WEDNESDAY MA Y; t, 1879. - j- LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. f ! INDICATIOXS. War nRPARTMKWT 'V okfick Chief Signal Officer Washington, may e, jsjwp. V.n the South Atlantic states, rising lnroineter, cooler northwest wirjds cloudy and' rainy, followed by cleat weather. IR l,ocitl llepori fir .Yesterday. 17 A.M. 1 2 P.M. ! 9 P. Barometer Thermometer.. .. . RelaUve Humidity, Vind-Direction... " Velocity..... iv wither 29.039 29.933 m 78' 54 33, N. W. " 7 8 CTear. Cloudy. 70 40 : . W, . 6 -' Cloudy Highest temperature 79 deg. ; lowest 6 1 , index to New itdvrrilMiiinnii Attention. Independents. T. W. Sparrow Yard Trees. IJOiTirc PENCILlMiS. ..J .if llie Grays were on parade in trjl greets yesterday afternoon. The wave of retrenchment struck the jiew board of aldermen yesterday. They nit down salaries to the anmunt of over The wisdom of the ..Ittvr prohibiting tlie opening of bar rooms on election .days has been fully illustrated the last,, l,.v (lays. ..-' Tlie appearance of the streets yester ,(lay was in very striking contrast with their appearance Monday. Yesterday tho town was as dull as ditch water. ? The members of the Hook and Lad der company are called to meet to-night at their hall for the annnal election of officers, and they want those who. are delinquent to pay up their dues. i, The meeting of the board of alder men tor organization on. the day after tlie election of the members thereof, put a summary end to an , unpleasant seeking after offices within its gift, i Mr. H. T. Butler presented the Ob sk uvKR yesterday with four strawber ries raised in his garden, whose com bined weight was within a fraction of tour ounces. i Several officials of the Richmond Sc Danville and Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta railroads were in the city ye V . 1 1 1 .il l tenlay on private ousmess connecieu with the Central Short Line. r u Tlie Hornets' Nest Riflemen held a i 1 i. J .V 4- rmA wtrwlsv A 1 x- nieiinsf last uiuut aim mouc uuai px.c .. j i j- i ! a s rw i . natations ror ine uoiumuia inp. They have rented a car for the trip and will sell twentv tickets to persons who wish to accompany them. These tickets are in the hands of Mr. R. T. Bratton, who may be found for the next several days at tlie store or jvir. ienoy uaviuson Delegate to the Episcopal Conren- lien. At the monthly meeting of the vestry of St. Peter's Episcopal church of this city, held in the church Monday night, the following were appointed delegates to the convocation of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of North Carolina, , w..x 4-Vl1 of 1?Qtrnf fa villa II. C. Jones, John Wilkes, W. A. Wil liams, and W. M. ShiDD. i Alternates J. S. Myers, F. II. Glover, Fred. Nash and J. L. Brothers. . Figure on the Municipal Election, j In the hurry of writing up the result of the municipal election, Monday night, an error was made in a calcula tion, showing Mr. Osborne's majorityto have been 54 when it should have ap peared 44. A typographical error in the returns from the first ward represented Mr. lligler as having received only 225 votes for alderman, whereas he receiv ed just one hundred more than this, to wit o25, running exactly with Mr. Scott. Test Cave. The contest between the Charlotte salesman and the mayor of Davidson College, in reference to the right of the municipality to require a special tax from the latter, will culminate to-day. The mayor, we are informed, will be ar rested and brought to Charlotte, in or der that the proper courts may test the question at issue. The salesman wj s t raveling under a $50 license, issued be fore the passage of the act now in force on the subject. A New Tanning froce. An Observer representative has been interviewed by Mr. A. M. Barnes, the patentee of a new process for tanning leather. The old process requires from eight to twelve months, but Mr1. Barnes claims that he can make good leather in from four to twenty days., lie is stopping at the Charlotte Hotel, and on vesterday showed us a beautifully tan ned skin of an alligator, which eighteen lavs ago was swimming in the waters f Florida. Mr. B's desire is to sell the right to manufacture leather, in this county, under his patent, to "some live, energetic tanner. Delegates to the JTIedic&I Convention. At tlie rp?nlar meetinsr of the Charlotte Academy of Medicine last niffht. the following were appoint ed delegates to the National Board of Health and the American Medical So ciety now in session in Atlanta: Drs J. B. Jones. S. E. Bratton. and J. M. Mil W. Delegates annointed to attend the Delegates amxnnted to meetincrof the State medical SOCietv which convenes in Greensboroon;tne "O ' w.-w .' . 1 1 -'01 h are Drs. J. P.McCombs, J.B.JQnes and j. Graham, and any other memoer d the academy who may be present at , i . - . . . a. ne meeting ot the society. , C harley Rom" Father in Charlotte Mr. Christian IT. Rnss. father of the long lost Charley Ross, and' Mr. J. M. J .e wis, of Pbiladelphia, arrived at the entral Hotel from the North yester day morning at 1 o'clock and left on the statesville train at 7 a. m. We' are re- liahly informed that thev are going to J-enoir. in Caldwell countv. Mr. Ross having received information which liwls him to believe hat his son is at this moment in or near that town.; The two gentlemen were very reticent to I'arues who talked with them- on tne train, but there can be no doubt : that this is the object of their trip. The re sult of the investigation is awaited with e Keenest interest. rie Board of County Assessor ilet at the ranH-. finnan XfATwlav. with le chairman of the board of county (,0Wmissinnpra irrhnae Hntv it is under ll'e machinery act of the General As- -""uiy, to iurnisn tne Doara witn wnat ever information ha mav he called On to Snnnlw anil t mntrA f on Otrest.i on S looking to an equalization throughout the several distnets of the taxes which the assessors may lay, tP the end- that !'.? onequal burdens mi? "be imposed. v.hairman Vail, of the county commis sioners, therefore laid before the board "w opinions as to their general duties. ;ld inform almn tuinn anoh nointaS he- was interrocrat erf on. Tho assessors, in onipHance with tm anhmitted imaos Jmd outlines of their several, districts, Silowinr li-i1 ; emaP8 to Deusea in tne laying of the comity intn rnad distr cts a3 c-, these maps to be used in the laying provided bv .. rLian. niiRsml loyided by the new road ,1a w passed V I ha T ..:li 11. 4- nnO 'THE NEW ADntXISTUAribX. ' f Fl ret Mertinsr f the New Board f Ai - derm en. 5 The newly elected hoard met in the mayor's office yesterday af ternoon at 3 o'clock, and was duly or ganized. His Honor. Mr. P. I. Oslmrn th mayor elect, was sworn inhvJ A. McNinch. The' following aldermen 5 fiW.fc sented themselves and the oath was ad ministered to them by the mayor: C. Dowd, S. Wittkowsky, D. M. Riglei, D, G. Maxwell, J. W. Gordon, colored, J4 r. Schenck, colored, H. T. Butler, Thos. Gner W. W. Ward, T. T. Smith, C. bcott, John Garibaldi. TKa At ... ... iiio mj(ur meu announceaxnattne board was organized and reaHv for mo tions. . . - Alderman Wittkowskv the board resolve itself into a commit tee of the whole to discuss the salaries oi cuy cmciais. Aldermen Maxwell moved to amend by resolving that the board go into secret session. l'he amendment was lost and the original motion was put and carried. - On motion of Aldermen Dowd, the board went into the consideration of the salary of clerk Alderman iiutler moved that the sal ary of the city clerk be fixed at $800. Alderman Scott called for the ayes and noes. The vote, after seme dis cussion was taken and resulted as fol lows: Ayes, Aldermen Butler, Smith and Ward ; noes, the remainder of the board lost. Alderman Schenck moved that the salary be fixed at $600. The vote on this motion resulted: ayes, Aldermen Smith, Grier, Ward, Butler, Schenck; noes, the remainder of the board lost. Aldermen Dowd moved that the clerk's salary be at $500. The vote re sulted as follows: Aldermen Ward, Butler, Schenck, Gordon, Dowd, Smith, Garibaldi, Rigler, Grier carried. The salary of the marshal was next taken up. Alderman Scott moved that the sala ry be fixed at 3 per cent, on collections. Alderman Maxwell moved that it be fixed at 2 per cent.. The vote was taken on 3 per cent, and resulted in adopting this rate. The reporter failed to get the ayes and noes. On the subject of the salary of police men, Alderman Scott moved that the salary be fixed at $40 per "month throughout the year. Alderman Garibaldi suggested that the salary be $35. Alderman Butler suggested $50. The vote on $50 resulted : ayes Alder men Butler, Ward and Rigler ; noes the remainder of the board. Lost. l nesum ot $40 was then voted on and carried, the only negative vote be ine cast by Alderman Gordon. When the subject of the salary of the mayor came up, his honor called Alder man scott to tne cnair and retired iroin the meeting. Alderman Rigler moved that the sal arvbemade $500: Alderman Schenck thought it ought to be $800, and Alder man Wittkowsky insisted upon $300 and "the honor." On this point there was considerable discussion. Alder man Wittkowsky urged that the duties of the office were light, and that the salary of the office should not consti tute its attraction. Alderman Gordon thousrht it should be at least respecta ble. Alderman Wittkowsky1 informed him that the mayor of the city of Lon don got nothing lor holding tne posi tion and discharging its duties, and that he freauentlv spent a hundred or two thousand dollars to get it. Alder man Dowd favored $500 because it whs time the struggle for the office should cease, and that when a man spent mon ey to be elected he should be the loser and not the gainer tnereny. in repiy to this, Alderman Schenck said it was a little unfortunate tnat tne reduction should be made after an election in which neither of the candidates had spent any money that they should be made to sutler tor sins commiweu s year or two ago. Only Aldermen Jtsutier, vvara, vor- don and Schenck voted tor $800, and t.hp. motion1 was lost. The vote was then taken on $o00 and passed unanimously with the exception of Alderman Schenck, who refused to vote so for small a sum. Alderman Grier moved that the sala ry of street commissioner be made $40; Alderman Maxwell favored $35. The vote was taken on $40 and carried, Al dermen Maxwell, Garibaldi, Gordon, Schenck and Scott voting in the nega tive. After considerable discussion, tne pay of keeper of the colored cemetery was nxed ac vo ana no iees.. The vote on the pav of the keeper ot Elmwood cemetery, was taken between $500 and $400, resulting in a tie. The mayor voted for $500, thereby fixing the salary at that amount. On motion of Alderman Dowd the board then went into the ejection of officers. C. C. Hort6n, CV. Alexander and C. v m rriMi in u'ih iniiiiiiiAiiru a ifi iviL i : ... . n i n t fii rnr 1 1 i marshal. Vote on . the first ballot was : iTmtnn 2- Alexander. 5: Harrison 5. On the second ballot the vote stood: Harrisan. 5 : Alexander, 7, and Aiexan- v "NTash wm elected citv cierK ana treasurer by acclamation, there being no other applicant. The first ballot lor street comiuis- ainnp.r resulted: Jas. Northey,3; D. P. Hunter, 3 ; M. W. Robinson, 6. The sec nnri haih. resulted in the re-election of n t Tin bv 8 votes, aeainst 4 for "R r& n ann P. P. Pickenpack was re-eiecieu Keep- nr tf VJL Mm V ' J, B. Rooke was re-eiectea Keeper 01 Elmwood cemetery by a vote of ,7 aglnst -i"",V.Vr, ZTJa -ev rali "X J.r,aUn nf AlHerman Scott to elect TrY IVl lnLV MJ.I11 m LU1 MJ m JULWi Yrnen failed, and a motion of D. . -L cuonoV tr make the number i - ii iri iiiait ljviivv w ------- - Tm, k0i tvion Tiri-iceedea to the elec tion of policemen from the following nArv,inoHiTia-, TV IT. Bverlv. F. Horah, t. tt. Wilson. C. Su Moss, Wm:' Small?, a Fw Alexander, n.-au """i4 tj0, t. a. Riafe welder. S. 8. Carter, ' . ' -r-r .Wit 1 ATin J. L Orr, , G. K. Stevens, H. H. Hill, W. N. McKee, S. .t SLTimgwn,.rx3, J. 'W. Plummer, ituie ivieu, x. jil. V 2."V . . r.A Kt, the The Old iorce weie ic-ciccu i t- following vote: BiacKweiaer, ti r ter, 8 ; Orr, 11 ; Stevens, 10 j HU1, 10 ; Mc- Kee9; arnngton, w ; vncaicj The board tnen aujouiucu. County Commissioners rr .,,1 nf .niintv commissioners convened in regular session yesterday, all the memoers Deing pieocuu business of public interest transacted is embraced in tne ioiiowing: . . Tf woa nrrteren T.nac iurmei auuuu iu. -iot5rtn tr the sheriff enlarging ; his rvffiniai rvmd be postponed until the first uiuviu. , A, . u: man or. ine ooaru u autiiuxv. - nrocure a copy of the act in relation to PrT-VhorifTs. nswsed hv the last the bonds of sheriffs passed by the last atu'r'e Imtejfurnished k sjratA lie, recieved before that Tho uri-Mnient Willi J. a. vaiuwcii bv which he was to furnish the bosird TfinuesL annulled, he having qe- wiri. iTis - inability-to carry v out the Viacsja . - - iuc. ts -w in the mort Samuel Pece. desenbea in craze-made to nim djidb wmu money loaned him to ename. mm complete the county map. t ,cf J J v-f " . ; W And How Their Blualclpal .Elections ' 'Desalted. ' -' ; The municipal elections in the places around Charlotte fiom , which we have returns seem to have passed off quietly. In most cases the result turned upon local issues, , politics not .entering into the contests except, -perhaps, ; in Sau- , uury, wnere it seems to nave oeen a Sarty struggle. ? The returns received ere thus far are as follows : John A. Ramsav. Republican, was elected mavor over Kerr Craige. the Democratic nominee, his majority being 2. This result was caused by tne can didacy of Robert Price, independent. The vote stood: Ramsay, 193; Craige, 191: Price. 52. the last named drawing nearly all of his strength from Craige. The following were .elected commis sioners : North Ward, J. M. MeCorkle, E. H. Marsh: East Ward. Wm. Smith- deal, Martin RicTi wine; South Ward, Joseph Horah, Theo. F. Kluttz; West Ward, S. H. Wiley, Andrew Murphy. The vote on the hog law resulted: For the law, 86; against the law, 297. STATES VILLE. The election here resulted in the re election of CoL S. A. Sharpe, as mayoi. and the re-election of the old board of commissioners. Col. Sharpe had no opposition. , . . CONCORD. ; James Brown was elected mayor, de feating C. G. Montgomery. The old board of commissioners was re-elected. LINCOLNTON. The contest was between' the wets and the drys, R. J. Shipp, the present mayor, leading the wet ticket, and J. Tj. DeLane the dry. The wets were the victors and Mr." Shipp was re-elected by an increased majerity. The board of commissioners remains about the same as last year. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. Here the people continued in office the same administration under which Davidson began her career as an incor porated town, the officers elected being the following : Mayor. W. P. Williams ; commissioners, W.J. Martin, F.J. Knox, James Allison, liu L. Query jmd II. P. Helper. HUNTERS V1LLE. The following named are the officers elected for this place: Mayor, J. H. McLintock; aldermen, J. J. Hanson, T. (I. Brown, J. B. Nicholson and L. C. McKay ; constable, J. C. Maxwell. ItlllUiiry Appointment. Lieut. John G. Young, of the Hornets Nest Riflemen, of this city, being com pany E of the Second Regiment of the State Guard, has received from Brig Gen. M. P. Taylor, the appointment of brigade commissary with, the rank of captain. The appointment will doubt less give general satisfaction. A Complimentary Serenade A party of gentlemen, whose names are furnished forpublication, as below, called upon MajFlemming at his resi dence last evening, and tendered their regrets for his defeat in the municipal election Monday, with commendations of his manly bearing in the contest. Major Flemming addrested. the party very pleasantly, and was responded to by Mr. A. T.Moss. The party were then invited in and accepted the hospitalities of the household : Gen. T. F. Drayton, T. T. Smith, W M. Wilson, P. C. Wilson, M. C. Mayer, LeRoy Davidson, Harry P. Johnson, J. H. Baker, A. T. Moss, Sam. Towson, T. L. Shields, I. H. Wilson, C. T. Walker, J. Y. Weddington,R. F. Huneycutt, W. F. Cuthbertson, C. Fitzsimmons, B. F. Fuller, W. R. Burwell, C. N. G. Butt, Jaa. H. Ross. Ed. S. Burwell. G. G. Shanr nonhouse. Joe Barnhardt, Jas. B. Ma- gill, W. D. Powers, J. F." Gardner; R.A. Myers, E. B. Springs, A. B. Springs, Jr., R. A. Springs. J. A. Wilson, R. II. Jor dan, R. L. Cochrane, W. R. Cochrane, Col. J. Y. Bryce, J. Ahrens, J. A. Bixby, P. H.Phelan, Gus Flemming, JohnB. Ross. Home Rune Away, Tw Buggies Smashed, Narrow Escape, &c. About 3 o'clock, Monday afternoon, as Mr. It. J. Stoueh with his wite was driviner about one mile below Davidson College, the norse tooK ingni ai a steam saw mill. Mrs. btougn got oui oi ine butrffv but Mr. S. held on to the bridle and the horse ran some distance, Mr. S. still holding to him, when they fell to gether. The horse rose quicKiy, lurneu, and ran back up the road, where he soon met Mr. J. D. Kearn's horse and buggy, with three children driving from school. They turned aside as Dest thev Roiild. but did not escape, lhe in funated horse ran, or jumped, directly nver them, when he fell on his back with both busrsies in one mass or dto ken wheels. &c piled upon him. lhe linrsfilav still. unaDle to rise until ex tricated. The strangest feature of the catastrophe is, that JfKe i.ii i iii mi- iiirj. xixa w - - i t - hurt. Although the horse Jnrst tea on Af r. S's foot, and then struck Mr. K's smallest child in lumping over the bug gy. Very slight bruises are the sum tc- tal of their injuries. The Lutheran Synod. Tie seventv-sixth annual convention nf the Evanirelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina met at netnei cnurcn in Stanly county last Wednesday, Apri aoth. Theobjectof these conventions is that the ministerium of the synod may meet together to converse on tne state ot re ligion in their respective charges, and strengthen one another, as well as legis late for the best interests Of the church. The laity are also represented ny dele gates whose duty it is to lay oeiore iue ITl 111 IS tell 11 "1 tuc noura u wicu tive congregations and assist in legis lating thereior. . There was a full attendance of cleri ratarrrl lav deleffates. - - - - - - Tlift sTnod was organized witn t itev, a D. Remhein. D. D.. m the chair, ine doctor, who is the ola president, on re tiring from: his office gave, most en couraglng reports of bis labors as presi- deut for tne past year, snowing tuat vy an aressive - missionary spirit the Chutch was rapidly spreading in differ ent portions of the State. - - The otneers ior tue eusuiiig ajriiwuiuai year were then elected as follows: Rev.L. A. Bikle, D. D., president ; Rev. J. S. Heillg, secretary; Rev. Sam 1 ss.rioinrocK.j ticitsuivi. .,v - The various standing committees were then appointed, and reports on the state of the church received. - , These reports bespeas a more nopeiai outlook for Lutheranism in North Car olina at present than ever before. i The doctrinal status, intelligence and especially the liberality of the synod, Beem to be rapidly increasing, the con trihnrinnaior uiiavciu uci tributions for this year oeing iour uiue 8Btinfli importanfc mission, pi JTf Hi I i? ul ; vetastblishea. , i 1 ( Sf3 Pennsylvania, Virginia mjlie Car- Mina Kvnnis were in'attendancev If Aim I 110 - rSIKIH M.1II1 ILULUlUbA ..llv elected as - fraternal f delegates, tothe . . Jl mr- 3 a arrtm . U f norm South Uaroima &raou;wKjuuwiu and Linn to tne rennsyivnuia-. "i? rium ; ana itevs. rroi. iwuu auu ".." Tne entire lueeuny ui xuc djuvva . . i.'.'a Otn flimvl nraa - 1 . .The synoa aajourneu vu. otmiuaj i it. Pleasant. Cabarrus couaty, ITirXiAv hirri the first Sunday ,w i ",T" Trso Ts - ' , . linMay, , . . , j....- Xfnre CoL Chas. Vit Jbxfcs "uettvered a lec ture beford the,:Charlotte: chamber, pf commerce last night, wmcn was hearct by the members and a first-rate audi ence composed of both ladies and gen tlemen of the city. At the conclusion of the address a resolution was passed unanimously, asking that it be publish ed. Accordingly , it appears elsewhere in this mornings Observer. . Blecklenburg Prettbrtery . The spring meeting of Mecklenburg Presbytery began last Friday at Casta nea Grove church, Lincoln county and ended Monday- afternoon. The open ing sermon was preached by the retir ing moderator. Rev. Mr. Cooke, of Caldwell churclv (Mecklenburg county, was elected moderator and Rev. M. R. Kirkpatrick secretary. At a secret ses sion held Saturday the Presbytery heard a long report from Rev. J. F. Latimer on the subject of education, and the report with the twtole sublet which it embraced was disciissed elab orately. Sunday BevAi Wl JJ3Be ii D., preached in the-church which was crowded to its utmost capacity, while Rev. M. R. Kirkpatrick preached to a large congregation in the grove. The presbytery adopted the Revised Book of Church Order.-and adjourned to meet next fall a rbJladeJphiahurch, Mecklenburg county,' r & i f The sessionswere largely attended and a pleasant and harmonious meet ing was had. E irly Vegetable Incident. tPhBadeljaa Times. A rnau with: at. basket on his arm pushed his way up to a fruit stand yes terday and asked: "How do you sell cucumbers ? The dealer informed him. "Why, man alive, do you suppose I want to by a. whole one V "I. don't know what you want, but that's in)rl4o cucumbers," replied theHealer. "You don't want it all down, do you?" "1 do, for a fact." "Suppose 1 give you one-third cash, balance in yearly payments?" ine truiter shook his nead. "I'll pay you big interest," persisted the man with his basket. Another shake of the head. ".GivevQU the bestxf security," urged the; customer ; "first mortgage on; unin cumbered Veal estate." ; ' ' ' The . dealer - would only shake his head. : , , "Well, then, how .do vou sell straw berries ?" Our reporter did not hear the price, but the man with the basket fainted dead avvav. The ('nance Taken. Here's a chance for some enterpris ing paragrapher who wants to get up a poetical paragraph. All you have to do ia-to fill .up ;the blanks; we.11 furnish the rhymes: ' gear risky beer .j.. v, whisky temp'rance cause ' ' three hurrahs. Keokuk Constitution. We are not enternrisiner. but can fill it out for you just as well as not, on S the condition that you will not sue us tor libel: The Con8tihitfon,s,w$ oi . i Its habits are so very Its paragrapher will take Whenever he can get no He advocates the. And then for gin gives . . Home gentinet. Booth's Would-be Slayer lieads Guilty. Chicago. May 6. Gray, who attempt ed to shoot Booth, pleaded guilty of as sault with intent to kill and was-re manded for sentence until Mr. Booth shall have made his statement in court and inquiry is made into the mental condition of the prisoner. Killed by a Train. Stamford, Conn, May 6. Mkhael McNamara, formerly clerk of the Mas soit House at Springfield, Mass, at tempting to board the train at StaiBa ford station last night, fell and had his head completely severed from his body. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS, MAY 6. 1879 PRODUCE. Baltucokk Oats steady; Southern 34a36, Wes tern white 33a34, do mixed 31a3, Pennsyl vania 3435. Bay market steady; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland llal4. Provisions steady; mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new talk meata loose shoulders 3t, clear rib sides per- car load, packed new 4i4a5J&; bacon shoulders, old 4. clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured. a Lard refined tierces 7. Butter steady: choice Western packed 15al7, rolls 1 lal3. Oof fee dull; Rio cargoes 10al6. Whiskey dull at l.OTava, sugar nrm; Aon aft. . CfijciKBATt-Flour steady; famlir 4-50a50. Wheat steady and In good demand; red and white l.OOal.Otl. Corn dult at 87a38. Oats duli at 28a31. Pork dull and nominal at 9-6OalO-O0. Lard dull; current make 5.90. Bulk meats quiet: shoulders 3.40 cash, short ribs 4.40 eash, 4.37 buyer May, short clear 4.60; baeon quiet; shoulders 4ai& clear ribs 5ai, clear sides Styaife. Whiskey steady and In fair demand at 1.01 . Butter steady and unchanged, fancy-creamery 1 8aa20, choice Western reserve 13al&V choice Cenftal Ohio 12. Sugar steady and unchanged; hards a 9. A white 8iAa8, New Orleans 6a7. Hogs active but a shade Tower; common 2-50a3. 15. light 3,20a45. packing 8.30a5C', butchers 3.50a60;a-eoelpte 1500 shipments 715. JL' -- - New York Flour no decided change; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour active; common to fair extra 4.75a5.60; good to choice do 5.65aR.75. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.10a.14, No. 2 ditto 1.15al.l6. Corn -ungraded 43a4i4. No.3, 434i- Oats, No 3, 34. Coffee dull ana nominal; Rio quoted In car goes 10Vfeal4ft, In lob lots lOiAal&ta Sugar firm; Cuban 6a6, fair to good relrg 6 3-168, prime 6te; refined standard A. 7?8, granulated 8. powdered 814, crushed 8. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Rice In fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 6a6, Louisiana 6afll. Pork old mess on the spot 9.00. Lard prime steam spot. 6.20. Whiskey dull at 1.07., Freights quiet I Mi - V M )t I COTTON. Mejuik8teadyi Inlddlmg V$tf rfet receipts 588; gross ; stock 9,217; exports coastwise 203; sales 65; exports to Great Britain . ut.ttmohs Firmer: midd'e 12U: low middling 11.; good ordinary I life.; net receipts; gross 115: sales 3,600; stock 4,342; exports coastwise 40; spinners 700; exports to Great Britain:. to continent Drawnw-Flrm- middling 123tc: low middling 12; good ordinary 11;,-net receipts? 758; gross 1,414; sales 100. stock 5,030; exports to Great BriUiln . wn urvfiTOH Finn: mlddliniJ lllAc: low mid dllng lliic; good ordinary 10; net receipts 23; gross : sates ou: srocn wx; oimmcn , m- pons coastwiw . u uir , -w.. nent ; to channel . Pim inOT.raii-Firm: middline 12lc: low middling 1213 ; good ordinary 11; net receipts 120; gross 206; sales '870? upinners 885; stock 10,279; exports to Great Britain . iTTiTTo-ri THrm: mlddllnZ 12c: lOW mid dllng 1184c good ordinary lHc.; receipts 41; BOipuieilLa , DOICO wov. jwv . Charlestoh Strong; middling ll&c.; low mid dling 111; good erdtaarr-llc.: net receipts ui omaa ' fuuea iuu; i .jrr. vavv&ki eoastwlse ;407; Great-Britain France -r-; Continent : to channel. . . , ' Nkw York Steady; sales 1900: mlddl'g uplands rewlpts 8,930; exports to Great Britain 834! Continent. Liverpool. Nook. Cotton firmer, middling Uplands. 6d., middling Orleans. 13-16; sales i nnn oniiiatinn And emort 2.000. additional sates I yesterday .fter I legular posing, -j- te hclpts1 8,300; American ' 7.200.T Future 142 higher upianas tow nuuuuug uuhbo; maj uo Uverr 6a29;-32. May and June do, June and July 6 2932al&-16a31-32, July and August 6 31-32a 7 August ano Bepieiiiuer mi-oiai, acyusuiuct and October 7al-32, October and November 6 13- 16, November ana v&xmovi, . - - T ilBH 6S I g Mil! I S3 S Havingopeaed a Shoe Store with everything'fresh and new, I am prepared to offer such as WE 1 For Ladies, Misses and Children, and ever offered in this market. Thanking P. S.-I take pleasure in announcing with an exnerience of ten years in the May 6, l$7Q. FUTURES. Nsw Yobx Vtatuies closed steady. Sales 201 , 000 bales. May 12.42i44 June 12.49a.50 July 12 .63a,64 August ..- 12.77 September... 12 .46 October.. ... ll.75a.76 November 11 .36a 38 December.. 1 1.2880 January......... 11 .30a.32 FtKAJfCTAL. NkwYork Mon5r2fiSfe. Exchange 4. 864a govemmeRts firm. Sew Sa 1.031a. State bonds dull. CITY OGTTOST 1UBKET. Oma of tm Obskktkr. - t CAKiirT, May 7, 1879. i The market jesteKlay -closed iirm, as follows: Good middling 11 Middling. 11 SWct low middling. Hr8 Low middling. r ........ 11$ Tinges . . ltV Lower grades - 9i4alA10 Ifore &nzxtistmmtB. ATTENTION 1 INDEPENDENTS. 9 YOU are hereby notified to attend a regularneet ing of your company, at your hall, this 1 wed esdayYeTening at 7 o'clock, sharp; this befngthe nual meeltog for tte eleetton of officer s ej All members in arrears for dues are notified to come and settle or action will be taken. By order of JNO. A. BIXBY, R, F. Hcmbtcctt, Vice-President. Recording Secretary. may7 U - t: , - - yAKD TREES Just received In good condition and warranted to grow. Also Climburg Roses, Azalias and Deutzlas. Apply at the Express Office. nm may7 lt T. W. SPARROW. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS t SPRING STYLES ! THE XARGF.ST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED CHARLOTTE. IN I This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, 4c, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap j as the same vioods can be soW by any house In the South. MERCHANTS Will tk well to eair and examine this stock, as it Is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. VISITORS To Charlotte, are Invited to call and examine our stock, as they will find It most complete In every I i respect, and cheaper than ever before. j W. S. FORBES, Agent, j Smith ft Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St gjewtisftorr. JL WV ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OYER L. R. WRISTON ft CO'S c nOi 25 rearx? exrrlenoe" I 'foanntee endra atlrfacOon " Janll R Y J . M O Y E H 'S . : - V --4 -". J S .. - f Ml M D.W1K llil, full line of the best goods for Men and Boy, wtjich I propose ft sell cheaper thari y friends for past patronage, I trust to merit the same jn -the future. Respectfully, J. MOYER, Trade Street, next door to Kyle & Hammonds Hardware S.tpre. I to y oMfrieads that I am now staying with .Mr. Moyer and f eel atisfiea that Shoe audAlat. dullness, i can seu you Koy Very xespectf ully, . A NEW DEPARTURE. A RESIDENT BUYER are now prepared to .offer extra advantages to "We i goneto New Tent, wliere ne win remam im rei out for bargains, and all tne LATEST NOVELTIES IN 0US LINE. AnT soeelal orders transmitted through us will have hlslmmedlate and .personal attentloa, and his w flfforta will be used to please the taste of the most fastidious. . We irelvi Odstolly, and all are cordlaUy invited to .caUpnu8rfornyftlmrtoey may "luiMMnsfled that the quality and price of our goods will be the one to boy, and trusting that our efforts to please are appreciated, we are, Very respectfully, April 30. 'gvtitfht ints. QAROLINA CENTRAL FLA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee Ohio, "is well a points in Georgia itosurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK, Gen. Freight Agent, Wflrahtften.N.'C. cepC30 gvuQB and ptedfcitt . JR. J. H. McADEN, DRUGGIST AND CHHtlST, NewoSers to the trade a full stock of. Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS CarefMlly prepared at all houn, both night and day si l ! J. H. MCADKN'S i i Prescription Store. 'ECURITYl SECURITY ! SECURITY t I 200 Barrels of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AMI ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 3c Sons, Baltimore. ' Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal OH Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of-110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Db. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, (mBXornE.N.0 gleal 8tixtt. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND. IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For wiling and baying Mines, Lands and Houses, adwd , Advertise free of eost, an properties placed In my bands for sale. --, " , J 7 , , "rabs, f. WUYTON, ,clO Cnarlotto,i.a? to the trade a line of the best goods J J. Mc, ALEXANDER. IN NEW YORK. Mends and cjwtomer Our MI Our MR. HARRIS has constant look- ui ..... - ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. DISPATCH LIN E, NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of Charlotte, StatesrOle, Asheville, Rutherford top on the Atlanta Richmond Alr-Ltne. and Western N. C. Railroads, Alabama aad Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. Hotels. JjUKLD BROS., WHOLKSAiK AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS to COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac. Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and A. L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF fsX CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and Is kept in first class style. Terms, Per Day S 2 00 Great Inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. tST"OmnibU3 and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS Proprietors. Mr. H. 8. Wilson Lady, Superintendents. Hemrt Wilpong, Clerk. febfl $2.00 MARSHALL S.OO HOUST? TT O U -8 r ousH JlousXi SAVANNAH, GA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate-82.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Feb. 16-tf. BAKERY. BREAD, CAKES AND" PTES, fresh every day. WE can with confidence recommend them as the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. V. N. PRATHER, Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl . rpHE BEST 8T0CK OF ' GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES ;. In the city, at JaaSO la