M "9qr r.-iri . .. . "Bg. flffSSZSSSSiSSIj a-I-icnaaa ;reU u tiiM a a - J. U .-y .,-,-. 4 1... 2 a At ri . m .i."' a at a Ifcrrra ITIaa ll tabtcarat DmkSM ol RAlUtOAll DIBKCTOBI. j . -rlfe.:T The following table ahu. e rmr trains to and from Char.. e, on oads(Wa8lxlngntlme): ,j .v of passen ut nu Arrives from Rlcbmondadi-tf dsbom, 1 .00 a. m. Jltr JLeaves for " " 8.20 a.m. ?T-ri-from R.chmond.7Y-......;,... 10.50 a. m. fLeawfor . i. 6.4.jij t AAA- i iiniirtjuriiin. Arrives from Atlanta,. ..,...-....;,.. 8.20 a. nu . -'Leaves for AUauta,."..,,J... 1.05a.m. -Wistf-ArrlVea from Atlanta, fT. .j ft. 50 P. m. law for Atlanta,. 10-50 a. m. 4 &pi-cB8urrT; ooltaipaA sr aoodbta. I : zr; Arrives from Angusta,....yi.. .. 8.10 a.m. 'i ieavesior Auiia.v..v..-..f.'..-ri.., l.uua. in. v.. Arrives from Augusta...... i. . .Arrives irom Augusta,,.,, o-ou m. L.M.ve.s for Augusta XjZ:,: 11.27 a. m. CABOUHA CKHTHAL. - ill ' ,t -.'.Arrives from Wilmington,. -K. -v.-t V2I9 p . iieaves ior jv. 6.00 a.m. " ArrtVM from Shelbv....r., .-:- . L . " 5.00 d. m. .'Jt?Sor4!Ee:4. . 7.00 a. bw v ArrtVesfrwa BtatesvOKUll.. - 6.80 p.m. J tiH . eaves for Statesvllle., 7.00 a. m .-: .! . mit0mmm - CHAKVilt fOtfr.efllCK. ojrri At (Rfirlstrr DeDartmenL. arian'l DeilVy stamp Dept. . 8.00 a. m. 00 a.m. 6.00 n.m. .9.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. H.UO D. HU a45 p. m. -H - er tWSayiiUJe'rteftemlDelfvery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 ..... i opiHDJa axb cxosnro or xatlo, i ;' Danville 4 Charlotte B. It, 8.00 9.00 p. m. i iaiJ- '""'-aiiiftKHS,. tt.wa Cbarlotte A Atlanta R, R.,. , 8.00 a. m. 9 0O pt wua'Ji cpanone k. k. 1 v J J avm. 6.00 p. m. 8.80 p. m. 10.00 a. m. 80 p.m. 6.00 a.m. 6.80 p.m. 6.00 A atatesvUiA.'.V &80 D. m. 6.00 a. m. Seattle's Ford, (horse route.) Mondays at .OOP m.j-aia Twesasys aiu-w a. m t Yorttvtlle4 lwT8 route,) tharsdays at 6.00 v- Jtbw; JKNKXNS, P. M. . .1 It, Morris Broa-rH cent Coonter. f T I 1 f ... . X ' " ' ' Mayor Osborne held i his first court esterdajiTLHft di8pMdJDriiie case of eipOrtediI,--,'jsro:- Charles 4 f " Hart coloicpd iharged, with raising a vj jiiBtbmce, yqs Iffrott t ith the cost '"'0 jlesdofc TI iTWtci llr of Raleigh, jtiuaiingirc: thejv: it? convention rfOa. tLtlAiUriVl ' j reavht-f to-morrow 5 WeanSdy)liight8lock in the MtoryIiatgiiiiion.- ft cofored barber. fe6ir!ttt4i!ljFvyesteiday for ' vtolentljmirg. ipgn) named if wviii i.iim -prciaio uu - 11 ; . '1 i i a . . ,rj i. j ui rrs as-received in this citv vfes- terdar..;0t- the, death of -Mr.- Jaities ' Wrighf - a" well-tnown and highly e- Vmbl. X - r - m j- -a. j... .. . : ccuitiu ci,izea, m xaswn, wmcn occur red at -his honre yesterday morning. lie was aqqutiy years: oia.. t liaAlso of i the death in Raleighj Sondar mttife&frUfyt'j&at, a sister of JM rlPriilA JfirtAa muufnofAK mi f Via HTm-th who was on the engine of theChaaiotte-; Annwuin .ugusta passepgKpraitf: which left the city Sunday -'immmg'M' 1 o'ejock, met the up-passenger traaif due; in (Tharlotte at 3 a. m, be informed the engineer of the latter train, that he saw an object on the side of the 'trftpfr near the crossing ut the falrlWuhds: 1 ST ?Mri7T; '2 which resembled a .SZiS 1 n.ndaY morning abont j o'clock Wm. V 24.1 M 1 1 1 1. ' rworiTV 1 . m - . . -' r " -L .w miles an hour, ind wffen he first ai named itobinson, who (Oarokna Rallroad.and flahfrhtfirof Dr. d ui. H.T i M the object, he thought it was a pi lives on the extreme shnthArn Piurcn ftreeci and lnidm way,got;intOi him that possibly it was ahnman body J IHw ' urmg waicn ne AcccdlmTlv. whe th SIirB6 ried at tnV was made, and the object seen bv enirineer was dianovftrftd tihnii VYTifH. antt ence man,' stuseqtientftf. ractfehiedl f liabIL SH3TlJT'.ri3-."r.'tf iVlUiar )iiieaav the country -His skull was b. 1 1 apprehended, eft before the ifi on the chare At 14 - f il. A A A -. . " And fractured in two riabeVrtJiftil Dut still living although torvVl.SJ S?-?.tt e.iarge, no testa- 8ciomvHe wa takn in thNflS? 1." wasnpougnc ouaaa;. nence the f he was not hurt bv the train. ; The inrw I tfxsimtrjJi. t i inted first uams wa8iounaaexanuneaiAeivi ugtescr-itng-fo -jinco t ai j.w-i jw-, w svaj j u i i - uinvA; iuwiiciiiiik uciinccu tjiin lwii Ff i im ivmnr nr n norman inor in on pointy Qnef .tee train hands testHted4 session ; yesterday afternoon : He&) w uoriug cAauuiiou mo nuows ui, uic i mc uiayor, - Aiucriiien ocotu Kiarier. e"Kw iv ,ma, psfc.)iwwoi tne.dzain oroiiu, vvara, scnencK, Uutler, Gari reached after Engineer McCrany tnen- bajfdi, Gordon, Maxwell and AVittkows tioned his siuDicions. and coulrf'flindin lv' ' traeesE of blood: "' i ,u " Lt be mavof stated thilt fhe oliiect of th G. W. Veno. coloretl. who lives 'near suecial 4 inftetinff was -tn all the fair grounds, testlfietl that he heard.;! aniiOurvce tl'ti': standing committees for men Quarreling almut 12 o'clock Satur- ! tlie v'pai-. day night near his house, and tliOhyjr oiift,ttott mimnnoM tlie f)JJowfilf:-1 wens on in cue direction or the ttnirol a 'miu0ieezwtmMeMitefmvi ( i rier Another witness, a coloretl Wtfoiaiiitsn'At'h anil Wariti t' -; : . liV;,; testified to having seen Williams in a " 5i0o?nieerieiVV1tik()w.skv, barroom iaikeicttv: ntonu IttlMikT Butler and Sehf mck. . : - on thjenlgKt. bdyas lom&WiMtMl&tyM that no one was with mm at the UhMu.1 U'euek j ,-:i - a In view of the complications sur- Veinetry'iUommittee'An, Dowd lVunoingf Wicase the jury could not and Gordon. , .nuite a reckless .drunk at .tiitim vvc cl i a raster a nd I wm i f? an Fe- year ejiyed. The roll es. meinsti- lSTS- has just been, of mi nils shows 102 n tut ion fa under the verv efficient man acrement of -Mrs. E. X. Grant and Miss Mitchell, 'daughters of the lateaDr, Mitchell... -X & e v'U .U lliEiitElllE Dtlon. a i f food is the only Icnown specific thiti to luvigura uw oiooa and solid uss ihjuj, kiiu Bywuuy averts u dreaded deear. Yet oeoole turn fmm - tni. means of preserving life, because of Its testa, vTboasatidairllti(ifiih in tm valuable oualUles art not onir -Meserved bnt nul phltes of Lime and Soda. . . maylS 2w e t-.. iaHf MomlleSBalrlor ike Beallltate lis Lidw m jaa 8 t--ltTW.Ji. XIil-iJl fiUIUIl 1U lit s , , . .-., f 1- " ( -, r- 'Wm . a. . . ' - " 1 .. . - frr.flillt fl'I.il nt ijf. JllA 41.1 H?u' J . .... ... - .... - , . .... . . - r .. . . niwncuiuumuHiHi-iiMtinin oweiMiimmnirTunjanu.v.ib iwaun ... - "--- culareonsumpUon of the hin lSt ZSSttSLTHZ.1? ?m TlPiPWtpre wim everj ellrieol vital energy. ar.waiaravffiErSiKf v1o ,iiut. r f-abowillihe-oetw-ttopa Us omal NMej&l . . T3 UOl .TMAJt J vo iinol leim'ilo .ai .U'jvis. Jn-t t ortijyerOiL Three times a day Uft niinTflltut " " rfRm-inl nr ni snrrn W.iriMi.riili Hit At,ttI2.li JLA - 1 . - - - -- f fuUrpaiticularsiof1 the-' fcasc I cannot h SS511 - fM ,asuraneei acc all the assistance in his power to save f LiT? :tb imtrifffc but 'tri fiorrfri1 te106 Superior Court. died Sundav about I o'clock, s The first Impression, was tha he ic"V?f"Wf fF?fl oy .tne j;ram; But. HAen ' A a lattf tteeCirig' of the Continental puDium ut um uuuYauu uie nature, or i pneraae. J. A.iAxouii?..jrji- was a1pi the iwoundsi saggeste. that; te luuBi. nave ueen lumcteu uv aoiuewtMJiertovsnoDCca wwiim j ..v) wiuuDi (ui nu i ii ii .... i ri . i - yesterday manMsthv collected 'k 1rirv ouu ucuu au uiqutHb Jjr. m iunry wno I uli WWb vVfwm tttminatioii, I jWrfTftJi&N"'i,-'-..'. -. I gave ii asms opinion mat aeatp occurred tienef al-' WhiZH. :-f.Xeel' was elected rom frac,tureti)f the bones of the skulL I Lieutenant:, GneraLf sand- wfll review Jther Witnesses, who assisted in the I the bricrada at t.h nnhiii Jn where it was found to the tjain. testi-1 embersij are? reauested to n fled that Williams was lvinir with hia I their iinifnrma ar. imm - i sr.WW fftfit tmvArda thn trab- ThTa yathai.J SheIrl' t! ?. the morning of the 20th to d bat iBui.4lMsfc m IIJV III UI IIIUI II fhe patient trieato swallow the nauaeoos dose, aad as often feels, that the repmsion tt eanseaeaVenl . .- u miuw vikoub ui lUDiuiniarjon. ills LMttimAta i r m rri iiiiiiim iki urmffim'r nrna nnrimw . . - : . ",T rHiF.ir uiApwserrpno, an fae most intelligent doctors I Tidccm -neceasaiy KJ"Conduct thef . f fe!2 M-TTin , : ; wJ A. 1 -1 best good thing fresh and new.J anvnrenared to Offer to thelrnie a line of1 11 A ill u I v )" Ml,, 1 j . I : , .... , . .... . t: 7'----.- r-;.T--- j,.i.i.,., t 4..:(.Mt,....vi i nki'witj .iu .it.j 4. .ii;.oi ... . . .M.nr.rr.i r. wr-r.sm : ,,.r.,- - .. i . !);! I !-ifj l.'iifo' lT!nrL the power of nutrition and fflgelon,farmiTLAtl?i I it H supplies nourishment to the rtbffita(Ulam? 1J VI I ulJ that the dlsgbstb ? ute m fcatJ of it eavei-t" seauieazoa U-a ,tmjootu Hlanatlra tkmr tn th flniri VE.IIZriiTL'iS iSlid aJ nLCOStjiflaosUifUa flTrW i. . . " . . . , , . eKthlbloo ions symptoms. .i.ih . J Avr.Muiikr.ii.ujA of itait J iisrfsssioM oltlie menstrual OoMil VAt Vr -onaom UVH avnwm'i'X, isoaiuon sNUoh hld not be trifled with. 1 7rT 7T immediate relief Is the onlysafeguartaaktorttoiP ?nf a J1 stuunonai ruin, in all cases of mippmnrionTiisJi 9a?oiiH $dn&l iva -J treMmpKmd d .jji(aai ffi ift,i yiw 3.,r .Nit Mx? 'AIjE&j&NDER. f ffi'Sfefl'rtf Sftf!? Men aad-ltoys which I propose l sell cheaper than ,tft!mW6w4PMt patronage, I trust to merit thessltne'inthWfuftirK ! ,.,,;j .;tU'iJjT ji'.iJi;i'Xf Mi :H(J n 2 - lO ?1 ft! be) jnrBK-Trr discretions Of youth, nervous WMUcnnaa eay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that remedy S was discovered bv a mlulonarr SoDdLAawrlea. Send a self-addressed enveli xorn:ana HO Other parts of . hw body-tTnembersTof the Continental briffade mangled, strengthened the orinicttii tJiatT Who', wMleye,their names with J. A. rdict. and adjourned to ! . , ISanitarii CommitteerMaxiweXL (hw'n meet again Thursday to continue their baldi and cfcott. win t. vi investigation. m .-. On motion the mayor waa added to. DsrMnMCMrNAttMvr Docket. f ' AWefroan MaxWelifved that -the This is the second week of Davidson I marshal and policemen beeaeh furnish- Superior Court Judge Schenck is pren I ed . with a oalform, consisting of a coat. siding and of course is giving.tbeut-J panpa.and .yest, . stating ' at. the same The C. M I. at Colnmblsu ' lly request of the resident cadets of the C. M. L. the superintendent took one company to Columbia yesterday in order to take part in: the unveiling ceremonies to-day. . The remaining ofli ers of the Institute will carry on the Tegular exercises,and as far as the day cadets are concerned there will be no suspensionX;' fM ' XIonrias ; CliitrWt(aif Maj. Thomas Begg;' of this city, ip tq be accprded a "'special honor in Jhaipv tn oitcliing ceremonies I incident to the unveiling of the .iOnfederate monu ment in Columbia;" lie was a member of the famons PalmctV regimentwJiieh: went from South (rblina.to the Mexi can war, and Was shotttOwn while car tying the flag at Chnrfubusco, when the gallant Cot, Butler was killed. In con sideration of this fact f Maj; Beggs will arry the flag of, the old regiment in. tlw lrdjeesjiin;;o4 A$th..tw ! . X. l! i II I '"1 f Still Llriar , ' , . , Aleck Burton- the neorro 'whose skuQ was broken in the affray at the coloreal iance Friday night was, stjii imng yes terday, bnt; wlincohsciouSw Q He U fed . with milk which ,ia. poured .fdown hia tliroat, and in this way ilife lsustained. The chances fere '. agst; rihijecovery, present moment? Having' Btirvived the shock for three days,,he is comparative ly safe until the time for mortification cornea, bot 'a week hjtMc' Kecent KenasWr. ia; Iredell. Brief reference .yas made in our State news department, a few days ago, i the fact that a large seizure of man iifaured tobaccQrWas made jn Iredell county by the revenue authorities one day last week. a We iattf nOW'inf ormed that the seizure .waamadftlast Tuesday, by CoL Chanmari.'sDecial revenue agent. on the4 premises of Mr. Bepf Forcum,, in tlie northern Dart or tne countv. ana that ft conslgtkl 6t m boiesof tobaucof s MrForeinrW.brfnijfhtTO' ; and bbfitid (6vr byl VTnited6ates Com ' "lAnf r A hf!cirart of $500. ''Jit ;sirotkrrWjYtQwJra-the tobacco Jeffera. 1 Some of th( Wiltoirigton' papers are disposed to take up the cudgels in - be half of the colored phrenologist, Jw f P: Savnpson, formerly of that ;city, whom Thomas Jeffprson,te , Charlotte bar-; ber, accuses of haying decoyed his wif e from his home. ,,The Review is constrained to sayi that Jefferson's re ply to Sampson's letter published in Fri day's OB8ETjYEK;is a lame attempt at enforcing his view of the case, and adds': "John P. Sambsorf was borrrahd rais ed in this city a free man, his father berjj lore mm naving ueen a man oi intelli gence and means' 'and 'One1 who stood highin Uieestrn of tlie white people most satisfaction, v We understand that a very large -drowd Wals irf fetteriditoce the criminal docket is the largest err kno,wn in tljpt pawty. Thirty-two Jpris onert were injarl and of these ten have been sent to the penitentiary, among them J mes Jtfhnsom alias Garfield for stealing Dr. Fink's horse in Concord,' son, and. MessrsBailey and-. McCorkle itfotUftr evidence was introduced by--the - defendant, f Which ivia A stfbnsel tw f Ije plaintiff aro he wairaBted'a continuance -to Salisbwrfuthe-jeaae tobejealied'there on I the 94th. inst It was a. paper written HUM DUUKO icaiovuo uaiuo aibai;iicu which plaiatiff . says is a forgery.;itIn 1 tne contempt case, iqr stealing a reporc frbrd tm nlea oi the feourtihe rule was discharged as an indictment has since L ueen zouna lor tue same onence.n. At is . thought there will be aJivelyLJiimen the 24th over the signature, kha that, the debate will be fierce. " ' Railroad 'Hateav'4 jttifaai4lKl It is believed that with'theHahge of ; scheduiei ony'the tliioUgliirfesij' which' . LwUitake places beford'a great iwhildribe- day train on the. Charlotte, Columbia & Aurusta road will : be' takeit oft1 and if , ' 011 this road, then probably qa the orth rpadandrthe Air-Jine. wi 1 ,MU The Asheville CitW-1 states that Mat. Wall hcpi "Rnllins haslisaiifid a call for the board- of directors of the West ern. 4)jvisSori of HheoWestern ISorth Carolina Railroad to meet inAsheville on the 15th insL4 The affairs! of he- Western Division have not as yet been turned over td'the Wester If orth Caro lina . Railroad, ,as .reqijixedyT! recent legislative enactment ' j - - An excursion trakr-vril come u tlie . Carolina Central aa wellos duwn. carry ing visitors who; wisli to attend the 20th f May celebration in Charlotte. - f J. 1 Tlie Rockingham Spirit of the South 1 - Rays that Messrs. Eli Gibson' Wid J.W (.ovington; of (ichm(?n(ii3Wy) ;were; lie gets ten years. 7TA. L. Clinard, Dock f - Alderman Ward moved to reconsider Yvjioorn ana ins Drotner wuDorw, were convicted of breaking into Lyon's shoe .store, at.Thomasville, and stealing sixty pairs cof shoes; also in another case for breaking into Lambert's store. old gang.which ,hap Just been exposed tr ppqk(yl)orn; Oihf affight with tne others over a division of their many spoils. They, have .not yet been sen- Thetrialof Barber for killing hibroth- er-in-law, Hayden, was to have been commenced yesteroay. The bill isfor manslaughter and the defendant $d.wt out on bail,f''jH ifiStma if; oia ; MH'm :: Nat Boyden'8 cases occupied " ail 6f last, Friday. Messrs. Clement, Everett ana watson g uienn apipgar ior iear time: that he had ascertained that the uniformsi'could m i furnished at a cost not exceeding. Ib& . . u t.AWerman Scott moved to refer the matter to the finance fsommittee. Lost, ..Aldennan' WittkoWsky moved to amend by adding a proviso that the cost of each shall not exceed 2. The motion was lost the-motion to refer the matter to the finance committee, . This motion. prevailed, and theorig al motion of Alderman Maxwell was, laid on the table till the next rearnlar .meeting. ; - . Adjourned. '" - i -'fi s AttentiAB, Continental. IIeadq'rs Mecklenburg Co., . Charlotte, N.C, May 12, 1870. General Order, No. 3. Von are hereby ordered ,to assemble in full uniform, on the morning of May the 20th, 1879, at the Carolina Fair Grounds, prbroptjy at half-past e o'clock, for parade and inspection. By order of ' George Washington. 1 . . . Art : . ati t . tjqmmanaer-m-tjn lei. Alex. Hamilton, - j ' , Chief of Staff. " "PVB. J. H. McADEN, DR0QGI3T AMD CHEMIST, Now.effers to the trade a full stock of Departar mt ta Hrai' 3fet, aifl I As The Hornets' Kest Riflemen left tne. city this, morning' at 1 o'clock, in a spe cial car attached to the regular tram, for Colnmbia, to attend the unyeilirig of the Confederate monument to-day, m. " - 1 . iL 1 J A ney carnea aoout unny men raum anu file, ' and were also accompanied by a Lubln's Xxbsocts and Colognes; St i . Ut -t'.i number of citizens, including several ladies, and the Statesville silver cornet band. The company will arrive in Co lumbia about6 o'clock this morning and ,wyi leavf or. home at 10 o'clock tonight"- Tbejr will be the guests of the Richland Battalion jvUlU there, and KJECTRIC BKLTS. . Aalrft ears' tor ' nervous debmty,- premature de ay, xhAstlonv etc The only reliable cure. Cir ilan . mailed free. Address i. K. REBVES. 43 : Chatham street N.X leb. 20-dftwsm. " .- &&xmb l,i:r r-fa.;--- v.'v-;'- ' ,uaww;Oi iMWHMWtl; :. -. Our country is getflng to be fearfully ' alarming. tne average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general- Jmslgnlncantorigtaif - At this sea son. of the year eweclany; a cold Is iuch a common tarmgtha'lnthbitirfy oreve day Hie we are apt to overlook the dangers attending It and ofterrfmO" too late, set hv arvwt: neon i: -n. a cun? wvmb wtto fxuuou, m t wp i xjiuaif, TenJ5sftnii-?. s er 0 ilnjnefhe iEvery Druggist in this country will UU yo,f ijwonderful effect ( ,Over 960,oou ; lr.:es ;Bpir last year witnout a single iallure known:" ' srnioffcuWthfe pesi parade-the extreme right of the line.t a m . a. av a. ;ii We are aiso miormea mat tney win ue accorded a special reception by the , Co-, lumbia military., .Haying had occasion td enjoy ifl times past the elegant hos italityof the Columbia boys, they ah-1 icipatef- a delightful stay in that city. The company is in exwUeirtL!lritti-and we nave no uouut wiuiHimvw juwj imj- gression upon the yast crowd tftat will e assembled In "South Carolina's capi tal ttntdayazA lk a rn.r .v? ' t m v 'i y Vt Waiaag-a Caaatr an tb Bat ' An elect!6H,as held in Wati county, on..tn Bmaoi-asesTaui uia,viu i,.f thar tumnw it TWTTni.',i mtv vittst j iujl: r ? 1 T" W irrwsjsawpnn i .n i ; :. rt J" f WTt,T-'TI booi bii Boonei to tauga, vPJ ajrailroac hftr-AlIwi the iJaW-Wtll & Wa- ioiinr.il and DouzDeny, w?.xm , ior. and VValtVV. Lenoir agamst the; prop-i ositioSlfrft'ai&Uave priyate-infor mation to tlie-effeet mat - tne resui, vx. ffiev6tMAUialtW r PPWtatauga r are Tiot vniung to try tne experuneu. Th nronosition was defeated dv a large majoritybtrttltff 4air?vbte was not uv wnen. our coircspuuucm,o .iiiauiiuu left Boone tKf& "v.t ir I , -' -s a-"-- . m AiM - On the arrival of the. States villa cor, net bsuitt inr tnaiieitt- yesterday atter- noon, tliey were met oy a aetaenment nf Mif. Miriiets'NesfciUocrBeniandeonv vey ed through the ."streets in a four hanrt-wTnvon. pivinc 8ome delisrht- f ul . m usici j iheyl5jaftd,- ajopg. "TfiS Doys lanueu tueui .i mo yuuuoij afrMt 'brter cfarden'1'awdf there the cur- ,tain,must dronhaband.lS one of .tba best in the fetate, is autifully nni frtivioA If'endxitfrill -nrldtrrftatlV ' to:the wUf" Ettf irfl-m dd i'Weatly ' to'the , . .. , near Pee Dee,' are both suffering still eclat of the JL R. jit, C9uibiaJ;o-day. .,Ulf mrtv'Kot tinU, V.--'Kir,ftiiUa fnr 1 . . . - " . , OMTTa rev-pr Long trouble has already hotmnds k Sfr their lives to this way ey- UJ:'-! LOSCHII'I tiXBHA BTIffi4SK!SaesSS!SB Jan 25 Natleaal Sarglcsl Listltate. Two of the surgeons of this notable '.ilT .niitju.iBavt )'U9b tm &i at ! nl r-ili rll -ibj' fiilta rfJ felin Wtwoiatw to tore' Wo UDd' oro ite sk of UUIfi Will A At lLni ii.kAM .1 atkAk.i i t i ti ,i(m!: visit Charlotte, N. (j., May 15th and 16Us?87 jtW odi j xtiuii bu rfilad . l,j-uui- Stonninir nt thA PhaHnfta WAfol T,n. MiAjJA Util-Biu !' with tham a flno AnHtt i I - -.MaumT-; " ."WM M UUV VUVU. v. WOW. OUU ' DUIKWH ft If Bancel, itWwtll pftrepanlflaflali aU alwkvoa sbcbafr AflSeaSea.Tl, (,t tsi,namnnj i- : lli't aixi iMikM ii atia 1 . (t)il inti.'i aim f w ! mo Vfesar rft. Mat J6T mm. T"V 7T.7. . i i . ji-;iO'i-ietf .;-9cii fcou NATIONAL SURGICAL INSllTUt; ' " aprl3d4t w4w Atlanta, Ga vaeasea ce me:vee. vm l ull V' l Banding. i . J . .1 A ltUlaaMebf the Bheamtle. f 1 110 9'TTHT ugh they may despair of relief, ltlsV" I 1 W i IW lMjI-tW ! iilf BQU B ETT E'.; R R ESS,1 ,G Q.D, ? . .. .. . . f ; ? s.v'y.-.... w- 4 ... -;..s .T.-.c. r.ir 5 Twcettfri Yftrd. The' handsomest goods ever offered for the ihbher, w4EJ ft Jli! " bus "dK'soom i n 7 'i ...,ionnrTi4i ui uiu Jof.i M i m!l !7j;.'ffe ! .n . ...0 i .ii. t xi ,. .,i - . nfiiii iijvitl; ii.i'iiri rfintii ;ini i. LI niil. 'lil!lJV f.irmniii f m ii-viji lin tin l,:' f ii..i 1 - . .1 ..VU We are offering the best fix f-. iai :n- -f- l! if I Ease Yes. althoueh HtLAlTlflhlA 1T rriAllTYinHA miffafu. fA .iAM t. M J ....-. ..-.n remedy which carries off, by means of increased J.,! i J.'i With tkealyeiiean tad ,1 .. F activity Of the kidneVS imnoitailt 4ianiula tarl-n , . :., , .ii..h.luiiiiiMk7a i ..!)'! .1 ,tl3l1Y0ni"?,1?CI',8e,ut 't'fcwlWMi 4';tra. &r!3 W Mtl : -..T r ys'Pimi wi luiatmuutuvunwin) me painiui -'.to i : & tor. synipioms a tneory completely borne out by urln J a J,LJ OY W3W ... A y.-.v J4ay jjOuoY vam d . .lINtATDltlER SHIUT Wiitlr- lnUie''raarketfor$f.00i' i''i;i yoi ' J ' 11 J "iJJ XU"' tifwb. lliw -.11 .iniji,Jl nice Une of CASSIMERES at greatly reduced prioes i,i i . -, jff-V? M'i': u AL1CT sNTETt.'4k HARRIS. irr- :elv ary analysis. Tbe,nameof thl Hostetters. a DreoaRition likewise (wiAhrarMt nu remedy for eonstipathm, which causer coutamina- J ad grand depurentWly iftffrfH STOCK ifcirf-HAwfJYrm' means of refief hiuUvaaattiisaJ fevAianil asim. mi i : ' ;. ' "" jntl' nervous auinaHtaurnlttiiiv mrUM H af llA .HflAaAjf! VAnAa 9V4E exUnt and is highly recommended aB a medicinal O..IUU..IUI vi j uiawigumiBgy pUJSlUlUUfl cUUl aiiaiJMS who proneunce;lt jto be eminenUy pure aad very beneoditl.' - The press also endorses U. ; 5l, 7 jForfcwgrls oHbjirmy yBlfraTlnslow's Sooth tng Syrup has been used for children. It tirrrtirta ;acmity oi ie siomacn, mteves wmdeoUc, regi the bowels, cuies dysentery and dtautaoea. wb arisrjom lee thing or ejiwaesw An aid wen known remedy. ,i25c-per bottle;? T M.7 -1 V rfiA ICE CREAM Ice Cram to-day and forth& sev sen. Parties furnished with the best cream -W A. A. IUUAiJUW the nty at short notlt mayis 4t FOB RENT The building lately used,-asa school bouse on Church street, next te-fi?. Duls. maylS 8t R. BARRINQEB. ICE CREAM Ice Cream to-day and for the sea son. Fames furnished with the best cream 4 the city at short notice. D. M. RIGLBRx SALE, Half liJerest In the Cleaveland Cotton M11W JDe-J AdiII alkiar-s slrable property la a healthy locality. j I Tj Tj For description and price address Ckl4fc.4& A i May 9 -3t E. G. RAlfSATTR. Cleaveland Mills, Cleaveland County, N. C. BAKERY . jzu BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. A K can with confidence recommendj them . as TV the very best manufactured, using noire'but tbe Yerybe8t materials- W. N. PRATHER, Trade Street, first door above the old Market. marl f-nc 1J Oiildren's Shoes 9rT SPEC lAXXXJ' . kiaI- T.vaf i tod? IoVb, s oer Jt Bi(aBta win find ten vmfttldel, auUgnQfO caiifield;-ajJ ; aues- nann-maae isoots ana snoes. Also ,1 l;j TED AND POPULAR 'ir , yLAJ&m .a .aa. Call sure before -buying. Orders have personal attention. BOOTS ! .HUT PKGRAM & CO. y h " BOOTS ! BOOTS ! :JBOOTS ! BOOTS 1 SOU BY - v " V" Aa av a Aar aa aa ..tt- ...al ' 't 1 1 s? p9 Ci. ft; 5j ft. shoes;;; SHOES ! SHOES ! iifl!'i( I AND AND AND AND .. )...; ' ; : j ,;!-; , ' ! ' THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE .4')! HATS ! At :1 English Select pices, .?iW3ifeioney and Glycerine Sck' lo eP. .jii: .' f VMft Vv".i honor In thC5 n? A'8 Aeellei 31 u 4 intfle 4h'telianihterbf ArfhttrBanks, Esq., of thUcltyrftUintoatuD oi not water yesieruay and was badly scalded. The Immediate appUcar tion of Henry's: Carbolic Salve, which was JpTtUr ftatelv in the hoose instantly removed the pain. and the nwewtttTerer ta now oat of dsn! j'J jr ji; tUljaalaie the BlBgslsi Elineys. " J In addition to lis tonle and cathartic properties, Hosf IJeW S&Mach; uler exercises a beneflelal mfio5rfce Tipbn llie Kidneys' and bladder, when they are.lnacavrih ttmvlaUne thenv to renewed ex ertion, thus re-openlng"; as It were,"a sluice for the acaneot impurities whose regular channel of exit ite organs of : arTrAtto 'f Among Olese. are cer- FjOy-efrtpjF. at ffi-Ay&ffiti' plght and ilt.f i'"v.:'.T '.i nvr" " 0 "iL 1 . -lint 'l-1'I.r 3y!' ! I 'K'rflfiU c-xi J jii i.)J.l . . ... DmumIuMihi Qhuu' tetttt'- abnotrnM. hdnflamrnatory .elements, pro- antlselr expelled;! Tbe Kdneys afad bladder them selves are also Denefltted by thls .stimulus, as their laacttvityjs usually a preliminary to their disease and dlsorganlptloarf They also experience, In Nimntnn witli other Wtlons of the. system, the pitAn) yorafv effeU pf the) flejrs, which furthermore oo'rrects (llsordeied conditions, of , the UUiUL'UXMlJ anA h-ear" n ! :fvif ,"1 jnasa i ii Tl,(tl By the combination method of operating In gtocKS a nanosome meome can ue swurea witnoui csrej Capital hi any amount, from 10 to $50,000 may be used wiin equal proporuonaie suoeess. ,pt hi mratAm Messrs. Lawrence ft Co.. Bankers. N. YM pool the orders of thousands -of customers, of various stuns, mto one tbsv iuiiuuiii, ouu cu-vpenuu them under the most skUlful management, divid ing pronts monuny. juacn snarenoiaei mus od- tiuns an UM auvauuigee ua . un uujeem cnyiuu ouu Axnarianned buii and the DeicentaKe Of DrofltS IB . in a a a Ark tfuiPA creac; qwu wm paj ui ou uttysi vara rwtu return S 1.825. r 71 per ceBf .on the stock,' and so on; as tne marKet vanes. a prominent, publisher or tne mock isiana 1111.7 uauy Argus, made SI 04: IB oa-an investment of S20.00 In Oc tober. Hundreds of others are -dotngeven better, iioaura T.uvniu A C&' .net cifcalaT has "two nneiTinflr rules for success in stook operations" an itU-tolormattep,--- thaanrn-f!an' deal In stoaba. All kinas oi Donaa sna mocks wanieo, New fitovernment bouM supplied. - Deposits-t celvedJ Apply to Lawrence Co,, Bankera; Exchange Jfiactr. rv. i. t-iiy.,, f ,nV . iT i ' There be those who say that there need be none nnAmnifvert-4hat there is work for all. if they will tmt do ir. What we sav. is. let every one who has a cough or cold take Hall's Balsam at once. It la uuu never uuis mi curobu . .t tfatf hn hawm nsiln tnmrilexlons. CTotches and I ..iA,a a-iiunso iixo rauroau: com wj y . ' "r.r. turd, nmh akin at Freckles should 1 the ouiy reuaoie remeoy. imArlnui Tnnlh Rmaliiui ran " P&ESCBIPTI0NS ! oU'.rl !! H 'ii K-,r,-l -"' ;a v.:' ith STVLES! ma .; iif! THE LARGEST STOCK ETXR IXHIBI' 5 .'it-) iio r 1.0 CHARUTTE. If1' gECURITT if .1 i-n4l HT'fi 1' -.i ! j ' (j-''i i t, . A H i H T ii ' t ., HU1- u SECURITY! ..- ., af sEcuRiTrir'00 i .-rt'T J WUfe !'.l.Wl)l ,W'f-ttfeMf - ;; I'l I'l (till ''! ! -'I1?'!' "r " ' ' "OO Barrels or 1 ' jtuuioS U .JA.lfJAt .t f .., .YjIJa i -A c xr&T A SONS tYTftl i rTRftsiriiv 150) . .rr .--if ii. f i.v-r -iirnpi 51 rir srjfXJ-:5 "r. r , s" ' - AL .. . . ... . i , Will do well lo call ao l diamine tins stetflaw " " . I" . .. nt it s Hi lil- Thla utockiol. Bwtsi Shoes, Hats, TrunkSj AcSv 'embraced evfeW' grade. 'a'nd will be. sold asoueap as tbs same .ttoedsyaa Tie seMi by any boose la -.1 i - . .II " r. . i; , ,ii' j. -x fMf Soutk' ; ,T, i Df, i-'i;-)'-. IXEUCSS-GOODS, 4k,m ' SHAWLS, nt ' i -rf. OOTTOHS Ui li'ii ''BOSXIEBT. CUaxa'aWI Bra8tt'tav -f, Xadiea' VadervaHear,' -f-T ' laflcata Oasmts, ' , ' COSTUMES, mBBONS. ti a fTiAir rm rTTTTrrri, , WXTXTH GOODS, BTJTTOBre, BAMBTJRGS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWUrO 81LK, vim-Fimyi ---'i - , -.1 l.ivllttUEH6E8,'fr ;. rx-- hUKKDTJM, FAHCT GOODS, e.0. i 1, Slki)!) 1'rl ... j . .r.ii ii r ( S$nd for Sample tr pr twbrm?, cni ralf s 'yourself limo eheuplvai nkci;lv DRY GOODS AND nOTIOriS 1 iy. jUai7 J&cpress'. ' TTJ? 'My'on average stock cf about $100 jOtiOZ all bouoht for prompt cash :.t&3M.l'":, , Have the Unilfrm send for atetof our Advejlising Cards., . , ih i-i hi ;m4i Importers and Retailcrc, '! 1 P HI LA DEL PHI A DA r. d last . ... , i f ; . ". . . Betabhahed 1851 . G ARQUNA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, ' TnUr Line being fully equipped ; for business, Freight from ' . , ' ' Wilmington ah'd all Northern and Eastern ClUes to t-,l.' ; Greenville; 8paitaJibuig,all Stations : 5 '. " Atiantlc, ,Tenaessee 4 Ohio, ;;a :; 'j-'; ' ' " V''. . ' ' Ai well as points in Georgia : i :. .' M;.:,- , i; 1 -; insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low ias ; -Ii ! - " ; ' !- ' ';' " hi. irii,t Information ftirrdshed ;. : i. ill ; ' i'-- ' "; '' f,ii litU .!n:tr--Ui.H! ' n! ,, r;r-r'W;ciiRfc;.' "i! 'V'" Ill irt'iWrh .l'iV'i t ,m MERCHANTS i mi"! lf'.fii I "Cm!.:. .-.-. . .. Mfiwl . .vi.'-.ii'.-' - .J"-' -),:, 'i iv i"!i"' ! '' '' " :s;-t'rt.iji)W r'Otl' -rati V'fM'.-.til . . !r .;!) ju'K ni.JjIilHUlti2i'5 ' DISPATCH LINjg .. . : r t4- . .-v. . NORTH CAROLINA. ; t.'' .: s . TO ALL POINTS SOUTH.. : ; offers uneaualled faculties for the Trsnspoitlon of j; . ; . - Mi-i.-... ' : a '.' lih'K 'i" .''- ...UmI!H1.J.- ; ';.. .-'su':;i''-;7 Charlotte, Statesville, ' Ashevule Rutherfordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Lme. and ; Western N. C Rallroada, t ! Alabama and Mississippi. . w !!i,; .'-; .i--i;." "U-r- via any Competing Uae, and Time: as Quick. CH'' upon application to ' i;.i.".i. vJ''': -ii-j: ui-ij.;t ..; i; j. i , ' ii"mi;(;J sdl ;'! ,t;t.shitb; Agent ft C BaUwav Charlotte, tf sreclanyAAlaplea tthe Tirafle ot Nottaod Orailh rjimltnx. A-nA art 11 . hA inU whnlAaBlalia? reuti en most reasonable jernu. i i C West A JltDprNH . t if(nit'.v,,. --o sirrl baro 1 .." HiiJ.r . ..10 -" -H ft-.t- J - WestVExtm No. t Kerosene CiltToiii Bona, Baltimore.- ' - r. v.v--f .."SiWW't,'. " Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Expo&ltlwi. Crystal Oil Works, Canton.-" Warranted to stand a fire test of U0 degree Fahrenheit before it will bum. . C. West ASoiisi Battlmoi-x ' , j r - . I. . . . . r - . 1T . . i V ..-I4 ,-1 lo Jr.i.' nfS3t .T ji ist J ,"-For 8ale. bv ' . jt f iDb.1 X H. MCADEN, Soltf Agent, I41 H iJk j. - ' jm, ,iu:iP-0 w-.: A 7f1 esfflonsrt j , CHARLOTTE. N.fJfTTif r , .1 -nut'jiai j hit. fjl VlSUGillS., To Chariode are Invited o jcallj and.examlne our It imflt wiiupletcrin every W. & FORBES, Agent, Smith Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St !t watTKfuuts t Buepneew get- tne uest,; ;uu -. j.ii'.;ii russ, dkikd kkuith, c. : i .;o.li 'Hll jr.o vuv-'' ii" . r -'v- . ' ,iji'"i M -, rtoetofcViainrf fssortinen. 'oi' sackn -bavii 'Muiive j&lm V VfV iter ct'uc-11 euuiiui 111 tuia buiwii. wuumJjraii-TCS. L . . . a , m .11,1 . J:"J' V , . i .KiiU i 1 4pple PaanaA,: are wry tnmAcu 1 ' V ' j,il IHS'-tO. I Ar- If1?.'"1 j ,. A. w. aexan yjlcd,OXTICK0TXaiB.TOlfK4CC8 !'a 1 Smekers shbaldland iir hls!newuve Wnt pod jl'i'. ! 1-17' -Ji " 1 fjjji kvJj i.im.i'-1'.4.' .iwiirf WI.f N. B. Housekeepers will find Crackers' a great Tea. Table luxury. -.'Fresh ani Crisp. 1. .-. .: $2.00 is jig,.,,, -it.., I J-Jrt w MARSHALL. V ".SfiiUU o "act! -i0 '.PBOft STtntsV1 H , hj3(3A XM9! experlenee I guarantee entire '4 Kf A l e- if t fie' aUsJaoJton; - 'TT' CMuStTJi-i i,Jtr O'tf'S ro,,. ;mthio ir- -'ic-2 f -: t ' . s '3' "i 5 " : J ' 1 v J fit 1 piELDBROa, ,.,u'A it !f i i j:!1 JXf U Tjl WflQLESAL AMD BIT All. Ii; GBOCIiRS and DEALER? ii) COUNTRJ PRoTHcl: ' !'V j.'ii .I;'.; ,J 0.1'V 1Tan vinotnH V am. Knn . I . . .- ii i 1. i:iiUTJ.J fresh ixjgs and" buttebT chickens, tub- lui .KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, IP- RAMSOUB A;BOlJNlWB'S ;and SHD- 7 1' v' ' VfTRtVS rArfnn.'KraiiH. nflfTIT ..i. - ' 7 1 .-r. w . r."A. -..f;..?vnj(n kiwi 1 " i n .. i f.,.j :--.a J.rjH -s;.;n.f,s.t wrti .1 1 ' " ' ' itao. isoirAriTiBs' Jft jj -v. -ii.. 1,-.. ..... ri , . .. ... M -t. ,. . . .. 1" ." 1 -' ' y i,Zl? : ' II.. . . W AfW. MU.I I. T f . ... ij r. -ij.'iU.9.i;.i.tv;.::;..'......i fU,-.1 J-iT.in .J!i. iiti 3"iI i A sT'J (Ul ?!Vuy v'JiH. Ji. J4Uf-f . . SAVANNAH. GA. . r.A rv-jjdJtv:. fcA-Bj LA7CE, Psoprletor.'-? , . .'. fit jiiii j-. -J,) J.ll f i Redrieed rat3-rS2.00 and t2aooordlhsf to tooa- M. L. HlRNElT?,' Clerk, late panters .HoteL jreb.is tt. - Uls house has been lefifted aad hew!' farnished, -f rii 3 1 -and Is kept in irstlaiff JtrlBu Terfiis, Per Pay '.'.Ur,L. k:-p,.Il9 2 00 - 1 , ' .,' ;,--f fjj t'-r,'j -1 fBGTeat!"', 'ments offered to tabf board era; f orAem . . .e proprietor.-' ; . , A . s r-. . : . : j ' . --i J J .jjpy-Orniiibus az ! Ccr?igs at every tri!.la Li v .1 ' i.irj P-i mSLD EI" OT3. ..-......,,.. ..P!WMletC-3. .-.:pupiiicieD9. .: . . . . .-. k .Clerk. f H - U'rtim. a. T .-- Hxnbt WnjoMa;. iviUi.ii.. feb9 ! '4

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