mi tVsf.' r Editor and Proprie.r Trw from the dating craple tbit fetter out :- free-born reason.". ;' "' ' U SATURDAY, MAY 10; 1879. , ., DECORATION i ' hands: T?rtntiiPAfi Viflti'thrt flvoteaT and children of theiSouth have thus celebrated, by pious memory tjhe heroic deeds and unselfish sacrifices of !UH who commanded the : admiration the i of " a world."; Perhaps nowhere in world, and in no ace, for such a long period after the event, have a people so generally, offered an annual tribute of mm 1 : A. rniviafrtAf fllAnA anecuon w a ioai uausc iuuii wfllmarkin history the sincerity and honor of the Southern people. Though' .toTfHo - fused to become Tenegades to their principlesu - The last number of the Southern His torical Society papers so well expresses our own feelings on thesd- recurring anniversaries, that we republish the language of the distinguished editor, J. William Jones: 1 CHiS. R. JC3ES,. - t i; 'They stacked their arms, furled for ever their tattered battle flags, and re turned home, not to sit in idleness , , around desolated hearthstones to mourn over blighted hopes, but jto go work t.with an energy worthy of their glorious record That these men and those whom they represented are loyal citizen that ..Itihey have observed to -the-letter -4be terms of their pajole-VhaX they, have deserved the confidence and honor "from all sections of the country-4-is a historic tact too patent to need discussion. The South has honored the Confed erate soldier to an .extent that has . ex cited theUrepf Radiealliticrang. Our governors, our judges) jur legislators, our State and county Officers, our Sena tors and Congressmen, the professors in our colleges, cur leading business men, our prominent professional ment our preachers under fgrtyffiyel years of age in a word, nearly all ; of the men occupying positions of .honor, emolu ment or trust which have, been filled ; by the true people of the 'South,' haver been errrwhtJorethevgra; true to the land they loved, and-ilaT( not abandoned their principls-smee-the war; This has resulted kotCsimplj Botimplrraj i adebt of kratitude I " the fact thatwe owe to tnese,TOer'wmcn we, cajinever pay, " '.. . but a'ortto ,A thai when TpteltrJbeM nen we must choose Confederate soldiers? 4.-' or shouldthe people of the XortE complain of this. If they choose to neg lect their soldiers and fill .their places of honor with, men' who were 'invinci ble in war,' and are proving themselves, nvmcibletupea affair; but they must not expect us to follow their example. We trtthe:.HiaywM never come when our Southern .people siiau lorget to uonor - me jfjonieTieraie- tolieck their graves "with jnowers- and .teach their children .to lcherish.,lhe 'i2 memory-' Of' those 'wtro dieel fOr us ok when the voters of jthe South shall negj lect to put the survivors into the high places within their gift." ! y .:' ' ' A SENATORIAL irIAF0JlF. . . Qur friend and admirer, the1 Wash . ington Republican, has suggested to ""Manager Ford that lienpuTa"Senaiorial flianaforeibn theWiards of itlie ifational -TheaWastortoa Cityj ?ndfollowS lip:th6 $uggestipd by Hie preparation of a cast made up from the Democratic Senators. Some of the ideas are not' Rnma rvf iha lrlooa on i-vt' lacking in Iramor, and as it is not ab- r v ,T""v "ooaij lum a winitm jub-c QAlntAlV nfiIAoonvn 4Vt4- n .r.li4-Anl -fAT-A it enjoyable, even some Democrats will ,nnd some amusement in-, glapcing at Jihil Inewi cafiiori illerilajesty's , r celebrate L. ;ship. Senator. ones, of iFloridai !ii named ; :iih&V.Ralph t: Itacksttaw and V. Seriaior. Thur s i taaa"WKis nentionlfd ' for ! ' the ffiSr' Josepli., Porter" Senator Vance, ipis aiiejgedjwould be : -Thurman's most prominent rival for tliis,charactert' "Vobrhees should be' the rGaptain Cprr coran," and Gordon the "Boatswain" "a boatswain from Georgia, you know ' 'xoh6 that might have been a Louisian ; ian, a Mississippian, or a Virginian, but J0n?-Jfh preferred tto be ft Jaw-Jaw-i-v . J an." Hampton, 4t is thought, could takMhe;partff tfillDkifleye," and Lamai is dominated Toi- the captain's 'daughter;' distinguished f: -f or 'coquetry -? Butler, it is said, should be the "Hebe" and David Davis the "Dear little But- .... wcu xui mat, ,iiuuuua4.iun vis me . luusi, sinking oi an. some-or tne ap ' jeatfoniare farf etched, ind the cast : woutu Dervasiiy improved Toy going in -.A.., m . . J . ... .. , w a wjeign, element, ant substituting . ' twnger for Hampton as the IJDeadeye." uonger is tnepniy man known -to his- tnrv nr firtinn xirVin nn1l i rivaLDickin obiectIhe - h " PBOsEmiloisiN ui Federal CorKT&i-The bill Introduced in ;the fe :nori8i last Monday by Mr.iArmfield, qf North Carolina providing that hereaf- ter no nrosepution shaU be instituted or courts agalfts$ rfny : pprspp,; fnr any offence agaifetnheintefnar revenue laws of tiriEeltJnited States unless upona bin of -''Ifidlritment found by a grand jury, is an , important measure f7yhdle not. mDita .." - ting in the least against tne interests of - the plaintiff, it closes the door against malicious'; and' fri vdlous prosecutions audcau3es actions to be inaugurated in the regular, formal and proper manner emnloved tih3tj . employed w m bUtecporti (rj begin - ning prosecutions. 'J. 'TW-WW'-WFortK Carolina is r 0ne of,8 special committee of the Aiouse, apiwinted by. Speaker Randall, to' secure the attendance of Democrafc- .ylc members of the House - of ;Represen- tatives so far as practicable, and in case of absence o members, to arrange pairs on. political, financial, and all . other im- pbrtant questions which may arise du s Tins the present session of Congress. se -k Saa'atciaeatr-'- ti Al'-'...d tLr.J,the(lauchterof"kkhif Of tMs citv. foil into a tub of hot. witter yesterUar; fie Xl Tilt 31 1 u.rr ita i,.a, . r 1 LOW t t CI c. . .. ! . if.' S TBS EXODUS LBE.4 POT rirrBISTLY. a Tlenubliean new8Daber.'4on the 138 electoral votes of i the solid, South next year. If the fyloh? exodus could be turned In the directiOxi of Florida to the extent of a few thousand voters this calculation ' would be sadly inter f erred. with."- - - - u . f of a. an At mm rliatrf ft todistrict. wv-wv---.- t-v- i i - The consideration or. ine diu proniD and make him?rote hereveirus vjptej itinjr military interference at elections is needed- vv nen ine migrawjr i had carried ah election in one State for the BepubUcan party, inarch it into an other and vote it mere, ana , bo ou v infinitum: CaIl it ihe .ance of pow er and move it aroond from one ptace to another until it has subjugated every .. . . xv tt .niin fdUi the off-yearsncbor tte co o fin Ka- sas or elsewhere and keep it there until ' election time comes again : then start it on the rounds once more and keep it going. This idea is i a little more beastly than 1 thafi fctinf eikbUngi thV negroes UifwkWri.. fm their comfortable homes in the South tji far-off Kansas, for a Dolitical pur nose, and yet it is only an elaboration j of the Kansas idea'and in morals Is not more disreputable ' The ' object of the first is to change the census and thus deprive the South of a part of its repre sentation in (rigress doiiig'thi? at the expense of lh.e negro and thus reestal jishing Republican supremacy ; the sec ond i3 only more cruel to the negro; it is nojvhit worselooked , at .. fjfpmjthe standpoint of morality and f air dealing. The Fresicent and the Ladd Bill. The impression seems to be gaining ground that the President will sign the Ladd bill when it is presented to him. The best elements 'pf the cabinet iavor this olicy, andthopgh the stalwarts will bring all possible pressure to t bear against such a course, it is believed that the President's "amiable obstinacy" will prevail against their pertinacity and t ht, the hill will escape the, veto. If SO. the Democrats will hive' 'accomplished all that they particularly care for . in providing for the freedom of elections from undue influence, and the army bill -will-bft-speedily. eiiacted-and the supplieCplaced at the Presid.entsL.dis- -J jfhere g--' mrjL in his country so 1 j,m;,Kiif I "discriminati; the beste-waXTof his chnntres HS Coreoran, Esq., of Waslutori"-5t1 He has just sent, to Senator Hampton" his feheck for giaDD.for the benefit pt. the ftiestitute people of Walterborp, S.C, and this In addition4oi B20O, -contributed to the same-jpbjection. the 28th of April, f I CKcVniaopted thmew constitu tion. a majority otfrom 6)00 to 10,- 00d" The agricultural Mis trictsre al- lege4 to ave ; voted lalmosfc; solidly' f Or if and the result excites a good deal of eeUnia tlS jcitasjthe vote being re-1 gSsfidMl w -Dtow rottltberln terior - to tlie cMWperciallnter State." . . . ; , I Tte Army and Ek-ctionM. ' ' IS.eslalto Baltimore Sun.J ' . ! Washington, May 7. Since the be Mnning of this week the President has had his time almost entirely occupied in receiving the visits of members of Congress. - Radical and conservative TiJ , A 1 1 1 ojeuiocfs, aim rauicai . ana conserva tive Republicans have in turn bent their steps toward the White House for the "plifpSse of dfSfeTaSsmg the pontlcaTsifua tion with the Presidents efrhe President piTfowIto pTree.d the Jf acuity Iwith Jflucll he apparently agrees with the sentiments of the latest 1 COlllCf, nis ow ous. I O 2. J 4 I - 1 . " c nenubors uu iiieiuuers wnonave recent- ly had interviews with hjm, the general inference may very fairly be drawn that he is not disposed- tor assume the ugly and contraiy" attitude" which - the stal warts Of his party ould like to lay down for him.-. There appears to be a very general opinion -growing up that the President will put liis signature to the bill to prevent military interference with elections. 5 : - ' ISpecJal of the 7th to the itichruoW n'ipatch. "The leading Repub!icans tobnfeht sav Mr. Haye wfll 8ignth'd,bjil, and it is now rerorted that he was.,' very re luctant to veto the army bill; Evarts and SchUrz were against a veto, but Sherman, Devens, and McCreary bull dozed him into following;the advice of. Garfield &Co. Mr. Evarts tc-night thinks the Presi dent will sign the Ladd bill if nothing is developed in the Senate to change his mind.sMemberp of the Cabinet want a discussion oh the bill in the Senate, and were disappointed that the Repub licans did not debate it in the House. xney crmcise;;pomtediy , the preamble to Kobeson s substitute whir?h written by Edmtmds.. j vi8 IWsMnctoriSDecialjiftha rleston I IA4. ..tll ..! "iL.vsiii. . r T.n bubuit wm sign iue um to prevent min- tctp" jwHawni). j Secretary Sherman' Aspirations. A Chicago Times correspondent, who interviewed Secretary Shernrati atMada field, Ohio, reports him as saying , that he had no thought Of beinor a oanrTirlal a for Governor of Ohio, and that either Foster'oi' Taft could carry the State, but admitted that if nominated by acclama- tion hS ould consent to rtin! lie also said that while he should sunnort ft rant. if nominated, he had presidential aspi rations, and if he could be assured of the solid, vote of Ohio , in the national convention he would hot hesitate to an nounce himself as a presidential candi date. ' Ylsltlng the Canada Pacific with a Hlli- f?. i' ?.'m tary.;Fjairtf.'rts..i)!i&i WiNNiPEff'MAlmTOBA, May 9. -A detachment of local militia, under com- J Ruu jji VOL, usporne- omiin, leix nere 1 yesterday -and arrived at Cross Lake at. ffr-ocrock . m. Thev look - fouraava,: H'fWV tl- tn - TIimii limir-fmrf riavn' rations anfee, hundred rounds of am- munitions td eaclitnan. Mr. Whitehead i 8enV large sum of -money itpfpay off ssion ia that no serious trouble need be feared unless caused through misapprehension by the men of the object of tho mili tary.. ... . ti. The . Knickerbocker- company's ! ice , . w . -r i , - . ' - - ' 1 hopse, three miles beloWxAthens.fiN'ew York, has been-burned, Axjss, ?25,ooa Triiarv m m oi 'o i ' Z t" Iricendiarv. It is stated that the Harvard students have decided to send an eight to repre sent them, at the, American,, Henly, to tck e plu.ee at Saratoga,' " J uly ' 9th", ldth and Llth. w .f......r-l:.i n.t i .-:v- j i -h 1 tf tit nr. f.riA B9hui timo I'hnrxf I n counsel is somewhat maneW IT&JrZ ff UlirriRYTNTEKFERENCEri TOE BllL I5EXATK. . JtTeanness from ChandUr Ante-Bel ihim. Mail Contracts The Silver -.' 7 v. r - - . . . . -ST.. 2?t'W ; in theHouse. Washington, May 9. Senate. The Senate- passed with, amendment the TTnnanhiU nrnvidinsr ' for the Davment of the money heretofore appropriated to James B. Jsads and his 'associates f of cstractrng theietties and other works At the South Pass of the Mississippi. i The consideration of the bill pronirH was tnen resumeu. Edmunds spoke on the bill. Before taking the vote considerable excitement araa msmif Astpd! Rlamff and '-Chandler 1 I was manifested-? Blainerand Chandler hrth snoke.-i The latter madetf a Ditter reecn. savinein uie course ?ox nis re marks that he and his party, believed twelve Senators on the Democratic side held their seats fraudulently, ana yet it was proposed to oust Kellogg who was instlv entitled to a senatorship. :The bill was afterwards passed by a vote of 1 S3 to 23.M? ; h, . Senator Williams, of .JsLentucKv. to day introduced a joint resolution to make the appropriation of March 31st, 1877, of $375,000 for the payment of knte-bellum soutnern mau concraccqi-s nracticallv available, it being tied up by a treasury ruling to await the presenta tionof ail such claims ana cue aeter- mination of the percentage that should bepaid tohelaimant. W Pfopos to direct the secretary of; the treasury to nroceed to oav to contractors or their legal representatives such sums as the postoffice depaitmentV, certificates may prove to be due them respectively.-pro- Vldea tnac no payment suiui ue ujub w anyntractor!:: withoutfi"satisfactory proof that he has not already been paid by the Confederate States.; ... House. Immediately after the read- Iffsrol 'th0irirallli'eT5ker"pn)ceedr ea to the can or committees ior reports of a private nature. 8 The House was principally engaged in discussing the silver bill. And the Same with Intent to Deceive. Kew Yoek, May 0. Ed. Hoyt, com missioner of Indian affairs, and ex- ? resident of r the International Trust lomnanv. of Jersey" City, with D. Karrand. C. M. Field and other of ficers of the company, has been indict ed by the grand jury of Hudson county, New Jersey, for publishing a statement of the company wnicn tne diu alleges they well knew to be false and which was published with the intent to in duce persons to ' entrust their money with their corporation. The Trust Company failed last year, Owing de positors over 177?oee;- Hoyt," yester day, pleaded not cuilty and declares that tne prosecution is mcitea Dy po litical movers. The Times says, how 5e5at, hV?" ever; that the grand jury which mdict- waatfrawn by a itepuDiican sherin aiidthatother members of the board el trustees . Were not indicted be- thBy vrerenot active in directing iteoperatwns And probably knew noth ing of the way--4n ,wmch its business managed. The Atlanta Assemblies. v ATLANTA,May8. The Southern Bap- tisr .convention met to-day, 300 dele gates being present. The Rev. J. P. Boyce;of ' Kentucky, was re-elected joresidejit. Great harmony prevails. ' her National Board of Health ad- joUrned to meet in Nashville in Octo- berri?c--;-' rThe.. American Medical Association ;ptehftlKrst!9nl. The fol- Mwing wncers- were eiectea ior next year: iresident, Lewis Say re, New lork; vice-presidents, RB.. Cole, Cali fornia; E. M. Hunt, New Orleans: O, Marcy, Massachusetts; F. P. Porcher, South Carolina. Permanent secretary, T17 t il: , TTMJ 1 1 , nr. x. iviKinson,' jmiiaaexpoia; assis tant, Walter Gillette, New York. New York Was chosen as the next place of meeting; time not settled. All sections finished their business this afternoon. lne association will adjourn to-morrow and makean excursion J;o Au guslaT" In Danger1 of Tar, 1'ealhers and a Ball. GoirASMrrT iNABRCfWB. MAssi MaV 9. TThejAdyentfrninfeter, CharlesfBrowni HHp him nn a mil MlBBlate Sluggish Kidneys. In addition to its tonic and cathartic properties, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters exercises a beneficial influence upon the kidneys and bladder, when they are inactive, by stimulating them to renewed ex ertion, thus re-opening, as It were, a sluice for the escape of Impurities whose, regular channel of exit is the organs of mination. Among these are cer tain abnormal and Inflammatory elements, pro ductive of irreparable Injury to the system If not entirely expelled, The kidneys and bladder them selves ate auo benefitted by this stimulus, as their inactivity is usually a preliminary to their disease ana disorganization. They also experience, in common with other portions of the system, the potent lnyleoratiye effects of the Bitters, which furthermore cbrreJdiaoTCerfd'wndltlons of the L " i ? i 1 i f ' stomach, bowels and liver. - - "The riarry la Stocks" Always means an opportunity for some shrewd and lively operator to make a handsome profit. Messrs. Lawrence Co., Bankers, N. Y., have established tne new combination system for operating in stocks, so that capital in any amount fnm So to 860.000 can be used Drofitablv at anv time thnt may suit the customer. By pooling the' orders of vuoushuus oi paoons. mu one immense sura, and operating them as a mighty whole, under the most experienced skill, vast profits, are made, which coma oe guinea in no omer way. xnese are divtd- ea prorata among shareholders mom hly. An Investment of S10 returns $50, or 6 per cent on' 4 w . " . ... un avAri ui n uuuuitu unwvu um uiTcaiment in. Oc tober by the combination method. Messrs, Law-' rence 4 Co's new circular (mailed free) has "two unerring roles for success,'- and full Information so that any one can operate with profit Stocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. Auyi; hi imwrenw a mq., itanKers, o i exchange Xihtvkn ItaiaTr Wlhe tbllilaVcd. Where consumntion not alwava the tntni tnhan. cular consumption of the lungs, but general de- cime oi Tiiai energy, and wasting away without re- newei wo ubbucb vi me Dooy. wnen tms surely shows itself the doctor stops his usual nrescrin- tlons and orders Cod Liver OU. Three times a day poucuii ui vu Bwouuw we nauseous aose, ana as often feels, that the repulsion it causes weakens l the power of nutrition and digestion, far more that K supplies nourishment to fhet dehintatmi nvstpm. Itlsbnly-by mingling the on ai in Scott's Emul sion With the HrnonhnanhftAa nf T.lma inH aAa that the disgusting taste and smell of It can be en- ; ureij lemovea. xms mixture is pure and smooth i and Dleasant as ftwnot miiir anri m.t nni. notnno digestive vigor, to the fluids of the stomach, but It ! enriches the blood, and subdues all of Its scrofu- ..... A - Do Yon Want t Enjoy Llfcf Death, or what In wnrw. fa t, pi continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition which should not hn triflort tth condition which shouJd not be trifled JS?11? "p Is toe to safeguard agilnst SSlV lJ!JP aU W suppression. tcon- "V-' in au cases of suppression, bus remedv. It acta hv vlng tone to the nervaiin iwik i?X ie blood' and determining direct- font nr9') 1 m Ease ituinabic y the Baeumatlc. , ; ,.i , UUIUnVtLllHI -il-nai m.m. 4- . pathoioKista the most eminent fC tiTlSom bome oui byurini: Hdstectewl bremmttnn i.,,1? aepurentis remed v S t5SH2n Ji6 celebrated asa Hon i ihZ i,f T i UKU causer contamlna- eTtant inn r. Tki.i2 io iiiiesi ionic exmni, and is highly recommeiuinrt tut 'l'ed physiciaandaiVsU rh,Z" "P?. eminently pure andverv w vnna ajio cnnnnmi It t .. 1 mreaien to tar and teatner mm and Kltloaal barglca. lBStfiute. 'Z' Two of the surgeons of this notable Institute will visit Charlotte, N. a, May 15th and 16th, 1879, stopping, at the CharloUe 2IoteLThoy will have with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical ap pllaneea, and will be prepared to treat all knda of Deformities and. Chronic Diseases, such as cmo Feet, Hip Dlsease,'Para&sls, - Special Diseases. Piles and' Fistula, Catarrh,' Private Diseases, Diseases of the Eye, &c : For full particulars, ad dress NATIONAL SURGICAL XHSTixuxji. - aprl3 d4t w4w - Atlanta, ua . freI)eath.Eateol , Our country is Keltlng to be fearfully alarming, the' average of life being lessened every year,' with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already ui In Thnnoonilo tnu t.hp.lv IIVAR til this WftT ftV- set in, :, .Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery, fvtoter, . while had Boschek's XtEBMak Syrup been taken, a, cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. , For alt diseases of the Throat and Lungs.. Boschek's German Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind In medicine. Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 050,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. :. i,. ? A, . . A Card, To all who nra Riifffirlne from the errors and In- dinnmtinna of vnnth n Arvous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that Will Cure yOU,'Jjili Ul ( UtuutUJi. J.m Break remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. . Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH. T. IN MAN, btatlon D, New York City. - : : , " . .oti 1)5 ""Truth lies in a nut-shell," and "brevity is the soul of wit." To be brief, when the shell Is broken the truth will be discovered that the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway,-New York, now kept on both nlmis. the American 2.50 or S3, and the European SI, and upwards, per day, gives more satisfaction for the same money, than any other first-class house in (jotnam. An elegant Kestauram, ai mod erate prices, is conducted by tne urana central. mayi iw ... . . TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORIS, MAT 9, 1870. PRODUCE. Baltoiokb Oats firm; Southern 35a37, Wes tern white 33a35, do mixed 33a34, Pennsyl vania 83a35. Hay market steady; prime Tenn sylvania and Maryland 12a 14. Provisions steady; mess pone oia 10 nuaiu. o, new --; ouik meaia loose shoulders 3, clear rib sides 4, per car load, packed new 44a5; bacon shoulders, old 4Vfca. clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, 91al0. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter queit; choice Western packed 14al5, rolls 1 lal3. Cof feeuulet; Bio cargoes 10altt. I Whiskey dull at 1.07 avg. sugar nrm; a sou sa. CrNCisNATl Flour higher: family 4.60a5.50. Wheat steady and Jn good demand; red and white 1.03al.07. Corn aulet at 87. Oats in good demand at 29a31. Pork firmer at 0.75al0.00. Lard strong; current make ai Did. uuik meats quiet; shoulders held 3.50, short ribs 4.37, short clear 4.50a55; bacon scarce and firm; shoul ders 4ai,8, clear ribs &inik, clear sides oiag. wmskey steaoy ana in iair aemana at i.ui . cut ter dull and unchanged; fancy creamery 18aa20, choice Western reserve 13al5, choice Central Ohio 12. Sugar firm and unchanged; hards MA. A white HWdSHi, New Orleans 6a7. Hogs in : fnir demand and firm; common 2.50a3.20, light 3.20a5& packing 3.30a55, butchers 3.55a65; re ceipts ; shipments. Nkw Tobx Flour-Hio decided change: No. 2. 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.4oa3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 8.80, good to choice do 3.U5a4.50; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 6.00a5.ti0; good to choice do ft.Doao.7r. w neat ungraded win ter red 1.05al. 15, -No. 2 ditto 1.18. Corn ungraded 44aoi. No. 3. 45. Oats, No 3, 33Vi Coffee dull ana unchanged; Rio quoted in car es 10i&al4tt, in lob lots lOlfealofe Sugar firm; ba 6 8 16a7-l 6. fair to g'd reti'e 6tea7-l 6. prime 6tto9-16: refined standard A. 7. eranulated 8Mt, powdered 844, crusnea Molasses New ur leans 28a42. Bice in fair demand and steady: Carolina quoted at tfao-vi, Louisiana tM8aot. Pork new mess on spot lO.OOal 21,. Lard prime steam spot 0.30. Whiskey steady, 1.05. Freights quiet. COTTON. Norfolk Quiet: middling 11!ic: net receipts d3v; gross : stock U.431; exports coastwise : sales : exoorts to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 2.571: cross : sales 713; exports coastwise - 4,tH)d; to ureal Britain , to France ; Continent . Balumori Firmer: midd'ir 123i: low middling lzifi.; gooaoromary iiV8.; net receipts o; gross 20o; sales 320; stock 4,007: exports coastwise -: spinners . : exports to ureat Britain : to continent Weekly net rec'ts 220: gross 1.080: sales 8.150: spinners 2225;-exports to Great Britain 41 9; coast wise l 4o: to continent o; to i ranee . Boston Ouet; middling 121c: low middling lis; gooa orcunary 11 i; net receipts 612; gross i,z(ks; saies : swck o.udu; exports to ureal Britain . Weekly net receipts 2,373; gross 6.393; sales ; exports to ureat Britain z,4Uo. wnjtnieToii Strong; middling lliAc: low mid dling like.; good ordinary 10; net receipts 25; mmima ' an loo dl. etuifr I . anlnnAM nr ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con sent s to channel . weekly net receipts 172: gross ; sales 230; exports coastwise 50; to Great Britain ; to Continent ' : to France ; spinners : to channel ; shipments . Phtladilphia Steady i middling 12c: low middling 12t4crgood ordinary 1 lc; net receipts 1W4; saies s spinners ; stock : exports to Great Britain . ..Weekly net receipts 155; gross 803; sales 2,751; spinners 2,159; coastwise ; Contint' ; to Great Britain 61 ; stock 9,647. Augusta Firm : middling ' llSkc: low mid dllng 115&C good ordinary lltea: receipts 30; shipments ; sales 144; stock . weekly net receipts 214: shipments i lax: sales 921; spinners ; stock 4,663. . Chablxstoh Firm; middling 12c: low mid dllng 11.; good ordinary lllAc; net receipts 88: gross : sales 100; stock 6,923: exports coastwise ; , ureat : iuitoin - jrrance - Continent : to channel . , . Weekly net receipts 578: cross ; sales 2,- 200: exports coastwise 1,059; to Continent 2,475;. to ureat Britain --; to. , jrrance . : to chan nel , f - ' . Nxw Tobi steady: sales 237: middline uplands 12 7-16.. mid. Orleans 12 9-16.; consoUdated net recelDta : exports tor Great Britain ' Weekly net reeelpts 8,207? ross -9,062; exports to ureat Britain z,69u; Jfranoe '6; rsaies lATd; StOCK; 122,tJ0,;Ti .-. ; - l-r lrv. iCOMPABATITI5 COTTON STATECKNT. ; Nnt i rnmtnfai At all United Stales norta .... aurlne the week , 20.050 same week last year. . . va . .V;i .... ..' 1 22,739 Total receipts to this. date. -a .:!..;..;:.. 423,098 ?T ;n i T'lOsamBaate jasiyear,,. 4,4uw.U44 Exports for the week..... r40,531 Same week htet year.v. .-'.'.V.V..,:V. 54,745 Total exnoita to thnt. date. . .i U Si 8.20347: to same aaxe jast year...; x,ziv,aoo, Stock at all tTnlted States ports . I tit:-, vJliKf'tt ,. i 44.r-..-jf .' 335,017 .same ' nmelastTear;..t..--A.:... 3S4v40& " Stock iat au Interior towns &i.s... . i . 4545t 1 last year.'.'. . .a:,. ., :' T4128i 599.000 ; :t. r "!j i,fiaine ume last year, Stock of American afloat for G. Britain. 896,000 155,000 171,000 Middling Same time last year r. . . literpool jsooir r uotion ; nrm. - Uplands, 6d., middling Ofleans, 6 15-16d. sales lU.UUU, specuiauon ana expon ,uuu, auuiuvuai sales yesterday- after - regular closing, -t;t.ra- celnta American 2.1 00. Futures partially lfa better. Uplandslow middling clause: May-delivery 6 29 82; May and June 6 29-32a, June and July 6a29-32al5rl6a2982, July and. August-, fj 81-82al5-16.iAugust and September . 6 81-32a 7, September and October 7 1-32, October, and November 6i. Newron shipped November and , December per sail. 6 7 16. Sales for-' the week, a v. .-"83,000 " BO.OOQ J' 14,000 . 8,ooo . 4,000 . 41,000 28,000 .599,000 485 000 . 282 000 American Speculation jfixport.. Actual exports. :. Imports....:., v.. i American Stock....... American.'..;.. .. Afloat... -i-. : 3..-i : American.. .. . ,t . 155,000-H ' .?IkvIvi- FUTTJEES. Nkw' TOKk-i-Futures;- closed firm, 000 bales, ; -.t. , fettles 148, i .Ol2.40a.43 ...12-.51a.5a 12.61 July . : August. .... j September . i: . i i-- . . h i f, October. fr , , ...y.,... . Jlovember,.i.". V.. : -1 . . . I)ecmber.. . . . -. .. . .c . w.' t i i V . .'. r C12 .52a.53 11, 7a.77, 11 .87a.38 ill .26a.27 lli29a.30 I v, -J---, . ( -. -i-. , January, . . j .v. ; Jt M.l FINANCIAL.- " ' ' Nkw ITojik Money 2a3.; r. Exchange' 4.8C?ia7. governments , fitou New 6's 1.03.. : State bonds dull. OFFICK OI TOR OBSimVElt. ! J 1- ' V Z -:-L " i CBABLOTTB. May 101879. i The market yesterday closed firm as lofior,s: - Good middling. 12 1178' 114 1158 Sirlet low middling.,. ... . Low niiddling.;.? . j.;..,'.. , ..;.;Jtv linges .......,;,. - T j- ... .... llqa .., 9attlGis f -'iQ. ' 5 ..CrT.. ..S Jj Mi i i s 5 I " r i 1 , Hptop(-jiir vinlPnt Fureratives. ' They ruin the tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion TARE ANT'S ETFEBVESCENT SELTZEB -" i,; ": -! APERIENT Is used by rational people as a means of relieving ail derangementa of the stomach, liver and intes tines, because it removes obstructions without pain, and imparts vigor to the organs which it purines and regulates. "' -!-. Sold by all Druggists. S BECKWITH'S , , rANTI-DYSPEIriC PILLS. These Pills'wlir prevent5 and cure Dyspepsia xney are an unnvanea dinner riu, suia Hpeneut, and admlrablv adanted as a family medicine. They are used by the most ' cultivated people In our eoiinti-T- And are extenslvelr used bv Dhvsidans in their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. R. BECKWIXH, Bole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va.. ,. ' - CELEBRATED, - DR. WM. H. STOKES, Physician, Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore, Writes r "I have great pleasure in adding my testi mony to the virtues of Colden's Liebigs Liquid Ex tract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator as the very best preparation "Used for depression, weakness and in digertion, and. therefore; confidently recommend it to the medical profession." . Sold by all drug gists. ' r ;i .. Wu will uav, Aaeiiuabtiiiai y ai bloo per wonih an.i exfu'iistf.-t, r ntiowa large cummiHaion, loeell our . ct-w n;i.l wondfrHil invonlions. We mean that v nW Bampie free. Addreis 6a iemas&Cc, Marshall, Mich. $77 a month and' expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co.. Augus ta, Maine. . ! & HHH A TEAB and expenses to agents. Outfit qpi I I tree. Address P. O. TICKEBT, Augus- ta, Maine. Q.ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN ETER. NEW GOODS 1 NEW FEATURES Come to me for Bacon. Corn. Suear. Coffee. Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da- via itnunrvl ? BEST RYE WHISJKEy. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I selLf Or-cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMINGER. , CKIMMINUEB, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand. ap 15. ... , j VJ WIS. R. M. MILLER & SQIVS. WE retail nothing but 'choice "gdodi. ' Guaran tee every article - we- sell and will cheer fully refund your money when our goods are not found as represented. Agoodstockof FAMILY .G.ROCERA.ES on hand; -' We make1 specialties' of Corn; Hour, Meal, Oats, Butter. lEggs,- CblcKana, Hams, and general Country Produce. -Solicit eorrespendence from parties wishing to buy" or selL, , v ' Respectfully, -fl' I l f,.,: i.s. i; : jr i Jl. ; AlOEZIAIIUSB W., go Tradefitree C)iarotte,'N. C. r-x unit -pmrn-.ml fiismi ixxblteii , AT ; ,-Ja9T 'vi I-eBOTjliATnJSOlSii:;: on Brldgewater Famrf, Beimdnt FamlSpiLfid Bel T) ' i , moat 4X Flour. 711 1 i The BridgewalariTFarallyjoofc Medal at ttne Paris Exposition. .Try one. barrel. and !) cuHYiuceu uiat rt is tne nest m mis manret: , t 1 ,t.'U titsdJUST!McMfEb:JiVuilil of' Fine Oransmi -and: 'lrnioni Ammnh iTtanii& ! Choice Jellies, Mustard and 100111164 Fruits of an .. .. ,t i . . - i - - f ' 1-1-1 Graham. Flour.'Oat Meal, Marrow Beans,' !ah fresh Crackers of every description,-,; 3 I rli3 n:'J C.U iJ.'vJ tK .-7 Lift .it-r;'tT J i- : rIT? A 111 nTTTT?C5T7; ; VyXfcJMXiTA, AXAAUJJik3A f f o WINTSOB MANOR PICKLEST V the best ever sold In Charlotte; - Also 'Sugars, Cof fees, Bacon Hums, Breakfast Bacon,: Dried Beef, Beef Tongues, and In fact everything goodot eat that bean can wish for Is to be found In my store. '. t , -f 'i-A'i tVi.f -i-srfi 15B0.Y PATXPeOX. , -' . t'i -v. HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS 1879 I HE rOUB RXVIXWS I? lackw66ix! k Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), : - The Westminster Review (Liberal), 1 O f The Londoy Quarterly Review Conservatire. The Britisb uarteriy- Review (Evangelical), BLACKWOOIVS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. rfepHnts are florseitknry give the In fulL and at about one-third the Drice of the English editions. . ' ' . , No Dublications can eomnare with the leadlfrir BrfJshrtxilralsTeHiaiueeprinted by the Aeonara p&xt ruowamg cor'iy. in respect to sfidelitt f resarclvaoruraar of s-itement, and pu- riiy f st-laj t Jtj aie without an equal. They keep papa waasvoaBm taougnt oisoQvery, experiment, sxpei ana acmevemeni, wneiner in reugion. sciei erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their science, lit- with most Interesting reviews of. history, and with an lntelllirent narration of the ereat events of thn t l . . T' . - . , . I . v. 1 " P08T AGS): Payable strictly in advance. 5 any one Review, r . . S 4 00 per aniluni 00 FT anr two Beviewsi if! 1 For any three Reviews, 10 00 For all four Reviews, ' - . 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " " "' - i or Biaokwooa ana two ite views io 00 For Blackwood and three. 18. 00 " For Blackwood and four 15 00 " 0 r V fOSTAGE: Tnistem of Expense, now borne by the publish era, Is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent on the cost to subscribers in .former years. n-t j Jj u a o . , AolBcountpfc WerWifeeriL'wtrlfce allowed tb elubeof four or more fcersehs. Thn: four r-onlnx of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one- aaaressx ior siz.su, iour copies oi tne lour Ke- views ana Blackwood ior 848, and so on. New subscribers (applying early) for the- year 1879 may have, without chaise, the nnmbers far lhe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may muraioe ior. Or, Instead, new subscribers to any two, three or iuur ui uivuoove penouicaif,nny nave one oi tne V Fear Reviews'' lor-1878; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money Is remitted direct to the, publishers. No premiums- given to clubs. To secure premiums It win be necessary to make early application; as the jtock available for that niimnoA to Itmlt-xwV ' t j Reprinted by THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.. ' - i 41 Barclay Street, New Yeck I 8 7 9 I LUST R A,T E I NOTICES O TttK FRHSS. " The Wkkkly remains easily at the head of Illus trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of Its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety ex: subject and aru.sae treatment. -Zlon's Herald, Boston. The Wsxlt is a petent agency for he dissemi nation of correct political princiiiles. and a power ful opponenlof shams, frauds, and false pretences. .veiling pep Kosnesier The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of January of each year. When no time mtntfoa ftwUboes understood hat thesub- BcrtDerwisnesto commenoB: witn tneianber next scrtjoerwisoesto commeueB witn the .llif.ki If; W ?. I. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, 9 4 00 Harper's Weekly, " " 4 00 Harper's Bazar. " 4 00 The Three publications, one year, 10 00 Any Two, one year, 7 00 Six subscriptions, one year, 20 00 Terms ior large eiutw rurnlsbed on apppneation. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. P H TTL r. The annual volumes of mabpeb's Weksxt, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re celpt of the cash at the rate of . $6.25 per volume, beCatexitertseof.fureliaseiiT f Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittances should be made by postoffice money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper ft Brothers. Address HARPER ft BROTHERS, decll New fork. S T. NICHOLAS. ,Ta ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE JOB 8IBLB AHD BOTS. W WTW A V tMM WMvlta AAA Ml fcJM ' .- ' . f Messrs! ScVltmeV aH-, In iltSbegan the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first num ber was issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of otkb 50,000 COPIES. It Is published simultaneously In London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is aP riwst as general and hearty as the American. AI- tnougn tne progress oi tne magazine baa been a steady advance, it has not reached Its editor's Ideas of best because bet 44eat continually outruns it, and the magfiztnes swtftiy follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume the sixthare complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from: promising new senea, Mr. Frank R, Stock ton's new serial story for boys, "a jollt fellowship," Will run Wwagh -tke werve, monthly parte, be ginnmg Mththe nupiper ifotNbvember, 1878, the first of the volume, and will be Illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. The story Is one of travel and adventure In Florida and the Bahamas., ;Fo;t the. dna, a con tinued tale, "HALT A DOZEN HOCEEXXEPEBS,'' By Katharine D.Smlth.- witiii Olastrations by Fred erioiriemajtt beriits lr(tb!sane number; and a fresh serial by Susan Coolldge, entitled "Eye bright," with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early in the wlume.r There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called wntten Dy Julian mwmome. ana illustrated br Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fea- ESUfet of ST. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good- numorea suence, content, pernaps o,iei nernve volumes already Issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, plctureot poems, pjicnye sjtetcne8ana tne luraana lore rgw Terms. SS.OOa Tear: 25 cents a number, t Rnrw scriptions received by the publisher of this papery and by all booksellers and postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with : the publishers should wrttejiMMwatomc county and State, in full, and send with remittance In check, P. O. meney order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER ft CO., declO 743 Broadway, New York. HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. nun 1o li;aawftrfu1ii.ii;-ta'Vd 7f otT teeiai edt eCCFiia oi kS 7.tffS7ue mt The niat PopSiar Screrltffl''PapW In' World. Only ja20 fl yeaK tertrjMnt' postageJ Weekly, 52 1 RK HUH H - y T t" O J O O The ScrjtKTOTO amxricah Is large firstrclass weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed m the most oeattful - stylOir.profnsely ifMstrated with splendid engravings representf"f -tb ewest ln : nations wd4bnestseeeiitvArJeefttB. the Arts ud ScleneesT mcradlntt New eihI Interesunc Facto In AgrkmItuey Brttculturev the-Hom Medical Progress. Social Science, Natural History? Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practice pat)ei4 wemnfnt-Vftlter lnial s'-partments of Science, Will ftefoutKf irr" the Hdentiilo American. . Terms, $3.20 per year: $1.60 half reax.whieh ln- f!2!lZ0itag r1?4 10 lent Single eoptea,-4 cu wot vj ui nvwauBtuers; iumbhoj pos tal; detrt:MUNttcoV aMWiK- 87 rk Bow, New York . stwa rfi m tt dZ -mu i PATENTaIa -eonnectiotf wimrth Scienttno American, Messrs. Munn ft Ca, Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience, and now have the largest establish ment be the world, r Patents' are burned on the vest terms. A special notice Is made In the bden tiflc American of all Inventions patented through tills Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentees By the immense circulation thus given, pubite attention 1s directed tor the merits of the new paten! and -Sales- or introduction; often easily eSecteoVU. yjnl virtues tnu rffa.j.-ifn . . Any person who lias : made- new dlscerery or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether patent can probably be obtained, by wilting to the undersigned. We also, eind free our handbook about tiie Patent Law yp&tei. s. Caveats, Trade llarks, then costs, ana now procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, ,.. ; --' . .-- ., 1TTVN M (YY . 7 Pnrir XtM V T. 5 1879 s ' - u , . iv.n, ..vn tins, JVfelS'f Washington.ixa r BOOKaiNDlNQ, FAST PRESSKS. ?GOODORKMEN. .Jn4ri? 016 pabUcatton Tax us- ."TOestaWtau one of the larg. JOB::PRINTING HOUSES -i-..l;f. t M'the South, the proprietor has lust added a com- BOOK BINDERY -. . . .. . AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of ork at .8h?$,n?t1?- Omagazlnes, newspapers, law or other bookB rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tills class, ruled and bound ti mtw. We are prepared to furnish clone estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions, can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here m as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very fall supply of type for printing, at short notice and In Bret class style, "; BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, -ai xf'aMi.ri'. i,' AiS lawyers 'desirous' or' presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our w JfU '' ll tif.it Vi- .t work Is as free from defects as it ia possible to - fShitlT - M. I mHKe ,L LETJTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, 7Vttttttokrardsj ' Ball Cards, PHDipll!'i' NOTE HEADS, Circulars, : ; f fEnvelopeivJ? - SitiH U y irr KM 51 T T I II II U B a a v Checks, Label BILLHEADS, Deeds, ' - ' Business Cards, Programmes " "' , " Magtatrates' and - . . court Blank. t (vrn i.-T i3 In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice- Special attention given to Railroad Printing. BOOK WORK. Having larger supply of type than most Job tahHshnwmtm BOOK WOBX) haiJ been and eontinue to be a specialty with us. nr. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JR Address XSEOBSXRYEB. CharJottti, r- rt -tT?4 1 tnrt

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