ri. i i r 9 f I IT I' ' gVKSORlTTIOX RATES: XTo bren t?orouglly tmppLiecl with every pei4 wmt, and with the Latest Style of Type, and every manner QfJob Wort can now be done toilA neatneti, -diwpateh and cAoapness. .Ftean rvrmtA, cl tfAait - BLAXXS, BILL-BEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, : CiF2S; POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS, '. PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, IC., .4 00 rww ifontts-.--- ... 2 00 15 , ...t ;l .-'ft t i 1 ft. WEEKLY EDITION : Hfettv. (J Oe omM if . 4 . t. .X , . 2 00 Outfth.mty,podpaid........ ....... 2 10 gixMoniht I 00 Of liberal Seduction Jar CM. .v. ti : CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY; 17,1 1879. N0..3,19i::: VOL. XX; 4." - . if SWUMBRELL'AS. ladles pqy4C motoMl ttftUpibitllaa wOl ruid ttobest aawrtroent tte lowest price at I ELIAS & COUEN'S. Thei wltt aim find other good to qlt them bpon hich they can save money. Our stock ot Fancy hteh they aim! Staple DRY GOODS js now complete, among which may be found a ia) supply of House Furnishing Goods Sheeting and Pillow Casings In Linen and Cotton, linen I Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; NaDklns,Doylas i and Towels to twtj yartetyCar pets, Bugs, MatUnyp and OU Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found wry cheap.. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVBS; HANDXIBCHWilcOBr SETS. FANS AND TIES. Aak to Bee our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and $2 8un Umbrellas.' Ton will find them cheap, and ererrthmg else In proporffon. Call and see us. It will pay yon. ELLAS ft COHEN. tguvuitvivt. B UBGESS NICHOLS, fx i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1EALKR IX ALL KINDS OF KURNITCRE 1-UBNITUREI BEDDING, AC BF.DDINO, AC BENING, C. BEDDING. AC. FURNITURE! FUKNITURE I A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES l l,OUNES! OUNGESI LOTJNGSS UNGESI ii' :'. ' PARLOB AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 , , PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I ' . jy!- o? tip'hii VJTf 'TUi! ifVfj, iii-SJ" '-:-i-- tr COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . fio. 5 Wrr Tradk Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. Cf fa?-Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes- tine supply. ' Jan3 JARGAINS . . 1 KKV U U RRR NN N n K (J UR SHI N II y IT U RRR RUN II U UR RSHK II V V RRR KKB IT V R E i U ' U RRR KB U UR RB UU BEBB j . .4 J T T UU B . KN HN II t.; r "i, - I? R. (i. BO(jERS' WABEROOMS, Nkxt to PofeTorncK. ,' - ' 1 i i 5. Ky Siock Is very Laf.i and embraces a Full JfittLOKrCnAMBEU WN1NG BOO'- r WmCSE FUBXITUSX tS" in Goods Tacked Free of jCharge 5 rtj Gaads loltxiti0r &jc MILUNSaYsGCOiJSc. v ' ti W lTe ut received a handsome lot ot 4 LADLRSMBATS; ; BOTH'TKIMMKD AND TJNTEDIMED. . ..... VJ1 . -.41-. ., J ..... t . The Newest Shapes Out ' Call and See Them.' ; v : i j'Hii.i.iv.'i. t i " is iV.it tiOsS tO'j.'.- aLso a. new5 torror- Dress Linens in Raid and Uomle Patterns; Silk Grenadines In Black and Colors. ; ' , . .. , 4 NEW. LINE OF FANCY HOSIERY LISLE, LACE AND KID GLOVES AND MITTS. Be sure and look at our DOTTED SWISSES x! . AND PLAID ORGANDIES. CALL AND SEE OUR MARSEILLES QUILTS. T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte-Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C May 16. MORE MORE ATTRACTIONS. -O U R- 5 CENT COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, MUCH MORE USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE- "THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. evertbodt should call at once TO SECUBJEGBEAT ' t- BARGAINS. : .- ; i.: . , . .ALSO A FULL- LINE -OF- "IV T r "I l j jT C,!li " ' SHOES: OF ALL: KINDS, HATS. AC., week; all through our entire ;toekVy;'f mayll-.l SPRING CLOTHING. ' ,4;v.i.J....w ' WetevelnadiihewekpeiUienCof pw rfiw an nmnit mi tn include the latest to Metfgy Youth's. Boy oA Children's a riiAfT.l ' We Invite public Inspection, and w are t thSS &Qa?arf prTcet'ive-r, ! fTissoidow r.V""! "'' iX rT - oo Lt oVo-irlfS gig a cept it, not to pamjerrt for. past kind- Q outeiaeof th workingmen's party; fl'nf'o'o'S'JSS.KNW ness for that be couidrnervex repay- His declaration is a ?ray ofhope,as rrri. nAv.v s fi ii if nn ' flooi riiitirnni Rsvanft anosmau souvenir t A T rP ' JTTOt - deep feeling. : litis said that -; Ci.lvJiXCt . vifiv'ti i r foreives an enemy CLUE m3BEL SUITS j cheaper tlion feae did the rtineoi- Coots, grioT3Slip?ers, Including the best makes In the country. There " i fH in ,ir atvk a. omrlPe line Of fine 1 -t. i. J aad fc.raw Ixats. and auy kind of Ge"'inen's Furnishing Goods,.- Don't purcnaiie fctw.e yyu ex-..ie our stock, as tue ciedpeat . bargains r1:;"; ?.billv.EiurrAco.'a, . , tp-'r ' . . na .... r. . . . corner ixwe ani rjwi s.-?., prH 10- CharlotW; N. C ffiSfiWCTf "J ttf are raJn tat gJS the8Chinama . eDresent this season to the consumer a One Uhev serve to showthe -better side, of 1- ;n r-rinnnoaHoTti The Bardsr aai the Eiitor. J - . T i; t , Hawkeye. J , ' , , , t '4 -I tl - GLACI3. , J 1 burglar climbed Into an editor's room, Needy and poor was he; ,' And he saw in the dim, uncertain gloom, With legs as long as the stem of a broom,'1 . A pair of trousers: Til lust freeze to 'em," He chuckled, with fiendish glee. ' ',.'. .8CABP, , ' '' He lifted them np from the back of the chair; , - Lightly they hung on his arm; ."They were the editor's only pair, - . Thinner than eossamer everywhere: ' Oh, but the knees were worn and bare; u uw ne were wum wu umo, : i Good clothes-when the weather Is warm, , OOUMTKB SCABP. . ' All over the room he aearehed to vain; There was no more to find; - There was no sign of sordid gain, -- - No passing drops from a golden rain. , . Only the wealth of a sleeper's brain. The peace of the editor's mind. ,- . ' P1BAPXT. , He turned his back on that happy home. Though fully hefting those pants; Out of the window he cautiously dome; He emptied the pockets a broken comb, , A stub of a pencil, a manuscript poern ...... Answered his searching glance. " BAHPABT. , He started; the tears flashed into his eyes. He leaned up against the fence; A look of pitying, mute surprise Softened his face; he stifled his cries. He looked at his swag, and measured its size, Value about nine cents. ' : ; '. TEBBXPIXIH. Into his pockets, his own, he went, " And he dragged out a ten dollar bill ; And he hastily crammed it, every cent, Into the editor's pockets, and bent The trousers into a wad and sent - Them over the window-sill. BIX)PK. Then on to a wealthier house he sped, "'Twas a charity well bestowed." He said to himself, and when night had fled, And the editor rose from his virtuous bed And found the money, he whistled and said, "Well, I am essentially Mowed?' - OBSERVATIONS. A voune man In Nebraska sent an offer of mar-1 rlage to a girl in Iowa whom he fancied, and ln re- ply received this telegram: "Come on with your minister." Some of the negroes who emigrated to Kansas will certainly have an opportunity to grow up with c?umu.?eyhave alnaaj 1)6611 DlanteL- Atlanta ConshtutHM. Let the dogs bark, but confound them, says the Boeton Transcript, they shan't do all the growUng -not if the forw odd minions of people ln these United states know themselves. It is an editor with modesty the most intense in the land who writes the toUowing: "Tiring of 1 their Lydla Thompson appearance, the maple trees are going down In their trunks for their spring and liUWUH iiavo uBUsrwraneu nu uiwu uutuik tuc . t . j . v I oast twenty-five years that circuses are now oblig ed to employ four of these stale Jesters to make up the deficiency. Nor. Her. The Patterson Prem savs: If you happen to come across a red-headed man six feet high, wTracfeM a good citizen. It is Red Leary. An ethereal maiden called Maud Was suspected of being a fraud. Scarce a crumb was she able T' eat at the table But in the back pantry OLawd! At an evening party one iaay was maKmg an asp of herself ln the matter of another, of wnomshe Raid hemnti that there wasn't such another ln the city for everything that was unladylike or un- TTtL .a .KSKSrajaSr are coming next week, mother thinks you'd better stay away, Decause your, longnairana irecuea Bu' Sonld"""1 TvomiisTtart ing. The Odd Fellows. Fayettevilte Cor. Raleigh Observer, 13th.) The Grand Encampment, met to-day witn Quite a trooa atcenaance, ana ar- ter electing ; the toiiowing omcers tor th ensutosf year, adjourned to convene I in the plaoe selected for the meeting of tne urana.xiuugB ucAt jsxay . E. Hubbs, of Newbern, Most Worthy Grand Patriarch. V V .liC. Howlet, of Greensboro, Grand Hiirh Priests ; , : , . IL T.- Clawson, of Raleigh, Grand Sen ior waraeiu - ' - : '- tu J.. y ones, of Wilmington wana Scribe and Treasurer: .. : ' ','1- ' JTJ.iBarefoot. of iWilson, Grand Jun- ioV.Wardeiv k J-C . ? i O J The following were the appoint- ments: r r :t: tT : Henry Porter, Raleigh, Grand Senti- nelVj : ? r . , . , - , f ? j I .TMnlW mnArii an i ton 1 A TPll lirii S T...n wsi m;n nnr, . Pine Encampment, No.' 8, D.G. Mc- Rae Fayette ville. Calumet, No. 4, S.K. Eaton, Newbern. Talula, No. 8, D. B. Bradford, Eliza- Ath CAtxr Paislev. No. 10. Ed..Pennington, Tar- boro. i ' 1 Rowanj No.' 14i Theo. F. Kluttz, balis- McKee, No. 15, W. B. Hutchings, ltai- ei", tt -r, tt t wt Wilson, No. 10, W. P. Wooten, Wil- son. - . Rocky Mount,. No. 19, D. K. Styles, Tfnlrv Mount. Salem, No: 20, 11. Shultz, Salem, fiatawba River. No. 21, Thos. Led- Bemar table Instance of Gratitude. raiwitliAni HimA 1 .... . ' V ;j ; tj isu .. , i poor, unletrMlrjsh, boy came to this country, and drifted to Chapel Hill, to this State! He 4ki not have a inena or aequaintantittthe viUagei'but,;DrrJ. B. Jones, of ttos lcityho was then practicing medicine at Chapel Mill, in- terested himself In behalf of the youn TrishHian.laad Droctirea-;for:him some work, and subsequwtljpb Br.punwww Ihearof ItoJtMMl IfWJjiWJ. at?G ijuicaioj New York, inclosing him a cnecK lor t one liuijuiou uwnaia, of his gratitude and esteem,-: The letter -rt i inotoa that. riahas never receivea taFucatioTir but tnerB-isa rugged ktodof eloquenceto-thewordtog that i makes it full -oi genuine pamos anu an Irish-:, 'ffiftMsSja?"! l?"?" wivj . - -ii,-i i.T,A human nature, and teach that there are ttanyoug aiamonocon never dreamea oi Derore.. ,:r : ' rwashlngton Bepubllcan.1 -U- - 4 ,J'The latest removals in the- ofSces 4 of the Senate are Timothy Griffith and,Z. Moses.' Mr. Moses has, held an office at the capitol for. many, years, among otn ers that of secretary to the Vice-President at the period of the electoral count U is undsrgtood that he is to be suc ceeded by -Confederate fm North: Carolina, ' - - VtZ reinbexihiafriend.;- Suchevidenees TOlinrirrH; S SOUTH CAUCUS! ITEMS. - Trifl fionvention'r of -the Protestant iPiscopal i Cmircu or me aiocese or l church. Greenville YVednesdav. Bishop E. W. B. Howe, presiding. The Rev, John Johnson, Of Charleston, preached tne opening sermon, xvev. j . u. jvicyoi-1 lougu was re-oicuiwi. dccxcwiij ouu xvcy. The GreenvilldVew savs that on the night of the lStli, while a party of men; wp.re on a fishmir frolic at Greers Star A .. t:sia,,j i tion, on the Air-f.ine Kaiiroaa, a Gim-; cultv occurrea uetween two or inenum- i Der, Jason uannoii auu tiojin iempy, in WniCn MM lattci vvaopaiui.uujr uuii Jm the side with a knife and slightly wound ed bv a Distol shot the ball passing just under tne sRin oi xiie ueau. ... , , . . - if ru.. , Tlie '0ttrter"saJS:'last Wednesday a to shape and style retains its hold in popular favor. Iti lengttt is. a UtOe lpnget than last season, audit is one ot the most useful among the gar Httle son of Capt. 1. J. Griffith, of Sum- menu of a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials are French Castings, Granites and various patterns of English Worsteds. ,': . . . . , mit, was eating Jiinders, and,' while" r Our Pants stock Is complete', with every Novelty In fabrics, and the shapes axe perfect InourHat department we invite the Inspection of the most out playing, fell, choting and stranglingi Uvated tastes, and in fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of universal approval. 4 ,. r i -- r He, however, soon Appeared, to be bet- : , . our Neck Wear assortment is almost unlimited in devices of shaded aud styles, but boasts particularly upon the very recent introduction of the TJnlver ter. and notiijjigeriQiis was appre- , it,. ic,t ; - hended, Jmt as a difficulty to his breath- T mg was very noticeaDie, nis iatner naa examined a physician who found a piece of pindernad lodged in one him examine that a niece of pinde of the boy's bronchial tubes, and that a surgical operation wouia do necessary. Getting Even. Datrolt Free Presil A sanitary policeman, who was view ing back yards on Hasting street yester day, came across a woman who seemed to have been at some vigorous work, be ing out of breath! and red in the face. He thought it his duty to lean over the gate and ask her if there had been a row in the house, and for answer she beckoned him follow her into the back yard, and there pointed to about fifty square teet ot oia cans ana Doniea which had been thrown oyer the line fence by a neighbor. T1-. -la a. hiimincr ahamn f "and t.liftv 4.x v i.J?i,in:tt,n 5 Ml ' U,UUTO ""c 111 dlgnant Ofhcer. - ' i "Don't you arrest nobody," was her cool reply. These things were flung over here last night, and for the last fourhoura I have been hard at work ... t fi, npv, offiopr looked He counted two j !i o Vol l hori oT ri rZ dead cats, a dead hen, an - old mattress, a bushel of old boots and shoes, four broken jugs, two old coats, three hoop skirts and a dozen of used up tin aisnes, ail(i four tow-headed children with tale . irairin for further dRVffion- ".o. a Marvelous Escape, I At Cincinnati last Sundav afour-vear old bov wno was leaning Out of the a tenement house, lost ms Daiance ana siartea wnirung uowu toward the brick pavement, fifty feet below. On the porch of the third story, immediately below him, stood a little girl ten years old, the daughter of one nf tho iwiirionta of t.har. floor. - SlVift saw th y .m:n(r ,,nft yiv an instinct, or tne mY coming, ana dv an instinct or I purpose which amounted to heroism, nut ont her arm totrv to save the bov. She did catch him at the risk of being tI2ZX&S&& a weight but her ajruaa tost strong enough to turn the course of his fall, SO: that he landed at Her feet on tne floor of the third porch. His head Struck the bahSffi Win flXon hte injured, but his life was saved. The little crirl's arm wslamed, but not bro- ken. She said she saw him coming, and I lust thoueht she might save him if she wouia put out ner arm, ana sne aia ic "Don't Put it to the Paper." rCinctonati Saturday Night. "Ferheaven's sake! don't let it get into'tWe Tmners" is the first crv of a per-: son earrgnt in a mean scrape. Keep it out of Ihe naners and it is all right, matter Wow conterhftible or dishonest the'position may; bidfi'how; much rea- 1 remorse and eontrit&?lf the circum- stuncM Wn lriivtt.ronv thfr!McormQ- rantof the oress. a35pthe-neonle who" have aood reason to be afraid of news- Tfaner renortera sometimes call them, he feta-anhuil .anJliaDDv. .We. are no I chanrpionfor 'thataaextreme license of J thajmaat haft fatronrHAtlmM iliimllvM . i crv ont tne louafisc.'airainsc . xtewspa disclosures are igeaUFosemhosei own ures ana aras-T ouiii uuu uoai close mspection; People who liveclean, straightforward; hves have little to f ear from the newspapers.1 i:fi r ' One of Lincoln' Littler tori&X' Reply Given t0 a Cemplaintog Deleat4m.frtto thfrWes:. -Gentlemen, suppose all the propert you: were wortt iwaa in s gow, ana ye nad rmt it to the -hands of Blondin t I carrvacro8stheNiaffarafallsona tieh rope, WOuld you Shake the rope while De was passing over or seep snouwng to mm, jBionain, stoop a mwe more ; gu a little f aster fNo . I am sure you would not. rtYpu would hold your bream as well as your tongue, and keep your hands.: off .until he was safely over. Now. the- government -is in the same I -i I ' ' . I 8ituauonraiMiiscaxTyuigauivsaBiAi4 1 sures are to its hands; it is doing the 1 best it can ; don't badger it ; keep silent, and it will get you salely over." '" ' """" " ' -j 2.r. KMraey Triumph Shorts . v tjJ ,v t,cni f r.;fYMi f s ' .i FranciscoCalispatcii stated ir,moo 0ii,roi himif of a harangue on the sand lot Moii; day last, to whichJie denounced several menoftbe workingmen's utian. reuu-r l iatg affiliation wilh.thenvj He is tit nnv AmnMKnnwiiii thn 1 political uummers, as ne- cauea everyr hs p; tikU& tuat Ws triumph l i "r- w ,T.T,.-' t ,4 ,rf .eMnarr i ... ,.-,. n ' it: SLP&!ff& robbed a fotmersmploror i to th4t lty r sion ana-iaeni.ineu.'k-vu wems uuwb 1 th& h Mor Jin Kee said d ,fc e how"rauch 'man" punishes me; I have confidence to the lkrd, and, T think mv trouble now is a- visitation from Him to give me; perhaps,- a better r.hanpft for study, as. he. knows that I h:tve not; the means to, edueate. myself Td all who are snUerlr? from the errors and In- discretions of yo":h,- nrvc.? weakness, early aej cay, loss of ma- c o.-, I vT.l send a rec:pe that will cure you, Ci? CHANGE. This great remedy vns t covered by a missionary in South Africa." S- -"d a self-addressed envelopes to the REV. JOSSPM T. IN MAN, Station D, New York Cijy. ""- , - Jan25 . . - I m f ... as standard authority in the fashionable world. Our tenigent leaders thai tlwtnfornuUon gi ; Several changes have taken place, both tat shape ln Spring Garrnents u new ; , , ' . w ... - :C K has aamiKm among those who prefer new , . . . . . . ... ;. r. . ance ana cut irom uneTiots oi tne newest designs. - - uuh1 . :t: - ...r..-;.-.. . f . , . -,,itfcMw, - in -i.m-itn nrt , . " vuu.nu, . iws, v i oiniiiBuure. THE . T - -a-, and . ; ,JL . counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid Increase of our business we are assured of the puttie's appreciation, We tovlte the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantages win be the same, for we wni send goods to any section oi of inspection before payment of MU. . .. COME AND SEE HOHL THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this city. Remember that we are the rulm in ,rBT. Low Prices for Fine Clothing. ! . ... April 22, 1879. ' L, BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Via Steamers to Portsmouth', ' 1 j est Possible ;ilme to' all "' imATAGE, NO COMMIsko Mrk Goods" plainly via Seatoard A April 30d5m. LADIES. We have this d ly adde 1 to our stock!alsplendid I BM fefBaill llj? lit pl:ai n AND LACE EFFECTS. -j Also, an excellent lot of BL iCK GRENADINES, j from 20c. to $1.25; and a general line of new an jg j) Qooda at the most reasonable I prices. A Special lot of BLACECASHMERES (f ;tl ALPAGCAS. Dress aud Triiamiugdill(s.j : -.-I -" ,.; 5 - -..i-; J--i -i Na' Ui!u2i la HOSIERY -AND GL0VB.-:v:i 1 1 1." --j - ' ,i '. ; Art eaiiy Inipectloaof t&Jabova"via.b3lto your nENTLEMEN:rf: f'j tou wmin4-"ouf atoa'otPKING AN'd'SUM- MEB CLOTHING the most complete, tobn mar tet'al Our walI-knowa,tod.popdla jfow prices.-' . WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH. fil:W! O K'N r . ,n - - v . , t. relations to, and dealings with the public, and the i.' and pattern, of fabrics in Men's Garments, of which . . j 4 1 1 WEST? END SACK. shapes and Ideas I astead of adhering to the old time-worn . , . . . uwnU,uyUV. ... .v., - - PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, wni 'onlv assert' "nmness in this season's selections. Our enorts have been to place upon our i.-rz .1 .rx.i Very respectfully, E. D. LATTA BEFORE BUYING i ' I ' SUITS mm Ta;and:thenB all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling; Quick- T. T. SMITH, Agent ' F. W". CLARK, General ICE ! ICE ! : AT THE SAME OLD STAND, Where I am prepared to furnish a superior quality to all whq may. want Ice. : Ify cart will also make daily deliveries at places of business or private residences. Orders given the driver, addressed to me through B0. Box: 153, or delivered to me it office on lot of Rock Island Factory, will receive prompt attention.. ; i : , Customers who. begin with me will be supplied the entire seasea at the following figures: - In quantities fess than 5 lbs.,! 2c. per lb. " -604bs.1 llaperlb. , , . ,of SOlbs-andnP. s lc- " The ahwvngojlsrfee'samey; which Ice has been sold for the las two- seasons, when I had competition; and as I have unsurpassed facilities to conduct the business- on A legitimate principle, consumers will consultthelr Interest by giving me atrial . . 4 . . , ..'' Ice for shipping In any quantity carefully packed and forwarded with dispatch. ' -- Thankful for you patronage ln the past, I re spectfully ask a continuance of the same. Ti T .o! .k. - J. T. ANTHONY. 8 TOP AT THE B0TDEN1 HOUSE ' "Salisbury, N.C.. .. is C. S. BaOWH, Proprietor, : " ,'. , r Late "of I ttVSatioW Hol Balelgh. C. & Brown, Jr.1, Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelbum As .ij-v'. 'M Jf.-lSf Slstant. t c 'I deoSO vi- . : . ; . - v u NDEBTAEING The undersigned la now prepared to UU all orders tor every class of TJndertkklhg., . Having on hand Ml assortment of ' 1 tr COFFINS CASKETS. ANpt BURIAL. CASES,;; " . Both Wood and Metallc. :' , j j O 'I f , J ' , 4 t i" l I ' S I4 i ' ' . . - ; : jpiDCta as low as ast . : , . s3v-'HearseV'''niiTieif."de9tred-l:':- ,1 .' -l.j S. .-T4-t: ' i'.' - ' (,' -. v. .. .-' -.- .- ' fit" 'l. Ai' '-.' Foniiture .W ie very Descriptlen Repaired at'sher .hi-:hm 1. S:noti "" 3J ' : i .u.f -!-'. .v. t W. IL WTJtHELM, ' &h t,,;!with G Bpgers, Tde Stree'uiiL "4 1ane20(.Tf: -'- ' 4 - ; - , HEADQUARTERS ' 5S t Bottled- LagcrDccr, ,1? r'u: AIB AND POSTER,'. i "Is corner Trade 'and Boundary' Avenue, delivered to any part of the city, free bf chargq. for. simi per N 1 " vJ.; v--4 ' .-j F C. MUNZLEBL ESAttorders left at John VogeTs tailor shop will re- celve'pTomptl-ittentSdrj. tv-.J itf rj 3 ji4 gmar4 T ! . general standing ot our house, will assure an to ,-r - ')''. - t special mention wlU be made. The latest de- , , t : I styles" ot the past-Very stylish to appear -.. ' . . .; , . . . .fnl hnnearance. are made up in etery Tariety .. ., , . .mm. MMM4.m. , t .1, ; nu-t f on approval, with privilege & BROThe People's Clotheirs. ELSEWHERE ! (Hit mm i . O. C. Railway, Chailotte, N. 0. Freight Agent, ;i) ::i JUST RECEIVED --AT- - TIDDY'S 1 CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of ' ' ;, ; r WRITING PAPE : Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which theypropose to sell cheap for cash. : . Also French Paper of every description, with EnJ velopes to match. - " -... Also Paper In boxes, to suit the most fastidious. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE OF NEW YOBKV LA standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. : Congress Tie Envelopes; a new lot Just received. Edward Todd t Co.'s Celebrated - ' RUBBER, PENS, : A Pen by some considered superior to a Gold Pen TIDDY & BRO. are also agents for Emerson Celebrated Bubber .' HAND-STAMPS,; 1 ' 1 and any orders given them will receive prompt at tentlon. - - i . 1 .1 E. BUrTEaiOK CO.'S METROPOLITAN ; FASHIONS, 1 r: For May, 1879, Just received at , . : u h 1 ;TIDDt 4 BBO'i; - , ' ! - " ': CASH PAID FOB BAGS. n. O. HAXWKU.. - . .H - t mil : , Auctioneer. ' Tl TAX WELL & HABBIS0X7 1 It ' -AUCTION 1ND -.5 '-'"? commission:. : MERCHANtS; 'A: ' Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of ... . - . MERCHANDISE AND COUNTEY PRODUCE; -r 4 i--wm give strict personal ! - , ;" J - attention to all business entrusted to our cnre...T ;.'ijLV- Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. Vi -i ' .dee3 --t ; -, .'t? 10QQ FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, i.., " M0ST APPBOVED FORM. ?; ; Tr. il Just Printed and For Sale at the vf , . OBSERVER OFFICFr s 1 t i i !5 'ft t; i '1 '1 r i' 1 I'. r n t--. if i -i i

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