t. -1 -A Ot SUNDAY, MAY 18, 18T9. - . ... - K : STATE REWS. " i Concord has the rnumj, i - ?Gabamis votes on tbe stock law in ...... Jj .-.- - . inglilyesteem- Miss josepmne ouw.rj ed LiOUisDurg aeau. A drunken white wornan was arrest ed in Wilmington Thursday. The Wilmington Light Infantry will have a shooting match m the 20th, the anniversary day of the company. Hon. John M. Moring.tof Chatham, is t deliver the literary address at Suffolk ( Vsl) Female Institute commencement? The house t Mr. J. A.Gms4 oi waif o-arettsville: 'wherever iMturgrattmlte. P ,1 wiH all Of lift 13, was Whuny urauuj cu . -- --- contents Friday of lasjt week. Loss .$3,000. No insurance. 4 rrua Kno aava that at Ha festival near Weldon last week, two darkies got into a row and one of then! cut another's throat from ear to ear; Fortunately the jugular veins were not severed. A razor was the weapon used. The Wilmington Sun says Maj. B. J. Burgess will resign his positiotftis prin cipal of the Cape Fear Military Acade my, to take charge of the business of the Eastern Guano Company, of East ern, Va. '.' The Chronicle savs that the cab of the "Little Jannie," the engine -on the Milton & Sutherlin Narrow Gauge llailroad, caught fire at few days ago and would have been burned but tor timely efforts. f The Sun notes the fact that lockjaw, in a fatal form, is prevailing among the horses in Wilmington, i A few days since, Dr. Thomas losta fine animal, and Thursday a nag of Major Chas. li sted man was carried to he bone yard. The Concord Register States that Mr. Frank Cox, of Mt. Fleasnt, was hunt ing, Saturday, the 3d inst and as he tired at a squirrel the breech pin blew out of his gun, shattering the stock, of the piece and seriously wounding him. On the evening of the 13th in'st, in Tarboro, Mr. Henry K.Nash, Jr., (broth er of CaptFred Nash, 'of Charlotte,) was united in marriage to Mis Carrie Novfleet, of Tarboro. The Southerner gives a lengthy report of. the ceremo nies, i The Tarboro SoutJterrief snys a color el defendant in Edgecotnbe court ob jected to several xed-heatled Hi en who had been summoned as jjurors: oh the ground that 'fore God it would never do to let a Ted-headed man try a nigger, for stealing . JK. , .,: " ...I'TwcBeWen from a vesaeijfrpm Ha ?f vana inuarantine at Smith ville, e ;..ixa fvnm fhfi nhiri- fllifl Wfilat tf iVil- grrdngtxm in violation of qnaranune reg-; .'-..'.1-1? rfll,--. nmmw-k V vi rv-l tin hv 4ha 'ywiv--.. x - o ' - 1 1 rr v vvr-in iiuulcu uu u v -uu olice and sent out of that town in a urry. ' ' Fatlier Evans, of the -Milton Chroni-t-M is ticketed to open :0 many com mencement balls that he has to .decline an invitation to attend a church festi val at 'Tahceyville, where allthe ar tangements to crown him as May Queen ltave been completed. A young- white man named W. A. Smith, hailing from Philadelphia, has been arrested in Wilmington for swin dling. He was engaged n getting up advertisements in the shape of cards, &c, to be distributed or posted in steam boats, and violated, his contract with the advertisers. - . ' limn i u k i ummuiii t&bvuiii t nu cotton factory of W. Turner & Son, of Iredell, has invented a churn which is a perfect thing of its kind and which is destined to be generally introduced throughout the country. . . HeBdersonille Courier? At last ac :. counts the Victim 0f Lydas brutal cru elty, John, "Morrjs, was still bordering on the brink of : leath. With careful nursing he may yet lecover. iyda, in ' the meantrmc reniains in jail," and will not be allowed bail untflhis victim is pronounced out tf danger. The Weldon News says that aishort time since, in Bertie county, near. Wind sor, three or four men called Mr. Whit ley in the road, threw a bag over his head and beat him severely. The as sailants were sent to jail in default of $300 bail. The cause was a small debt owed by Whitley to one of the par,ty; Wilmington Review: There has not been a bill of indictment f Ou'hd against a citizen, nor has there been a man ar rested, charged with an offence against the State, in Holly townahp. Pender county, since, the war. There may be other townships in the State which can present as clean and pure aTeeord, but we have serious doubts of such another instance to be found anywhere. Two burglars entered thefctore of Mr. R. D. Cannady, in Wilmington; and were seized by a clerk and ,twd police men, who were expecting Ihern.' The key from the window bolt had been re moved during the day and the clerk, anticipating a raid upon the! house, had procured tvo policemen andVwaited for them to enter. One of them confessed to having burglarized the store before, and articles previously stolen were found in their possession. Wilmington Star's Fayettville cor respondence : The Episcopal convention was organized this morning at 10 o'clock, : in St. John's church. The attendance was small, there being twenty-seven clergymen uesmes tne Disnopsana only thirteen parishes represented. The open ing sermon ".was preached by the ftev. Mr. Hale, of Newbern. .After service the Kev. Mr. Forbes was elected presi dent, and the Bev. Mr. Larmour, the secretary, being absent, MivTillinghast was eiectea secretary pro tern A correspondent of the Raleigh Netos ;, jviLiiciteu uoneeior Yvneeieror the fifth uistnct, verv severely. The ilnr replied, denouncing the author as a liar ana a scounarej, and the cashier of the Winston National Bank, who was also included in the correspondent's utrioK ,, ures, replied lalso, denouncing the au- tuui .is a viuuiumaior. ine eqrrespond ent,. thereupon, comes out nd avows nimseir. lie proves to be Daniel R Goodloe, special agent of the treasury' tojwiuiuiii, nuu iiiu ueeii ; m part in vestigating Wheeler. Makes things 80DTH CAROLINA ITEMS. en. The grand lodge of South Carolina of b ie coiorea inaependent order of Good lemplars, is in session at Greenville. k Tlie ' Episcopal State convention' in T " , u:."ici uccmw to meet no!, year m l-miiips church, Char leStOn,f ;:t; I",.;, : ; j . , Roht Vanderbilt, colored; of .Winns- ujiu, wa luuuu aeaa last riday in an ont-buUdmgin the garden of Mr. Salhtg tl is j j, , AI1C -Litrcus tninKS .uo.uieu ox uemorrnage. 1 r -iae JNewDeiTy,ifemZdsays: A inan J ? u ones frovb Ifedell ksounty, N. e in Newberry several weeks, Inst. SenTKv ViOU. Twnhf Urn v1aj i i : "await triS ""aYB-f ven .imprisoned to 11 ' Tl' atelixniwed W Bjl1 Baltimore PiiW Irloeoiil25cent8i The Mother Starving 'Herself and Dy- , ing of Grief. i i y i It -T-i NewToikSan. Ti ftBANstABLE, Mayj'liIt Ivras an nounced this morning; thatUtrs. Free noiai was djing, and investigation shows thattflepTODaDuiiiesKareEiflaf live a short time $nlyS JSheSsI weeping aridsfarVing herself triaeath.lflthoug she does not seek to commit suicide. Confined alone in the cell on the upper floor of the barn-like building, she has, since the first Sunday after the killing of Edith, wept constantly day and night. She has tried to eat, ( believing ; that it was her duty to do so, but in the ten days of her imprisonment she has eaten less than would make an ordinary meaL When thn Snndav rtaased and ner litt girl w?a not TesurrecieaHioiif believed Ifce wtd4 be. Mri. Freejlpa ndnliitAft that she and her1 hj MAA madAn Wful mistake, alidwi this acknowledgment the maternal in stinct that pleaded so strongly in prayer turned. She has said that she1 totild'fabtr have consented to the saenfice had ana not firmly believed ;thafc; Edith would be restored to life on the third day. She also says that it was revealed to her husband thirtv-six hours before the sac rifice that Edith's immolation was de manded. He went to the barn and prayed for hours that God would take the cud from him, and she at length went to the barn and, kneeling on the hay beside her . husband, put her arm around his neck, and both of them prayed-to be spared . the. necessity, of doing the act, but tney got no peace un til they determined to ao re. ier sorrow is most distressing now. &ne is in en tire possession of ner reasoning facul ties, and the jailer's wife thinks that it would be a mercy if she could be bereft of reason. She moans, "Oh, my little darling Eddie, mv darling child, how could God have permitted us, who loved Hlra so and tried to: tollor Him, to ao such a wronc :" and then she bursts into the most passionate sobbing that lasts for hours. The seraphic look that was on her face when she was brought be fore the judge is gone. Her face has wasted, leaving her cheek bones promv nent. and both are bneht red with a hectic flush, wbtph i udicates fever. Her otherwise white face and bloodless lips, and her creat eves that are red with weeuine. her tottering step and her in ability to eat or sleep, are regarded as indication tliat very soon the reserve nervous strength will be exhausted, and that she will rapidly decline. Her love lor the baby and her remorse have over shadowed ner rejigions-iaitn.. Her Jiusband knows nothing of this, lie is pertectly seiwjontamea ana con- tentedV lind eat3 and sleeps well, still confident that God commanded the act. He has tieen reipFreiiaont's Explo rations." He said ' to-day to the Sun correspondent that he did not want any pettifoggers to'deferid3ini'f or notorie ty, but that if an- eininent; lawyer of Boston or New Ybx wotild take his case . ana. conduct theaefense on the principles of the right of every man to v . , A- : , . . ; science, he would accepfstifch defense. Justice Hopkins, in his verdict given as coroner, and filed to-daiays that Edith Freeman's death wad caused by the act who committed it without provocation, abetted by tha mother, and that such act was done because both honestly be lieved that tney were commanded by (ioa to ao it to -illustrate their faith The justice believes that if 1 any lawyer dares go bef or the court and argue that the act js coniiatient with a belief in the literal or Wperliatural teachings of the Bible, and, liable.-to be, therefore, re peated again, one oi the most- remarka ble points , will Replaced before the courts oi Massacnusetts wmcn thev have ever been called on to cpnsider BE1EP KEVV S ITEJIS. The internal-revenue recentsfor Mav to date exceed those for the tirst half of last May $200,000. Grant is coming Jiorbe to write a book. The Washington correspondent of the Cleveland Leader has the news, arid he got it from auCongressman, who got it from another man who had traveled with the ex-President ia. Europe. The Permsyrvania Senate has. for the fourth time, defeated the bill to exempt persons "wno oDserve tne seventh day aiuraay as tne saDDatn rrom the pen- aiues ot tne law ot ny4. The bulletin of the public health for the week endine Mav 10. issued bv the Surgeon-General United States Marine hospital service, shows an averaee mor tality in thirty of the princioal cities of the country of 17.7 per 1.000 per annum. I A remarkable billiard matchj piayea in unicago, Thursday night, be- i ween acoo ccnaeier ana aeo. jr. sios son, for the three-ball championship of the world, one thousands points up, $500 aside, resulted : Schaef er 5, 690, 305, total 1,000, average 333; Slosson 14,9, zi, total 44 j average .14 ; time 65 min utes, cscnaeiers ayerage is unprecedent- ea. ine largest previous run was 4u. which his second run exceeded bv 22ft points. Action of Committees on Important Bills. AsiujNui uti. jviav 15. The mil re pealing the tax upon tobacco in the hands of the producers has been agreed to by the House committee having the subject in charge. It provides that no tarmer or planter shall be required to Eay a special tax as a dealer in leaf to acco of his own production, or tobacco received by him as rent from tenants who have produced the same. The same committee agreed to the bill to ad mit imported cattle .into : the U. S. for birefidlng:pui5fflea nhderertain restric tions. The committe on mannft addptett a tesdlution calling on the com mittee of agriculture for the services of an experienced chemist to look into the supposed existing adulteration of manu factured food, liquids. &C. Tha HOurb committee on postofflces are very favor- - Vvl - - 3 Ml 1 1 ... amy lmuresseu, witn tne Diua prpviding pi envelopes id;ppstal eai-daf contain ing double stamps, making the same re turnable, and establishing "return let ter offices," With a view of obviating the necessity of sending undelivered letters to tneaejetr,pmpe. Plantation Mannern. , .Mers. usseiiaoa Kitchin, of the Old North Btatev have lMtracted a good deal Of notice, not f a'pleaaa-nt sort, by their Violent personalities in th House of aepxesentative&sijThiaiiifl t6 be de plored S and'ehflki1riw3'rhmr 1qvo risedthe criti always-'tt tlie alert for offense on :the piurt fife tte South, to luuninw in unarp' remarKS 'about JJorth Viuuua ttuu U.VZ. ClYJ4JZaOIUH,At,lS in yain toaay that tliia episode ; was pure- wyi jmjt. xviLcuii;Boouia De taKen as a type oi Carolina manners, n It pleases our enemies to teach and to believe the reverse, and when these gentlemen: go ueiore meir constituents againrwe" trust tney wiu pe enlightened aa to the proprieties oi taeDate. une lof? them succeeded the pushed ' Waddell, and the contrast is very painful to all the irienas i our sister State. ; HjBj, living cannot be Indulged In without dlsa- rzrjszs!". yr wood - nwi un at, huub mooa Mixture. ; . X 8a4 AeeMemt. OI this CltT. fell tntv a tnh nf Yr tZ-ZzlZ?il and the UtUe Buflerer la now out of dangerT- ,7l ii.il i I A TORPID LIVER la tbe fruitful aonrce ot many dlseaces, pros nnt flmnntr whicK ani' DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVJR, AGUE JUtD FEVER. JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM-'' PLAINT, COLIC, ETC U3 fsynmns of a hoflMAMiHlMfAaiM. the boWds are ooatare, bat soraetimea alternate ritH JLj looseneee. Fain in the Head, aooompamed , .r.wlthaDuaaeiiaatkMfatlbackpArt.Fain ta the right aide and under the ahomder blade. faHneaa after eating, With a diain- Hn.Hr.Ti to exertion of body or mind, Irri- tabflity of temper, IjQW pirita, Ijoea of memory, with a feeling of having neglected ' aome doty, General wearineaa; Dizgineea, . yiuttering at the Heart. Pota before tha. yea. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over tha right eye. Restlessness at night With' fitful dreama, highly oblored tJrinei ' THESE WAKHHraS A1UE U1TKEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. cnr6 especially ad to sueri cases, a sineie aosv effeets ( ueh a clangs f feUi ng as to astonisn xn synerer, TUTT'S PILLS are eompoaaded frem aabataacea that are free lri any preperueamatcau injure the in oat delicate organization. TUey Search, Cleanse, Parify, and Inviicorate the entire System. By relieTina; the en B-erced Urer, they clean ee tbe bleod rem pftlaononabumora, ud thus raparf lealtb) and vitality to the body, eaoo the haweia to act naturally, without which aa aae can feel well. A Noted Divine savs ." Jpi TrjTJPjCiDearlBri iirjtan aaf I hTe beoi a martyr to Jyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Ltt Bpruic your riuswere recommenaea tome; 1 usea Datwita little iitn;. 1 am now a v.u mm. haT food appetite, digestion perfect, rjulir iro,.la. filet keae. ua l nave caiawt tatty pouncs au.a see :i . twrf Worth theif waitrlit i ukl. - Kav. K. L SlilPSOS. Umisvllle. K. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first efsct ia to Initreaa lie Api-f-, and canse the body to Tuk an FW-1, .iu o pystera is a4riahed, and by their Tuip A., oa the Digeatiy Organa, Uuur btooia ara proaucea. DR. J. r. HAYWOOD OP NEW YORK, SAYS:- " Few tHaeaeea exiat that cannot be relieved Ly re atotina the lirer to ita normal f nnctioua, and for this parpoee no remedy bi ever benn invented tiit baa aa happr an effect aa TUTT'S PlLi-" SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Omee 8A Marray Street New York, c tsr jir. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable liifor aution and Uaefnl Receipt " will be uuJIcd frt On application. nill. T IITTFO 11 AIR IIVF l-U A V ; IIMI11 13 I LI GaiT HlIB ob Whijiibs chanced to a G lossy BLAOXbTaainale anpUoatioaot tUu 1TE- It im parts a Natural Color, acta Inatantaneooalr, and ii as Batmleea aa apzina; water. Sold hy DrugUts, cr tDjexnreasonreoeqwox 91. Offloe;35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 ly. THE GENUINE DReC.McItANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance' is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, of a circumscribed spot on one' 6r botb cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a" swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion ? saliva.; slimy or furred tongue"; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, . sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomathat others, entirely gone ; fleetjng pains in the ' stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains throughout the '" abdomen; bowels irrgdlar, a times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard i urine : turbid ; respiration occasionally "difficult, and accompa nied by. hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed .sleep with grinding of the teeth- temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE r I fwiir certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper.. A. -:q: , . DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS - areaiot recommended as a remedy "for all the, ills that flesh is heir to' but in affections of the liver,' and in all Bilious . Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atfiryAOf or after;takipg Quinine. As' -a; simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. . . Each box has. a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's' Liver Pills. :. . : Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine .Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fieriiiiir Moltt Kttsbureh. Pa., the. market being full of imitations of the '-- name McJLMne spelled differently but R E ED'tfivT 0; "R 5,E A V lxs 1 AT YOUR POST "OFFICE. ROSES ! ROSES'! Send Ann Vft 'vnv MfralvniA ff tnlA AMAn House and BaddtnaPlnnta u am aena pxants inrougn tne mall to any part - , C. B. VAtBCHILD, t - A .. , Soedaman and Florist,' Q.BOCKKJ3 CBAPH. THAN VB ... ! IdTju mi..-'. IV'-'."'.. t Come to uie for Bacon, Corn, Sugar. .Coffee, Mo teases, ami other' Family Grooeries. ) .- ; -, Juat reeelvetL a few batrejtoof Berry Foster's XDa- : ' ( .1 ' ; i BEST BTS WHI8KET. . 'Alio a fine lot of Oountry Haras. '.! sell for cash. 1 All goods deUvere4 in the city free of charge. . ,W. 9. CDIMINGEB, ... .'Trade Street, Next door below Wilson A Black's old stand. . 15-. : .;;": ! ' . - .; 25 TIERCES. R. M. MILLER & SONS. May 7. WE retail nothing but choice goods. Guaran tee every article we aell and will cheer fully refund your money when our goods are not found as represented. A good stock of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand. We make special ties of Corn, Flour, Meal, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Hams, and general Country Produce. Solicit correspondence from parties wishing to buy or selL Respectfully, F B. ALEXANDER & CO., May 3. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. a JUST IN AT LeROY DAVIDSON'S, 50 BARRELS Bridgewater Family, Belmont Family and Bel mont 4X Flour. The Bridgewater Family took the Silver Medal at the Paris Exposition. Try one barrel and be convinced that it is the best in this market ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Fine Oranges and Lemons, Cocoanuts, Bananas, maiaga u rapes, ana cnoice i rencn ana Plain Candies. Choice Jellies, Mustard and Canned Fruits of all Kinas. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Graham Flour, Oat Meal, Marrow Beans, and fresh Crackers of every description. CREAM CHEESE. WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, the best ever sold in Charlotte. Also Sugars, Cof fees, Bacon Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues, and in fact everything good ot eat that heart can wish for is to be found in my store. LeROY DAVIDSON. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, fob thb tkbx of twknty-fivk YEABS, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of f 1,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve: und of $350.000. , Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWINGS: WW tato place monthly. It never scales or postpones. . .Look at the following distribution: , . ; t , ; . . I ; ; GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the . 1 09TH. ..GRAND MONTHLY . , , AMD THE :; - EXTRlC-RTON.lRY t SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING, At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, - . t' Under the personal supervision and irutoagement or Gen. G. T BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana. , . and Gen. 3. JL EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,00a Gff ' Notlce-Tickets are Ten Dollars Only.: Halves, 88. 'Fifths, 2. Tenths, $ I. ' - '""UST OF PRIZES: , : " 1 Capital Prize of. . . 1 Grand Prize of.-: I Grand Prize of ... ' 2 Large Prizes of... 4 Large Prizes of... 20 Prizes of. .v.,...i . ,50 Prizes of...,..... lOQ Prizes of , 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes ot 10,000 Prizes of ... .$100,000. si on nnn 4 nu,uuv.. ... . ZU,OUU..'.i - 10,000.... . 6,000.... a i 4- i000 - . v 500..., j ' t UOG. a- V ..bi.10Q.w5 10.... 20,000 20.000 20,000 20000 i 25,000 O04J00 40,000 60,000 100,000 100 Approximation Prizes of $200..... $20,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 ; 10,000 .04 Approximation Prizes of . 75,., : 7,600 11,279 Prized amountii'td. . A! H52200 ttZLSERgftfi1' iCommlssioHerl''; x AppllcatlonfoTratestoclubsshouldonlybemade to the ofooe of the company in New Orleans. - - ' Write for circulars or send orders to -,L M. A. DAUPHIN, ; t MS, mm mm rtONDENSED time: " 3 t,-t -y.r k NORTH -CAROLINA RAILROAD. ; Aa: -i , M -tbaxns eonta-zast. u . -. f ft.-i BatoiNovjlO,.7a No.o 1 Daily . t Nai I Daily i'Dutiy nejL8un.. si Xeave-Charibttei'4 ... n 5 -Greensboro, " .Raleigh, -Arrive Goldsboro, . 8.45 am 8.20 a m 8 00 pm 5.25 pm 6.55 pm . 1 4.10pm 5.80 a m I 9.80 am I : No.2forrtect8'atSalIsbOTWlthW all points In Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R. ft D. RB. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with w. 4 W. rTb for Wilmington. - ' XOk 4 Connects at XJreensboro with B. ft D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TBAms, flomo west. Nb.7. Dally ex. Sun: Date, Nov. 10,78. No.1 Dally. No. 8 Dally. Leave Goldsboro. 1 9.50 a m 5.85 pm ".Raleigh; 8.50 m 5.80 am : it. . . ' Greensboro' I 8.28 om 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, -' ..12.25 a m 10.50 am No. l--Oonnects at ; Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. ft A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. ft C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction' with A. ft C. A. X. for all points South and South-weet. At Charlotte with C., C. ft A. Railroad for all points South and South-west SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p ra Arrive Salem, " " 10.50 pm Leave Salem, " " " 5.45 a m Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. ft P. and N. C. Railroads. - SLEEPING CABS V1THOOT CHANGK Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East. For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 . Richmond Va, Reject all violent Puraratives. Thev ruin the tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT is used by rational people as a means of relieving all derangements of the stomach, liver and intes tines, because it removes obstructions without pain, and imparts vigor to the organs which it purities ana regulates. bold by all Druggists. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills will Drevent and cure Dvsnensia. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild anai-lent and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people in our country, and are extensively used by physicians in their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. R. BECKWITH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. CELEBRATED DR. WM. H. STOKES, Physician, Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore, Writes: "I have great pleasure in adding my testi mony to the virtues of Colden's Lleblg's Liquid Ex tract of Beef and Tonic Invlgorator as the very best preparation used for depression, weakness and in digestion, and, therefore, confidently recommend it to the medical profession." Sold by all drug gists. We will pay Agcnuui aainry of fciw) per month and expense, or ntlow a lame commission, to Bell our new ami wouderful inventions. WtmemvJuttvetay. 6am pie free. Address bni & Co., Marshal 1, Mich. Jfc77 a month and expenses guaranteed to OP I I Agents. Outfit free Shaw ft Co.. Aiunia- ta, Maine. &777 A TEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address P.O. VICKERY, Augus- ta, Maine FORSALE. That valuable Drone rtv In tha nttvlrnnwn na th Tannery of Alexander, Allen ft McBee. This Tan nery is conveniently located, and has all the latest improved machinery. wane ana niaes low and In abundance. For particulars address . . A. ISAACS, Attorney for Alexander, Allen & McBee, Greenville, S. C May 9th, 1 879-dlaw3mftw3m I SCREAM. Whenever you feel like refreshing yourself, call at PERRY'S and get a plate of ICECREAM, OR GLASS OF ICE LEMONADE. He also has the finest Bananas you ever saw, weighing nearly half a pound each. s T. NICHOLAS. SCRTBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOB GIRLS A1TD SOTS. JJfIDXiXi CHILDKXN'S MAGAZIKK. Messrs. Scribner ft Co., in 1873, began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an IUustrated MagaalDe for Girls and Boys, with Mis. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first num ber was . issued, and thA mairArtnA Tina win - ttu highest position. It has a monthly circulation of ' OVSB 50,000 OOPEKS. New York, 'and the' transatlantic tecogfrltioH Is al most as general and hearty as the American..- Al- thMlfirh thA nmomoa Aft thA. MbohvIiia hal kaan steady advance, It has not reached. Its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal continually' outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly - follows after. - To-day ox. nxuauijAB Bianas The arrangeiueuts for literary and artcontribD tions for the. new volumer-the slxtk are complete, drawlnif from aimailv favrtritn unifiwi " null aa from 'promising new ones, : Mr. -Frank R. Stock- jo b new senai siory ior ooys, - , ,: "A 'JOIXT nLLOWSHTfL" - . .'r.,f Winron through the twelve monthly parts.i- first of the volume, and will be illustrated by Jas, E. Kelly. The story Is one o' travel and adventure, In Florida and the Bahamas. For the . Klrls. a con tinued tale, i v- 'V "BALT A JMZHJ HOCBXXXXFKBS," pj A.itiudxuie v. amiin, wim, luustraaons by Fred erick Dlelman, begins m ine same umber; and a ucou niuuiufi ousau woouogei lenuiiea jtye- brtdht." with Tilentr of nlptuma. wtll hA twrmm-ntJT early in the volume There will also be a eonttn- -: . . . . . ,v!) : ! . "KTJHPTT dodqkt's towib,?:; . , ; i ftS'iifi JWlaa,ifowtncTii0t and fllustrated by ' Alfred Fredericks; About toe other rfamlllar fear tures of Sit Nicholas, the wHtor preserves a good- humored silence, a content petaapa, to let her five v vhuhvo hucouj uugu jijniiir..,sj IwiMXttlmJlg Uly sixth; to respect to short stories; pictures, poems, humor, Instructive sketches,' and the rare and lore fMJacfcto-the-Pulplt,"; the ? Very Little Folks" department, and the :?LetteiMbx,v. ,and 'Riddle rina,fa00 a year; 25 "cents a Umber., Sub scriptlons received by the publisher of , this paper, and by all booksellers and, postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers would write name, posted' camty and State, In full, and send : with remittance, to check. P. . O. money order, or registered letter to - r! . ,A ; .. , SCRIBNER 4 CO., deel 0 ' - -' ' 743 Broadway, New York. 1 AAA FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, "fr ' i i ,MI , A w MOST. APPROVED FORM. 3 1 J-. L tlnst PrlntAd' and Wvr Sain t thai- jj OBSERVER OFFICE ' i I-lWiliiss id fi-f:-f; ! .'.s " f JGKAND 'OPENING ! : f---AT THE CHINA PATiACE" rrOF JHD. :R00KFIELD & CO., -OH Friday, Satu day and Monday, April 25, 26, ft 28. We take great pleasure to Informing our friend and the public generally that our new stock has arrived and is complete We cordially invite all to inspect our large and well selected assortment, consisting of CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps. Buckets, Chandeliers, etc, etc., All of which we will offer very low, at prices to suit the times. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to give us a call, as we 'are prepared TO KILL WHOLESALE ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD ft CO., Charlotte , N.C., April 24, 187a JUST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT OF SPRING CHICKENS, TURKEYS AND DUCKS. AT S. M. HOWELL'S. May 17, GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND' SILVER-, PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and 'everything you waat at dec24 J. T. BUTLER'S. p LASNE, '. . . From Paris, France, , WATCH and CLOCK MAKER GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, TiSboppbslte,, I Presbyterian Church, : -; ' :Nt Gray Store.' L Wery fcinkfyfpftlra.m price tod warranted one Year. '.Every ktad of Jewelry or Bronae Gilding, Coloring. Siliwr-Platlng and Gai antzlngma()e at snort notice sow anuaUy as good as new. Work don fof tha trad a at low riiw - ;'f;ApptetuwafitetL wffli premhun and good iBeDaired work mxaHsd Ttar wlU be sold at thA wxplmBon of twolve monthrforcost of repairs. Mi A C1ALDWELC HOTJSEv jCALDWELt HOUST7 CALDWELL HOUSE; . CALDWELL HOUSAV. (rjb'ac'.Stmts, : CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; -; 1 . CHARLQTTE, N. C, i;P iLDWELt.;; V:.,. .....Proprietor.1 ' This boose Is pennaheintlj established and offers an the r ednvenleaeea . and comforts of a ftrst-clasi boarding house. Persons vislttog the city will itod It pleasanthome.tjermanent boarders wanted: Can be farnjaked' wtO ooms.' ' r , ' -rJf .iAXSSBei -l da tfanslent;:il.25i 'pef'week, 1 o-uu.- regular ianie si3.uu: ooara ana room per month, $18.00. ,,i 7Z - "i i 1 i ii - ii ,-1 , ,. i- . i SMITH'S WORM Oil, Athens, Ga., December 8 ls-o A few ntenta ntniw T little g.rl, four years old, and she paS worms from four to fifteen Inches Ion? lgbtI-ii Worm On for sale b pared by E. S. LYNDO N,AtEenirGreraUf- rtux 40 ceuis. feb2ldfafir a o s D A L I S O SADALis THE GREAT SOUTHERN REPv. for the cure of Scrofula S Taint, Rheumatism, White Sweff ?0Us Goitre, Consumption, Bwiiel Debility, and afi diseases arisL ft impure condition of the blood. 111 111 The merits of this are so well known that a Passi S0'1 bottle of this medicine among thfcir .''iSs famllv nenessltlea 6 lufclr --,k of Certificates can be presented fmm leading Physicians, Mmlsters mS? families throughout t.h s,Vl ,lle: f jthehighest terms the Fluid of ft. DR. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltlnmm ' he has used it 1.. r cSi.1 ,more'. san er diseases with mmhMtlon." m DR. T. C. PnfiTl nf T.fi pmyiuiuii in ua ever used. ' ' REV. DABNEY BALL, of the R i1m, recommenrta it tn ail 1,1.. c' lltrrullr quaintances. " ",c,,us ;,nu CRANTTN' m MVa., say it never h SAMTTRT. d Wrfinnrn TennsseT it Kl1?. tlsm when all else kled. ma Ronrinl1 Is nnt a .tlon; . ingredients" apubffl SnTen package, tshow it to your physician andS Will tell VOU It Is mmruunnf "U Me Uivw juiuici. I'm uur space admit w eoaWgiveyou testimonials from even siat in the South and from persons know, u r fTJ1?.?," .and cn,w' Plt" 'mm. Rosadalis is sold by all ln,'isK JOHN F. HENRY, CUHRAN A ut. 8 College Place, NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. WRISTON 4 CO.. Dru-f iN febieriw Chiu-lotuT. .Vi la a perfect Blood Purifier, nn i tl: only purely Vegetable remedy known inset, ence, that has made radical and 1'f.i; m ank.nt Cubes of Syphilis and Scrqki'la in all tl,eir It thoroup-hlv removes mercurv from tlie system; it relieves the agonies of increuri&i rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin din eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop p. & Doggett (Soothern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective ot Indigestion. II.w used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate ot the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Lerby M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It u an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have Been a "trieteverythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved y one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by tbe direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness ot urwu. .w .a uvw WW Ul Ull SKJ BUkJ III fit 11KJ HUM' 1 ever had. jsuch. support. In Ite-favor as a specific. The word of any one of -the eminent divines wio . '. i - . . ... I 'uuuorwriie uiu BDUOQW HJ dyspepsia nas aeserreu weight. Their united witness Joined with the ei- Deri mental USA onA unnmu 1 nf tha nronnmtlnn bf well-known physicians, removes all doubt, it to. ucjuiiu quesuon, a wonaenui inerapeuucai uijem. Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It ls highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It ls excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KXUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20-dw 'f- AROMATIC f ft Jin ii j.m.j 'ftT U VIA r.. TEETH. GUMS&BREATH '0 MORE RHEUMATISM OR GOUT ACUTE O RC H R O N I C S A L I C Y L I C SURE CURE. Manufactured enly under the above Trade-Ma " by the . EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., ;, . , . OFPAKIS AKDUETPZia. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrate" physicians of Europe and America, bewni". . Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on w continents. "The-Highest Medical Academy; Paris report 96 cures out of 100 cases within tw days. Secret-Theonlydlssolverof the polson Urlo Add which exists in the Blood of Bheu5r and Gouty Patients. 81,00 a box, 6 boxes i 5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of P Endorsed by physicians. Sold byall druggists, a dress .1 s- : , , WASHBURNE 00. . ;(npvt . Only Importers' Depot. 23 Clin-sL , i For sale by j;H.'McADEN, Druggists, i feblSllr. J' " ' ' - Chariotte,

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