ill iliflllll'Hl"i'iM,WlWI I'D 'i'r Ilfjl f 1'! tr Stfoli aujft Salt griutitrg. (.jj'sT l.i t.Oi.: i - - 4i slat t.l' 1 XV v d if x1: 11 nlTr i i wr RATES "V m , TJ5TS Q&SEKTES JOB XUSf AKTMtM T Hot been UwrougMy tvppHtd with every tweOed wrU,andteiih th$ Laled itybt ofTpe, and every tncmner qfjob Work etm mo ltdomtoUAfmimeu, jpnc. and etoap rWim fp&K t Sftori BLAXKS, NZXFmilDS, " " '--'-' -,j LXTTXB-EXAHS, CISD8, SO iT TAOS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, ' '' i '' PROGRAUincS, BAKI-SZLLS , PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 6tt Me ironM 4 no Tkrt Mo0 -.s.. 9 00 ' '! 5 oneMotUk .......... tJ75 irxzxzrjKDfmMr;. J 1 ; ,HkklUM saw) n it voLitxxr ;,;iCHARLOT ' JNOi 3193; . t.ii ,'iiti kii.ii.uu t ..... 77. - 1 i , 1 : 1 i . i . i 1 1 i'.wi i vrjijafphiq f'Jiiij, aiij oJfiiwahrj.uM 11 1 , It; l-v 3 SUN UMBRELLAS: UdlealwrfiuPaMls anJ'JTJnbrellas wUl Had the best assortment at the lowest prices at " J1LIAS & COHEN'S. ' I which they can save money. Our stock of Taney and Staple DRY GOODS Is now complete,, awong iwWd;mayjfound a full supply of HouseFurplshlGooeetlng and Pillow Casing la Linen And Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; wa-WMIflJK'ast pets, Rugi, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found very cheap. 80 will our stock of WHITE GOODS, : ' - A ! M tUbtEttCBlEfS, COR SETS, FANS AND TIES.; Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand- Verchlef and $2 Sun Umbrellas. You will fintlT"; them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. ELIAS ft COHEN. "t"i't kiCEro; i B URGTSSS i4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nSAI.ER is ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, Ac BEDDING, AO. BEVOING, AC BEDDING, AO. FURNITURE ! FUKNITURE ! m a A i A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNG LO UNGI LOUNGES LOUNGES I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! ; : " '.-.:''-' !". ' - ; t3T COFFINS t aaktods on hand, .Jj iW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trass Strict. a i , ? I 1 j CHARLOTTE, tt.C. Ladles and; Gentlemen's Burial Bobes-Hi line supply. " nn.1 AH(UINS i u urrr w:r ir h rrtru U lR BNIf Nil T 0 URRB KKB UR BB K U URHX H Minn -T U UR BN UN II T UU. It BM MM II T U URRB KB U VB BB UU R BKBB K. (. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, . .W " 4 NUT TO Pp6TOrTICB.i Mr stock is very Lar . and embraet a Full Une of 1 AMD i OFFICE FURNITURE 1, - tiY-P ft. All Goods Packed Fiee ot Charger - ! A ') J M wClialelMiLelvedlllhison. '! .r.'ijl2t -Jf) fi :(. L A PJES' HATS, , The. Newest Shapes jVfrsitfeu Ci3 yiJ'JOfk: I. taint; ...1! . . 1:-wi- i- ,. . D.-ess Linens In Plaid and Momle Patterns; Silk renadhes In Biiek 'aftd Colors, A NEW LINE OF. FANCY HOSIERY, LISLE, LACE AND KID GLOVES AND MITTS. Be sure and look at our DOTTED SWISSES AND PLAID ORGANDIES. I JJ I i i i -i I .CALi; ?ANt StE OUR MARSEILLES QUILTS, f. H I ' - 3: 1 5 . T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. MaylS. : ' ' ' MORE MORE ATTRACTIONS. O V u- 5 CENT1 COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, -MUCH MORE USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. EVER! BODY SHOULD CALL AT OSCE TO SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. I . -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- D R J G Q O D.S , CLOTHING, SHOES OF ALL KINDS, HATS, AC., AC, AC. We are offering GREAT BARGAINS tthls week, all through our entire stock. H. MORRIS & BROS. mayll SPRING CLOTHINGL rv;i t,t ......... .,mt iZJl J.JJ'J? : t .vbsinmwtBifftpenBfeni rchssfhsr a .stock ompMA'aslfo Hie e!U4e-tbeaest no varies In Mws, Youth's. Sort ; , to UMati.wmiifyl'W". w "OOO It OCLrrW'&-rH II WH If OOCT 00 t ow'V-sXh n nw wo o O L O O T HHH II HKN'O. 'i teihspfectton; and we are at aB f rive Quotation- .twsew frf n .huh f fti hiif hoUM Jumrraoiea to e as rcpresenteayand. In. rrlpfl Tabs tnan'can he CLUE FLiNNEL SUITS 1 (Reaper tnWorouU.'iwe did the past season, and they hive galaad the reputation of be ing the best In the maxke". 1 lW present. peaapo to Jfcft toaatuUtt to line of , , lo wrXi 0" l" 'us . .5 ' Boots, SaoHJsSHSlippers, Including the best makes In the country. There canse be fiud hvonr tock a. complaUS line of nneFelt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and Any kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. , i)on't , purchase before yon examine our.stock, as the cheapest ; UAliVJAAO. vtv-niif.ll' A A'XVTAA Can be had at (!4:W. KAUF1LAJN CtU'D,. YVim Tnita and Trvon 8tK.t- 'Apmio. . vnanoue, a, v. nniMJinflfiD .1 JtehMJ&timt. j ff , j t mint wwi'itituut nKnitkS.Z , RxciTATiTKHajQ, all ye voters, safeguards of our nation! . ' ;Of "caadldttes you need feel no prtva . ' . i i tlon; i . Let each and all agree with one oon ' ' I sent; I i ' i ' -. To name your Honest John for Presi- dent. ""' AHiA-For r nt called Honest John Sherman yes - Honest John Sherman, :? Though you couW nere goess why; ; But stUi I'm called Honest-yes, Honest s John Sherman j - Honest John Sherman am I. I've lots of resumption, and excellent -gumption, And numerous dollars In store, iMt beod without number the brokers' shops cumber, , , r And soon I will Issue some more. . . ' , I've got a fine syndicate ready toylndleate All deeds I have done or may do. And a fraudulent P res Went, not at -all hes "if;i f -ltant; i'tf; i v i - 1 - ft helrfnfrtneMlers, with yoUz , Then go- for your Sherman, your Honest . John Sherman, . Whose cash box is filled to the brim: So go for your Sherman, your Honest John "1 5 "v Sherman, 1 i ; . - " And hasten to nominate him. Sqkq Not many years ago, - ' When 1 was Senator Sherman, As some of you may know, I practiced President f amain'. VoTNbw'tihisistnostWanriln'; ' When he was Senator Sherman, He practiced President fanniii', Not many years ago. BcVtercup Two Candidates i nussed, J 'w -By parties two selected; One's ticket had been bust, , The. other was elected. Votkbs Now this on us reflected, , ; For one had been elected, ' - As most of us expected, Not many years ago. Buttercup - Oh, bitter is my cup, However could I do It? . (I mixed those follows up, And everybody knew IL One man I put within The Presidential buildln'; Hayes was the fruit of sin, TUe other man was TUden. Voters -By arts thathe was skilled in, i The Presidential buildln' -Was quite bereft of Tilden, Not many years ago. OBSERVATIONS. New and second-hand vetoes bought and sold. R. B. Hayes. If there Is anything else you want vetoed, bring It along, r-tf- B. Hayess t .- Bv was the nrst'&hdwe reckon the 'onlf woman who did not gather up her dress in both bands and yell at the sight of a snake. Ottawa (Kan.) Repub lican. The Springfield Republican says that Senator Edmuhj&s has one oi those astute; legal minds, capable ofBring his eye so closely upon a fly on a bam door that he cannot see the bai n at aU. It Is now said by a scientific authority that sleep commences In the feet and extends to the head. Possibly the custom of sitting with, the feet toward the purtptt eray have'someujlug to do with it Turner" iUls Reporter. An editor has one advantage over a king. When an editor goes out riding in his open barouch drawn by four milk-white steeds, he Is never shot at by a Socialist. You have 'probably remarked tnis yourself. Xdrrvttown Herald. At a horse-fair In Paris. Old gentleman looking at a very bob-tailed horse Bless me, how short they have cut his tall. Attendant His master is a member of the society for the protection of ani mals. In this fashion he will not annoy the poor :A' Pennsylvania aTarmtsi sdys the government ought to interfere at ouoe and put a stop to further pumping and boring for oiL. He is quite certain the Oil is drawn tnrough these wells from the bearing of the earth's axis, and that the earth will cease to turn when the lubrication ceases. "How long will it be before you get this work doner" :said a lady to an apprentice who was painting her house on Third street "Well, I don't know, ma'm," said he, "the boss has Just gone to look for another Job. If he gets it, I'll be done to morrow; but if he don't I'm Tf raw It'll take me all next week. Camden Post. . A eltizen went home from the caucus one night and asked his wife, "Did you commit an error or do anything out of character hefore we were mar ried?" "Why, no! What makes you ask such a question?" "On, I didn't think you had, but I was nominated for a town office to-night; wid I knew if you .bag It would all be out to-morrow.". A Colorado lawyer dWat admfre the-Judge he--forewhom he was trying a case the trther day, and referred to him as Van ass trying to munch hay. ' The eonrt fined hint SB for contempt; put remarked at the same time that he would remit the fine pro vlded -the attorney would apologize. The -lawyer went thKough his pockets, and - finding but half the amount required, said: "Ahem f ahem t I'H take down ttie haybut wul-copper the ass. Here is 82.50, Judge. : PBoniBiTios oft Dbe t lksiIrt. Jitgttmenls from the fulpitBev. J. Rumplefs Sunday Morning Discourse. To the Editor of The .Observer; ;. r ( , Salisbriry is -greatly' agitated Tjnhe protiibitioa uestioH. :Youi :have seen the many articles written for the Watch' 4nan, pro and con, during the lasjt twa months. In a short time the qualified voters wiir 'be called on to speak their tYoifeioa thmsubjeet and pay -whether .'SalfcUuryihaH,theMefoTth;M Wet or dry.if Several of the city pastors preach ed temper'ahce " sermons Sunday morq ing.,tiRev."Mr. Sample preached a very strong sermon based on the following texts, viz: Isaiah .49, 23 ; Psalm 94, 20; Xoy2l 1 -The leading, ijea..etciorth raYmenrajsarf -ajasea nc&0resiaia efthnt: aanc- ,e .Wim i ctsf iBfeajken- rmreraTid'iSis tnerefore in itself a crime and ought to be .punipha ; Dleivlaw.; ?l!he-rjaan twho makes, the onAvho ellsi and the one who . driitlqs it are equally guilty. Ile -who leds pi&tol ta gnoot Qown--Btan is partieeps -crwaiTw along, with thp murderer. iELveDl f ulzhef adcessories after the fact for instance, receivers of stolen ''gdods, kiwywing them to be sti6h, TlJ , J J.I JSA. XI Jf Al. are gumy oi lueiu in nie eye ui ine law. Therefore to license whiskes- maklrfgand whjkeyelling"; is ' tb 6ni- nive ac crime Decause me iicfc ,wm cer tainly lead to the commission of crime. J to grant saen ucenBe'is not omy a great moral wrong but utterly opposed to, and subversive of, the fundamental idea of the existence of law, viz : the protection Spfesjilr EfieHfvedJlttmeri oils passages of Scripture that the con demnation of Go4e?t8-upnvery man wh& aids in aut way, or refrains from orr)dsiBg, the mighty ritf tt brought upon gentleman stated that 60,000 people die aimually'ictlms the; fell destroyer--an average of dne eyef y ten minutes. ; .Inl while on the other hand - the liquor! men-are- etihlideBt1 of success. r;fThe ret suit of ctho contest wlllibI looedfor with intense interest; r .Judge Dick will address the citizens on the temperance question;niVnesday liight : His repu tation as an eloquent speaker will doubt less draw a very, large.audience. F. - tiit t ' The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows ad journed last Thursday eveningfter, an excursion down the river. The WI1 mington Sftar says that before'&djrfurn-f ment,i Most Worthy Grand , Haster,,,!! G; Baglevniade the: following appoint", ments; J. F. Payaev Grand Marshal ; Ji H. Roberts, Grand Conductor; J. ILi Shultzi Grand iGuardian, Henry Porter, Grand Heraldt E. W. IIolloMfiell, Grand Chaplains t Nexlmeeting of -the Grand Lbdge will be held in Raleigh on Ihe 13th of May; 1880. bit 1441 fpM tieAHUf(ni fieadirtor '"'""ifemi' 'Carollttl' 'ipfaBopai' 6TeBlXn.'i ;';'..V" rjromWImuWon'Statl . . ' : Fatktteviljle, Mav 15. The ; cdn- vention met this morning at 10 o'clock,; i :On motion an electioTj for secretaw was gone mwhichjsulted in the se- lection of RevKltRichr" :; ' The Rev. DrlWatson read the report of the finajieesCQmBnttee. The report stated that the diocesan fund had f alleii short more ; tAan, $30Q, and that the treasurer, on account of the . failure of, some of the securities, had failed to pay the bishop $1,250, due on the 1st of April last; that the relief, education and clrarch building funds had all declined, that the offerings for diocesan missions .had increased, and that $300 had been contributed to the University of the' South. , ; It was resolved ,tliat a committee of five laymen be Appointed to consider and report rwhat steps ought to betaken with reference to the funds belonging to the diocese, for ;which;notes were held from John "Wilkes, Esq., the former treasurer. ' '- ? Hon. J ohn Manning, Dr. A. J. DeRos set, Kemp P. Battle, Esq., Maj. Jas. C. McRae, and Henry A. London, Esq., were named as the committee, Rev. Dr. Buxton offered the following resolution: " Resolved, That the committee for re vising the constitution and canons be continued, and that they, be authorized to report to this convention, without alteration of the' ill tent or purpose of any canon, such changes of words as in their judgment may be necessary to make the intent of any canon clearer, and to call attention to any inconsisten cies, if there be any between any canon and any article of the constitution." Bishop Atkinson then read his annual address, from which we learn that 282 persons had been confirmed by him and 167 by Bishop Lyman, making a total of 449 ; that he had received 3 clergy men from other dioceses, and that the whole number of clergymen-' was 6(5. There are 11 candidates for priests' or ders, 6 for deacon's orders,.. and 6 postu lants. Bishop Lyman then read his address, in which he gave a very interesting ac count of his attendance on the Lam beth conference, denounced ritualism severely, and spoke hopsfully of the prospects of the Church. Rev. Dr. Watson read the report of the standing committee ; also, the re port of the missionary committee,which states that 21 clergymen have been as sisted, the contributions have been larg er, but still funds are very much needed Rev. Dr. Patterson read the report of the trustees of the University of the South. The trustees offered the follow ing resolution, which was unanimously adopted ; "teso2mZ,That the Diocese of North Carolina does acknowledge the claims which the University of the South has upon its care, and will do all in its power to further the work which is now being done there by those Godly and well learned men who, in much self-sacrifice and earnest diligence, are devoting their lives to the sacred pur pose of imparting Christian learning our Southern b'oji" """"' On motion of Rev. Dr. Watson, the convention proceeded to the election of treasurer, and Dr. A. J. DeRosset was unanimously re-elected to that office. On motion of Rev. Dr. Watson, it was resolved that Mr. Richard H. Battle be appointed trustee of the diocese in place of his father, Hon. W. H. Battle, deceased. On motion of Rev. Dri' Watson, the convention proceeded to the election of the education committee, and .the . fol lowing gentlemen were re-elected : . Rev. Dr. Patterson, Hon. Geo. Davis, and A, IL VanBokkeleh; The convention next proceeded to the election of the church building committee. The old committee, were re-elected: Rev. A. Benton, Rev. 3. C. Huske, Rev. E. R. Rich, Maj. James C. McRae, arid F, R; Rose, Esq. Rev." Mr. Osborne moved that 'that part of the report of the bishop with re gard to the diocesan paper, be referred to a committee of fiveJEree . clergy and twoiaity; t6 cbnsidef wirat steps are to be taken to further the prosperity of the paper;; i "Carried, ... th eoishop appointed Rev- A.Watson, D. D., Rev. J. C. Huske; Rev. Geo. Pat terson, D. D., : Dr. A. J. DeRosset, and Mr. Hughes. : -.:' The iollowing were elected delegates to the geiieralcoriveniioii: . Clerical Revs. A. A. Watson, D. D. Jarvis Buxton, D. D, J. C. Huske and N. Colin nughfes. -; Alternates Revs. D. II. BuelL Geo. Patterson, D. EU, M. M. Marshall, D. D.v and R. B. Sutton, D. D: ' Lay Dr. A. J. DeRosset,TIon. Kemp P. BattlerMSj. J5hn Hughes and Col. W.E;Martin. a. . Alternates-John Henderson, Hon. John? Manning, Coh John W. Atkinson Maj. James C. McRae. . . On motion the convention then ad journed to meet to-morrow morning at 10 O ClOCK, A ; RAILROAD LEASE. yfptiingWii Mid land (6 'Great Southern Railroad "." to he Interested. - tTJefpliia Times, 17th. Witn"sorae;railr6ad"'me'ri, whose in terRtS ire: hot so doselv . associated ith the.cijWlitiou qffaws 'presented by tbe hew deal by the Heading Compa bt with the North ' Penn': na Bound jirau iiuea uuiu-. ucjf j,vy..iui $beir views,;. a greater significance than even the ambitions of the Baltimore' & Ohio Hailroad is attribufcevi to the new state or anairs. Jbor some days past John S. BaTtTeVI1efnTof the Wasli ington City, VirgrrriA Midland & Great Southern Railroad, has been in the ei ty , stopping SttjtheAldine,1 .'It is now whis pered; that psVct of the fulfilment of the scheme inairgurated by the new lease -is independent of "the Pennsylvania Road from its northern terminus at-Wash ington to New 'York. This would be attained, overthe Baltimore and Wash ington division of the Baltimore &Ohio and then by Philadelphia; Wilmington & Baltimore and -the Bound Brook to Jersey City. The. mile of road from the north side of Market street to Thirty t fifth street, which runs through the Pennsylvania Railroad par yards, is the intercepting" link irot controlled, and to obtain any. rights over which., there is uothing hut uncejtainty,;; ; a . A ; special to - the r Raleigh Observer says mr-BuckilX SUiidiea suddenly in Richmowda-ast Fridat; in a tst- tiage;whieb hadjast ;pped viA JrotitJ " "ilr. David XlQystik'lialeigli'aldeiy man, has resigned .Jus aldermanic hon ors and been elected a policeman Dr James McKee; was elected alderman, in his steads rfjtwntM pj ik xhuj i .iif .- i. i. --,'"V, - - :"Qvhijlj i ; bo not know the'Baby taTangiilsh"a'nd miffetC but use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, and check tta suflerlDg, For sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents, - : la the early part of every season there 1s t! natural desire to know fhat are OMnewesC latest and most fashionable styles, and also who are recognized as standard anthority in the Cashienable yerlf- .jPwulattwy 'to, and tilings wlttt Ue pnhUc. and the general standing of onr house, will assure all In telligent leaders " , 1 M1"130. ialnLaitii. fca" shape and iittern. of Cabrics In ilen'n Garments, of which special mention will be made. The latest de mand lh Spring Garment Is our new - , ' 1 t . ......... ... . ... . . ; . WEST END sack. Ithas many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and Ideas Instead of adhering to the old time-worn styles of the past very stylish In appear -ance and eut froni Cheviots of the newest designs. ; . .;ii Our St Nicholas Cutaway. Trock; with three or four buttons, front eut trifle longer, giving It a neat and graceful Appearance, are made up In every variety of Spring textures. THE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, la shape and style! retains lttloldte'iRfs.f-nb.ieiigtti Is a lRUe tongeriian last season, and li' Is one of the most useful among the gar ments f a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials are French Castings, Granites nnd railoxis patterns of fingllsh Worsteds. ' v ' Our Pants stock Is eoinplete, with every novelty In fabrics, oJpiVsnapesaperfect. In our Hat department we fnvlte the Inspection of the most cul ttaedtM(tefcV TOtf'jto fine elti ad Stanr. Goods we an eonridenYof inlversai approval 1 :- ! l'- '' - ieck tPesr assortment Is almost unlimited in devices of shades aud styles, but boasts particularly upon the very recent Introduction of the Univer sity S. ' Unique and very elegant . In White Vests we have a State reputation, and we will only assert "progress' m this season's selections. Our efforts have been to place upon our counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid increase of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. , i n ; We Invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantages will be the same, for we will send goods to any section on approval, with privilege of Inspection before payment of bill. . ., Very respectfully, April 27, 1879. E. D. LATTA & BRO, The People's Clotheirs. COME AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ALL POL THE Ever shown in this city. April 22, 1879. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Va., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Hark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For Information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either of the undersigned. ; April 30 d5m McMra Mesne wmm, cimlot m9 1. c. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. o J3 EC .A u a. o f ( m a id to V o S 35 CO 6 S CO O a .5 to s-i o S3 E 51 9J CO Q tf CO O 351' 5 o 11 O S m Q. M TR WN-OTKEET, IN IltJftANCE; D. O. MAXWELL. C. F. HARBISON Auctioneer. iyAXWELL & HARRISOjl '. ; ..'." AUCTION AND ..'."..';': '" ' fcoHMissioN -"""'-mMrchants -'- ' Buy and sell on consignment kinds of , iLEBX3LlNl)ISK AOT OODKTBY PRODUCZ;- ',1'; ' T iwai give strtet pecspnal l , '.''.'tv..- ' ': . ' - i . .lattentton to all business entrusted to our care. vsf;- Four doors above cmaxioae Hoteur .LDCPBOYKD"" CITY PEOPEKTT FOB SALE. .XOTTt Any nerson destrlna to-Burchase a well Improved uty low , Bouse with nine rooms, and modern eon- reniencea. one well of wateti brick kitchen.' within Ave minutes walk of the public sqSLce, can be ac commodated by applying at . ' declS THIS OTFICE. iP O R T A! N T ! ' .' - Wflfll SDITS -0 FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Remember that we are the rulera in JgfLow Prices for Fine Clothing. L. BERWANGER & BRO. Fine Clothiers and Tailors. ') TH CA3lOi:rjS K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, ) T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, F. TV. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) 1MPORTEES OF ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL Merchandise, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTES, FIFES, Drums, Band Instruments, SHEET MUSIC &c, &c, &c. WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL. HBAIQUAKP1?IIS - -ALE AND POSTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to tar part of the dtyi free of charge for f 1.00 per dozen. F.C. MUNZLEB. , r -in isk- All orders leftat John Togel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. - ;BUV4 . ! ' , S TOP-IT THE BOTDSK -HOUSE it Sansbtvy, H.C J?1 'I'M ' , kV(CV 8. Bbowh, Proprietor, .... 4..f si Ute of, the KatUnal Hotel. Raleigh. a C. S. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As sisianw dec 30 M.3 : ' ELSEWHERE ! Charlotte, N. C. 2 h o o s X) O o fed S9 p. H CO w w o W o CP CX2 a 5 -yy f o cj. w H, O CD o a CO H. p. 05 55 (0 3 o O GO X2 rt BUlLfilNa. WLn&tvtitixinQ. TJNDEBTAKLVO . : :'! ';'' '" The undersigned Is now prepared to nil all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of , . , . i COFFLNS, CASKETS AND BUBIAL CASES, J i I. .-.. . .. - . i ' .- j -.- '.' : ;Both Wood and Metalle. : , - 5 f Af 0&AS AKT, Hearses j furnished 4 desired. V Furnltare of every Description" Repaired at saor', tl4 uyuX:'- wVMl wTLHELSI,1 Just Printed and For Sale at Ihe' ; OBSEBYER OFFICE 4 OR $ m 4 ! 1:1 i I H 1! I' !3i .1.; i s " t 8 m 3'. ft , i 1 L f i 4E : I 1

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