' ' ' : 1 - - . . . ! ii. -ii ' Ji - .1 1 1. i . i : . i i ii i.i ... ....j I. p . i i i t ) i i n ... j . I r, L t: , -., ,r ., - i ii ii r T m r n - - -- i Out of thfoomty, postpaid,..!, . a 10 T"i '" 1 ' ' j , - " 1 .:,.... ,..f:; ; ( . ' ,r . :,: , ftffijSS , j , - CHARLOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 23. 1879. ' " NO; 3 195; t f.l 4-llTzTiLnnfI(C c in! MTHrtiii I ri? t.a ok. . I .-.-i-- ... . ... I . ; : : n . . ' ! : : 1 LuaaiAiBiiuuj .-- 1 y ' SUN UMBRELLAS; i -r.i , Jmbrell&a WTO mid the best assortment at the lowest prices M 4 i. - !-nl!i-. ! hi i't'H is ) u T rCGCODSri&e. ELIAS & COHEN'S. Unlit ftberavpoa which they can save moneft ;Our stock of Taney J arid Staple i DRY GOODS, Is now complete, among which' may oe found a full awtf ply of Boose Viuntshihc Gooda, " kfieetmg and Pillow Caslnxs' In Linen and Cotton, Llgen ; Taht,lMnaylJK itklrWlM TmW8 ererAmeW; Car pets, Rugs, Mattings a'nd OH Cloths. Oui stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of -,WJHTEG! HOSIERY, GLOVES; HANDKERCHIEFS, COB- KMrK's'OTATs, n if- j X i- if .Wilil am -u. vS4 ! . BOTH-raMMTO lWD trimtniMiD. ThelKtewest Shapes Out CalU and See Them. i . . .- '. . ;j- . .... v -;fi . ! v..,:: s J : ' or.i- i.ltfi !.:-. : ALSONEW LOT OK west! TODS. Owss LmenV toTUtd ttrtfll Vdtrile 1 Patterns; Silk Grenadines In Mack and Colors. FANCY HOSIERY, USES WUITUUI OH IB DIATH OF XB. B. TRAHK WILSOH. Alone tnoa goest forth, fcrsve, gentle spirit. To learn th nurftfAi-b nf th uta, A ;LvnTl. . Clad in thy Savior's strength, with Him to inherit a an jvj uuspuaen oi my neavenly home. Alone each one of ns must meet the herald, ' Who brings our summons to attend the King; -' whether on ocean's treacherous wave Imperilled. Or where the roar of arms la thundering; Whether on peaceful couch, by loved ones tended ' WOO WStehflll 4a MA v loWkv4n Iwuith . Or poororiorn, despised and mibefriended. Alone we look Into thy face, oh. Death. And yet not all alone; our Elder Brother Has made the dark and gloomy valley bright with His blest presence. Like the tenderest mother Be gently leads hl . own into the light wm? ten what rapturous visions splendid, Were to thy sight revealed when opening The gates of peart; angels thy soul attended u hub presence 01 my uod, the King. lit who can tell what strains of music swelling ' ' . .. Through heaven's high arches, pealed thy wel come hornet . That blessed home, thy heavenly Father's dwell- 1U' Where no rude dissonance can ever come; But Dure and loftv harmnntMi vhnu nmhiuo Unmixed with earth-tones, unperplexed with- j Give thy rapt soul, in rich divine completeness, Perpetual pleasure, through th' eternal years. ' And who can tell but now the saints in glory Have hushed their golden harps to list and hear AJSr uewiy-aaaea voice cnant tne "Old Storv" 7 I f)f fifui'a Mbumlnn Inm .... LISLS, LACE AND KID GLOVES AND MITTS. ! ? .li. J lAj J . . $ . ; ?S, 1 '"'s1"1 wu, we mourn in saaness SETS. FANS AND TIES. Ask to se our Tenr Cents Iittm Cambric- Hand kerchief arid ' SS'-BtnV'fbllaar !To win find them sbeap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will pay you. - ELIAS ft COHEN. n rn i r. jfcffcii-fci-fcffarhi Be sure and look at our DOTTED SWISSES That marveUoux tnfcw" m Till all the Joys of heaven, in perfect gladness, ' Shall be united in one grand Amen. Oh! friend, thou hast gone before; watch at the portal For us, who may soon follow God above Grant to Thy chastened ones the bliss immortal Te meet again and sing and praise Thy love. AND rue strike of the New York 'long- TBE ORSEk FA R JOB DAfAKTMIMT Ex been thoroughly supplied iooA nery mh!mI wmt, mriwtiti U" P Siytes of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now bedontvf&Ameatfie$L gaca and cheapness w$ ean tyrr4t at Short BLANKS, BlLL-SiADS, f.lM 1 urrsfi-AEADs; oasas, f xiea cxi73s; postxxs, ,7 ' PKOGRA IfUK.I SAftn- kttj PAMPHLETS, CIKCVLAES, Cggpgg, g ' TAe Progress of the ToumNeto Build- ; -ingsrThe Mineral Springs and Vie ' 1 Mineral Wealth of the Section. Kmo's Mountain, N. C, May 19, To; To the Editor of The Observer: This village of historic name, located within a few miles of the King's Moun tain battle ground, and the grave of importance. Six years ago or there about the steam whistle on the Atlan ta & Richmond Air-Line, now th At. janut or jnarioite Air-Liine Railway matwumuiiiu mi welcome SOUDd to the ears- of. the - protrressive hf this section ft The site of this now pros- iwuuiuui nan iubu out rorest and worn-out fields, unembellished save bv Luc giun mi yji. uatuie. . xime, nowever has wrought a great change in the as pect of things here ; the energy wtoch nas oeen uismayea inonr villacro Kao been remarkable, -and the growth has oAucjjcuL.jc cn iio -TiLuucipaiions or its mostsancuine citizens : the f orpsta navo been hewn down andstately mansions have been erected, where the majestic oak and the scraggy black-jack stood. Its - worn-out fields have been t.ranc fonned into highly productive garden spots andL clover fields, and amidst all B DRGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL MORE the energies put forth in worldly pro gress, our church spires mount ur wards in numbers that would inriipntA that our citizens had not been unmind- .-.1 .J! 1L a : i -w iui ui ma worsnip 01 uoo. We can now boast of three churches, One a handsome structure of brick, each of which will comfortably seat from three -toujour hundred per sons. Within the last twelve months some splendid business houses have been erected. Messrs. Mauney Bros. & Rob erts now occupy their new double-story brick store, frontinar fiftv feet rronr. on Railroad Avenue. On the opposite sme or tne railroad Messrs. J. W. Gar rett & Co. have iust comrJeted a snin- gized. and adjourned over until next SlffS&g!SS The trial of Thomas Buford for the. gentlemen is to invite summer resi. murder of Judge Elliott, at Frankfort, dents 'to Kifig'ff Mountain, and the lo Ky has been transferred to Owenton, cation is splendid for that purpose. Sit in Owen county, Ky July 8. uated in one of the healthiest portions A abv show onened in niwat r-a 01 ine fecate 1,250 feet above sea-level, .. i'luJ sJlor ppenea in uiewsters I v.TnmYirfir -a m BRIEF NEWS ITEM TT TT rTtn a TTTivso inestn -i- Ajxill VTIVJill shoremen continues. The Underwriters' Association of the Stt & Co LvnTcSeted South met in Atlanta Wednesday, or- a tJW Kiuiizeii, ana aajournea CALL AND SEE OUR MARSEILLES QUILTS. T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. Uayie. MORE EBSSra E. SS. JK -tnPlets and tains on the west thefe Pfa no reason w ATTRACTIONS. ALL KINDS. OF O U R- "BEDDING, Ac BKDDING, AC TlTRNITUBE ; FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! KUKNITURE f, BENING, kd. BEDDING, 0. AFullLmeof CHEAP BEDSTEADS t CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES I t : 5 CENT COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, -MUCH MORE USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. ' LOUNGTfeSTH ,KL0UHaE8t f-i. ' - 'A- i(; i " ! LOUNGES- i 7 LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I PAJLLQRhAND CHAMBER UlT!.i. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. d W COFFINS of all kinds on band. and the Bine Ridge and South moun- three or four pairs of twins. ' XS1 A dispatch from Kev West. "Fla nn. i mer resort - for health ir and nlenanro der date of the 2lst, says: "The city, is- seekers." The, water here is unsurpass land and port are perfectly health v. I ed and within an hour's ride fmm ih yellow fever or epidemic exists in eith- village, at the base of Crowder's moun- er. Any report to tne contrary is un- tarn, is tne notea mineral spring known true." as the All-Healinsr SDrinc. This water The Indiana temperance W mf. 3 Mr " at Indianapolis, Wednesday. S nomi- ZiiK tsetse g &S&S MeS fiarSn strations were so noisv that the nnii 5?-tneUae- Ane e?sfs-. Garrett & had to be called in. i10!11.11 ror fent ,or ickc, uiu unt) is a nue opening ior Memorial day was observed in Ttieh- some enterorisine hotel man t mond, Va, Wednesday. .The graves The school here, tinder the manage- tXrOVA DfMnm nrifli . . J 11 I mAnf -P 4 . . I . . 1 , . " . iTxooucnu niiu nunris. auu luh im- I '"cm ui i to cuiuicut , urinKinai. I anr J inense 'monument was covered from Bell, is flouiishing, and has already at- uasm w ayA.. omur.s jyvus, jrnenv- """w auuu a wiue-spreaa reputation eted jthe memorial Mdreaaj iFrein 15,. that we deem it. hardly necessary to 000 to 20,000 people visited the Grounds fmention it Sufflceft to sav it. is vnr. -during the day. thy of its reputation, and may be class- The sorine meeting of the Maryland 2?PP ust -".scnoois in ti . ;.rsr.', Quttc. . . ... . , - Kwiey wuu was Jiiciutrumied wennea-j mt.s .xj x : . . .... davaftemnnn at. TtaiHr T . : im8uo?F wpmuierai..re- tendance wa 5uSt Amon7 tto em?eMW Visitors twlav iroro Snofnrc 1lonr, "uu "u FViyWjr. iUerH IS lUSO & I&JL Blaine. MorriU and A aZt11' f tbe Was al- BSSil!; SSrtMerSbSS r.nP.VIiar iX anrlthn hrinlr mnvf. this Clay StOOd the test for 5&ven years in Xew York Monday and TnesHav '1'in an: iron furnace.- A samnle of the onwui t;Ai.L, at uisue to reacnea tne total or 250,000 bales,; at J uricsis now on exniomon -in; the .agri- an aavance or 4 to 1 cent per pound. 1 "Eurai aeparnnent at Kaieignv; The ihere has not been so excited a scene Ming's Mountain1 gold mine 1$ about on the cotton exchange for a loner while two miles distant from ; this placer the as was witnessed both Tuesday and ToTOanyhavB'Tei3entI monaay, consequent upon advances of "Quzoieec aeep: craanuuesof i. - , -T . -w . - . I .TJ T. 1 A ... . a su-ong marKet m Liiverpooi. su uave oeen taKen. rrom tms mine, Ex-Oovemor Sp.vmonr nf Tw vmV. Sffi.WP-P1!0".? W atUK Of in a recent inleryiew 'nreeH 2- remain, as they Jiave just struck IMPORT ANT! ..llLlh! i!" ' 8688011 toere 13 natura deslre to know what tt newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and also who are' ri,d tendar anthortty in the taahl telUpmt readers that the tnf orniatlon given below Is authentic reliable and correct - Several changes hare taken place, both In shape and pattern, of fabrics In Men's Garments, ot which special mention will be made. The latest de mand In Spring Garments Is onr new .r""H,WSiae WEST END SACK. 1 ; the ?- appear- ofrrirgteSures.CUtaWay FrOCk' tbree r four buttons' fWnf cut a mtu longer- " a nea an1 craeeful appearance, are made up In every variety THE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, In shape and style retains Its hold In popular favor. Its .length Is a little longer than last season, and It Isoneof the most .L-. menis 01 a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials are French CasUiwrs. ftnmltP ni mrin,,. ,tt,m, f i.kww. " ranl wo is complete, with every novelty in fabrics, and the shun. am nrf.t Tn tlvated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of nnlrcrsal approval. vur new wear assortment Is almost anllmited In derlces of shades and tvna. hut iwvkt.. J-'.:..:: . slty Scart. Unlaue and very elesant . r.. - , . In White Tests we have a State reputation, and we wiU oni? aSsert "nKwress." tn n.i whq n- 1 : counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid Increase of our business we are assured of the nubile', nnr.rprf.nt.nn we invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantaiw ni h it .m. .in , 1 of Inspection before payment of bill. . Bwuaw OWMVU 'HW wirapntiieee April 27 1S-7Q ' Verj respectfully, ....... April 27, 1879. E-D- LATTA & BRO., The People's Cbtheirs. ; COME AND SEE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE ! L WOOL t IDT IS III THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Ever shown in this city. P.emember that we are the rulers in Low Prices for Fine Clothin". April 22, 1879. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. -ii SECURE GBSAT BAKGAINS. No. A Wrst Tradi Stbxst. CHARLOTTE, N.1 I) R Y O O 0 "D S C?,THIKfl, hip,? : t Indies' and enltemeirs Ikirlal Robes a f ne supply. ian;i Is Hi. n ii l'.:.ij;Jtl J. i; 4 (GAINS -HA Ml I :-!T0.. IN in a recent interview, expressed the. opinion mat resioent nayes vetoes wm unite tne uemocranc party and 1 A A. !1 m l t t m . .iirt it ouii or tne trouoies springing from the differences of opinion about candi dates and finances. The Democrats of all shades and sections will be of one mind about the military. In the Summerville (Mass.) police court Tuesday, Edward Reardon and Thomas Murphy, each nine years of age, were arraigned on a charge of man slaughter, in causing the death. Mon- i day,-or iiattle tioodspeed, by; throwing stones. Murphy was liberated on bail or 400 being furnished, but Kearden was committed in der ault or 800 bail. Tlie Virginia State colored conven tion. Tuesday perfected a plan of orsran izatiori throughout the State, and adop- ji w-we arr wertn ,rijqn;,BKGAiRa is or tne colored people. The plan of or- tricts and heads of county organizations. The fionvent.ioih indorsed Men. flrnnt .fi XI 0 1 Si Si I J i 3 i i t ; f or the next presidency. H. MORRIS & -BROS ?3 The Iowa Democratic State convex kii (& ' iiH tion met at Council Bluffs Wednesday, RP. .UH-iht.te ' ? there heino- a fnll attendance. (Urn. A. C. Dodge was chairman, and upon ta- 11 .1 1 J -1 1 AT 11 Ll . . .At". Vi? t"! ,0Su V" 'T MJ .-..'nsW Hill t li'!'": (.' tMic5 -.wi v.V ?(p: , :-''.!:.:?i-'.' may 11 U U V KJU( A H If II TTTTU I IT RUB E KB IT J I UK a. vu a lit IX T T U lUBBR ES UvU BB ' UU K BUI king the chair denounced the Republi can party for. forcing resumption, and urged the union tif alf elements oppos- eu to LiiaL party. a rich vein in thenew: shafts ; , JJobRoy. Washington Personal Jiewitems; Washington. Mav 2i.- "Wilsoii j. Vance, formerly appointment clerk of thejtrqpssiry, has been appointed chief cleric of the Indian office. Judge John F.Dillon, of the United States Court for the eiehth district. which includes Iowa and Minnesota. has resigned, and; Hon. , Geo. W- Mc- Kjmry, secretary or war, will De appoint ed to fill the vacancy. Mr. MeCrm v will not leave the cabinet until the 1st of September next,, Judge: Dillon is It accept the law professorship at the Co lumbia University, of New York, Associate Justice Hunt, who was su ill last winter that his life was despair ed of, is rapidly improving, and his friends are encouraged to hope that lie will resume his -duties in the Supreme Court. Vice-President Wheeler will not re turn .to Washington during the present session. He suffers much ..from nerv - OUStieSS. - '-';"-''! Celebrating a Birthday and a Marriage Anni- ,;5J.Wash.-OoR;BaletehNews.l i The hospitable home of Represenfa- H. H. Trimble was I tfYe.Vanef . . ..iJ .si.V.i v" t W. KAUKMAN & CO. nominated by-acclamation for Gover nor, and Moses Bloom for Lieutenant Governorvtof-ijt i .' . . - 1 fr. f; We have made. the. tPt of .purchasing mas w mcioae iue;uuestT nvreiw . WtMk so eomoleU In Men's, Youth's. Bora ana unuareJira i & O. ROOXRSrCXBOOk&, a a o ... o a .ooo E 6 5 rr.TJ GOO. a oo " Siock li very Lar, aiiaembraoMs FuU JnlJ "' ;v-yiU a-js to irfqfiaa yf0-t AkLOH. CHAMBER. PINING ROO r : :v .'. u.'-. v; : . ." AMD " "- " ' ' '-' ; .- Umea ready To clve quotation of prleea. JCrery rvaiew wtoia at oar doom is mmawu i as represented: and In prtoe less than can be bought elsewhere. We cQQUnue to sell Silal Cheanerihan any other noose, as we did the seasoib'aadlhey have V:X': lUVVICX FURNITURE ! -t;i.:iu sat . " ' - - ' I- '-tunk AD Goods Packed Tree of .Charge i rained the reputation of be Jngthe best a.th Bark5. v .jr lbieiwiihla season to the consumer fc fine 'vr 'wif?! ""mnl p!Tf' S 'e?ji"'wr''!2?T?'v- Iriludlng therbest. iinatesImth)eou ejimrm cah'alsobe found liiour7twTePBPW-n! naiFeUUi! and tui8waaa ,.pi u,ia Gentlemen's Furnishing oW tn't .pwhaaei before you examine our stock, as the cheapest - 3JfUT BUT-; . ' CanbKhadats - it;wOT1a wg,r U . v Comer Trwla and tryon Stj.c April 10. 1 ; Charlotte, N. C. Scene of mirth and gayetv last:. Tues day, the 13th. It was the birthday of the eiierar brother, e-Governor and now Senator Vance., and'also the anni4 Vers$ry; Mm own iaiuBto&8:h Sen ator and hildest so& svere ttere: to gether wittLtUe brother's family and a I large number .friends J, Jb64h othe r J -i.; 1 j a. , . mm ... . iJB CAROrrOU Yia Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya., and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRATAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. juSttfas sass biiis f . April 30 d5m. K S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH. Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. G TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. PIANOS So" -g i ; v i i -: i i . x aS- 1 .. jg- .f. f.;I.h yif. IMPOETEES OF ALL KIKDS OF MUSICAL ORGANS ! Merchandise, VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, . ' ' ACCORDKONS, ; FLUTES, FIFES, : ; Dmins, "Biiii'd Instruments, SHEET MUSIC '. ' " 8;e., &s., Ac. . . l-S o 3 m .: r- B :H". m k2 Q' ' fa i SONVId CO 'f t j- TJ iiffll - I IE 15. p.' ... teJfe o d 9 O. -S3". 4 WHOLESALE AND Pi, r.fh cjifj-i 17 RETAIL. 2. The Adventtet Sacrifices-Letter from Mrs. Freeman- ) Mrs. Hattie Freeman, wife of ChasJid umuv &iiivu mxjus uiud kui uiiua Hue Alii rftftiva Ttafa . ua vna. if thn nvnof ii;.v. sane beUef that he wa riorifvinff God. ;;rjr!i" lias 'Written a'-aetterMto1 nervSiStexS'Tle-: th sutiijt--.ifari . nenroaon fa scribing the f atel . f anatacwhichledM the city had been there it would have tu ui.o Bijriu8 ui -tuiiu. ..ouo wrtiuio taKea a Jiouae wiUtthe caDacitvf one whole aim follows toaaa fyfear, not ; toelawafeau souls and seeK ; mmseir eternal me." : -a : t Kentnckr Scandal band felt that Gpd required him to have j i; the f aitlr-drAbraham afad'offer up his fhA.v jvrv yk thar tWrt child as a Bayafloyrbut ha-lelt it would i years ago Mr. W.1L TomUnson, of that "u Jftw - "yt""1" i city, a brotherx)Tieeeretary lielknap's fhoughtJGMwoPliffeilhf ehild to be J wire. marrM JeslieBnckner. of lmfffJI.A.HFW..n W 11.1 il '- ' ' T . XlLCl LUD UU11U was &XU touched. lirftftnviHff Miss.i an fuomnnlmhArf Anrl she sayrtheMtthat ii, God s plan befttetiful gtrfc andi cotusinot Senatdr fWlfH1 ( linsonlias jiisi oiscdyeahiimproper and 15Ve. But,"says Mrs. . Freeman, j intirrtav iwhwppn his wifAT.i tku ? the time ban so farpassed and we fare intimacy lmrtneraiiaBotfeiir," Uni- war a goingtq manifest His power and glory t forced from both, the wifeideclarlnier S?WlFsim?2rfn.?r .5 that Bowman had drugged her with thw'Wrjrld.?;Goa crant ;it,-maV. Le so! I mi; ,aY9-nA hf HorfA trinfo. SHffiEfcfe Bowmaa:nedto Washington; J... imni - - ikon's aL.-A.JJ l-S,? WySHh l man, nephew fn7JH regent tbe aM brlmeiCharlie Still flunks jGodia J mZ3iM.-Zt Kantirfc fan fanna SSXVi? Ji.Y?' i " further said jnat Tomnnsoiv was tElCThju:.ieinnocenth prevented from ktilin Bowman by the .-tf.jittyearitt uiterfereuw of his ifather vndfhft ape ! miBtaken faith fafCrod."-- tJ- - neal' of hisl mother-- j f - li - ThBYesidencetair.'Haryey .Terry. Th eVs?ii LL Stough and F. M. Jor- P of Columbia, was totally: destroyed toy j dan are conducting a protracted meet- nre i uesaay mgnr, ing m me wusi cuurcn m BaeiDy, ,::;T - - ii.'Hl 'JiJiH'V-'j IiViil gtUirit' iTRYrON. STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. D. O. MAXWXLL. - C. V. HABBiaOH Auctioneer, j M AXWKLL & IURItlS0V -AUCTION AND : COMMlSStON ' 1 i- i .ii , t. ! i. 1 MERCHANTS, I -3 ' Buy and sell on Consignment an.ktnOs of MEHCHANDISK AND CO UN THY PE0DUCB;- ' ,j "1 ' c ,f' !,' ; . ; ;W1U giv strict personal : ' ' ' j ii ' )H 'i i rt .t.i attention to all business entrusted to our care. Fotfr floors aove Charlotte Hotel. KLTi IMPROTSD t" i , s L ' t'tq -If t- '-f'M tjj-. I .1' f.if iCITXJPBOPEBTXJfOE8ALK,i)JKUj c'u J. i Si.jf 1!u4l5J. tff't irt; fc. k'l fej ll t-fvi . o 'ABTtferBoft deslrhig to pntchase-s well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem coo vedlenoes, ftne well ol water, fcriclc Jcltcben, within five minutes walk of the public square; canto ae eommodated by applying at 4ecl8 THIS OFFICE. .... ........ IIEADQUARTEliS; fob; ! ALB AHD POBTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the cJtrV free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. ft- F. C MUNZLEB. ' All orders left at iohn Total's tailor shop will re celve prompt attention. - i i .vj ..,'1 aaai4 3 I STOP AT THE: ' , .i f - ' J BOTDEN- MIOUSR ! t ' i 111 I , 'Sail3burjr.N,Ctij' all' .C, & Baowir;roprIetor, , XLatonT tbe National HofeUBalelgh. C. & Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. a Shelbura As - tfstant. . . . : aecso U ndebtaktng: : : The undersigned Isnow prepared to fill all orders for eve'rV class of Undertaking.' 1 Having on hand I full assortment of . XFFINS, CASKETS AND BUBIAL CASES', Y IBoth Wood and Metane."'L ' i St 1 -i i -i. n .a F.PKICKS AS tOW AS AMt. , ,. . , : Hearses furs Is bed If desired. , .v- .. j , . J .t -f f , 'i; t-f u r-T Vnrnlture or every' Lscripdon'Bepalred' at'SneV) notice. i-f With & Or Bogers, Trade StreetQ t' V TrAPPBX)TED'F0B3iil Just Printed and For Sale a tbe 1 OBSKBYEB OFFICE

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