1 . i: I Editor aid Proprietor "Free from the doting Krnplesthat erter our .niiiim r-i i i-1!- - JiiiSftft deceived that ' AfciachaTO,8ljecinlMiitlaitiiabout; the newspapers get up, du DyTpaccpums, business has made a JkreaJL imjfoie mentinthe past few weeks, and this 8un?nsingly large, being in fact 50 per -& fintdretSP Jap Arlng $hs;5&rreBi ponding week last year, Exclusive of atockipeculations the increase in legit imate busines,exchanges is calculated; at 35 ter centrand the Volume of busi- larger than in anv year since 1873. This VWV&W $tf&mMMW' aniipa'td movement in the prices of all stable securities, which would seem, to iftUpfte -.a dearth of opportunity; fptfiprMraJble' investment in business dr a speculative adttftiag Mwitfital W'thStoctf taarket;1 . pauses. . t1"lt 'd 10 nn!'.''h- .commenting upon alleged oistaf fiff-? mve Swg says, tfiiat if the advancij,prices,;f ,1seiqujfin Idwedby a collapse, out it is ciaimeatnac Jbe advancejisdue :)cj, a jarge incraseT ftfftiw WrftfViW of the rieonte. and-con. economy set in after 1875. The cost of living has been so materially reduced of late years that a relatively large sur- is-0f eumincs haJeen aecuniuia dJihisrisUe rifef fwlflch i ing lsvefuneni Revs naying oou I S3 til sEbuiftieslai Mrelin nfatk that holders abroad were willing dispose of. The Public, a-lfew York politico-financial journal: lays that it is certain that the country's )qutdpg in payment for its bonds, re-purcfised and redeemed over KK)! in cash or varafe" ''products duiing the year li8'&fofiMh Wcs Of aUl ifspurchase VTli iJI4 't to-be given thus over, horse. addition there was 5 deposits in EsAmMthi stitutjpn InOlh&jci wUhjj eaa.n9rmo .i MnYestnx rfadei govermni not formerly h the actual! . savings of labor .rprise hi tnii; country." The is perhaps over Wr4pe, and sometimes mistakes pattfeuiw- for general causes but holds thatl4unque$tjQhably true tliat business is reviving od. tiatvihf A0 . M.I fentsM&xa-fitrea dyTtwr 11 1 1 Ml III IT UV (JItIej?Sm rtIdlUV capital dtfihe country beingjapTdlVrecffTR Courkr-JournaTif zeal for Mr. Derated. by thefacjhatimesnayej v ;y THE SOUTH CAR0LIJ MiL.TARY ACADEMY. " A a dekte 4ne: for a copy of A Historicir fejetch"bf tlie South Gavojina; Military Academy,, by Col. J.'I. Thomas, who wsis a cradnate J6t that ;afca(iemyafterwrai'ds professor rmd superintendent of Arsenal, Acr. ademy.tof Charleston, and now super-! mtendent of the Carolina PMUitarv in- Stmrte, 01 thiaity;- "IS tWToTnYne the reer and subsequent changes, down to its end. The results worked out by the institution are Jdjelt! iipo, jand man facts of general interest, (hitherto un known jo the great body of people, are well brought out. Among these may b'mentioned -that a detachment of c1fets were in command of the battery wchtfro22;off tliStir bftbe jtlestA nwn tHisMfs9el undertook to land on the Soutiiarojina coast, ipdfired the flnlsTidt wCthei war of sejesiipn An other fsthai tlie cadebj of ua 'academy wese tfie UM armed lJdy in Souh.?0ar"o-' litt iftd Igrhaps irg t!ietlij!ihis siWof theMississippiirj?jrhHtngbeen r furlouzhed-at Newberry, .-JJat m JQie bookils writtentirtinost readable styfe-rTIiaiacfii are stated in tlie visroiy t otfC clear-got 'ngli'iJr'lhj!;!C: r TQSmas is so .yrell knjeyry patwfe of it i marked ibyiii'exeeeinr grace d exessioti.'Tif IfoTttmlhas ntcp pupnsjjea py v a;eT-yans cpgs- wra, of .Charleston, inetjthe. atjapices; ofhe sassfidation 61 ;raffaltefid ia f of laleloJlesSrs. TidaV'-Bro-, of this cits. v- .? i tijthe Huse last- Wednesdaj', Mr. Vaattce, of North Carolina, presented the petition of S. F. Ddugherty'and others, tfora post-route from Chimney Bock, via Lakev's Gap. tajhegd of-North fork JfhwanoanMtiX&liM Office and Post-Roads. Ob Thursday the same gentleman introduced papers relating to the claim of jJamjes O Ilob'. ertson Cor compfenldt iticVfbfofe ssfon- tnTerolfee Indiansrjlfh.4bmmittee on Indian AtEau-s. i ... - "m, hi itfti1 MH 'viT j ; The cause of the adjournment of the Senate from Monday last over to Thurs 'day.ai tndej-lrWIDf soiri of the Sen tejMm d IJwjacij a JSaltimore, Don Cameron, it is stated, tfan the m,py ing spirit T It la , the pnfj projaGt w but lie 'ii'Ulrt'tfi and sol he set about to secure an ajdjournmenjb over two days and auceeedecL - The story Tofd ofommfflsiooir I49 Due, UHtoAntAWil ofgriculture, . that something oyer a year ago, he started a man oil Smth. with $10,000 in Jtentalpurppses. notliigha since teem beard of the man or the money ' ttengaiPean'i It is generally believed Ct WafltafctJiafc tlie' ommjssioner lias been fnnlly Aertti - OTrn T.lmrJ ro':L ii 'III II M , j uwuwii, ine tAiassacnu? setts abdUtionl3l fartalicjlies at the : his seaHn the Senate this time. ' ' CoL James E. Randall, the poet-editor fhft author of "MarvlanrL Mv Mary land," ahdWwiJieefxf of the Augista,MGai)8 j Cfp-onicfi ana present asBtan,c6rtesp5andenttof ' his paper, and is writing from the national capital some remarkabljr interesting letters, In one ot; the latestof theseJhe pfcfjiriis tba -leading New York Sena tor, Wd does Rhjo interestingly that we lows: had ieveiefor4h&rd& Co rung in arset speech, antfit mustoe con ceaea tmrraeis v most lormiuauie u- veraarv. iiaa ue cone.UDonwie, stage, John. cCullpngh , wuid.lve.hadto take 'a bFieHM Tie sdied for, had -haM rttggle ioi '6iatiremacy!,!ri. pulpit oratory. Me v is a large maa, eminently handsome and distinguished tonkins. Not bin cairxeeedtne awk- &kia& wWfc(wpefc-bag f This' Is not perceived when lie Is speak- iriir iriiiii iiiN iiiAn. iui as ma vuitc x 'mMulatedahastdhishlngskin 'and is of the noblest compass, so nis gestures are the perfection of art. His language is too stilted andornate. He rose to ,someing.,!akifti-w jthft.wwjmeWfteo, Ihe turned. 1 1 toinitig phrasepeterfed out into an arid lealahaltsis that seemed to be f more - forthe -puwose of cotisumiug time and staving off "the Tall Sycamore of ,the i:Wabasn thananytinng' else. ;But.Mr.,Conkling is. a, dangerous f foer giapv,and the l)emocrat.wh9 encounters lrh should be armed at all points, mas ter of himself 1(ana ; his subject, ana as eloquent as wise. Of all the Democratic MjJia.th-(lestted I for battle with him, and 1 think the hOeprgian isf tlnxona man maris particu-' lariy'thatthisextraodihaf manls not anxious to provoke. A BLOW AT MR. TILDES. ! 6nof t!f m$t imo4n oii'tical mvpents atl Inade iaScombina ticjfi Jbftweei tH& qepblftn f Tew York and the Tammany Democrats, for the avowed purpose of defeating the Democratic State ticket in New York next fall .and-giving' the, city over to Tammany. If the5 Democrats fan to carry the State this is an end to Mr. Tilden's presidential prospects and the Democratic: party will look to some oJiUexJtal&JEoJLils candidate- JUL New etrubncanswilt-ceitainly- projera doiraB matt W0 may.abaridop. al HTDbpesj of earryjuigfhe Scatela tl Ut 4he matter is not tO'be"hped- such declarations and pronunciameurj" ftOeJ as the -jfolLowjng-fpm the Lows- . Kfi.,iiVt c -w ,t tMr. Thomas A.Hendricks,of Indiana, isi-i t3Diracji .defeat the renomi-iat-on re.old?ieKeti tMivJobn Kel ly, of ewOTfcibacker, The two are Engaged Jh aftiatrigue to lose sew rora.JLneemocrft-8 tniss tafL JtH flia end- of Heitcks; cHe is aiool aawell as a conspirator. "'Let-allnnen. the useof rHenclrieks h&Qt? ovaidit win be haiti to convince the Democratic people of itliis country that he is a coii sjimttor; - : : r I 1" : : .i.i'i AtlCCUAJrALI.l!. 0KC ' We fintl the . following in one of our ,excianges, credited to the Richmond ChrUtian Advooa te : we are in nearty accord with some "ftrrch:tne?rns to thf .character of The song of songs. M'hich is Solo- It would have been wise for the head man of the Sunday School J-es- "sbns" had he 'given it the go-by. We trust the revision committee will leave this bacchanalian song out of their edi tion of the Bible. - '. Whafr under tlie sun does this reli gious paper mean V Does it undertake to say that the Songs of Solomon are not inspired writings V If it presumes to say this, how can it go about main taining that any part of the Bible is in spired 1 The Move Sa dangerop talk ; it is an entering wedge. Coming from a religious; fciper.it is monstrous. In Short it 1H foul WasnhPmv -rr Secretary Sherman in his letter:. says that for him to-accept ihe Republican J nomination for Governor of Ohio would be for him to abandon a trust which is important to the whole country, foJJ iueie personal auynncement. nerjnaira refusal lets Mr. Thurman out. 'if Sliif man should accept this nomination ,1 :hurman would be forced to oppose hihi. Both have fixed their eyes higher, than any governorship,' -. ; ? - - i t is. i.i; ; 41 It is gtated that Kitchin aridTRuaH sell, who were blackguarding each oth er at such a fearful rate a coiipjl bj weeks ago, are now hob-nobbing on most friendly terms and wiping out their animosities in; the blood of the grape. Much more sensible than mak ing faces at each other across the floor of the House. mm . r t- y m i ! r Wf r'1 SiaKislif ?aa5 v.eeijiiers lecture agent ha offered Mr. Jefferson Davis 6400 per -nigh t -for given number of leptres. . It is nol supposed, -however tlat-Be- Viilfaccept,lbi6iJy engaged 'Vis he is upon his- boofc" " Mr. W. w3CoHorau)f Washington, has beeuengageo; in more beneficence. He iliasi jiistlglveri ijodotowrd the completion of the Lee mausoleum, at Lexington, Va. iKri 11Ctblngton Republican, 23 d. 1 f At the conclusion , off Mr. Springer remarks Mr. Chittederi, amid a good aeai 01 imifmier. crossed the aisle and showed . Spfifier an eagle" to prove dollar bill. j ; 4Mt Steele obtained ti6 floor, bjE claiming all pretense of understanding the question xf finance he yielded it to Mt, Chittenden as a gentleman perfect Jy omnetent Jn such rnatters.'uLaugh4 Mr. Chitti JofmrfigMr, '. BDMniser that on- thn 9d nf January last he had- yteied! ma $0 bill at the sub-treasurv and hud jojd for it, and now, said he, suiting tha acuon ui wora, i present the gold piece as a historical record to the gen tleman from Nortft Carolina (Mr. Steele.)? ' ' ' WMmm i :,y,-;.. GrjTLTY. Anybody recommending a soothing remedy or cfeHdren containing oplum.ln any form Is guilty of doing harm, Dr.' Bull's Baby Syrup is "V r T - i ft 9 m m m tHEItTER-BffimSSED.- -i lrifi rlJj. 1 ban FiUbnjsteknr I tV L t 1, Jt a Washington, May-lS. House Af ter filibustering all night during which time considerable pleasantry was in dulged in and someJU-humor manifest ed at times, the House, at 0 o'clock this b. j -xr ii i r i ea at times, cne uouse, ac v o ciock tnjs morning, dJM&d t fceetojn. The sexton erf baturu There was a very thin attendance of members. 1 The legislative bill, as enrolled, was presented.; ana signea Dy.tne speaKer and sent to the Senate for the signature of th6 infesidteffcwofthatfeody. v iiicknell: introduced aifCOntitutional amawnfe.totbleetifeilq let.andTyace-rssi4eRt. rferred, xne jttQuse. tnen, eoqje, p antne or ness of the lhbrhing". hour, the bill rer' lating to the tranfer of cases from1 the State to Federal courts, the question' being on seconding tne main question. onlwiior ?jto3KmflLgaiiisti wiEhe call IfJ,hSoufQ(wa Jhen!rdesedd ; :-, ine can or tne ..Mouft uowea-Jtne. presence of 185 members. A subsequent vote Dy yeas ana nays, on a motion preic questioiir6teupied he1.: ,t cjvxiei'umst io-i.w um-. wa uasseu aim mi . - 1 - 1.111. r.i .- a U.. the , Warner . silver ; mil .takfiQr; ut ftnd passed by jypte. of tQTijdrhe;folT' lowing is ; Bumuiiiry Aiij li iy visions : It fixes the weight of pile standard silver dollar at' 4121, grains : authorises own ers of silver bullibn to(deptfeit'the same at any mint to oe formed into bars w standard dollars; makes charges foi coining such bullion the difference beA tween its market value m'JN ew x orK trmeganeTideTWue bTfne coin makes subsidiary silyer coin excharfgfe ableW the' jtieasury for legal tender money to the amount of twenty dollars ; makes standard silver dollars legal ten der in all payments at their nomirial value ; requires the treasury to pay out sUvervCoin without discrimination, the same Iu5bldtcin in SquiatKn of all. kbids eavertim certincates to aeposi ver coin or bullion : also authorizes the issue of certificates representing coin in me treasury 111 payment .01 interest on the public debt, both classes of certifi qajte to be receivable in payment of duties on imports : oertlhcates tor bul lion deposited are to be for its average market value in coin of like metal chlt- insr the preceding week in New York and San Francisco ; gold and silver bnl lion deposited is to bercorned tarthe full capacity 01 the mints in connection with other coinage, and if bullion de- l5osited for coinaee does not amount to $20,opAOOO per month, the treasury is to purcharuffieient silver bullion to coin tfcatatnoan Tnft.act is not to be con- trBeA"aaai.ltoirj2a coinage of silver-except into the standard dollar. hHOugeadjournjd tmtll Tuesday. O-FJ10M JBE CAPE. What tfie Ty&aty Implies The Present -' ' l'-dt,t-tA AST LiOKDQN, 3lay 24 The Times, in a leadingeditofial article, says : " Great care has been taken not to imperil Ta- 4eo Khan's position bv demands which :v.iT Il j 1 x. ixujjt ca-ilb ui. j eaauusy ui uis suujecis tireat ontain -aemands no war mdem- itr-'Tber-ybwaAX.96hiii Passes,' wnicn renBesrraftSrough tne teratory of the.odependent tribes. In the assigned districts England will have the right tp locate troops wherev.er she considers it necessary, and' to construct military highways. The Ameer will act in sulwrdination to the British rela tive to foreign relations and affairs with intermediate frontier tribes. A British resident at Cabul'will forthwith De appointed. The treaty will give ureat .Britain tne right to appoint resi dents at Herat, Candahar and othei cities, but this right will not at Present be -arretted of . . . A dispatch to the DaUu.Standard, da ted at - Moritzburg, MAyf,,, saVit " Sir Bartle Frere hasrStelegrajiiedil taking that a battery of artillery be dispatched to Transvaal to overawe the Boers." Fever and dysentery prevail in Col. ureaiacKs division, v-ol. 1'earson is sick. Capktown. 8th, via St. Vincent, May 24. me advance on Zululand will commence in a few days. Col. Wood will take the offensive directly after Lord Chelmsford reaches Kambula Hill, where he is expected daily. Last Daf Proceedings of the T. M. C. A. Baltimore, May 2d At to-day's ses sion of the international convention of the;Young Men s Christian Association an address' was made by R P. Roland, of Detroit, upon the condition of the State Tndj)royincial organizations. A permanent auditing committeeAvas an- pbinted and a report adopted providing jor, a. special committee in eacjjassecia- tipn, to -facilitate the Christian work rUmons railroad empl&vees. It: was de- icldea to call a meeting of the latter in p AltobnaL";,Pa at a suitable time, for fcpf renca ine business otthe sesT sion tJlbSedbv the selection of-Cleav land, Ohipj as the place for the? next bi- ennjaimeeting of the, convention, the time to b fixed by the executive com ltrittee. At the afternoon and evening sessions aaoresses were male by Presi dent Moodv and others. The vention hds been attended by four hun dred delegates f rom twenty-eighiStates aim ierniories, uesiaes representatives from abroad. A fare well meeting will De neia 10-morrow evening. BRIEF FOREIGN ITEMS. suntide holidays. The English government has ordered the prosecution of the directors Of the West of Englandand South Wales Bank atBjtistQjJjQnJ!ha cbarge-ihat they . were guilty of mjsjepresentatjonsin their an nual report; nun j.ii .J- Thf King's Mountain Centennial. Spartanburg (S. C.) gpartan.l THBt3aJtEt6TT GBsirfai'Eit seconds the motion made by theSparian to have a grand ceie oration ot the battle of King's Mountain.nTEVerything favors the movement. The time of year is ad mirably suited for such a meeting in thjs climate the 7th of October, the most dejjgbtfq trfefllUheer.' Then the AirrJirne dashes along at the fluite accessible i 'liarlotte, Spartan-- u.urg ami x orK can euivn&m mpn per; sons as are unable to sret accommoa- TheCStebra- before the the wholo couotry will be 1 a5 statp o cment uu swu leenng, eacn party tnen being wre ot Bwsmif$ mayite thought a httle too early to discuss the matter. but,vleing saibigbsthdngibi cannot be worked un fry a day, ( Then our papers vm bl able'to &fe"$tt the htetory con nected wjth the bawe. There are many traditions presserred irf-regra-to itTthat should now be gathere4 up and publish- ftna traditions before the campaign of L J?. . i -,.' r ,J ASfV (Opens, w V:f; i, ps'i- ; 4.iA i ispense witn runner proceedings ran,-; erthe call, and another abortive! 'atr' tempt to get a vote on secondincJthe of fcoin.3 obiigaqon! against the. enta tauthoniesi tlief assue- of rors or eDrd or sii- he Livefpbocottoivirnrket wiil be closed f roiii Batulday iiext- to Tuesday in-clusive. idTOlebrittidii of the "Whit ttojLS atj King s Mountain uo ww pm pst a mohth residential demon, when ;f otton: Futnregr ' f. GreenTUle (a b.) News.1 For ! the inf ormatiori of cottoti pro ducers and others who; don't ( fully uraf derstahdt e vv ays cf cotton sr ecul .tors; we give a: very triet explaiatifn cf futures", as it is- called iniuem jiti'a phraseology.- . . In selling a hundred bales of futures, that is to say, of cotton to be delivered" at a future time the cost in a first-class houses is 5a for the contract.' - Then a niargkvof18250 is.rcquired onT teftohone 1 bkbs sflliWiuJrcUasedl 5?hS alloiwa yo 4,pt?r ssnfeinterest ; In case of a rise on a purchase you have only to retain in the, hands pf your nroKeirthe margin 01 awror.in otner words,- you cari take down the rise above the sum of 0250. The rise is your gain. Butin-castfdf a-declmem the price you aanounti to meet me tossu a.', i ai ' is TUsam&marmnrimuire4f the .lano, piinejwyeriotriwieir, mutual pfotectai5nxe Una sflisnmRjw ! For example, Messrs. Wiilliams & Biprnif.ae.lI:6P,00Q1baleof futures; cot ton rises t cent & Bound. r1$450;on the 456 rjpuudiber.oniW bales. on callpriithe hfttts is. dishonored and so ofyeryirise.for dlineijthe. losing party mMstmvuntameefethjedeflciency 504il Hilt io .ui JU,o-ib-giii :rf The Bprtn&- meeflhff of themlico courseat alimbf ej closed rjyesf erday.1 -AUMjng.ne noiauies presBm wer oeii- Frank Pacre, Of Boston, lately convict ed of conspiracy to defraud his.criedi tors wasr VesteTdav sentenced to twbivears' ard4abor iii tHeliousef of 'edfifection. Iri1 th V ireinia crold cases, yesterday. District Attorneys Lewis entered 21 mo- tioh'td'.set aside-the : yerdict ' in ex-Gov. Smith s case andygrant' a new. tria.U which, yyas filed f Or future hearing. ii,!- . . : ".!( - . ': f 1Itere isv something to scratch your neaaoyer, a vei7 cunous number .is, 142, .Fhich multiplied,- by 1, 23, 4, 5 or 6V gives the same figures in; the same order, beginning at a different point, but if multipliedjby 7 gives all nines: '! . -:'h I42357xrl4257, . - :i .: 142,857x2285,714. :- - , :. . ,. . :V,v 1423S?x3--428,57l . 142,857x4571,428 ; ,,' " ' ' 14257x&-7i'4285' : i 14257x6657,142 .i" ., 142,857x7-99,999 Multiply 142357 by 8 and you have 1442356. Then add the first figure to the last and you have: 14257, .the origi nal, number, with figures exactly the same as at the start. , . The Asheville Journal says that on the post-road, from Big Creek, Tenn, to Waynesville, X. Cn the mail ; carrier, George Crook, met with a serious acci dent some days ago. -'His horse became,7 suddenly frightened, and plunged ov.er: a precipice, carrying his rider with him.' Crook s shoulder striking a rock, was broken, and. bis horse fatally injured. But Crook 'courageously threw the mail bag across his unhurt shoulder and with aching, broken bones, walked sixteen miles through the mountains to Way nesville. , Camden Journal: Mr. W. C. Maffitt who has for the past month been in the mail service between, here and King ville, completed his business on this road Tuesday, and went witn his family to Charleston yesterday. . During their stay in Camden, Mr. Maffit' hd his lady made many friends, and we , sincerely regret to bid them good-bye, s Discussions of the temperance ques tion still acritate Salisbury. The Watcfc man is fufl of them. Judge Dick de livered an address in favor of prohibi tion, in Meroney's hall'Thursday night- ' . i t m mm Protect the Srstea frM Malaria. It is. possible to do this even In regions of court try where' miasma is most rife, and where the periodic feTerg which it causes assume their most formidable ' types. The ' Immense popularity of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is very largely attribu table to the fact of Its efficacy as a remedy for chills and fever, bullous remittents, and as a pre-. venuve ol the various rorma of malarial disease. In those portions of the Test and South where complaints of this nature prerail, and in the Tropics, It is particularly esteemed for the pro tective Influence which tt exerts; and It has been very widely adopted as a substitute for the danger- ooa and comparatively ineffectlTe alkaloid, sul phate of quinine. Physicians have not been among the last to concede its merits, and the em phatic professional Indorsements .which It has received have added to the reputation it has ob tained at home and abroad. OHeThiagoB Which the Doctors all Agree. Doctors disagree about a great many things but they are all of one mind regarding God Liver Oil, as the only thing to prescribe when the enfeebled system refuses to absorb and assimilate any other kind of nourishment, whatever, may be the cause of the patient's lack of vital force. Whether it is consumption, scrofula, or the general debility so often following malarial fever; this peculiar form of food is the only known specific that rarely fails to invigorate the blood and solid tissues of the body, and speedily averts the dreaded process of decay. : Yet people turn from this benlnclent means of preserving lite, because of its repulsive taste. Thousands will rejoice to know that all its valuable qualities are not only preserved but mul tiplied. In the palatable mixture of Scott's Emul sion oi mire voa juiver oil witn tne Hypo phos phites of Lime and Soda. may!3.2w . .. . .,.- TELEGfiAPHIC JuMET:: REPORT MAT 24. 1879 PRODUCE. BALTmoES-' tWto firm; Southern 34a36, Wei tern white 35a3foudd : mixed ; 83a34, fennsylr vanla 34a3rt. Hay market acUve: prime Penn sylvania and Maryland - 13al4 . Provisiona dull;, mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new1--; bulk meats loose ahoulders 4 clear rib side 4, per car load, packed new 4Vi&fVg; bacon-r&houldersr old 4. clear rib sides, 6a6," hams, sugar-cured; tiVfrll. i.Lard-jeflnedtiUercBSf 7i Butter firm; choice Western packed 14al6, rolls llaltf. Cof fee -aulej; Bid oargoes i0al44.' Whiskey dnll at 1.06. . Sugar in fail demand? A. dft 8a. - CracWKAmIlour riaf1, family ri 5.l6a5lt5:' Wheat steady and In good demand; .red 1.05O.10. Corn stroig at -89a41. Oat In good demand at 35la3.. fork fluiet at lO.O0.f Laid scarce and firm', current make held 6 05. Bulk meats steady and firm; shoulders 8.50, short ribs 4.5?fta60, short clear 4.80; bacon In good mand; shoulders 4aUj. clear ribs 6, clear sides-5 Whiskey steady and in goodaemand at l.Oli ' Butter firm; fancy creamery! 7al choice Western reserve 13a 14, choice Central Ohio 10al2. Sugar firm and on Changed: hards 8M'i white 8iAa8, New Or leans 6a7. Hogs firm; common 2.35a3.16, light; 8 J! 5a3.45,paeldng a80a60,-butchers :&50a66r i, gfVTOWtrrFtouMpdeclded changer No.! 2, 2,35a340, superfine Western and State 8.45a3.55, quiet; icommon o; fair extra 4.76a660; good to choice 4o.65a6.76V what--ungraded; win ter red 954.1.12 Na 2 ditto iTlSaU. . Corn ; nngraded48a6Mi,Na 8, .Oats.No 8;57a88. Coffee moderate, demand: Rio ouoted ' In cnr- 6 powdered 8, crushed Masses tinw rtr. leans za4is. Rice In fair demand aitd vstakrtr. aipufia quuieu a oreaj. xiouisiana; tsatug. .It 1 J i. .rt. m -r . .... TTr? . I : orKrnew mess on spot 10.00a.25. Lard prime fci.-5KAsaij.TiM wmsKey 1.041. Freights COTTON. AT TmM1,v iv; ,ow anidfUirif w; .mues iz;8tocK Z,423: exports coadrwisA mr spinners.'j t exports 1 to;- Great Britain : : f5 X)ntinent--stoFrance- - v iM, -5- f ports coastwise1 p-; to nent H to channel -v to' to Great Britain in- as. ivwHk, mi job igts iuaiov. sugar steady; b Mam, tah to tooTM'itUui S : 'refined standard ' A. ': 7. crranniaiMf Rit 1 m fi KSW-ulet; .middling lMW; net teceii iwrtjiS 1 tpckEs485 -exports coastwise eilea , xpprla to Great Britain- x( t ? CALTHniRSJ 1111 6TONFn5An,lddlln 181c.J tow mid dling 2a: good prdlnary :tlU4; net recelpta -1 grOBS. s sales Stock' caninnArm- middling" middling 12c; good ordinary 12ic; net receipts : rross 45; sales ; spinners ; 74 1 ; fa K AU-.1 ATTiArta 1nrf.itl Britain la' - Atttcbta Quiet; VWdllng 12',s.:j-Aw Ung 12c, gcxl o! inary llq. t ref upte shlpiaents :ale8 itli stock -M; Hi . t Chaklsstoh Korulnal: middlln i 4 i ;low dllnff i .- ' mod ordinary - ai i neU i W Avti fiOi-eioea-i sales R29; stock v5a exports coastwise ; ureal Britain CoaUnent : to channel--. ; Nkw York DuTI: sales 280: nUddllJijr uplands 13.. middling Orleans 13V&; consolidated net! receipt 2,733; exports to Great Britain 1,955. Xr?taMoiANooH Flat - irregular. Middling irpianaBf rV lf-lO, mid. oneans. o lo-lO; sales export. I IUU1 eelpts . American Futores Buyers onenngs 1 less, tJlands low fhlddUng clause: Hay dU ery , May and Jtme 6 29-82a. June and July ff 15-16a39-825? Julr antt August 7a6 3I-82al5- 1 rt. AmaaX hd ;Sentmbr 7 11 KaT. SeDtember and OrtoberiT 1-16882470006 'and Kovem-fl ber 6all-J6; November and December j. Newtd cropsMppeff yctooer arta 'jievemoer per sail ,it November and December . II Niw Yoftitlirisok)Stfeady. Sales 184,- MayiUr. :m9Mly : 12. Ua.07 JUIIO.. -T-.iAV VMf..-.!MA!-lili-.ir . . ii' 13 17a.l8 13.30 18 .08 52.04 11 Jlr! October. TWuviuVkii' 1 V'i -iit ill injuiu it j tu ,l January....... ... ft., ..,.,,, tvrtT 110 VPxviXtitJtwnvL sax ,frt).1lff!t'iS! nsTO'M issimr-9rf) cantntixnbnom moll -Mjsw exKMoaa4i Change 4.8Tl&a&i. governments firman New 5' '"l.ei.' Four and halfpetfceBts3iriJwipet'ventBli03- State bonds jdnlL trmoi-. ai isi fcci. i l'!' i- i Omorn or tkbOb8!bvkr, . : .' 4 CR&BLOTrx.rMay25. 187R The market yettUrdap -closed quiet, as follows Good mlddftUw ; Middling.. Strict low middling. Low middling.,.,;,. . . . ...... TlllCS av mm ay Lower grades ..... ....... l2Va 128 ; 12ia 12 121A JOalS TV. ...A.T2S3.,.187.-. ,' t!!"ij- H3a65 3a65 65a70 45a50 Corn, per bush'l . MXAIh " .. .. fm l Oats; shelled, Bacon . N. Gw hog round . . B&ms,;N.C.. ...... i Hams; canvassed. . Bulk Msats .:. Clear Bib Sides.... - 7a8 M IOal2 COFFEE i 1 1 Prime BJo..: Good.............' Strop " Sugar-house. .. MoLAasKa , Cuba. ...... . .... . New Orleans Salt .::4.;.12ai4 .-. 23a2& Mili t.'ofn A- ; i'-i 404U 36a40 .it"' 15 Liverpool fine. 1.00a2.00 Sdgak- h White.. ........ . rt Yellow...... ..... Potatoes Owot . Irish. BtJTTKK .. North Carolina... Sees, per doqen. .. FL6UB - ' Family... . Extra.,.'.,!' -VV,. ' Super........ ....J al( . i JBoaajza f - i a 121 iu . l,,V.lf.oba3.50 .... 75a3.00 .:,::a2.50 QPARKLING CATAWfcA SPSINGS. 'J-WESTERW; 'kj.V '.' Long and favorably known foriheh anti-dyspeptic and alterative tonic waters, opened 20th Mav. 1879. Board 82 per day. and reduced rates for a longer time, and families. Invalids will have the' advantage o I four different mineral waters, and in addition, the Turkish hot-air, vapor and medicated baths, If desired. " Springs situated 7 miles north of Hickory on the Western North Carolina Railroad, over the finest road in the State. For further, information, address the proprietor, E. O. ELLIOTT, M. D. may25 3taw su tu thu ' TLANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO jATLROAI) ' ' Supeedttendent's Office, ) Charlotte, N. C, May 24th, 1879. f On and after Monday, May 26th, the foAowlng schedule will be run over this road daily (Sunday excepted): , GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte,... 8 00 a. m. Davidson College, 9 53 a. m Arrive at Statesvflle,. ll 20 a. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Statesvflle,.... . .. 4 40 p.m. ' " Davidson College . . . . . . : 08 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte,. 8 00-ii. m. Connection made at Charlotte with Carolina Cen tral railway, and at Statesvule with Western North Carolina Railroad. AIL freight offered for shisment to Section House, Henderson's, Alexandrlana and Caldwell's must be prepaid, they being (Flag) Stations, at which there are no Agents. The company will not be re sponsible for freight after Us delivery at said sta tions. t J. J. GORMLEY, Sup't may25 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I keep Ice Chests and Refrigerators, of K. S. Fai son's make. Call and examine them. I have just tested an Ice Chest and tt kept Ice 37 hours 10 pounds being put in at 5 o'clock p. m. Thursday, and was not an melted until C a m. Saturday. I also keep Ice Cream Freezers. Call early. WALTER BBEM, Agent. May 25 d3t , G HARLOTTE, COLUMBIA-: RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA CHAKLOTTE, COHUCBIA AKD AUGUSTA B B r ' On ond after Sunday May ! 8th, at 10.00 pi m. Ine following. passenger schedule will he inn on thla road: , , ff NIGHT EXPRESS. .Viji uiil GOINO SOUTH, NO., 1.,, , Leave Charlotte; i . . . , k i ',1; . u 12 45 A. x Arrive tolumbia,....,. .,. 6 80 a. k Leave Columbia:... ........ g 35. A. m Arrive Augusta..:vi......;.Il-.;...l;...v. .' 9 25 a, k f f -;if ? tir .-ii; ru ii'il;..j:. ' ti7 n -QoiNsNpBTBvNo.8- .MWuq ; Leave Augostej.av.'.ciii.u;.;...;.-.. -fi-55 m. t.M. Leave Columbia,1. .... , . .. . '. now Arrive Charlotte,. ';'), ' ; DAY PASSENGEB.' -f -jniui ; ai.. . Goino SouTHNa 3, s i Xeave Columbia . . ... w. .,,41 irrive Augusta. ..... i ...... r. 8 ,30 p. 5. ' , ; Gpnio: Nqbth, No. 4. 1 :'f: Leave Augusta. . 8 50.. M Arrive Columbia .... 1 10 ?. r FREIGHT WITH 0QACH ATTACHED. Leave arir...c,. 5 40 AwaiXMll,. ...... 8 00 A.K teave Columbia,.. rJ:.A'J::..h''iko;ilti iW- rrWlHBBboroVJiii D3a51i'.CnUJ toiMUtk v hester,..u.,.t.t,.yiui.iiJiiiiii,io'AiM Irriveaalirl; JonTNos. land 2 Ah, iiTp T3EAL. ESTATE,''' i'is-"Mli l;im iwq 1; ; -Mt " , 1 . ! ' 1 1 -if h fi f ii lo.f S MIXING AKD prGR4LTWN.iAGENCY,i ' For selling and buying 10nefctfo&Maiji ftottses' ,-V. -j v - v. A4yErVse.free ot twCik' pJlomy .': "r' j,, ivkjij hands for rfv. S ls'"ls -!t .".Lt." 1 irffj'ta ro,3 j JUTHOSF. DRAYTONi-!l . Charlotte N.C.t declO sale. - 1 1 i. r, L i- ,, i I id S ! 00 t 00 m s Authorized reprints of ' e Edinburgh Review OVhlir). Tne westmnistet review Lunei The Ixmdonvujtrterljariv The BxltttAjuarlyvenew RT.irnrwrmvs imrVBim(in MAfi In full, and at about one-thud the the English editions.' ; No jjuhllcationa. can enmiMu with the Bfarf)Alt.t-al:? dbm&tkai. rfbrintediby the it on r fct W Ust tig Uriian y In respect to n leiiL pnessan u ae urafiy oli statement, and pu of ftfte, fbej jiW with aut aiy eiaaL They keep nalsflmfieiyjcihJldlAviit, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers fill their pffea wlthrmo8tlnlerttgrfeytawff history, and with atalgiu& cf te gat evente of tbj TKRMS MS 187ft (IHRLDDim POBTAO: PajaBlo" strictly in advance. mfj For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum For any tweTleat wA wl 00 f jor any tnree iteviews, , iuuu r awjo jeorauiouriteviews. .. i a w r 01 BlacdHvoodis rMagarlne, :a-t 4 DO T f tn I If of lal!l$w)od add Q(i4B4vleVi 7AM) wi f i ur niaciLwuua ana two reviews i u w For Blackwood and three " 13 00 " For Blackwood ftn4 lour " 15 00 POSTAGE. ; Thiaiie'ir offexemfemdsf torne br the publish era, 18 eufvartehrto a redutadn of 20 per cenf. pa,, uic cusi. to suuacnuers til iumir years. i hnB -via auiili-uro8 .m bim mate, n 'tt t! i-isill Vltisri to fil!LlUoB e P1A .9mo clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four -cosies. ti I. a n i tn . . T ? addressyf( $l2J,fokrlcopies of the four Be- VL DUUCBMUmUJI ULU11C Will UK SCIll. UI UUC views anfrBlacKwo ' 18, and so on. . iUiiUr-K 9!:r.'J to J?flUMi.ll,Ui New subscribers (applying early) for,the yeaf ' i syv may nave; without- cnarge,- tne numbers ror Say suSermerfo? f 88 th Or, Instead, new subscribers to any two, three or iour 01 tne awwe Dejipmcius, may nave one 01 tne " Four Resets' fof 1 jfcsubscrlbera to ail five may have tw of m 'TBbur Reviews," or one set of Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount for crabs can be anowea railess the -money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. i)i;Ul I'-iK - ..i:Klff To secure premiums it will be necessary to make early application, as .the stock available for that pntiiA)r Tn P T TPtTYW 4 TT 0VTm DTTDl TOTJTV'l V , . 41Harc4ai.Street,New YoriH I i ilj ''.!" r( ..f-" S'fT. -vj!TW JJARPER'S WEEKLY. " 1 8 7 9. i tut--!.- L.O 8 T BaJii3VE.fi ! '' ' NOTICES OF THK The Wxxxly remains easily at the head of illus trated papers by its fine literary quality, the beauty of Us type and woodcuts. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every, variety oi BUDject ana arasne veatment. Zlon's Herald. Boston. The Weekly Is a potent agency ferfhedlsseml , nation of correct oouttcal Drincioles. ai a nower Ufiilcpponent of shams, frauds. anOJii.se Mtences. l4EVBlng Express, Bochestet I 7lV IV. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of fanuarv of ach year. When no time mentloiieti, it win be f umierelood . that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. it HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, $400 Harper's Weekly, " " 4 00 Harper's Bazar. " " 4 00 T(ThreebpubcaMon81pneea., 10 00 MSb? suWraoTonifyeSri f':'.S .' 20 00 xenns tor large ciuds lurmsnea on apppucaaoa. Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Habfeb's Weekly. In neat clolh. binding, will be sent by express, free of expenses iproviaea me rreignt does not exceed on dollar per volume), for 7700 each. A complete set, ctffipfMiigitwwtyrt) lutnes, sent on re celptol the eash at the rate' ot 95.25, per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. ' Remlttancea should be made by pdstOftJce money order or draft,' tp avoid chance or loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper k Bnothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERST dectr -i h ' NeVYwfc rpHE SCTENTQ1C AMERICAN. THIKTT FOURTH TEAK The most Popular Scientific Paper in the World. 1V Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The ScnqniFip axkbican 4m a large first-class Weekly-Newspaper, ot tlx teen pages, printed hi the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated, with splendid engravings, represenflng the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in tne Aits and Sciences; including New and Interesting fiacta In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy- The most valuable praetkau papers, by eminent . writers .in all -departments of Science, will be found hi the Scientific American. Terms, S3. 20 per year; $1.60 half year.which in cludes postage. Discount te agents. Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by pos- PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific AmericaA, Messrs. Munn & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years experience, and now have the largest establish ment in the world. 1 Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scien tific American of all inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention) is directed to the raerttfcef the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, -free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We also send free our handbook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, j and how., procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patent. ,-. 1 , ,, MUNN & Ca737Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. A 7th Sts., Washington, D. a novl9 tf . . W $2.00 MARSHALL &2.00 miliar M ) r&Ami? , XIous-Ej xIousJCj SAVANNAH, GA. .oj 1. varrjAA ,w . . A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca- ii'nttiRiu! ), inrnMpijOftBttMRkbiim "ViSd ' M. L. mETT,.Qer lateof .,PlaiHn'41oteL IG-tf, .... v.n 11 V. K U h r a vfS. JPtoupSpoiQgeiij jBUjvowlaaEilnd3Bi Faaw r Cakes aT ;iium dAXHXLi i?a wm'tR(n erfi oi nof' rim ;iif.m 9 w Hay 22.. Trade Strati t'i ne8-St8rme!T iir-2 : mffBSl, rronSlAlByi'N.' e.. mue rrow c,' Railway, Hacky frill tu mmH stiofw irrrrvar of eveW tratrt"- Tnyi ( other toean amusement f ot rbe coraffW apd enjoymenj pf gues , ,; Jbe furnished tt& the tjjat fhe market af " Rates to suit thetimes. jfl i,tA nV .8'.00 S. K.l!gf Wil BOSTON, Proprietor, n 1 I or sv 5V Wit. fuonservaave, EvangeUcaJ) give the price m H'-VLi-..v 4 At itnrvDrM . ' v.h vurut THAN KVK. NEW vomaaijibH -Coniet6,cme latwee, and "f.fiO WSHSKiVji.JaK,. U v- , ... . ' i tx . I :: I :9 VI I ITT 7M au guooa oenvered in the city fn 1 " H ext doolow Wilson 4 BlackTol 9 mtai jui oj nbews Tfl bolt rii; to .nwt wn iuk 11 YJ il ad tia fi-jhlw a"ns .; 1 . ' .rboou sldJirwt' woH If t!Kt.'j 'ti bin: !Viiit)i.li i j-jpiUnmhT ! Kit. '. til') iU ixJ ilHSli ) "T ..if-l . R. MllttiliER & SONS. May 7. 'Fl'iJ. WE retail nothing but choice goodft. (iuaran tee every article we sell and will chm fully refund your money when our goods arc not found as represented, .A god stork of FAMILY G R 0,j&JS R 1 E S on hand. We make specialUes of Corn. Flour Meal, Oats, Butter. Eggs, Chickens, Hams, ami general Country Produce. Solicit corresponde nw from parties wishing to buy or sell. Respectfully, F B. ALEXANDER 4 CO.. May a Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. J UST l U j ii f .1 ) 1 rf ' I ; ' 'AT I N '.iM.3a MUSH AtiTOONra. 30 BARRELS Bridgewater Family, Belmont Family and Bel mont 4X. Flour. une Bridgewater Family took the Silver Medal at the Parjs Exposition. Try one barrel and be convinced that it is the best in this market. t 1 ) ..:. f . ALSO, JUST RECEIVED; A FULL LINE OK Fine Oranges and Lemons, Gocoannts, Banana, Malaga Grapes, and eboioe French and. Plain Candles. Choice Jellies, Mustard and Canned Fruit or ;tll' kinds.. 1. .-vA FBKSH SUPPLY Ot Graham Flour, Oat Meal, Marrow Beans, and frft Crackers of every description. : r.J if-. CREAM CHEESE. WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, the best ever sold in Charlotte Also Sugars. Cof fees, Bacon Hams; Breakfast' Bacon, Dried Beef. nee 1 xoneues. and in fact everything good ot eat that heart can wish for is to be round m my sum. LeROY DAVIDSON. JUST RECEIVED -AT TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE, A well selected Stock of WRITING PAPER, Including Note, Letter, Sermon, Legal and Fools cap, which they propose to sell cheap for cash. Also French Paper of every description, with En velones to match . as il if 1 " It V. AH '"if ' 11 AHH'J 'J 1 tl r. A HXS I A SOCIAL ETIQIHTTE Wt NEW YORK. LA standard treatise upon the laws of good societr n New York. Congress Tie Envelopes a new lot Just received. Edward Todd A Ca's Celebrated RUBBER PENS, A Ben by some considered superior to a Gold pen TIDDY ft BRO. are also agents for Emerson. CeebratM Rubber ' id any orders given them will receive prompt t nfj llvl 5isirti9 bnii -ts.1 n-.v E.BU7TERICK ft Ca METROPOLITAN '"V- FASHIONS For May, J879, Jnst received at TTDDY ft PBO"? ; CASH PAIfr FOIi BA6. , FORJSALE. 9 hat Tahiable property In thto Mr Jaiomnu annerv 01 Alexander. Auen hcdot, iiw -r. ris rconvernteAtlyTaeLhjI h)isran ved machinefyrjiTj 4 ?i ifo ' the nrciTAd manlnflFV: lark and hides low and in abundance. For particulars address ;; - ' - for Alexander, Allen 4Mcie, . iff HAMS UA'MC n 4f 1 lj HAMS.

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