s s " . . -gsm.-- : .. t " , .,. ' - . 1 'FRIDAY. MAY 23.1870 "fiWINE BACK TER GEORGY EF I CAS. The Pereonal Experience of Mr. John A " lendanb-Reporf f the Marriage Ceremtn ' M. i blfisf With the Toilef of ihe Bride and Bridesmaids. , i . 4 s " Correspondence ol The Observer. Columbia, GA May 16, 1879. When the festive little party who were to do the honors of ISforth Carolina at the marriage of i!r. .Jno. F. Orr to 'Miss Sallie E. Bussey; lef t , Charlotte, they were in remembrance of the fact that Columbus discovered America (you may not have, heard this,) and as the nannle of the Old North State were ever fond of historical researches.it be- came the duty- of the boys to, discover , Th tedium of the -journey, was muc relieved by the kind provisions made for our comfort by the "Widow cue- niiot" and the venerable old - atner : Heidsick.? When we deposit our dust in its final resting' place tears usually follow but the plentiful dust on this occasion was washed down the river of time, in the direction of twelve o'clock. It waa a Quintette club,1 not from Bos ton, though they played and they sang. The "Jolly Jokerf' indulged in a deep sepulchral bass, in honor of his ap proaching dissolution. The "Web-footed Waltzer" played b-flat, while the gal lant "Lieutenant Crook Shanks," of the II. N,R's lustily I ventilated his vocal powers among the rolling clouds that encircled his lofty" brow. The clouds were furnished by "Big and Little Casino," who in turn took the leading part in the vocal exercises pleasantly varying the enjoyment by a spirited contest for the palm of "pri-mo-tenore of the party. A sixteen-hours ride brought us to the beautiful little city named in honor of the venerable ancestor of whom we were iri search, and who, according to Mark Twain, has been on a bust in Ge noa for quite a number of years. At the depo? we were welcomed with open armed hospitality by that excellent gen tleman, Mr. N. J. Bussey, Jr, whose kind attentions were well supported by ' a number of gallant and good-lctokjng Georgians. After getting the dust' off of our clothes, and out of our throats, we were waltzed .to a german, where we made a willing and unconditional surrender to the bright, blooming and beautitui daughters or uoiumbus. The marriage ceremony took place at the .Baptist cnurcn on Wednesday even ing at 9 o'clock, and was witnessed by as large au audience as we nave ever seen assembled on such an occasion. We' got there in style,, and when the splendid organ pealed forth the first notes of Mendelssohn's' Wedding March, the attendants, preceded by the gentle man , ushers,'? moved slowly up both aisles Of the church and took their posi tions ons either side -of the altar in the f oflowmg' order ; -r; CAIrV.G. G. Jordan led in Miss Cora fitting, a fair daughter of Macon, who was attired .in. an, . elegant brocaded bunting, satiii waist; tha-fronLof-whicK waa aqar-nea mut oeautilul mosaic landscape buttons,' square train and diamonds. Next came Mr. J, II. Francis with Miss Addie Swift, her dress of white India muslin, exquisitely trimmed with Bretonne lace and delicate peach-bloom ribbons and pearl ornaments. Mr. A. L. Smith was happy in having charge of Miss Viola Beach, who was most becomingly arrayed in white bunt ing, silk waist, trimmed with delicate sprays of lilies of the valley ruby cr- naments. Mr. W. P. Myers was the fortunate attendant of the cultivated and charm ing Miss Anna Griffin, who was most tsuafcAf nllv ntrirori in wViiro rurlornrv bands of corresponding, color, and dia monds. B. C. Cobb, Esq., was blest in having in his care one of Georgia's fairest rep resentatives, Miss Emma Biggers, who wore damasse grenadine, trimmed in white satin and delicately tinted flow ers. Pearls. Mr. J. B. Hill was with Miss Lizzie Curtis, who also wore a damasse grena dine, diafrnnal satin: lmro oillr uraiaf u ..... ... urn Dua nmuvi lilies. Pearls. J Mr. J. T. Estes attended Miss Alice McDougald. Bunting, satin trimmings and rubies. , Mr. C. E. Lovelace: and Miss Willie Hood a lovely brunette. White tarle- ton, blue trimmings ;gold ornaments. Mr. SD;. Moore and Miss Cora Acee .grenadine and white satin, pale blue and light pink .trimmings ot flowers ' and ribbands. j Mr. E. C. Chancellor and Miss Katie Mason white tarleton, diagonal satin uars, lasceiuiiy arrangel bows, decol- lelte. Pearls. - Mr. Eh B. SDnnss was the favored escort of Miss Pinkie Bussey, the young and lovely sister of the bride. She wore a white tarleton not en train white roses i nc her hair. : ! Mr. N. J Bussey, J., a brother of the bride, with Miss Maggie Morehead, pre ceded the happy bride and groom. Miss Maggie wore a beautiful brocaded white silk dress, blush roses. Diamonds. ; m Then eame the radiant pair who were happily; destined soon to be made one. xueDnae was gorgeously attired in a brocaded silk and satin, a la prineesse train, damasse vest front and collar, side pleated ruffles, lapping folds and sprays of orange blossoms. Her veil was. of silk tulle and grafeef ully envel oped her in a snowy mist, out of which - beamed her radiant face, suggesting the ongnt and happy destiny in store for ner. iter ornaments, diamonds the beautiful cross, the gift of the happy Kruum, was a sure sign oi uieir plighted faith. -i When the pair had placed themselves under the tasteful arch of evergreens mm uuwers iuai surrounxiea the mar nage Dell suspended near thA altar v lley. Mr. Campbell eloquently invoked uivuuj messing upon tne ceremony about to be performed, i Then Kev. B. w. Bussey, after' a most impressive, feeling and touching preliminary ad dress, conducted the nuptial rites. He ITV . VI., i . . m c aio aaseiuuieu io unite m mar- : riage Air. j . jr. Orr and Miss S. E. Bus sey. jstnere any lawful reason why - uen snouia ; not do done ? I presume w "uuo. iij-aiiictgc, my irienas, is of divine appointment, if - wan inati- t ited during' man's inhdeenev : it was ratified, by Jesus, the .great law giver. amtaeciared by the apostle to, be hon- oraDie in alL; God made man and placed va- r it e' 2Bl inac 1C might .be aradiseHe-made-womaii and placed ucr ""ffft fjwnan for i w uuiuion,iii3 :.joy, and crave nr- fn hln-r t - . ' w uutuu ou iiCiiiiKr i foi i! V"1?? e.re :no IoKer uZT u - MCB,i carriage men is death. r "l U1"u u me nana nr ) Kuieiun runiom iDUt .con- fife; MffcJeeUng-miitBalt-ttorbea fLVlOIi , Alld u lAVA DfvAMrinUill4a il li r., .iTfr ;""w"i--.w.t,rEs. new responsibilities and new iovs. Fol- happinessjill ;be;WrSr! long after jyufcu auu -CTace Tiave tasai auraii- i funti iiii. . i . V .-'ov- utu imai' Vour mRri - tafr - Z?E.lii'Mfr-.Oui dojyou, take' thia ui, miu sianas dv vour. sidp tn h I Wi the presence est God and . ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' 'mmmmin ,....M4timwmmrww i j x.u..u mmmutm. iu m wsMiasjaJuss ' 1 IUJI"Jt u v.mmwnmmmUmmKa. iWWWsliiMstsMsWMsi - '- 1 -' ' ISSMSSS I cleave unto her ; will you love oer, pro vide for her, and cherish her? -Will you fulfill towards her all the relations of - ' .... husband, as they may be set forth in God's word? ;, . "Sallie, my sister, ao you tafce tnis man: wno stands dv your sme, io ue your lawful wedded husband? - Do you promise, in : the presence of God and these witnesses, to leave all others and cleave unto him ? Will you love him ; honor him ? Will you be his helpmeet? Will vou reioice in his joyk--l ask wnat symbol of affection is presented and re ceived? The gentleman says: "This ring" handing it to the minister. . The minister receives it, saying: "This ring" turning to the woman he asks, "Is it received ?" She replies, "It is." "Then Dlace it on the tourtn linger of the woman's left hand." The minister then says: A beauti ful symbol it is ; may it remain afit ea wem oi tne ongnter imK uniting yum hearts ; may it oe . a fit emblem of She richer circle oi yourmutuai enjoyments, anA mav vonr affection like it be end- les5. And now. since vou have made tnese vows, in accordance with the au- thority invested in me, I pronounceyou husband and wife. . Henceforth, J. IV and Sallie B. Orr, are one in name, in interest, in destiny, one.; Let us pray." When the minister had reenngiy ana devoutly prayed that "henceforth J. F. Orr and S. E. Urr be, ana remain one, in name, in interest, and in destiny," the bridal party slowly marched away from the happy scene to the residence of Dr. N. J. Bussey, Sr.. where an elegant repast was prepared tor tne joyous ana ae- lighted guests. The music of a splendid band pushed away the hours until the morning came. The bride and groom left the next morning for New York and Canada, carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends. We did not leave Columbus until En- day. The other boys kindly gave to the visiting ladies a complimentary ger man and we went. We can't write more. It was too nice. We are all in love and may the girls have mercy on the Boys from North Carolina. Governor Vance's Debut. Washington Post, 20th. Senator Vance, of North Carolina, followed Mr. Blaine, and it is not possi ble to give a fair synopsis of what he said. It was so full of richness that it must be read from the first word to the last to be appreciated. He reduced the so-called arguments of the Republicans to logical propositions, and thus demon strated the weak and absurd character of all that has been said against the pro posed repeal. He tore Blaine to pieces. riddled Conklmg.and held Mizzer Chan dler up on the point of a pin. He de scribed the condition of affairs in the South before and after the war, and in his inimitable style reviewed the char acter of the Kadical party and its legislation.- He ventilated the vetoes, and humorously touched np the fraud who wrote them, or rather signed them. He caused perfect consternation among the Kadical senators. Tney squirmed ana twisted for-awhile, and finally Conk- ling, Anthony, Edmunds and: Logan srathered in a knot as if to stmnort e:ich other under the galling lire. Conkling, desiring to manliest his indifference to everybody but himself, left his seat, but took precious good care to get near enough the cloak-room door to listen for awhile. When Gov. Vance sat down he was fairly overwhelmed with congratula tions upon the success and telling effect of his first speech. Wash. Correspondence Richmond State. Senator Vance was unfortunate in the selection of the time for making his nrst speecn in tne Senate, it was late in the afternoon, and everybody was t i onH hinrru 1 f tint I rv wrVmn va n nut u&j. KJJ f lit. 11 he commenced, the galleries were most ly empty and naif the senate had gone down to lunch. He soon gained atten- timrfronrtbosa that remained, and de livered one of his peculiarly entertain ing speeches for which he has so wide a reputation in the South. His super abundant wit croppedout in every sen tence, and his odd illustrations and an ecdotes were fully appreciated on the Democratic side and in the srallerv. Some of the Democratic Senators laugh ed until they were ready to cry. while the half dozen Republicans looked as if they didn t know what to make ef him uonKiing never smuea once, out pres ently took up his newspaper and nre- tended to be reading, while he pared his r m a. hi - nnger-naiis. x ney will au laugn when they read it in the Record, and recognize ure capital mis v ance maae. A Horrible Murder in South Carolina. Atlanta Constitution. W e have the particulars of a terrible murder which occurred in Anderson county, near Pendleton, South Carolina, last weanesaav. me circumstances make it one of the most glaring instan ces oi cow Diooasnea we nave ever chronicled. William Ferguson a white planter living in Anderson county, was told one day-last week that a iieero erirl named juatwe nation, wno lived on a farm near his own, had charged that he had made an attempt to rape her. Fer guson denounced the report as a mali cious lie, but as he continued to bear it, lesui veu to swp us circulation in a more effectual manner. Last Wednesday he loaded a shot-gun heavily and went to tne neid wnere Aiattie and some other negroes were hoeing cotton. Heasked her if she bad made the assertion which had been reported as coming from' her. She said she had. Ferguson then told her it was a lie and she knew it to be so. He demanded that she retract it in the presence of the witnesses then pres- enc. xne gin reiuseo to do so. .Fergu son repeated the demand.-, Again Mat- tie Hatton refused. The demand was made the third time with no better sue cess, i erguson then appeared to be ex asperated, and leveling his cun fired both barrels at tliedoomed woman. The shot entered the head, teannjr it fear fully to nieces. She fell without a crrnan and died almost instantly.' The negroes were bornhed at this brutal act and scattered like scared sheep, Ferguson looked for a moment at the woman and then -fled from the scene. He has not since been heard of.: To the; honor of tne good people or Anderson county, it must be said, that they are unanimous in tneir denunciation of this awf u crime, and are doing all they canto bring the criminal to lusti. Tr. probable that a reward twill be offered and the murderer brought to justioe. Snalor Vance o Visit (be Lynchburg Fair : . - tmchburg News. . Mr. Alexander McDonald.'-Secretary of the Agricultural and Mechanical Sc- ciety, telegraphs as foUows from Wash 1 ingtonr ;r'- ? - i .vnr,enatoKiiuo;'2rtli -Carolina, j Jias accepted an InritatlttnE todetiVfiT fin Mdress at the Lynchburg f air, iinless pcitiyely prevented .by, public-duties. ne will De accompanied by Senator i m. ; lie amacona. . trm TnimatAP from Mexico to the United States; who is' 'la- I Ai .1.... T Kt relations; ;Detween;.tne two countries." ca1? off .b' weans ihcFeased wogtets the most eminent Btofl lu'l'M'uwwineoiT completely Dome out brurin i arjr analysis. - The name of thia immtt ibtnrnvnt HostetteM, a preparation HKewlse celebrated as a 1 uiuuu wiuj me Due and a certain i extant, ana W highly recommended as a medicinal t BOmulant by dlatinguighed physicians and analyst- IT 5. A TORPID 11VE1 U the fruitful source of many flf scares, promt , Bent among which are '' DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTJYENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEViffV AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM,. KJPNEY ;COM- h'' PLAINT, COUC, ETC ' " ' SYMPTOMS OF A V&W LIVER. Xoesof JLbpe15tnaK'anBea, the bowels aracoetivelmt sorjaetones alternate with," looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part.Pttm ; ; fn thy yjght side-and-under, the shoulder- blade, 'fullness after eating, with a disin; rifnation to exertion of body or mind, Irri tability of temper, Low spirits, Iioas ot memory, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, General weariness; WJzsaness,J Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the ; ' eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally; ' over the right eye, Restlessness at night with, fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. ' U THESE WAKNENGSASE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. 10 DIIli' are especially, adapted t such cabesr a- single' dos effects such a change of feeling as to astonish thesiffer6 f TUTT'S PILLS are compoanded from nbst&aeea that are free from any properties that can injure the in oat delicate -ors-anlzatton. They 8earch, Cleanse, Pnrify, and lnvixorate the entire System. By relieving the eu gorged Liver, they cleanse the blood from poisonous hamon, ajnd thus Impart health and vitality to the body, causing " the bowels to act naturally, without which no one can feel well. A Noted Divine says : Dr. Til IT: Iear Sir: For ten yean I hare beon . F:Te Oyspe r Pills i rifch H1 s nuuirr to .Dyspepsia. Constipation and Piles. Last : Spring your Pills were recommended tome ; I used tuemT but with little faithT. I am now a well man. baTa good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools. priecb, regular b.wis, ottr pounds solid Scsh. piles foua. sad 1 nave gamed fort- poancs ao.:a ucsu. Taey are wortn their weignt in gold. . . By,a.I glMP6K.li''ili.Ky. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect Is Id Increase the Appel:' r, and canse the body to Take ou Fteali, tinis .j system is noarished, and by their Tonic Ac tion on the Digestive' Organs, ltegular Stools are produced. DR. J. F, HAYWOOD OF NEW YORK, SAYS t m Few diseases exist that cannot be relieved !:y re storing the Layer to its normal fanctionH, and for this purpose no remedy his ever been invented tlit has as happy an effect as T OTPS PILLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Oulco 85 Murray Street New York. VT Dr. TUTTS MANUAL of Valuable Iufor nation and Useful Beoeipts " will be mcilcd-e on application. ; , TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Ga&T Haib OB Whisims changed Buck br a simrle ssinsinstioa of this to a Glosst Dyk- It im touslv. and is parts a Natural Oolor, acta Instantaneously, and aa Harmless as sorinc water Bold by Druggists, or sent by exnrees on receipt of $L . Office; 35 Murny St., New York. apr 1 ly. THE GENUINE DR. C. MoIiANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR . VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF, VVORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; die . pupils dilate ; an azure' semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; s appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, ; entirely gone ; fleeting -pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom . iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times . costive ; stools slimy, not uiifrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, , and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &cr t I Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT JDQES IOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the jljs that flesh is heir to," but jn ' affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Siplc Head-' ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival, AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled.! 1 M BE WAKE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated.- JSaph box has a red , wax seal on the lid,''with the inipressibn Dr. McLAne's LlVW:jRlU4.n.y ui 1-..N-V,.,:) .'smv Each wrapper bears the signatures of . C. McLAne and Fleming Bros:' Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver- Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being uiLcf imitations of the name MCLMhd, ipalledlifierently but saine pronunciation. ? , ,r, A GKEEN HOUSE AND AT YOUR TOST OTTICE. J. .: ROSES ROSES ! ,ii . - ' i 8end and get - mr Batalogue Of choice Green fvuso huu rteuqjng f lanis. We ean send planU throueh theTmal! (e aorpait tif e eounor. . - r -tar C. B. FAIRCHrXD. - Beedsman and Florist, - March 26 2m, HaieigD.tt.u. nkw goods i." ; . ;.. ;w .-h - iTi 1 v r.o.' - ' " , ; NSW XaTTJBES ' S?l.Oi&' .ij--j"t.J- ' Come to me tot bacon, Com, Sugar, Coflee. Mo- lasses, ana outer Family urocenes. - - t : Just received, a few barrels of Benr Foster's (Da Tleeountr) .. ' ..i,t- i " BBST BTB WHISKKT- Also a fine lot of Conn try Hams.' I sen for cash. , All goods delivered In the eJtrreevot charge, 7 ; ' - ,: . . ... , W.H,mMMINGEB,lr : -i4 - - J ,Trade Street,1'- , -' Next door below Wilson Slack's old stand. - ap 15. .n.-i.; . -v.'-. R. M. MILLER & SONS. May 7. WE retail nothing but cboloe goods. Guaran tee every article we sell and will cheer folly refund your money when our goods are not found as represented. A good stock of FAMILY GROCE R I E S on hand. We make speeialUes of Corn, Flour, Meal, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Hams, and general Country Produce. Solicit correspondence from parties wishing to buy or selL Respectfully, . V B. ALEXANDER & CO., May 3. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. JUS T I N AT LeBOT DAVTOSON'S, 50 BARRELS Bridgewater Family, Belmont Family and Bel mont 4X Flour. The Bridgewater Family took the Silver Medal at the Paris Exposition. Try one barrel and be convinced that it is the best in this market ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, A FULL LINE OF Fine Oranges aad Lemons, Cocoanuts, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, and choice French and Plain Candles. Choice Jellies, Mustard and Canned Fruits of all . kinds. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Graham Flour, Oat Meal, Marrow Beans, and fresh , Crackers of every description. CREAM CHEESE. ' WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, the best ever sold in Charlotte. Also Sugars, Cof fees, Bacon Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues, and in fact everything good ot eat that heart can wish for Is to be found in my store. ,,i LeBOT DAVIDSON.. JUST RECEIVED -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, " ' A well selected Stock. of ; : WRITING PAPER, iTrT ".Tar 'C Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which theypiopose to sell cheap foe cash. V Also French Paper of.eyerydeacripttoni with Enj velopes to match. . i Also Paper In boxes, to salt the most fastidious .: SOCIAL iTriQUETTB F NEW TOBJt ' t , : , '. . ... v-v. :.r'i :.'--!' ! 1A standard treatise upon the laws of good society n New York. - ' : Congress Tie Envelopes;; a new' lot -just "received. -. . Edward Todd C,'Celehra; ' . , A Pep by some considered superior 'Mo a Gold Pen, f-r- TIDDY &BRO. are also Agents for Emerson yvtvwiawu muwsx - j , HAND-STAMPS, and any orders given them will receive prompt at tention., i' BDTTERICK 4 CO.'S METROPOLITAN FASHIONS r For May, 1879, Just received at ' - ' v TIDDT it BRQ'g. . CASH PAID FOB BAGS! .t FOR SALE. That valuable property in this city known as the 'i annery of Alexander, Allen McBee. This Tan- uxsij utmveDienuy looaieo, ana nas au the latest uuiirorw macinneryiu-u-' Bark and hides low and. in abundance. i nxT , For particulars address , f , . ' , j-.- A, ISAACS, "Attorn y ) '"?t" lor Alexander. Allen A MrEA. j: Ma, 9th, WlawJ Ui;i . ... -:E.:r- u HAMS HAMS HAMS HAMS 25 TIBRC Select atf violent: Pnreativea. Ther ruin the. tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. ; . . - TABHAKT EFFERVESCENT SELTZER 5tr.uS2 o-Jt APEBIENTi isusedby yatlonaJpeopla asa means of relieving all derangements of the stomachy liver and Intes tines, because it removes obstructions without pain, and Imparts vigor to the organs which it purines and regulates. . . 4, Sold by all Druggists. ; r , : -i . i ' ';" ;be ;T , .TI-DYSPEITIC PILLS. . ; These. Plji win prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an- unrivalled Dinner PIIL mild aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine.' They are used by the most cultivated i people In our country, and are extensively-used by physicians In their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular, E. R. BECKWIXH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. . . ; CELEBRATED Dll.WM. Hi STOKES, Physician, Mount Hope Retreat," Baltimore, Writes: rI have great pleasure In adding my testi mony to the virtues of Colden's Llebisr's Llauld Ex tract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator as the tery best preparation used for denression. weakness and In-' digestion, and, therefore, confidently recommend It to the medical profession;" Sold by all drug gists. , f, :::, . : mm Wc-wiH "Agenw a Samry orsioo per month and exjliv-H, r aguwa lartH? oomtnisoion, loeell our Dew and woinhii ftil invent ioiis. We mean what we say Sample ftx-e. AddresaSaKnaAii 4 Co., Marshall, Mioa. $77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw Sl Co.. Augus ta, Maine Qf7T7JL YEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit tpi i i rree. Address P. O. VTCXERT, Augus- ta, Maine. I SCREAM. Whenever you feel like refreshing yourself, call at PERRY'S and get a plate of ICE CREAM, OR GLASS OF ICE LEMONADE. He also has the finest Bananas you ever saw, weighing nearly half a pound each. Wheeler's Elixir Phosphates. An elegant preparation for sustaining the vital were a nerve and brain food one dollar per DR. T. C. SMITH, Druggist. Fine Flavoring Extracts. Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple and Strawberry, at XR. T.-C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Hand Mirrors, Dressing Combs, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts and Fine Soaps, at DB. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Elixirs and Fluid Extracts. The largest assortment in the city may be found at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. A Full Line of Humphrey's Homeopathic Medicines always on hand at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Cuticura Remedies, Salve, Soap and Besolvent just received at DB. T. C. SMITH'S DBUG 8TOBE. Bromidia, lodia, vitalized Phosphates, Tamar Indlen, Bedford Springs Mass and Seven Springs Mass, at DB. T. C. SMITH'S DBUG STORE. Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Improved patterns, at DB T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Five Cent Cigars One of our specialties we try to get the best call and get some at DB. T. C. SMITH'S DBUG STORE. Vest Pocket Cure And Horehound Cough Syrup, each 25 cents a bot tle, at DR. tTC. SMITH'S DBUG STORE. 25c, Hair Dye. Has been tried by and found satisfactory. For sale DB, T. C. SMITH, Druggist. Pump Cans, For holding Kerosene Oil, 'The cheapest in Char lotte, at DR. I. C: SMITH'S DBUG STORE. '! li-'lli." It i) If lyierchants Will buy their irDrugs and Medicines of Dr.'T;' C. Smite, Druggist, at. Charlotte,' they will find price satlsfactorvana save freight chjtrgesl from North- Visiti Will find fee Cold Sod Water at Vt. T, C,' Smith's Drug Stow, apposite the Central Hotel --J i:jT!riii'M.aDiaVSj:li ! Try Arctic Soda Water, and- SparkUng Ginger Ale, 5 cents a glass, at ; -a.1 - -i : ! k ; . . , PH..T?,C; SMITHS DrtQ.STOBE, , T r.n'iiaai2iixt: i viVCi ill 0 von t iorget to try tne 5 cent cigars ror ue at ( a . l i i u. j DO. v U. JSMlXtl'fi.lJJKU! Tpjlet Articles, F,. J ! J Perfumery and everything In- the finest lowest priceiat H&JEJC SMAIHS DRUG STOReT A' gents, WANTED for the .best5 and, fastest -XlLti-selllmr Pictorial Books and RrwB TptW. reduced BH pen cent! Nationai. PrjBLisjaHOCa J Philadelphia, Pa. ; inhioU, Jaygtha foundation for substantlal-fartunet wr? wvnu a, w xxmera, ao aroaa street, w.- x.'- ' : T oil! ar.ul J:i ,CJ T Tj - Pisam writ a fop lam CjXXV . ' inustr&WCfiisJra ; jiiJtlFLES, SHOTrGUNS, BEYOLVEBSv;; Address Great Western Gun .Works,' Pittsburg, Pa. - 1 ' " ' ' ' i.t " 1J T " f I' 1 ' ' BENSOM-CAPCINE POEO0S IPEA-S'EEKI f IT fB tJ Seetbai each pjafejp has , toe, word, C-A-P-C-I N-E CRt through It, and insist wn havtogno other. Ask your physician aa to its-merits over an otbers. ' j 4 a 1 i -Pareon's Purgative PUls anake- new Blch Blood; and will completely change the blood in the emir System in three monthK.: An v nnrsnn who oHii tntr one pill eacta night from 1 to 1 2 weeks nay be e- pmuvu w uuim jieaiuu u sucn a uune be possibles Bnt to-mail far 8 letter, stamps LS. JOHHSON CO., Bangor, Me. sM; 5r, i '--vt;.v . v.'-i 1 rvwj i I.T..?. 11 ;ANP:pPENING! -AT THE--" CHINA PAEACE 1-OF C h-.'r JM' EROOKFIILD & CO., -ON Friday, Sani day and Monday, April 25, 26, & 28. We take great pleasure in lnformins our friend and the public generally that pur new stock has arrived and Is complete We cordially invite all to inspect our large and well selected assortment, consisting of CHINA. GLASS AND CROCKERY, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps, Buckets, Chandeliers, etc., etc., All of which we will offer very low, at prices to suit the times. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will uo well to give us a call, as we fare prepared TO FILL WHOLE SALE ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BBOOKFIELD 4c CO., Charlotte , N.C., April 24, 1879. JUST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT OF SPRING CHICKENS, TURKEYS AND DUCKS. AT a M. HOWELL'S. May 17, GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wav-e, ,1. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBY, SILVER AND 3ILVEB- t PLATED ii'iJ WAE,4 GOLD AN6 i SILVER SPECTACLES. 'l Gold-Head Canes' and everyUiing you want ... . .,.,! ..: -i WATCH and CLOCK MADaGltbsB' and glL- :-. t i-r.i iiJis"iL'lv.t i.-j t Trade Street, onntfft JiPjtobyte iHivitfiU ' ii.'tii naOiUitoiii SiiJ 3;!::;yr i an5wSn? tBrohaeiGikUnfc ofelne,' vr$iattngcrandGal- ;vBBizraramae auuMrciatiM and emiaafA toed h Repaired .wrJ ionoalled forwffll b aokf fat the eipiratlon oi twelve months for cost of Tepalrsw 1 . septl5 WELL HOUSE. - CALDWILX; HOTTHTrV SO Ku Oomer TryOdand S&tk Streets.'-: T ComerTryoa'ai4 Stttjj Strict 'u Hi . Ji',-:,tAi.;M-&. s.'tA-t V. A it f! -til-MFxir,- r.i 7 -V. I -J J, uiri; i ' ' ',i . 'i t . CHARLOTTE. JLC, u i .V- 8; PiCAJJQWELL;..u;i.. ..Proprietor. .This house Is permanently aaUbBahed and oBen all the conveniences and comforts ot a flrsWasa Ji-lfO li: Wi)j.t ,Mi4 Jrr - -.rj Jli J . it . boajdln houaal I PersonA rtalOhg the city wfilf And it a pleasant majient boarders wanfed. Can, be fumiahedwlLh rooms.' " t. ' i I -' ,RATES--Per day, iTansienLiJSt per week, OOKguiarteCSiof poard and: room 'i SMITH'S WORM 01 1 .2 iJE 7 ' :fiM, Ga., December 8 1878. A few nights sines I gave my son one do. Worm Oil, and the next day he passed .i11'9 large worms. At the same time i anLan UttTe girt, four years old, and she pffl e V worms from four to fifteen inchesTon "w-sU : Worm Oil for sale br DruggistogJeSw'lL pared by E. & LYNDON, AnsGa! r" Triee 25 cents.; feb2ld4wU OS AD A L I S hnHEt GREAT SOUTHERN REMTnv , flf the cure of SsSSta4" f Taitrtv Rheumatism, White SwelUuV S Goitre, Consumption, Bronchitis NZ?' Debility, and. all diseases artalne fmi The' merits of this vahiahi Preparation are sv weu Known that a nassihs-... h" , ." 'iotrmal of the ruwumit nf oi,J! Ft V1. "ls WUIr UCCCDDWI Ml IRIIIIIKI infl Maba bottle of this medicine amonc tttr ' family necessities. " SWK K Certificate can be presented ladinsr Physicians. MlniHtora , from rnxnc leading Physicians, Mlnlste families thrmis-hmit th si, ".."5iV18 w and heads ot the hle-hftst tarrni. hCT,t"Vr'J!iu'?1'1K l"po rlI,a u,w lvaa ""tract of R6si DB. B. WILSON CARB, of Baltimore savs he has used it in eases of fimf.,i 13 " DRr T; CrPUGH. of TikiH eseTbW' ylngtt isTuT St preparaBorr oe nas ever used. ' 1 BEV; 'DABNEY BALL. ofih tu. M.B Conference South, wys hThaTbeen much benefitted by its use that he cheerful h recommends It to all his friends and quainraneea. CRANEN & CO.. Dnunrlotn t ville. vs.. say ft never hss faiiAi tn h .. . l,hHM . " S)"c Sl- ' HAMUJS1. G. McFADDEN, Murfreesboro says it cured him of Rheum,.: Tennessee. - ttonTWHeiran'else failed. tij " Bosadaiis is not a. wnt :t ,Hlont As lagredlents are published on i quack prepara- BaCkagVV 4hoW it to tour nhnlriun ,nj Tf laiieraavea that exisL and Is an yi blood putlfler. Did our space admit we couM ghe-you testimonials from every State in the South and from persons known to ev ery man, woman and child, either personal ly or by reputation. I s Rosadalis is sold by all lKeis. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & ( 0 .. 8 College Place, i NEW YORK. For sale by L. B.. WBISTON 4 CO., Druggists. - ; ; . : . cnanooe, n. c. feblft'lwi -a- i Is a perfect Blood -PwrWier, and is the only purely Vsgeiablk remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical' and Permanent Cuses of Stphilis "and Scroti' la in all their stages. . . . i i . . It thoroughly removes mercury from the system ; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin lis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 0m Bishop D. a Doggett (SoBtbern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used It with prompt beneflclal results, Bet. Dh MangtarA, ftSf. 'University' of N. C. I concur with' Blsbob Dbggett hi his estimate or the Vest Pocket Curej.'; t : iefi tii:tea"ji j(. C, Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. . ; ''Bev. Leroy H. IrfieTE yi. Meth. Btefn. I am never without R at home or abroad, it is an antidote 'tortndtgesUon." Uneasiness after a meal or purging is shedce4 and the bowel reguU tedr , Its mertu. are attested by numbers t sigb Character. ,L have seen a "trled-everythiiig'' peptlc ef fifteen years, relieved by one dose. Bev. Dm. Jeter, Breaadue, Ptckbisoa (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony at s men oi aattonal' fame vend ef strictness of peeeh.,-it4 ra& teeWb-) say tbat ne modldne evetbuctt .auhpoH laora a speclflc Theor4W S$tf0itltdivlpe9 who hnderwfftviita aBJe4jpepsiA' baseserved whtf-TheiffsaiteA wttoeeH tetued wtth the i periiDehtal use. and approval of the preparaUoa br well-fcAown1 -pbysiclaiur, removes all doubt. It is, isejrand question a wonderful therateuUcal agent EdJJorsBeligiwa Herald, Va. . Bev. B. L. Dabney, LlTd., Haaa. Sid. Col., Va. . It la highly t esteeweA her by the retalar Medi cal Faculty and the jBeeple. , It is excellent for in digestion end totulenreolieedAtrve, soporific, louicsllgUtiy 84erieiit, without iuudetv ,.,rr) For sale byi :v ; ; (dbt.c, smiths ciriottejrife : ODELL, BAGAN A1 CO. , Greensboro; N. C. THE07T7EXTJTT2, 'Salisbury, N. C. -i5i t rtar 8-Urw tf- T ECTHiiGUpSBBEATH :NO MORE RHEUMATISM 0B.GOOTi ' ' 'A CC T S '0 4I.C H B 0 N I C li! ! . t-' ..i i -'.- st: ,vf fM . .- 0n. i .jft A.L I C Y L. I A , ---jii.-.i.'' SURE CURS.' Manufactured only under the above Trade-nar I ' by the i s. I . .. ; f . . ... - i- : j! ; EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., ovpABis Airs uoraa. Hi riuuii.h Tf. !Mnkul. . 'mnnirnent' Cur. guaranteed. Now exclusively need by all celebrated physicians of Europe and , America, ieoming Staple, ilannless; and .KeUaWe Bemedy on -continents.': s Thefilghest Medical Academy or Paris report 85 cures tutot 100 oases ittiJ?? days. Secret The only dlssolver of th rteoww Uric Add which exists in tne Blood of Bheumattc and Gouty Patients. M a box, boxes tor S3 00. Sent to any address on- receipt jfJfj: ot7 On!y?rnf?ftBW Depot CUff1" ,fT sale,? a,PJKf ' c: feb. 18 I lr, ' r; --' J-"" 41 c Caarlette, N. " , U A V." xftiT 'I T.