t nshijv.niprnbei; of tl Continental "TTt lior.- V hi.e galiopingaround the corner ot Trade ana 4jouejre streets bis horse slipped and fell, catching the young man's leg under luni and break- The annual ball at the Central Hotel ' VMH III ltfHIH1l',lJI .till fItfirS4.il L H TI H I T. The occasion was, marKea Dy the pres ence of a large number or young men and ladies from other places. There were representatives from Columbia. rwucig ii, j-ji iuimu wn, duties v uic aim cic where besides ail the beaux and belles of the city. ; . "" sv GENERAL AND PERSONAL;' ; ; The newspaper fraternity were quite well represented. Among those prea ent were capt. John VV oodhouse, or. the Conconl Register; Wade IL Harris, i A 1.1 Tirji t i r -n tt " - iaus ui tun v liiimiKtuu our, d. n. jm.u- Lauehlin, of the Concord Sun. CoL Whidby, of the Atlanta Constitution, CoL W. F. Faber, a well known corres pondent of Columbia, and W. C. Wolfe, of the Monroe Enquirer. I" : The btatesvilie and Concord bands did themselves great credit!) The, Hornets' Nest Riflemen extended hos-' pitalities to the former; and the Pioneer lire company entertained the latter. INDICATIONS. WAr Department. Office Chief Signal Officer er, P.M. ) Washington, ?May 21, 130 p, Tor the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, nearly stationary.ifollowed bv rising barometer, variable winds, gener ally shirting to fresh and brisk norther ly or easterly, and increasing on the North Carolina coast to gales, partly cloudy and cooler weather sand, frequent local rains are probablei ; g liiriex to Nrw AdrMltMHiieniii Attention. Pioneers. , t K. H. Aldrlch Gounod Musical Club. Maxwell & Harrison Auction. HOiUK PENCItlNUS. There will be a meeting of the Gou nod Musical Club to-night at Maj.Flem ming's. -J f I The large ad. of the HcSmith music house,- on our first page; will command attention. Mr, McSmith is busily en gaged in getting his house in order, and in a day or two will be prepared to wel come the ladies and all others who will call. If Sudden and jHrsterloas Deatb. ''' Amelia Wallace, a colored girl whose home was on the plantation of Mr. I. N". Wallace, in Crab Orchard.township, was on a visit to her grand-mother in the neighborhood, Tuesday, Svhen she suddenly fell to the floor and expired in a few moments. The condition of the irl and certain attendant circumstances ave rise to the suspicion of foul play, and Coroner Alexander went down ) esterday to investigate thelcase. narriace ettrdar ! At the residence of the bride's mother in this city yesterday jnorning; Mr. Allen E. Gray, one of the jMjpular young gentlemen of the city. Was united in marriage to Miss Corinhe H. Harris, Hev. A. W. Miller, D. D officiating. The ceremony was very private, only a lew friends of the young couple being present, and early after the" marriage the bridal pair took the; train for St. Louis, whetherthey go to visit relatives of the groom. " j Death mi a Farmer Citizen. " Information has just, been received here by Mr. J. W. Wilson; of the death -nf his father-in-law, Mr. JasEarnsh:iw. at his residence near. Smyrna.. Cobb, county, GeoiMr.Earusbaw was for quite a period of time superintendent of the liock Island cotton factory, in this -eity, and during the last year Of the ex istence of that factory was tone of the members of the firm conducting it- He left here ravpti or eiirht vears asro and" has since that time been Hvingin Geor gia, where he was connected With tbe Concord cotton factory in Cobl county, that State. His death, which occurr wl Tuesday morning, was x quite sud-, den and unexpected. Mr. Earnshfiw was greatly esteemed! ' here,: and the intelligence of his death will be' re ceived with sorrow by many friends of his in Charlotte. . j Election ml Clnel of the; Second Reg-' latent. '. ' In pursuance of an order of the Adjutant-General, of the State Guard, a meeting of the commissioned officers of the second regiment was held in this city Tuesday for the purpose of electing a colonel to supply - the .vacancy occa sioned by the recent resignation of Col. C. W. Alexander. The meeting was called to order with Capt. J. M. Davis, of compUny H in the chair, and Lieut Turner, of company I, acting secretary. 1 Capt Lutterloh, Lieut James and Lieut Brbckenbrough.were appointed ji committee on credentials, and found that ten companies were represented fifteen votes, being represented in per .son and seventeen by proxy. It was moved and carjied that the meeting go into the election of a colonel, and LieiitJame9 nominated. Lieut C. W. Alexander, of the Charlotte Grays; Lieut Alexander nominated Lieut Col. A. II. Worth. Lieut Alexander re ceived 27 votes, and Lieut CoL Worth received 5, these being f otu proxies held by Lieut Alexander and bis own vote. Lieut Alexander .was , thereupon de clared elected f colonel of s the secon d regiment and the meetingidjourned. Jarera lor the Federal CaarU At the last term of thd United States District Court in this city, a committee consisting of the. clerk, Messrs. J. L. lirown, W. K. MyersB. K Bay. and T. L. Vail, was appointed to choose a ve nire of 200 names, from which to draw a jury to serve during the next term of court These gentlemen have discharg ed their duty, and yesterday the follow ing named persons were selected out of this list these to constitute the jury for the term of court to beginj in this .city on the second Monday in June: -r v Mecklenburg County John A.Young, Sr, 8. H. Marks, C. Scott Ji H. Cheshier, W. IL Downs, L B. Steele, JB. Swan, L. M. McAllister, Kobt W. McDonald, 0. II. .Wolfe,. A. J..Hood,? Thomas. K; Hal mons, s Geo? !s s Washington , Grier, col? , ored, JamesTT White, J. tL Walker, J. II. Henderson, John W." Morrow, Jw Miller, William Sloan C W. McCoy.""" Cabarrus County fi W. Harris, ,D W. Htmneycutt George W.' Patterson, Jos. P,Miaenhiemern Crawford Good man, w im v s i i -! I Union County L. B. Pincher, JasC Crow, Calvin Rogers, Jno. L.-Porter W.H.Gribble. - S " liaston iuntv-Ksiev itnvne. w. Gamble, R, O. Costner, J. F. WilsQn Jonas Jenkins. . . , i, ' " - , Lincoln County L.' E.' Sain, Henry Houser, a J. Weaver, J. W. A. Payne, ID.Haynes.. i i .-, - We regret the isuspension of the Wil mington Sun. It was a sound and able Democratic par, outspoken in its sen tiinents and eourteous ,inj debate. It succumbed ; td 'the lack of patronage, proving what had already been proved over and over again, that there is no. room fn a place the size of Wilmington lor more than one morning daily pa lr. ' . " " ' . ; , The rifting generation ought "to be protected against tne stupef jlng Influence of Opium prepara tions. We caU the attention of all mothers to the Jact that Dr. Bull's Babr Syrup is absolutely free irom Laudanum and other Opiates. ' TWO : D AYS PROCEEDINGS.' THE' SEX ATE PASSES' THE LKGISU TITE BILL ; The 8Uvt'f Bill Under Dlwastloi in the . . Uoase. . Washington, May 20. Senate; McDonald asked leave to introduce a bill authorizing the President to en ploy the militia and land and naval lorces of the United States to enforce the laws wherever their execution are obstructed bv combinations ton mwer- f ul to be suppressed by judicial author ities, etc., ana preventing the military from being 'used as a posse comitatus except in cases authorized by the con stitution and laws. -- . - - -; Edmunds objected on the ground mat previous notice naa not Deen giv erf. -;- McDonald then withdrew the bill and gave notice that he should ask leave to introduce it to-morrow. The Senate i resumed th$ considera tion of the legislative, judicial and ex ecutive appropriation bill. . ....s Saunders read a short speech in op position to the bill; that the use of the military is necessary to secure fair elec tions in the South. Whyte said the political clauses of the bill were not extensive enough to meet his views, which were opposed to all Federal interference, civil or mikV tary, in State affairs. In his judgment there is no such thing as a national election. Elections are either State or municipal. Senators and Representa tives are agents of, and responsible to, the States. There has been no . proto type for our form of government He (Whyte) made a constitutional and his torical argument to support those views. Mr. Jonas, of Louisiana, followed. At 4 o'clock the vote was taken. Ed munds' motion to strike out the claus es repealing the statutes relating to the test oath wa lost yeas 26, nays 37. Ed munds then moved to strike out the clause establishing a mode of drawing United States jurors : lost yeas 27, nays 37. He then moved to strike out the clauses repealing the statutes relating to United States deputy marshals and supervisors of elections; lost yeas 27, nays 37. He then moved to strike out the clause repealing section 522 of the Revised Statutes, which punishes inter ference with, or obstruction of deputy marshals and supervisors of elections in the performance of their duties: lost yeas 27. nays 37. The Dill was then read a third time and passed yeas 37, nays, 27. House. The House resumed, as the business of the morning hour, the bill to amend the laws relating to transfer of cases from Stste to Federal courts, and Urner concluded his argument against it I he silver bill was further consider ed and the third and fourth sections adopted, after which the House ad journed. ' i i 21st The Hoase in the mornincr hour resumed the transfer of cases bill but the hour was used ud bv Republi can filibustering and the hill went over. lne consideration or the silver bill was resumed.and the remaining sections down to the seventh were agreed to. with amendments, when the House ad journed. m The Death f Mr. B. Frank WIImh The announcement in Tuesdav morn ing's Observer of the sudden death the previous night of Mr. B. Frank Wilson, fell upon the community with all the force of an electric shock. His popu larity was universal. All classes of our people admired and esteemed him, and very many, who were bound to him by no lies ot blood, teit in ins death a per sonal bereavement Mr. Wilson was a man not only of the most lovable and amiable disposition ; he was more than this: to a high and chiyalric spirit geni ality of manner, and great sweetness of temper, he added a greater number of the Christian' graces than are often found combined in one person, and hence it was that while he was general ly beloved in the community he was no less generally admired and respected. fn.- x ' r i t : a line wasaiioweu us jnoiiuay uiut only to record the fact of his death. The circumstances leading to the discovery of it may be briefly adverted to here: lie did not appear at tea, out it was sup posed that he was at the house of some friend. Late at night he was still ab sent and had not been seen. His room door was tried and found to be locked. The kev could be seen on the inside. A ladder was procured and an entrance to tbe room made through a window, when the body was found lying cold upon the floor. It was half-dressed, indicating that Mr. Wilson was preparing to go out when the attack came upon him. Physicians were summoned and these agreed that life had at that time been extinct for six hours. Tuesday Coroner Alexander sum moned as ajury 'Messrs. Wm. Sloan, D. W. Oates. J. E. Oates, R. M. Oates, J. C. Burrouirhs. W. 8. Forbes. W. W. Pe- gram, A. B. Davidson, H. G. Springs, E. S. BurwelL E. D. Latta and B. Nichols, and proceeded to hold an inquest These examined Drs. J. P. McComDs. J.H.MC Adeh and J. B. Jones, who, after mak. ing a postmortem examination of the body, signed a paper setting forth that "death was caused by a rupture of some of the blood vessels of the brain, thus producing apoplexy." This also was the verdict of the jury. The funeral services look place yes terday morning at the First Presbyteri an church, or which he was a most con sistent and devoted member. The ser vices were largely attended, and the sermon of the pastor was one of his mo3t eloauent efforts, uniting with a beautiful tribute to the dead an urgent reminder to the living to be prepared at anvtimeV The tnusiejwAskby the Gou nod Musical Club, of which Mr. Wilson was an invaluable member, and after the services the remains were borne to Elmwood cemetery.' followed Dy a large concourse, and there interred. - Tnnwh the htehest standard of health, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels; a alight deflation brings man? Inconveniences and paves the way to more serious dangers. We can recommend Dr. BuU's Baltimore Pills as the best medicine for the needs of the digestive apparatus. The School Bill Unsigned. Lieut Gov. Robinson and Speaker Moring met in Raleigh Monday and had a confer ence the result of which vas an1 agreef menfc that they- would not sign the school hilt they tbeing nnwiiUng as the Raleigh Observer states;by .their act to construe the ronittion tb mean:; that the "presidingf cera of $he two seon,.feTOecusionunuormiy Deen, and trestisbrapree We are satisfied that their conclusion is a wise dnef s - ' Vortlfr the i body against disease br purifying the blood with Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. . Thus iore- armed, yoa mu never vc ukkn vj x ' ' '.11 mmm ---r - ' Seek Safr4 by t&e Breafclns f Cincinnati, May 21.-Wra. ; Ammer, alias Storey, of St- Louis, recently eloped with Jennie Atchley, the wife of a farmer of Batavia, Ohio. He was captured and placed in jail at Batavia Early this morning a mob .entered the jail, seized Storey and hung him on one of the timber of the bridge over the Little Miami. After hanging a, few minutes the rope broke and Storey dropped into the river and succeeded in gaining the shore, whence he was taken to a hotel, where he remains ,;,:. -tTfce. Convention of UieT.IKCrx; Baltxmole. Mav 21. The biennial con vention of the Christian Association of the United States and British provinces, assembled this morning. The conven tion was called to order by First Vice President Thos, J. Walker, of Toronto. Speeches were made by distinguished divines from': different parts of the world. i r !, - .-- . Jot Tor John Sherman. - Coltjmbus, (3, May 2L Sherman, in a letter to the chairman of the Republi can central committee, ' declines the nomination . for the governorship of Ohio,, i . , , ' ELECTRIC BELTS. ; A sure cure for nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable euro. Cir culars mailed free; 'Address i. K. RKKVKS, 48 Chatham street, N. T. Jeb. 20-dkw8m. . Pnteet tne Ijstm trm Malaria. ft Is possible to da this even in regions of eoun try where miasma is most rife, and where the periodic fevers which It causes assume their most formidable types. The immense popularity of Hostetter's Stomach Bitten is very largely attribu table to the fact of Its efficacy as a remedy for chills and fever, bullous remittents, and as a pre ventive of the various forms of malarial disease. In those portions of tbe West and South where complaints of this nature prevail, and in the Tropica, it is particularly esteemed for the pro tective influence which tt exerts; and Unas been very widely adopted as a substitute for the danger ous and comparatively ineffective alkaloid, sul phate of quinine. Physicians have not been among the last to concede its merits, and the em phatic professional indorsements which it has received have added to the reputation it has ob tained at home and abroad. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS!' MAT 21, 1879 PRODUCE. BirTmoBK Oats dull; Southern 34a3B, Wes tern white 84335, do mixed 33a33tt, Pennsyl vania S4a3& Hay market active; prime Tenn sylvania and Maryland 13a 14. Provisions dull; mess pork, old 10.60al0.75, new --; hulk meats loose shoulders 4, clear rib sides 4 per car load, packed new 4V&8V; bacon shoulders, old 4. clear rib sides. 5a6, hams, sugar-cured, WtyBUll. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter? firm: choice Western packed 14al. rolls llaltf." Cof fee fiimer; Rio cargoes 10al4 Whiskey dull at 1.06. Sugar strong; A. soft &a. . Cincinnati Flour strong; family 5.00a5.75. Wheat active and firm; No. 2 red winto. 1.09a.l0. Corn strong at 39a40. Oats in good demand at 33a36. Fork steady and firm at 10.00. Lard In fair demand; current make tt.OO. Bulk meats quiet; shoulders 8.50, short ribs 4.55, spot 475, seller last half July, short clear 4.75; bacon dull; shoulders 4a. 12 clear ribs 5a.l2. clear sides 5.37 Whiskey easier at 1.01. Butter-steady; fancy creamery 1 7al 8, choice Western reserve 13a 1 4, choice Central Ohio 1 1 al 2. Sugar steady and unchanged; hards 83feafO. A white Btya8. New Orleans fta7. Hogs In fair demand: common 2.50a 3.25. light 8.30a3.50, packing 8.85atH), butchers 3.tt5a75; receipts ; shipments ' Nnw Tom Flour no decided enange; No. 2. 2.85a8.10, superfine Western and State 8.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 8.954.50; Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra 5.00a5.60; good to choice do 5.65aA.75. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.17, No. 3 ditto 1.18aL.. Com -ungraded 43a47. No. 3. 44. GnU, Ho 3, 34a. Coffee model ately active; Rio quoted in car goes 1034al4,lnoblots 10al5fe. Sugar quiet; Cuba iAa3, fair to good refi'g 6a6vb, prime 6; red standard A. 7, granulated 8 powdered 8, crushed 8. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Bice in fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 6JAa7, Louisiana 84fca6& Pork new mess on spot lW.0Oa.25. Lard prime steam spot .30a32. Whiskey 1.05. Freights quiet. COTTON. NOKfOLJt Quiet: mlddline 18c: nt nwi.t 400; gross ; stock 5,823; exports coastwise 133; sales 50; exports to Great Britain . BaltDIOBX Firm: mldd'ir 13U: low middling 12; good ordinary 12; net receipts ; gross OH: sales 150: stock 2.tU9: exnorts eoaMwise 25: spinners : exports to Great Britain ; to umtment ; to France Boston Firm: middling 1 .like. : low mlddiimF 134b; good ordinary 1 3 ; net receipts 1 ,032; gross : sales : stock H.l lO: exnorts to Great Britain 178. Wilmington Fi rm : middling 13c.: low mid dlingl2c.; good ordinary 12; net receipts l; gross ; sales ; stock fi2l; spinners ; ex ports coastwise iw. to ureat untain ; to Con nent ; to channel . PBTf.ATHT.PmA Steady; mlddline 18&&: low middling 13&e: snod ordlnarv 18c: net recelnts 20; gross 164; sales 1,271; spinners 971; stock 5,603; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Firm : middling 13c: low mid dling 1234c. good ordinary 12tyc.; receipts 25; shipments : sales 109; stock . Chaklxstoh Easy: middling 12Sic: low mid dling 12Ut; good ordinary 12Vc; net receipts av; gross : sales oo: stock i.Wii: exnorts coastwise ; Great Britain 5,381; France ; Continent ; to channel . Nxw Yobx Quiet: sales 379: mlddline uplands 13ts.. mMdlina- Orleans 13M).: consolidated net receipts 2,759; exports to Great Britain 11,696. LmcBPOOL Nook Cotton firm. Middling Uplands, 7i4L. middling Orleans. 74L; sales 1U.UOU, speculation ana export g.uuu, aaaioonai sales reateraax aner regular closing. : re ceipts 2,850. American 2,550. Futures l-16a3-32 lower. UDianar tow nuaaiinx clause : May de livery, , May and June 7 1 1 -S2a5-1 8a-32aiA. June and juu . i i-.xja.viBaiHJ2a.-yir. juit ana August 7 7-1 6a, August and September 7la7- lrJ, septemDer ana uctooer i w-ioaja-az, ucto ber and November 7 3-32, November and Decem ber 13-16. New ctod shinned October and No- ymber per sail , November and December . FUTURES. New Tokk Futures closed steady. Sales 186, 000 bales. May .... Jane 13.49a.51 13 .59a.60 July 18.7a.80 AUgUSt.... 13.HO September 13 .65a,66 October.. 12.51a,52 November 11 .73a.74 December. 11 .62a.63 January 11 .64a.6 FINANCIAL. Nxw Towt Money 3a4 Exchange 487l4att governments strong. New 5's 1.03. 4 per cents 1.7. 4 per gents i.ua. etae oonos aun. V u i i CITf COTTON MARKET. - Omoi or Tn Obsxbtxk, ( , .. . CHABI0TXB. May 22, 1879. 1 The.markei yesterday closed steady, as follows: 4 Good middling f .... ...... . mulling, ........ Strict low middling. Liow miaaung. , Tinges . . Lower grades. .............. .r. .v. . . CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET MAT 21. 1879. . OOBSSCTKD DAH.T. Cokn, per bush'l Mkal, - PiAa.J-HK-f; Oats, shelted, ' 63afi5 - ojaea (f .....ls65a70 45a50 nogroana.......i.. Hams, canvassed..... . . . 10al2 4 14al6 12al4 . 23a25 -85a40 85a40 Ij00a2.00 WlM. MKAI8 - uear lUDBMHM....... i r Primeiua,-. .,--"-Good....... - Hugar-nouse. Molassks-- ' ; na-";- --Mi- Cuba..... ....,...-..... NewOrieans..... Sai IJyerDOOinne..- SUOAB g . , i 'i White............ Yellow.. ........ urn Potatoes Irish.. Btjttxk i " v ' ' North Carolina. 1-. . .. .. . Eggs, per dozen. v ........... v . .. FWHjji" Sjt --a - - Family... r.--.i."i i. I super....:.. . ,: 12tta20 1 1J,0Oa3.r0 2,75a3.00 2.2oa2.5Q nnHS members Of the Gounod Musical Club are' I J .... n. Unl lXT fir I'lnmmfnnla , requesMMi v iuto wj. .ouuuus this evening at 8 o'clock. All the members are earnestly desired to be PALDRICH, See ill 12 910 LL '4WWi , 65a75 3.50aa75 Star &&v&fti&tv&mis: ATTRNTTnivr f r i u sx & k ;U S . Attend a called meeUng of your company Uils (Tnuredaj) evealnjc At your haU.it o'clock, for the transaction of important businesai , H. i. ELAM, W.EDww - ; s i President Secretary. r . maj22 It ; , AUCTION! AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., JlAXWELt KAI&lloN, Auctioneers. - V 15 CASES OF SHOES. May 22 It n J? : V? 1 VJ. 1.1XX1. All AND WHEAT BREAD i S AT PBATHEH'S. ! & '3 CAKES ! CAKES ! Pound, Sponge, Fruit, jelly, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes at PRATHEB'S, May 22. Trade Street y g ShARLOTTE, I COiCMBIA l4i AUGUSTA KJ , 4 ; A BAlLROADTi s ' Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Jl. Bi Columbia. S. C. May lrt, 1879 f ' s f i ; i ? I i 'On and after Sundky$ May J8th, at 1 0.00 p. m. the following passenger schedule will be mm on this road: NIGHT EXPRESS. , Going South, No. l.f Leave Charlotte; :....!.,J2 45 a. m Arrive Columbia, . 6 ao a. m Leave Columbia 5 35 a. m Arrive Augusta 9 25 A.M Going North, No. 2. la3velii8tai....i..(.i....i...i 5 65 p.m. Arrive Columbia. 10 00 p. m. Leave Columbia,. , 10 10 p. m Arrive Charlotte,.........,, 3 40 a. m OAT PASSENGER. Going South, No. 3. Leave Columbia . 4 15 p. m. Arrive Augusta.. . 8 30 p.m. Going North, No. 4. Leave Augusta. . .: .... 8 50 a. h Arrive Columbia 1 10?. u FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED. Going South, No 5. Leave Charlotte,.. . 5 40 a.m Rock Hill 8 00A.X " , Chester, .., 9 45a.x f ; Wlnnsboro,... 12 10a.m Arrive at Columbia,.. 3 10 p.m Going North, No. 6. Leave Columbia; 5 40 a. m Wlnnsboro, 8 45a.m . Chester; 11 10 a. x .iV Rock Hill. 12 50A.X Arrive at Charlotte, 3 10 p. x Pullman Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars on , Nos. 1 and 2, Augusta to Greensboro. T. D. KLINE, Superintendent. Jno. R. MacMurdo, G. P. Agent D. Casdwell, may 18 Ass't G. Agent UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERT COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by tbe Legislature of the State fpr Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868 fqr thk tsrm of twknti-ptvb tkars, to which contract the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $.'350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: - GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which win take place the 109TH GRAND MONTHLY EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING ;At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, Under the personal supervision and management 1 1 i.. Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Genj JAA. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000 Notice Ticket are Ten Dollars Only. Bahresj$5. fifths, l'entbs) ft LIST OF PRIZES: , 1 Capital Prize of. I $100,000. .. . $100,000 1 Grand Prize ot ; 50,000... . .50,000 1 Gran4 Prize of. ...tv 20,000...:' 20,000 2 Large Prizes of.:.a. 10,000. ... f 20,000 4 Lara Prizes of 5.000 20.000 : 20 Prizes of ...v....... 1,000 50 Prizes of , 500,... .100 Priaasof ...i....:... -'300 20,000 25,000 30,000 40.000 .200 Prizes of 200 00 Prizes of . 10,000 Prizes of.... APPROXIMATION PRIZES t 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 $20,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100..... 10.009 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 700 11,279 Prizes, amounting to. 8522,500 Application for rates to clubs should only he made to the ofnee of the company in New Orleans. , Write for circulars or send orders to - M. A. DAUPHIN, - Postoffice Box 6112, New Orleans, Louisiana . , maylS , . t v.r,' SHOES ! 1 SHOES ! - -- AT- AUCTION! On 1879, at lOVs o'clock a. nu, we will sell 20 Cases of ::; shoes Men's, Women's and Roys', Y'4 ASSORTED FROM FINE TO COMMON. B the 1ze P"5 V j I 016 Dozen rji j Positive sale, Terms aash. MAXWELL-& HARttlSOK, .-, Auctioneers ft Commission Merchants. may 14 'f jBQOT, SHOE AID "J V I - 4 6 ! JU YV HMO )!I.n ') Having oienel a Shoe 4 such as For Ladies, Misses and Children, and a ever offered in this market. Thanking J:8-1 take pleasure in announcing -witn an experience of ten years in the May 6,1879. PE 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Have now In store a nice and complete stock ot SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags -o : With them you can find I i i l I ' THE BEST STOCK ..j-' : U IN CHARLOTTE. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCullough & Ober, Caniield, and MUes' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THK CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying. Orders have iersonal attention. April 9. 1879. PEGRAM & CO. BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES ! AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN i CHARLOTTE. This stock ot Boots, Shoes, Hots, Trunks, Ac., embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can , be sold by any house In u . ji . '. 1 ' m m? fs'Hiiii1.' h'- MERCHANTS ... Will do welt to call land examine this stock, as It Is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail (Hi most reasonable terms. VISITORS TnCtL4htaf'invitAd'tA ifi InA1 amin mir ro inarioue are invited to can and examine our tv nji thP wni- Am) tt mtvd. mmniPfi in mrw stock, as tney win- find it most complete in every . - V . , . f . , si respect, and cheaper than ever before. ' Smith 4 Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St .ii i in . r - ' ' ."i - ' D R. A. W. ALEXANDER,' -DENTI8T OFFICE OYER L. R. WRISTON & CQ'S . - . Dkdo Stosx. . ; . - With 25 years ' experience I guarantee entire atisfacUon.' ' " - Janll THY J.: M OYER'S Store with everything fresh and new( I am prepared to full line of the best goods for Men and JJoysC 'w'iph I propose to sellheaiwr than V my friends for past patronage, I trust to merit the same in the future. .. Respectfully,' '.. " "f; .;:5i;';;: f-l' Trade Street, next dM)r to Kyle & nammdnds Ilard ware Stove. to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr. MoyerVanU feel satisfied that Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. Very respectfully, It gives us pleasure to state that our business this season thus far has exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and now, with our present facilities, having a resident buyer In New York, we are prepar ed to o&er inducements m eveir department of our business. -. ' . . - . . . .. - ..; IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT We are displaying elegant lines of colored and black Silk Grenadines, black and colored Buntings In laln and lace stripe, French Organdies, Linen Lawns, Henrietta Cloths, black and colored Cashmeres, amise. Australian Crepes and SUk Chaleys, all of The latest and newest-designs. This department Is replenished daily. . . OUR LINEN AND WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT Is replete. Call for anything you want In this line ; we have It We make a specialty of Ladies' and Misses' Cuffs, Collars. Gauze 8hlrts, Half Hose, colored and plain, and other articles too numerous to mention. We are offering a nice line of Cassimeres, Cottonadea, etc, at greatly reduced prices. We have an endless variety of Buttons. Fans of ail kinds, from 5 cents to five dollars. Our stock 0f Para sols Is complete. Ask for Hamburg Embroidery, Laces, Ribbons, Corsets, Lace and? Silk Scarfs, etc. May 16. THEBES T SOLD BY .81500.00 . nrAKMUr mHmm9 address: WhiteSewing Machine DRESS GOODS, . : SHAWLS, LISES8, COTTOBTS, TBUDtOW, . BXAinnBxs, . GLOVES, HOSIERY, Oliis' ad Boy SiU, Ladies' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS MAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, for prompt HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, HAMBUR6S, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, &c Established 1851 C AROLINA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THUOUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped for business, Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, As well as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. N. C sept30 $ti$tlmxtBUs. BOUQUEfT" This magnificent brand of Cigars has lust been received, and all who have tried it say it is the BEST 5 CENT CIGAR They have ever seen In Charlotte. Sold only at PERRY'S. THE HOUSEWIFE'S -. GREATEST FRIEND The latest and most eomDlete invention of the day Crocker & Fawnsworth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere tatAfof standing over a hot fire on ironing days.' This Iron heats itself, and will save its worth In wood consumed under the old process in a short time, to say nothing of tbe health of those who do the work. - We are the agents for the State of North Caroll- no. aim WAJ MU1U1CIB wio hud UJL lb 111 Mecklenburg, Gaston and Lincoln : counties at onc8. Any one wishing to purchase the right to "8eU to otner counties in the State will do weU to apply once t0 undersigned at Charlotte, N. H. M. RAMSEUrT fASent!L An AA ""i rAfi "Jah,lwJ MARSHALL rLw.UU H o 5 J.E r H.o.S-bE SAVANNAH, GA, 1 7 A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. :; " Reduced rate $2.00 and 82.50, according to loca- tlonofRoom. r i M L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. DRV HAT STORE. .' . -t ' , vf 4-. i offer to the tjade a line of the' lcst goods, f-:0 J. Mc. ALEXANDER. , ALEXANDER & HARRIS. SO 9IUPI F WARRANTED 1 a. Co. Cleveland; ohi 6: BY MAIL. Send for" Sampler or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in . . DRY GOODS AND HOTIOWS of us by Mail or Express. We - carry an average stock of about $JLO0j00d. all bouoht cash. VaSTry is,1 Have the Children send for a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER&CONARO, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA DA ' , DISPATCH LINJ NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Transportlon of .:. Charlotte, .Statesvllle, Ashevllle, RutlieiTordton on the Atlaiita & Richmond Alr-Llne. and Western N. C. Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick, upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C C. Railway, Charlotte. JpiELD BROS., WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PROwJcTs Keep constantly on band FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLESr DRIED FRUITS, Ac. " Exclusive Dealers in RAM50UR A BONNIWELLS and A. L. SHU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ,-' AUO. PROPRIKTOltS Off TBI r. ; CHARLOTTE HOTEL, : 4 ...-... ig ..CHARLOTTE, L C -This house has been refitted and newly furnbthed. and Is kept In'first'cfass ptyle. . Terms, Per Day - .... . 9 2 oo ' VS Great indacements offered" to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. ; .-. - tar-Omnibus and Carriages at every traln.ES ' FIELD BPOTHERS n Proprietors. Mr. H.av, iusoh & Ladt, . ; ... .. .Superintendents. Hknbt Wq.RN o, ; . Clt rk. feb9 i-1

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