n nru . ; stfUI iTK.aW.. Annual s?oa Mar Bftll, - The yng men held a meetuu? wt nij?nt ana perfected arrangements for ',4 is SUNDAY, MAY 18.'im'. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE I n w. . 1 I - 11 1 ntc auiiuui ua.u on me artnoiMay. The W illllJefgiTeDftttiJif elegant dining ' room at the Central HoteL1 Tne follow 1.00 a.m. 3.20 a. m. 10.60 a.m. 6.45 p. m. RAILROAD DIBECT0BT. The following table snows tne running of pasaen train to and from Charlotte, on all tine rail roads (Washington time): Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, Arrives from Richmond, : . . .v.: . . Leaves lor ATLANTA OHABLOTTB AtB-tlNZ. Arrives from Atlanta,.. I'&ii ...... 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,. . . . , : , j ' m- Arrives from Atlanta............. i p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.60 a. m. CHABLOTTB, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. jj Arrives from Augusta,. A... iii..:... 8.10 a. m. Leaves for Augusta,. ......i!....v. ... . . 1.00 a. m. ..ima (mm Aiurusta..-. ..... 6.80 a. m. Leaves for Augusta, ...,. 11.27 a. m. CABOLXMA CKNTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington,, .". Leaves for Wilmington, , . . . . Arrives from Shelby,. ........ . .... . Leaves for Shelby,. . ,. . . .;. .. ATLANTIC, TXNNKSKEB OHIO. 7.29 D. m. 6.00 a. m. 5.00 d. m. 7.00 a.m. Arrives from Statesvllle,. Leaves for Statesville,.. .. 6.80 d. m. 7.00 a. m CHAKL0 4 TIS rut OKFIVK. OFFICK HOURS. ; i' I OPENS. ; CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. Registry Department, 9.00 a. nv 5.00 p. m. Uen'l Dellv'y Stamp Dept,'.8.00 a. m. 6.00 p. m. " 8.80 . m. S.45 p. m. lf- On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9-00 a. m. to 10.00 a. m. b l OPKKING AND CLOSING OF MAILS. ' OPKN3. ii i CtOSES. Danville Charlotte R.K.;. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. " " 11.15 a.m. 8.00 p.m. charlotte ft Atlanta K. K.,. .oo a. m. .UO p. m. ft Auarusta R.R... 8.80 D. m. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte R. R... 8.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Charlotte ft Shelby R. R... . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. ft SUitesville 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Beattie's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at r. no n. m.. and Tuesdays at 8.0U a. m. ' pgr Yorkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 o m., and ifriaars at 7.00 a. m. v W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS. M M. ) WAR DbPABTMENT, office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, May 17, T 50 p. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, higher pressure, variable winds, generally warmer, partly cloudy px clear weather, are probable, with rain areas n.nd winds mostly southerly in the for mer. Local lleporc for yesterday. Barometer, Thermometer Relative Humidity, .... tflnd Direction, ...... " Velocity,. ... Weather, Highest temperature 75 deg. ; lowest 63,. I 7 A. M.J2 P. M. 9 P. M 29.933 29.898 29.939 64 67 , 65 94 : 84 4 89 e. e. ; a 6 7 2 Foggy. LtRaln. LtRaln TBE CHVBHCES TO-DAT. the Young Men's Christian Association Hall. Devotional exercises this afternoon at 4:45 o'clock. t Prtkr's CRA Church. Services In the morn- ine at 1 1 o'clock and In the afternoon at 5 o'clock Jiy Rev. Z. Doty, rector. Sunday school In liftemoon at 4 o'clock. Baptist Church. Services In the morning at 11 and in the evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. tie. Theo. Whitfield, pastor. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. St JtARk's Lutheran Church. Services in the niommg at 11 o'clock and In the evenlne at 8 o'clock by Rev. E. A. Wlngard, pastor. Sonday .school In the afternoon at 8 o'clock. Second Presbyterian Church. Services In the mamma- at 1 1 o'clock and in the evenlne at 8 o'clockby the pastor. Rev. K. H. Harding. Sunday school in the afternoon at oifa o'clock. , First Presbyterian Church. Service i in the mornlne at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 ji'clock bv Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D. pastor. Sun day school in the afternoon at 3ia o'clock. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Chapel Services In the morning at 11 o'ciock ana me ar- temoou at 4iA o'clock by Rev. W. t. waller, pas tor. Sunday school the morning at 10 o'clock. Calvary Mission Church. Services In the morn- Ing at 1 1 o'clock and in tne evening at o ciock hv Rev. L. S. Elllneton, Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting: In the af ternoon at 2Va o'clock. St. Peteb's (Catholic) Church. Low mass at It9 o'clock and high mass at 108 o'clock In the wtrnlnc: veanars and benediction at 3V o'clock In the afternoon bv Very Rev. Stephen Lyon. Sun day school in the morning at 9Mj o'clock. Teton Stxeet Methodist (E.) Church. Ser-, vices In the morning at 11 atetoek and to the avert ing at 8 O'clock Dy ltev. . . BUSer, pastor, KihwImv aihnni in tha afternoon at A o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7Vfe o'clock, strangers eoroiauy mviMJa. Graham Street ( Colored) Methodist (E.) Church. Services in the morning at 11 o'clock Hnri in the evenlne at 8 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. L. B. Gibson. Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Index to New Advertisement Attention, Firemen. J. J. Mott Notice. Charlotte, Columbia ft Augusta Railroad. J. R. Macmurdo Excursion. M. P. Pegram and others Holiday Nottee. flOiTIE PENCIL.! NiS. A litrlft hail accomDanied the hard raia yesterday, but not enough, to do any aamage in mis section. The stolen articles captured in Five Points were sold yesterday at the court house door and found, purcnasers. Thp. Hornets Kiflenien meet to-mor row night for the purpose of electing iHcers for the ensuing year. Persons who travel the Statesville road are still disputing with each other jw to the change of the route for a mile or more, near the city. . .y, Smaah AfcConnell. Estu was before the mayor yesterday for a small offence and had to pavi a small fine. 1 This was the only case on the docket, t The Inferior Court . meets Monday. It is understood that the court will ad journ Tuesday in. honor of the 20th or May, and resume 1W , sessions on esday. . - '';v" Tlifti-ft hasn't been an interment in Elm wood cemetery in two ' weeks. In the colored cemetery, eight toodies have 1 een buried m that , time, ratio is somewhat unusual, J ins coiumittees were afmointori Committee of Arrangements TTarri son Watts, Frank Coxe, LeKoy David- ihmi a.uu j. r. cspraw. Committee Of Invitation A. T.Mos?, II. P. Johnson, G. II. Brockenbrough and E. F. Young. Floor Manaffers W. IL Johnston A L. Smith, H E Jordan, M. C. Quinu and Pegram, Jr t . , t ;; m. mi Miller, chafrmahi ; Shocked br Uftbtnins. Yesterday a little after 2 nV.lvV in the afternoon, liehtnin? strnr.k a waU nut tree which stands on r,h sirlAnf the road opposite Schiffs tannery on the outskirts of thn it.v anH Rht.rtrt1 it. The electric fluid was nnnvvfid a wu-e fence l hear; -by: and ;f Allowing this, alsa shattered number-, bf posts which support it Mr. Schiffand two colored men were standing in the tan-yard when the tree was struck and were auite severe! v shockftd. Mr: Schiff describes the sensation as verv unpleasant indeed, and as confined al most entirely to his head which felt very much as if it had been struck with a narumer. lie says it was fully three hours before he entirely recovered from the shock. The colored men were similarly affected, though not so severe ly snocKea. They were all only about forty or fifty feet from the tree. Succumbed t Superior Circumstance It is a hard thing to "keen a workiner- man down," but our Columbia corres pondent, usually so prompt with his re ports of anything interesting, flopped on the 13th, and up to the present time has failed to get in his report of the pro ceedings. Whether this is because he is a soldier and marched too hard on that day, or whether, because in the demon stration of his hospitality he persisted in too often proving to the Hornets' Nest Biflemen that "it wasn't pizen," is not for us to say, and it would not be kind in us to say, even if we knew, see ing that he has been again belated. But so he has, and after stating that he went to Augusta Thursday, on an excursion witn a parcel 01 Columbia college girls, we merely point to the following from the Augusta News : "The saddest thins of the entire riav consists in the fact that Col, W, H, Fa ber, who is chief engineer of the excur. sion party from Columbia, got left on the boat, and had to foot it up to the locks. However, as the colonel is fleet of foot, he passed the Pinafore on the home stretch, and arrived an hour be fore the paity. One of tbe Welcome of the II. N. EC. Among the many marks of favor shown to the Hornets' Nest llillemen by the ladies, and citizens Of Columbia generally, while the company were in that ity, were two exceedingly hand some bouquets, accompanied by the following letter: Columbia, S. C, May 14th, 1879. Officers and Members of the tiomeis jyesz jujiemen: Gentlemex; I hope you will excuse the liberty which I take; but having had the honor of waiting on you, being porter of the Governor Guards, I de sire to extend to you the welcome of the colored people of our city, for we wish you to know that, though colored, we are- glad to : welcome our white . friends from other places. As a token', of our respect and high esteem, please accept the accompanying bouquets, from myself and several ladies. Again, gentlemen, asking you to excuse the liberty which I take, I am, V ery respecttully Your obedient servant Gilbert M. Bynum. One of the bouquets has been photo graphed, and.th company will reply to the above letter at its next meeting. -7 i T ? f j 1 1 t s - ce oi tbo J . .. . i . ?: Programme for tbe Obsoryj -' Day.': Hinging of the Bells and Firing Sa - - - - -iutes at Sunrise. The procession .-will: be formed:. on: north Tryon street, with right resting on Sixth street, at 10 o'clock a. m. The procession .will- move promptly at 100 o'clock" a. m.-and will inarch through Tryon street, to the grounds of , the Car olina Military Institute in the follow tag order: ; - j:m !- . , eU of Carolina Military institute. J Hornets js est Jiinemen. " - ecenDulH Rifles . Charlotte Grays. Polk Rifles. Governor and Staff. Chaplain, Orators, " Mayor and Invited ..Guests. Band. -Pioneer Steam Fire Company. Hornet Steam Fire Company. Independent Hook & Ladder Company. , Continental Battalion. Civil Societies. ' "Citizens. Order of Exercises at the Stand : Prayer by Rev.E. II. Harding, of Charlotte. Beading of the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence by Gen. Jojm A. Young. Oration by , Hon. Wm.M. Bobbins, of Statesville. Bendiction. At the close of the exercises the pro cession will return by Tryon street to the Square, where it will disband. H. C. Jones, Marshal. Three meetings a.day have Deeti held and 29 conversions nd 27 accessions to the church up to this have been the re- suit. ' sucn' a' religious Intejist has never been known in that community before.1 All denominations joijtv in the services and the merchants manifest a disposition to close up their stores dur ing the'day prayermeetings. sfe f . mi t a "" ' M musical Treat To-31orrow IVigfUt. It is not often, with all our advan tages in this, respect, thajt the people of. Charlotte have an, opportunity Of hear ing such an entertainment as the Men delssohn Quintette Club, of Boston, will give at the opera house to-morrow night. They have been made to fully appreciate this fact by the appearance here of the celebrated company of mu sicians last winter an wno went rer joicing at the good fortune that had brought tnem mere, ana tnose,wno aia not. regretting thatitlveyxnisged such an elegant and rehned treat. As a con sequencej all the true lovers, of music will be at the'opersi botiSe to-morrow night, unless unavoidably detained. The club nave met witn enume ova tions throughout the South and have been repeatedly compelled to give repe titions of their concerts in many places Where.. they, had only. intended to play bncfe. ' Uhd chaining Mrs, Knowles, with her clear, sweet voice, is still with the company, and constitutes one of the leading attractions. Her own at tractions, coupled with the fact that she is the wife of the captain of one of the military companies or noswra wmcn ex tended generous hospitalities to the Southern military during visits there since the war, have been the occasion of unusual compliments to her on the part, or several military companies m the South, The whole company are genial and refined in manners, talented and cul tured musicians of long experience, and give an entertainment wnicn is eieva-mg-in its character and enjoyable to all lovers of harmony. Railroad Notes., Wed- To conform to This PoMtoffice Cbangres.: f The following new postoftcles were es tablished in this State during: me muuiu ndinff Mav uth: WVnnesvule, Martm comity; Mapleville,. Franklin county; Merchants Mills. Gates county; Moun tain Vifiw. Warren 'countv;' SThe name of Vienna, Forsjthejun.tybvas chang-- 'i to tfropstown,: . n g the change made in tha schedule f the- Richmond & Dan? Lvllle liailicfad las .farkXSy, the sched ulesof the Atlanta & Charlotte Ant IAr.es and Charlotte, Columbia & Augus ta undergo slight changes .to-day. The f lill schedule of the latter will be seen in our columns; on the former .the mgllL LITtlll Will, vil rtiiu. at-f. iviajjt leave Charlotte at 12.40 am; and arrive 3.50 a. m, ; the day train J will leave at 11,12 a, in., and, arrive e.40 p. m.- j: f , The daV train 'will not be taken off the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta road twiav a naaueen exneciea: ic may ue. larpir in tne season, out uuuuie uiuiica will bei !6perated alp summer '""on ' the Richmond & sHanville and Air tihe These roads Jjave formed a Railroads. ineomcers nave not enwrtJiy ir, hrm -win rrv double daav tHWtal cars Ied the case 6f JimTWilliama, colore vJ- tneselaallv from who was Jound on theaUroad track4n techniohdlttfw iOrleans-yhe 1 dlf; a ayingcouartion. , xnere weie bywu, , royt wrh otIeT-dailTlroto vasn rumors yesterday. in -reference w 1 videncft that had been brought light : amoncr other renorts. - one tothe effect that he had been killed by a ne gro woman near the fair grounds and his bodv ulaced on the track, but none f the rerjorts could be traced to relia ble sources. .- r . .i ie l inetdn t(y New OrleaUs,' Vta.th'Virgm wilL after ih ta! nar wniteii firemen's and continentals' paeade Order of March: The column will form on Trade street, bevond Church,; at 9 o'clock a. mmd will move down Church street to Second, thence to College, through Col lege to Trade again, thence down Trade to C, down C to Seventh, up Seventh to College, across College avenue to Tryon, thence up Tryon to Sixth, when the pro cession will join in the general parade, according to positions assigned them, at 10 o'clock a. m. Oflicerarof .the Department. Hornet Fire Company. Pioneer Fire Company. Independent Hook & Ladder Company. ; Mayor and Board of Aldermen. , : ,; -. Continentals. - - .CHA1T. WALKER, ' - . ROBX.R. Ray, " J. A.Bixby, ' J. A. Young, Jr. Committee. If .mom of tbe Caninr Celebration. The committee of reception, consist ing of Uefi. M Av x ounfft en. T. tMrk Drayton, Mayor F. I. Osborne, CbLj Frank Coxe, Col. J. u. Morehead ahdE KAJU T 111. U1JI131AJ11, VV1U UltjeC ttb 1116 office of iVNasbjCity clerk and treasurer at 4 o'clock p. m, on Monday 19th. ? The day will be ushered in as usual by the ringing of all the city bells and the firing of cannon, vvhich will begin promptly at sunrise. ' The ladies are.-again. reminded of a previous request from the 'committee of arrangements that they take charge", of the decoration 6jf he speiftefs stancU on the grounds Bf the Carolina Militar y Institute. lj iri I 4 s . The Concord Register says: The 2tK of May celebration in Charlotte, is go- ingto be an affair of great splendor They have engaged one of the finest , orators in the country, Col. Robbihs.' The Concord band iii their splendid new uniform; -headed ibyjj the gay and gallant Frankenfiekt Urn add much to the interest of thefent. There will be a large attendance from Cabarrus." ' Yesterday afternoon Col. Jones, chief marshal, at the request of the new calvary company just organized, tele graphed Adjutant-General Jones, in Kaieighto know li equipments could he r urnished thesexanpanv by the 20th. but up to last night, no answer had been received It is the purpose of the company to enter the procession should they receive the outfits in time. A delegation of firemen is exnected from Columbia.. Judge Mackev yesterday sent ud his cannon to -the Pioneers. It is not large out twin DarK loud Tuesday morning. .. ifSii vmT. mt.Wfrm a in-mmM iO J ,;- ., - - ilCI Wl ' ' ill I 49 Iff ft sitA-jiu? jiuttur A Aw Jmt ? d' The members of Tryon Street Metho dist (Sunday school are requested to at tend tne tunerai services ot utile Tom inie: Gaston this "hiorning aft tflBlock. at the churoh. , r I 3 C. SitfrtiiSupt. Personal Note and Gossip. Mr. W. W. Jenkins and his bride ar rived in the city yesterday afternoon and took rooms "at the Central Hotel. rfter a short stay in Atlanta they re turned to the home of ex-State Treasurer Jenkins, in Gaston county, where they remained until yesterday afternoon. Miss Maggie T ucker, of Kaleigh. ar rived in the city a day or two since. and is the guest of Miss Annie Jones. Judge Fowle, who is expected in the city for the 20th, will be accompanied by his daughters, Misses Maggie and Mattie. They will be the guests of Dr Thos. J. Moore. Mr. A. L. Smith, one of the attend ants at the marriage' ofJMr. John Orr, in Columbus, Ga., returned yesterday morning. The remainder of the party went to Macon tor a snort visit. We find the following in the Colum bia correspondence of an Augusta pa per: "There will be a grand picnic at the Scheutzenplatz to-day, given by Mrs. Shiver to the lady visitors from the Empire State and North Carolina." Also, from the same source as the above, this: "An elegant German was given last night at the residence of Mrs. Shiver, to Miss May Shober, an immensely popular visiting belle from the Old North State." Miss Shober will be in Charlotte on the 20th. The young men who went to Colum bia were so chaimed with the young men they met down there that they have invited a number of the Columbians to come up p,n the 20th. Three or four are certainly "expected. There will be quite a number or visi tors at the annual ball on the night of the 20tb, which will be a very elegant affair. . , The ball on the night of the 20th will be followed by a German at the Central Hotel, which will probably be the last of the season, . . ( Anotber Swindling Device. - a . . . . i . It is hot amiss for us to warn our peo ple against another swindling device which is just now out, and which, we see, by our. exchanges, is being played successfully upon unsuspecting people, all over the country. "R. V. Kings-, well," of San Francisco, writes a letter, for instance, to a man in Charlotte, tell ing him that a stranger, named so and so, died at his boarding house on. such a day, and that as ' he (Kingsweil) has no means of learning who his relatives are, except by an envelope in his pocket addressed to the person in Charlotte' to whom Kingswell writes, he (Kingswell) supposes that the dead man's effects iroperly belong to this man in Char otte the names being the same. But and here is where the swindle comes in the stranger owed his landlord $30 for board when he died, and that if this amount is forwarded, the dead man's gold watch and chain, seal ring, gold sleeve buttons and studs, together with a sole leather trunk the contents of which are unknown, will be shipped immediately to the party remitting. Otherwise the property will be kept the customary time and then sold for what thev will bring. . .Letters ot - -tnis sort are Deing sent broadcast ' all . over the country, and doubtless Mr. "Kingswelir is reapura a rich harvest. We have not heard that any of our readers have been address ed in this way but some of them may. be. , At all events this is to warn them; that the whole business is a gigantic fraud and that if any of them are , so irerdant as to send ;'$30 to Mr. "Kings- weli" his interest m .them will be at an end. cviuc'ii'-x '" , Maurice's (Jopel Tableau On the night of June 2d lour people will have an oDDortunitv Of Seeing Prof. Maurice's Gospel Tableaux! being a se ries of brilliant pictures illustrating ma ny scenes , and incidents in: the life of Christ. The tableaux are nota mere mag ic lantern slrnw thtfrn is no made lan tern ufted. ahnutx it. i- The canvass - ori' which the scenes are painted , is nearly nine feet ihigh r and six, hundred feet long. The exhibitor,1 Mr.fMaurice,' is from ManehP.Htfir.Va.: and both he -na ins taoieaux areitigmy recommenueu uy i uay. , w ,tiy the press and taanv members of differ-1 : . pos- at time be pamted ThreerTiav'rafns arrived, in tmsFKy. yesterday verywuqlisuiience. These were the pay trains oi tna xticn- mond & Danvm, Chariotte,uoiumoiao- Augusta, and Atlanta cnanotte ait Line Railroads. ! vii- iThe famous Mud Uuten the western North Carolina Railroad, has been again, heard frbmiTiThewet weather caused annt.her slide in it Thursday niginvru& the earth . was 4m.Qyed and the train.- passed t hrougu alter auout tweive nour delav. ruacuig Salisbury yesterday morning at 4 o ciock. x ruuty . mgiib there was -another slide, not a .very, heavy one. however, but sufficiently so to render" necessary transfer "of passen- gerj and baggage at tuatpouni! yester- nt denommatlons,iurhQi( hte 'had ,an, U ,f,w uwufmt trwu--i n - -opportunity, Of knowing Vwbereof they There be those who bv that ttere ne nme Pak . The tableaux will be presented S&STSSSS. 1 1 evene who S .underthe ansnices of the ladies Of tD, "iT)Mtaif rfall'a halaam atonce. Itto -liaotist .church.' Further narticulars IThe ouiTiiabieremear,ihoerer toils tp pure, Will be riven hereafter. " .1 . J - 1 maris iw - oeai Kellfflons FIcfcltitiv The visitations Of the bishops Of the Methodist :piscopai cnurcnaoutn, dur ing the year, have just been announced from the . headquarters at Nashville. Bishdp;;Wightnah will, preside over the jNOrLU; . t;arouua vom.ereuce,:i yirnren meets in-Wilson. December 3rdv : ' Rev; Dr.' Whitfield has returned from Atlanta, whither he went as a delegate j Mm m . A L. i " J to tne ooutnern rsapusi convention, ana will appear in his pulpit. to-day; Charlotte has no representative at the Episcopal convention; in session in ayettevme, .ney. .uoiy, uavmg been absent from the city several weeks recently, could not find it convenient to attends . . ; - . . ; Rev. Dr. Pritchard. pastor of Salls- bnrv Street chiirch. in Raleigh, recently ordered the doors of his church; locked after the singing of thef second hymn a ,rebute to tne , tnougness young men wno come ' in ui - Htw meu. pwecx heartst 4 but slip out when the sermqniis begun, thereby tiistnrbing mote devout persons.. The next Sunday there was no going out f;! t . t . , There will be German services at the Tmtherah churcli. , at 8 p., nv to-day. Rev;Boehm of-Imdon: Canada, vfill- '.' rReVi J. F.' Butt, of this -city, went to Marion. McDowell county, a week ago rtreae.h.nnn sermon The delivery of this was accompanied by a marked re ligious Reeling ;. tn v me. oongregaqon. Me; liutt remained and up to Friday eyening ihad preached twelve times.' HAT STORE. Having' opeiie3,S3by6e Store,wth everything fresh and new I &m pi prepared to offer to the tr.vle a lino of the best goods, iilWilflBllillllllli r. . ''a if i- ' - : ' 1 ), i ' ' ... For Ladies, Misses and Children, andliiifi of the -best och f or Men and Boys, which I propose to sell cheaper than ever offered In1 tSiSTnafk'wTjiankiBg:my friends foripastpaironage. I ; trust to merit the same in the future. ' , ; , ' Tr'ildo Stteet, next door to Kyle & Hammonds Hardware Store. P. S. I take pleasure m announcing to my eld friends that I tim now staying with Mr. Moyer, and feel satisfied that with an exnerience, of ten, yeai in the Shoend'Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. -' - r?: : -i -;Veiy-iSpeetfully,'- ' ' May 6,1879. . - !'"' .'i':V- - : J. Mc. ALEXANDER. Notice to Sunday School Scholars. FlftnCRAI. NOTICE, it i U i i-r- The funeral of Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gaston, will take place this morning at 9 o'clock, from Tryon Street M. E. church. xne mends oi tne family are invited to attend. l)o You Want to Enjoy Lire? Death, or what Is worse, is the Inevitable result of continued suspension of the menstrual flow. It Is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is th only safegnanl agilnst con stitutional ruin. In all cases of suppression, sus pension or other Irregularities of the "courses," Pr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator Is the only sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the nervous cen tres, improving tbe blood, and determining direct ly to tbe organs of menstruation., ft isalegltimate prescription, and tne most intelligent doctors use it. Ask your dniiglst for it, CHEW JA.OKSOyj3 BEST SWEET .V.l V X HtKAUOO. JR. J. IL HcADEN, I)RDG(1ST AJtl) CKKM1ST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English. French and American .Tooth Brushes PEGfRAM CO., h f. I 1st National Ba ding, CHAR lU O T X , , N V C . Have now in store a nice and coin niete stock of BOOTS, Hats, Trunks & TravellDg Bags, Wltli them you can find ;, THE BESTSTOCK ; i - . - Ur w IN CHARLOTTE. . It gives na pleasore to state that our business this- season thus far has exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and how, with our present facilities, having a resident buyer in New York, we are prepar ed to offer Inducements in every department of our business. IN- DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT We are displaying elefeant Hnes of colored and black SUk Grenadines, black and colored Buntings in colored cashmeres. This department In plain and lace stripe, French Organdies, Linen Lawns, Henrietta Cloths, black and colored Cashmeres xauuBB. jLuraiuut vrrpes ;vnu stiK unaiejs, au oi me laiesi ana newesi aesieiis. lepleniahed dally. OUR LINEN AND WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT Is replete. - Call for anything you want in this line; we have It We make a specialty of Ladles' and Misses' Cuffs, Collars. Gauze Shirts, Half Hose, colored and plain, and other articles too numerous to mention. We are offering a nice line of Casstmeres, Cottonades, etc., at greatly reduced prices. We have an endless variety of Buttons. Fans of all kinds, from 5 cents to five dollars. Our stock of Para sols Is complete. Ask for Hamburg Embroidery. Laces, Ribbons, Corsets, Lace and Silk Scarfs, etc ZEIGLEK B ,'S PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MCADEN'S : Prescription Store. . s ECURITY 1 SECURITY t SECURITY! Celebrated LadleiV MUseaWChlldren's Shoes ' I j sPBc&AKri. y I They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, ' MoC&Houglt 4?Qber, Garfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM' SHOES. Call sure-befoie buying. Orders have personal attention. April 9, X879j peg Sam & co. BOOTS. I... BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS 200 Biirrete oC- "C. WEST &)W AM. ' ALADDIN SECURITY OIIf. West's Extra Sd.,j kerosene OlCfirora;. West ibni, Baiumara.., t , :.. , , :, ' - ; . :.v, . '. ... .; i-xV ' 'Highest Medal awarded at Centenrttal Kxposltlon. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand -a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before It will Durn. c. west a, uons, uaiumore. ,; :" For Sale by " i)B. 31 H.Mr3AlEN; Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C SPRING STYLES! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN j. . This stock of Boots, Shoes.Hats, Trunks, AC, embraces ever grade, and' will be sold as cheap as the same looiR can lie sold by any house Iii : fheSbutlK - ; 1 y ; , , May 16. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. , THE BEST SOLD BY a a .mm oi f .!,. ' .,0' JWAMAHTKO G1500.00 . . rrrmr ... "fGfn ..miors J t ... ru n FOR PADTlP.Ilt ARB " HUMBER t " 1BI1.eji. WhiteSewins Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, uirasrs, ' COTTONS. UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMIXGS, FLAJTKKIjS, OLOVSS, BOSIKRT, Girls and Bay? Suits, Ladles' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRKSS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUBQCS, RIBBONS, NKCKTISS, RTJCKINGS, HABTDKKH.CHIEPS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBTJRGS, SKIRT BRAID, SBWINOSILRV PINS, FRINGES, . NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, . iilll BY WATT 49 Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself hmo cheaply and quickly you. can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of v by Mail or Express. We carry an average stock of about $400,000: all bouaht for prompt cash. KSfTry us Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising . Cards. COOPER &1I0NARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1853. vciQkt gin. QAB, OUNA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, ' -THROUGH "FREIGHT ROUTE .This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern &M Eastern Cities to ; Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee k Ohio, : ' 1 As well as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. 1 Gen. Freight Agent Wflmtngton, N. C. septaQ ' This magnificent brand of Cigars has Just been received, and all who have tried it say It Is the. SBST-&-0N:GIGAE dispatch Lin NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of Chadotl; Statesville, Ashevllle, Rutherfordton on tSie Atlanta A Richmond Air-Line, an Western N. a Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line.' and Time as Quiek. upon application to T.T.SMITH, Agent C. C Railway, Charlotte. They have eve seen in Charlotte.. , Sold only nt F IELD BROS., WHOLKSALB ANn RETAIL -I- JEAL ESTATE, r,.: .m--t-, . MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and iiylng Mines, Lands and HoiLses, UWMi 9 we lo siU .aoiljemniie this stock, as it is especially adapted to the trnde of North, and South Carolina, and will, be sold . ak wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms;: ! and win - Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In mv : ; hands for sale, , ,;,ii dec 10 THOS. F. DRAYTON: Charlotte, N. C. !' i kuu ua.tr ivjy am ajt f nf ;i. ; CITY ROPEBTY FOR SALE. , . .'-if,.?. . ... KKfffi BSfi-f i Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, tortefc kitchen, within five minutes walk of the pobllo square, can be ac- commodated by applying at decia Ki fi THIS OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED,! jjiontmiofiif! SPRING, "71 'tf.'R, r... ..-I. -.r-.: 4 b Ke i.. ru ! "sol h i -im: 3,,a WELL'S, -; MERCHANTS PERRY'S. , i m , ;TH8:H0DSEWIFE'S GREATEST FRIEND . The latent ami mbSt 'eoraplete Invention of the day CroBker ft Fawnsworth's Fluting arid Smooth- tlCt " UWIPM WV,,TiiaiUl iMOl will U1C BC- , . vere task' of standing over a hot tire on Ironing days.' JuiijiiiJc; ' ;-- : " i 1 This Iron beats selfv and wtH have tat worth in wood consumed, uaor the old process in a short time, to say joining of theliealto of thosewhodo i 'toe wotK " :' '. ' ; ' f . We are the agent lor tbe State f North Carol!-: , im, and we propose tocommenea the sale: of it in To Charlotte are Ujv4ted0o cifl and examine our ' enee.-'Aiy one htag tp- puwhase toe Tight to . seltln-iotherreoanUeslfl theBtate will do well to stock, as they wttr And It most complete la ,eiilf appV.iPi to the undersigned at Cnarlotte, N. -i... . ...... W It RAMSKITR " f "6"'. May K'mft-dSm. " ' - i. 1 1 u r i h GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCK Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTEBV CHICKENS, TUR- KEYSv CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, iBIEB FRUITS, Ac ' Exclusive Dealers In . VISITORS respect, and cheaper than e vet before. : f t r f i t - i h -n .'j t -j. sv w.U FORBES, Agent; ' Smith AForbes Old Stand, Trade 6U ; C.. ifwwj Mi .$2.00' D gjcntisinj. B. A W. ALEXANDER! J J 4i -DENTIST it v f a OFFICE OYER L, B. WRISTON & GO'S 4 Ht..? uCj 1 glLJkin4ii Jt.'Jt ''V ,WtUi 25. ears' experlence-'I jfuafentee entire II. jiA . . . - 1 MARSQAtt - SAVANNAH, GA. $2.00, E UiS u!s Rediiced rate $2.00 and 82.50, according to loca- I-.,"! jo.: tj Hon of Boom. " .'xirf uarnett, Cleric, law of Planters' HoteL i . Ivor 'iol .t'lm-M .j, i i . - I r . lo 1 RAMSOUR BONNIWELL'S and A. L. FORD'S tMotermnds of FLOUR. SHU- .1 i ! i JJT J- klSO. PRpPRIETOUS OF THJt CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ;, This house has been refitted and newly furnished. ' 1 ' . and is kept In first class style.. . S 2 06 II . J - Great Inducements offered to table board-: ere; for terms see the proprietor. 1 , , ; : t. raf-Omnlbua and Carriages at eveit train. J Terms, Per Day FIELD BROTHERS....... Mr, H. a-Waeoir LAT;r:-r. ttXMBY WIL10NO..V i'i ' ' ' . - . . .-.1 ; febQ. j, -i -'v ....... ..Proprietors. v r. Superintendents. ,,...curK .. i.u-i

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