7 H.1 I ''L1 1 ) hV IV- U U u uuniie V HVRSCRIFTIOir KATES i D Ou. (W veor. I uostaofcZ) Iiof.. .....S 00 iatAfonMU . v ...... 4VU tmt, nwrf taUmi tfyfcw ff type, owl wry v mifMr of Job Work tmnm te oom teoA asotanf. . tUonteA mad cterpMu. i ITra mmit at Jtorf yt J vera " tt w mj j in r - - n ' '.v .- ' 4- i-.hiiifrAGS.jaBcxnPTS.paikTxSs, ' PAJCPHLXTS,, CIRCvLaRS, CHECKS, 40. ; ; -rs i i I ill i i ill i . I i. ir ' v ; ;;.t 1 1 i - i1'.: i i f ; 1.1 i ; u ( ; ri rr,Tv i ir i u i " ivja' . i i' - V ' ' . . 1 I 1 I I I 1,-1 1 II A-J I. it 1 1 -.1 liOJiUUV lir, fl r 1111 rl 11 1 l.'rl.,.; I I 111 1 ,1 I 1 f . A l'l.-JT-M! l V I J ' t II I --..4 Kr-...l I -I I . II I I If Mff, 1 - - -t- . - - . -- - . . - SUN UMBRELIiAS '' 'tadies buying PaJLols wul un uad the best assortment at the lowest prices . f mrnr rrrrr i f i i i K JM I 111 'find which thej ean save money. Our stock of Fancy And Staple " i In now complete, among which mi fcul supply of House iHimlshlng fl. found a and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotfc'n$aJ Tiets. Ruks. Ifatfinn and OQ Cloths. a! 1 itm rfi Our stock of EmbrolderT sjidTrlmnUngf taiaegftcl and will be found very cheap. So will our stock ot ii i lift OJ ,j&s e'no HOSIERY, GLOVES. HANDlIECHIiafS.i'CO-. 8KT8, FANS AND TIES. f T ..oo v pe Dtueiifl"! Ask to see ontteti' Cemis Linen CaSibrlc Hand TtereWef $yMSL will nnd them cheapj atid'etBrythlng'else lh proportion. Call and see us. It wfil pay youi r'f. V - ILIAS4COHIN. I ....'!-! B URGESS NICHOLS, : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PKALKR IN ALL KIND8 or FURNITURE FURNITURE! BEDDING, ka BEDDING, C BEBtDING, &C BEDDING, 40. FURNITURE! FUKNTTURE ! AFjillLlneof CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS I j-'-t ? t-i LOUNGES! LOUNGES 1 i ft - loung: rttjtlyOBSa Lounges lounges 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 : PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS 01 ail Unas on nana. 1 .V.w COFFINS of all kinds on hand. U No. 5 Wbbt Trad Stbxkt. ( . l.x v i- CHARLOTTE, N. a tsr- LaK?' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes- tine supply. j ian3 '. ; -, i!Ti -I" -"'.;" B ARGAINS i i J ' t ' IH ; r -io-:-a ! v1 CHJ RR NW N II TTTTU r K IT IT nn W W W IT T IT IT RBB KB"" U UK BR SK II T U UB BB " UU B KB NX II T UU B B KBB f.U,f.f i jf ' 7 n jjiu ...... , t .. E. G. K&SeW'WAREROOMS ii..i?H,r ' 7 ' .- . ? ' 1 " 5 -' ' J ," 1 ' . i 5 ' . ' i tJ.li i! -1. ii , .r. f 17 Jjf ii NXIT TO POSTOTIICB. ' . . rtiie rna trwlPi 1! y Stock Is very Lar.J ndmbraca.a Full ., ...... .i. ... . - , r ; ' tn' .i!iiHf . lyUO ! ..... ,'t. BnM i edJdo 1'ARLOilCHAUnBH. msiNaRCO'O ' j- . . . ""w-.5 , ' " rnlriiitvMfr a4 St' I Us. and any kind of t ' ' F ini - 1 tii - i'i 1 OFFICE FURNITURE 2 1 " W AHGooda Packed Free of.Chargo ins 4 iats i' ooumusa MJiiikUiil OB lr"W ShVb a Manflkinte nn of Lace 8trlna4 BnntP tfnsjA;Wasim!BdiKii colors. BUk.Grena iinfMn muck iim jiiMn raniam silica tn Mrv Mtterns. Dies ad IrtmmlMr iBUks to mltU ruufOM. . Tamlse,iennett nd. Enprees CJwth.iLirt Jlan Crar ,CBsta mei U shades. Atoo-, no oust It iti ' 00 i i-mes; unui &aconetA,Tigurea unea aa uoaos WMte- Goods, white Lman Lawns and Caml QQna jawns, muu musius. tnpd,' -.UMmoxs, riqwas soq Yonatona. rf Unuadrted, Shirt from 7B jaatket . pon uiu to look ax ent".Also. eood ,ilne of Colored BhtrtS.'CulDi. 'it! ilflL' V.'n ftLU Ul.1!."1' tiit VM'l " Ci. ilJiyf i r?oliTo,i,edl fcliU u Paraaolal -ti-a;! Sladc Cbthingj fUji-H M. r. h.vtrjhj.l f. ,.,? j 4.t. In Fancy CaraJraeres. Youths' Suits, p Ladies' Serge and Goat Shoes, Newport Ties and Slippers. We' tnvtte 'a careful inspection of our steek, as weave wfUing-to compare with any one In the i .Oidenpiomntlr filled. ; "-' ' . irviKf.; ; : f i ( ; U'l' i' kT.-L. 8FJGLE & CO.! hr Opp Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st., Charlotte, N. C. -.-May It.-.-- - j ( ! MORE MORE . i T V WRTibfc;; -O U R- ;.' .-.rKhXirtvilit' v. 5 CENT counter:; ii HAS BEEN, REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE "NEW STOCK, .la i t ! he:; -MUCH MORE USEFUL : AND UTTRACTITE THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT.; : l EVERYBODY SHOULD CALL AT ONCE TO !: SECURE GREAT - ft -V Ijili: i:" 'if. ? BARGAINS: ' : ton ?a!iM.!-' J.- h: ; j .f,'-. -LSOil FULL; LINE -:sr ; ffR Y G OODS', ' J '-i- ' T i KSnl-V).) CLOTHING, ;. ;.-.-Mt ri '. ' ' ' ' : I -1-" .7 ir-..nfM;, 1 )i Ii") rtiK-va' . li:w taiv- ? -iino n SHOES OF ALL KIND HATS, tC.r AC, AC. ll!i Ol ' UT Wi.are. Oering GREAT- BARGAIN .-! f ,witr .';'!.'.; ;- .. week, all through our entire stock. ; u; "figt1' jwsir .a fiS bf.ii .edWJavlJi!J2iil .fad 'Ill ki-SSg ctOTnm It-JKJ W. KAtTFMAWA CO. ' i . u 1 AA ma anm niAiA arii iuih liim nowttie la Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's nWWJW snlbtiisat jaill Xi ill' tas OOO.I. 00-j.zrrr R"'"rH n im. n o.o ! O O T H H II Kit V wen .iiuauloiii-j.luaC i in .7 r -5 U: 'iW'l.74MU'Ji,W.V.iVt.,f..r4S 'IKiinorvirrana iifm?fcl8 tauB4Milrn im(r:Vft a nntlUoW Of !hfrfceS. , Every. gamen whiehtsaold at our iurtue Is warrantd to, faaas' aepMseMed, n m we less inan i sgW wsewasyepwe conHnqg-w jseit . : y-x, r. v."7.. ...vf i,'... "jtinfMi cii Ml&Eai anVother hous-tidiltbe! cneaper man uy uvuw uwiw,bii5.uiu ua; iw, seasoaj and they have gained the reputation W pe- t iWf wBeat.thte reason oth jropsTiner fid it . this season to. tn A:i.t -tt.J.il WOil l l Mn aion h fminl In iwir atndc a eoTrnlete Hne: of fientlemen's ruroishing Goods. Pont purchana Can be W at W.KAUFMAN & CO.'S, i.'..:' a-..'. April ia Comer Tnde and Tryon Sts. tndTr Char toiore yoo-examine eur stocg. as me cneajnjs py. 1 .fl ot ns "t M.i jOrtginaM A ".if.ff & fcfi l-i? bklwoo V i?j : iS tThi'teliowing Is stSntUs VyVeViacaJ friend who' Says: send yon this little gem of beauty, written. by a Meat: I uuns u is eqnai to wooaman spare that Tree." . It was written ir answer to a rountr lady whOeOtnplained ot the author lor cutting down '8O0UtmslMl0fed:..'''r,;--L.:.-'''-'l'.i -' d) OTwonld hare crowned It with beauty rare: ; 4 1 r - u snouia never oe saiu . . -if hat I opposed Its standing there, rt ol-1. t " ij f ,ri -raft 1 hallowed place, , - - ,Wtoere la childish grace, ToalOTedtosttandplay, And the brooklet greet. - With fancy sweet, . ... . v : . , - i ;,!T .ibfliotedbyjnealway. L, ii.nt Then do not despair, iiUM,lf 'My lady fair, - ' n-j uBut thai you a friend can find (Ln d v Whose Jove foe yon . : t f .IHU be tender and true ' f As the strength of soul and mind. - - . rfWUI VUCWH B4IU CO WWI, 'niK-i, iTa would hebe i;-n.;;-:v -. '.uUl.-iO. '". f j ErertTue tothe . . , V i l pAafeirofmtoa and heart, -.n " i i hBJ Sill 'mini. ' ' -'.; : irniiisIiigi iiiw. .u..';;?-1 i - fiu.i Tm the' Wan'Whorseback, 'Grant 'should ride into the republic on Parole.4Soa 'ponstUuMsmi i&i;Uiliauaataiat'i had-!the Bollfi&n array down and was sitting on hlm. 'Tf'AmeM wrtn'neir "teeth wffi undertake -to make 1,000 smiles ;u -1)00 quarter hours. N, O. PImfiWJiiyzn'ifiHr.i '' . ; j.., .. i - TO 'flie small boy there are four seasons:; the circus season, the green-apple season, fourth -of. July and winter. Horiid fouL ' 1 Everything was admitted to the ark by pairs, and in they weie good,? for there was not three of a kind in those days to beat ibem. Brooklyn Union, No one knows how much comfort a person: can take smoking In bed until be has tried It and called ouAthe Are department DetroU FretPresg; j ' TbC ant and the seed tick will soon sehd Out their topographical engineers, with instructions to euguMe sites, lor ; picnics. Aojtwty aw , "Got an, item for you," . said a laconic Individual entering this office yesterday, "What s itf" asked a reported '"Cord of wood tn town? got 128 t&.bltL'!?-ToUfrConmerckd.- ' ' : . T ; i 'He was i hard looking old customer; he was blear-eyed; hisiair was long and straggling; his clothes were in rags, And he was fearfully dirty. You never would have supposed that he was worth $600O,00O and he-vmm't- Boston Post, ' . 'Sevwrai ?s are oelng exhibited 'in New York', but the fact that they behave much better than the members of the Brooklyn Presbytery leads to the suspicion that they are not genuine. , ' There was s young fellow of Rome Who stayed all the night from his home stayed aui In the mo "Just fixed In the morning i ignisi fair . VMM UU J mJt tin 1 I up his hair With a broomstick instead of a eomb. The oedestrian who walks 600 miles In six davs never travels faster than a boy does when - he- is dispatched to the cellar for a scuttle of coal while, a circus pageant is passing the house. Jiew Xork Star. . ' : Grant is eomintr. He has srot as far as Hone I Kong, , The Republican boys hear the bray of the maam fcuca uu wio vwauui w iiinj unuua, tuiu are "turning summersets and walking on their hands as Jf they couldn't hold in UU be got here. The circus, season is about to open for the Repub-canparty.-rBosft ; A canarv mi Portland. ' Me" has5 many of the i aceompllah ments of her sex. She is a beautiful HHge ana aiso sings Deauoiuuy, ana sne Taints as gracefully as any lady; When she Is frightened or nervous she suddenly sinks to the floor of her cage in a rainong at, ana remains unconscious tor fifteen minutes, when she breaks forth Into song as though nothing bad happened. : ; - IETTER' FE03 KING'S M0U5TAIN. JtX'iHg' oi WhitakesImprovetnents - in the TocnCapt.BelVs School, Cc. j;;,:Ki35G's Mountain, C, May 10. To the ltor of The Observer : ! ? :Tfie citizens of this enterprising town oft the' Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Railway;' are especially busy; they are plying their respective avocations in a creditable, manner. 1 v Your correspondent at Whitaker's Station, eight mile3 below, us, did King's Mouqtain.no honor by recommending it in connection with -Gastonia, to re tire to the woods in order to make ".el bow room ''ii for 'Whitaker's. AVe thing it ; toighJSy 'hard for Whitaker's, enterprising a place as . it is,', to retire from its prominent , position to the 'Ooas. ,(- 43at .we.Leeiconnaent tnat tne !!ailkee corresDondent from Whitaker's Station would not refuse to ; accept a share, of ; the delightful shade spread like guardian angels " abt d over town, King's Mountain. . We horror the Jhjtaker's friend ,for .breathing, the. ijreaui pi , aeuoit auu u usinoss, binungu the medium-pf The Charlotte .jOb-t SEvlmlheiidstril3'6f 'his town; bat'we ourselves, as well as all tlie oth er residents - of i Kipgs Jlountain,; will not retire to the woods amply. . because ,he orders us tp do sa -..; i -(:.; :, . TTie elaant residence of .Mrs. Hall is riipidl j nearihg completion.-The b'nild iniriar 'crttw1i3 witnJ''observ!ato "Tiae.paHner aye ac vQtoaiine .new; town,hegpd; rdef always; pretailing, Oie absence of intoxicating liquors, and the intelligence anafriendjy vieeimg of the citizens, cannot fail to do t their part in attracting the attention of the traveling public to King's Mountain, - , , The hizn school, under the principal- Ship of Capt:W T. Bell, is in aflotmsh- mg conoiaon. vapu xeii, it vugiumu by Dirth, and endowed with - plenty;5of "co-aheadativeness." and being tan ex- eellent linguist besides, Jias established far himself a towering repntation as .a teacher: and ludsine dv ther large humri uer oi yovng. lauiea . uuu BuuBmw Abm,. abroad- who are . attending thi high schooL it is at once perceived that. tjapueus inaaence a leacner sex-r tendS7!ar iev oiid the confines of Southr western, XotjCarolina, The higher areJaughfehy,fJFi B Matza nayej of Pennsylvania, ; - Prof.MMatz' jisjtA aniiara f nt "Vnnlrpe. and Wftat flliraf ed at one of r the tyest'stitlirrs jot' learning Hi his Stated jasd.vherj handlfis the '.matheinatics in a masterly istyle. . TTia TiumflrousuxintiabutioDS to scientif-, ic, and educational , journals are .read both in Europe andAmerica. ' Prof. R. S. Collins, of vour citv.Jis ; teachingninahship. He is getting along a.amiraoiy.weii. . ue is a genitu,: good: soul, anqk the ladies especially seem to thrive under bis "method of treatment 'Miss Katie Patton; teacher of Prench and .music, by her congenial ity has, " silent as the, growing ' flower," gained the good will of . alii. Miss Pat-' ton is an excellent teacheri Capt. J. P Garrett, in a dignified manner, superin- tends the Drimarvdenartment. A' Serious Sequel totBExecntion't'J i . Augusta, UA, . May.. io. Alter tne double execution-vesterdarr in iColum bia county, there was' a, serious;; affray. ueiween :-wuimj citizens oi ".muiiuiuo countv, present at Applin to witness the hanarinff:; Twenty-five pistol shots were fired; and . the following persona wounaea. jacoD u sry, suoi, -in-xne.aD-domen . moriallvi Shade Hawes. in the hand and hip lrr-r Cainy,sWOurided inr th ; soaiDt- Tuff ; micn, a oystaaaen3 isliffhtlv in the hand.-The shooting .Is; supposed to. oe ineresjjij oii.an oiaiwa,. . v -.- m 1 11 " j ' tar- CESW JAOK80NJ3 BEST SWEET jrAYT 'X'Hudgel of Irtformailw froih ''SfaitK . i 'nrnJinn'a. nthitsiT i ' '"-3 iiay are tthS sighsi to recilperalion and proeress in the broad, weU-jkept streets! and ijJarks ii i the numbefi o neat and ozyf residences going. . up .alji aroandin ;tHis) toeSwtifuidcity i qt ; ours,. Oursiis a.;apitalthei nkme of whickis,' sociationsa city, , we fain would be-i march toWEriaseTOaterialiiarfd; iperma-' nentrosjpErit7xyiTieioH', of i the site of Columbia;: 0A-.ciedi5al; andiphi lDSODhical DriBciples for1 comfort and' health, provedryijuaietou3j. elOccu-j. pyiBgas it tken high arid commndir ine situation ia.the eentrrfot 'the State.,, distant;;bjy'an:vhundred'- arid pvmll 1 miles. frOm'lier : m-infiihttlBeiiraA easilyraccesMble 4a: allf hericmiensai located In artoctiCatifalthy ini aust0frests:oftirahiolmilaW, andiiuel; poseriana'btodaixcs, i o pure spring watery hiJbrow -xujed;yt a climate almost akm to; that' rf, JtWi fax-fmeaysand her ee' DthedVii to 8txeamv;thetXwateripwe iconxessecuy .' suroir-io4tftat of 5the great manufacturing s feitV Ej welL , she i prospered .yearitfte ytoiby ttie-.vitaUv xmg iuiun oi ner owa sapenor iit;rac tions until she became what shet was at thi commencement of :the" war,, the queen city of theVSotrth.? J. J .t j F i The recent anniversary ,df the-iGcsVH! ernors :Guards was i an rocasjon. af nak usual J interest0 and both 'riatadeH 'and shwtiDgwereeiflnfe RepreUtives; in the city were in attendance; i At the supper given to the. contributiig mem bers in the evenifig; peeclifesmade by Gov. Simpson, Maj. Htigh Sr Thompson, Col. John T. Sloan, Jr' Col: J. W. R. Pope, of the Se5eri l.ieutehants; L. D, Childs,:of the volunteer;1 and Ei W, Screven, of ' the viirtillery, ; Hon. J. Q. Marshall, Mi-Ehrlich; Resident of the Schuetzen-Verein, Coi. jj. W. McMaster, Hem.- LeRoy Youmans, Mayor Stanley and others, served ti cement 'yet .firm er the ties of mutual and lasting friend ship between the severed, 1 commands. The ' spirit and esprit de dorpq of ithe gallant Guards, al ways strong, Tiever showed itself 'more so. i: . -1 i The Park free school; .white, !had its commencement eXej ciseS at ' thjeiopera house before a orowded audience i . i .The Howard freeLsehool, colored, has an avffltte attenaanee of 65iy 'And is the largesti colored -';ptt'bHeiJsehooli in. ; the State outside the citVof Charleston, r It strengthens;1 by contrast, ones ap-: precianon or tne value or the stock-law to view th fearful waste'of land; time and timber in this and, other ' counties which are yet without it,- 'u, : ;c ' The Cambrian Works are now aver aging two tons of bone dust per day. The manufacture of blacking has been commenced. . , ' i aom-ii The Misses LaBorde's schopl had.lt: picnic at; the Scheutzehplat2. but a short distance from and tiommanding a nne view or tne city. The nttie zoiks were as nappy as a Deautnui. May aay, spent in the countryongs and dances, and the fun incident, to the coronation of Queen, could make them; with pier- ty to eat and drink.'and twatiaskets to spare to send to the orphans. ' ! j Miss Helen4 Morris tfewis; a talented young artiste, from ' Charleston, gave some interesting recitations at thefOpe- horo snfferflrH. i t v .nu-i i . The Boston' Quintette "Clubr had an elegantly crowded house. By special request they remained over, jand re peated their entertainment 'Saturday nio-htlif ;r? f Vi r .J-.te.i iU ' 4T r. The Volunteers were btitin-nfidr force and to uniform as a compliment to their newly ;. elected member. Mrs. Knowles, who was enthusiastically en cored. v Thei stage, : after: her appear ance, was literally, strewn; ;with ana transformed ..into a huire . bououet of roses, which Mrs K has since present ed (on Memorial Day) to the Jadies to be placed. , on; jthe ,gravesr-ot r.the un- Mrs. H, FKuiiwles, of the Boston QumtS&.Qljiwasjqeceived with mili tary honors Ion her arrival. The hus band of thi3 .accoBapUsbed lady was ex tremely kincT' and. hospitable to. the Southern military companies who- vis ited .Boston- on, tue occasion. or me Bunker Hill centehpial.!, MrsK. has; sihee been . elected, an honprary mem-r ber- of , the, Ridiland.',rVolMnteer Rule company.,., ,(, Ut nisgn r.: The Observer .was, oulv, represent ed, at .the. grand, .ball on Wednesday night,1! the , eventi w .Je? ttree day's Scheutzenfest, (Of.Augusiia.,, ; The ; town. ha4"v4te a German appearance,: withf tha rnumberless' banners of the Father- iarii flung! tb the breeze,; and the musi "cat accents ,toff. the, Deutsche .Spraehe greeting ypur ,ar .on. every turn., a ne platz. situated in a beautiful crrove. pre sented an -attractive and animated; I - ' i . V. J m scene. At jugM, tne Dngnt giow irom lightwood blazes and Chinese lanterns, distributed arolund, fell on happy prom enadin&r couples. : The elecant and spa- -p.ihnflldaTiciBgr.ha11.' oh.. the second, floor MtnJtwoto was, crowded WWii a juyuua turuiijj, biiu u vj tiu s iu the morning that Meetzs splendid Char? teston , band struck; up the last waitz and broiicht 'the i entertainment to .ttt. A..m wesiaenw uxcurvs ue AiHij-suay or Priday:to AuKusa.iIn iwnvter'. .Mp.mnrial Dav was very ffenerallv;jt- ;8re!Tlift,I'iiiiQ turn .iBgutp oi garianas ana, no,ywrs.oj xrj kiuu $nd description, decking, our faUen;he rhpjr DavA'tpstif v to tha nndvirur! ven- ation twitkVwhich-) .the, , Garden jGltys cherishes theirimenipry;, rrw ! siiJ '- Senator ' Hampton is. .expected, lb 1 be r presenp at tne uayjBuingjjOtue t flwnun menT ..vr Jtwiou ,v;4iiiW!iavwnu' colonel ; of the tvT weaty-foirth; j South nitui been: theooi casion. ;)f.-a(?i.i.0.-iy The Homets'vjsit is'looked T forward to with ereafc Dieasure. and-ithey will receive at the hands of the battalioni iv cordial, ..old-fashioned South. -Carolina welcome. " ' - ,n, A, a' Ik a'O 1 Vllh ., The wliole. un-countr;yvis. said to iei wild'with enthusiasm, ;and is - coming ; iTnr'Ti nn t.hft'.lSthj and it iathouGrht thei ,low-cdubtry viiiinot rlhehind particularly; jpromishiJpinVneyerthe-ti 1 IB nCilLllDl iCUU UiQ,Tl AAUAAJ;A0 UUKJ lesSfTeiymg w uurrviivv!H,in,""'10 'proverbial good j Iueki w confidentlyt attticipate,a brigh and'.auspicious! day; ' r ! Nervousness ahdlndlgestloa,' "These sad' afCJqt BOna, SO aessrucuve uuui iu uubiucss aim moasuie, arise from a morbid condition of the fcedy,- which tereUCTetaitfoce Bull's BaP.t .--tfwrtlniii n'tjilll i. . 1 Krream7biA "brevity Is the T SOU! Of W1U" u 10 do Dnei, wnen uio sneii is oruaea the truth will be aiscoverer tnai me jjjana venirai Hotel, on Broadwayt New York, now1 fre t cn both! plans, the American 2.50or&3, andCie European SI, and upwards, per day, gives more satisiacnon for the same money, than any other first-class house in Gotham. An elegant Restaurant, at mod erate prices, is conducted by the Grand Central, : may? lw - i braver.. Gen. John & Preston Jiaa chosen WeiivihiftPW as atMlsfortr:tett teUlgent leadthatthAtBiOtaiatJofl grrcta ftnasimaiwdmliwrs-astengtl mandetdfmoliaoftiade d-ua So noin9thwmn Hk moil jesaod I Several fehadgek have taken-puweVbeth tn shape ani pattenx'of fabrics tn? Men's1 'Garments of which, special mention will: be .made.i The latest d- :r1? ' i- '.t; MwnHMiHHraj f fuds,- wHoiuiree or tout .puuons, irpni cut, a inne lopger, giving u a neai ana graceiui appearance; are mane of 9rMrtexmTes. : eiuei t ' il uii .n;:;; 1ft '.if' , -.?. irr Yi J. pv8.eMim ruwvorn;Ka.iength(f a Uttto! longer jtban last season, mofaienaemarifaw -jO jPattestoikt8veomaiett.0eW fn "tw- tt cor wnuu u iuia uuuouMJu iu $?liH PSnftrs.piilf reliable aid stBadaMg90ditnd tblnie ;l?elntforxoalLlfaia V;1 floilJJi . 1 " 1 " 1 -' 1 i"-it ' in1 tih ? tf '!' J.ni,)fHobiOT5 ts j fftVBp.H .am iKiil 9iui'jiiini s.USafeaenbiuoi; JiJatii-iflI19il01rf?Wy; 'tlH' ' iTKl'-t- lit 11 J: J -r t f : .;! : : ! .' ' - ! k,'--,1 ! Jl.Jiiil.i V- THE i. ; ,; .Ever isnowuiinrthisty Remember tliat we are tti ruleis iJPricesforF jrj Via Steamers' to Portsmouth, ' - , s ."' . t- ... i i est 'Ossi - f - fRAAGE, SO COMl$Sip.rIAt Mark' Goods nlalnl; via. Seaboard . Air-Line, Freutht received at anv hour of the day. and Throne h ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either of the under lgned. ' .;, . . ; M Xpriit395m, ; ?9d reiI 3i?.nrilJJlJOuS. ! LADIES. 1 We have this 4 ty adde 1 to our stock asplendid Bneof Buntinzsln : , ! ' . -..: -.:j 'I PL A I X 'AND-' LAGE EFFECTS. 1 7t'!;M ' i Also, an exceUeht lot of'BL iCK GRENADINES, from 20cv to 81.25; and a general line of jtew and ji. . . - . 1 t J ; ; rj s desirable Dress Goods : at the most reasonable prices, si: ;J-, , - ; 1 I . ,-. -i. ..!.'. . . -ww A-u.iri eii ',-fbtm j noil BimCKGASlIMfcRES . n' .....!-.. ,-. a? f'' fin"! 1 $lfct tet -ili't u-Tt isoijiip:;!- -nil ill". iin - ,'. Uilj"lO ily j " . . .: . -1 ,t, it.'T- .llW So -Ii? '-f v!iifi--7T" Tt Xsl , iiLUf tt C a.Xjy V V i"! IJ Iif .iJL f-rtT"Z "'IJ u(t'i 3i.tji JjiiU Vliti j . - . . . l c. A A . . 1 j m .W J .. Air I in yanBararuBlwaioajuiww jiuuvejwiiijutvui your v 4.jjiv? ti! oJ viul,iJi.VT.in wife tfl Jit t inw no ixf 'aj 'x n t fcmiTrXuia !jf---lJ.li'ift ;win7t5.!rn 5 sN' i'-'' iimj1- -hi IK ioittmua K,uMf,,rUJ4.v . . :-r.. J L...., 91 Ji UEB CLOTHTNa the most complete In the mar ket, at our weu-known and popularkmlprlces. -IWrTTKOWSXY ft BASUCH. ISIfllfl! !,'f, .'t? AiatTAlWAOW i : i..S J ntiif W.,,ktl Urili .lot : -ibnl! VliP' .,.1 V . ! . f t. I ) V PHICKS A3 LOW i3 iI 1 ' , -' - 1 ' m.Vi '-.. noris.'I.nu- tfi .4Tp,m-H. in. ,"7!l-r 'i -.ft -Ah t " - - " t ftIiff I IT i U MlWil fi Afc.V ,:.. ! I -,iiy -ji b9ii'.l.iiB.' hu:-. 151 1 , r-rh 'New'thtri3irtteRVAND fit'6v. 1nTT fi.f.r rvr i, f , , r, 'M - i.-j ' - -, ll Oiii il.u!...fiL...Mi ' j f- fflll IiVAi,"'ti "ill.' , - S'YJglBfto4-i(W stock of :SERJNG XNt!6DlC4l ft F. C. ItUNLEQ. s . - -. t . '. MH'. ; 4 )i ''itj aiu u uvwcoi lotoot nnu wmiaguwiiown ouiro, cum w mu UTD lOCOKniZBa fiLTiDrataatioiutt; an In-; fcdtamkerrelihbleahd 7lt.' J, U ;' .iti .h-H f of the past--rery stylish In appear- , ' " rjf;dl lealJfi irninl snwi Ti j i Gjnlt and varion4TerrMf fabrics, and the shanes are nerfect. In oW fetkt uovices m snaaes ana styles, out ooasis panicuiany 4i4!fttailth1. owik increase ofour 'business we are assured of privilege ii'mio ,. j." iii.il ii . I -i ii... t - , ii , h&tmi siyuih'-ni ni1iiii-tnf ; until -n -ai .fx.,: 4i u iwi .M 9UJ ;ea'H!io3'j'i'.7 inii; n-K!: .: H T S i biH!V;l "y)'. .;-.. .-ill-- '! FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING tit Tje aire Mie. rulers in 'tMM "Vat and thence all Bail; and Through Cars, Enabling Quick- m . " ii t- j. ri ii j n . ii il Die xime to an iroinrs oou tn ana day, and Through ie undersigned. K.S. FINCH, South T.T. F.W. ICE ! ICE ! AT THE SAME OLD STAND, Where I am prepared to furnish a superior quality to all who may want Ice. My cart will also make daily deliveries at places of business or private residences. Orders given the driver, addressed to me through P.O. Box 153, or delivered tome at office on lot of Rock Island Factory, will receive prompt attention. ; -r Customers who begin with me will be supplied the entire season at the following figures : : ' ' ' I n quantities less than 5 lbs., 2c per lb. of&to501bs., Hie per lb. of 60 lbs. and up,, lic The aboye-figures are the same ot which Ice has beeri sold fof the last two seasons, when I had competition : and as I have unsurpassed facilities to conduct the business on a legitimate principle, consumers will consult their interest by giving me atrial. ... -,-,f ..i.i.-.; - Ice for shipping id any quantity carefully packed and forwarded with disnateh. - ' - Thankful for. your patronage in the past, I re-1 'spectrally asa a cwiuinmncc ui iuc saiuo J. T, ANTHONY. ;May2: s TOP AT: THE B0 YDEN ! HOUSE .'Salisbury, N. C. ! - a a Baowrf, Proprietor, ,-;;. n .'-.: ' w- ' ;''.'' -j. i Late' of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. B. Brown, Jr.? CWef CTeikj W. 6. Shelburn.Ae i i Yi!tVHr . i MaK v,"j,i - decf8ft i 'hi! '.f : ; ..i.'' 11" f ' r-r,- ' The uTIaIgrieZris nSw prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand , .. ! i: : aavotuo riA avtynrna a Krtv xtixif r. r a ci?a : t f -, . . . " V J". - 4 ' T . t I . . m vti 't'.U to aoMfli ' VJ''- Furnitnre ery'he'bUoa ReD:Ured;at lwi ; iOlt Vii il!"'l !? JlJO.J nvn ' J" W v . & . . , , LVQR ; . -;';.V " v. t mar wT. i!HIrf6VM -U ft- 3 j iJ4 Bottlcdllagcr v Deer, iavn vti S p'i'.i.'; -! 'lt nt v ImI , 1ALE,AND. PORTER, u-.u!!! ii ccnerTr&de and BowOary' Avennel'1 Pell'vere'd Hit 4 Wj J ,('"i- l.'l -"ti..'it.-l J. '-.ii - All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re cel ve'prom pt attention. ; mil . - . ... - . , -. I ,u: ,!!! l'!J 4.1,, .llj IRV r.l ..I iiiittiV'h i-"-oi up in every variety 5 ;,r t yii'-jZi nil and It Is one of the most useful among the gar Enelish Worsteds.' (.-:i,'?iiI'.--':i-.-K henartM(nt We mvtm' fhe lrrrfriecflon of the most enl upon un very recent miroaucuon Of ine u ruver jVbnM'aoenpon our tha irablie's aroredatlon.. . . ,. i.M ii.r Prices for Fine Clothing. Ji ine Clothiers and Tailors, oouinwest. -:;j MINIMUM INSURANCE. Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Whan :. ., ; s ::!fJ ;tVi Bills of Lading issued at Bteamshro Wharves or offi i.,-i V.Ct i; j ii. .'.hi-:! .'. ..4.1. (; ; ij.j -j-;'Hfi lliliiii .: ; :- ; -'.'.. !.; ; , ' u- .;. ..; s . :,- -,v,, : .. i. i'i:.i"i, FINCH, South Western Agent, f k- r Tlv SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, ... f ChailpttA.N. C. . CLARK, General Freight Agent, Y ' v y r Western Agent, JUST HECEIVED . ,. -at- .-n ; TIDDY'iS CITY BQ0K; STORE, , A weU selected Stock of. SITING PER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon,' Legal) and Fools cap, which theyl propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with Eh velopes to match. - Also Paper In boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE 0F NEW TORS. 11 standard treatise upon the laws of good society n Now York. : it; Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot lU3t Received. ; Edward Tfjdd 4 Ck).'s Celebrated i.t ..;' ;-i,in---f .' $'- fniJ in RUBBER PENS, A Pen by some considered superior to, k Gold Pen !,-; (Mr i , ' nJ 1 TJDDY 4BRO. are also agents fof , Emerson Celebrated Rubber -! u ?. .I'-iafv'j ';jj.':u?:i i.;nii nti.tJ;j' IIAND-STAMPS4 and any 'orders' giveh thefd w'ni' recelvi prompt at tentlon. : , : s v:;;:, jv vf ...!'''' ' ' " : ' ''''-''I - E.'BTJTTEai(i S CO.'S METROPOLITAN .. "'.;, ! :-;;L i r . ii . . j'H , u.- I. -FASHIONS;! - ' F6rMay,;i87i1,JuWiece . , . . Trnnr . nltrvs. ;t j1 yur.ii ml wr PAlD . MAXWICLLii :ll imi ; 0-B.T.UrBlSO r Auquopeer. ir - tit , f AXWELfc HARRISO ; "U to !.!: it vfjiir') u!. l-APCTIPN.ANPr fiTJW COMMISSION- t , . --vj MERCHANTS, Tfis'-'f ;" 'i'l "i1' i-'Oif is f JfiJ.q 11 Boy and sell n.wmsignmeDt all kinds o -MERCHANDISE AND COUNTS! PRODDCX;-- tDlTI mtmm fJIM MMMIll - Y . -V ' iSia O!'. rff??--sii tj.a - , j -attenUotttoaUbteratrrBtedtotKntf i ,s Mi f oar doors above C-IottelfoteL m adawkwsti Wat . c.-aawssawpMajjWawMiBjf QQQ TEE SIMPLE EEZIr. V .5 j' ' ' ' MOST APPROVED FORM. - " t Just Printed and For Sale at th OKE&YES OFFICE, : i V U i i i H I, it "ii b i : h ' i. 4", ; r v; :' i

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