Sl)c:Cl)arlottc bstrxjer4aJ frfiffffiftftffl I MJflE .INTIXUtiEKCEl. RAILROAD DIRRI TO 31. - '"'The following table shows mo Hnnlnfc of passeh r trains to and from Charlotte, on ail the rail roads (Washington time): i "Arrives from Elchmond and Goldsboro,; 1.00 a. nv Leaves tor " - -s. -- 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond,::..,..;....... 10.50 a.m. Leaves for ' ,,..... 6.45p.m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTB AIB-U3TK. I Arrives from Atlanta,. -Leaves for Atlanta,... Arrtrea from Atlanta.. . Leaves for Atlanta,... . ' - 8.20 a. m. 1.05 a. m. ? 0.50 p.m. 10.50 a.m. w t CHARLOTTB, COLUMBIA AUGCOTA. ' Arrives from Augusta, .tvCv.w.i. 8.10 a. m. Leaves tor Augusta.. .. .-. ....-' 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,. . V ...... . 0.80 a. m. Leaves for Augusta......... ..... ... ... 11.27 a. m. ' M .ft CABOLIMA CXHTBAL. "''J' 7 - Arrtvestrom wnitongt 7.2 p. m. Leaves for .WTlmlngtoi.. l 6.00 a, m. Arrives from Shelby,..:... . ,Z. 5.00 p. rov Leaves lor Sm-.j.-Iv,;! 7.00 a.m. ' ATLANTIC, TKNNKSSXX OHIO, . Arrives irom nevuie,'. , .w.t.frK 5.30 p. m. A-. 7.00 a. m Leaves lor tHaiesvuie,.. .v. offick hours. Money order Department... 0.00 a. m. 5.00 d. m. Registry DerKrtmHiit.. ,-. n i .aoo a. b.') 5.00 d. m. Oeu,lIellv,j8UmpDept..a00a. m. r.00 p. nv, " -,-. , t .hu p. m.j .46 p. m. tW On Bundara the General Delivery and Stamp Department wUl be open from U.00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. - .. i : , jOPlNUrAJra CLQSQfS OV XABA OPXNB. CLOSES. IxuivlUe Charlotte B. 8.00 a. mi 0.00 p. m. " " " 11.15 a.m. 0.00 p.m. hrlotte AttentaR. K.r )0 a. m.1 0.00 p. m. ' i 1 & Xut&st mi. R.1 RIK) d. m. 10.00 a. m. Htllni'n ft Charlotte It. k... 8.80 p. nw 5 00 a.,m. Dariiu at ont-iuj n. v i. in. o.uu a. ui. " ., Jt Statesvllle,.,.., .50 pnv;8.00a. m. tar Beattie's . Ford,, (horse route.) Mondays at lno n. m.. and Tueadara at tLCKl ; - i ore vine, (none route,) xnursaays at 0.00 n. m.. and Frldant7.00 a. m. ' W. W. JENKINS, P. If. ,4b ;fc-..-Wiat,KilL r. T. ) EK, V O KF1CE CHIEK '; SlGKAL OFTICER, . . .4 :' II AAV AJlrAAAaLill A WASHINGTON, May, 9, T0 P. For the South Atlantic States, station ary, followed a toy falling barometer, easterly winds,; wormer, partly cloudy weather. " i t I ? Ijoca.1 liepori for 7A.M.j2P.M.i9P.M Barometer,.. . .- Thermoineter....."Vi., RaIaM vm Humid! tY. . . V. 1 I 8a8ia-i Ca246 30.284 U 55 Tt-08 . 00 f 62, 2fl 1 00 6-l)irectionj.....v! weatp".. ..vf... iifist temrire 70 dp : 449. irjetewr Weather. m n i Auausta- 3022 80.18 22 PlSfCleJtr. Charleston, Charlotte 71 14ivFair. m 80 80 78 09 77 81 78 78 70 ll to 81 42 Clear. Clear. 11 Corslcana,. flalveston, fndlanola;: 3 8 30. 14 22 fair. Clear. Jackson'lle, 3010 29.95 80.17 30.20 80.10 29.99 HO. 19 80.18 29.95 N. E. Key west,.. Mobile,. ... Montgom'y, N. Orleans. 1 V; f "EN. 1a t Clear. Fair. -1 Clearing. Cleaf4, v Clear. Clear. 9 10 PuntaBasa N. N. N.K. N. W. ; Savannah., fit Marks.. Havana. 14 10 51 Index tm New AAverUwwenM Perry Strawberrtes-V i Attention, H.N,B. I i , J. B. Macmurdo Exoorslon to Columbia. iiotie pc;i:iE.MTrGs. 4 The unseasonable weather has brought in colds aaiiC ; The oper'iliousews open; last night for the first-timeln a month.; Geril5 Wasifflntliinks ne will ha? a f uir turnout of 'Contineiitals on tl The jQSoston (JSMtteCi'ubj were to have ' delighted 4hc;Xolum.b4ans Jaet night '.,-- ,.7 . v Farmers arid cotton buyers are alike regretting that they' did not hold their cotton so. rft dp jatue w wu now, -'Among? the t pleasureff awaiting the fire !raft3 ejjoliege c The ladles iSeinoifal association ek-i rect all the ladies Ana little cms wno attend .tha . ceremonies h(of .1 to-day bring- ft f ull iwipplpofflowewn jo , has been quitmarlcdb7SOinuch so There sQuf'a&lmWg of the" committee of arrangement for; the 20th of May celebtatron-ali the dhrrt bouse A ' citizien1 or CK&rfcftte8 who-was re cently on.AiVisiE tojQpeleika; Alabama, reports that-he received his Daily Observer at S Oclock in the afternoon of the 4ay of its, pttb.ljwetipn. fax Tien,.; the, trm parsed. Lincolnton yesterday afternoon the tournament was' m full '-MaSt; In the1' pleMehce of a large assemblage. The coronation and .,U u.i . . . i !' he?Dah-e1rVaH2fzaTing read e unar it Taes- nuUUrmes, pro- JffErytrsnd well lveaairkedTeireqt'' 5t Jiffltt :Mon JeWaring in is his charge.jtotbe grft11,, jury will take altogether tfrffercnt'grtfttnds on the sub m:mx I Clear. J i sar. Ciear. enceaTeicllfl ealcntdtetlii aav: lrr ject of the Jurisdiction of magistittes4jt' irom inose" -generally neiu. - The Statesvillft American savs: party ot seVerafyouhgr'laa'les and gen-J iiemen came up irom unanoice,. eu kesdayi on ft fishing excursion ii, our adjacent streams. It was the fun and not the -fish, hqwver, that prompted J ' these5 aTtU Ihe koyf eveniigl when people daslrtftrough the streets and,itae suDurDs m . their , hanasomeiurn-ouuj, and when snbthef'-people' who have ; to ;. more,. prosperous ,nejghDorsand najiaatoiMiswTaoa ,flicaoxiKKi withr: gMftte !.:;.:. aeai- of Afrt w :Rhp.m?.iA:idresses i- a Airura TVTnirnf nin srhAol will be. OreSellL. 4n a ;body andr te -atizens generally:: Inlj?;tasf Scarr & Co, W. Mc. Smith.'8 akai cmee. cn ves ' notice to " the creditors, through the Greensboro New North State, that a creneral Meeting , , will be held brforQjTliomasj. Keogh, in Charlottel onttielOth daV ot June "when ;ahdwfier6 hei will? apply for a, settlement nf .his accounts as assignee. and demand a discharge from all habil "' ; ities as -said (tesigneet : a 1 We ai-eitfdebted'to Mr.J. S. Tomlin- j mnvox tne fteamoru rrew 101 Bct5uT ffonof jthe Piedmont Frew for recent 01 ,-ine; jir 131" wfthcerteinrintotiny office supplies . .4-AU4 V'--n'AUAVV -w w f -T- - v .5 . excellent character whiek came oppor- . 4ilVOi V.. UUOiUS.' At,liltl-.AM "V- fr lt Obaerraace T T1W ramNtrA I 4 t 1 , nave ; been busv the last several days arranging fur the ceremoniep- propnate to he observance of memorial . uay ana the preparations are now I complete. The following is the pro- gramme: M.Pi8Sn Sto'clocliittthe f First Presbyterian xchtrch vardifi th following order: 5 , , , , Band, ; ,,. .1: Cadets Carolina Military Institute, Hornets' Nest Riflemen, , riPr.rv ntaFJAn'Jb'Xsl MftMflat SUBOc&flrfti-J nfedfefca&mnldiiirfe fXMWd f rroeession Of Girls 'Rfiarinff' "FlnwAra. TT t. 2- - xaurnei ire uompany No. 1, Auuepenoent nook & Ladder Co. . Pioneer Fire Company No. 2, . .male schools, ' p- f - Female KnhnnlR. y Independent Order of Odd Fellows; a .ififMasonid LMopaL-ni Masonic Lodges,' citizens. AT CEMETERT GATE. it::- '5; When Che procession arrives at Ceme tery gate, the column will halt, the military companies will open ranks and the clergy, choir, speaker, reader roe essioaof girls, the memorial associa tion and Confederate Rnldipra will nana Lthrough; tthe rankSiWiU then close and proceed in order. . The order of exerpises at the? graves wiu ue puunsnea to-morrow. , , The ladies of the Memorial Associa tion respectfully request the suspension of business on Saturday afternoon, May the 10th, so .that aU may . participate in the exercises of the day. They also re- ?uest a liberal contribution of flowers rpm, the , citizens for the decoration of the graves And mound. t.wi The mite boxes will be placed in fcoff 3picuous. situations jon tho grounds for those who J wish t contribute to ;the monument fund. 4 fAlf carriages, xceptirig those in the procession, are requested to entert the grounds through the Eighth street gate.- CHABLIE ROSS. Another False Scent and Another Bit ter Disappointment. In last Wednesday's issue of TtiE: Ob serves it was mentioned that--Mr. Christian K. Ross, with his brother-in-law, Mr. John W. Lewis, of Philadel phisi, had"passed through this city the day previous on their way to Lenoir, Cald well county, where they hoped to4earn something of Charlie, the long-lost Chlldv of the former-Xldrfc--!wbili' communicates to any one xlfe-Vround's I 1. A-1. 1 1 . : - . upon wnica meir uoi)es were qf?isea, and two reports have since been KMr abI if rnn t kef Iiiia f a ttA f4V.r4- 4-1. 4. a. somewhere in the county, and the other that they did not expect to find the boy himself, but a man jvhois .now, kving in Cald welL wlio,; there waS reason to believe, was in possession of -'facts which would reveal the whereabouts of the abducted boy. . ... e The fact of Mr. Ross's presence in the city exiteti a great dfL of interest, J anasincetns aeparturer great impa tience has been manifested to learn the result of his mission. We are now enabled- tcf Wform! ur readers that: J;he search nas been in vain, and for partic-1 mars reier 10 ine leicer ioiiowing,re iieivM 'by lastf eVeriirig"s nlail from a thoughtful friend at Lenoir : ' Lenoir, N. CMay 8. Not having registered at the hotel, Mr. Christian K. Ross; and Jofm W, I.iewis, Mr. Ross's brother-in-law, passed without j beirig recognized, and we did jrot know that the-man -for -whom-every-true- heart- The Charlotte Observer on yester- that the gentlemen in qaestionhad gone tq.Boone in Watauga county, and were1 expected back this evening. On their arriYaiI-introducedii.n:yself and made enquiry of Mr. Ross iff re: cai;$ to his success. His cormteirnpe, changed in a moment, -and . with tears n hia evea-fmd-arfftgnrflcant-shake of mne nope oi accompusning anyijtug, y.the itin; watrQe.hM-nQtenxtHOi rPttl StotlDtteei jm was-tne one he was in searcn 01; inac ne naa fsnanflbeeKfcorrcspainf ar5oUt. the HMunnhan nf his Inst flharhft. w m 1. Finding the subject painful I didzrotl press- turn ,aay jintneij ana, propose fvi'ltQliciaey. lgreeai and : $fj viutMnir nno nr T.nA HrnrM ann Hnowmir them iome of the products of mountains, roots, herbsgtcini nanv with one of our townsmen' we went on college 1111 10 snow inem uw i we m i - Al view irom tnere. ajut," a suppose mat nn HfAnrv however ' fine, can ever make him forgeti fdrSnoment theais tressing cause of his visit. I Mr. Rosa, inrenlv to a Question of th crentkman who went with. remarfcfifL tnat tne omv iinne iie.u knowtAwks that his child was? alive when the burelars (Mosher and others) fei"killed: that since thaf time he was not entirely satished witn anyun-j formation he had received on me, suo- ject. ,, ' ' ' il" Mr. Lewlsinformed me that kMr. Ross,Jiis fpjuru-others and himself Jnrt spent ; most 01 tneir time sincp me abduction, folio win ut every case, Uitythat the AtiifrTmio-TitTifl found. They return4o Phiiadeipnia to-mor- ijTT&elMfendelsshon Qumtette Club-of Boston, which so oeiighteg gnr peopie last faUTwrn give another or. xneir charming concerts at theoperj house on theaMsmagMtba 19th inst, and the with nst5iiiiittdtne vemne 01 me onrh . Wtw are, aiuamusemenireunj ana aououe jotuv""jF",-co " 4,.f to -i 11 I. .I I imiii mmm n rn 3'W ?i the ifirenta anuiLW. bia AtigWtS ..paif.o; fern from An tJxcursioii wii5 ruu i""1 ?u';1 s-Mtf- 20th. The train Xt&?ZZiuxL and leave ; v untriafrof ' whom we-hope to see many uuwu ouuuv! oppoTtuttity f to hels celebrate 1 -IV nav. . . . - - , l Mr zihe thrQushOinesf , ra still doing-.a- large business in hauling tobacco. 1 . rt. iatatpa nnnr nmnetent authority that the business of the Charlotte, Co lumbia & Augusta Railroad from -Oc- tODer last up u uie preseui. uw -. m ianrr ihim for an eaual number- of Months t any prevfoos titnef Birip The excursion mania has broken out WAthe lltet tWesternNorthCaro- -r it Vprnai freshness I , - .A -. A ie excursion tiain ITTr; :.; r . . 1 ',..;. tl,afwn.r.rininta. Programme 2 0 K 1 f 'iTPBi nOATEAS IM MAY. Tk AppcanncM. Pwltlona tBd.BXT .--., - - . - . - - - mntn of the Planets. lylCKtrfuK,faitestaijgliter of the sun, noias the place 01 Honor among the planetary tirotherhood an ' evening star J 4Pjiug.thQ"montlt :i She is increasing in nsrhtnes and .size as in her rapid course tehe approaches the earth, appear ing higher above the' horison and set ting; later every night. The rapidity of hera. motion v can easily be traced, by Watchingcjthe .stars. in her immediate viviuitjr. uuciug luu unit part 01 me month shfrselboiilriarjrclock : on the last of -the. ;3mptithv about half-past 10. inus Deing aoove tne norizon for three - - A . -W- F- . . iiours aixer sunset. - v enus is in con- on the peiesuiu piciurps, maao np 01 silvery crescent, with a beamintr star, for nen- dant, may b6 anticipated. - oath, SChef fclahet mavnow be looked or to best advantage in the west about 'O b'clocki ' when two .hours past u upiter leaas me quartette or morn ing stars, and is a conspicuous object in X "A. , . J 1 i i . me soutneast long oeiore sunrise. He rises now at about half-nast 2. and at the end of the, month not long after midnight. Jupiter and Mars rise near-ly-at the same time- on if the1 1st. the in- terValHBetween'beififf'dnlv eieht min utes. ..Yesterday they: were in conjunc tion and afforded to earlv risers a fine opportunity for the study, of planetary colors, the ruddy hue ot the one beiner in striking contrast to the golden tint OTme-TjmerruffTne lh, J upiter, Mars anuine moorj conjunction, and enthusiastic star-gazers who anticipate the dawn will; be rewarded, with a charming picture of the waning moon with two bright planets foremost among the starry throng that grace her court. Mars is morninsr star, but hia mnrspi during the" month is so closely inter- v vWw M.1AL. A I A. C V 1 i aM vivvvu wjuf uiai, 01 nis giant Drotner that the record of the one is but a repe tition of that of the other;- Saturn1 is 'momma star, and is fast cominginto a more favorable position forobservation.v He is to be found in the constellation Pisces, not far fro m the Cquhoctial colure, rising now at 4 J IWiiV, ill LUtS ClUSt) UI Lilt) UlOUlIl ttb 2i''HeJs in conjunction with the moon ori the 'morhing of the 17th. On the 31st Jupiter rises twelve minutes before -1, Mars twenty-two minutes after 1, and Saturn six minutes after 2. An observer commanding a view of the eastern higSri-. zon will hnd it an interesting study to -watch these planets as they rise in qutek succession. . . ;Mercui-y is morning star, lising now abouUialf-past4, and at the end of the month at halfpasfrSiHe may be seen .ftowrjouthbrfore'&uni-i as he rfijichesais greatesfewestern elongation. WW Albll CV-i AVA AlA CATfT, UOTa KJtZiKJL C -and afjer that event is.tavor&oly situa- tea ior observation, tins oeingr one ot Wis lour opportunities ounng ine year when he may be picked up bv brisrUt star-gazers., as morning star. He is in conjunction .with the moon on the 18th, when four planets and the waning cres cent are visible at the same titria- Brorsen's comet; has passed its peri helion, and is approaching the earth, reaching its nearest point to-day, when it may be looked for among the smaller stars in the head of the Great Bear, More of the lndlai It el tea. Mr. W. H. KirbV:' Who is the contrao- tocf or filling in tlie trestle on the Air Line Railroad nearPaw Creek, was in the city last night and had with him a number o the Indian relics which were reterred toiin yesterday's Observer as having been round by the hands en gaged In hos work in the progress of their excavations. Two more of the ndian bodies or what remained of them-were taken out yesterday. Thus iartne cones oi eleven persons nave been founds nil buried in & row, but no where -about" any .'of the bones was bund any remnant of a blanket or anv stitch tf clothing, all the habiliments in which the fbodieswere interred having moulded into dust From the1 graves the hands have taken; in;! all perhaps a ousnei ox. oeaas. jmxv. js.iroy nas naa a arse - number: of these washed and many of tbem strung ? They are of all imaginable colors and after being wash ed are as bright and new' looking as if made a xlaytgoV They vary in sizes as much as In ; color r thev are not of class. in,deed iid one" who' has yet seen them, has been able to deteimine the material of which they are made; ' - uneciod or earth wnicn Mr. JvirDy took -ut;'and which he has herewith Bim, has imbedded in it 'What, is .'clearly the" under-jaw of a. ian, n Only one tooth . remains . fast in:-, the jaw-bone ; anotteEi.toasi been, detached since the masswas-'firsttAken buti " The jaw-bone s terSpft''yiela xeadily to pres sure between the fingers, and the singu- sieat least !hafldfdl'o - beadi;:ift what' one' would suppose, irom tne xormaijoaot me mass to!bethevmaotb;.i r This Cld -Of earth together with the bones and the beads, has been examine ed with a "irea5eaTOttfCT by a gjl&to 9SSm otfiOarlrWBity-lovers. rae-Ctennod Concent Joat VlpbU Theebncert ofvth'e-WOttnod- Club, which has been anticipated some weeks came off last night and was heard by a fine audience. .The club, has peen'-in j constant 'practice' tor1 several imontns under the immediate directorship ,6f Prof. Bidez, .and much was; expected of it Expectations were more tnan real-" izediUwt night The timetho excellent control which the singers possessed bvef theirvoices-in short fine training of natural Iv fine voices was manifest throughout the 'evening's ehtertair1 ment..The seleptions, were. altogiether'l new. Of a classid rather than a popular .1 order, and were rendered with fine i effect s .The auditors maniiestea tneir measure by.hearty applause ana ic was Lmlcultto'tell-wti'ether'the5 solos, the duets, trios, quartetts, or the choruSes wiin-jwracHu,-H 'ucucu and closed, were most' enjoyed. The solos of Mrs. Bason,-iliss Wristonv MrsAxmistBMrsf Mqmgan and Mrs The three last named responded, to'eiir' mwp. and-Mrs. Bidezirwho anpearedbeH fore a Charlotte aumence ior tne. nrsv, m. rficeived a nerfect ovation in .thB- shape of a shower ot rjouquets. f ine .SwetMsheddrnff March,7i"by IMrs.; Jones; Mrs. Tateiimiss. springs ana Mrs. Bidez, sung without' accompaniment was charming, as was also the quartette, How Sadtlie Moment of Parting," .by Mrs. Jones. Miss Wriston, and Messrs. fWilsoaandaPegraiEur.TA laughing song by Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Aiancn ana xr ror. Ridez bronght do wn he. house. ' jUieituauieacef irasuarmeu, uy ,,ux ... r.lirnmBnVwbAclf was alike credit- oWo t tJia TMirformers;tOrPxofBidez the leacLandrt the ac- oAorapanylsii xne concerv ueKiii.Mu w ari-hou? for more'critieal and -ex-; 4nVlorli nntiiTftiils ?1 (4 'PW personal- sions ox tnesAnwsncau meuiuiu ; kjuvwnjj legejwas iri the cityisst 'evening nd iot rt. i .onisvi re '. jvvi'iio aiieiiu w hTipraf ; Assemblv of the Presbyterian Church; as one of. the delegates fronij " Kev. ZDoty . returned 4 last evening from New York, bringing hW family ufcthpfteritral.: -Hotel and Mr. Doty will enter regularly upon his duties as 'rector xl St Jreiers xtpiswi1" viiuiuu. t&eicdnsteliatotr Leo 'and very near thti Wxht Besruhla throughout the f The Picnie Season. The return of certain Sunday school scholars to ; the seats' which had not known them before since last spring, and other signs equally . unmistakable, indicate that the seaaon for picnics is near at band. A committee fromv Cal vary Mission Sunday school has been appointed xo seiecr. a suitable placeand will ? report to-morrow. The Pioneer fire company will. discnss$next Thurfft day night, the time, placo and special leawuw ox ineir . oay m 1 tne wooas. Other organizations will follow in their footsteps within the next four weeks, t A Frooably Fatal Affray at a Danced A number of colored people had a dance last night at what is known among them as "Centennial HaH," 'on South Trade Street Aleck Burton, a colored bov who is emnlovAd af. TTaii'a beef market, went up tho steps and at- 4- il. j a - veiuvhvu. w mo uoorseeper, one Murphy without .paying wthe price of admittance. Murphy warned him but he persistedVuntilvMurphycaught -him by the coat Snd pushed hini flown! the steps. At the bottom the intruder struck the doorkeeper with his fist' when the latter dealt him a blow ntvnn the left side of the head, above and-just in front of the ear. with what all ac counts represent to nave been a slang shot Burtonr fell and was speechless and unconscious. I He .was carried to his home and Dr. McCombs havin? been called in found that the skull to the length of two and a half inches had been broken and forced in upon the brain. - He set about to do what could be done, for the boy, but at a late hour of tho night represented his patient's case ai well-high .hopeless. 'Murphy, after the affray, fled or con cealed himself so that the police could not find him. He is from Winnsboro, S. C, and is a comparative stranger in the city, having been living here out a short time. Exemption of Apotbecarle The commissioner of internal reve nue has decided as follows, under the last clause of section 32, article 48, Re vised Statutes, as amended by section 5 of the act of March 1, 1879, which reads as follows : Nor shall any special tax be imposed upon apothecaries as to wines or snit- ituous liquors which they use exclusive ly in the preparation or making up of medicines.:,' :f ryi r2 F4 The exemption from special tax ac corded to apothecaries applies not only to tne sale oy them or their medicinal prlparations or compounds! composed in part of distilled spirits'or "wines, but also to any and all mechanical appli ances and processes which thev may find to be necessary or useful in the pre paration or making up of medicines, and that an apothecary, therefore, not withstanding the fact of his holding a special tax stamp as a liquor dealer, is not subject to special tax as a rectifier on account of his keeping a still or dis tilling apparatus . for, use exclusively in treating liquors, &ew employed in the making up of medicines. ELECTRIC BEETS. A sore cure for nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Cir culars mailed free. Address J. K. REEVES, 43 Chatham street, N. T. , Feb. 20-dfcw3m. . STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES -AT PERRY'S PERRY'S TO-PAY. TO-DAY. TO-DAY. THOSE WANTING WILL WILE PLEASE SEND IN:;; - THEIR THEIR -IT ORDERS EARLY. maylO UNVEILING THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. AT COLUM BIA, MAT 13TH, 1879. ' -I f I ? CiC. ferA..RArtRdABkX). '"- 1 v " Office General Passenger Agei -'Aeenl Columbia, 8. C, May 9th, 18 89. : All CAUIUSiUU UOIU TT All AUU VI vuw Division as below, returning same night lear- lng Columbia, at .W P- m : , . , Leave- Charlottet;y4i3a iatf. -Morrows, RrwicHiii fi (hi a. m. a.50 U ? warren's......6 15 a. m 2 25 -8mltlhiWTWTWi'mi .2.2( . " Lewis', ........6 86,a, m. 2.15 " Chester, ff.'iJiW a. m. 1.95 ' " CdrnwaHs','. 7 25 a. m. 1.70 Blackstocks'...7 8 a. m.. ...... . ...1.60 ...1.50 ...1.40 ...1.80 ...1.15 80 ... 55 40 WWoodwart's7:4k nussiii . " ,. Whue uaK,. ... . a aaJnv.. .s . . M. "xagT .&.8 5 am..:y.. " -winnsboro. .&25 ami.;.K... ldgewar .& 25 a. m. Dokoiij. .,9 45 a. m, . . ajiusuts... ... iu ua a. ui......... An at Columbia, ljQ 30 a.-m DaCARDWELL.J 5-jJteKxft Gtav Pasay Agent.' v r T T E N T T O N I riOU ie hereby ordered- to.ppeas jat -your ar il , mor thU affAriKion.itio'olocli. In toll unl- jtorm, wltlt cross belts, to partlcate ln4ae memorial Sn5ft.Jt- i"xOx WrfyBADGER, maylO 11 4jW w1 J.B . o. .1 R SALE. TTnif li.tPTsLlD the Cleaveland Cotton Mills. De sirable property in a healthy lodallty. i e $ JB'or descnpiion ana pnee auuitsss , E. G. RAMS AUK. : . , ifi kf-;-;; Cleaveland Mills, May U -3t. . Cleaveland County, N. C. . ATTENTION ! FIREjVIEN.H ii- J-Slt'I 1 -X ..An lnvltaUon kavtog been extended to toe Hor TAt Tnii.nndent and Pioneer Fire Companies, y the ladies of the Memorial Association, to par ticipate in lue exercise Octturuaj, mnj xuui, uur cersof the above-named companies are hereby or dered to appear with their companies la full dress uniform at their halls, to joU in the procession on the above day at 4 o'clock p. m. tsj oruer uj. uio j Chief. aT.WALKm"secretary.-, 5- ,j a , niTinr mm ll I t Strut n .if. ...I t ffaywg opened a Shoe-Store ;with everything fresh and new sucn as t f v ja.-. S?-J.f ' For Ladies, Misses aiid'OhUdren, and a .-ever onereci in tms market Thanking . fm j . - ' - ;,s P. S. I take measure in announcing w vcii j o ,u, 'J'1"'i"-w . ? 1st National Bank Building, CHARIOTTE, N.' C, Have now In store a nice and complete stuck of SPRING ' 4 BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags ! 3 With them you can flnd , THE fiESlTOCK -..:-;y ah ,;-s4.r wait 10 W CHARLOTTE, ZEIGIERliBRO.'S Celebrated Ladles Misses' and Children's Shoes They also keep MUeeJ(urP8 Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the- Miller, "MoCnllough ftOber; Canfleld, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR HOES. Orders have personal Call sure before buying, attention. "April ft 1879. PJSGBAM & CO. .Jin. Uk ik BOOTS ! Boom-! BOOTS ! BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS hoes; SHOES ! SHOES ! AND AND AND AND AND ID AND HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! , - ' - SPltmeiSTlfLES ! : !-!'.-; yi :f '.! -'!: '.- ..." THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED N CHARLOTTE. rid 's T viThlS; stock: of , Booto,fllio8s, HatSy'Trtinks, 4a, l-:'rembratresVerf -gdeTlfid tifflSMi asjciieal , ,ha UeBame.-toto can. Tjb sold, byany house 1 lH1- TO; -q lis -to l MERCHANTS W1U, do reU .and jaxamliie- this stock,' as- K la naolall aifuntcH to h trA1n of Vnrth And South Carolina, and will Je sold a wholesale or retail fn ltost reasoriahte terms f: ir. '- i . u-; i j To Charlotte are Inrfted to. call and . examine, our Itockrwllierwttriu every reaped Wto4iX&&i tofow. 1 -n' W. S. FORBES, Agent; V Smith 4 Forbes Old Stand, Trade St ' ., mm 1 . ! D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, rno tti fnox ta 1 &"ci:0FFlCiOYEtl$j WRISTjQS COJ tvI flf a f I ' wrf 25 yean; experience I guarantee eoZre TJl X J V- lM O Y E 11 I am prepared to full line of the best goods for Men and f . . . i ......... my friends for past d itrbnaare. I trust to . Respectfully, , Trade Street, next door to mv rli fr!onia thif t ov. vmnr Dfo;nn ouud auu xictt uusmess, x can seu you gooos , Very respectfully, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED- ... i v.,','4;:i A BEAUTrJTJL LINE OF ' f BOURETTE DRESS GOODS, W At Ten Cents Per Yard. The handsomest goods ever offered for the money. i ALSO A FULL LINE OF , , , BLACK AND COLORED BUNTINGS, LADIES' SILK ' We are offering the best UNLAUNDRIED SHIRT In the market for $1.00. A nice line of CASSIMERES MaylO. THE BS T "The WOHiO. SOLD BY .015CO.CQ2r. n PORK&RTieULARS tfIBM0i ADDRElfti WhiteSewinq Machime Co. Cleveland, ohio. rtfl M Situs. C AROXLNl CENTRAL VIA. WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wttmlngton and an Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee 3c Ohio, As well as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F.W.CLARE, '," ' . ; Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C i septSO if D ,R. Jf. H. MclDEN, VBCOOIBT ASO CHkinBT,' Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Cojognes, ,.; English Select ipioes,. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and , American Tooth Brushes- f I - .xi PRESCRIPTIONS . .- 'i Ji rij W CajefulifejoarM all hour ixh night, and )l?V,Sf UiiXiI'.J tiUJia. .lia .11'' t .,'!" o i , . HMoADEN-S ' 'U Prescription Store. : OEC1JRITYI .'i.'i"lA 5rfjiYrECURlTI Ji i -.o - '.(il Af bit' -.lf l ' '" SECURITY! . . t - - OS J- t . . .. ,200 Barrels pi . iii Vj.. - 1 a hi GWESTSONS - EXTRA No.,1 KEROSENE U'U" i ..Ua isi- . , AM.,, 'j. Our .i li 11 tj iuu ALADDPf SECURITY, OH1'!JxrJi "Wesfs Extra'Nofi Kerosene 00, from C. StVest 4 bons, uaiomore. ' ' - , t;, tw;,i i t Hicfaest Medal awarded at Centennial Xxnoslllon: Crystal oil Works. Canton. . Warranted to stand a lire test on iu aeerees lanrenneu oeiore lt wul burn. C. West 4 bona, Baltimore. , - , SHifniii mi-ill r .-t 1 - 1 -' .i'u t c-sj f7 - For Sale by v, ill uh .h:iii f T -- -u j - - w'3 1 j c ? , -i-s Dm XlLircAEtN, Sole Agent, " " CHARLOTTX, N. C . AND 'HAiTSi" ' S offer to the trade a line of the best goods. Boys, which I propose to sell cheaner than w . . . . . -. .. merit the same m the future. V ,X1 5 to Kyle & Hammonds Hardware Store. r. -r.U j -i rVsa...i in tnat line to your satisfaction. .,;.-,-.... ..-.v-r.-.- ' J, Ma ALEXANDER. SCARFS, ETC, ETC. at greatly reduced prices. ALEXANDER HARRIS. . WAM4MTM DISPATmXlNT NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Traaaportkm ot Charlotte, Statesvule, Ashevllle, Ruthertordton on the Atlanta 4 Richmond Alr-LIne. and Western N. a Railroads, ? . Alabama andMlssIsslppL via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick, upon application to i j :T.T.SMITHC3 Agent C C. Railway, Charlotte. 0tjClS. JpIELD BROS., i S WHOLXSXLX AKD KKtkO, GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PrSHTOe Keep eonstanUy on band FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP 1 PLES, DRIED FRUITS, . M J . . : : , ... ; I., , " :!.: ! Exclusive Dealers in -M RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and X L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. also. raopBxrroBs of rn CHARLOTTE BOtEL,' ' ' ' . ............,. .... CHAELOTTE,N.C. . This house has been refitted and newly famished, , and Ukpt to flnctass style. - .1 Terms, Per Day Great IndaeemenU offered to-tmlm homxA. ere; for terms see the proprietor . , , .. ; - -. tSTTOmnibus and Carriages at every tratni) FIELD BROTHERS. . . ..Proprietor, Mr. H. & Witaoa LAsr,.....;..8upertnteodetite. Hnrsx WnjoHe,.; .v.... ...... ;;..QerJc febff . ' j . - -1 , , ii r-4- C2.00 MARSHALL ;! u .0 o i. H 'us(,1r, ".Tr'-O tt'.i ' ' 'iJ iO t-ui " W J' BirANNAEL GA. , . - E -a. B. Luce, Proprietor. T f Beauoed rate-S2.00 and 12.50, ftecoiCzg to Ioc ' M. J "HARNETT, Oerk, late ot Planters'Eotel. Feb. 16-tf. r i? " ' rpHE BEST STOCK C7 .., It'!!. i GROCERIES an In the dry, at " " " anSQ ' - HAT STODB i- - f. - r --l - ri 1 tH patronage. - 1 this morning. . f . '

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