' ' V V.Vj"- 1 U Ji J ft IkkA Ai f k. IC" THJS OBSET2 JOB DKPASXXMXT Hat been tkmmghhf UttrrZieA with ti- Sronfll.... ....... ...,., 4 00 ftifte Motthar.: On jfiCA.. ::::::::::: WMXKLY MDIT10X I - ; v orwwoow.jwftw a 10 ;,r r. , - : LXTTX&-HXJJX3, CJLKDS, ' pxicpalsts; cnxwLAsa, csxcxs. so. . :::;chaklotte; no.,' Saturday! Yieiji i. iWi' -3,i85.;;v; r UberidlbdtMctioMjar Club. THE SESATOH'3 081T tv'' -3! 1 i: ' v . vOw ( I ' II f ill rr I v l , l 1 - II It 1 1 . I -It 11.11; I r 1 iKWIW J j. . - A - j mm mum, owf waft m n(rtorzVP m Mtry moaner QfJob Work am t dom wc mmftim. : --4-- ELI AS & COHBN'g,, .rytU.viK- fit 'L," 1,' HHt TM' TkAv UI almilvVoUMr roods, w suit them upon . f r VI 71 1 J f f ' v i v. ' V I 'ADIES3jffAT8'i;";. which they can saye money. and Staple Oar stock of Fancy. DRY GOODS u lion complete, punon which may be found a full supply of Hooae Furnishing Goorta. 8heetln abm pillow Caslnga to Linen and Cotton, Unem j Table Damask In White, Elate, Bed and Yellow; WTitatflngs anl bfl dothT V Oar stock ol Embroidery and Trimmings la torge and wlU M found ry cheap. 8o wOom stock of . hare" Jo rerred; pet express isotne hand- SWM liBCS BinPea;! ut 2 BUNTINGS, Ut Blackl DralTand ireunoolorsl " Also , fTT? Tf Tit f W CTT XT C "' Ja nnemie pattfuna. .Don't fall to took at ear Black and Colored Bilks, Sommer Slliu, Silk Gren adlnea hl stripes and Brocade.'. A second stock of j - white goods; 8KTS, FINS AND T1XS. CXB .at' 4 ;W Wl "Xs- White and Cabled est stoeK: french organdies; The handiom- I EDGINGS She sans: a few notes oat of tune: Her heart was ready to break, -And she hid from the moon. She wrung her claws, poor thing, But was far too proud to speak; I ' She .tucked her bead under her wing, And pretended to be asleept . , Alarkarm-ln-armwlthathrosh, ' A , Came sauntering op to the place ; i ne mgnongaie ieit nerseu Diusn, Though feathers hid her face; ,. She knew they heard her song, She felt them snicker and sneer; . ' She thought this life was too long, And wished she could skip a year. "Oh, nlghOngaler cooed a dove, "Oh, nightingale I what's the use; You bird of beauty and lore, Why behave like a goose? ' 4 Don't skulk away from our sight - Like a common contemptible fowl; You bird of Joy and delight, - Why behave like an owl? "Only think of all yon have done; . Onb think of all you can do; A false note Is really fun . From such a bird as you? Lift up your proud little crest; Open your musical beak; Other buds have to do their best; . lou need only to Bpeak." The nightingale shyly took Her head from under her wing, And giving the dove a look. Straightway began to sing. There was never a bird could pass; The night was divinely calm; And the people stood on the grass To hear that wonderful psalm! The nightingale did not care, She only sang to the skies; Her song ascended there. And there she fixed her eyes, The people that stood below She knew but little about; And this story's a moral, I know, It you'll try to find it out! OBSERVATIONS. Ask to see our Ten Cento Linen Cambric Hand- kerchief and $2 Suh iDmbretias. You will find them cheap, and everyming eise m prouwwni. Call and see uaV: It ' Witt payVou. XUAS ft COHEN. ' ,:: ;i AND INSERTING S In the market ! Also a second stock of Lace and Lisle Gloves and Mltta, in all colors. Orders promptly filled. ? ' .T. L. SEIGLX ft CO., Oppu Charlotte Hotel, Tryon at, Charlotte, N. a A Chinaman whose watch was slow told the IawaIat; "Ton mnnh hv'm bve." If he still lives, Charlie Boss was nine years old ua-ou uy oiu oiuu, Firoi,u. vi vw, Why He DU1 Not Honor. Her Wedding - by His Presence." - From the Cincinnati Enquirer.T . Utica; K; April 80. TJtis social sensation to-day, the marriage of Miss Bessie Conkling and William Oakman, took place at-6 o'clock this evening. The bride is twenty-two years of age, a tall, handsome blonde, and highly edu cated. The groom is superintendent of the side orancn oi tne Delaware, jjacK awanna and Western railroad.' .The marriage was solemnized by the Bev, A. B. (Goodrich, rector of Calvary churchi About a month ago it was rumored that Senator Conkling was opposed to the match. A second rumor was then given currency to. the effects that Eoscoe.viras agreeable to the union, and would give his daughter a residence as a bridal dowry. The events of to-day show the accuracy of the first report, and make apparent the Senator's real view of the matrimonial choice " which his accom- Elished daughter has made. Conkling as not regarded Miss Bessie's suitor with favor, as stated to-day by one who knows. He opposed the scheme with characteristic determination. The feel ing against'the Senator here: because of his attitude iii this matter is not con fined to political circles. It is universal. Miss Bessie is a queenly girl, whose many graces of character have endeared her to all hearts. The man to whom she has given her love is of unimpeach able morals, nolished in manner, but not wealthy. He was connected with the Paterson (N. J.) Locomotive Works, and achieved a reDutation as a thorough mechanic of the highest order. He ha3 been drilled in the classics, speaks French and German, and has traveled abroad. His habits are temperate, his head is clear, prospects good, and he is In the early part of every season there Is a natural desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and. also who an. recognized as staiidaid authority to the laahlonable world. Our rela'aons to, and UeaPngs with the public, and the general standing ot out house, will assare an to tenigent readers &at the tnfonnatloit given below is authentic, reliable and eorrect . K . , ;"; -- ;r-," T " " " : ' v! " Several changes have taken plaeO, both hi shape and pattern," of fabrics In Men's Garments, of which special mention wui oe maae. i no iawnoe mandn8p1ngGanllentsl9onrnewi"s ...' - ' . - 3 - - . It baa many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and ideas Instead of adhering to the old tlme-wom styles ot the past very stylish In appear ance and eut from Cheviots of the newest designs. - ' - su.kI . r ,... n t-i )i:i--: Our St Nicholas Cuawar Frock, with three ; four buttons, front eut a Wnloref,gMngtt a;nea and graceful appearance, are maae up m every vanevy of 8prtog textures. -' ; n Mayi., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' PKAU.B 1H A l,L KtNDS OF WONDEftPUL iMHllf. lait snndHv. it win be five vears on the 1st of Delaware. Lackawanna and Western July next since he was stolen from his parents. and a man of great wealth. He has an An editor In Iowa has been fined 8150 for hav- income greatly in excess of that enjoyed tag hugged a girt. "Cheap enough!" says anoiner bV Jioscoe Conklins wnen tne now lora- SSnV ftversta ly senator was an humble suitor for the it has cost us a thousand dollars a yeareversince J wh0 is Horatio Sey- A dentist broke Mrs. Braggs jaw to trying to pull moura si3ter. To their credit be it said, a tooin. tier son-m-iaw, iuu wuuui uc um, i , . K , tt c,, not sue the dentist, but later in the day tneywere iucujcuiitoibul uuiauuocjuuuiu diu- seen drinking together. Boston Tout. ily have given their hearty approval to Brethren, strawberries are appearing In the mar- Miss Bessie's matrimonial venture. . Jno. LbAt. whita there is vet time let us all lav our F. Sevmour. the Governors brother, has .hands on our hearts, andsadly. but rejerenUy and jjggn acye m arranging -the Oietails, lX!ma which would naturallfhlye, fallen S A man went home the other evening and found T - c- i-.i his house locked up. Getting in at the window j mum, oi., lue oww v"sicoi,,:.y with mnaMrable difficulty, he found on the table I accorded Willing . CO-OPeraUOll. : UQIV a note from his wile: "i nave gone out; you wiu Roscoe Conkling has stooa 'aiootat a find the door key on. one aide of the doorstep. ' time h hi. Rvmitnifia arid instincts THE PRINGE ALBERT EROCK, in shape ai .style retolns lu' hold m popu than last season, and it Is one of the moot useful among the gajr- mentB of a genUeman's wardrobe, j jTbe.materiahi an French Castings QraoSeB and various patterns of EngUsh Worsteds. , J' T . Out Pants stock la complete-wiai eTetf iwelln fabrleaj and the shapes are perfect In our Hat department we invue tne mspecuon oi uaAOKout trvated tastes and tarhro FeM an Straw Goods we aic ., 4 . , j Our Neck Wear assortment is almost unlimited lo devices of shades and styles hut boasts particularly upon the very recent mtroaucaon oi meyniver- In Whlt8 teste vrt haWsStatdtePuUfloh,ah rtprogressM to this season' selecUons. Our eirortt nave oeenio pce.upon our countem only rehWe and staiwaW 'r' We Invite the attenOon of alL both far and near, and tterr advantages wm be tne same, ror we win sena gowu w any mw uu '""' w of inspection before payment of HB.- ii I J ' , rJ - ''' ?"-.i ADril 27 1879. " T-i I , 1 JS. LAiTA 06 Ju, xno jreopw a vwuieum. , . . , - n COME AND SEE BEFORE" BUYING ELSEWHERE ! 1 i . I ALL wool mm ml mm, -0 THE FINEST LOT OE CLOTHING Ever shown in this city.! Beniemter that we are the i-ulers jn ETI Prices for rine Clothing. J April 22, 1879'.' ' jj.i3iaswjo6xjivnxiu How cold are thy baths, Apollo, Cried the African monarch, the splendid. As down td a bath In a swallow Tailed coat he descended, Uncrowned, unabashed, unattended. How cold are thy baths, Apollo! BEDDING, ftC BEDDING, AC. KITRNITCBE FURNITURE I Bi;N)Ifl l BIDLEY' ft SONS' NEW rYC CELEBRATED BEOuuiu.aUl . FURNTrUBE! FUKNITUREI .iiiM-i"te04 CHEAP BEDSTEADS I CHEAP BEDSTEADS I LOUNOES f " ; LOUNGES-!'-.. xi rig Vjnt&sl s 4?,TTa 5 ENT COUNTER . ,;( jExtosED at " j II. MOKftIS & BKO'S. K should have been most warmly felt. The bride wore a costume of white (no orange blossoms), ear-rings,' solitaires, and a large corset bouquet of .roses. The srroom lea the bride up to the altar.Gov. Washington Cavital: Roscoe Conkling has two Seymour following. escortinffMrs.Conk- able-bodied men engaged every morning to rub u uro rAnVlmir mva fho ririrlA lAJ. M aw6ay. At rc'faaio coe not only tried it on an old hah- trunk and start- intimation was given that Senator ed the j''ll,1, Conkling had in any manner recognized asleep to the cloak room, and put a dab on the , , TtiHo.1 it ia aaierttrt thaf center of the Rhode Island Senator's skating rink, the occasion, lnaeett, it IS asserceainac The result was, much to the alarm of the gallant he has never seen Mr. Oakman.1 The old general, a scalp lock, that he shaved off hastily, bridal presents were rich. The leading lest some widow should get hold of it gifts were from Justice Ward Hunt, The London World announces that Mr. James Gov. Seymour and A. C. Coxe. The ri- Gordon Bennett has Just .broken up hta MtaWteh- ceotion terminated at 8 :30 o'clock. When hmtortteTattersaU'Sfandalso, that next winter questioned as to the Senators opposiT he proposes to try his hand at tiger hunting tn tion to the weaamg, Mrs. ConKling is ARTICLES SOLD-FOR witou Brst psiTt the ble eame. Mr. Ben- Ptt hajt made It warm on several occasions for the Hamr" in Nm Yn. but his natural ambition to keep up with the Prlno of Wales makes him feel as though he owed it to himself to beat up the beast In his native Jungle. It Is said that during the eruption of the most -fBaxterlr effort of his lire, uon&img Drone ms ec- enflc tost Bis water-gauge ana tore me dokuuk reported to have said : in a family is enough.' 0ne public man ...jfc. !JSL0KNG1 !- ;: til 5 CENTS 'HiwJNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS j p f PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUIT8 1 ! S! tw COFFINS of atf kinds on COFFINS of all kinds on bimd.. No. 5 Wkst Tkads Stbbbt. - : Actually WORTH 25 CENTS. i , :!. . .:'. v.litt!'-. ' i sa Useful Id fetety lMWeehptd and needed by every- Interviewing a ia Mode. OU City Derrick The reporters of some metropolitan papers have interviews : with distin guished personages Which are'too gau zy to hold together. -This is the "usual style : A Forum reporter was detailed to in terview Hon. John Jones. 1 He proceed ed at once to his residence, andfrohning up the marble steps, rang the.' bell.;. A ladv appeared at the - sammons of the r,Am ih nphat. in th Hbhsh Wednesdav. servant whom the reporter Supposed to ItaU AIVUB .lMT- wm,m. " rf" I . , , 1 f. m m" J.if- De jvirs. jones, me wue .ol iub uisuu- irot4 one of his cylinders. In this condition, his kiiiairia toward his countrr and society in general was sucn as to aosoiuxeiy ioroia nis atumuauue up on Miss Bessie's wedding. To be brief, Lord Ros eow is now one of our most afflicted statesmen as far as his machinery is concerned. Atlanta Con-ttiUttion COINAGE AND COIN AND BULLION CERTIFICATES ik. ... A noy!vr.i.i;!lr(t?! IrMtsM'- hnit faiLto call and see thoae wonder tuP 'BARGAINS;. 1 v : V,-.. 11 5 im ' r.titt".Tfi -hit' : -v. :4 '-7.:oV ,i-:5lov -: v : ' : r -rtu Write" ilia-il Vlif'tt'i , -. Although all cotton goods have advanced by the jj-,: lot 0S ir t late rise of cotton, we arestm selling an our ho. iJui idTJ la sKJO fci Ti -s atssdueed rates. cbttIjCI Ladies' and . Gentlemen's Burial Robeswaj tine supply. JanS out large stock Washington Republican's Report IVance spoke in favor ot,- the bill. leelaredthat eold was not the mon- lof piOebplef and never'would be. lesnpioiaey or the people was silver, and dlifien from timeimmemorial. The establishment of the single gold stand ard in this country had been fraught with disaster. Its results had been low prices, failures all over the land, facto ries silent, operatives thrown out of employment bread taken out of the mouths of the laborers, and the cries of children because of hunger. The finan cial legislation of recent years had been a crime against iarxr, ana naa ueen iu tha Interest of monev-rings and money- hsharks.- He read ' & newspaper' extract guished gentleman. .Bowing and re moving his hat, the reporter said ; "Is Mr. Jones at homeV" - "No," was the response. " !. "He is not in the house, then "No, sir." "Ah! In that case he must be out V "He is." , r- . . "Yes ! Being out he is therefore not inr , "Xo, sir." "Hum I When will he be ih V" T Hrth't know " - j . Ah-h! No objections to publishing this interview in the Daily Forum, 1 suppose?" "Not at all !" "Thank you," and the reporter bowed and left. " He returned agaan,Tiowever, winuuw WStovlte eTefyDOOTtP mspew r- ; c x "iJZ 1 anv race a manraisea me upper . itJ when r.hei rR ran!?. and asEea wno yialMsoga--:- ' "jfc' ;'' Yia Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Thrbugh Cars, Enabling Quick ; est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. v : ; f W NOtlRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLLNG EXPENSE?, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seatoard AbLIne. Freight received at W Ah B1Us of 1 ' SWp Wharves or effl eesofthe Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either of the undersigned. . r v , K S. FINCH, South Western Agent, 1 T. T.SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, J- Charlotte, N. C. April 30-d5m. 'J;; ,;,., ,F. W. CLAfiK, General Freight Agent, ) ATTENTION! LADIES. ICE! ICE! AT THE SAME OLD STAND, Where I am prepared to' furnish & superior quality to all who may want led. ' My cart will also make dally deliveries at places ot business or private, residences. Orders given the driver, addressed to me through PO. Box 153, or delivered to me it ofQee onlot of Rock Island Factory, wKl receive prompt attention.' '' M;i ' ! J,i,, . -: ,,. Customers who begin .with me - will be supplied the entire season at the following figures: t: 2c. per lb. IVge, per lb. 1HC' We have this day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings in PLAIN AND lace Effects. in Quantities less than 5 lbs., - .. OI OtOQUtUs., v3! of 60 lbs-and up, The above figures arthe same at which Ice has Kaon uim inr thn but two uMAons. when I had competition: add as I have unsurpassed faculties to conduct the business on a legitimate principle, consumers will consult their .Interest by giving me S't rJl J1L tiL-- w.v, Ice lor snipping ia any quaauvj. corauur jkwm wunoi andforwarde dispatch. Thunktui for wAir Datronaee- m the past, I re-1 spectfnliy ask a eonanuance oi we CTri,. ' May2y,- : ...... , .. - s TOP AT THE ARGAINS was '- - , . .... j. . ; - - . . t. . I 1 .1 1 1- rf- - I lit-! irilUlLCl CALlCUAl&Vi U9 order Yor silver trade uonars, exciaim- .r"---cs ;4. ha Mr i -. - I . . h 1 II HW4. HflKKtl :il 111 niU UUV A A'A , .imm mt: ' i . i , Hnn v nnof mr Bivins us . " . . . .. . j ii n.-i; : r i w. j... ; cm j- f-r'" r o- ,o - nnoa urnn wiAf . 'rnfl man saiu it was. "WjTWWi , ! such money. A Greenbacker win 'geci- f "iZTv i hkL: ti-Miu . r-r -ax ; . mv vBte4.hflt.fexb time.? Laughter.T !' r2"- ".Tlrr" " f fTT : - . CyT ; Miferked Mr Vahc whether; 4 w tW : Mr. Jonesbad to say on the sub-; fftfll. 1,1 1H Jl AjeAAar;,. MWA EW -T VVPM- f v KFKU UHWW IITrTTTJ UK SHOES?HATS,&pc:SfTK . .uH.vjf: ihv --t aKj "Jv';tit 1 quality.- vT. . . . , water, 'but the umbrella? would have -VT &i " U TTa nons o .MnanCBr said that he did not recol-V j wl'mj that' FSSXoS . ' 1 LJ:2&W4 fiMlVg1 and nearly smashed the reporter, but 1 . 1WT?TWR4- W. "iiHar T he teels sweet revenge m.viujugu t U UB UU K ii ms 11 UU i M . T," i national banks, indicating ft pflnt was a not an unusual mentioning 5 per cent a month as cent, was a not an unusuai, rdt, auu 1 - - . fc hi h v - ' ' 1 rates 1 r . -' , - - -i charged. tby-lenders sin; some parts 01 North Carolina. This was one of the Betting on a Sore Thing. BOTliE! HOtJBE ,V sd,ahiceilent 0. GRENADlNESv ii : - !,! :'!:J '.!'t;.' ''jLiil'l from 20& to 1.25; ana a genera uuo ittjw uu dslrabta'.Dregs, iiSoods : 'i jtt' ;mosi , .roasinable prices. '"I )iTI'. " i ,' . t x.t'.n Apectal lotot k . ; BLACK CASHMERES .'Illt-fTlH. E. ft. ROGERS' effects, Otfne-InBancWliKi.-t r t rvlrzlnla NerA Chronicle,! PZJTSm dvnatties"of A tough-looking citizen walked into disbnguwh Hhe rotten dynasties t of a tffe justice's couTts yesterday fore- -Sevffiiu?&re gerof the noon veryUchmtoxicatedruest- Am:LTStrnw3 hv rlaas ed that he be allo wed to swear-off drinkr fS3!SSSJJSSSSStll for a year. His Honor obligingly Wehaeniadeeipertmentor pure the solemn motions, toso wmpietoaJVin D f Jrf thfl convert, with a conf used'; rum. Vtft i , :JKAr hie of well-meant but prof anelyxpress ?.?"fWondrmade ed resolutions, stumbled out-offtw 7rf it. r'u"Hjt. ii nnn r. Keen il an .uoui. ... saiu 7expertcaent of 1 MSSSC one-of the grinninglawyers, . ; , - t iwfeiS?a our i wUlr 1 'libauM te-wacrantedto 1 ulu"r n;; 0T1 r.-.o tf -w w w : o 1 II NN 0,00 II N US MO ov," fJt 'Xinaiwliosrwaoiintedto a 1 the time, The Municipal Elections Last Monday. Ky Stock is very Lar, . and embraces a Full i! Pi Wx)ttfCHIMBEB:3)IXN BOtk i "VnTisfinfe!" cried evervbodv. " What'll you bet?", asked the judge. "Twenty to ten," exclaimed art eager attorney, producing the money.''1 - ;. "Done! cried his honor, and the. stakes were turned over: to a 7Arjojcte t" ran TtrilKnnri wna elfwfed mavor Of ki. ?f5.m8tableJ'.said'the court quietly U-bLl.. P T ' owvifir: F. Weis- out and fetch that man back?V , " i..t"?rtirth """' o'fi ",A vmioi nVfow wiinnfps-- thfl rflformed One toAshevilleA. T.Summeywas elect- ed his dais, rapped for order, and look- it - n a vr a T.noV .T "RftTiTriTi ail sovprp -" F. M Miller, W M Cocke, Jr7 and w! -Charg "with Mg drunk - said ttie, tr; j j- Lu. mvnri- -"What's vrnir nlear". t viiwM'aititod mayor -Guess I'm ML" -admitted the . . . - a . f.nvvi ams s - f . - f . .1 nnar - w i.i lai- AiaiiAVr dluuv - toctodlngthe best Tol IPJ&Vrtn pi.trd C. y davs in the county jail. " Con- rTTTcT. mi -w.A tn.HitiLmaiUiT una vi i rn.4f eiti. i (T IBA& aBT w1m4I3B i Iwllwv w . bgthe best to the markeo , Una ad . ., .a' non it .. j: icx?--. -' iljll .tJi, u- M. Cook to rale over it. int.iAnwm's Furnishing wooas. lfrrT l -.V-r- ir- vi,),-n.n. -r OFFICE . ' -i It f , - I I - - - i rtr betore y examine o "fn . FCRNTTLBEi - , . , ,., m!a -'?J' ? v 1 tU stable, lock up your prisoner. Mr. i- -AND- ) I , i. -v .4 V . S IK) J i-1 t f II J J "I ) ' l ': i Late of &e C. 8. Brown, Jr. dec 30 , !.J i-safishiury. N.C; C.& Browv Proprietor, i;M; ' . . r i : Hjj;iiyl iKi ttj-u oil. NatldnatHdteWRale Chief Clerk; W. 0. Shelbum Assistant. JUST RECEIVED -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK ST6RE, A well selected Stock of H; ' ' WHITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal' and Fools cap, which they propose to sell hap BMcash. Also French Paper of every description, with XnJ velopes to match, f- " 'M tM. Also Paper to boxes, to sutt th;mos$ fastkuou. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE 0F NEWtORK. U standard treatise upon the laws of good society nnew iora. - Congress Tfe Envelopes; a new lot Jus , received. 'Edward Todd ft Co.'s Celebrated RUBBER5 PENS; A Pen by some considered supertop to s. Gold Pen ... . j-'-i:--! .f.- i - '...' i it: a- TIDDY ft BRO. are also agents for Emerson skibrated Rubber l -i' -"'J u KDESTAETNG Celebrated Rubber HAND The undersigned IS now prepared to fill all orders tot every, class of Undertaking. Having on hand fun assortment of-.. , t. ....,: i,.-.it--J- ..'. Oil . COFFINS; GASKETS AND UUBIAJi CASES, ' ' lRirood,irnkMetaTId.VlllUr " " liU I Oi .! fl-'i'Li'Ji'J li''.'rt .l .i'-'l-- 'i ni 51 t .'ALICGAS.rf , y t .MsaVealfuinlshBd.deslr- i IireSSfana 1 riDinuu8 DIIKS. . . otreibrfction Repaired at .her , X fi o .i.7v '' : W'.tf.WILHrtX.j , J' Ijj;TfIrwitiil-'G! fioge'rsI'Tmde SlieeU, , .)' New thing? to HOSIEBT AND OLOVBs!:1': "., i ' . i ! - f " 41 I -:tt- t -3 I -i" if. .:,v-it i and any orders given them will receive prompt tentton. ' ' - i 4 - : t ' - ' ' . ; ;' -i-ir-i E. BCTTERICE ft CO.'S METROPOLITAN -FASHIONS For May, 1879, Just received at ( I . ii TWVX V:. , rf CASH PAID .FOR RAGS. , P. O.WXXWILL.n ml , t AlWlXL HABE180U" MV.f . j.--ATJCTI01i akd-k;' fcX3 I 'j . . il 1 -r 1 1 - ' .. n.i .ik I si i Ail early InspeOAPfihe.above wtu bejo yoto f pill Goods Packed Ffee ol Charge? d . this i court that wealth. of Favlttevilir 7 Ksadjoumed. Boys, let's go and t-w PrawfArd. Esa.'." who has serve! flood our lower levels. x - 1 Lv v.:'' 3 tt.oVumninnf Ovford f aithf ullv f or more than two years," was re-elected by a large stop it at .maioritT. hi i i i- " baby either .majoiixv. ,Krt, j r.i i . remedy con "' "" c - ' . . . .-.-r i.--'- want a goo once. U you- see your nurse giving uj Laudanum; raregonc, or any sooiums .ntoinimmnlntM atin It at nnm. If VOU ovwwi-Tnnindv--for -vour -children, eet Dr. 'corneVe and Tn'cafcuL ;.vb tm&uuaa best sweex najx vgggflZffiBi n 3 V"' )irtbll will hnd. Oflx: stock ot SPBJLNd rASb:Sni't ' '. - , , MER CLOTBJNS the most complete m lae mar- f..i . r- t ...... ':--;'f f- ,t 1 ket, at our-well-miovpjj and popular low prices. wrxTiowsxT ft baruch;' -fii.i .114 V A.- riaSaaiMRfEBs;,;, Is CoaMt iTrada' and BWmdary AvtmW?De9vered id any part of the city, tree of charge-for $1.00 per ---AJjorai . ' ' eelre prompt attention. MERCHANTS, - TT- ders left fit' John Vogel's tailor shop wm re rompt attention. mar4 Buyandsenoneoriignnent8JlkIndsaf X!ltEicHANISTAWc6UN PEbttEj--', 3.'S;t'.t iwmglvBtiMerswnU! , aUefation to "an business eiitru .''M deca VH- ' IN CA WILL .PJJSCAra.f h . . , 'A TWr Prt- P CC- "Vlr"1, dd of bed i -40 Jui , f ., jnverpmQ- afld 1hhhi.iiii.Ji I,

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