i. a Pmnriftor for which we wouia gladly find a reme r ft Editor and Proprietor , a sXT-.;-aVK .r,v CHAS. E, JOMfiS, I ."Free from 1 1 States, nirteffl yfif,ra htrv L . 1 J L-k. constant evidences that the memories of that struecle arl? as freda - ksl they were in April, '65. Iii the ofE-yearsfWrhen1 there are no elections, and when the at tention f Congressiis fnofc- so entirely gitfen rippts It 3 afejriresent te' Sfafotly s ippose that the fiis had died put. But term with which Southern gentlemen arft'weleomed.backito the;halla ;ol Con- orrw. and when the "briffadiers'' resent with ariv indicmatidn an intolerable in sult put upon themselves or. theijSeJf tion, they are said tjo have "put on their tnW toithe-ttiohftt'hich hadprotect ed" and in some csises educated them. irtheretort that fit 78urquehtly boiistihg X)isung 01 ineir -qisiuyauy . auu piut- ting fresh treason" against the govern-menfe-lM.mtilerl is commttied rn 1 Texas, there' are pif nty ot JfTortlfera" publican iournaia rtp'kriw qu&nteA and chaiacteilze TJta aVlhe ! "pflraiiild. of scoundrels," going on to mention in cidentally that there is no law in the VUVU etui. syaaMv aav iv aw iuav 1 r IT" r"j T"XLTi21 Souhiprnl fptortspoJthliber: lers with accouhtaj : of murders moi e numerous and more brutal committed in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Massachu setts. . Y I Everything serves to remimi xne rant ing politicians and the partisan newspa pers that in the past ' there Bias Taeeh a war between the North .and the South, and eyjepl)L.by a 5outhexnm and every occurrence on Southern soil. brings about a reminder to the ortji. that Southern people are Ixmtorsaa' barbarian?, and a reminder to the So: em people tha ri vtt J win iinrino7 unrnniPN i iihl iniLci uui . . . ,1... . i , . .in in in 1 UCIUXm i WmmzhXvihrtY io. ism M it is t A.-.iV, K l he WgWBH8813 oToBseetion the sufferahc . ment S r';.;':sjn Fr now ni tuch of this sectional spirit the Souths aBcountabJwdanotii dertake to say. We3oundertaRe to say, however, that drecWyis.accountabie tor none of it. It is Uargeable with an indirect responsibility $n ite premises, in these: that Ayhen we. are stricken we strike back. ThanklGKd we haven't fallen so low as nottodo tliatUJut itisoiir best intprpst. if il. wn Ttnt rtiir irlaal-ra. itu& tt. is) to suppress whatever ofjmbicVahd aeart-Durpmay that wt&nplea memories, it was a most Tmrortunate struggle and it. can be jio pleaai to recall it every dav and . d we the wreck of life and fortuned brought about liut jwe are novaiiowed to forget it; we are reniinded of it every day and the IlemOcratic party ' iii Con gress cannot take 'a position xjrpon any given question of a political character but some one, like; the drunken black- guard, Zachaiiah 'Cnandlef, must shout in itl'fatKUife trafiinwn'syou did in 1861 to rule or rujn rtrjis govpm- ment,mfcyi carBdl)iir i Now, where is all this to end ? We talk in this country of the iiegro prob lem as one moajtdliiultI of solutjop, What to be done about thjg flegio queltKiii ?' WeTlnqiiirewheri we had far' better be inquiring. What is to be done about tins sectional question? If left to itseK.the inegri problem ivfll? adjust itself; there is no prospect now tbat this irrepressible conflict; between the seCr tl6n wllf ever b"e4aj'usted.' If fourteen jcoxa ui gwu ucii.wiui, wnii tiuiie con formity to all the! exactions that have ever been, laid.upon it, , give tlie Soutli no guarantee that an entire restoration of the Union is "posibjp, then wjiat is tbere left for it to; do to entitle it to be OQnsidered as having the same rights under the constitution and the laws as belong to the Northern States? We confess that we : cannot see t'ae end or the result of the sectional war, becansej cnrptr undfergtand what more is demanded of the South than ! it has already done; !Tt tried once to get out of the IJnion and was whip ped back; so it is clear that that is not the remedy even jf the scheme - were practicable and proper; and yet it is equallyxtttain thai it is not wanted in the UhictoeYse'why sbould'it be sought rofi to make iti pprtion here so disagreea- .v biefOpposiiig parties are necwsary to- Gen-Beatty. a stalwartBepublfckil 1,, ,oi- T Ohio politician, predicts that Secretary the maintenance ol pure government, Sherman wUl be nominated for Govef but what fate awaits a nation the two nor by acclamation by the Kepublican year waging addlt Iwrf are against each other? No crtiestion of nrinciDle now divides the sections as a whole; it is nbt tit their different interpretations of the constitution that the casus belli Is found. 1 is simplyate that divides tbsmJ&ejoaO . which seems fto-be invincihlft-whlMi yields to nbthwgj wliicli gives lio rea son ; which --will hear none- blind, irrational hate, growing out of events of the "past, a repetition of (,wbicb. is not feared because never threatetied nor thought of.. - Statesmen may irell ponder over the situation, and find k remedy if they can. A country divided against: itself not picture which canhot be contemplated far;li'Sputl icerned it can do no more than It ilias done to restore "the era of good feeling" of which we have all beard so much and experienced so little. Because we are not! wanted around the family; fireside is no reason why we should stand back and be mod est It is as much our fireside as any body's u we wanted to leave ; one time and they .would hot. Jet lis. Nowwe want to stay and we had just as well have-it understood-that-we intend to stay and to make ourselves at - home.' This is our government ;and .we must claim its protection 'and enjoy its bene- fits. That , we cannot enjoy them in peace is a fact which we deplore and iljtflMisirft lints in this diref tion ar i ir nr i 'Jorth- ' Tbrethren have tili f;d tk a.is bad that it is so but so it is. Let us, therefore, lay aside our false modesty, assert ourindependence and enjoy such a peace aa we can:y rlf they insist upon makftfe tr& sblftflfefr us be -solid" in- welcome 1ffcb,era everJWunes. Butlevui ceiseXo ddll the cringingjadbeggjggjC br it: twnt bn:. THEHaT FOR flBJllT.'! u wus-jej rue sa ew x orjfc wwsLre;iJUJrHj toageneraleryifoE Granfj census which it took I of I Republican sentiment on the presidential question." common sense wnicn is quite as un- errine an aid to political insight as the Lmpst highly trained inteUij igeiice. 49f that thVriorA 'leliibrffr'an! tted ular cry for Grant is largelyVpromptedl lar impatience with the persistent dis- cussioniftverith very first principles of. xrar system ofvgovenmient. It wassap I than a century ago that among, the in- - ( ajienable yigbts v of American freemen w-lifc? liberty- and-thc purauifc ef happmep XJ, MW?! resemauvcs ui une vwuuu uiuic iwuh- try to curtail these rights to suit their convenience has dwarfed all - other questions of contemporary 'statesmen- - . . forced mandaia occupants air. nBt n man win t fbr administration, of ariy abknowl- edged fitness to deal with great eco nomical problems, but one whose sim ple and resolute fidelity to the essential pViijclpDes of Mr govenkneitfha been proved beyond all question." So here it is agairji The persistent' discussion over the, very .first principles of our .-:'( J . , . . ... . . system or government is aamittea to Tie deplorable in the extreme. TTis ad- tliatIIjins the unwjg itatlonotr?M toTbekllaved arrd- nm-ai ortteiBul inl the nexfbfe'atk this jrapututcau-vnnui ururis ut uwcaarra m te country are uouig meir utmost suovx ine very nreiprincipie or jlikeiwnng kerosene on a fir to put it tTMaETtoB;.beedthao in thfewaY.Ifs lmM.iJiarI.ranrA.ia thd trongxmaa,wliorrr "plJpular, J that is Bemtl&stirpm for fla ionr. Of course, if he is el Xor?ie succeeding jprisia in 1884, and so ion JrtheVeryfirsVpfmlc . too. much, however if inspired by. any; genuine solicitude for our system of government.: it proves mat tne system. r ia already past saving. A republic to which one "strong" man, of irrepressi- - ble proneness to bad -counsel and scan? Iouslassdciati6ng7fia8 becoine an solute necejty canned ,19 Ifepublic witli any real life in it . . im yt j i Punic Faith. It is stated upon com petent autbbrity tha there is1 no sbrt of doubt about. the President having said several Unies to different persons that he intended to sign the biU to prevept military interference- with elections, be cause he. could see nothing; Objection able in it.'! No wonder: then; that when his veto message was read in the House parts of it were received by' be Demo crats with derisive laughter. Secretary of .War McCrary, it is said, favors Senator Blaine for. the presi dency, t . . '," ' ,u ', .. Gepf Butler said to be prepared to head the Grant movement in Massa chusetts. . , ,. , The Ohio Republican convention to nominate a State ticket meets on the 28tll toSt t & ,j ,SJ. A ,; ;J Illinois proposes to amend her consti tution so that the Legislature shall meet only once in six years.: According to the St Louis Globe Demoerat it is the Ohio senatorship that Mr. Sherman ha& his eye1 upon: There Is a proposition before tbe'Lou isiana constitutional convention to pre- 'vent anyminister of:the- Gospel from mn.9jmmm ffte Legis- The three prominent candidates for the Democratic nomination for Gover nor are Gov. Colquitt, who is backed by all of Senator Gordon's personal and political influence; CoL Thomas Harde man, who was defeated for the nomina tion in 1876;andGen.JLT JlGartrell, who was a member of Congress before the war. ,. !! The Kentucky Ssces Yesterday. I LEXiNGTONMay 14. Weather contin ues fine and the track in exceiientorder. The first race to-day was for a purse of $200, one mile dash ; Peru won ; Glen-; dalia second, Checkmate third ; time, 144, The contest , .between Peru and Glendalia was close at the finish and was won by a length. feecona race -a selling or one mile OVBrilliarrtinei2X lkirit (S),Croplet, Grapple, Stillton, CaliRuhChief ; time, a.i i. v;aiiguiowas a' great favorite in the pools, t , fV- f f y;,-' f r y 1 1 ', BRIEF FOREldX ITEMS. The Journal De4 Debci'tsf''6t Pari?, says: ,0n the attitude: of England 'on the Greek: question i may depend the continuance of that mutual confidence a ich nas hitherto niarked the relations Of France and England.?. . , . f " Oat f Work. " - jTnere be those who say that there need be none mwmployed-that there la work for auTu theywlU but do It What we aey, is, let every one who has a cough or cold take Hall's Balsam at onoeT'ltta th ""'y reliable remedy, that never falls to cure 1 umtous. , Wem..o:? goYrnmenMd. accuse hisH entire powr oyer tiiese. rr 'nAn I mmV)htrTitS or meanfnff tfiW snhvprairtn' saniy ien ail over xnewo Alt UUUMI MT K. J. -1 TT-WCT I w iii.i(p I . f 1- -., . iiutirZ I k zim -vcur'xn.u MKamAJU.tinnKa)Xff states, to tne rVniCn 11 I iivnro iiiiviyicii, lire niouijr piuvcn I J)ULL CONGRESSIONArMyTr -PA T IN 7T 1 PR. 0L1JD- vt i Si t i Pro: si Ivrttiriki j IndiU Ter T Jjr fer 6f Case8 and the Silver BilL' ' WASiiiNGTONIay 14. Senate. Vest caveTobtice-ol : nis4tttentioniorinp troduce a bill proiYWnjto organize th Indian Territory ihteStaleiand kA' His resolution 'making inquiry"as to er Tiny part of Indian Territory eri purchased by the United States with a view to locating Indians or freedmen thereon, was areea to !TfSiiaa:esuiBtDeon8iaeraucn f thAo lfifidslativL . executive ,: and. Judir position elections. -; . - - - 5 - - , The ) Senate afterwards adopted an the arrearages rtiQniOf($hA rehi & lihofe-v allnwintr ftTnenditurea for mirchase of $ti,connection with improvements htffteentucky; and1 Great Kanawha frJft thBiBeearyiitWJtWLrds r j m he transfer of cases irom We A f ter thtf'ldrriihlif ' th !sil vr ! bill was taken up ndf isetrssed1 ntil ' ad JoummeiifciiiUne: Totesj wui(prooaoiy the fkeedm aj s bank mqvnnrooiz 10 BJU1rr ,TS In.; Chairman Bruce has called a meeting of the select Senate committee on the 'sbaiiH.iSf llext Tuesday. when the commissioners in cnarge 01 the affairs of that insolvent institution will lay before the committee a detailed account 01 their management ana per- sonall ,tpcognat end to y for.; nd powe: conreW-b-the resolution um which the general in- vestigation was originally ordered. GIVING PENSIONERS A CHANCE. 1 XSefSotise committee on Eevolution arypeTtrsi6ns to-day agreed to report fa vorably Dibrell's bill to prevent the withdrawing kf pensions from the pen sioners under the act of March Qth, 1878. The object of the1 bfll is td'pre- a i j 1 1 .11! V?nT TRO WlTnn"ml"g 111 ii"'inn imni those who have been Testored' tothe i roll and then dropped on the of disloyalty. t2f tie uase In -Richmond; -Ala 44. Ia the United Sfatp f!irr;iiifefyiiv4i irtflav. a writ, of habeas corpus Tin the miscegenation cOtfeKuiuiiu jviimey auu the wlrfter wnnaolary Hull, now con ed in theajemten tiary for violation the sttTiteprohibiting the intermar- TiaHC of racgs.- jras refused by Judge iiuernes, vu xnegrouna mat me umtea nr-w j ' J i Y -A. J 1 T-T a stateBTOwiFuiave no junsuicuon over ..of .marriage. The opinion holds. th&ibeiawsusr marriage are at the sarorejgn control ana-will ot each NftOM nisast4rovisi6n or Any'jmcWMitm the United States: that the absolute and lawsrtecea- andinthls government of local society; that the law under which the pnrttes were convicted, was with the unrestrained legislative power of Virginia to enact it, anq that if is pot prohibited by any provision or the na tional constitution. As to making con tracts, the opinion holds, that section 1977 of the Itevised Statutes, which tTjersDns wrthtrrthB UnltGd States the right in every State to make and enforce edntracu, gtfzjcsai only re fer to contracts lawful under the law of Pats wherein it is proposed ,to eii rcf them. Admitting that inabiae f elifortanc it extends r dnlvtto an iaortL and fhatf if citizen ot Tip. ginia went to the District of Columbia or the territory of Utah and was there married in accordance, witn tne local law, he could' not return with his con sort or consorts to Virginia and expect to subordinate her laws of marriage to the laws of the other jurisdictions. The case will probably be taken to the supreme (jourt of the united states. THE NKGBO EIODUS. The Whites JndifferenVfind the Excite ment Dying Out. St. Louis, May ' 14 The officers of the steamboat companies having their headnuarteip to this !tyi fwvd the; offi cers of the ' steameis luiyfnfir vetween here and New Orleans, deny having re fused transportation to colored refugees whenever the latter had money to pay their passage. They also deny that there has been any generally expressed disposition on the part ot the . mer chants and planters to1 withdraw pat ronage from the boats which carry im-. migrants. ' This has been done in a few instances but the desire to prevent the' negroes from leaving the South.. is- changing, and now the planters do not seem to care whether they leave or not The officers of the latest arrived boats say they were not hailed on the way by negroes, and do not believe there are any such numbers of refugees on the river banks as has been stated. They further say the excitement , is fast dy ing out and win close aitogetner in a short time. - U- DULL1 0 VP BEECH ER. How the Brooklyn Preacher Was Met and Treated in Memphis. May; p.4A-Jl Memphis special says . Henry Ward Beecher was greeted, by an audience of 4,000 people at his lecture in tne Jxposiuon ir,if1irfcfv loaf, "-ntnrlif IX a nroo nmoArtfful t'r.&wAhe5 fifppaf of tbe test -6atondin t opposition'to'lhe 'use"f Mnd"aiiirjr at SL-reaponn comntawa u fppii tpj tne nthlriiV to sit dirln J :eMss i aisa iorusiQry WoioVejVflicltK- der tn thfl meetinff hv TCeatinc of th An- I wheat active and firm; red 1.05al.09 Cornac rJv Jr T RJlIdt lrt7-ato-waawB and firm at in- Mr. Beecher presented Mr. Keating With a check for $250 to be by him dis tributed between the orphan asylums of Mem phis, Chattanooga - and - Atlanta. His engagements have been cancelled and Mr. Ueecher will return to .Brook lyn on account of rpliysical inability to fulfill them. While in Memphis he has been treated with the utmost respeet and hiSv coming was ' the occasion of excursion trains being put on all the roads leading into Memphis, all of Which .were crowded with people from west Tennessee, north Mississippi, north Alabama and-Arkansas. I Large Fire In an Indian Town. i Bombay, May 14 There was a great conflagration last night svt Poonah, an important government 1 and military centre, eighty miles southwest of this city. The government school, the Bood war palace, the law - courts, postoffiee; police ofSce and fifty houses were com pletely destroyed.' The fire' has since been extinguished. . ; . ,t ; .; . - , SPARKS F201I THE WISES Heavy ra 13 r evailed ove 'A coiisid est of tt eraD'3-ext xc terrtory Ixi!Lf?uei av. ber att'iiir; the? -crops" greatlj " J f;! I;) -5;. f? t i : 'me' jpif opal ,UUocerin convention otiC .anArtLitener.t Greensboro in- that tate 'yesterdayT'Bishop :"Yilmer presiding, xne accenaance 01 uutu clerical and lay delegates was unusual ly - large; The- session- will Jast four days. - : " " ; , - ' " : ins? resounjy Cflepf ol teppwrilar tood aof water of an onaecostomed ot noHholesome qoalitjr, and a route that lies ; to th: tipple .or other regions whe jtoateala tejaste,Lai9 vecivrand- alt $noght JEttttew enalrteithti!B0 who use. It to eocounter haatf ards ot thetaatauB.ierrad.to jwtth ,tmpunltwod ttvat. ksj jnediclnelWapted to suddeftrnit uritixt pectet dJlKCijeles,at la Jmcallartr jr4Juabla, iDto eraera otthe mfer. thex bowels- and the totaaete; terec and ai& rheuvatlsni and nerrous silments; brought eaihr, exposure, are among the , maladies tothloh! emlgmat faaadeta and ttw( settlers are raost subject;: These aad other jyteld to itber ae tleaottba Bittern pTompOynwl completely, u : 1 :.fT'rrloraeBiiriel.AllFed: Xennyson.- tf8ftf3i wheL' andkwei1 the urn thKIld wheelj through; sunshine, storm and Witt UOilUlO b!Ml'''hrS'.i!i4V. J'' M .!S V Tifrn - VArtnnr tjim thr wbAAl. with fiintln A , Fortunes turn,, thx jwheei With u Our liodrd u Uttlel oautoitf hearts we tfreat S'eaDd'we :snine,ffher tordb ot many lands;' ' ' ' Frown; &ndie Btulie, the lords of our own bands, : fhenetf fcrand- Seml-Anndal HMsttmOmoi the Loolslanaj;StatiIMteTi is at noon' n tueediiy. June JUUU atKiew vrieans,nnaer me soiemanan mant oT.TTflnflrais neanreeara una isariT.' a- Hiizes amount to over hall a million, and tickets an tea dollarsl with proportldnal fractions down to tentoSji-ilor Uiformatlon address A, Dauphr m, v. pui upi isc.w yucffio, ., r Tl-) A fftBe' child, ttie dattttliWtof Artlrar Banks.Ksa'. aftals city, fell into a tub of hot water yesterday and was badly scalded. ,,The Immediate applloa Con of Henry's, Carbolic Salve; which was , fortu nately Itithfr house, Instantly removetl the pain, and the Uttla sufferer is now out of danger. . . . To.aU who aro suflerlng from the errors and In discretions of youth,, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac., I win send a recipe that waiure you; JBEB . OF - CHARGE. This ' great remedy : was discovered by , a missionary In South America. Send a. self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. ' IN MAN, Station D, New YoricClty. uh ilf: ' 'H-: : lanXd. .. ; -,.. ... ' i i m nDctk-Ba(el . Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out ajiy reasonable cause, death resulting general ly rrora ine osuisignincani ongnu r, ai .uus sea- sop oi we year esnecuuiy, a coia is suca a common toilng that In the hurry of etery day life we are apt to overtook the dangers attending It and often and too late, that a Fever or Long , trouble has already set In. Thousands lose tbelr lives In this way ev ery winter, while had BoscHXB'g Gxaiux Stbuf been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided, for all diseases of; the Throat and Lungs, Boschxk's Gzbkax Stbuf has proven itself tor Uiegisiest dlsoov erjr of Its kind In medicine,. Every Druggist ra this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 950,GOQ bottles sold last - year without a single failure known. . ; , "Troth Uea tn a nut-shell," and ' "brevity is the soul of wit" ' To be brief, when the shell is broken the truth will be discovered that the Grand Central Hotel; oa Broadway, New York, now kept on both plans, tne American z.ooor$3, ana tne .European $1, and upwards, per day, gives more satisfaction for' the same money, than any other first-class house in Gotham. An elegant Uestaurant, at mod erate prices, is conducted py me urana uentrai. may? iw . ! 'i. KatUial ftargieat lastltate. Two of the surgeons of this notable Institute will visit Charlotte, N- C May 15th and 16th, 1879, stopping a theCharlotte HoteL. They win have with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical ap pUances, and win be prepared to treat all kinds of Deformities and Chronic Diseases, such as Club Feet, Hip Disease, ParaiysW Special Diseases. Plies and Fistula, Catarrh, Private Diseases, Diseases otthe Eye, Ac' For full particulars, ad dress : : ' - , . aATiuriAi dukuiual. twarii u i is, aprl3 d4t w4w Atlanta, Ga Esse Attainable j the Bheatlc Yes. although they may despair of relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries o&V by means of Increased activity of the kidneysimportant channels for blood purification the acrid element to which DeihOkMrists the most eminent attribute the Dalnful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostellers, a preparation miewise eeteoratea as a remedy lor constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means ot relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very neneixnai. xne press aiso endorses il One Ihlig b Whlcfe the Doctors al Agree. Doctors disagree about i great manrthinesbut they are all of one mind , regarding Cod ilver OU, as the only thins to Diescrfbe when the enfeebled system refuses to absorb and Assimilate any other una ai nounsnmeur wnatever, may do tne cause of the patient's lack of vital force. Whether it is eonsumDtion. scrofula, or the general debility so often following malarial fever; this peculiar form of food Is the only known specific that rarely fails to invigorate tne dhxm ana soua tissues or tne body, and speedily averts the - dreaded - process of decay. .- Yet people turn from this benlflctent leans or nreserving uie, Because oi its reouisive iste. .Thousands will reloice to know thai all Its valuable Qualities are not only - preserved but mul United, in the nalatable mixture of Scott's Emul sion ox rure wa uver um wim toe nypopnos- mayia aw Do Isa Wait to Eajoy Ufef Death, or what Is worse, Is 'the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief Is the only safeguard against con stitutional ruin. In. all cases of suppression, sus penslon or other Irregularities of the "courses,'' Dr. J. BradOeld's Female Regulator Is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous cen tres, Improving the blood; and determining direct ly to the organs of menstruation. ItisaleglUmate prescription and the most Intelligent doctors use . ask your oruggist ror u.r , apr22 lm . ' ' TECE8EAPH1C '. MEKET , REPORTS, ;-hY , .FBODUCXj . :, ; i BiXTinoKK Oats ouiet: Southern 85a38. Wes tern white 84a36, do mixed 82134, ?ennsyl vahla 84a88. Hay market dull: prima Fenn ylvauia and Maryland 13al4. Provisions- firm: messporib old 10 50al0.75, new ; bulk meats- loose shoulders Sm, clear rib sides 4m, per car load, packed new 4V&SVg; bacon shoulders, old 4134, wear no siaes, otao, nams, sugar-cured. vgaiu. - wu rennea , nerces t.- uwier nrm choice Western packed lnal7. rolls llaia. Cof fee quiet; Bio cargoes lOJtoaltt. - Whiskey dull at 1.U7SA sugar firm; A-soft 1 CTvmme A TT "PTnnr ' nMlvai TnmTlw A QAu K tk Pork aulet at 10.00. Lard In rood demand: cur rent make ' 0.10. Bulk meats strong: shoulders held 8.60, short ribs 4.65, cash 4.70, buyer May and seller June, 4.80a8o seller July, short clear held 4; bacon In good demand; shoulders 4ta al4. clear bs o!4, clear sides &aAi Whiskey active and nrm at 1.01 . Butter steady and un- cnangeas iancy creamery I8aa20, cnoice Western reserve, ISalo, choice Central Ohio 12. Sugar sieaaj ana uncnangea; naras vimV3- A white Brassy. ew urieans mi. nogs steady; oom- mon .ntms.zt), ugnt a.aoaoa pacsing u.40atM. ouieneis fwaiu; receipts -f-y smpments. - ' Nkw Yokk Flour no decided chancer No.; 9 2.35a3-10, superfine Western and State a.45a3.&5, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 8.80, good to choice do 8.95a4.60; Southern flour sieaay; common to rair extra b4J0a6.oO; good KUVIVO u U.U04U. TT UOiU UUSjnVUOa Win? I llnaltlwa Bols ter red lJ2a1.l8M,'.- No. 2 ditto 1o3a20. CotaUff0811"6 r-ungraaea 44V8S45, o. s, 44.' .Data, o 8..33W.- uouee acuve ana steaay; mo quoted i in car goes 10Val4, to Job lots 10115. i Sugar steady; Cuba 61M5-1 tf, falrto good reil'g 6a7-16, prime 6a9-l; reflned standard A. f, granulated 81. powdered am crushed 8 Holasses-Mew Or leans 28a42. Bice In fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 63a7'4&, Louisiana 6a6 Pork old mess on spot fl.OOa.121. Lard prime steam' spot 6.45a50. Whiskey l.05aU. Freights easier.' i . ... .... t a ' t T " " ' il i l l 5 V S COTTON. f i Nokfolx Firm; middling 12c; net receipts 833; gross j; stock 10,195; exports coastwise 178; sales 115; exports to Great Britain . v !:J4 Baltmobs Firm; mldd'g 12; low miuullng 12-: ood onllnary lls-; net receipts ; gross 53; sales 60 ); w!r 2,J3: exports coastwise aO; spinners 250; ex Jitsto reat Britain . ; to continent o e . - - vs. - v E rtr F: -ti; mldd' ag 12'Vfec.f low t JOT 12V r d Oi Hilary llli ; net flbceipts 2h WruJ-wnw Firm Middling lUie.; low-.iN dung ll.c.; good ordinary 11; net receipt 10:; gross ;-ales 8: stock 707; spinners j ports coastwise : to Great Britain to Con- aeni ; to cnannei .. Philadklphii Flrnir inlddllng 12 Tow wtfdcUlng-12)e;good ordtaarr 12c: net receipts 3) gross 84S;- sales. -i spinners 697; stock 8,131; exports to ureal Britain . Augusta Firm; - middling dung ll-o,. good ordinary. iijc; receipts bo; smpments .hMl$hfr!ita Chahlxston Firm; middling 12c; low mid dling 11.; good ordinary llc; - net receipts 512; gross ; sales 200; stock, 7,524;. exports coastwise ; Great BrttaB'''? 'nance Continent ; tokihaanel , " Nxw TOM-Steady; sales 201imlddim uplands I2i. mlddline Adeans 121 -consolidated net receipts 3,16isjeaaport Hieatti4tlu 4,227; Jfrance. sih-.vi; ti-mu eat switd-1 its e-w v'trrjgKt;oCtt6 Middling Uplands,' 6cU - mifiamig ,nans,tji saies 15,000. speculattoh and export 2,0KX additional sales iseateidaj . after .reguiat closing., ; re ceipts 1.450. American 1400, Futures-rlMijers of- fnrtnir 1-3 more. Utilands .low huddlrnc clause May delivery 6 2tt32ai5ala31-32, Mai and June rt iR-iHa.Sl-a2.June and July 6 15-lBa31-82a7. July and August, 6 Sl-S2a7 August and 'Septem ber 7 l-32al-16.' September and October 7 1 32a 1-16, October and November v November and December 6 9-1& . Kew crop shipped per sail Sep tember and October November and December 6VS. - . -' KKbsk-Futures closed ornt "Sales 3l47 000 oaies. . f tiff feiUii. Mayjinii-.i. MAaKM.M .v . rffi,ilft54at55. Jnlv . 12 .ft August s ... , ....... ; 12.96 September.. V.. 3yjifwiS .6Htt.fV4 October .i.5. i;. .v -v.v. lr :8Sa November!; Wii?. It 43a44 December. ......... '.'.-i V. . r. v .;.". ---1 1 iS8a5 January, 4... , ; . II J4a,36 ' Nkw Tobk Money 3au. 'xchahke 4.87Ual4i governments firm. New 5's 1.03 State bonds quiet. ""-irfi '-. Oma ihsObsxbvks, i f " ; CSABLOTTS, May 15, 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling........ 12J4 Strict low middling.. 4; w. -.ml Low miauling. 1 .......... . .u : - : . ' 1 1 f8 Tinges 11 Lower grades. Vivi.-wtAii 9108 CHtet-OTTE Pit .WCt fiUBKET MAT 14. 187S.' OORRKCTKD DAILY. Cork, per busb'l . H3a6 hul - ,.;ia6 Pkas, 41 -ftnaTO Oats, shelled, 45a50 Bacon a , u h N. C. hog round 7a8 Hams, canvassed. lOamfe 6a8 Bulk Meats Clear Bib Sides... COFFKK Prime Bio. Good. 141al6 12al4 23a25 : 35a40 , . , .35a40 l.OOaa.OO Syrup Sugar-house. . . . . Molassks Cuba New Orleans Salt Llveroool fine... . Sugar White. Yellow 91ali Potatoks -Sweet. .' Irish. .......... 65a75 3.50a3.76 12a20 10 3.00a3.50 2.75a8.00 2.25a2.60 Buttbb ronn uaroiina... Ems, per dozen. .. . Flop ; Family...- kXLfca 8upr............ OPERAJIOUSE. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 20th. -- The Last and Greatest! Grand Farewell ! Only Op . eraths Nlghtl Only Comedy Night! Last night here of the Favorite, Fashionable and Successful " STAR ALLIANCE." Entire Company appear in a grand change of Per formance. COMIC OPERA ! A Night of Genuine Enjoyment Only time here of Templeton's Celebrated Comic Operatic Extravaganza; to three acts, PICK! A DAY DREAM! ; PUCK will he given with new Effects, new cos tumes, new music, and a special cast Act I The Green Boom. Act II The Stage Hades. Act III The Stage-Paradise. , Please remain seated onto concluding the Tab leaux. Get seats early. ; ; i : i pgr Kemember the cheap prices and last night See Pictorial Billing and Programmea -h ; f- Notice towest popular prices.: No -extra charge for reserved ssafav Pawjuette and Areas Clrole 75 Cents; Gallery 60 Cents; Children to Parquette 50 Cents; Children to Gallery 25 Cents. . y Box Sheet now open at Central Hotel Cigar stand. 'qr- i ;'! ' . .-. - - , May 14-iw. r ; ' ';.y-;:y: CleaTcland Mineral Springs ; WILL OPEI? JUNE1, 1879. , These Springs are- Sniles- front Shelby. N. C, and one mile fiomi C C Railway. Hacks will be at Spring's station on arrrrai of every train. ' Band of music and ether means of amusement for the comfort and enjoyment of guests. ; THE TABLE' " will be furnished with, the best that the market af fords. Bates to suit the times: :' ' 8. M& POSTON, Proprietor. Shelby, C. - L. 8. Willuhs, Superintendent. ; , ; . .Mayi4-d6w. , , BAKERY. BREAD, CAKES AND PEES, fresh every day. WE can with confidence recommend; them as the very best manufactured, using none but uie verj oest materials. -. ... .., 1. f W. N. PBATHEB, trade Street, first door above the old Market marl, u , . SHOES ! SHOE AT AUCTION On Wednesday, May 21st, 1879, at 10' o'clock; m., we will sell 20 Cases of i . SHOES: ;, . :. v : Men's, Women's and Boys,1 !Wfii yt - V -'rv- !ir? Tf'.f frfff f'r ASSORTED FROM FINE TO COMMON, ' u By the Dozen Pair. By the Dozen Pair. Terms cash, ' Maxwell s& uabkison, Auctioneers ft Commission Merchants. ; mayl4 yrELL IMPROVED , , r ! i,: Jo CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. i Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen; within five minutes walk of the public sauare, can be ac commodated by applying at -' dec18 r 'Z' , , -,1I : THIS OFFICE, ' ' . 'i'V. l;:,' liif f , 4 'jctHMtxitts.' 79 U . V 1879 M r HEoLHRT WW WOOD. Authorized reprints of ' : The Xdlnburga BevfewiWhigV- i ne wesuniusier uevjew iLioen xne ixnaon yuanerjv review uoosiryi xne Briasn guarterfyBetlevr Ev mm ! fin 11 'T 1 1 1 fm 1 iii BLACKWOOD'S TEDENBUBGH MAGAZINE. " originals tn full, and at about one-third the price of the ngll8h editions. . . . ' , No publications gma dmi BrittsS trior 1 " i S bowM h the leadlnr sarinteffprthe ndelity of research, accuracy 01 statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equal. They keep inwvuiiwui awxi&iu, uiatvvery, experiment, and achievement. wikahe to MOglon, science, llt- cnuure, vr or, i ne amesi writers nil their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with ou uueiugoiu luurauun oi tne great events 01 the day-'l iirH;h5S mal io suli mawbanA & twsd For all four Be views, 12 00 ror uiacawoea' For Blackwood ForBlackweed ForBlaokwoed or v . . POSTAGE. :ntlnrtembf4xpene;rt tynBnsA. Ms; ' t4J.e5ratralent p reductibn ot 20 per ceht,' Tti jiUM9n-. mts eaopri ?mew!nisA.if tM lti MWiMitA tetik j&mt. win be allowed clubs' of four er1 more persons.' M.Thos: four copies of Blackwood or of one BevfewwUlbe'sent. to me address, for S12.80, four copies of the four Re views ana sutcawooa iocg, ana so on. PBXMIUMS. New subserlbeW (appiymg1 eey)i ot the year Or, Instead, new subscribers to any two, three or unit vi too aouve penooicais, may nave one or tne our jte views - loriuis; s Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to C1UDS. To secure premiums It will be necessarv to make early application, as .be .stock available for that T ; 4f Barclay Street, e York 1 8 7 9. LUSTBATEP NOTICES OF TKX PKK38. ' The Wkkklt remains easily at the head of illns trated papers by Its fine literary quality, the beauty of Its type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety. sot subject and' rtUtic treatiBetit. Zlon's Herald, Boston. The Wkkkxt Is a potent agency for thedUsemi nation of correct political principles, and a power nu opponent 01 snams, irauos, anu iaise pretence Eepto Express, Rochester. j j j i The volumes of the Wkkklt beidn with the first Number of January, of each year, , .When no time Is mentioned, dt will pe andersfooii that the sub scriber wishes to cbnrmence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, Harper's Weekly, " " Harper's Bazar. " 8 4 00 4 00 . 400 10 00 . 7 00 xne i nree punucations, one year, Any Two, one year. . Six sabscrlntlQns. one?veftr.l...i. i 20 00 xerms ior targe ciuos rurmaned on apppllcatiou. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Harper's Wkkklt, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising, twenty-two volumes, sent on re ceiptof the-OBihiatthe rate of. $5.25 per volume, freight af expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Remittances should be made by postoffioe money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper it Brothers. Address HARPER x BROTHERS, decll , New York. s T. NICHOLAS, SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE rOK SIRLS AND BOTS. r AN.IDXAL GBILIaXHS MAOAZUiK. Messrs. Scribner ft Co., to 1873, began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine ior urns ana noys, wnn jus. nary stapes image as editor. Five years have passed slncetke first num ber was issued, - and tbeMmagazmehas won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of oyxb 50,000 copies. It Is published simultaneously in London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress- of the magazine has been a steady advance, It has not reached Its editor's ideas of best, Decause her ideal continually outruns it, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day Sr. Nicholas stands TheairangeinWts Io literary and art contribu tions, for the new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton's new seriaTstory f or boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the first of the volume, and will bo Illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. The story Is one of travel and adventure to Florida and the Bahamas. For the girts, a con tinued tale, "HALT A DOZEN H0U8XXKKPKBS," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins to the same number: and- a fresh serial by Susan Coolidge, entitled "Eye bright," with plentyof pictures; will be commenced early to the volume. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called "BTJUPTT DODGET'S TOWKK," Written Br Julian HawifcolrneJ and mustratediy Alfred Fredericks, About the other familiar fear tores of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, to respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor, Instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of ."Jaok-toHhe-Pulpit," he "Very Little- Folks department, y ahd- the "Letter-obx,v and "Riddle box. " ! Terms, $3.00 a yearr 25 cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters. . Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers should write name, poetofflce,' eauntr and State, In full, and-send with remittance to check, p. O. money order, or registered tetter to SCRIBNER A CO., declO 743 Broadway, New York. rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ' . .i- . 1 THIBTT-1OTBTH TKASl i . ' - The most Popular Bdenfifle Paper to the world. Only S3. 20 a yean Including postage. Weekly, 52 nuunmiB rear,-4,uuu 000a pages. y Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed to the most beautiful styles profusely Illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent ; advances to toe Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts to Agriculture Horticulture . the Homey Health," Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent witters to all departments of Science, will be found tn the- Scientific American. I Terms, $3.20 per yean $1.60 half year.whlch In cludes postage. Discount to agents. Hlngie copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos tel. order to - JIUNN .ft CouUUabara, 8ZJEA How, New York .fir m ! PATENTS. In annnMMan . mit tha.tMmHA. American, Messrs. Munn ft Co., V Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience, and now have toe largest establish ment to, toe world, ipatents are obtained on the best terms, ! A special notice la made in the Scien tific American of all Inventions patented through thla Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation tons given, public attention Is directed to tha mrit at tl ne wpatent, and sales . r to troducUon often, easily Any person who has made ' a new discovery or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. . We also send tree oar handbook aoout the Patent.Laws; Patents, Caveats, Trade Maries, their costs, and how "procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. , - TCNN A C0.787 Park Row, New York. Branch qmce, eor. F. ft 7th Bts., Washington, D. C. " . -gran-.- . . - ' us hi ..i-i3wwHestncuy mjMvjuicew-t'ji,i, Mat Fof&(rohe'Beviewi 4 OO'peraiimim- tWanf tw'Bevtewsind!J,, .7 iqo""-' For any three lie views, vatst 3o lo-orvMiw-u-iLit k aMev&JQ 7 Jo II" and iwoBevIewflQ)4 1 1 1" itlree 'ff 13fillM mi 00 Jf 00 s . 6 . vittXllQl -IX A .4UH BOOKBIDING. V ' - FAST3 PRESSES. WORKMEN. - .fl!vJf .'.1.- i l.r! . . tan 4 tj HQOOU 1 In connection with the publication of The or lfUMl Ki--Vt:Mf a"AXH"WM . SKSVKB, and the establishment of one of the lars est, most complete, and most thoroughly' eOuiitii n;fiij wnii boa r- - . , JOB PRINTING HOUSES iiihle'soutnl'the proprietor has lust added a com- BOOIC.BINDERY AlfD ; Ruling Department, Canabe of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or ' .'i .11 y--. j , j., j other books resound In. handsome style, and at very low figures. .JA. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CULRENT, And work of tl is class, ruled and bcunU v oider. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PHESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and FOSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as to New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and to first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments to good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free ' from defects as tt is possible to make lt LETTER HEAPS, Statements, Order Books, , ,, , Visiting Cards,!, Ball-Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, i: . Handbills, Invitations, ' Checks, LtiM BILL HEADS, Deeds, . Receipt Books, Business Cards, Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. BOOK WORK. tvlng a larger supply of type than most lob es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. . " SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JA Address P.O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER, - Chariotte, N. C

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