1 TT 31? c W George iC'Tate; of 'the firm of Tate Bros, owners and operators of the Mountain island txrtton jractory in i- f yOmston ropaty, was Jnthi$ $ty yester 777TiV inmri n,r.i'ii ' ' "r on me way .North to' purchase two LOCAL IiMLLKiEACL. Mnmdrwl additional looms for thefac- !' ' v; tory. " A little over a year ago this fae- tory began to operate looms, Keeping ! ncvunij-sAA running constantly. xiicy RAILROAD BIRECTORT. Xne following table shows the running of passen ner trains to and from Charlotte on all the rail roads (Washington time) 4 . Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, . 1.00 a.m. Leaves - - 8.20 a.m. Leaves for ;- 6.45 p. m. '4 iiS-itLAirrA chmotti A-Lnc. Arrives from Atlanta,. '. . .-. .". . 8.20 a. m. -Leaves for Atlanta,. .'. . ...3. . 1.05a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,.., ?sy , 6.50 p. m. Leaves lot Atlanta,. 10.60 a. m. Arrives frott Angasta,..,.... 8.10a. m. .Leavesfor Augasta,-..... 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta.. . v 6-80 a. ni, 1 n.vAit for Augusta. . :"11.27 sum; Arrives from Wilmington. My!t w 7.29 p. m. Leaves lor Wilmington,. . . .'..- f o.w a. m. Arrives from Shelby,., 5.00 p. m. Lea ves for ghelby-...v. 7.00 a. m. v ' ATIAMTIO. TKHNK88KK Si OHIO. Arrives from States vllle,...,...,,. Leaves for Statesville,. ., . . ...... , 7.00 a. m I'BABLOtTk f OST OFFICE. have met with-such success in this tine that they are wholly unable to fill orders lor their plaids and hence nave deter mined to enlarge their capacity by the additions mentioned. They are enter prising young .men--and keep fully abreast with the.tfmest I J A Coroner' Inqaeaf. 1 . , Coroner Alexander went to Crab Or chard township yesterday to investi gate the cause of the death of Amelia Wallace, the colored woman who died very suddenly in the house of her grand mother, Hannah Wallace, on Tues day, n TheinbodylQwas disinterred aad subjected Man examinatiOfi. The jury decided not so render a verdict un til a colored woman, suspected of hav ing poisoned the deceased woman, could be found. An ineffectual search was made for the woman yesterday by the coroner, but it is hoped that she may be arrested to-day. The jury will re assemble to-morrow to render the verdict. The TempletOB, v 'jit The Templeton company left the city yesterday morning, having given two entertainments in the opera house, Tuesday and ".Wednesday nights.- The first night they presented Tjuua and "Puck To 1 qnite full houses, consisting largeljiOfTisitorSiWho were in the city to attend the 20th of May celebration. The next night "Magdalen'' was given to raiuer a Bmaii audience, xne troupe is a verr good one-' and well adapted to the class of plays presented here. Both periormances gave, general satistac- Hsrte Tbievoa on tbe Bound. Night before last the stable of Dr. M. M. Orr was entered and a valuable farm horse stolen therefrom. .The stable was not locked, but both it and - the gate were securely fastened. A mule in the same stable was not taken, and yester day, morning was found in the garden, having jumped from the lot adjoining the stable. The thief left ho clue. On the same night the lock on the sta ble of Mr. Joseph McLaughlin, on the same street and not tar off, was Droken, but , the horses were not taken. It is thought a 'very severe dog, which had access to the stable yard, rngntened on! the thieves before they were able to carry out their designs. i S i - i. OPKKB. -Si MnnAT Order Detartaient...fl.00 a. m.- Registry Department,, v si,. ,t.00 a m SCIXHES. i.OO p. m. i.00 p. m. A Great BmI Dead. en lDe8Up..jj iig 00 p.. Monroe the -death of Rowland, On Sundars the fieneral Delivery and Stam mp i.OO Department will be open! from 9.0Q a.,mi to 10. a.m. 1.. . i - 5 - .. ' OPINING AND CLOSINa OF MAILS. oram.' 4 -lobbb. Danville A Charlotte K. !. 8.00 a. mi fl.00 p. m. . " , " ; 11.15a.m.; 6,00p.m. Charlotte Atlanta B. tg,. '8,00 a,m.iA00 p. m. Wllm'n 4 Charlotte K. B . &80 p, m. BjOO a. m. Charlotte Shelby IL R... . 50 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Statesvllle,.I, &80p.m. 6.00 a.m. pgr Beattle's Ford, Choree route,) Mondays at 5.00 p.m., and Tuesdays ta00a.m.s 1 BT Yerkvllle. (horse route,) Thursdayj at 6.00 o m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. ' McSmlth Mask; Housed Charlotte, N. T. a 8mlth-Prugs, Ac. - Bowell A Co New Advertisement $4 the negro who recently burglarized the residence of ex-Sheriff Stevens, of that place, and still more recentlv escaried from Union county jail with five other prisoners, three of whom were captured shortly after their escape. Two letters received: at Monroe from officials at Marietta, Ga state that a few days ago .Rowland was crushed to death there. or near there, under a train of cars on which he was stealintr a ride. Paners in his pocket led to his full identifica tion, and there seems to be no doubt that the world has been rid of another great villain. INDICATIONS. . WARl)EPABTMEin nvFicK Chief Sinai Offices, Washington, May 22, 7 30 jpvi. ) For theSouth Atlantic and iJastGulf States, generally higher pressufre and lower temperature! easterly to norther ly winds, partly cloudy and clear tireath- er are proDaD al local rains. Reolalionof lieupect. At a regular meeting of the Gounod Musical? Club, held last night at the residence ot Maj. V. V. Flemming, the loiiowing proceedings were had: Resolved, 1st. That this club has heard with feelings of unfeigned sorrow of the death of Benjamin Franklin "VVil son, late treasurer of our society, and among our most prized and honored members, who, by his purity of charac Local R eport for Yesterdaty . i Sk 7AM.12P.M.19P.M Barometer,. ; . . ... - Thermometer-....... Belatlve Humidity,... tflnd Direction, " Velocity,. Weather, 29.921 ".1 - er are probable, with possibly occasion- ter nis fidelity in the discharge of his amiable traits, had endeared himself to us all. Resolved, 2d. That in the death of Mr. Wilson this club lias sustained an irre parable loss. Resolved, 3d. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the - family of Mr. Wilson, with the assurance that they have our heartfelt sympathies in tbistlijpir great bejreavexient, and that these resolutions be copied upon a mem orial page of the records of this society, and be sent for publication to The Daily Observer. Resolved, 4th. That ;n token or re spect to the memory of our deceased friend, this club do now adjourn. 11 Fair. 2a931 30.064 ' ,57 - 53 N. 15. N. E. 8 i 8 Fair- Fair. Highest temperature 79 deg.; lowest 64 Ifleteorolofficsvl Herord. v wkathkk rkportTmat 22. 430 ff 4 Stations. Atlanta,.... Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,. Coislcana,. Galveston,. Indlanola.. Jackson'lle, Xeywest, Mobile,. . Vonfarom'vJ 29.91 ZW.B4 29.89 29.90 29.93 29.87 N. Orleans, PuntaBasa Havannah. St Marks. Havana... Barom 29.84 29.87 29.96 29.92 29.87 29.89 29.80 29 90 29.91 9.90 Th. 87 89fN.. 76 78 95 87 86 88. 85 86 90 8 Wind. N. K. 1! E. 8.E. N. W. N K.K. VeL 5 10 10 10 7 5 16 4 10 4 1 i9 7 Weather. Faltt Fair. Cloudy. Fair. Clear. Clear. Clear. Fair. ..Fair. iFalr. Ctear. Fair. Fair. Fair. JFalt r Cloudy. Tin State medical Society Hoard of Heattb. Several of tlie Charlotte physicians who went to Greensboro to attend the an nual convention of the State Medical Society returned yesterday morning. The v report Quite a large attendance . r , , : and a uieasant ana Harmonious session iin to t.h hour of their leaviner. The most important act of the society uu to that time was the election of the State board of health in accordance with the last acts of the Legislature on this subiect The folio wine: were elected to constitute the board with Gov Jaryis antt &vo'olhratofteppp5fted by him: x Or tllo tcl 111 Oi. bia ycaio xji. u. u Satchwell. of Pender county, and Dr. T F. Wood, of Wilmirntton. . i ... i a ufOfl i. I Vor four vears ur. li. l. J?oote, oi edr&"c D- WesHagan grounds yesterdajr,iijrnoou. tct ccn index to New Arorienie Maxwell A HsjtnswAmAteaV' M M. Orr Stolen, i , . LeRoy Davidson Lost - j. w. Garrett A Co To Hotel Men. , . IIOIE penciling; s. IT the Athletics (the Cadets) ,ana tne Woneers. and resulted: Athletics, 14; Pioneers, lfitfUlui jnx innings. ThA -rahtt.ivA Jnnmmittee of the A'nnn Mn' Christian association have agreed that the State convenUo&shall beheidtms year an oauswuxy. time of thtftui Tins' nqt 7et been Axed, b H tVf'W Vftvfrananer meni or thoseRWha con template starting into thetMianiess may vPi-Hftntirf MrJ JiloI Q ; Bailey in an other coloiiriSClienaterial he offers lor sale, lawe' jacref informed, m good condition aniWmUabOlight at abar- For two years Dr. M. Whitehead, of Salisbury and Dr. Payne, of Lexington. Gov. Jarvis has not yet appointed the remaining members of the board, but it is stated on good authority that Capt. William Cain: of the Carolina Military institute, of this city, will be one of the mmbers-and-wlll hold -the position of ;fbl tailroad id Wotel ' ffonrhmtors reuort very little trouble lindlt'Uetttyntsra"trteadthe ad- with the. crowds of excursionist brought i.:Z2k4- a iLfri Jniv? P.Hailev in an- MA rfha Mv em Tia 9mth: " Fverv now e. t ' n i m o Chaage of the Postof f ice. , Ex-Gov. Burbank, special agent of the postoffice department, was in the city Wednesday and rented from the pro prietors of the Charlotte opera house one half the first floor of that building for the postoffice. The room is to be divided and two windows cut in the rear end, and in about a month the of fice will be moved. The postoffice au thorities claim that the location is near ly as central as the present, and give as their reasons for the change that thev "reduce their rents nearly one-half and at the same time secure a much mpr commodious and m an respects more suitable room. On the morning tf the 20th the Grays marched te he mint yard and had taken a photograph of th company, with its adopted daughter '.in tbe decorated car riage in which she appeared in the pro Van "Ness, the'-.well known Two-thirds oi;nem caii it ,.mw cen tennial:" ' Eterf frMW the: newspapers, w e notice, are :steaking.;pt.i it; as ie Mecklenburg .centenniaLt George;.Cpx .says that every day ctenniaiind utHn this tfrohd'tbose ,who thus, speak f the celebration here last Tuesday may justify themselves;',K!- '7 y " We!were iinoniiyi00 a Urge crayon drawing - of CYvYwie executed from a phbtograph by Mr; Jos, naruch: a btotherJpl..Mr flfcraan fBa rachy who is in the city on a' msltfMe. Itarouen tMnyM1S"M' sions as an art&t,andnveffiluH?ing aeen Gov. Vance, lias i.prdducediv 'Striking likeness. . . fu . j & ' A germari Wilifeif thw!ing at the Cttal yottelmpUtoeuio i e young iaau a young gentle -"A. ..... ; , uessana nospi IrttA t he. itv on the ' . , J .111 Al, and uiea some : ieiiow. wouia pun tuc bell cord and stop the whole train, but thi3 is an an old joke, one they have got- tCwlti-t$aikbf -the Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad is completed to Hendersonville, which will be done next week, there will be a big excur sion from Union to the bead of the road. This will be followed by -another frnm Henderson ville to union ana ITIining: matters. The - arrangements have been completed whereby a controlling inter est in the Rudisill Mine, near this city, passes into the hands of a New York company, who have also purchased a part of the Duffie Mine, in Gaston coun ty. The management of these proper ties has now passed into the hands of Mr. v. l. femart. or Boston, a mimnjr ex pert, wno has h:id hrteen years expe rience in his business, principally in the most extensive mines ot California. Mr. Smart has investigated both pro perties so far as it has been in his pow er to do so during the time since he has been here, and is tully persuaded that both are highly valuable. He is thor oughly practical in his views on the subject of mining, and has had practical experience in every department or the business, so that we are assured that he will work the properties of which he has just assumed the management to their full capacity. It is also to be said that Mr. Smart has a high opinion of North Carolina as a gold-bear inir field. He is satisfied that the day will come-f when her mines will yield untold wealth, and that it will come, too, as soon as the proper methods of working them are put into operation. Inferior Court. . The Inferior Court had disposed of the following cases up to yesterday af ternoon : State vs. Anthony Morris, colored ; assault and battery ; guilty ; judgment suspended upon payment ot cost. State vs. Wm. Northey ; affray; guil ty : fined $10 and cost. State vs. Emma Smith, colored ; lar ceny; guilty; six months in jail. State vs. Milas Torrence, colored: false pretence; guilty; three years in the penitentiary. State vs. Lawson Davidson, colored ; forcible trespass; not guilty. State vs. Geo. Brown, colored; lar ceny; guilty ; eighteen months' impris onment! State vs. Ed. Williams ; assault and battery;, guilty; submitted; judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs.? Dick Crockett, colored ; lar ceny; guilty; sentenced to the peniten tiary for ten years. State vs. Henry Patterson ; larceny of harness; guilty of receiving stolen goods ; sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. : i State vs. Thomas Dulin arid Elias Austin ; forcible trespass ; guilty ; judg ment suspended upon payment of cost, William McCraven, Sarnl Caruthers and ThomasuBiuard, heretofore convict' ed'oT a affray, were, upon the request of the solicitor, held under bond to keep the peace till the May term of the court. AjprinV'tWmeadcItsobn Concert. ' To the Edltorot The Observer: l ' While-1 believe, with manv others. fiat musical feats of a high charactt r are decidedly beneficial to places like ours, and that we should not scare away the artists who perform them, by too close criticism, I at the same time think' it but just to every one that -thines should be appreciated at , their riehti .l . . " . I .Now, nobody dll certainly tind fault with the Adagio., by MendelssohnU a' master piece, masterlv renderedri .it would, both in the composition and the a j A, -. i - - -i .-, e&euuuuu, iuuiu tue must critical analy sis. . . Next we would place the antiquated,' yet i highly interesting variations on PleyelTs Hymni Although the execu tion lacked that crystal-like impress of tone tnat is ui iue ot uiac quaint style of music, yet on the whole it was by all means acceptable. ' " , And so wastPfa? lesser degree, the overture "Poet and Peasant.1But why do people likC tltJaendelssohn Club select hackneyed -compositions, which even in their most verdant youth, were of too light, too trifling a character to be played by artists who understand Mendelssohn as well as they do ? The consequence Jsthat they hardly ever help playing carelessly as they did the other evening Indeedjthe rhythm was very poorly marked intfte syncopated melody, and the winding up theme lack ed both vim and vigor. The whole was what I would call "pale." I will not speak of Mr. Ryan's medley, for I meant to speak only of what music was performed, i " Now for the soloi Mr. Listemann is a very fine violinist, although his man ner is so jerky and nervous that it is impossible to hear a truly ringing tone issue out of his violin. Less finger-vibration, among other things, would im prove his execution greatly. Mr. Hennig, who ranks next, lacks age and daring. He has in himself the germ of a really fine player ; may he find the opportunity to develop it. Mr. Heindl is a very sweet flutist, without energy nor much clearness ; we should like to hear him outside of Bric cialdi's works. He would do well to learn from Dumont that the flute is as fit an instrument jasj'any othet tospeak to musical minds ih heart-feltj; tones. Mr. Ryan plays only his own " compo sitions or arrangements ; it is wise: he knows Tiow far he can eo. 5 f - As for-Mrs. Kjiowles, I quoteTier last, because I di3like very much to criticise a non-professional singer ; were she to appear in an opera, I believe it would not be hard to find element to criticise. So, in all, the Mendelssohn combina tion is by all means highly commend able, yet it strikes me that , wherever they go, they should play as they would before masters, that is, being careful in their selections, and, above all, careful in their performance. It would also be preferable for them to have more "en semble'' ' pieces and fewer solos, for they show more refinement and talent in tlier quartettes and quintettes than any where else. Mrsiers. bootsshges:;and; :- T R Y - J;; :"M O;Y E R 1 S IGIIOT, tf." J" Hi m EI 4. . j J -4-.V : ' '-.: , ' . j f I ... ''i . -"-.l-'jf! ', t. ':'':' ... Having opened a Shoe Store with everything fresh and new I am prepared to offer to the trade a line or the i best goods, such as ' i -. '' ' .'.'. .-.:, :-, it-- MM r,inrnnv' HUttttt For Ladies, Misses and Children, and a full line of the best goods for Men and Boys, which I propose to seU cheaper than ever offered in this market Thanking my friends for past patronage, I trust to merit the same in the future. , ' I. Respectfully, Vi . , .. . - .-. J. MOYER, : Trade Street, next door to Kyle'& nammonds Hardware Store. P. S, I take pleasure in announcing to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr.' Moyer, and . feel satisfied, that with, an experience of ten years in the Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction, : ' . . Very respectfully,: i ' MayC,18T9.; M Mft ALEXANDER. $r0tjs and MKbzb. IpegrSj 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Have now In store a nice and complete . ock ot SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags THISe It gives us pleasure to state that our business this season thus far has exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and now, with our present facilities, having a resident buyer In New York, we are prepar ed to offer Inducements In every department of our business. ;. IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT We are displaying elegant lines of colored and black Silk Grenadines, black and colored Buntings In plain and lace stripe. French Organdies. Linen Lawns, Henrietta Cloths, black and colored Cashmeres, Tamlse. Australian Crepes and Silk Chaleys, all oflhe latest and newest designs. This department Is replenished dally. . OUR LINEN , AND WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT and We make a specialty of Ladies' is too numerous to Isrentete. Call for anything vou want in this line: we have it Misses' Guffs. Collars. Gauze Shirts. Half Hose, colored and plain, and other articles 1 mention. We are offering a nice line of Casslmeres. Cottonades, etc, at greatly reduced prices. We have an endless variety of Burtons. Fans of all kinds, from 5 cents to five dollars. Our stock of Para sols Is complete. Ask for Hamburg Embroidery. Laces, Ribbons, Corsets, Lace and Silk 8carfs, etc. With them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHARLOTTE. Electric belts. A sore cure for nervous debility, premature de- The only reliable cure. etc. oay. exhaust!' culars mailed Chatham street, N. Y. ireD. 20 aw3m. Address J. K. Cir- REEYES, 43 TELEQRAPHK Wtt ' REPORTS. MAY 22, 1879 PRODUCE. Baltimore Oats firm; Southern 34a3P, Wes tern white 84a35, do mixed 32a33, Pennsyl vania 34a36. Hay market active: prime Penn sylvania and Maryland 13al4. Provisions dull; mess pork, old 10 ftoaio. 70. new ; ouut meats loose shoulders 4, clear rib sides 434, per car 4, clear rib sides. 5a6, hams, sugar-cured. Wtsail. Liara rennea nerces t. Duuer nnn; choice Western packed 14al0, rolls 1 lal3. Cof fee flimer; Rio cargoes 10al4J4. Whiskey dull at 1.0H. sugar steady; A son iiwws- CiKcrtrNATi Flour strong: family J5.10a5.75. Wheat active and firm: red 1.09a.ll. Corn in gooa denuaid at 3tta41. Oats fairly active at 34a 37. Pork quiet and firm at 10.00. Lard strong; current make held 6.10. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders 3.50, short ribs4.57iA bid, cash sales at 4.57, seUer June, short clear 4.75; bacon quiet; shoulders 4 clear ribs 5i&, clear sides 5. wnisKey active ana nnn at i.ui. uuiier nnn; fancy creamery 17al8, choice Western reserve 13a 14, choice Central Ohio lCal2. Sugar firm and unchanged: hards 87&a9tt, A white 8a8 New Orleans 6a7. Hogs in fair demand; common 2.40a 3.10, light 3.15aa40. packing 8.30a55, butchers 3.55a70; receipts 262; shipments 865. Kxw Yorx Flour no decided change: No.' 2. 2.35a3.l0, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a About tbe "Exedoters." Mr. IL C. Eccles; nrow ietor of the Central Hotel, has just returned from a business, trip to Missouri. -.He, spent some dats af Kansas CitY.:Aud went across ihe"river to Wyandotte, which is m Kansas anhifl 13 the point were SO' many of the colored emigrants flMJin the South have, been ianded. He re-. ter red M7, No. 3 ditto l.lSal.lBfy,. corn -ungraded 43a5Vi, No. 3, 43a. Oats, No 3, 34. Coffee moderately demand; Rio Quoted in car- goes,103kal4,lnioblots lOaiStt. Bugar firm; Cuba 6a), ialrsto good refi'g- a6Mj, prime C; rennea stanaara a. , grauuiawsu cms. nowaerea kul. erusnea km. jtLoutiwes now wi- feans 28a42. Rice m fair demand and steady; Carolina minted at 61Aa7. Louisiana RVlWVg. Pork new mess on 8pot.ia00a.2ft.,- Lara prime steam spot 6.37W-' Whiskey l:04a Freights quiet. . , .., .... ....j ZEIGLEIL BRQS Celebrated Ladies',: Misses end Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands.. Gents win And there the Miller, McCullough & Ober, Can field, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATE AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying, attention, -iprn 9, 1879. Orders have personal PEGRAM & CO. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! May 16. ALEXANDER A HARRIS. THE BEST SOLD BY SO SIMPLE WAMAHTU SI 500.00 PARTICU LARS NUMBER A0 DRES s . WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, ohio. LUMBERS FOR QAROLINA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT. ROUTE This Line being Freight from fully equipped for business, SHOES SHOES SHOES Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to GreenvlUc, Spartanburg, oil Stations Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio, As well as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W.CLARK. Gen- Frelght Agent, Wilmington, N. C. DISPATCH LIN E, NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled faculties for the Trans portion of Charlotte, Statesvllle, Asheville, Bothertordton on the Atlanta 4. IKAnnuiia Ali-lilue. ' " " ' and Western N. C. Railroads, w Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to AND AND AND AND AND AND CjOTTON. The Richmond & DahVUle day train, due at 11.25 yesterday morning was sey- eral hours late.;; ine aeiay w uu u; brought with bim a copy;of the Kansas an accident at Green Bay. A treigw Cltj 2Hmes in which is published an train coming east turned into the siae ordeiufroia-.Uie.. mayor .of Wyandotte Noarout CMtet-, ; middling 13c; net receipts gtuck n.283 r eiiMina -oqastwise HATS HATS HATS ports thftf!tratrantft are meeting 32&sesa5;xpomto.GfaXBritsto WifcU a uocawk i.wvtwtt-wiaj.-w iT.frkni-Tiirm; mldd'e 131A: low middling otdlnarr'.t2!te.;net reeelpti -; gross dOO; Stock. 1.889; ekports coasrwise track to allow the western bound train to pass, but did not "clear" the mam trackV'tfhe hindermost car was run into by ihe western bound train and smash ed, and the front of the engine was thrown off the track. No one was hurt. The scheduleofthe Statesville trauj will be changed, Jionday.to make clos connection with the Carolina Central at lfiavftCharlotte at 8 a. arrive m Great Britain 800; forbidding tbeofficerS' of the railroad and, isteamboat companies - from 1 land ing any more of the negroes there. Some of the negroes who nave -gone West have obtained work-in the larger towns, and, others haye , beeijj prjcfyfaed jtlthMlter Jand temporaty-?neet&s&ries out orrbure charity. rtChe land is fer tile and the negroes could do -well if they could buy lands and build houses anp; pouia juosist until, utey coma mane 11 BALTTKOBK- 1 Hi;-goo JOS : spinners : exports to to continent j to juaooe Boston Quiet; middling fSc; low middling 13; good oMlnaryMir; net receipts aw; gross sales ; siock o,iu; exyono w wrem mid dUnel2ic; good ordinary 12; net receipts 4; so; ran middling 13c; low g-toh FIrah middling 13c; ; safer; TV pirrr.ATmrr.PHTA Steady: mlddllner .13c; low middling 13id; good ordinary 12c; net ; receipts 2;. gross 472; saies zo; spmners gross pons ne: stock 625: SDlnners : ex- to GreaWBritainr t-"i 9 tm- f fx i. 1 Hi ' ' m,. arrive in 3Tthevave lio tnohev for anv i'k&X&i? fitfttaaville ftt 1150 W.- leave OWMSP AhSaA unvkM . and ttialrAifA TanirTlv . viffeat4.P,m . i. : r n ma aw. I -r , . ' r. r . - -AW affair will be under his entire manage- and no3tagav ,wll(UejaUowed..J.i:w j A Mutl-iill?ClMii BwmUfc the Kaleigh trarrtsss of .lsiiiiArvtvYttinoa. 11UV11VV 1 - 1 f f M fnr th niacins 01 a uiievt r." route from minion omyjTKI'i. fmrA Xhe nexx excuiuiou wwis aeainst the Richmond ap4 .PaoUa ate by m tnrng thnf ac waroqniija uioimss anu mt course, will jacnue il ia. cles re, faces tor thonkasatid ttbese, of carry - impressions - witn them to their friends, acoordinsf to -Mr.-Eci considered Inihe West migfation'tias about run its course.,,: r.-muw- !.u. wniiotv 5H0 rrrt h"TL'JU'VJL!"Jt' hepiiltirng- names Mm& rrmmbers or ti tit a lh,rVMfHft 1 nrrVasnShWshdw. of lancoln, and Capt. E. Hayne Davis, of Iredell, of tftis imDuediate Vicinity. j Jiallroad cornpatif for toWptbniised.W? ,een,-i Mtrtnttoin'vrtfieCliarloUe Grays. .AitfbiisinesV in'eetlri&'of the' Char. lotte Grays, held at theirar)mory ; after jja.teoO.aad toi2:Trirr f in,reuiioii8,fJ were uiirno ?llst of VZZZZri!i Hvt rfde,thW'Verdic4,r ,t Class we I f. A irirv at Davidson: eoortitrwing ouwv ttfield.' VTmSSmi "STT I v middling 13ci.j'' low- m!d- 4llng 12c., good ordinary 1214c ; receipts 35 s shipments ; sales -7;. -stock CHARUSTDH-rEaar; mWdlHw 12-44. vlum mid- dUng'lavi-; good ordinary 12c; net receipts lo; gross ;.aaij ao; bik i,ihp cjjwa coastwise 498; Great Britain ; jrrance ; Continent ; to channel - -. NKW Tobi Dull; sales 2400; middling uplands 13Sb.. middling Orleans J3V8,; epnsoiiaaieanet receipts 2,162; exports to oreat Britain 2,32i trance aa. T.Tvmpooirt-NooN Dull , and- easier. Middling sales yeserdirT &tte regiilirc losftia, 1 ; re ceipts 8,160. 'American 2,450. Futures partially l-lo Cneaper. vpujuuo iun huuuuui uanwi w) lvery siay ana wuuc i o-io, uno nuu -tuj 72a3-loa7-32, July and August 7 9-32aiA, sept30 UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTI6N! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. T.T. SMITH, Agent a C. Railway, Charlotte. piELD BROS., LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. SPRING STYLUS ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EJSHfBITED IN CHARLOTTE. This tock oTj Boot, Shoes, Hats, Truiiks, 4c, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Hoods can ' be sold by any house in the South. This InstJtuHon was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868,. for thb teem of twentt-stvk TSARS, to which eontract the Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged with a capital of S1.000.000. to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- Bi iKAWLN(s win take place montmy. u never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: . GRAND PROMENADE; CONCERT, . , during which will take place the 109TH GRAND MONTHLY . AND THB ' EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans, Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, Under the personal supervision uid management ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. ' , r . ." : '.'A .!'; "! ; of ''.', (Jen. GT BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, .. . , , : ( , I and Gen. J. A. EARLY, of Virginia. " ! CAPITAL PRIZE, & 00,000. Notije Tickets are t Ten Dollars Cly. Halvesr, $5:. , Fifths, t Xentts, Si- t'K,: --.r LIST Of 1"BIZES dellverr , May and June 1 8-16", 3 Tooaf.l Hnll'. Julv and Am ugust and September 7-1 l-32a5 IB. September and OCtODer i n-lo, uciuutsr tutu nvnnuucr , A DenMtPrlaBUr.L: me 4aJth&ity8King' wtm w "w""""", vember andDecember . New, crop shlppetfiOc- tober and NQvemDer per sau . v ovemwer December, iar. Thar, thn thanks of this, CQinDaJ. are due, anarenexeDyvienaeKea,'wi sHowelland ;i others ladr friends, for the; veiy hatidsoDaejbiahner in, which the'y .aecorad jthe canopy oc- rtifned DVJjessieMayii ..; j on'H That-t.h thanks of the company; ra ui rfnn AtiriWftfoi-ebv tendered, to! 000 bales. 4liJtoit!yVW May ..... amedPick Crock-' he can in finding his soiv a cos wffldawwfor. the- nse of ! said vehicle. J ""-Vv::"::.". ::" ostice Warlne. in the. llttKrhhi feiffleraMraneiit-. . - - Sales 150,- ir.blue as nav? whinh. if nnrrimi' hair vt. , himiiiHlif a; i and that he would be compelled; to give him the; full punishment allowedjby.the.Iaw, ten years itr the1 i)enitfentiaTy,?Wheri Ctock-! ett said in a defiant manneri "bentence .ttudbed- t tn vnit Tmhold Fever, or If vou n,4ii. naiamnrn PtUkv or ents. 4: I. . .. .la tAtiHSft.Mlt. ett. was convicxed-li iu iiuuse-ureaKiiiK. dusuuo n r j yZa i , ,oir.i Hw' PttmotadoA the8senteflce, descr asJb tne prisoner that, ne naa ueen wm" pjw r": irry Hrir nants ifvouwant guilty of a veryeripus offence-one. ungon, g j ommitted arter un, fxr,ui- vrv m-ate- w"- V.Vi f or nnv inf of ftmtiofi which would s.flM tiiiBf im WMek tne Docwts alll . . .. - t i A, - VAn nnsf '1 - v, enable Wm wrwin? Pi-wi willr mviira., any. one-..wiiw.-'iiut.; le or, expense in .finding Jam, hov's name is ; x.nwu - co wcj Nkw Yob k Futures closed weak. 13.80a.81 13 .38a.40 18 57a.58 13..73a;74 13v45a.46 ltl ORo OR uctODer.. i,-'VfT-,Tj,'i'V .'r'fr'cS November. -Vf ) fj- 4 U -f5! December. .T7i...- ".-f.f.f.. ll.42a.44 ,rt.l.4.4a.40 Aucruat September J.'.v. tober ,fff - YtVn'iXNANCIAL, . they are aU of .onemtad regarding Cod ".9", governments firm. - New 5's, Wft Four ai4 as tneoniymuis w "lr".VV7rfhirr half percenuru; -ft. ' ot per cenw )end me; WeF(9dth Jfcd; rrd don teai wueie juu j ub w, ? ir IU i.wwrt 1 n? 3 leUoatwe" Y nnyi'MC",Vt'y.,. . W5rr-zi2z. r Mnnot hear. the 3 . t. . , i ....lVntt tri Vll! I rf kOTTlI.lf 111. V I. AtvO . J-V-?"-r r r-, ' j TT' I prJw,FiWRwr? Aif-wiUedlTiead-strong i ow A 'rases arb Wamlla any other f Sfate owii eovsimi .jJtatfaa toioli And -solid tlssoes of nTT ?7ianjuuMiv nirAtji tha dreaded rtrooess TWSnXStS Aom thi? enclent armniaxiai iever:ais the only tnqwn speclPff W wuierrls ' v l -1 i l1 7x V r .i. at jareiyf&ils 1 4 C " j a. c- - .-. , -tihe 1 dJ ' ; ,r; w-OKfiCT oar thb Obsxbvxs,' if c Qf i - - chablott. Mai 23. 1879; xl exhiblUott of impnreblood. which dlsflgurej the Person and annoys attendants and assoclates.when they eould be made elean and loelt blood kept pure f using D, Bll'a Blood Mixture. . l " ' ' MITn distracted ir l aonc nuu uu, i r-MSJ5Sn iita: because of its repulsive l 4 T" 1H - htm" I w I "... k. ,h.t 1.11 1 flAnil m III) TUT for I fear starYavuju;i"'tif.,r""..?r taste, .'inousanas win rejviw vma&Sz some crime.,, , A-iafesfahd most reiiaDie remeay. '-- . .'. 4i vaiuuniH chimiiuvw aid jiub vuw fvvv"' t - "m ' h rr-iix - a livTn ivtKfcrwiiitjihiA mixture ot Scott Emal- m . T 4 IT-"' naldh of thebabylsDr. BuU Bay p. jtntatosi nothing Injurious, f rice 25c a botue. l )iiiU3B UI. av -T" The market raterttar closed otdeas' fU(?ws: . 13 Low riUddllng. .'..Vttmt.r( -f Yify . .. I vu . lOlfell Tinees Lower grades,. ... WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL GR0CKRS and DEALERS In COUNTliY PROftUCK Keep constantly on band FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, A- -PLES, DRIED FRUITS, 4e. - ; . ' i; ' i ' -' Exclusive Dealers in ' i RAMSOUR '& BONNIJJTELL'S .and A.' L. RHU FORp'S various brands of FLOUR.- ALSO, PROrRIKTOKI OF TBK ...... . 'rf,,v;i .'iv4.i CHARLOTTE HOTEL,' CHARLOTTE, N-b MERCHANTS Will ydo-weil tocaU.and examine this siock, as . , ; .. , - .... - ; . ; . r. i. ! I It lSj especially adapted to the trade of North and , South Carolina, and will be sold t wlwlesale or retail on most reasonable terms, . . . , . 1 Capital Prbeif,.,. '- 1 Grand Prl2e Ot . 1. Grand Prizeof;..... 2 Large Prizes of... . 4 Large arizes pt. . . $100.000.... 50,000....' 20,000.:.. 10,000.... , .6,000., i. , ' 1,000 ... 600.. . . '800.... !,'Jl0 -mi SI 00, .60.1 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 ' 40.000 eaooo 100.000 r ha To Charlotte are Invited to call anderapggr Prizes of 50 Prizes of . . . . 100 Prizes of ..i 200 Prizes of .., . BOO Prizes of , 10.000 Prizes of . ' ;' APPROilMATKlK PB1Z23: . ,s' lOO AnntnrfmnHah Prizes of iSab&.'.'j -fiSd.'bOO 100 Approximation Prizes i ,10O.i.i - 10,000 lOOApproslmatlon Prizes of ...la.,,.,.,. ,7,500 11,27 Prizes, amotmtmg to. : A ,..J.;522,500 This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and Is kept In first class style. Terms, .Per Day' .AL 2 00 Great Induce men tijfleretl io table board ers; for terms see the piprietor. s: .'n"; ' '" ' ' . . ', ,.;'n Ajf tilt !. . ISOtnnlbus and Carriages at every tcajnt. .'(.in. ..Proprietors. .Superintendent.. , . ,.. .. ..Cl4rJc .. i-jrr-! tT4'-ji-i FIELD BROTHERS. Mr. H. S. Wilson a Ladt, Hsket Wn0IrQ,-'-, ..... . feb! V! f S5t' .'SSSifr. icommlssloriers;. ntnck. as thev will find it most complete hi every . f. T". ffr.y' -.Tf i :.X L u . JJi.U21fd,i': ; I ' AppIIcop'for rates to clubs should only be made "'icE,!:,icE.fi"'':;: . v ,,r W.S.. EORBES, Agent, Smith A Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St 3. '51 )gMist. ti tothe office of tbe company In New Orleans. : ii- Write lorcircuiars or senu oraers io .. J c-,'5'. - - MA. DAUPHIN, j Postoffice Box 82, New Orleans, Louisiana D R. A. W, ALEXANDER, - J DENTIST j QmcaS QVSRJt. B. WBISTON GO'S ''. w 25 years mslactloo,' experience I 4juaraiiee entire Janll i: i ..... . t - - r, . N. , , r This magnhvent brand or uigara baa lust neen receive a. ana an wno nave ineu u say u ia tne BEST-5 CENT CIGAR They liav('ever seen ' tn Charlotte. ' Sold, only - at PERRY'S. rhere I am prepared fo furnfsh a SOperioe aualltj Where I am nrenared i to all who ma want Irtt- 'Mv ear will also make dally deliveries aX plaoeaof,slnes or private resiaencea vraers given w nver, Hamm w me through P.- O. Box 153, or delivered to me U offlc on lot of Bock Island Factory, will receive prompt attention. j f .rs : ",: ' - . Customers who negln with me wUl be sapphed -the entire season at the fpuwlngflguresi .lf -iV,l la ananttHeg ieas.than 5 Bi5wStt(tflK v-'r- 41 S T of 50 lbs. and no..t i liac. ".tf The above figures are the same at Mch fee h'a j been bold for the last two seasons, when I had competition: and as I Have unsurpassed iacuities to conduct tne cosiness on a legitunater pnncipie, eonsumers, will consult thelv UMerest by-glvl. . z m atrial. ', . i t :. , irA mv nm'ninp' m nT rnianurr mraniuv caiMustr and forwarded with dispatch. .,".. ' "r Thankful) for your patronage m me past, I re spectfully ask a continuance of tbe same. ; J. T. ANTHONY. May2. . - - - - . 1