X aiata THURSDAY. MAY M87T ,f I f number3. MM mi,-nf Hntv wonerlv eomme Mb ces with duty to self; next, duties to family; next, auties to State or cauntry, and then duties to humanity. .Thus, according to sound ethics, runs the log ical order of the duties of man. It may be said that self-love widens into love of family, this into love of State or patriotism, this into Jove of ion whipfi ia nhilanthroDY. The col umn' nf dntv to stand firm must have T4- ia nnoAnnri on.l illnfrifta for k man t love his fellof-maojirtt Njgj last, and it is aally illogical WkM to love country first and family last, or family first and himself last The Greeks and Romans made this mis take, that they taught their children to elevate country above family. . mnctr ism was unduly magnified. Hence, trie i,,r ratinr linon its apex rather Mft rSf Al toe the special ones that belong to the per- i bSederatood bittfer We duties ' sSbafity of the Godhead The external thSTmaS oSS Ob himself, and to his duties which we, owe to. God, are com tSmily Greecrand Rome would have prehended under the mtom of the Bi iamuy, ureece im xvw r words worship God. This lie victories: would nave Deen uivestw iooa efliat on historic Dase : but the national life would have been sounder, purer &nd-&tronger,and tli&Oiyi" tion might have wiUiBtoott .tUeTvlqws that eventually shivered it' lAto snjerej fragments. The ethics of Greece and Rome, so much admired by certain phi losophers, exhibit this inherent cLeiect nnAa Af TnO PirP M.IM1 lrilLlCU. LAJ LUC VVAi- I trp whereas, in all true philosophy and "ethici the centre the point , of Ideparture, just as all life begins with the germ and expands into the develop ed organization, ine- practical uuuw which we owe to humanity and society in general, mav be comprehended under the two ntipJesH-kihirtes and-rt spect. We are commanded, in the 2s ew Testament, to do good unto all men as we have the opportunity. This com mand may be considered as involving idl those duties that are included under the term kindness; for instance, it em braces sympathy with humanity. Even a heathen philosopher is represented as saying that he was human and that he esteemed nothing human foreign to his nature. If that be the creed of a heath en, theh'Hiowud should it ha Jttn creedot a, Christian. Hence syTripfctrry for tHefr fellows is proper for the children. pf, God.,.. man is at liberty to be-cbreieiss in re gard to the interests of humanity. It is his duty to help his fellowmen because, the person assisted isf a" fellow-taan." Hence the duty of sympathy, "of charity and of acts of practical' benevolencef Hence the minor duty of courtesy to all men. The JNew Testament, teu& u j& wp usuutvpveu wie yvj Miu3iB he courteous, to be Ditif ul. Hence the conciliation of man with hismaKer. i duty of contributions to spread the Gos- i V f i . t r x i i j e pel m roreign pans, nence tue uuiy ol contributing to the interests of human ity in general, as far as in us lies, ; Jle who confines his sympathies to his own country, does not allow them to bedbnie wide enough. Our sympathies should extend to every part of the globe wher on men bearing God's image are lefc it be borne in mind that the charity which we owe to our fellow-men should exist and be maintained in regard to their motives as well as their acts. A charitable Judgment is as much the duty of the Christian as a charitable act. A dishonest judgment soils the name no less than a dishonest act. The other duties may be considered as com ing under the head of respect. This duty is contained in the com mand in the New Testament, " honor all men." Ethics teaches this duty. The duty rests on the principle that man is made in the image of the Creator ; that there is a spark of divinity inusali When we honor a man or woman we do not h6hoT"tfiCtnTISCuia "srfengTh of other. What we are called upon to hon or is the divinity that is lodged in, each. If now we are called upon to honor Jfll men, it follows that we are not at lib erty wantonly to assail one another, either in person or reputation. Hence the sin of uncalled for aggression. Hence the sin of personal mutilation. Hence the greater sin of seduction, and rape. Hence the sin of lying. The Bi ble says "lie not one to another." In the lie there is a double offence ; it is in sulting to the person deceived, because you have failed to honor him, and it is a grievous damage to the person deceiv ing, because he puts a stain on his own soul, and ; violates a' command of God. Some moral philosophers argue that we may deceive a horse, but not a man. A higher system of ethics teaches that we should not deceive even an animal, not because the animal is dishonored, but Jbecause we injure Ourselves by the act of deception. Hence the obvious duty, in line, of honoring and respecting all those who bear the image of the Crea tor. When we have done good unto all men, as we have opportunity, and when we have honored all men, then have we fulfilled that royal law contained in the proposition, "owe no man anything." When the Bible commands us to owe no man, it .does not mean, to discharge only pecuniary obligations, but it fur ther includes that long catalogue of du- iica iAsiujicuciiueu uiiuer ane general term of kindness or respect for human ity. A !.!.-, It j Duties to nature. It maybe aid that Gouhay revealed himself itit all shapes 'and "forms in the Bible, which is the revelation of grace, and in nature, which is the revelation of wisdom and power. Whatever is God's work, man is bound to resffect. Nature is His handiwork, and hence the obligation of man to respect na ture, Hence it is a sin to mar humani ty as God's work, equally is it a sin to mar nature, whieh is likewise .God's work. Man is, therefore, bound ftot' to mar nature wantonly and unnecessari ly. He who mutilates the 'human: fig ure, or darkens the human mind, or ouiiJia uiu jiuuicuj sow, commits an ac- s kuQ wiedged sin. It is not lesssWfil&a wanton humor to deface a gem to grind .a pearl, to powder, to break a crystal, of ; thrush a jflower. llliwho entsdowna magnificent 'oak, a lordly pine or a graceful, elm. or he who wan tonJy spoils a beautiful landscape, com mits a sin. The conqueror in his march when he rudely ravages the land, com mits a sin. .Hence the crime of an At tila or of a Sherman. s . Ethics takes the- ground that it is a . sin maUciously.to Oestroy any.of .aa- tures works.;beeause nature's works - 2ZGodn worktfc-But this is not ail that we owe to natare.Tfcere ! are cer .al!aUesof anacJcharacteMof 4 speeffic char&ter:rit"i5auirto eonvmtdtMi& mrmgyth2 tement under our command, whether they edge tJ u In the Bbfape f spirits lTVke ASe rVlMcXan; Jlmw FranklimdW a rfchteou thing, when he chained lightning, and Watts, whh?.8ugsterthe Power of steam; , .. andidtonwhen he appliedriti to the i ; hoaUd:MoMwheaihe madtha surface of the earth as 'sensititB 'with tSa1!? w- wira,.as 18 the human bodv with Its nekworkof nervj TTov,a nn -uL fnasters in science, from a Bacon down JStHSSF apone yirtuoua things. Key n?tural elements s& 'Tri SomIort and happiness tof me Itisfurther ourtluty to aevelorj ana beautify .nature. J flnrt f aVd exPect8 s to secure the han Paevelotmrt.'Sn i,- " J1 tho hZ -ShSSS.-11? t,hrowa upon uthe laty 8 ite!1?2"1114116-.. Art Performs its - lughest mission when it seeki toem ellisU nature. Z 1 feencej ShapedghWaitiC! 3ts in this: that he held the mirror up natnrf" AVe are bound further to ex plore? and intent-gate to nature ifirthec nt. ftf scieiice.' lt lr unnecessary to 4evelopeth4thought tMaWails.inJ fone of hi hjghesc duties.jienjiBne Sects totwringjfrm earthiocearf or-aig its mvstexioHrfsectets. Bttt thefBis jetf higher 4uty that! we owira&.j lAaty to look&ltiM ture as a moral and religious wacner. It is his duty to use nature as a school of instruction. Its. unvaryingcharacter may teach him constancy and consist on nv Ti a nniftt and calm is sueeestive of mental and moral repose. .It foun der and lightning' may teach'-marither dutv or eiana ana sinmng euuiw life. Its silence may teach ramce. Its auiet and steaa; In fines we tare, i The like Newton looked tfirougn nature up to nature's God and became as little children : ; r Duties to God. , . - , ...- n , It may be said that man's ffitties to ncui inrrlvidfl all his otfiCT -duties : plus nnfrard rihafcrvVlTlftest' to-' All (thds TB Iigious rites aM'ceremonies, wMchGod has commanded, arid-which' are earned rwnf in ttu parthlv church. Hence our dutv fottenorjfeB public worship of ftfli tanebver tihrinz the services, and to bend the knee or bow the head in Tvravfir. Kilt there are higher auues than t.iipsp. Thfise mav be considered thy heart, with all they soul. - " . m What is it now to conform conform to his commands, aY repealed. to us in tne court or consuieuuwi uu God's written word; to look to inward purity, to do all those things wnicn are upd&oaiasominjrmndei the head of hitorals and feligion.' Irf fine,to an nounce a comprehensive proposition, man's paramount duty is to subordi nate his will to the divine will. - Made as man is, in the mental" ahcl moral im age of God, fashioned in a diving mould, it is his duty to endeavor to reach that sinless condition in whichTie ' was be-' fore they. came upon him that great moral disaster, called the fall. Philo sophically considered, the fall- ;fnans thai man's nature became dionooooiatod from the divine nature.. Hence, in conchiskttfheigrlniattl'Spf man is to brinsr about a re-union be- tfw'e&n 'hfsbwfr'Aaluie and the di vine nature; toy bring himself in harmony with God. This result, we are taught to believe, may be consummated through Christ. The Biblical sugges tion is that Christ" grand sacrifice, in making God's mercy consistent with ro consummate uns crowning recon- i ciliation, this after all is the duty of duties. J. P. T. Wash. Special of 5th to Richmond Dispatch.! The Democratic programme may be now regarded as settled. First of all, the caucus bill is to be passed, and if the President shall sign it, then the army appropriation bill is to be pushed through without debate. That will leave only the legislative appropriation bill, which is now in the hands of the Senate appropriations committee. This will then be pushed through the Senate, with necessary amendments, with as little delay as possible on the part of the Democrats, and the Democrats of the House will co-operate in getting it to the President as soon asopoesible. He will certainly veto it. because of what is known as the political sections. The Democrats in this emergency will fol- lojBLJeurse adopted in the ease of L wffli in regard to the jurors test oath and the deputy marshals and supervisors cf elections. The President will not'ob ject to the repeal of the jurors' test oath, nor will his party , in Coneress make a serious fight against it, but both will exhaust all party devices and constitutional- prerogatives to prevent any change in the election laws which will deprive the Republican party of the opportunity of throwing into Philadel phia and New -York and other cities at the presidential election of 1880 thou sands of Republican strikers, repeaters, xc, armea witn tne authority of deputy marshals and paid out of the Federal treasury, to bulldoze" aiid intimidate honest Democratic voters. Mua cipal Flection Monday. The Democrats earned Raleisrh. hav ing eleeted.ll opt of 17 aldermen. This insures the election of a Democratic mayor. On thesame day the people vo ted to tax themselves one-tenth of one per cent, for the suDDort of the nublic graded schools. - The Democrats carried Tarboro, elec ting four out' of simimissioners. At Goldsboro the Democrats elected six out of nine aldermen. ,x'- Ar Ureenshoro thd 6roV'mhf6T,,!atvd board of aldermen were re-elected. The vote was: Mayor Dodson, 177 ; Menden hall, 51. Aldermen Eikel, 217 ; Scott, 1904 Eldidge. 170; Yates, 183; Sikes, 167; Cunningham, 223. Thf Entire- Democratic ticket was elected m Fayetteville, withr W.; Jvyle as mayor. - At Weldon all the commissioners elected are Democrats. r? Stimulate the Sluggish KUnrys. in addition to its ionic and cathartic properties, Hostetter's Stomach-Bitters exercises a beneficial Influence upon the kidneys and bladder, when they arelnactive, by stlmulaUng. them to renewed ex ertion, thus re-opening, as It were, a sluice lor the escape of impurlggs whose regular channel of exit Is the organs of nrinltkra.1 Among these are cer- auuuruiai ana innaa)inatorr elements, pro ductive of irreparable : injury toUfrp system if not entirely expelled. The kidneys and bladder them selves are also benefitted by this Btlmeius, as their UactMty la usually a preliminary to their disease ana aisorganlpn, ,3Thpy,j also, experience, In common with other' portions of the system, tie potent invigorative effects of the Bitters, whiih furthermore corrects disordered condldons of the stomach, bowels and liver. I . . . . . "Sir.u . 18 a ssmi Accifeat. -.JFlS Ptoughterof Arthur Banks, Es., of mis d, feU into a ftd rf fcot water yesterday and was badly scalded. The immediate appliea potwV CboUc. ealve which was fortu nately fir the fconserlnstantir remnTuflvwin N-tleaal Sarglea Iastltnte. ! Two of the surgeons ef this notable Institute wflf visit Charlotte, N. C, May 15th and 16th, 181 stopping at the ptorlptte-iHoteL They wiU hive with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical top pllances, and will be prepared to treat au kinds, of DeformttI6 and CnWlDIsease such a Club Feet, Hip Msease, Paralysis. Special DUeaseST Piles and 'ttfctCrtohi& Private DlseaaRa. viscoaca VI ine ityeSC. ITor fulL nnrHmloro hA ' aprl3 d4f w4w JtTATer1' rnM HAS In a nnt-ohnll in JOL 1. li??' Klves more satisfaction imRMi,11-- other.. first-class iraSfnS.Srrii? elegant Restaurant, at mod "SWS!?' taonteidl the Grand CentraU fSSiSgT-"?0 BE8T wkctVa 1U mm reu . - i i - 1 y laeveiou- m . J 1 . , 1 . M HIT e"Fviir""rT-T"- st; Jk.ti ' n Cl. 3 A . .ax savsm A( MtniI1 WW1 J bbj aw ays ItibhfetherttDcmia li n r tJjmiXeKlttt." jJU! Trap"1 A TORPID LIVER Is tbe friKnl pourca of many iiaesrea, proml- '.'"'-' ;" " nent among which arfri'' ejinvill DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS, . . DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVSR, AGUE AND FEVER,' JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM- It A VER. Ioaa of Appetite and Nauaea, the bowela reooative, but ometimea altemata with 'icgeeneea. -yUa1nthe Head, ocopmpamed ,wjth a ball senaationin tha back part.Pam -faritt aide and tmder the ahonlder blade, foilneaa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body Or mind, Irri tability of temper, Low pints, Less ol memory , with a feeling of haying neglected ome duty, General weariness; Dizzii&s, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before tha eyea, Yellow Bkin, Headache generally 8 ever tba right eyej BeiQetanead ft nfght " with1 fitful dr eama," highly colored Urine. IS THESE WAEKINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON EE-DEVELOPED, HI such a change-of feeling as to astonish the ufTrer , TUTT'S PILLS ere eompeanded from anbstaacea tbnt arc free from any propertlea that can Injure the moat delicate organization. Tbey ' Searen Cleanae, Parity, and lTioaA the entire Syatem. By relieving the cn gorged IJyer, they cleanae the blood from poiaonoua humors, and thun impart health and ritalityjte the body, causing the bowels to act naturally, without which no one can feel well. Dr. T U IT : Dear Sir; For ten years I have been a aaartrr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Last Bpni, Pileei They ilea gone, and I have gained forty poiwas oid fltb. rortn tneir weignt in gum. Bxv. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville. Kt. TUTT'S BILLS. Their first effect is to Increase the Aprt;, and cause the body to Take ou Fienh, n:u.s ..o Bystem ia nourished, aud by their Tonic A -tlen '3fatJiefrtTe' Organs, Uetcular Btoohi mi prodacd ' -j-vjt , j ; -. DR. J, F, HAYWOOD OF NEW YORK, SAYS: " Few disease exist that cannot bo relieved by re storing; tha Liver to. ita normal functions, and for this purpose no remedy has ever been invented that has as happy an effect as TUTT'S PILLS." SOLD IVEB.VWHEJiE, -PRICE 2$ f EMS, Oace'-a&jifiiJcraTi Street 1SV orU. Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable Infor mation and UaeAU Beceipta " will be mailed res on application. JJJTrSxflHR JYE. GaaT Haib ob WmgKEBB chanced lo' a GtosgT . , Si. Ana hrv a aiaffla sDnlication ef tail fira. It im parts a Katoral Oolor , acta Instanfaneonsly,1 trad is sa Harmless as spring water. 8old by pruggista, or aratbrexBiess on reosipt at L Office, 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 ly. xu THIS GENUINE DRiC.-Mci;ANE!S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR n,:: VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. enance isp 1 en-cplpred, with occasional shes or a circumscribed spot ofTofie cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irrftte1d,-elMaifd sometimes bleeds ; a" swelling 01 the upper lip ; occasional beadachd fvyth humming or throbbing of me ears ; an unusual secretion tofaMYaylflimy or furred tongue ; breath A'ery Tdul; particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, ofn(imes voracious, withr a gnawing sensation of the stomach; fat -others, entirely gone ; fleeting namsin the stomaav; occasional nausea dndnrom kingyt violent pains throughput the ktidomen ; bowels irregulkt, At times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged witjj'bloixk belly swollen and hard ; urine -turfcfcl ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough .cfcigh sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed slejepf Mritjl. f rf nding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures , of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper'. ; -:0: ; ' ; PR, C. iclLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not 'recommended as a remedir "far faU the -ills that flesh is heir to," but in . affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia arid Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE. AND FEVER. No better sajhartic can be used prepar- As a simple purgative are un cqualed. BEWABE OF IMTATIOSS. " e gVhuine'ari never sugar coaftedi' l i-Each bdX has a red .wax seal on the lid. with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver ?lLxg;- ?fi " ; Each wrapper bears the signatures of C, McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon haying the genuine Dr. C. McLAtiE' LwmJe prepared by FlemiiBAs?,lo(lPitbWurgh; Pa., th market, being fuljof, imlJations of tii name McXanespened differenuy hut j1 tome tofauneia.ti6tKi!i hk liffiilS ti!Q 'nn -tip j 1 A dHElal4..IIOUGB ANB-- LTQUPOJTOFiTiCE. pjnEoiSEsi- 6end and getKtnt tcattflogue of choice Green House and Bedding plants. woanend pl&ntstbiOQglt the m&UtO cny part Llil ; . " C. B. FAIBCHILD 1 . ; Seedsman and Florist,' ' March 28 2m. - , Baleyth,!, C. BQCEBIES CHEAPKB THAN XTXB. NEW GOODS t ' NSW iTUEES - Come to me for Bacon, Vom, Sugar, Coffee, Ho laaaoa, and other famUy Grooerlea. i . Just Koeived, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) . y'.t mm-; fi Vbest btb wejs&xt. :.ii . ri, ; - v .:. - : V- .; : ' - . : - , Xiao v fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash.. All goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CBJMMDiGEB, 1 V!ti; i. -;. .. " Trade Street, ... Next door below Wilson fc Black's old stand. ,apl5. ...... R. M. MILLER & SONS. May 7. J XJ S T IN AT LeROY DAVIDSON'S, 50 BARRELS Bridgewater Family, Belmont Family and Bel mont 4X Flour. The Bridgewater Family took the Silver Medal at the Paris Exposition. Try one barrel and be convinced that It is the best In this market ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Fine Oranges and Lemons, Cocoanuts, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, and choice Frencn and Plain Candies. Choice Jellies, Mustard and Canned Fruits of all tunas. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Graham Flour, Oat Meal, Marrow Beans, and fresh crackers or every description. - f; " .; CREAM CHEESE. WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, the best ever sold in Charlotte. Also Sugars. Cof- Beef Tongues, and In fact everything good ot eat mat neart can wisn ior is to dc iouna in my sure. i M iLeBOY DAVIDSON rtothm: but ehoiee eoods. Guaran tee every article we sell and will cneer- fully refund your money when our goods are not found as represented, a gooa siock oi FAMILY 6 DfE R I E s 1. Butterr Eegs, Chickens. Hams, and nir jiuuv DUvuaiuvO VI wiu, x iuui . general Country Produce. Solicit correspondence irona pa rues wisning 10 Duy or seu. Respectfully, F. R ALEXANDER & CO., May 8. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. ppffift'i'iiNri'v M a a C I- X. r m at wm aortffltte.-irimi Hft-ana Dtstrmnaon, Class E, at New Orleans, Tuesday, May 13th, 1879-108th Monthly Drawims. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, for thb tebm of twkmtt-fivb tears, towhich contract the invlola- Die latin oi tne btate is pledged wnn a capital oi $1,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of S350.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- BERiDiSTRIBUTION will take lace monthly on thB second Tuesday, i It never fcaules.or postpones. ixok til Xm wiiQwing aistnouaon: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,060. 100,000 Tickets at -Two Dollars each. Half Tick. . . eta, One Dollar. ... LIST OF FRIZES: 1 Capital Prize, 10,000 IplPHzet.. r5,000 . , 2 rfeeso?$2,5O0.rj. B.000 .j ft ijizds oi i,oyo.f ,,..,,,.. o, 20 Prizes of. s , 600... lO. 100 Prizesof 100 10,000 aOOPtizesof ir50...- 10,000 , ftuoiTizesoi .n,.- ao. iu,uuo 400riIeaoLlia0...ltv, 10,000 . I.APLVATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 82,700 h Appmximaaon mzes oi auu i,vw 9 Approximation Prizes of 100..... 900 18S7 tizets, inwwitine toC.l . . .1 . . 1 $110,400 Responsible corresponding agentj wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liDeraToompenfiatiop wui De-pauk , , t- , .- , v Appllcatioa for rates toefub should only be made fo the Home Office in. New Orleans. " ' Write, clearly stating full address, for full Inf or- mauon or send orders to . , . . , r. M. A. SAUlrHlN . Tostoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana . L An our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are undef ute supervision ana management oi humkkii U. t: tsgAU REGARD and JUBAL A EARLY. apr6 . - , . - HAMS, HAMS HAMS HAMS TIERCES. retail T V 1 fGi?jEf on hano. Meal." Oat tlllll.tlli Mem. , jfltreidtisjem "DEPUCEU SATES TO ATLANTA. ,v 'j; AU visitors 4elrmg t6 attend tht Baptist Conven tion and Medical Association at Atlanta this week, win be passed over, the Air-Line Railroad at half rates. Tickets good until Monday, 1 2th, at 8 ivm. may4 3t i - - - -.v A. L. SMITH, - Agent. - ATT E ON ! HATS AS BONNETS, Bleached, Pressed and Trimmed, ' -IN THE M06T FASHIONABLE STYLE. BY MBS. J. B. FBANKLLN, South Myers Street South Myers Street mayS 2t "KTOBTH CAROLINA FRUIT TBEES. I expect to canvasa this Motion for orders for Vniir Trs. to h delivered this faiL Those I may fall to see can leave orders iat J. H. Henderson's store or send them to me at Davidson College. -' may6 w6m T. W. SPARROW, T70B; SALE. Two fina Milch Cows, with voana x' - Calves, well to call at May4 4t- Persons desnfng to buy, would do 11119 UI X IKJJL,. ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. Any nersan deslrlns to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can e ac commodated by applying at decl.8 THIS OFFICE. 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, ' MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. iALDWEtL HOUSE, Caldwell house, CALDWELL HOUST CALDWELL HOUSJlrf, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. S. P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a firsclass boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. , RATES Per dav. transient SI .25: ner week. $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per montn, $ig.uu. janiu HEAD FOR Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MUNZLER. All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 Wlntchts and gjetttjelvg. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want U J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and STL ' VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of renatrs made at once at half nrlr- and warranted one rear. Ever? kind of Jewelrr o Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Sliver-Plating and Gal vanizing maae at snon nonce ana equally as good as new. Work done for the trade allow nrloes. . HT" Apprentice wanted, with premium and good rererenoea. i . ue paired wont uncalled Tor will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. Sew axro:tismjetrts. READER T BEFORE BUYpG 4 PIANO or ORGAN Do not fall to send for my latest 20 page Qlustrated News iper wiu mvca valuable iniormaaon free, New Pianos, $125, $135' and upwards. New Or- ans, 05 to $440. -secure to wrftfrmehelore uylne elsewhere. Be wars oMnattaiata. AAdteKk. ujumxju 1. oMii i, ijntngton, a. i. 'A GENTS WANTED fw the best and fastest Ai eUlngpctorial Books and Bihles. Prices reduced 83 per cent. Naxioual Ppblishino Co.. tr nuaaeipnia, ra. GENTS WANTED for Smith's Bible DleUona xi. ry and Holman's new l ;- PICTORIAL BIBLES. Prices reduced. Circulars free. A. J. HOLMAN P VM rnuawipma. r Parson's Purgative Pills make new Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be re-. Btorea 10 souna neaiin, 11 sucn a uung De possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps.' LB. JOHNSON a w.4 uaagoi, lie. ., j POROtJS PLASTER . .There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniments; electrical ao- yuauvca. aw. " au uusicuuia in ruur own tocauiy N T I LADIES; 1 Price 25 cents. , ap22 GRAND . OPENING ! -AT THE- CHINA PALACE OF- JNff. 'BR00KFIIL& & CO., -os- Frtday, Saiu day and Monday, April 25, 26, & 28. We take great pleasure in informing our friend and the public generally that our new stock has arrived and Is complete. ft.We cordially invite all to inspect our large and well selected assortment, consisting of CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps, Buckets, Chandeliers, etc., etc, All of which we will offer very low, at prices to suit the times. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to give us a call, as we are prepared TO FILL W HOLESA L E ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO. Chariotte, N. C., April 24, 1879. ttsczllixnzans. AHEAD ! AHEAD LL who wish to buy Luxuries acknowledge that "PERRY'S" is the place to get the best His stock of Candy and assortment of Crackers have never been equalled In this section, whRst Oranges, Apples, Bananas, kc, are very ine. Smokers should call and try . his new five cent Cigars. N. B. Housekeepers will Had Crackers a great Tea Table Luxury. Ffesh and Crisp. apr27 SWEET POTATOES, NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT. A full supply stm on hand. Also the iostly cele brated BA JAH JAPAN TEA. Also fine Strained Honey. At 1 March 27," & M. HOWELL'S. 1 ICE! AT TflE SAME OLD STAXD, where iam prer furnish' a siroerlor dUalltr to Hi irtio may want I i Meait will aOso mike aauy oeuvenes; ai. piaees tt: oastnessi orj patate residences. Ordera given tha driver, addressed to me through P. Ot Box i53. Of delivered tome u oflkw on lot of Rock Island Factory, will receive prompt aoenaon. i. - . - Customers who begin with me will be sapplled the entire season at the following figures: I Tk quantities iom Uuat 6 lbs of5to501bs.. t n 9, -liS per id " of 50 lbs. and up, The above BgureVare the''s4'at'wW been sold for , the lai two seasons, wheniihiid eompettooffi nd as t nave tmsarpasaea llaetWtes Weonfluctthe bMitoesa-eo ateemmata. principle; feonsumexs wiaconault their Interest py glvlnflfme IfstWnpinklttaiiyoanttcar and forwarded with cHSpeSoks'fT.'r , : , Thankful for your patronage In the pAst,' I re- Bprqumiy ass: a cononuMnce or tne same: ' J. TV ANTHONY. May 2- ' V hi 1 f 1 - FAMILY MEAL. 8 Car L-oads-J20 Bosbela CHOICE OtSg MEAL Just received. ap6 & M. MTLLEat ft SONS. gTOP AT TH1 t BAMsbury.N.a t-.t C. a BBOvnr, Proprietor, ' ' J u . , , Late of the National Hotel, Baletgh. A a Brown, ft , PWefjPlc; f , ShelbW As TT YOU WISH to . engage ' in an' honest, genteel JL .' business, and make plenty of money during uwaouaaya, sena your aaaress 10 ;: .it, t t a. RANDOLPH ft ca; feo4w4t - IOT, 4Ut bt:, N.T. Hr v- SMITn'SWORM on.. Atbxks, Ga., December r 1 OTO AJewn Khta since I gave my son one dose of th Worm Oil, and the next day he passedstTtlf e large worms. At the same tune I isJr? UttTe RlA, four years old. andT iSS (SSJS. r worms from four to fifteen lnr-hiT cuw-su Worm OU for sale by Druggiste eeSkh IPL pared by E. 8. LYNDON, Athens, (fif Price 25 cents. fh9i, mb, penoci jjlooo fumtiui, and is the only purely Vxorr able remedy known to sci enee, that has Made radical and Permanent , Cures of Syphilis and Scrofula, in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from tha system,' it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin di- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m -' QNE OF THE .MQST , . ONE OF THEMOgrp IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES trie light and other sdentifle marvels of the HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE ! This compound possesses the most remarkable 7 SORVoWi CUTS, BRUISES, 1 jmfl d mtsaaed- Ortaees, and for -, , AJJbWl,, UREASES. unto la reconunendmg it Beware of counterfeit! Ask for Henry's Carbolic Saive,Und take no other JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN 4 CO.. t Sole Proprietors, . 8 College Hoce, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston ft Co. Chariotte, N. C. marl 1 ELECTRIC BELTS. A-sure cure for nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustion, etc.. -.The only reliable cure. Cir culars mailed free. Address J. K. REEVES, 43 Chatham street; tii 'i v Feb. 20-d4w8m. Bishop D. S. toggett CSosthern Meth.) It Is an excellent correct tve 6f lrxtipMiinn. Rave used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangnm, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett In his estimate of the Test it Pocket Cure. Rev. : A, 'Tates, P. E. JS, C; Conierenoe. It has benefitted me. I Send another packaga " Rev. Leroy Ml leeVD: i, Meth. Htet'n. I am never without C at heme or abroaii. It n an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. . Its, merits are attesteoTby pumbers of high charactet ; irhave-sBena "triedvrrthlDe" dvs- peptioof tmoan years MV0d to ope drae, Rev. Dr, Jeter, &oaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) . It is endorsed' dv ih dlmet twrannal tpatlmnnT of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medlclot ever, had such support in its favor as a specific The word of any one of the eminent divines wbo underwrite tola antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Their united witness Joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Ya. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. 8Id. Col., Va. is highly .esteemed here by the reEularMedl- puQy and the jpepple. It is expefleht for to on' and fiathfent nrC-sMtaHre. aoborlllc. toolc,supappttentwn5it nausei. I' 1? t AUOPISTS. i-il v.'.orsaijby:: DR. T. C SMITH, Chariotte, N. C ODELL, RAOsVN ft0.t sssasnoboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLTJT'JIbury N. C. ..-.I .-. i , mar 20-d4w tf. Hnr itii MIIWVUIIUlll' OB GOUT ACUTE OB CHRONIC ' ;" y.S'l'l C- T' 'L 1 c A .. 8UBJS, CUBE. liamTfactuTe4onl irpOpt abpye prade-Marjf T EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., ! Immediate' Mllef warranted. Permanent curt gmranteed. ; Now xclUvely uae4 by au ce'""' , physicians of Europe and Amertev Staple, Harmless, and Sellable Remedy on w continents. The Highest Medical Aauifmljf CAe Acid which exists In the Blood Of Rheum and 'Gouty PaUenta.- tlJOO box, 0 tL S5 Oa Sent to any address on receipt of pnj Endorsed by physicians. iSoldby all drugg i(r dress ' , VaSHSURNeToO -- nov7 ' Only Importers Depot. 28 Cliff-st.. N. 1 For -sale by IWm McADEN, Druggists, reV8iy.'Ii,;" " CharlottftNJ: .fT BATTLE, K - it t ft Jw ill if rrr in ,iiiri. Havmg removed his office to the first floor the Traders' National Bank,' can be f?,1 all hours during the day, and at his residence ner Seventh and CoUege streets, at night, feb7 8m ' art!

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