I , .4 Ai, li P ft 1 - TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1379. ' STATE KEV?S Cherries are upbn the lUtoiRh roaik -CT J7 fat 30 cent? per quart. j , f I S-ll I ?Ant amateur comvAmyMn Raleiglfli! 1 S M rhear3in5 Pinafore. 4 S J Ll li UTrfday $28,500 .'wefe-Vecelved foMx - .--change at the State treasury. - . Cotton receipts in Italeigh last week, 9 1 bales. This year to date, 45,854. - The Carolina yacht club (Wilmington) n wiU have ts first regatta ,911 the 2Sd ' ' j ' ' a mad dog was killed in Lincoln county last week after having bitten tireeaogs. died ' thhkMneva. Lincoln county, was destroyed by fire last Thursday night. I j ?-jwri?i'3The ommissieners bfl lhe'tdwn 'of MooresviUe. have passei..a. stock,,lav f jr the corporation. The receipts apd expenditures of the town of RqcMaghamthe fiscal year (.,.. ending -Mayls amounted 10269.,., Some files and, a bottle: of ' laudanum hfiftn found in the cell of the Chapel Hill burglars, in Hiltoboro jail. UM wiJW Y,aaueii nurieic memorial address in Newberne. The :,i:ii&MtimWM the best ever, had hi jthatojsxu 4 t4.(:.. MMi.nwniitiii Wilininfrrr r two horses owned by yp.ung geUenjen, rs.f ifTo- r5fv iv r PKalioloiedwm SSSwWMft Fridays or' burglary. He confessed on, the scanpia, .ltA,,iw8ft crowd was in attendance. " Judge Brooks was unable to continue the session of the United States district court in "Wilmington pn' account of ' . The Lincolnton, Nevis jad;Newtpiv Enterprise are nor to w consoiiuateu. - Mr. W. M. Warlick wilhowever, move the News from Lincolnton and estab lish it elsewhere. -1 -u: Gov. Jaxvisf leftRlfigi, teaitfrdfty aftpirnoon. to inspect tire Wont at the head of the Western, Jforth Carolina liailroad. lie will be , absent lrpm tu executive office for a week. ' rA .. :! a- .1 A:iiAtiW(w was held in V HKeSDOI -r-tmrwcek in the ia8re8t"o7T;he -raw bW-"V i ff r VatteyaTffoad 3iweTaafle ai f ' 2? ,. consjaerabie iai Efreseess i'S'sSman'JJob Vaftee Is" V A irv PAt-i lYraoa f ho rvfVi JrhejePisno tsughtegtaanieTa F Memorial AlayA was ce is ceieoraieu i celeoraxea in a very handsemq iifnhgtdnl,A .was chief marshak-&evrjrrflcrnhe: madethe prayendjXEai)tzrXIMar 1TCT W? m tHIneRailroaAdiei Chouse onridav fivenilur otll Seralatyare m a . more; Prosperous s weesjuD jreiers ian concert complimetajtyitLtbat Jwget singer, Mj D.ITahnweileT. - , n , v ij,' , , ' 'aJ--1- cd pretty touch the old city officers :VG. W. Lambeth, clerk; A. I). Royster, tax OJ3Mll.??;atIas8 wnsismrVlJCavett, of it r 1oaara TIatH. Roatrlp'. T? TT Tpmnlfv ton Will Bansbur. and James Temple ton were the successful - knights in the Lincolnton tournament The Progress does not give the names of the ladies whom. Jthex grp meO. ' T ft f c; TheJ'2&pf 41 yiStimlTjBt: thei first ineeungof the new. board oi commis-i Thomas secretarv. !IX,yiailwaVlected -ttarshal' and Tnlr wr next meeting of the board. a: . .... Wflmincton-Sfd: "We learn that preparations are- being; made for the proper celebration of the national mem- orial day, in this city, 1 on the 30th of May. Gen. Garfield was invited to de liver the oration, but plead a previous engagement, and we hear that it is now uoaiuic nwv ;ii uiuinuit-i iiinjr ue mc "" ' Wilmington '-'star: Thursday even - ing, at the academy of the incarnation, the drama of "Fabiola," from Cardinal AViseman's fammfs bilft nf Thfl PorsA- cations of the Early Christians by Maxi mian, will be peformed, all. the charac- ters to be personated by pupils of the institution ' .j unu if -i4- 11 The Mistleto BoughT was rendered in ltaleigh last Jbndayv night by :araa - teurs, for the benefit! of the Ladies' Memorial Association, nd the receipts were ine naieign news says tne j leading characters were taken by Miss onnA nic(AM'i.'w.iWoA tea etates: Senate resulted jviamie Lewis, tne bride, wbo was ex- partisan, and the two Democratic judg quisitely attired. Mr. W. P. Batchelor s miffnivi nnd vifti,ir.,ii as Lord Lovell, Miss Layine Haywood as T.hA KilrnnAaa Mr i Jan Umarlaa aa IT V j'T'. j"": ' .""v":' u rv ' -"'"sft1 ujvci i,-i the Queen of May.- the Wilmington Sun savs : Dossey tle De,nch, J udge Davis, who was class Battle, Esq, the editot-of the Tarboro d politically as afl; independent, would Southerner was unable vesterdav on nav? been the fifth judge, and there is account of indisposition, to keep his appdintment to. deliver- the oration in y Goldsboro. His"'placei was most ad- -miraWy-:Sppiied irjnCol.-"Alfred Waddellj wheniade a splendid addr address w a targe concourse pi ipeople. rne jcnqtiirer says "a "berioaltetic music teacher-pnntes-pamter-concert organizer and general master of all ; aXffl ling himself Keid. and r.laimmor f.hftaffti- c. at z m 7. . y ; 9 ;: S.C- Cincinnati, land , Lawrence- ' -to settle to.Kfc-SS5S3 -SfflLA ;-Peome cl(thinK ..... ngingtoMr.A. . ,u'"JItifiaidJhai fAereareu' nnmber of peoge. tttnei'VicinityiQi iieilig's: mill,' xvow-an county, wno ."beneve in witch- ciatt, anu mat a creature catling Mm- self a witchdoctor has made I; good deal of monev bv 4rAtnnvim fho fioii ov P.mw hres, and otheranimals . ' The witchcraft wlilch 5iad been visited upoft the cows manifested itself in the failure of their milk to produce butter, even after two daysl churning.i lAll mis ngmaroie and much more to the ' A railroad meeting was held at JTay- lorsville." Alexander countv. on thn sth oaiuo uuijuraoiB wm uy a correspondent "f llcM-lc jriesiueuc, ana s tnai;c'ijradley . of the Concord Sun, ,. Are we relapsing and Logan were the twin saviors of the into barbarism?; I . fTJ(1 repuhlic.,,; vt,H .a, ,', 'I of MavrOiVariOll' 'Schemes. hwerfti disu : cussed, and committees, who are to re - port to an adjourned meeting, werI pointed to correspond wfth the Atlantic! pointed to correspond wtth the Atlantic! Winsfei to giv6 a - . , noir and the Mooresvine ana -. A Salem roads, soliciting them definite conclusion. The proceedings arft published in the MOOresvillR Ga v. - zette: wnicn says tnat a letter was read . 11 M.t.. fh- A Ma .1m TP ri C . jawl - A A ' irom tne luesiuen jyuxix xku- 'I'VK -r.CC2Ce &OInoroad,ttltmginBubstance : that if the citizens of Alexander would l uild a broad gauge road to' StatesyUle, ' be thought his road ; COUld -runr their J are ten .dollars, with proportional fractionstdown J r- . -. tr!r.s up to rayioravjue, mi coma tLTaSSS V " -fc j prpmis. no turtner aia, ; .imana i J .r ,". ; I a.it TSohAitateul pf vrfoiir, Vft.in the Atlantic Missis sippi and Ohio railroad case, elves the company unm y amiaAv ifvr- "r, flismembered-btitrs las.anentiretj. 1 ttit.hflSo If rtanfakfraJlaStS Friday, a telegta Tr!ftivftfrTrom Missionary Yates, o Shanghai, China, sending trie wnwm. The president responded with the 110th Psalm: ' Unanimous report was made in favor of sending fraternal messen gers to the Northern Baptists. - ' internal Revenui '"Commissioner Eaum contradicts the published state ment (given in official form over me commissioners name, in me aiimjuuu Itevwiuo and Qiistom trmayni itifiiHrit aw General Pemberton, who surrendered ana dall has presentedvrhisi petition asking to be relieved of his political disabilities, and also a bill to accomplish that re sult. , , Gen, Pem berton will soon pub lish ' an' : attack on Gen. J. E. John ston, of Virginia. who, he thinks, has miarAnrpspntfld and iniured him in of ficial stateraentP QoncenMngtt tay(operatipna of heirebellion.HiS fjrt n ft m- L - PERSONAL. It is a-umored that Senator, Bay: dbnil wankhtr. Miss Mabel, is soon. be married. Thft Vicfi-President will not bd " the rest of toe i Anale.iWornj crav-haired womanan a white mob-can and white cashmere shawl thus is the Jenny Lind of these days described. Gftorcre KniffhL the comedian has ben Arrested) & Of York, charged with having violently assaulted nis manager, Jno. KicKaDy, wno nas suea him for $10,000 aamages. Xoticinsr the enforced absence of tlje', Hon. J. Randolph Tucker from his seafr in Qongress, the Spnngheld (Mass.; jftkhfEviA cava "This is a matter for sincere regret to all men wlu;Xajii SOlina UlinKlUg III uutiuiiiu annua. ! Mr. Kernan, the eldest son of Senator nf TJftw Vnrfc; has crone abroad. resldencnJ?mlph am :wt.Bepo'ftatn for TTesroooa at tne samp msuiuaon airland StElaKIi Mr. Thos. Sher- i3aiCsp-pfQQej berman, is now a aJohnaSatlington, while unMnfeirlryQaid anrt was Ja Piekena eountv ost of FrK and some lant entire Beldk esteemed n the Air ?ftizen of Oreers f Thursday night. k??viVfticwiv j The ColiWJpa .'JSeamer sayl tnat last Tpeay.neMity and Thursday ex- aminattosKwere held of allihe classes thsMtnOnffihariday, about ia 0'QlbxiaiLaddreTVvas"diivered to fhe graduating class by Dr, IIowcThis How Judge ie&itrH ffa Krpl LQff the Elet- 'Vfairmmiafiin .- vuiuiuunivili LAD rouIcle.;a .: It is a tnatter.of history how the elec tion of JudaeDavid Davis ta the Uni in inakinv udae on the eletWridcominiion an-Mr. Hayes, tbA-oityntliiterPresident of TTnifj Cnf.a TTnHftr fha Davis seemed inevitable. The Retmb- I licans hadl three Senators and two rer resentatives. and the Democrats two Senators and three represenatives on the commission. Of the four judges of the Supreme Court two were Demo- I crats and two Republicans and theseu M-'r. la cV li atibiftld wyan, Texas; Ker.-.p. v. lidDinson, oi Concord, UC, Kev. E. 01 Smith, of Winnsbbro,S, (V; liev. II. Mi AVhaling, of Salem Ta. . u ? 1 5 tour were cuargeu wnn ine seiecnonni Shoulder, and is sdmetmtes mistaken I ui tue nun juuge, wuu. W0UK4 reaiiy ufiL- 1 the fifteenth membthJimpire(fI "ie SSmiTlo,H. 17a lneJew ,tnac L tnn!thxiudg 8Huld teken .ffPl? a State that had furnished a candidate uPresidenUaV tickets, fLVJaon ruled out Chief 'J ustice Waite tod JiidgeSwape, of Ohio, and Judge Hunt, ofNew York, and restrict- tne selection of Judge Bradley, of Maryland, and Judge Davis, of Illinois, ' The former would not have been cho- sen if the election of the latter to the Senate had not made the choice of I the former iinavnidahlA. Jnrl Krlov was known to be a bitter ReDublican have consented that he should be um4 I : t- i i 1 ... , . " 1 11 mcie iictu ueen any oilier juQsre w seieui., hiui wiuiout tneir consent, or course, he could not have been put on the commission. Had he remained on Rpo reastm to believe that the commis- sion would have then decided hv! a votp of eight to seven that Tildettand 'Heh drickshad-tjeeTrelelected Presi dent jaifYifJrewi& of the United States. But the . opposition .-to t.h m. election of Logan, as Senator Irom Illi npisJhad.centeijBamamty dni Judge Da vis, and after more than a hundred- hai. lots Logan withdrew. Davis was elect- ed, and resigned his seat o thOenW n.in 1 . -jt, X 1 niuici was cuuibu umpire. v, ; anaj ov holding the constitution and th1aw tboiJt election of Judge Davis Tasi brought about AccoroW tn ThU af nator Morton received information vmumj noi Deaepenaeaea up- u" ric i . nepuDiican scttienww J Tit, Lwas f"S9Autetyneceagary to 1 t Wm off the bench in somepwaVJ 1 Morton knew Davis' deslrfl ,tr..h In Senate, nd he. wrote Logan, acqhaint- with the state of affairs and asWnghim' to wtthdraMr io-that jDavis mihi be elected. Logan did sof and sacrifi(iamSeif,forhi8 patty if this 1 Bwry oe true, it will be seen how Hayes J Fortune's W.AUred TeHiusdni I "Turn. Fortune, turn th 1 iwE -.-.v- T 4 ia-"7l 8H? 1 ' wbeel we neither love nor hale. . """ neither love nor hate. "TuM?ff V; H I vjth that wlfi wheel we go not up or down; i vim ihh ui utue, out our Hearts are great "Mm T 1 a . n if - i. . . . . . j I Frown. rd1 we amii. th iorrt nf o.r own huui 1 . TtalTMni. . . . ... . ' I ". iuau,aa master oi oia latef.-, I . " I . i TheneigraaBerijinrtolDl8trlbaUoriotthe LoiUslana State Lottery is at noon on Tuesday, 1 iue,1JiMtNe,f0dean'nnd.er the sole manj- pri.r S3 J Im'J . 11 11 .1 i 1 Vjs Jill II Mill : I I . 1 8 JiUlf li V.'y II U l J, 'ult J rJ Idl 111 A TORPID W 1. tb, mU 'DYSENTERY! BILIOUS FEVlH. AGUt KNOfEVEffi, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUKATBi3E PLAINT, COLIC, ETC , t W.LL ID LI 1 1 rl sir . J-iii M)X.i oa w in M 1k fr f T l '.l-r-1 T Meotiy, but omotime lternfaTith a; lb loone . PinintteHeadoiiiier. ' its 1. j , . " with &nullaenMtioninthebkt)ArtJFixi... L ' yiH to exertion of body or mind, Irri- no IT- l... l . ...' I nl li. -V 3-i . .Xi. ut memory, withafeeiing of tovinj neglected tifVUa V) jriuttering t the H rt. PoU eyee. Yellow Skin, Headacbe ; ever tb right eye. BertlessneM nBta:W&-- tZZi .1 t ' ! tJ-KX, - -Pit 12, such ; tracts .... ..Lfcj - i.nyi the ml delieate rmlMtlH. They Search. CIea.nae,Farifr,mnlaTiffrmte the eatlre Syt. Bt reUeriaa the ea . health aad ritaUty te the bean eMf wK u the bewela te met MtaraUy. f$m V A Notedi iyme '-v r r N irl MM;wn IbiaiMd u Oimatioii .nd Piles. . LmV A SpriMmPubwmNcommaMMtoaaf-f-VNdr t Bpnag roar Puis i LbmiiT bnl with lit TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect la to laereaee the Ahaet?v end eeoae the body teTake aa f'leh, thttt- e yvtem ia aearlahed, and by their Taate tiem on the DlgeetlTe Orgaae, Regular1 Steele ere produced. - ": Steele ere produced. ,v,V- OF NEW YORK, SAYS-.. IhveJhekset Wrief ht cannot b reiwad by t etorine the XAmt to Its normaJ f anctioos, mjsd fur , this porpoa aozemedy hit! ever bn inrante hk,( III a nappy a nam utu a i c-uoa-- SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 Offlee S3 Blarray Street, New Tefh ' SrrnmPSCAVtTAl dCValuable Infor o anUef!il Eeceifttt Wnl bemtUedre bemtUed frt on appUcaUon. J -T TMiSrllAIR DYE Gay Hiii on WnaKEka ehaaaed to a Coai JSi ' BlOK bTaiaxlappliodoa(il tku Dtc- It in. BertaaKataTFOoiar,eete IoaUAUneooBly, andjh i aa Hamlaaa aa apriag water. . Spld by Dmgit,- or raaathy laiaiateateaekaef . " OfBoe;3?Jurry StNew York, aprl lj... ... . , . .. . . ,w '; 45 Years Before, the Public. lift u:iiA.M.a.ia.'.v .-.rfl . ; . DBC.HoLANE'S CELEBRATED LIYERILLS 15 1 FOR THE CURE OF HM4atitis, oriiYPfcifiilaint, DVSPRPSIA AND'! Symptoms of a DAiN "in the ric Diseased Liter. DA right side, under the 1 s ' tf&Kbs, increases on pres eurnesthe pain is in the left sure side hexatieripis rarely able to lie orthe4t sratr sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and k frequently extends totfye top of the for rheumatism in the arm. The stom jach is affected wii!hlb93ef appetite and sickness ; the t bowels, in general Are costive, sometirhds felternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen satiAnrfti jhbldc part There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accdrr-jaaiieA a painful sensation of hkvmgleit undone something which ought o'ltajrelieen done. A slight, dry cougn is Sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the elfin ric crnrite f 1 f ttnA oHVi-nrrK yh saaedirxie would Be blhlrfcarfo mhfVf dlcan scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to havebeen exten- AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in f ! cases of Ague and Fever, when .takeni with Quinine are productive of the o'liarrlt'f . tathartic cah be usecf, preparatory to, . or after- takkig Quininei We would , advise all who are afBictedwith thfs disease to give them a fair Trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un- equaled. . . f ; . The genuine are never sugar coated. . "Everf tfaihali'tf rfd'yU' season the .,:lidwith,h.;ilApr)!8onj.DRMtANE,s - LIVER rILLS. r . v . f"1 11leIgennif:e;'itc,t:A,l,s, IfV-iT Pills -'bear the;iga(atwes of -;MIAvifE and L em ing Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon- having the genuine' Dr."' C McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by " Fleming Bro of .Pittsburgh, Pa., the tnjft1rWiijLrJffilllo imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but iameronnhclation.'1 'TH'V "X ANB- ' r " . . " as r a' .- -c" I ti i V- A TOTTR POST fiWTfTH I iu i :: l TIITTId Waftui). I xn now wvtj nuauoi atn eooa eppeuie, aifanm pwieci.roBinir iipras, huh:: ' -".lAJP3TaOS5jPFFICE. tfeouanV p"iutUmul1 m&a to uv part "x4 4H .IiWM HXW '-GOODS i w ff 1 fflfifM Ml) .fr, TT... , . .( " .J.. " -J" iWWaWWOTJunr. "Til t,fTfft KAtMr Wriann J1 Tltafc-tf rfilil atarrit' JJLilAl . ii n ,t,h it itt ."(:,. ov.- - Til JliU , lij) Oil 6 .Mi - ni ai'SSjUe i'TS Wl! r ' )) aiiii -v "'' d til Si " .!. !' BiM. MILLER & SONS. May 7. E retail nothing but choice goods. Guaran- tee ererr article we sell and will cheer- tolly refund jour monev when our eooda are not found as represented. A good stock of FAMILY gMo OjM R I E S em hand. . We make soeclaWes 'of Corn. Flour. Jieal, Oatsy Button Eggs, Chickens, Hams, and geaerai voontrr xwuce.- solicit correspondence from parties wtshbigtobayjjr seU. . , t, jF B. ALEXANDER & CO., t Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. JUS T I k AT LeROY DAVIDSON'S, 50 BAKRELS Bridge water Family, Belmont Family and Bel moot 4X Floor. The Brldgewater Family took the Sliver Medal at the Parts Exposition. Try one barrel and be convinced that It Is the best in this market. ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Fine Oranges and Lemons. Cocoanots, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, and eholce French and Plain Candies. Choice Jellies, Mustard and Canned Fruits of all kinds. r A FRESH SUPPLY OF Graham Flour. Oat Meal, Marrow Beans, and fresh Crackers pf every description. - f s. L CREAM CHEESE. WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, the best ever sold In Charlotte. Also Sugars, Oof fees, Bacon Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef.. Beef Tongues, and in fact everything good ot eat that heart can wish for is to be found in my store. ,.,.!, tefriKi sf LeROY DAVIDSON. TTNPRECETiENTED ATTRACTION! U OVER HALF A MILLION DIST DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly tacoiporated' by the Leelslature of the State for Educational and . Charitable purposes, in 1868, bob thk tkhm.ot. TWXNTT-FrvxTEABS, w wjucs eonuaci vne mvwia- BER DRAWINGS will take mace monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following ... - .... uiBwiiniuun; . . . 5 . ' '''V1 'GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT during which will take place the1 1 100TH GRAND MONTH tYl i 0 3iia f AND THE W4 EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAW1N0,: f 1 -rvd- At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 1 tn, iitJ,? Under the personal supervision and management' a- iiS rT'F t -" Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, 1 ffl '.'.r jand.9en. f A. EARLY, of Vlrgml; CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000. ; tSxcTfiskefs!Ure' Ten Dollars Only. Halves, $5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, 81- 5 nl an loouli- LIST OF PRIZES: L Capital Prize of. :i Grand Prize of. 8100,000.... l ..'. em AAA aiuuuu. B0,000. 20,000 20,000 : 1 Grand Prize of. .... 20.000 . '2 Large Prizes of..... . 10,000.... 4 Large Prizes of... 5,000. . ; . - 20 Prizes of 1,000 ... . 50 Prizes of., ,v-. j,ii 60Q.. 20,000 ao.uuu iw razes or ........... ,., r( ' 200 Prizes of 00 Prizes of 10,000 Prizes of ,., zuu. 100. - IViilM APPROXIMATION PRIZES : r .wW'j nn in . . Hi-' : .... J 1 mTnnnnn tit K1!1 H ' Jk X JUI A f. W J-l S ble faith oi the state is pieagea wnn a capital oi r and imparts vigor to the organs whicn it puruies S1,000,OOQ, to which it has since added a Reserve j aBdregdtBS.-- Fund of 350.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- Sold bv all Druee1i-!.., ! .""J 00 Approximation Prize of S200.v:5aaoorj ia, aamc.o-a cs Qi sa,tfi vmm vi 1 1 00-ADDTOxlmaaon Prizes of, 100J;.i 10.000 11,279 Prizes, amountmg to. S52300 Gen. G. T. Beauresard. of La, i ;..:. Gen J A FatIt nfva 7 I wmnnssioners. ertJ.A.ltoriy, ol Va.v v . , - r . a . . . . -...a ." : . myiuicnuuii lor rates mj ciuos sntmiu uiiij oeBiaae w iae omoe or the company In New Orleans. .1: wiiwa iw cirouiarsor senuoraers to ' " " M. A. DAUPHIN, j ' ' ITJSmrrUW ROT KOff.. ' nrlaana Tll1alana TUllTT' baying bWewhere. Bwn f Imltatora. Uid&esa,' ENT& WTE&fOT the besfrana fistert fi-- ,1.1 i 4 A4i r 4'nK Inl.-'W.lUWW: uiki win'eempteieiycnangffxne'DiQo Jn toemure 'Seritfcfr mallfoMf letter UU4 Bangor, Meou . "SIT BENSON'S CAFCXNK 1 "3 this article ores common newii w H.sip fs and tKet' external remedies, Buch as Hnlreofcj electrJoal api IVSftildtr RHPJJMWP- . - IT -TLA 1 llt I IT It, 1" I " lTnni r:im' r ...-' , i - seiuns veronal kooics tui ruii tPHai raHaxU 8itperent! off imiasraa Qa, ?hiIade1ghtot!rJ.H Yd 1 VTl? Piiai!' Aspnyaicianajtoyourl mloeaiJf'( nijuiM) 1"! ydi.j ; xtoe-5.eeitfH. 3iiKiiiS J wrw Tap24w l.pr 11 M ll IU I' P -J I J illlll 1 II 1 iiriiU .TTaSSitt V ::: !;:! o.:i , J o:.y;-Hf -"-'T ! ill. jr.; nate, Nqt.i& i lSwapsi Leave Charibtte,' ? rt Greensboro, 3.451 8 IKl RTO 1 50 a act i i 1 6jjlp"ttfr80 a mi t i i 3 00 Arrive Golds! sboro, t" J No. 2-onnecta at Sallsbuiy wtthWiNJCAH. tolf all points in Western North Carolina, dalhf excei Sundayr CTreensboro with B. & p. R. a. for all; uouiwjpi won, cjhhi na- w esci ai woicksbOTQ wlta W.lW.aB. tor Wliraimrtor. Yl No. 4 Connects at Greensboro wlth B.4 D. R. R. for all points Norta, East and West . :n-)!iK ' xiAiNS GOtN ' WEST, . '"'..1. , , ,!.- ' : JSb.7w' Date, Nov. 10,.'7S. Na 1 . .iNe.8 Dall ,' ' ' ' ; Dally. Daily. ex.&uni Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 am 5.85 pm " Ealelgh, a.50prn j 5.80am Greensboro 8.285 a 47 am AniveCharlotte, 12.25 am 10.50 am : " No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with : Salem1 Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. R. lor ali points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. 4 C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-easti -.t No. 8-Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C B. R.' daily except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A. 4 C. A. L for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. Railroad f all points South and South-west. RtT.KM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday. ' 8.50 d m Arrive Salem, " - " 10.50 pm LeaveSalem, .". r. 5.45am Arrive Greensboro, . ...... " 7.45 a m Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. ft u. ana n. u. uaiiroaas. -. SLKEPIKa CABS YTTHOCT CHAN OK ' i ' Run both ways on -Trains Nos. I and 2, Between New York and Atlanta via RJchmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. .3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. ' J - Tnrouga xicKets on sale at ureensDoro, Kaieign, Goldsboro. Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address ' J. R. MAGHURDO. ;. . Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 . Blcnmond Va. c HARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Charlotte, Colcjtbia and Augusta R. R.. . , Columbia, s. a, Dec. 27, 1878. On and after Sunday, Dec: 29th, 1878 the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): ... ..NIGHT-EXPRESS. ..... Going South, No. l. Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, Leave Columbia : Arrive Augusta - Going North, No. 2. Leave Augusta. . ; . ii .J. Arrive Columbia; 1 00 A. . 6 00 A. x . 6 05 A.K .10. 00 A. K 5 55 ?. k 10 OOP.. 10 10 P. M. , 3 10 A . . - r -f i - 11 27 A. K) Leave Columbia, Arrive Charlotte, . " ' DAY PASSENGER. ,,' Going South, Na 8. LeaVe Charlotte Arrive Columbia . Leave Columbia.... ....... . ..j Arrive Augusta.. . 8 80? , QprN&JJOETH, Na 4. ' . " ' ",' LeaveIugusta.. .vt .....-w. . ft 08 jOi Arrive Columbii.vI.....A.w.. .v.. J.. 1 20 t.M Leave GdlamMa..''..$...!-...:.;.-...c'.:.h. 1 80 rtu Arrive Charlotte. 6 80,.M These train stoo onlv at Fort JOB. Rock HI1L Chester, Wlnnsboro, RldgewayiLeesvHlB, Bates burgRldge Springs, JohstonTnntoaiaiidGranrte vllle. All other stations will be reoognlzedas nag stations. r.-.-.v.; i , . -t Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and "2. Greensboro to Aueusta: also on Nos. 3 and 4, Hew, York to Savannah, via -Rich mond, Georgia central Railroad. i : , m t. ft tvw c.jni..AMi' Jua R. MacMurdo, G. P. Agent :s xUssvUilSif, 3 ,iattosanr ft 101 Reject-all vltlettt"f uiBatlyes. They ruin the. rone oi uienoweisjRnd weaken the aigesaon. ; .TARRANT'S :EFFERVE9CENT . SELTZER t u. Is used "b v jer .... . ;.. iu i . 1 1 II 11 rjf i I I FA II3a.'Ul- 1 1 II II I I IBM . j .... - 1 a usedbv rational Deras,imeanaojiBHevIngrf 1 v T" . all derangements nfi that atemaeh: liver and intes tines, because it jemoves obstructions wltaoutpatnj rr y altTEdlf 0 ban elrsei 1 e4.4Kii& wl i H fa'--, k! Theso.lHas twiflswwent andfelMrjsiac Xher are an unrivalled ClnnttrPHh acrid aberient. knd admirably adapted as a fanulybedicine. They are - used " trr the ' most ' fetfltlvated' "eobla in our ooimtryyana ttenstyili W'phicians in their nractlea. rt Sold tir THiigBlHtaaaMraH lor circular.; .E. R. BECJWITH Jto, Jian -1 - n, a- , 1 . 1 l-nysician, wunj rJauimpr,! WritPg-.l'Laveaxattoairuro In adding r4rferK mony to ine virtues oi (JOKiea s ueoig's lmum tract of Beef andr Tonic bWlgbrator as the very best -prepamtiensed for depreasten.'weakness and ln dlgektloa, and, (herefereneonndeMl reootasiead u to Lfie,.meoj;iioieaaieitw?iiiiadr 3byaU.diu ..wtWKOi:i.jqoii liifipa iiiiw beeu ed vti ' fcWiiW.i.vrvtftntH knit xfrirAt iMw Ji(T-!oiirtnr'k4ir0i 1 our : B nrt itMilrtai 1fitftKto& WtkHetonukoi we toy. 777 A YEAR and expenses to 8gMitt.'f Outfit : xnas vamapie. property ui inis city Known as tne : xannerj oi Alexander, Allen 4 MCBee. Thlsxaj : nery.te conveillenOy located, and has all the lata r tmnmnvl mnAhlniifV. . .... . .... . j . ..- .r-- ' 'an- latest - f;Ttfo - i;:ni,Ji iTinriJ; tjf !ti,.r.a-ils. K fSV S "t vj-w j i '. - . - ' : oSS . i A-r -". i,', . j : .fin'V,-.'T..ii.I I ... 4d,mxj i crTf7,avBaootBi na . exiRse caanmieec o ... 60,000 f I Aeents,i Outfit toeajs Shawns Ctk J Aqgns-i ...r 100,000 1 ta, Maine, untiicX Soil ofti 1 leriidmr 1 4 i .-t t- ti'I I'-vnyAl '1U i j " 'a'-1 ft JlT-fJil lfl9VOTiri -rr Ti'JH : i ;j. : i t ;EBQOKFISLD & CO., I 1-tH '"l 'l. -U) ! S J ittfi 1-tH r i, -u) .in in ii )O.J llVoiljb, III' I i in iifit r.p -,Hoh--jj i m loi, frHi,o hhir iAIiU. J'.l.' Ill- nt ffTRtsK-ft:u4lJ5 ' i-daf and Monday intll 9R. 9ft o f-rH f:.ti!'3:nii lia l- 1,1 " . .u ki.; 1 1. 'Mi 2 W T 7I1H -1.1 J loU.f 1 Jr Vjf'yiiSUf! ?iii!i';. tt5 ! d b i t h.tt it Tit -jt . . i XXTa f o Ira .U. ....a a - 1 .i 4 8aMtthepubIlceaneral ttotoar new stpcto t li;&J JiiiW noiutoj siff n Ji -vt, : .-.. s V;J 5 fjias arrlT:an kraaete.iT f: a 2:11 f3lU feii'liiVoJ :: , .! '1 .r;K fapvite ill to inspeet our large aad. 1: nt.lSR ivn mftivnrrnv , . . .. PLATED. WABE.ANDCHmiXET, TWWOCtfpANlli WILLOW WARE, ILainps.1 Buckets, Chandeilers, ete.,; etc., All of which we; will, offer very low, at Pteij ?iilt the times. ; . : u J- COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do 5we".;t gist, us,a icail, -asi we re prepared ; - . TO FILL w ho l e s a:l:e ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO., Charlotte N.C., April 24, 1879. SWEET POTATOES. NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT. ' A full supply still on hand. Also the Justly cele brated . RA JAH JAPAN TEA. Also one Strained Honey. , i; L At aM.HOWELL'a I SUatcltcs ait In Jewelry a&4 ancj Gooda, Gola and JSnv ' Watches, Silver and Plated Table WaJ . J. T; BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKSy- - - - -JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVERt ..i-i . PLATED , AND SILVER U V-j. i . ! r - r. s-. l-T" GoipHead Canes and everything yoa. want AV T BUTLER'S. ii !') WATCH and CLOCK mitter GILDER iand EIL Trade Street, opposite Flr Presbyterian jChnrch, Kt TUX v avasrhaUmAta AiAMia flrtA'AtlkRir Arit' .' X. Braae at snort uoace ana . eauaiiy as gooa i wen neneiorme vaae-as lewnnees. i iprUettoejwnkrtUwittopriolutt good Ttreferencea -vBrrRni vrca-tixY irtin f. t , . -'Bepaireq wont nnauieor ,ior nu i soia w tn xpirauoni cwem onm iotcom c rerura ? rr isha ltBXUtifiwttm 1 I . , f ij 3 . riipiii(Tiiii I Hi fl niT in ui JL , SfTlALDWELLfHOUSEKtCALpWELL HOUST? ' U'i'It iiiiiff 's. . ' Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, tfJrt-jJd- Jj LCHARLOTTEi K'tti 1 ift . iliiJlJ4t vr ;ii m-: Jf- v. ft.,. S.' P. CALDWELL.,:. M-V-Proprletof; sJ, This house Bi permanenQy establlsnedand offers i.l tj. .til fUHiJ J:i!i!,J,i- f. .rk.v. i au the .aaivejuenoes ; and . comforts o nrsHSAsa: boardlhg bouseliPeisislthtt,1nercltrwiri h a pieasani nome. 'CanWturnUhedwith ri-' RATZ3r-Per day transient; , ?1.25;rper week, enrianpnpoaroeTf wanteOi ijiLU im; f ; - rooms: . - 7. Any person aesinng 10 puiciuum .f v 1 fellf! f.nt Rnnw with nln momL Uia 111 't -at t m '-.I'-SI-. A few nights Blnce I gave my son one dnw t Wotd Oil, and thenTt ;d4 large worms. - At the !Bame time I E, ,"11 little tfrurom- years old, and The 5 eJdifriK worms frprn tour to fifteen UKSbeslonT e,gllty-8ix irriiMLfiia ajbjriaLWI)ON,Ati5a: ' rre teb21d4wiy. -pffiN.ANY MAN it K I;.' j-j ?DI4 BICK WITH OOBiiLS, FEVKB TLU8HE3, HEadachr )i.i lOOli iy and general uneomfortableness,' M-l! AND TOT japNTTf xn6w exactly what ails him r .') h Then ta the tune to take BlOTO'i'PILLS. ThftBe'pms are made of certain Ingredients that Aet SDBCiaHj on the Liver, and at the 's.Vml .to-,fcW TO HEALTH, when all other remedies falL -Take them for Biliousness, Indigestion, Costive ness. IJyerComrdatats, and all diseases anddi! ordenof the stomachs' auuius- Ab e fftmliveathertle oHl th nra wion . vt.k I WTJDHtAN EgUAj:: 1 M JOHN F. HENRY, CURB AN & CO., 1 ' . ! .' : " ; Stole Proprietors, . 48 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. For sale by LT. R. Wriston & Co., Charlotte. N. c. iar4i'-iii 'ii i'.-:. vj i ...! . it Is a perfect Blood Pueifikr. and Is the only pnrery Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cures of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial "rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis- Soid by druggists generally. feb25 9m - , Bislrop D. S. Doggett (Sosthern Metli.) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett In tits estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. ' Rev. K. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. has benefitted me. Send another package. ' ,' Rev. Leroy H. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hist'n. tarn never without It at home or abroad. It is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or -purging is ebeeked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. -1 have seen a "trled-everythlng" tlys pepUof fifteen yesi relieved ky one dose. Rev. Dra. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testiroonj oft men OI national fame and of strictness of speech It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had -such suDDort In its favor as a specltit. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved . weigh.-, Tkeir united witness Joined with the ei- perjmentaiiase ann approval oi the preparauon uj well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It l beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. T-Editera Religious Herald, Ya. - ReV. SL L.'Dabner. LL. D.. Ham. Sid. Col., Va. r,--ff -i.,f tii. t,L l i ..... ' It is.hlghly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for In dtgesttorf antrTtatulent colic sedative, soporillc. tonlct Blightry eperient, without nausea. ; SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - i .. For sale by: DR: T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. . ODELL, RAGAN 4 CO., Greensboro, N. C. 1 THEO. JT. KLUTTZ,: Salisbury, N. C. J . ... onAlrtr tt' ABaMATtC -..TCE-TICGUUSHBREATH NO MORE RHEUMATISM OR GOUT ,1 ACUTE OR C H R 0 N I C Of;;.- ' S HA LI C Y L I C A n'sr,.' j SURE ' CURE. Manufactured only onder the above Tnule-Mark f i i iil Atl-ni-i-'Xt .i: tar On Jul i 4Vr EiPESALICTLIC MEDICINE 0 CO., diiil'IT (b FASTS ARB TJtLPZIG. Permanent cure hv all celebrated i ;mr-.r-"' .rrc ) phyploinwBefMopeend America, becoming a I Staple, Harmless, and MeHable Remedy on pom lunenis. xne tugnesi jueaicai ri reD0rt"5 euraa oat of 100 cases within three days.? fiecret The only dlssolver of the poison"1" ric Add whlch'exlsts hi the Blood oi lueuui-; and Govr -Patients.' 1,00 a box, Ws'"" ?500J .Serittoany address on recelptol : prwe. Endorsed by physicians, i Sold by all druggs. aq dress ' . ,WASHBURE CA. tio?7';tOnly Irnpbfters Depot. 23 Cllfl-st, N. i. For 'sale by J.'H, McADEN, Druggists, fefc 18 1 ly1. ' -1 ' . . Charlotte, N. t. .TEil.ESTATE,,,: , , yf "OP ''Vi; t jS'"' . -' . ' 1 ' ' 'T x;,MININfl'AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, Fnin and. buying Mines, Lands and Houses, Advertise Iree of cost, all. pwperUes placed In vH hands for sale. J -1 ' THOS. F. DRAYTON. .,.3,5 . Charlotte. ! c . fleclQt(;i IS! IMPROVED imitrov moderucou; -1 venlences, fine well of water, brtCK iunc"L ac- five minutes walk of the pupUo Noare; can A.II-f '11 .! 'r- .1 "i 71 j i a , 1 ' r . . -. ' i . . ' ... . ,f: l il tl : ii-i "ill 1 ' IU lUkM 1- ,r . frfv toaptotv IfiR SALE. eommodated by applying at 0FFICR iter uiuuui, AO.UUk.i . -Jfil oroi t,:. JanlO k . aiaj wn, i,tf ai8wamsw3m

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