P. ROWELL CO., 10 Spruce street, NT Y.- s,; ' - HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them will receive prompt at tention. E. BUTTERICK & CO.'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS For May, 1879, just received at TIDDY & BBO'S. CASH PAID FOR RAGS. Ruction gaits. An early Impaction of tha above rill be to your interest . 'Ti UNDERTAKING The undersigned is now prepared to fffl all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES.1 Both Wood and Metallc TS-m ..PRICM AS LOW AS AtV. Hearses furnished if desired, D. G. MAXWILL. 0. T. EABBISON Auctioneer. gentlemen;; - - - -. . . .. You will find our stock of SPRING iD SUM-. M&R CLOTHINQ th most complete t.the mar ket, at our weU-knownajxapalar lawSw3- 1 ' ' f ' iuwiTTCOWSlT-&'ixUCT. Furniture of every Description Repaired at shor 3 4 Wl&t-"K0 P, With L GBogers, Trade sireet. yAXWELL ft HARRISOJ -AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PBODUCE Win give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. - a : Foot doors above Cliariotte HoteL . ; ' decs - ' IN CASH WILL PURCHASE lit it ;itjVf r!it S200 A Power Printing 'xneniin'w style, size of bed 20x40 mehasWas in use mU I MinlttMil Kta tiAia An k IrtflftM J C BAJIjAI . 1 editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, iGretBTlBe, -4' -it -

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