HZT.KOZl Willi 5r9'ti5iiuftgitiiKi::!) ' ra &EFIli JOb-ttEPAMIJitMt-' Heu oeen thoroughly tntpphed with every needed wt,an&vith the UailttyUiafTvpt, mad rv trimmer if Job Work ewt woi- o tuih w!. iuperfcA nf ctegmenk, .Wteaft turniihy jorf : notice, . Alt. , X Air ,u J it Jt , m :j. -i r a- lion ; i , . r 'us PjOv, one year, (sott-pedO) f advance, vt 18 00 Tftret jfow..........r,.... 2 00 ' One Monih-. 75 . WXXKLY XDITIOS t , -'.jr. miM.t! f r vi.. -4 . I :. wii vB.l tPTMri.wut" -v-v jyu Ouit tfOteowty, Vtpald, ............... 2 10 P ti TAGS. ILECXtPTS, POStXSS, Six Month 1 00 Liberal BeOactioruJor CtU. f - PAMPHLET& CIKCVLAM3, CHSCXX, 4X JLl fl f II II I 1 1 I -I I J I I III I ! If WWVIJTW '-i IJfl 1-1 ; I I 1 ! !"l 1,1 ! 1.1 t- t . J,, , it t 'r . Ill 11 11 i--vi I--.-' 4 :-j., - :iui .T-fm-u fi; 1 fcfrv':-',r' '1 tlf -LT ilL: . UJ'- W?A$A vyi ..." ,,t " - -' i . i . --i '- r T..t , i 1 - , . . ifr-t -n i t . ,r 'n;i -r - "-- r- . . . . . , . . ' -w- W-w""V M' SUN find the best assortment at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN'S. which they hich they can save money. Our stock ot Fancy an! Staple DRY GOODS! xl: i now complete, among which mar be found a f .ill supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting ... ,., -.;W tdlfl .ii(ftMit!t.' Wl ,Jwj and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; Napktas,p?o; afiHTOfeW pets, B'ugs, Mattlnis Sfhs. Out stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found very jm'afvf WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, B- SET3, FANS, AND T1K3. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and' $2 Sun tfrnbrellas. ou wuT them cheap, and eve: else in proportion. si; Call and see us. pay you. ELLIS A COHEN. B UKGK33 NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, AC BEDDING, &C. BENHNG, Ac. BEDDING, AC FURNITURE I FUKNITURE I A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES t : LOUNGES! ; ! u. LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS t PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I- IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . - COFFINS of all kinds on band. , No. 5 Wkst Tradk Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robesa line supply. f iun:i AI(iAINS URBR WH W II TTTTi U RRR KRB II R KB f . U UK R N If M Jl " 1 V tl U KRR NIK II f U UR RH KN If T T U RRR KB UR K K UU R KN UN 11 UU R KKXB 1 E. U. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, , . ..t -I NkXT TO I'OSTtWTICB, - " . My Stopif ia very Lar and embraces a Full line of - - - - . - ? , i " AMD - v Mi 'i 4- OFFICE FURNITURE I- All Goods rucked Free of Charge tj- n!Mir ,iip tu; juoaji w a f'jjjj io tiit -Jti !9i.4iwiltHAMUkient9vjfe toots iAvbots-XiOtoM,' o wii'xn uiii6i9it3a ttw tut We hate a handsome line of Lace Striped Bob togs to hlackjbrtand oto8lffc na dlnea in black and coloi7ouUrd SUks inMo mle patteraKnAKwantfKTrlBaaiaigi Silks in ail a handsome-iatoeit of fancy 4 re:il io i usliriar Strfnedl Plaid and Plain Naln soote Piques and Tarletons. we seep ue dok iuaaaancnea snirt, rrom 70c. u5a41I&ifS i j .loa&l ,od ts at. sis j-j io.$uu ais '(juts , :1a il8,i !M r ..:! - i ;!. -t iiJ fc" Rial'! ! !iti3f in Fancy Casslmeres. Youths' Suits..-, Ladles' Serge and Goat Shoes, Newport Ties ana Sflppfrf, We invite a careful Inspection of our stock, as we are willing to . compara with any one in the Kill. Orders promptly filled. . . "-. ''. ':: ' T. L. 8EIGLK it CQi 'i- Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryen st , Charlotte, N, a Mailt! j r .-.-... . ... 1 MORE MORE ATTRACTIONS,;; 5 CENT COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, MUCH MORE USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE . . i - : .- i THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. EVERYBODY SHOULD CALL AT ONCE TO SECURE GREAT . BARGAINS. -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- D R Y G O OPS CLOTHING. SHOES OF ALL KINDS, HAT3, ACH We are .offering GREAT. BARGAINS this week, ail tarougn oureuure siocx. -, ., js .. - H. MORRIS & BROS; CLOOTINGi .:.(; 3 W; KAUFMAN Oa r lir.v I We have made the experiment of , purchasing a stock so complete as (o Include the latest novelties fa MenRr fouth's. Boy and Children's , j. . . .-i ; v-V QQA GQGf NI N G a I NN N G I N N If G GO O O : T 7 OU : T ' It II H KJ;. GOG 'i w iHtA,TinbiiainnAnion.and re' are at all times vealy9io aRtve uotadoj frtoe.ii Awry j KaFBieiMf WUICO U9 emu u via inwwi be as . represeatad, and . in. prio teas Uuuv can tM bought elaewfcereWe continue it aeU , DIVE ? FLSffmfWITS Cheeper than any other house, as we did that past Masonand taeyi&ra galned-the reputation of be? fcffifaesi in the marke Vi m. we present this season te the etftisuxaer a fine line ef '.jixs i i ' v-."- V .v i-,' J .ii .1.1, 'i'M. -- Xj.: u . -fivli,..'-.- i.-."uM t-.U VbJ tfl 'U .'r,.i5rs . . j ...... . . -i '.'ii '. i v?tr flndudtngthe hefe makes, fa fte counfty. Thew' n ftbjol)e found V ouf stopk a oompleteljne ef Felt, Stiff 4nd tfw Hatband any- kind of mflemen's Furnlshrng Qood xDon't purchase jqu examine ou stock, W fte'cljeanesj--- : , vl.f;' - -:.i.i.f JU vVi-K ' BARGAINS.'- .i ; Can be haa r. tjfMAN & Ca'S. rvff " " -'" " Corner Tnde and Tryon Sts.,' . April ltt Charlotte. N. a 111113 Cambrics. Victoria LawnaiMiiira tXXJ L 8 -0l c- O O E : w . .. tr it I HHff I , a j. ... M - H I una llll .'-sil 1 . Tpirtsi.no i'a mHWnSnib IhcDiltiftottrowev. i1"- For klndnMfl miuIafwI Avarr d.iT lKiOT jfTtrue-regard and synrpathr.'ii3T f . ,,AJ?wB'e atebtort JSi ; iri.t- i- And thau too, an amount! 7. V;? ," Were all I have ten times greater-1 trtifciT w.tbnt 58$. JiS? ??Zt3W tnucnTw resolved tod-'Hf trni to 5S J! -t'vHwi tut a TkJar4- tf,imi' rf c;::;'...; ....... .:, - Bishop Ames did not leave a dollar of his wealth to any wllglous or charitable institution. Irf the opinion of the "Philadelphia Chronide Xfetqle'e great merit ia not bis, ;peafuty hi win ning ways.- : "TImm altitude of - Mr. Chandler's waistcoat ott Batunlay-must have been a spectacle for his tailor. f)fqriertwli ----s - ,j r -siiii ifimiM unknown lover, of truth says:' ' tfTliftinan whesaakep the coffee, at a hotel Is never eeabj( ne publfcj That's one reason whj AQne,ripfin Mw(iai4ia.Qi.aUff.?4.: .toiwuwi ?iSoicin RoblnBon writes to the Tribune from Flori da that the negroes do aH th& work in that State. One of the op pressed -race ywas at work on Mr. Robinson's door with' a crow-bar several years ago when the old aboUUonlsf vaccinated him with buck BhOt. .' 5t.H-s - i'' 1 The gay and festive soda-fount Now sizzles la the land, And Deacon and good, Mrs. Jones Around the counter stand. The lady's gentle nectarine . Within the glass is nzein'; K-The Deacon slyly winks and says He'll take the same in hls'n. " THr&mMti Enmtref. tfi'i viirli-.! '.ii ),.,-,t1 . Toledo Commercial: About all the satisfaction a rich man derives after a life's etrnggle fori wealth Is tke thought that he will have & costlg, tombstone plaed over bis grave, at a time when a shingle, witft his name marked in chalk on It, would satis fy him Just as welL Parole walked up to Hanlan the, day after the race, and, slapping him on the' back and laughtng good-naturedly, said: "Bully for you, ol' boy 1 Tip us yer flipper. That's the- boss style o' racket, an' don' yer lerglt it" 'And' hooking hisforeleg in Hanlan's arm, he led him to an ale-house and they 'smiled" mutually, and then "set 'em up" for the crowd. "There ain't nothin' mean about me," said Parole, "an' that's the kind of a hairpin I am." And the racer and the oarsman, after renewed congratulations on each other's success, separated with a patriotic fellow-feeling that was touching to THE FRESlDESrs YEtO, The Adjournment Question-Pfobohle Action on ' Appropriations'.''.'. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.- Washington, May 12. As it "was Tiniversally expected this morning that veto of the anti-military interference bill would be sent in, but little curiosi ty was exhibited at ejther end of the capitol when it was fenown that1 ttie document had. arrived. In due time the message was read in the House and ,Ustene(lto with a due measure of re spect, Xt was t ound, as had been an ticipated, to consist raairtly of a rehash of tho arguments made in the fipeech of Senator Edmunds, and winch &fgu-ments-were-tteriy-demolished-in the speech made by- Senator HiUr on Satur day last Mr. Fernando Wood, as chair man of the committee on ways and means,' put - in ' a -Tesolutioni providing for a sine die.adjoummenlk The date had at first been fixed for the 29th inst, but it was concluded to leave the date blank, and let it be tilled np'by the com mittee on ways and means, to which the resolution was referred, as circum stances gnav 'require; flhe i iiepnblicans prbefaim this to be a new "menace to the executive, and as indicating a pur pose to adjourn without passing the appropriation - bUls. There are a num ber of democratic ? members wf both houses who to-day openly expressed themselves as in favor or adjourning the yery instant the legislative, execu tive and judicial bill comes back with the veto it is sure Lto meet But there are others, equally as numerous, who would oppose'any such 'course, and these bejieve fthere, will be no loss of partj ptestigtt oiHhat faccount. . Some favor making another effort to frame a bill which may' meet the. President's approval,in viewof theremark contained in the ooncluding sentence of his message.- There ia talkr of -holding another caucus after the : veto message Is voted on to-morrow. This afternoon,' when Mr;' Deering m6ved to pass :he f4rmy appropriation, ibill' under . the suspension of the ruleajt fifteen -Democrats (.voted against the' niotion (which : was imme diately made by Mr. Knott) to adjourn. This i was ..taken a4 an indication of a break In the Democratic, ranks, but tliis was not so. The Democrats, who votedi Wlthhe Iiepublieans against ad joilrnltfi 4did "SO 'sirnpiyJ ebe6adse ' they preferred torvote,4owa the bill, at once. It was noticed that ail the Greenback ers, with, rthe exception of Mr. Ladd, voted to pass the army! billunder sus pennloil of tl)e rules. ; Mr, Telton, of Georgiavoted for the passage of the bill, but through the remonstrances of Mr. Alex. H. Stephens lie was induced to change his veto.' It is too soon to premise what will now.be done, any more than that jthe? Senate will go on and conclude the consideration of the legislative bilLr ' There is some senti- ment among . the Democrats 1 against passiug any aimyi bill whiles on the other iana some of the memberof the party assert that the army bill must be, Eassed, no matter what else is done. As eretofore outlined in this correspond ence tJie probabilities are that under any circumstances the . appropriations will be passed, but in such shape that no money can be used for the political purposes of the Republican party with out a violation of law. Officials in close connection with the President make the assertion to-night that the adminis tration has assurances from a number nf SoTjthfirn members sufficient to con- sUtdtoa lmajority witln the IPeftubU- cans tnat une appropriauous suau nut be withheld. While it is undoubtedly tmfl that from the beainninff of the session certain Southern members h expressed themselves ta this jeffect, it ia hardlv likelv?that they fcave oommuni- ated any assuranoes that they will separate themselves rrom tneir party associates,. -.. ; ;'; : " :n"f Who Bole the World! HawkeyeJi We have left Chicago and are whirl ing along toward Burlington k I go out into the dining car to eat I come back, and lo! a family has rsquatted'1 iri my seat I am inclined to go mad, aadi think indeed I do make a' pret- ty good start at it I jerk my overcoat angrily awy irom tpe recumuem. shoulders of the honest but not stylish agriculturalist who has, made a mat tress of 1t,tmd glare' savagely down at a little bundle of .blue and. white bags gage that those people have piled, upon kit seat . And lo! while I glare, a tiny dimpled' hand peeps out of the folds of the blue cloak, with dainty nails, tinted like a shell ; a flossy little halo of silky nair, white lids closed over., the blue eves, loner lashes that fringe the - white lids ah! the baby is welcome to all the 1 seat Who can keep cross at the Dauyy Poor, little t dot ; it will have to fight for its privileges after awhile." feTm-ji j (.-? 31-x.r-- , Muss '-l - owe a debt, I f aln would.paya ; To one I'm sure that love me . uiwitimZt rt miA n VO;,UlD XUVC UlCH 9 UWIIJK VJ 1MMSB ZlZt 1 )tor so to act I m. sore la right' t-i 2ti!-t taut. adU&eJSL VSSrS. r sT Holla ll baa '.ttiwp wui(ioejjfiaa iialo o:3'n wJo iuBaiaffi6re Svmv tii iads iinit a Sontf .Bdstori,f tliepiSat oatton othBoUtfi? ttiottgfiflfiasea .4k 1 tbwn inaa,; wti bds resided fiw qoitom, Bomber of years at 'Atliitaji ha4 beitiEnie8tionl tfCustrtergfaeri6 the oJd prejudices ag&lnst tthi'4S(ynth. hxya eofjobatted the great array of faet that wtraldontoert themy OTeetvthe skericismsof ithi3Cias8"OfihifelfarW eitiiens, -Mrn'Atkinsoi porlisbe3ialet terfrom Oenv; (AtiBstroDgiiiitwbaitifot eleven yearspast hasbeenr atttuvhead of the weU kiKiwn Colored NonaoataBd Agricultural Institute at HamptKVca. As a Kortlreiafyntl& Itepublicaa of thfrstsaigHtest secGaaAiinatrong, froift .jntiwerelatons .Itn We colored population of the Southyas well as by reasonfSf hi3teinal!ibsrWiP tions in thenoiti$ieQjtBpi States, is a witness whose opinions are entitled ttf the5 "highest' resiect..n pis testimpnyy antains.Mt A-tiJuson'f statejnent thai the many difficsilUean neiF?tionjlUttw4 oeen, surmojiiitednd that gratehangf es for thehetter hare been made in the m two j?eata ipGiAjmsteeagBayf 5 e:i,iasti.wo ; vearsje j&m if movement has been gradual,- but more rapid of late;,yeawi;.f)ut,oftthfi;rosse suffering, hard times ' arid" humUatton of the Southriifc$eotfity.6af8r-there has come a deal o quiet!80Und thmking. The mass of the , people haye ipeier t workor -trying ito geti to i work? have madesnot!,fojs?(,hate feared fjirtwi for profits! tba&foj? politics; arid'mp to new ideas such as free schools oet ter agriculture and 1196 of free labor have made wonderful, progress. We haV heard little : f roirfthem. 'A con siderable class, has, tken .tooJilaca; and not a fewi to vams and idleness. These have been notsyy ' and wna'' less troublesome to their pSvq seasons than to the North. The North knows the j-South just as the South know the .North, througtr poiracspaTid partisan ne wspapers. Fe w ti 'iither section have anything else to gO by' The Re sult is wild and wrongotions-'otr both sides, rpr'aii that, I am.tToif tVrew years'-residence in : Vireiriia?'e6nvihcea that in 'the hi ?tory of the ' Country no such progress inpublj sehtithent -has been mude as in some of the 'Southern States- in the tiast ten 'years. - It has been as rapid 'as1 1 human nature would let it be." ; ; - '' "' ' '' ' '' lie thinks, a distinction may be made between the condition of the1 Gulf States and1 the more northerly South ern States, but that What may be trntf 6f rjuuuioua is-uuu ue ul v irgiuii. xxe adds: '--- " Heaps of blame have been1 wronai fully spread over the whole Southwith .most irritating effecflliaYe for.y ears eeu.,ujis .piasterjing over or .aeseryeu and undeserved i rebuke. It: is tir. sin againstprogress ; it has put baek civili zatiofl dbwn here: the'Korth; is f ull of iu The nest thought of the soucn is Deing more ana more ' reit in every part It controls in local far more than in,, general-action. It is working from thainside:. outward. At hundred of points over untold souare miles there are peace and prosperity, and this areS is steadily .'increasing. The sense Of things Js. more and more seen and acted out ' The improvement is at the core. The surface movement or outward current, chiefly , political, may De Daa enough, out there is a steady strong' ground swell toward ' better things, not obvious to any but to those who go in the right1 spirit to "where it is." - it;;' He finds,. that everywhere the great middle class" Is coming to, the "front; that in schools, like the iTniyersity of North Carolina, once filled with rich men's sons, there - Js now a iclasa Of plainly dressed : young men vworklh most earnestly, whose fathers.' are struggling to keep them there; and that the same maybe said of ;orae"oth Virginia colleges, where' the boys live almost as their fathers '4 id f when ''they were with' ; Lee's scantily fed anles The closing paragraphs of. Gen. Arm strong's letter are by no means the least important part of it W far as it is addressed. to the Northern,; mind,, In these "he refers to the young colored men1;; who , have aduatedt' front the Hampton , ; school.! ; These , number, he says, i some three hundred, most vof whom are teaching mwidely 'scattered places ; chiefly in Virginia . and North Carolina. w'fhey report that' they 'are appreciated- by y; all t qjaaea i&i&?p& po3ed, Andnyery, often encourage(ily the whites.; Surely testimony pf this kind and front , such sources, iri respect to the condition of' the" South: iid ; the goooLfeeling now existing between the two races,' ought to J have ; its -. weight with those whose nartisanshin or aec tlonal hlaahajiao, often-led-them to as sert the contrary.? -ii&i. a . KingV ,MattntaiJ8Q-1880. : i Spartanburg (S,' C.Y Spartan. " ! It is time to be: thinking about the centennial celebration of the battle of King's: Mountain. This must be a na tional;affair, ,The-:hattle field ia in South- Capoifaa. an4 it beoomea our State to take the initiative;; in this movementWe. araaure that ouriister State, Horth CaroliBaj will second- the move, and we would suggest that Meck lenburg's celebrationrou the 20th inst, would be a favorable opportunity for an expression of opinion. South Caro lina is anxious for the celebration. Let us begin in time, so that we may make the occasion worthy' both of 1780 '.ani I880f. f The ; desceud4hts vof Campbell, Cleaveland, Shelby, SevieriMcDowell, Lacy,cHawthorn, HiU HambriteVWil liamsonicleVmttQCks bbBoyd, and many other brave men y?ho storm-' ed the mountaifi' peakiwill-rally witlv rejqicing the 7th of October,; 1S80. fit' Waabb. Oor. iiOiiiavUlA-Courter Journal tu- Of late Cohklinar lias been acting more like a cross child than a United States Senator in his treatment of his fellow Senators, both on the floor of the Senate ana in uisjjeraonaii.mtercourso with them A few days since he flagrantly vioiateu ail Tuies or aecency m : the pourse.of the idebate on the Kellogg case, and his friends have been - Won dering, what has come, over the man. The common explanation about - town is given in a srory .regarding his aomosr tic affairs, Which story Js made the more Slausible by bis absence from the wed ing of his daughter at - UUca a - short time ago,- .That th.e was; opposed to the match' there : is- not muon ; doubt and that heand his wife have not been on genial fi ootapniops , for - seyerat " years' there is lesa doubt - In this ooimection the gossips are busy with the gallantries bestowed by him upon the . lady; who is well known . both by her maiden name and by that of : her husband, an ex-Sen ator. who does not reside with his wife in this city. : I Persons of sedentary habits, and 'overworked And in Dr. Bull's Baltimore Fills a specific for want of Appetite, Palpitation. Debility, Constipation and many other ailments. At all druggists. . Price 25c TO elcepjangrra: fJfrrf.1'iKrt'TrrftSriii nea.rr-.in.th . ul in-fiiia rf;- ,!io:T)JJ iEsaiIail to ; ''"- " - . , t -Hi cli t" ,Lt Lz oh 'iia m Jifi 04rlrpartcfcevetr4eMa Mstarioauthorttyrrfl tetthrent readers that tire ea&W worU. taipsj aidialfletdBlJ41n m m Mnuuwiuvinuiaui Heck Weat aAsortmeht l.t kbrihs nnllmtftlw rHZi "T ,S??; dR!iH1 f m 9)$ stales of th pasti-vert . tbllsh U appear vat St. Nicholas Cwailtpwttk three br four bunons, front cot 4 Crltle longer, giving tt a neai and graceful appearance are made up hv every variety'; lRWrfffP5Hw ftiii 19 A A. wijofl- t a. t .- l- - i!vt j f Yi5 .tui; i:tf iifnWmmm"mfiA Satft teaotajtw. IMwewutaatiirf ikoM thls eeaibtf ' We Invite thA kttenttnnTAf iiri rltL tntfW ti Ata I itul K.. i,t uie k- r. . 4 , , mm i mt Af toMMWHim Mm imnniat Ml vrs-TTTjTTfT JriV ff?ro. V?!yU -Ul i All" April 27, 1879fli" ' K ? - !djl TtUiMMi-Q t1x -f'i ltKiP s.ll.t ti I'A-x i ;THE Eyershown in this city. ; . Remember ttiat we are the rulers in t3f Low Aprils 1879. v. ' a , . '. "Wa'.Sfteamers to Portsmouth, a., and thence all Hail and Through' Gars, Enabling Quickf i . est Possible "Erne to all Points South and Southwest. . - NO DEAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, 10 HANDLING EXPENSE?, MINIMUM INSURANCE. kark Goods plainiy via SeaLoard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading issued at Sieamshln Wharves or offl ees of the Line. For InformaUon as to Tariff, Schedules Ac., apply to either of the undenlgned. K. 8. PINCIL South Western Agent, ) -T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, . . Charlotte N. C. .f . Aprfl SO-rdm. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, J i r ; fTIOf! LADIES. We have this diy added to our stock aflsplendld MneotBanttagftfitc 1 i'A ; it ; PLAIN AND LACE EFFECTS. . Also, an excellent lot of BL VCK GRENADINES, frora 20c to $1.25; and a general Hite of new and desirable Dress Goods at the moat reasonable prices. A Special lot of BLACKXASHMERES AND ALPACCAS. Dresj and Trimming Silks Nd thlii-i tn HQ 31 W AND QLOYES. : An early laapaetlon of the above ' wffl.be to your Interest. . .,' . . i GENTLEMEN, ? Jo& wlSJlndlpurt stock of SPRING AND SUM- MER' CLOTHING the most "complete . in the mar ket, at our well-known andxrpularjow prices. S3 ' ; W1TTK0WSKY ft BARUCH. ' 111 desire to kno ttjatare tbe;rwes( latest and most Oor relations to, and deaUBgs-wtu) the public, and the ennace own p saape ana pnariTn. oirapncs m aierrs tiaanenn oxwhBk sreciaiuowturbeiJma.iThejhUes avwflSnaw Is One of the most uSefuf MAotui the are jrrenen uasunea. HnnitM ana rnrum mntmn AnteeS otkhMcSiifad'Rfvieit: fnitMibi& futttimUtH fw' puivuwivijiw iiHVMWiwfl,.ui munwpvuuip pv ou dcvuvu vti prfivTu, wivu fniviCKO I ... t. ,i : .' ' ''"1 .' i' '' -:'uJ .m hi i ... .... -ut i:uyerypecuW f w'tl ..fn'rt .W.J iV -iigmu nvuL V TMST-Ei A LATTA s,?JJlO, The People's Ootheirs.,,, T ifiU.ViNiS iVi) illlr: Ot ft - .',:. - Hi); If mm FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING ICE! -ICE! AT THE SAME OLD STAND, Where I am prepared to furnish a superior Quality to all who may want Ice. My cart will also make dally deliveries at places ef business or private residences. Orders given the driver, addressed to me through P. 0. Box 153, or delivered to me tt offloe on lot of Book. Island Factory, will receive prompt attention. Customers who begin with me will be supplied the entire season at the following figures: In QUfmititles less than 5 lbs., 2c. per lb. " of 5 to 60 lbs., ltoxperlb. ' - ' of 50 ibs. and up, lc " The above figures are the same at which Ice has been sold for thetast twe eemons, when I had competition; and ae I have unsurpassed faculties to conduct the business on a legitimate principle, consumers will consult their Interest by giving me a trial. , . i Ice for shipping In any quantity carefully packed and forwarded with dispatch. Thankful for your patronage In the past, I re spectfully ask a continuance of the same. j J. T. ANTHONY. May 2. ; 'TOP AT THE BOTDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C. a Bbowh, Proprietor,' ' Late of the National Hotel, Balelgh. C. 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. a Shelbura At sistanL 4ee80 .,-..: U NDEBTAKTNG The undersigned Is now prepared to fill aU orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of, . COFFINS. CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both. Wood and Metallc ..' , ; I JICW AS LOW; Ai Jf Xl : A Hearses Ifurnished' It desired. , i -y. f., ;i 'It, i - . , t i I . I- ' . - FunMture of every DescriptkHi Repaired at aber. : ' -notiee. - ; W.M.WILHELM, With X. G. Sogers, Trade Btreet,!& .. - ;- t- June 2a- "hMdquaWers t ,rh" ? "A I F0RJ Bottled i Iigcr l Beiiiy r f.,; t, ALE AND PORTER, , , Is comer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, tree of charge for $1.00 per dozen.-, J , -j: :'-'-'" " J '-1 F. C MUNZLER. . AQ orders left at JohnYogers tailor shop will re- celveirompt attenUon. ' - - mari ' CMhlonable style, mad also wrtet jicnKrifidi cenejrslsttndlncefi our.hoaae.win jaasunt aQ ' at innuit wnMun. i .'i.o kuhjui ii Hiaam nma Uml nvMit IntnwtivUnrt nf th ttmIma. . been to Vplaee ppouourr. j if LL!aZ t. LmL k'It..L-tvLiti.' ljnlll "'""I .Hi (J 'ELSEWHERE ! : ; :. ; ; if!.. V Prices for Pine Clothing. !Ul '"'. f i i' .' . j . . . . . . . . L. BEBWANGER & BR04 Pine Clothiers and Tailors: goolis and gtattomtyg JUST RECEIVED AT ' ' 'r'" TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of " WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal - and Fools cap, which theyproposa to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with Enl velopes to match. - Also Paper in boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE OF NEW TOBX 1A standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. . Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Just received. Edward Todd & Cc'a Celebrated RUBBER PENS, A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen TIDDY A BItO. are also agents for Emerson Celebrated Rubber HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them will receive prompt at tention. . . .- E. BUTTEBICK & CCS METROPOLITAN FASHIONS ... . . . , t. . - i-:.. i For May, 1879, Just received at , . ... TIDDY ABRCS, CASH PAID FOR BAGS. P. O. MAXWXLL. . v. C T. WilHrHUW . . Auctioneer, ..... M AXWELL A HARRISOXrr li... AUCTION AND COMMISSION AUiRCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of ,:i 4 MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PBODUCX;- '. wm give strict penonal .,; jj - .t f i aUenttoo to an bostbess entrusted to Mr cam U.4 Foot doors above Charlotte HoteL J ;dec3' ? - - 'Just Printed and For Sale at the L . i CjYEBOTTICJw 1

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