Stye l)drbttt:b5cn)m Sir0li ktuft. Safe giitttitiff. Mill SVBSCRIPTlOir RATES : fxnly, one vr, podycdd) in. advance jHx Month. :. i'. ... . Three UmU. OM Month. ,,;,......,..,.,.,(,.... AM -f ; rat oKsisris job DKPAihtzkr ? )Sa been thoroughly Mn?Jeil,vttJi eoery needed uxmi,andwilh the Laint Style of Type, wt every incomer WJob Work can no bedondM&kfteatnets, dtafc WI chKqmeu. Wiem tvntith, at Short BLANKS, BILL-READS, hiXjmMB-BxAJ&CAMbk,' , : i -TAgS. BECEirXS, POSTBBSi PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS. PAMPSLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C ...-t8 00 4 00 ...i.. 2 00 75 ITrfW.tittllWPW.V....'..--...f3 00 Otdtfttoiomty.Vo$tpald,,'-.-'-i 2 10 Six Months ;;.(ii.;..i:i.,..;..J...iit 00 CHARLOTTE, N.-C;, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1879. NO. 3,194. ' liberal Reduction Jor duix. . -. ti: fniioLs t - - -x. - "-u a. SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladies buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas wOl dad the best assortment at the fewest prices at ELI AS & COHEN'S. They will also find other goods to salt them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple j DRY GOODS is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods,; Sheeting and Pillow Casings Ui Linen. and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels In every variety; Car pets, Rugi, Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS, COB- SETS. FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and 82 Sun Umbrellas. You will find them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. ELLAS & COHEN. B UBGESS NICHOLS, f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lKU.KK IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITUBE FURNITUBE! BEDDING, 4c. BEDDING, &0. BEKDING, AC. BEDDING. AC. FUBNITUBE ! FUKNITUBB! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS t LOUNHES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES t LOUNGES !' LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! ty COFFINS of all kinds on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Wkst Tradk Strut. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Uff- Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a line supply. ; Jan:i ARUAINS IN URRR Nlf N UR. RNN N U RRR N N N II R R M M ' URRR KM r UR RR r URRR RR r UR RB UV R R RKE U r u T T T T Ul) K RN NN AT 4 si E. G. ROGERS' WABEBOOMS, NBXT TO PCfeTOmCK. My Stock U ?ery Lar. . and emDraces a Full fctneaf 1 HkM)R. CU4MBEK, D($ING BOO v h t- OFFICE yUUNITUEft ', ill Goods Packed Free of.Chargr? fjl,CB,gaqn; Itit&ttifl, A;c MILLINERY GOODS, &e. We have Just received a handsome lot of L A D I E S' HATS, BOTH TRIMMED AND UNTBLMMED. ; The Newest Shapes Out Call and See Them. -. :i TCALSOA!NEW LOT OF i ??ci eel; 3 - iissoiD &'&uy. If yd I Dress Linens in Plaid and Morale Patterns; Silk Grenadines in Black and Colors. A NEW LINE OF FANCY HOSIERY, LISLE, LACE AND KID GLOVES AND MITTS. Be sure and look at our DOTTED SWISSES AND PLAID ORGANDIES. CALL AND SEE OUB MARSEILLES QUILTS. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. May Id. MORE MORE ATTRACTIONS. -0 U R- 5 CENT COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, MUCH MORE USEFUL AND ATTRACT1VE- THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. EVERYBODY SHOULD CALL AT ONCE TO SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. -ALSO A FULL LINE OF- DRY GOODS CLOTHING. SHOES OF ALL KINDS, HATS, AC, AC, AC We are offering GBEAT BARGAINS this week, all through our entire stock. H. MORRIS & BROS. may 11 SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN A CO. wi hAVA made the exrarlment of Durchasine a stock so complete as to include me lacesv noveiues in Men's, Youth's. Boy's and CWMreo' j ; ooo t n n T. OO' TTTT H ft ft NS K OdQ. O L 0;Q,,Ti,HHH Uroerireadyrto glT quotation ot ! prices. Every T ment whlcn is sola at our nouse is wamuiieu w as reDresented, and .in price less than ean be bougnteisewnere, wewntmue .oseu in season, and they have gained the reputation ol be netne oesi in ne wutwr ' We present OUs season to the (mnsuiner llm i. : y:: -y ' '-''' , Inclodln the besi myites, to tte eowpT-s ,There can also be found In ouc stock a complete Jme Qt fine Felt, Still and Straw Qats, and any kind pj ftenaemen'sunilsblng Goods. Don't purohasA BflUT yo" exam"" an-rjn., nn tug tu-' Can be had at HW. KAUFMAN CO.'S, , Corner Tnde and Tryon Bte., n Charlotte; N. C.Q April ia DI IVU wow STATE KSW8. C. T. Willis has been elected captain of the Shoe Heel Rifles. Allen XL Tomlinson, a good citizen of Randolph county, is dead. There are '35 moonshiners in jail at Asheville awaiting sentence. Jas. J. Metts has been elected captain of the Whiting Rifles, of Wilmington. M. H. Justice was elected mayor of Rutherfordton, defeating C. Burnett by one vote. The old-time whipping-post still stands in the jail yard at Murphy, Cher okee county. The Robesonian says that what is known as "the big root" is playing ha voc in Lumberton gardens. The Episcopal convention, which was in session last week at Fayette ville, adjourned to meet next year at Winston. RobertfAnderson, whose home is in the Brushy Mountains of Wilkes, has mysteriously disappeared and there is no clue to his whereabouts. Miss Ella V. Holt, of Graham, and Mr. John G. Staples, of Reidsville, were married last Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian church of Graham. Drs. Bahnson, Haigh and Graham of the State board of medical examiners, Monday examined twenty-one appli cants for license to practice medicine, and ten were to have been examined Tuesday. An old lady 84 years of age, resident in Sampson county, was in Goldsboro the other day. She had never before been more than sixteen miles from home, and this was the first time she had ever seen a railroad train. A horse kicked Mr. Wilson McCul lough, of Person county. The HiHs boro Recorder says several of his teeth were knocked out and the bones of his right shoulder were terribly shattered, the bones protruding through the flesh. The Witness says that the clothes of a little five-year-old daughter of Mr. Arthus Forrester, of Wilkes, while standing near the fire a few days ago, caught on fire and she was burned to death before the flames could be ex tinguished. Two young sons of Mr. J. M,,ooL of Kaieigh, agea 9 ana n years, were drowned Monday atternoon in Morde ca i's pond, near Raleigh. The News says the sudden event is believed to have dangerously affected their father. The bodies were recovered. The Wilmington Star says that Rev enue Agent U. ti, tfiocfcer, on tne mgpp of the 17th iust, raided and captured two illicit whiskey distilleries geven miles east of Fayetteville, and destroy ed twenty-one fermenting or Deer stands and 865 gallons of beer or mash, a quantity of malt and a small quantity of low wines. Raleigh Observer, Tuesday: This morning about 2 o'clock Mr., jtf. A. Blake was stabbed, it is feared fatally, by at Hasan named Dors. Flemming. They had some words in front of the Higgs House, but were persuaded not to fight. Mr. Blake left, and as he walked across the street Flemming ran up to him and stabbed him several times. These were the scant facts that we could leam of the terrible affair. Fayetteville correspondence Lumber ton Robesonian: On last Friday in Quewhiffle township, Peter Elliot, a ne gro, attacked three other negroes with an axe, wounding them m several places, but not seriously.wherenpon one of the three fired upon him (Peter El liot) with a pistol and killed him. They surrendered themselves and had a hearing before Justices Gillis and Powers, who after hearing the eyi dence, discharged them, the evidence being conclusive that it was a justifia ble homicide purely in self-defence. - MlEFSRm ITEMS. "Roscoe Conkling" has been selected as the name for Senator Bruce's month old offspring. Judge Asa Packer, president of the Lehigh Valley railroad, died in Phila delphia Saturday evening, in his 74th year. The new company formed to run' the Cincinnati Southern railway tempora rily organized at Cincinnati, Monday, and increased the capital stock to 81, 000,000. Wm. Gordon, a mail clerk in the em ploy of H. B. Claflin & Co., New York, has been arrested, charged with swind ling his employers out of nearly $6,000 within the past three years. He con fessed his guilt, A summary of the results of the Republican county conventions ; held Lthroughout Ohio Saturday shows that o uuge xait is UKtuy w ieaa tue juuei natorial candidates in the Cincinnati convention on the 2th of May. Not many of the delegations are instructed, but the preferences of most of them are known, While a number- of children were at play in the convent grounds in Somer ville, Massn one of them, a ten-year-old daughter of Wm. H. Goodspeed, picked up a ball which several boys had been playing with. Upon refusing to return ft several of the boys pelted her with stones, one of Which struck her on the temple, causing her death, ' ! 4 ' ' , The leading theatres.' iti New York are preparing to close for the summer. But, few of them, it is said,.have suc ceeded in; adding materially,; to ; their bank accounts the past, season, save in two or three , instances, where "Pina fore" was the oard. One house is re-. Sorted to have cleared 630,000 by that, ut the figures are . probably too high. Lower prices for next; season are pre- A colored State convention was held in Richmond, Y&4 Monday, to perfect organization t6 enforce the rights of the colored tace under the law. Speeches were made by ex-Congressman Cain, of South Carolina, and the chairman, W. Croane a colored lawyer of ! Xiichmohd, favoring the emigration of colored peo ple to the West If their legal rights were not accorded at the ballot-box and else where. Resolutions to the same effect were reported and ' extensively dis ciwsedv ' " , ,! SenatQT' Edmunds has made his ar rangements to sail f or JEujopet with hia wife and daughter, on the Utb of June, In convepiation Mondayhejvasjaskect, whether he thought he could escape from hia congressional duties by that timeRe said that he had strong hopes of being able to do so that as matters now appeared to him it looked as if the final adjournment might take place at any time after the next: week. This is the way it looks to a great many who are perhaps better posted as to Demo cratic sentiment than Mr. Edmunds, but nothing positive can as yet be augured. VISCE'S MAIDEf SW0&D. Report of the Effort and Comments -.a Thereon. t. LBaltimow Sun Begular Eeportl Who made the South solid? i Clearly the Republican party. Many Southern men opposed secession, but were drawn into itrwhen it came. At the Close of the war those men were influential and highly respected by the Southern peo ple, and if the-people of the North had offered - to coalesce with them in an effort to heal the wounds of war a pros perous 1 reunion would soon have been established. Instead of doing so the South was juggled with for years now held to be in the Union, and now out of it, as best served the interests ,pf the dominant party of the North, and pro gress was impossible. Finally they were declared out of the Union entirely, given over to martial law, and chaos returned. Ten per cent, of the best hong of the more ignorant class enfran chised. Elections were held under the direct supervision of the troops, and the result of all this ' was the adoption of so-called State constitutions and the election of so-called officers, together forming a system under which the South was plundered until nothing re mained worth stealing. Could any one wonder that the South solidified against the party causing all this evil? That party's only supporters now are the most ignorant negroes, and they are learning that their best interests are on the other side, while the carpet-bagger finds that clime no longer congenial, and finds his only refuge in an occa sional custom-house or revenue office. Mr. Vance pointed out that all the ter ritory absorbed in the country's rapid growth had been acquired under Dem ocratic rule, except Alaska, a barren country, with a climate which he had heard described "as nine months winter and tin ee months damnation poor weather." Laughter. Under Demo cratic rule there was no credit mobilier, no returning board frauds, no electoral commission, no Belknap, The other side wail at the approaching end of all things, but the only thing coming to an end is the corrupt Republican jparty, The Southern men act with the Demo crats of the North' to restore good gov ernment, Whenever Republican Sena tors abandon vituperation and ventured to touoh on the merits of the question they were very illogical. One Senator asked if we feared thirty soldiers in North Carolina. We do, just as the Hollander fears the first crevasse in the dyke that may lead to an inundation ; just as the physician dreads the first speck of gangrene in his patient's wound, which presages danger,! Con cluding, Mr, Vance said: MWhat the people most need is rest. The residents of his section desired it above their chief joy. The policy of conciliation pursued by the Democraoy of the North would alone secure this rest. Let us imitate nature, who has covered the battle-field of the rebellion with her robes of green. Let us throw a mantle over the memory of th past" Baltimore Sun Special Correspondence. Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, fol lowed Mr. BlaineyTtnd spoke with con siderable force, varying his remarks with apt illustrations, which caused much laughter. The sound Democratic doctrines which he enunciated com mended themselves so much to Dr. Mary Walker, who sat irt one of the galleries, that she testified her appro bation with the most vigorous thumps on the floor with a large-sized umbrella which she carried. The chair imme diately directed that the violator of the decorum and dignity of the Senate be ejected from the galleries. Immediate ly three or four stalwart, able-bodied doorkeepers rushed toward the spot where the doctor sat, attired in her faultlessly fitting coat, her tight pants, and with her hair parted on the side in regular b"hoy style. She grasped her umbrella and confronted them with a defiant look, when every one of them shrank back in dismay and retreated, and the doctor shook her head in tri umph. A few minutes later Governor Vance concluded, and the doctor again testified her pleasure with a more in tense and prolonged rapping of her um brella than before. Again the assistants of the sergeant-at-arms made for her, and again she made them retreat, and then with great deliberation made her way into the recesses of the ladies' re tiring room and disappeared from view. The scene was witnessed by the entire galleries, and very much enjoyed. Washington Special to Richmond Dispatch. Gov. Vance's speech is highly com plimented to-night by Southern Sena tors. Another French Governmental Conflict. PAHis, May 21. The Radical mem bers of the chamber of deputies will, on Saturday, propose the following order of the day : . The, chamber, regretting that the government in the distribution or pardons has not made an application more politic and more conformable with the amnesty law, and hoping that in future the government will so apply it as to avoid electoral conflicts and give the country paoification, it needs passes to the order . of the day." This is prac lically a resolution : of censure, and would involve the fall of the cabinet, Which will therefore, it is believed, de mand the order of the day, pure and simple. A Richmond Forger In Baltimore. Baltimore, May 20. Channina P. Bedford, a young man of 18 or 20, re cently clerk in the banking and com mission nouse of Thomas .branch & Co., Richmond, Va,, was arrested here this morning charged with obtaining about 6500 from the Merchants' National Bank, of Richmond, on forced checks of his employers' firm on Friday last. Bedford is held awaiting the arrival of officers from Richmond. He confesses to having drawn the money. English Holiday Destruction of Silk ' ' Worms. London, May 21, The stock ex change will observe Saturday next as a holiday in honor of the Queen's-birth- . The Financier says that owing to ad vices from the south of Jfranoe and Italy, reporting ' rapid destruction of silk worms by . bad , weather, ', the silk market yesterday was excited and prices are very nuoyanc. . , ; ,.. ; "" mi K": ( Penlacola and all the gulf ports show clean i health reports, and all . of - the towns on the sea coast are being thor oughly cleansed in order to prevent any yellow - fever outbreak during- the en suing summer. ' " "'' Tot upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ig Syrup has been used for children. - It corrects AflMitv of the stomach, relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cures -dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising irom teeuungor uuier causes, jui uiu-auu well known remedy. 25c per bottle, - - -r-.yyy :yyy,, ymym- : v" i ... I M P O R T A N T I " - In the earty part of every season there la a natorai aiao who are recognized1 as standard authority In the fashionable world. Our relations to, and tleallngs with the public and the general standing of our house, will assure all In telligent readers that the Information given below Is authentic, reliable and correct Several changes hare taken place, both In shape and pattern, of fabrics In Men's Garments, of which special mention will be made. ' The latest de mand In Spring Garments is oar new . . WEST END SACK It has many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and ideas Instead of adhering to the old time-worn styles of the past very stylish in appear ance and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. ' - Our St. Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three or four buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving it a neai and graceful appearance, are made up In every variety of Spring textures. THE In shape and style retains lis hold In popular favor. Its length, ia a little longer than last season, and it is one of thft most useful among the gar ments of a gentleman's wardrobe.' The materials are French Casthigs. Granites and various patterns of English Worsteds. Our Pants stock Is complete, with every novelty In fabrics, and the shapes are perfect In our Hat department we hrvKe the Inspection of the most cul tivated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of universal approval. j IH OttfJeck Wear assortment Is almost unlimited sity Scarf. Unique and very elegant In White Tests we have a State reputation, and we will only assert "progress" in this season's selections. Our efforts hate been to place upon our counters only reliable and standard goods, and In the rapid increase of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. t We invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantages will be the same, for we will send goods to any section on approval, with privilege of inspection before payment of bill. ' Very respectfully, April 27,1879. E. D. LATTA & BRO, The People's Clotheirs. COME AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ILL WOOL THE Ever shown in this city. April 22, 1879. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Va., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via SeaLoard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, Ac, apply to either of the undersigned. April 30 d5m. TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE 0 o a P. o -a JO '33 CO O c d a s "3 "5 2 3 t4 o 0 A O g c si R 5 E r ft P3 O CO O a c8 r O r? o 5 5 2 4 TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE D. O. MAXWELL. C W. HARBISON Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL & IiARBI30j AUCTION AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MEBCHAKBISE AND COUNTRY PBODUCK; , Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. , jour doom above Charlotte Hotel. .1?.?. t t - w dec3 W LLIMFBX)YXD 1 - - CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, ean be ac commodated by applying at declS THIS OFFICE. PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, in devices of shades and styles, but boasts particularly CHEVIOT SUITS FOR $150. FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Remember that we are the rulers in $W Low Prices for Fine Clothing. L. BERV"ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. K. S. PINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, IMPOBTEES OF AXL KINDS OF MUSICAL Merchandise, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTES, FIFES, Drums, Band Instruments, SHEET MUSIC kc, Ac, kc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bottled lagerj Beer, ALE AND POSTER, Is eomer Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, tree of charge for $1.00 per dozen. P. a MUISZLEB. All orders left at John Voxel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 S TOP AT THE BO TDK N HOUSE Salisbury, N. a a BkowS, Proprietor, Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk: W. O. Shelbum As . sistaot. dee SO upon the very recent Introduction of the Univer ELSEWHERE Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offl- Charlotte, N; C. BUILDING. o o S3 9 PI a K o o O 0 on BUILDING. U NDERTAKINO The undersigned la now prepared to OB all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on band full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, 2Both Wood and Metallc. I f.PKICKS AS LOW AS AMT, ..... Hearses j furnished If desired. :. ' s . l'-v " . - -. . . -t Furniture ot every Description Repaired at shorl " -! ; -S v noticed ":i ' V- - ; ; , 't W.M. WILHSLMkj : With E, O. Rogers, Trade StreetJ t2June20.' 1 AAA FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, - MOST APPROVED FORM, n Just Printed and For Sale at the -:y. mmvuvvu nwxi'.w