SUN Ladles ftuymn-aiBapl? M SunJJjsbttJlaa will inn! the best assortment at the lowest prick at . ELIAS & COHElf S. They wl$ AfcflW? gotds to.Bthemupon Whlch they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple . DRY GOODS) lsnow complete, among which inayf be .found a full supply of nouse Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Plll0W Casings lu Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask to White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; pets, Bugs, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings to large, .nrt will be found Tery cheap. Bo will our stock of WHITE GOODS, f w HOSIERY." GLOVES.' HINDI COR- SET8, FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand- i.,ir and 2 Sun Umbrellas. Tod will find them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. ELIAS COHEN. furniture. jUROESS' NICHOLS, VTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALER IS AM. KINDS-0F FURNITURE FUBNITUBE ! BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. BEADING, AC. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE! FUKNITURE ! A Full tine of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES I LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES! tl - PABLOB AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! tW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -Ml tW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Tradk Sthket. raARXOTTE,N!c tff- Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a fine supply. Jan3 I ARGAIN3 URBR NPJ N N URRB BEJE UR KNN UR BK URBR PR n Hie 8 ii TT nil RE VV R UU R Nxt to PoeTomci. Slock is very Lar. . arid embraces a Full iJnp of it "A 4 A : 5-j ''AHLtlll, iCHAMBlsR; DINING BOO AND OWfOE FUUNITTOE " 1 . - h ' AH Goods Packed Free of Charge' &Wt (Zoa&s, WatMtiQ, Set DIMS! DRESS GOODS. LADIES' HATS. We have Just received per express some hand some Lace striped BUNTINGS, In Black, Drab and Cream colors. Also TRIMMING SILKS, in momle patterns. Don't fail to look at our Black and Colored Silks, Summer Silks, Silk Gren adines In stripes and Brocades. A second stock of colored French ORGANDIES, White and Colored Linen Lawns. The handsom est stock of SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS In the market Also a second stock of Lace and Lisle Gloves and Mitts, in all colors. Orders promptly filled. T. L. SEIGLE Sc CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. May 6. WONDERFUL RIDLEY A SONS' NEW YORK CELEBBATED 5 CENT COUNTER EXPOSED AT II. MORRIS & BRO'S. ARTICLES SOLD FOR 5 CENTS Actually WORTH 25 CENTS. Useful In every househotd and needed by every body. Don't fall to call and see those wonderful BARGAINS. Although all cotton goods have advanced by the late rise of cotton, we are still selling all our DOMESTICS at reduced rates. We invite everybody to inspect our large stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, &C. H. MORRIS A BROS. .April 8a '- SPRINGr CLOTHINGr. ,,i'i -rtfll ti .' W. KAUFMAN A CO. .t We have made the1 experiment of purchasing $ stock so complete as to inciuae vne iwjt uMvcnWq Sn. 8, XOUVn p, UJ q tU imwm OOU I- ... OO TTTT H ,H O - O T H ' H O O T HHH O O T H H OO , T H H II NN N n BH V n N N N II N WN II N NN VC!GO O O h '- o a a OoS LLI4. O GO . GOO We 'tovlW 'iubilc Inspection; and we are, at an - j- huiiiAMinnii m uncus, -ecu garment wnicn is soia at our uww - BeaT represented, and in price less than can. be bought elsewhere, .we couuhuo , . ; BLT1E FLAiVNEL ; SITS Cheapeif than any other house, as we did the i pasj geawn, and they have gained the reputation of her n nta haat in th marked. ,; ......' .A u t"rf uS ffce "present thfs season tq the consumer a fine nne oi j, ; j i 4 -j.j; i aoj r i-'. - Beofs, Sti oes and Slippers, Including the best makes In the country. . There Ti h Vmrf in miF atvk n. rtomnlete line Of fine Felt; Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of flinfimn'a Kurhtehlne Goods. Don t purchase before you examine ourstocKi W tb,e ctjeiRes BARGAINS Can be had at W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, Corner Trtde and Tryon Sts.,. Charlotte. N. C. April ltt Hi. A Fable forthelistraetiem of Mr. Hayrs. ; From Uncle Sam. A wild bull and an ass one day, By chance met In a narrow way, ' , Where each against the rock must squeeze, If they would pass along with ease. The bull, though of an Iron will, With deferential air stood still, - And said, "Now half the road Is thine, - And half the space by right Is mine; - So let us choose the friendly plan, And move along as best we can." "Not so," the stubborn ass replied, Whof blinded by his foolish pride, Mistook the traveler's civil air For evidence of craven fear. "The right of way Is mine alone, And you must back, while I move on; Or else I'll stand here as you see Till you shall starve or yield to me." Now, angered at conceit so great, The bull at once cut short debate, And bowing low his massive head, He tossed the braying quadruped So far upon his airy road, A spreading oak received the load. The ass found all his efforts vain To disengage himself again, . And there he would be hanging still, , A mark for crow or raven bilL But people came from miles around, To saw the limbs and pad the ground, And worked for hours ere they could free That foolish creature from the tree. O HSERVAT1 ONS. An exchange says that Napoleon IV is always poring over books. He never reigns, but he pores. N. T. Herald. The PhlladelDhla Euenina Bulletin, sneaking of the great distillery at Peoria, says : ' 'Our advice is 'drink deep,' but taste not the Peorian spring." An organ pleasantly remarks: "This Is the seed time of Republicanism." Undoubtedly. The en tire crop will be ripe and ready to thrash out next year. Atlanta Constitution. Whitelaw Reld, In one of his recent poems, sang: "We've got 'em, we've eot 'em." We knew he get 'em If he didn't let that Tribune basement beer alone. Chicago Times. "What." asks a correspondent. "Is the meaning of Shelley's 'Eplpsychldlon?'" We are not per fectly certain, but it sounds wonderfully like the name of some new ague medicine. Hawkeye. The balmy evenings are near at hand when the bewitching maiden stoops to conquer, and her sniveling companion encroucnetn on tne step De- low and says he's so glad "the sprig dibe has cub aged," Hidden. The would-be assassin of the Czar Is said to have been a school teacher, but he must have been a miserable one. for any school teacher who could miss at two paces certainly Isn't fit to teach young Ideas how to shoot Boston Courier. Two years ago Boston had only four legitimate tneatres, and oi tnese tne uiooe was closed, mow six are open, and a seventh Is talked of. In Phila delphia, within the same time, the number has been increased from three to six. A Rhode Island woman went to the cemetery to weep over the grave of her fourth husband, she found a strange woman doing the weeping for her, and there was a fight, a hair-pull, a howl, and all further tears were declared "oft." Alexander Stephens well, what We were going to say about him is that when his shirt is hung out to dry it looks like one leg of a drawers with a Dosom into it. And u we naa Knew we were going to get so much grammar Into that paragraph we never would nave written n.jawiceye. Governor Bishop, of Ohio, who wants a re noml- - nation, is very much displeased witn tne sudden movement of great men in his direction. He has come East, with the understood deslen of setting the use of somebody's bar'l to keep the way for small men o pen . Philadelphia Tones. BILLS IS THE ROUSE. Some Nuriu Carolina Measures Introduced Last Monday Under Ihe Call of States. From the Record, of Tuesday. Mr. Vance introduced a bill for the relief of S. D. Plena mons, of North Car- lina; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the committee of ways and means. Mr. V ance also introduced a Dili ior the relief of R. L. McConnaughey, of North Carolina ; which was read a first and second time, and referred to the committee of claims. Mr. Armfield introduced a bill to amend and repeal certain sections of the Revised Statutes of the United States and to require all prosecutions for offenses against the revenue laws of the United States to be upon indict ment ; which was read a first and sec ond time, referred to the committee on the judiciary, and ordered to be printed. Air. Scales introduced a joint resolu tion declaring the construction to be placed upon the fifteenth section of the act making appropriations for the sup port of the army for the fiscal year end ing June 80, 1879, and for other pur poses ; which was read a first and second time, referred to the committee on the iudiciarv. and ordered to be printed. Mr. Scales also tor Air. uavis, or North Carolina) introduced a bill for the relief of James Y. Whitted. of North Carolina: which was read a nrst and second time, and referred to the com mittee of claims. Mr. Scales also (for Mr. Davis, of North Carolina) introduced a bill for the relief of VV . & x). C. Halliburton, oi j onn Carolina: which was read a first and second time, and referred to the com mittee of claims. Mr. Kitchin introduced a bill to allow emnlovers to Dav their employes in to bacco or cigars without being subject to a license tax as wholesale or retail dealers ; which was read a first and sec ond time, referred to the committee of wavs and means, and ordered to De printed. Mvsteiious Disappearance of a Studcut at tne University of Virginia. Special to the Elchmond Dispatch. Chaklottesville, May 6. Mr. A.W, r,rawford. of Louisville. Ky a student at the University, mysteriously disa- peared from his room at the U niversi- jy, on Tuesday lasi. xuere j o umuy theories in reaard to the matter. He was a young man oi most exemplary character, and all ideas in regard to hoax or a desisn to deceive are enrown aside at once. He left his room as if ta take a walk for recreation. He left his best clothing, his watch, his books open, and his lamp Durning,asii w ue u - . w i . 1 C A 1 -.1. Hani, nil , a itiw miiiuLca. -l ui ouiuc ujo abnrehehsions were felt by his f rienc and acauaintances. which were increas ed by the fact that he was known to have received a consideraoie sum oi money on the dav he lett, and toui piay is painfully suspected. These apprehen sions increased upon his non-appear- nnrT excited his fellow-students so much that study was impossible, and yesterday lectures were suspended. The students tumea out m a.uouj. Buuuimg ih nonntrv north and west of the Uni versity ior nve or Six iuues, .xeaviug hnrdiv a leaf unturned that might hide hia hndv. Nothins was discovered. To- daf thelcountry south! and east was searcnea, dui wiinouc results, iuueoq YPirimeTit has been produced oy tue affair throutrhout the whole commu nity. . . - , . ' Emigrants Returning Hnm? . , St. TjOtjij?. May 6. About one hun dred and forty Southern refugees, men, women and children day from Kansas, and left on the steam. er liowara uns eveuuig iui uiicn iutm er homes in warren county, juiss. xney give an unfavorable account of their reception and treatment in Kansas, and expressed mucn pleasure " uenig uuim to return to. the South., They , were abundantly supplied wicn an necessary for their trip down the liver by inter ested parties here, ' - BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Speaker Randall is to stamp Califor nia after the adjournment o Congress, and Mr. Blaine is to make some speech es in Ohio. i The Pennsylvania Railroad, during the month of April, averaged daily i about five car-loads of emigrants for i the West. The national women's suffrage asso ciation convened at St. Louis Wednes- i day. It was attended by the oldest and i most prominent workers in the cause.3 i The Pennsylvania Democratic State central committee met at Harrisburg, Wednesday, and decided to hold the State convention on July 16th, at Har risburg. A. P. Davis, the 4eading Adventist and abettor of Freeman, who sacrificed his daughter at Pocasset, is thought to be hopelessly insane, and his arrest is anticipated. The Senate judiciary committee have decided to report adversely on the nom ination of D. T. Corbin, of South Caro lina, for the position of chief justice of Utah Territory; -; - Mr. Martin, of North Carolina, was the only Republican who voted for the Ladd bill to prevent military interfer ence with elections, when it passed the House Tuesday. All of Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris' bridesmaids except two Miss Barnes and Miss Fish are now married. Miss Bessie Conkling was the sixth of those eight young ladies. There was a terrific explosion of gas in the Stanton shaft of the mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa., Tuesday. Several miners were terribly injured and a conflagration followed. The mine was flooded to extinguish the fire. The argument in the Cox case at At lanta, Tuesday, took place before the largest and most distinguished audience ever gathered in a Georgia court house. The interest was intense, and over one hundred ladies were absorbed specta tors. Hon. J. Randolph Tucker, member of Congress from Virginia, whose eyesight has been seriously impaired for some time, was successfully operated upon Tuesday, m Baltimore, tor cataract in the right eye. Should no inflammation take place during the process of healing it is confidently expected that his sight will be almost entirely restored. During the progress of the Mississip pi valley convention, in session at Vicksburg, Miss., Tuesday, a telegram was received from St. Louis announc ing the return of 48 colored men who had been furnished transportation by the Wyandotte (Kansas) relief commit tee, to their homes in the vicinity of Vicksburg. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad Company was held at Norfolk, Va., Tuesday. The annual report snows tne net earnings for the last fiscal year to have been $150,321. John M. Robinson was re-elected president, and Moncure Robinson, Nalbro Frazier, Enoch Pratt, R. C. Hoffmau, Richard Dickson and D. A. Barnes directors. The material which exploded in the freight tram at Stratford, Ontario, Mon clay, was blasting powder. No cause for the explosion has been ascertained Three lives were lost and three men were seriously and three slightly injur ed, all employes of the company. The car was being shunted, at the time ot the explosion. The loss on the proper ty and freight in transit was $25,000. A dispatch from Kansas City, Mo., states that Col. John T. Crisp, who was the Democratic nominee for Congress in that district last fall, but was defeat ed by Judge Sawyer, who ran as an in dependent candidate, supported by the Republicans, was stabbed Monday at- ternoon by Ben. J. Franklin, the late member. There had been a good deal of bad blood between the two, as Crisp and his friends claim that Franklin secretly opposed him, though voting for him. and hence, alter a long and angry conversation, a scuffle ensued, during which Franklin drew a knife and stab bed Crisp in the stomach, though it is said not fatally, SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Kev. Ellison Capers delivers the me morial address at Greenville. The Cheraw & Chester Railroad took in 100 for treieht and passengers m one day at Chester last week. Mr. W. B. Cauthen. a 90-year old citi zen of Lancaster county, shot and killed a crow last Thursday at the distance ot 91 yards. Minor Hannah, a colored blacksmith a Bock Hill, was found dead last Tues day afternoon, near the town. Whis key and billious colic. The Register says there is a rose-bush in coiumoia wnicn ceased 10 Dioom when Sherman burned the city, and never bloomed again until Hampton was declared Governor. Last Sunday night, at the Methodist church in Chester, wnuei tne oeneuic tion was being pronounced, a lamp ex pioded in the organ gallery, nr 0ii ran down: to tlie ftn rne Durn ms oil ran down: xo uie nrsc noor, out f J ft 1 L fortunately the flames were extinguish ed and no one was mjureu. Last week, at Lancaster, a mulatto lunatic, Tom Crimminger, made a des perate assault upon Mr, Hardin, presi dent of the Cheraw & Chester Railroad. Mr. Hardin knocked his assailant down in order to protect himself from his violence. The lunatic is now in jail, and will be sent to the asylum. The General Assembly,, at the last session, having, by concurrent resolu tion, required the Attorney General to thoroughly investigate the ; charges against the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad Company of violations of their charter in the matter of freight charges and other ; important ; particu lars, and also the charges against the said eompany of habitually obstructing and continuing to obstruct free trans portation of freights from their track to the track of the South Carolina Rail road Company, the Attorney General requests ail persons having information or evidence in their possession pertain ing to said charges, to furnish him with written statements thereof at once. Well Really! Farmer lnud lechanlcj There is something ludicrous . in the fact that a few weeks ago,-when Con gressman Garheld was ;; denouncing Southern men and Southern measure of every description, he had just trans mitted, through (Jen. Scales, a check to Eay for- certain gold mmmg propertiesi e had purchased in Randolph, county. Oongressruan James VVUsoi has. also invested in Montgomery, m- After all these men know where to put their mo ney to make it do the most goott pon- l tics ov no. , T TvT In the early part of every season there Is a natural as standard authority In the fashionable world. Our telllgent readers that the Information given below Is Several changes have taken place, both in shape mand In Spring Garments Is oar new It has many admirers among those who prefer new anoe and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. Our Si. Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three or four of Spripg textures. THE In shape and style retains its hold In popular favor. ments of a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials are Out Paints stock Is complete, with every mwelty to tlvated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we Our Neck Wear assortment is almost unlimited In sity ScarL Unique and very elegant InWhiteYesU we have a State reputo'Uon, and we counters, only reliable and standard goods, and to the We Invite the attention of all, both far and near, of Inspection before payment of bill April 27, 1879. COME AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ALL WOOL THE Ever shown in this city. April 22, 1879. ( Via Steamers to Portsmouth, est Possible Time to all Points South and bouthwest. NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSE?, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via SeaLoard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour ot the day, and Through Bills of Liding Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For Information as to Tariff, Schedules, sc., apply to eitner or ine onaersigneo. April 30-d5m. ATTENTION! LADIES. We have this day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings in PLAIN AND LACE EFFECTS. Also, an excellent lot of BLACK GRENADINES, from 20c to $1.25; and a general line of new and desirable Dress Goods at the most reasonable prices. A Special lot of BLACK CASHMERES AND ALPACCAS, Dress and TrimmingSilks New thlnss In HOSIERY AND GLOVES,; An early Inspection! of the above wul heto your interest. ' - . GENTLEMEN, x - ; rj-,1i St-.'..' u , Yon will find our atook of SPRING AND SUM tfcit CLOTHING the most complete In the mar ket, at our well-known and popular low prices. . . IWITTKOWSKY BARUCH. O R- T1 A TST T I desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and also who are recognized . ? relations to, and dealings with the public, and the authentic reliable and correct. and pattern, of fabrtcs Men's Garments, of which j -' , - , i , WEST END SACK. shapes and ideas instead of adhering to the old tlmc - .,ivvj.n4i: buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving It a neai and PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, Its length is a little longer than last season, French Castings, Granites and various patterns of fahrira, and the slopes are rjerfect In wir Hat department we Invite the Inspection of the most cnV are confident of universal approval. '' ' devices of shades and styles, but boasts particularly 'r:::- .':;-,.--;.,:;.-. wiU only assert "progress'' In this season's selections.; Our efforts have been to Place upon our rapid Imreaseof our bM and their advantages will be the same, for we will send . . eiyr E. D. LATTA & BRtX, The People's Clotheirsi CHEVIOT SUITS FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Remember that we are the rulers in 13P Low L. BERW ANGER n w ""..u, g jiff" Va., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling.Quick- K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte, N. C. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) 3Jjew jtltyjex'tisjemjettts. xTnhTne7 Prof. Hertz's Great German Hair Restorative. The best preparation for the Hair now known. It gradually restores gray hair to Its natural color, producing a luxuriant growth, eradicates scruff and dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, prevents the hair from falling out and relieves neuralgia In tho haaA nni hAmi!uhA. Trv it. Pre oared by I XANTHINE CO., Elchmond. Va , and for sale by j all Druggists. DIXIE SOAP. i P. J. CREW & CO., Richmond, Va., Manufacture all the standard varieties of LAUNDRY SOAPS, Which they offer at lowest prices. y THY OUR DIXIE SOAP. Si BECRWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Fills will prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people in our coantzy, and are extensively used by physicians In their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. B. BECKWiTH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. , - ; -i EMINENT DBS, S.L.& J.C.NIEDLET, ST. LOUIS, MO., Say: Colden's Llebig's Liquid extract of Beef Is a very agreeable article of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dlp therla, Malarial Typhoid levers. Weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed It with great success. Sold by all Druggists. mme& mm hsikh We will pay gen a Salary ot 1UU per momn and expiise, or mUow a Inrge cwnmiMion, toaeil our sew and wouderfiri invcDtiotis. We tte wiM ve mn Simple frte. Addreu Haiuui A Co Xantall Xich, A DAT to Agents canvassing for the "Fik flmx VEaToa." Terms ana outnt free. Ad dress P. a VICKEBT, Augusta, Maine. dUrTT' a month and expenses guaranteed to 3& I Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co., Aogus Maine. : ADVERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted one week 1 In 300 newspapers for 810. Send 10c for 100 page pampblet. G; P. ROWELL 4 CO.,, 10 Spruce street, NY, r , , f UNDERTAKING The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand . full assortment of " COFFmS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASE3.1 Both Wood and Metallc PBICKS AS LOW JLS AHI. Hearses famished If desired. Furniture ot every Description Bepalred at sner ' ,u ff . '! ? tnottee ll jz V. M. WTI.TTy.TiM, I With E. G. Sogers, Trade Street. "une2a general standing of our . house, will assure an, in- : ..... ' iiio-,y: special mention will he made. The latest de-. - ; '., . J om styles of the past very stylish in appear , graceful appearance, are made up in every variety ? ; and It is one of the most useful among the gar English Worsteds. .. upon the very recent Introduction of the Univer ' goods to any section on approval, with privilege -i- "' i : ELSEWHERE Prices for Fine Clothing. & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. 0ok& and tatiiyttfl , JUST RECEIVED AT TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, . A well selected Stock of j; ,. . ' WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with Enl velopes to match. Also Paper in boxes, to suit the most fastidlousi. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE OF NEW YORK. ; 1A standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot lust fecetredi Edward Todd & Co.'s Celebrated . RUBBER PENS, A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen ' TTDDY & BRO. are also Celebrated Rubber ; agents for Emerson HAND-STAMPS, v and any orders given them will receive prompt at ' tention. E. BUTTERICK ft CO.'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS For May, 1879, Just received at ' . , , TIDDYBRO'S. CASH PAID FOR BAGS. : ' ' D. 8. MAXWXIX. C . AKBfflO" '. Auctioneer' fl! Tl fAXWELL k HARRISOVT 11 AUCTION AND commission ; ;r MERCHANTS,' ,J , , , . i, - , Buy and sell on eonslgnment all kinds of : MERCHANBISE AND COUNTRY PB0DUCE; - Will give strict personal attention to aQ business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Eotel. - dec3 4 " ' - ' ' ' S200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Print' Press, Gurn9yjnr''9, oM style se of feed 40 taetes. V sail r ' I it" -Ucei It a new one Adars J. C 1 A. t, e.ior Enterprise a ad iioonuuaeer, Gfen. ...? ac Sc;3 . :-" iaiiitf r' Mil ,50.

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