, . , 2- .. -;. . ." 1 -. . .""V" .;,:. ,7,"""" ""r'..-v. -is. " " . tj. ... mm, W.immum ' nwnamwi i m iim linn f v y mi 1 : to 3ffi tet Befnrtfh i) - Ni 'J . 1 Hie following tame s ier trains to and from roadaWaahhigfliptf i&wstbl tnlg of pasaen uxnuue, ail the rail health confirmed. . Capt Cain's du ties will DA to inrwrfnon1 -WAba cLrainage, etc., over r which the : board ua comroi. The: other member of wara apwnnted by Gov. Jarvisis A. R. Ledoux,, State chemist i nilT I fc, 1.00 j. gv arjitlaiit,. ivet for 'Arrives .1.1 h.ii i sija ifcai;4 ww. t.wJi 6.46 p. m. CSaT. JarvU' Vllt t Ch&rlttei Charlotte was glad of an opportuni- rrif www1 to tne nni p. wniiu 4n Mm.n ' J.. mmJA 1.1 A L III Arrires from Augusta, . Z..- aiO a. m. Arrive from Augusta, ....... i.. 6.80 il)SJ LeaTesfffjAutfaotoB-. laJw i -vr-'Tr-i -err r J . t (flfmiriKton:;. 71 r t a citizens had never before had th p easuref shakinIt is Wequrf bT- t 7f lcw". we ; ao rrom the "M?1" :w rper?inat ne enjoyed hia visit. The&teereer nan? fi.v1 TanH. came, back yesterday from Charlotte, lie expresses himplf m vrvi mnon pleased and complimented by !his re-J Jtwax anta Eeleet an . rlol(nt Pma m... . WW UI WflCJ , Leave to Vmlni?ton, . . tff JL,,: 4 rt.00 a. m. vanvn m ro ------ -e ui V E.cwaaa uuvii r Arrives Leaves for Shelby,......;. 20 p. m. 5.00 p. m. ranranm ntntwni l. UiMMlO tot$e.dwtorB of the Eastern -7- t. v v. ictaiu.! i with ira s... ... n A : - -imr ITLAKTICr WMimKSWBft 'HTlf r; 1 7.001 r 80 p. m. .ooa.m ..' L' ! ! ll l.'jlWg i 'Uir riM-r uwvwu CLOSES. 54)0 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 9m oney Order PentittmonfeayftOft a. in. itirxipariOTei4v.--irtfcv , m, JX' pfer in the saae organi- demand inwriting upon him for the .v.v.w. j.- luiu me cuuyersauons on tre "facLO- me aemana was refused tJSSW0 i? ift ; the aets-cpniis. MvuOTiivju auu iiiH i arm nnfi ruM i xi tMujnuin nnr.sBianifv rndHiau , fienTDeirf,7stampDept,.a00af m. tt.oop.m. meetings of the grange, sprang ud be-J 9 Florida bonds.uDnased.ae .-rhtJlteiri ji?teL 1 tween them a general ce of hfiJn&& mhfifW 1&S.XS .ssflrS i . - , ZuJ"?ux? weuioeK in tsoutn romt wwwuuon oi other claims of the -r T S"w8inAn m Porida, Major Eol- etottefPQ,a.m Ti Tr weoeTO are'iileu) .sur- i "'hi ms ard sUll have ready a ? .n..i:.. H-M5- 5 go p. m. Vy,ou,i?, D PfWIPraKffTWWrSWo? assets ; f s-- "-"x t In- ,JI-xx - "cvw: walnut faeu4iii i ne cerenfliw hhjfhmqst mh fWf dsvision wnfcl: Z: "MB t Si iJPSfffl6? Wells.;1' It I? understood that 1&rFlSfiy 0ariott sheibya.3Op.: 6.00 a. S not "fc a11 llkely that Mills Grange will determined to adhere to their recent p. m. o.uu.m. twu uieiuuers Dy ine transaction. decision, mis wm make a direct and jwitet) Mondays at , .,m K j&ceedmebr:t,nr.fnrUnmoZAn: tween the governor and the hoarfl. anH ri. . , .. . maw lauH 4- - '"T .'. " administration of Swepson several years S V f 8ans wbich it purifies ago, and requiring the directors of the W?9!!. Western Division, to tiira -oviail ?h! py au Druggists. - r? Mjuvcijaii cue dtundei their BEGKWITH'S SVIJ with its reouirementa. in nopnrA-Xi Wirh rha n.Tr;n:A.n ii .j ffii aioi'l Tiu rnn0 m - - ; ewH-ltiaqiLoitiS sdi ciuoiiiass ItuCI s dlrw - u.. rU,.. i TjrAl2r?&m??&m. yQggagew& arWaMlimHelMtW'fbtM ATU. (IW&enftoxn JATfcI peper, is . master or Mills iU -a-suevnie, lurnished Mai. Kollins. tHeirDracUee. Sold br iwr. .(SPAcCQuniy-faiid Miss president of the Western Division, with rcuiar. RE. bckwTIh, j iur. ArtriiiT Arm- i vuuy ui. tue acr. anrt maifl o i vMVWtBMBrr- m. fi-ttOTC tn.. and Tuesdays at 8. A YorkvUle. (horse route,) Thursdays at a 00 tp. ..... wni W'fiffMlL,,, Jyf on i road CELEBRATED , i-nysiaan, Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore,' 'wrtmravW&a wTc.ouu- Auuiciuviininunriu rnn V, preparation used for itenTRsainn wi.n uiscbuuu, ouu, kuereiore. conndently It to the medical prolesslon." Sold gists. aft 9h ' Mid o A.nTTI TT A 171 M'lll H fc., ' ' I I" T u hi ii h u r .vii ii n i in . 1ST V nie Eastern ao4 pr u era DirifeioaM. . - f y llaving-lreard some rurooi-s'of a con test between the direlnrs of thA fjSiiXiPM the West- -WeeCtiAffa ftrnifTpnnrfoi. n The Obsebvee applied to CoK Wm. Johnston, a member of the board of in ternal improvements, which met in con junction with the directors, for, the facts in the case, 1 .TnhnafnV. - kindly consented toSSThB BPTIioa JAaleubstantiallv 1 " i&im&ti ST i Auo utat, xeinsiaEure nasswi nn ant i - . .c a9 a uosmw reus lYii nnr ippr-KTm-SrTsr-srrr.virftvin ??lJ nuiK.iresii auu new i am nrpn.arvi ia nrTor iha Im.i , . ahAlfahfntr fh aisiZJr!S'w 2" OBwne5.B 01 Momach, Hvw and tale j V; ,rt . rX -.t i.i lavii !krr.r-;Tm-ja7 .-r- .t .Vf nwWrWW;HV m?iHR t. t IVV til Il ll roiTl " sucn as ,3U03 JIAJ1 10 BMQTMYB dt'rw ciiimati Rial 1 1 1 1 1 1 U l l-oo (SJI 1 ft I1 1 mmmMMnj ill a ; il .on I. ;ojhi;ii ) .fnori!i 'imb f A. . . ib T'm iTfjtiip b i;i jnnofi mi ISii 2Lbet5lmJ,JH,?!Wfft! ol Sit'''"''' 'ii'iia. rvaa n rAv mm lib Hi f UilliUllUllllLllt U? IIUL1L1 than We will j-ay AKuntu Saiai yoJ loo per month newi and exp?ulWmHft 'B'eeeotnmwsion, tosell our - mm wuuuiriui inve gSTnltlv Music "Smith Drues. Ac , Bs4,wtertlsement! . C. t?r from the chief lii " r xa 11 1 y Bunting mac two gran Kf ; , j - & . . . . ... -v . . r -r... ,. : 1 1 1 , . . . r A " " ' 1 iSri VJ"5 nt,i ' iiki .nfswwii ' w nave oeen stolen in thA vicinirv . Toroa-MBa.CaOTAi .iAasaumm Hall- this cit ti,. MOT? A giucs uut noi me norse. and adds that at r , . iCjawto toat p!oi',the!'aoth instarft. A" w.cii uutKsession a oiooued norse wnicnthevdisnnsd of at. fho pf $87., pndjthattiie arse 4s- isutoposed Devodanaiiexerclseall.arLrnnnnat A.-iRiw.v I lu i ,lnia3lloaff "WJpn and will be VS inuq Mio? tending mw2uTv j- m.uvc nicii tuiiL is reneiven. Thoimnu ngat 11 snaiaas HiaaMnquiry'ur has'failed to scnyoo?Tn hear .f anv Bch theft in this vicitiltyH urr, m this city, but not until after the reported arrival of the p.a,ie.s inXynch- mayiead to veiy unpleasant th tvnclvi!lJi,!fxi-"oe! 3i hesitate to nelff6HS3n 51 Wins and instaift.1 -,IsaynrWt vfininiiH. am mi., ui imi Sample free. Address Shkbiub & Co., Marshall, AUcb. a month and expenses truaranteed t .uutnt Heenaw em., Angus 1 yi s will OoMA generaUySebJf1 tiI Jl - vjTTovTLa AWirasijipawaTiagPitrust to ment the same m the Wxm 'illlf Sole Mannfa xmvium I .pclli w bawl sd) uo j . , , . Stmt Jiili T: PAWHre.lU ttOBOUnCinsr tO HIV Old fnenrla f hnt: T am aidBx- f-"ivn-Kif expenerrce or ten years in the Sfeoi n iMAnSa.ie'ii rfr4.wv5w "" recommend V?j f y y I E W I - ' "J " 1"" .u'-'fiT- " 'J 'irA'TrfViVb by aU drug.-1 - - - . u-u :' 1f;n r j-TiKj t--iq m i- . J-Mc- AKKXWP? T R -inl iftei to eane.io usin , . , ". tmmfl l'rK."'i mm I innuri wmsui) kxu'ii'i'J i i. . Tij'-ju'-i J nrtitfi.1 v.i' 11 i , . , 7 r r I T K W 1 1 5.- 1 fii T ,1 'll'fil MTArfl I,. . Tl-'IH. iifltil I .... ..... ..r . J I ' ..IIS . 1 . 1 f -v ..1,1 l..'.' FZ- A.IOiriJ'.'ii lllJ C 1 4 ."J! tl A. t . ' an ;u at n ' w g at it.... SRAA md expenses to agents. w wee, -F Vclock andJrT thew dxi xne4 w nitneid a lnorning at , Ilo'elfy o'elookv t BeV.J , .Jnomtr, 4 H o'elo' rTTJlAltt-?rlnrn at 8, id 4stor. SuncL i Mttca.t rvlce -d In tb4 t ngar- VHClacif. ff 1 01 sin the venlng at 8 bunday Vices in the fining at 8 w scna i loot In FtWTM&irtiiii&f XarMrvlces in the M Tt&&im4 mmaing at 8 Atlaj achool AS80CIATS Merv)eeJ the mocnlng nt llVekx temoon at40clock.hy.Bev. TTXI , The City Debt. A good deal has been said within the Va I;,"u?i)r ft She inewspapers and lndiyuafelmlrfferWce fo the t j; ' i T " " ii in oat i.iti ;jt:jWaiier7 pas- ' w ""re "onaeo aeot of the city of tJP-tff .U. I f:narlrtfAi a a of of 1... iu. o ixTOuAi;j iHUKLiL-Low mass at ;"J pu uu vt uu in the ndAlKhmaMat.10Lb n'dlnr tn tha ahtivn at.ufniil n 1 k-j.j 1 . w. ui scniithetoorMnR ijnariotte, as stated by the city clerk Jti1?!? and treasurer, is 14,317.40. Of these morning at o'clock and ciiiseeOng jn the af rerest-i)eanng, and the remainder 6 per W1UUVI1 AMI . )j 8T. FKTEB. 7Mo'clelca momltiar: vesi 4aroo.mthenKniingateWitfcle f claimed to be due on account of the ivrk03LSTIT. MJKcBCHj-Ser- Atlantic. Tennessee & Ohio Railroad. WftffiSSr Th c3lf?iHwlbility for these tSSSSSSS& r?PXlS decided that the 2tolaa:I (aWHlCrrt6ii8T (E.) A CrretpoBdenCH Jottingn. anajuitverdne.atiyclBck jbT'tt ine correspondent of the AiimNta r a wi3 iiiniiiiiK 1 Aitw7SLLiLU 1 frrii.n r 1 11 m I ti mi nvor -it -k 11 WIG made VfeiV nlfiaSfttlf. lnffinna . . v QhAUt tfA A-rt 1.1 1 . i rr m. 1- iuiii Lii numner w o Whenever you feel like refreshing yourself, ca& at PERRY'S and get a plate of 1 j . , J vuvi vt AAA LfC I " m unable to justify their cnndnf ta, Maine. any pieiensfs, handsth1 3SSeiS nW in the ,94rMaJ,lWilsQaaaaAifrboard, thWork can be rapidly pushed to com- Col. Johnston is imiiiessetisf with th SiPS Jarv.is wiu brook no de- Tf!F P,"R "FT, AM that heT SSffiS! rtTheaTr b comply with the full requirements of OR GLAs ice lemonade. .llrftayUthe matter will be settled or will come to a direct !MM5.JaJu-ii-!-. -i I-1" i n A teleeram to Ti Hf nry s states that the first full train of iMtraeugifi -.cars, went to the top of the 1, j ! jtsBwjruay witn about two nundred and fiftv Doaitl. The tnn was a Hoi;rhf f,,i .. HVMftllblUl Vl I C , : f 1: t Jfi jfattantil Bank Building. ii tin 1 iMfJuaintin1-!'; ''ia; iiui-il ?"!! UJ.rt w nvJ jo y n;l) ny J.-hi 'jii) i.idh y ' .iu .y-H .A t tt ihi &nlit 3o3 i(Uni i u 1 C.ll ,A R Ij. OTTE; 'Nr C. " V id! an.' fitill 1 .nii-' .: iff ' ' Address P. O. VTflKERV inonl,,,! .1..! 1 .i w ill Itt'l u. , e.Si t ;iai 'ftliSEIJi'WS6.!!! b ettutMul!lmeof Iriadvf ?!d..wW Yatch, Italian. irttiZZ ajciues. ajsmi u mil linn nr n nin anf BtTinAd viATAi-ia t v A He also has the finest Bananas you ever saw. elgHlfigWearrphMf a'$onn'f e&hr " ' Wheeler's Elixir Phosphates. , An elegant preparation for sustaining the vital powers -a nerve and brain food one dollar per bottle. rip t n umitit Ti,ior .'.i ura rr Ttn Jrrtni rya"6S'' BOOTS, SHOES, iCJ, 1 4 I 1,(1 ' )'lf .' H! 1, '-I 'iilj (ii fwijj )!' ui .,-,; .ii, 7 i-ii-t rui'i 'Mttl1 '.ill OCB STOCK t)F Haiabarg. 8wisiswil XiiWooC .nnT .7iu' ki 1 f-inh;1-"f1 - ji-evtf fq'T cooiplete and very cheap. 1.; ,,. "H iljiiJutii j luan on jt i, T ' . . ;, ' .7-... 'Tr-i n i'i - ii Jl ui M.ilf;! nr., t r v i Table Linens and Table, Napjdns In nil qualities ' at loW priced.1 ! tTe haver just 'ttel? aiftk stock of Americartand French Woveri'rseti j with them yon can find . ft . ii u i 'i 1 . .fill IN CHARLOTTE. . SJirt'i i! 1 .. QJ. " ,13 1-11"". 7 i. . ' ' . v .i ' . 1 i'. r, "" ..; - cent The, total floating debt of tbe iad waseujwed bjtH.wi,rt-4ailfr nit xr nnn ..A JS 1.1 X. - I friL i n " "w " wiv. xue quanta and CJUaflotto, Ate-Line Will Degin DUlluinc manhi Atlanta some time, soon probably the President Buford. nf tho T?.-.r, .v- 1 1 q n r 1 1 1 T..;i....j . . i T t v rt"ou was married in Fine Flavoring Extracts Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple and Strawberry, at un. x. tv. ami i n s UBIU STOKE. St"13!.!1100111 the morning Evening News, remained over in 11. 1 . U tf nampey 'Of Very pleasant 1otl - It :.i,-y.'iV&f apfHfr ff.il H.n--.i. OFFICE UHIEK-SIGNAI. UFFKIEK, 3ER, ) W ASHiNaiwr, May 24, l$o p. m,-i For-theSouftr Atiaitlc ad IJastGulf States. faUingoirecedea in southern j)or tions by aaariy'istatiOnary "b4rometef winda moajtiy xro.a aoiAthjKast tojsohth- clip the following: 5luyortobri me citv is estimated resident . Population . within l(H rrafrir.th feei sntre of at fifteen thon- na. witn a large .white majority. The entire indebtedness of ChariottA is oniv twenty thousand doll ?mtJaU nocw ars; tnaj Bomewnera mpip eigh ghrhundred fhonsand. vi ofel T-WV 4-W. iftl t A. 1 , . east, and waraaer; dear or partly cloudy need rt 5 SQLT ln weakvrWhhafili ? neea wa creet W J and factories, weataw ptopabie., Lr and there is every prospect that erea ui -til -' it UAU. WKii tfMkl wiiiiiiri. year. rolls round both will be in full blast Barometer,', m. urxt-jii Thermometer . . . Belattve HumidltyiJv. l!7:;TVTap;M.i9P. M , MQjgjatTgB, with commendable weg3:.eai 8a404!) m214i30.i20 r enterprise, ipubhshes this morning the Ok , 72;. ..41' SAW. J Clear. bbins. QWtt. Highest temperature 74 eg;y Wwest '60 '.' II ih,,,! , ll " 1 hi 1 a-TiirnirTT- '7 nft'Sw H IS UJttUSl fluet-in piic circles. wno were with us on the 20th till they coalda'trest-that is taounttfthey got back home; and getting iiome, one of uiein sac ngni aown ana wrote a letter to chief Harrison; of the Charlotte fire department, telling .him, all .about it. dlfccrktliat w7ireTbBck,'lays he, lni1 oil (VAIul PKo.lftff Ao 1 . . J They er,,gi,rd(Iokin at to reflect upon, how can we be happy? the American parrot .yesterday.! ;.. t was thrice full," he continues:, "fiAt ... fSft 'wejiasteen .qmto a gay "?Z "TV , JS'fHE one ior tjnaripcie, Duxtne present prom- 1 .V "ir? UUJ isesUttlein that'directionT i: darling, and the Pioneert ' with their Senator TancesDeeBii: n'ubl yesterday Observe ay jtraa .nniyrsally fireman in Charlotte; and the inner r;ad .nd;enjoveigoej3tT man was fiUed, up almost to over-run- rne.xirand Chanter Iloval Arch Ma- ""uwuuiwus u eacn sons of North Ca4iiHiH"onftn in an every one as if named. Durham on (Ir4ird79ecrj maeffinta rsiihpadsforw tioa.a ir.'naM 1 . . J 1 -w . m . Sf Juiii The uur Dremen were gtaa to nave nad tinceaTtort flr- their Columbia brethren with them on ttffiSS the theWUgnd they will siirely be glad iL.ii,-i;ij-:. ? . 1 to 1 Ram r.nar. T.nev ai.nntitviort an wail ,r i.Tx?sj or cransporta- r"-r-- -r " c" " rne ABiMnyiiretniawuoiieee com mencement .tak!ei I tlaceltmflega and 4Uu i-mt y&rnkmi DrJ f .HWPritch- entertaining them. A Treat in Provpectu. For sominj); correspondence Tiaa SoAn 'ormndr nil Hofwoan . narfiaa in art, of Raleigh, N.C, on Tuesday, June this city and Col. Diincan K, kcRae,bf dress by dIa'S Brown, of Pi'ttsvl- iVS,r vania, V a on VVednesdav. June 4th. at I turns in thgrinifa anri wn niaamui 11 o t it' u.i.-".; r v.w. ' .'i' iu jiuuuwHi uv liib. JBHUimr ui m nn an a rn annnnnpA rut cj vimg.rtuuitLcs'anu vub ueiivi5eBiiagive'OTirpeopie arr oppoTtuni ery of diplomas, &c. - - - a" oimrninent f tbe Inferior ConrU nesuay, June 4tn, at tu by the. feading of to iatsTafia tliei deli m he has con- ty of hearing him on the subject OHJTJiunier." -mis lecture has been delivered in many differetrtVpaces The InferfoVttoWioiirned estiF." in.; the Stai -andbas bn, jeenved dav after nuitiua. hnavv iftoTn witn expressions 01 aamirauon waic nStSH&JL Pg ofTsfltlfter brought out H. I . , V llllllllCU .11 I " lCll mrain nn flm 111 f f -r -a- . I .V.MV.U vra 1.1 11 . . 1 ni i mupir f rk - n . n . Strother. A r v.7 ""TT- X."8 S8. Tooth Brushes, pxumiucut pcx 1 w4vso otuniaercmci junracra aim fine boa ds. Irfin. R. Hananm r.if nr tt r - r " ii. n. ureene.or i. m ..., . . , .... lortn Carolina. The bridal party rmvminm, H Work on the Cheraw and Chester! The larrost assortment in the city may be found p.vumiiiiuuug uuBiiicss men oi Cnar- lotte to cultivate. The Winnsboro' News and Herald has information that the attorney-general is preparing to institute proceed- igrtinsi, uie cnariotte. Columbia andAagUstrf'Rafliatt Tor 'alleged vio ipons M1ite,cliaiB-A&eiimiiftt oues tion is the old charge that the Charlotte, Columbia and Augnsta road tore ! iip its track connecti nor with thu.fi..fw r... lma road, and not only neglected to make thennectiori'rehWed'hi its charter, but absolutely refused nar-. ryany freight wkateverfctiMgAed over the bouth Carolina Railroad. Humphrey's Homeo nana at r -iO-A i H X Ski T iDauuc Bieaicmes arwvs on Da T. c. smith's nRiTfi KTrmK Cuticura Remedies, Salve, Soap and Resolvent. Just received at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. -BromidiaHodia, Vitalized Phosphates. Tamar Indlen, Bedford Springs Mass aiw 8even feptlfttfllSttss, at" DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. I .! HI Hiit 'ITfJul lH iM l-Hji'! Reoolations of the Pioneer;, !'l .UI Shoulder Braces, improved patterns, at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. At a called meeting nf i ha, vnmr. nVC VOlll wlfcictla rthf tfS&y?101?117' Trsday One of our specialUes-we try to get the best-call nignt, May 22, the following resolutiona,iand. getefme tt and unanimoiislv a. o. bjuiu's oituu stub. Mere introduced adopted: That we tender a vote nf thanVo fn the Concord Band for the excellent sale Vest Pocket Cure music furnished US on the 201 h nf Mar And Horehound Coiurh Svrun. each 25 cents a hot celebration ;. to Qon.fT-Jr Mickey for at pa t. c. smith's drug store. 4lfcaft di ttil ilittKibtt I lead rbarker -,.,T-as "ineueform uannonr to Messrs. Mil- OC. h3 P UVe. lar Bros.. of the Sincrer Mahii,i tfw. J- pany for the use of their handsome ve-I fj3$F&$4-.9M &S& &&8&dL hide in which our -Iiittle Vtotr wa pnr. I DE' T-c 8MITfl' Jwwbt , I eu; to theiaaies.Jor decorating the same; to Mr. W. If. Chick for a hand some banner; ato Mr. J. W. Wadsworth for the hospitality shown the Concord Band in taking care of their team, and to the many citizens who contributed w us in preparing ior the occasion. W.B..KJDD, ) F. B. Alexander, ;- Com J. W. Cobb, J a Chirore qs Shoes !f h Ah P. eSrated Ladles. Misses' an! ;' . .. ;. '. . a.speciiltt. r ,-: .:: they also keep Miles', Bnr:-&ltoco & Lud low'sand otherbest brands. Gedfa'rnilind there the Miller, McCollough & Ober, Canneld, and Miles' handrrnad Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED ittfo POPCEAR PEGR'AM SHOES, CaU sure before buying. Orders have personal PEGRAM & CO. April 9, 1879. Mm BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOrTS ! BOOTS ! May !. Ml' m.mIi, i ALUgmTOfrHAItRI8. i - ' 1 j WHiTtg;MAtHiiit! I : "" 11 . 1 f1 ' I . ,n.M.;ir. ... SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES ! I '-J ' ll H.f.': . . "carolina central ' , .V-h ' : , via wilmington, : . 'i1-' .. t. 'i i THROUGH FREIGHT BOUB This Line being fully eoolDoed ' for hiisintwM freight from ! Wilmington and all Northern and EaSterri Cities to ureenvllle, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee Ohio, : , , ' . I ' I I . ' : .' ' i ' v ' i - ; ' . i . I I I f Asweitas polnto mWeoTgia .-"! l . . H T5i : '. . : :( i ' !" Insurance nd Rates guaranteed as Low as Infonnatlon famished - in : MiIiutjTT.'rr) ot btb ' i5 ri NOBTH CAROLINA. - i.!l. tfllU'ti! 'iitpoil urf-i. ..'f ;.., , i ' : . oflen unequalled facUlUMi for ttjuartloo of 'i - tsV iic,i!i:(r!.4'Mi5I m!T ! 3; r;ii i-.j-i;i ih.iJJ..') ,ij ju iiril Cbartotte StoteMlHej AshevUle, anflVJrfOMton on t Atlanta !WuiiohlAlLme ana WestBrtiJl. ft'SaflroiiJaj ' "n i'Ui't andMVwisflppi. " . ' ' , I :! j i 1 1 ' i . j i.i ' ., - l ; i: . i . ' " ''li ; . : : I! . la any CompeUng Line, an4 Tlmi $t ijtek. upon application to :i .51 u ii F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. N. a AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! Pump Cans,' IngXesosene Oil. The cheapest in Cha K7lrIB. T. C: SMITH'S DRUG STORE. lotte1 fF Merchants, sepmo Soittfles. TTNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U OVER HALE A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. ; ! tOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. ' i T. SMITH, Agent ,:a .BUwajp,,Cbartotte. JpIELD BROS., . ill ii . i .ii ' ii . '! :- Hfil 'I J'l GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRY PB0DUCK ;!..hiln:i' Will buy their Drues and Medicines of Dr. T. C. Smith, Druggist at Charlotte, they will find prices satisfactory and save freight charges from Nc era markets. Jorth- tfytadmitfedfey ohave heard CoL rer he has nosu- .ir. ia iwaiicOAri linr sin wnnoii nnc a. AAn rmf ,i.iM.ii'7.Tr,-wirnfr 71 txl-htti AfoZZ; mZSmJXZ K&ZZ&JZIKTI the press aMmjEh ,.v.v.v. ui, ytcic nitsu, wuw Ul t"uum I fcRai thafUVlWfil -. .uwiumiuucu uii a.t 1111 1 u 'ill air 1 . .1 nj.i -r-r r u ... rTwos.nartie iwhttednwill firft".!?,'" thWtentiarvl- Aftd'SiTe. f"Jrfc"i..ff. A.li.i. .11 iltnj-,, loiws, auu uus wiiiu 1118 repuLaiion wm. w In fciiiiiVraft AiLniica 1lpealt7in t&foytocie- peals. sent 'to- "Oftlua earn! mitix dMn bnAioliU f "Tfl theitpeca Uellfllna.1AM'jiLiMiTni 0l Mi .(.' ! 1 m -w? i 1 1 -w w . w . a . - . r bAioiiu I TfhAiira,hmiAlriflrhf,A r fUMIIT fl f Wri j btrS ! 1 Ia.i.ZuJa.. .a. fULr. i.-Piiik - " V f . i 1,11111 Al All I11111 11 1 llllllll. IA1M 111 ReKTifiutobn, of lfddle Ji1veiy t4i)a ty.Vfin Tireabhlnthe'-SeWjhd1 lesbyto: r - 1 M m , IT " I ts&di Ourultiis'tlJl to LCeiriuly alarming. the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly rrom tne most Insignificant origin. At this sea- on of the year especially, a Colil Is such a common thing that ln the hurry of ever day life we are art to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, thatJa'Fever bi Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives ln this way ev ery Winter, while had nnamm'a il-vmiLn Stottd Ch- rbeen taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large Dili om a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Bosckkk's Gxbmah 8ikup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist ln this untrlt9h f Jts wqjidrjljiifect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. Oey?JF. Iav.k ff.oneto Hunteravflle to tv Ievr MrOote-has .bpsun a' series' bf PlSrcjJ 9MJt6ei ?? St Peter's E. EfeS &&cSe awbl Tn Hnelby rto-daV; iniiu edi lo ystTffl 8t -uriogpt Charlotte w ent directly from-4Ke-ge41-qence of a membtt mt rhU congt4ftition where ne unlti5"inrrl2"e na!boy young ooapte; tothei churcn- hib innerai of a beloved ik llal of in txnm-ia turn - - -J I i aiiam tiaieiwideharMMl-'afe, saulting 34r F. JKuester ' the streeps seyeraR'jeeSiikgOe Ttvpurpose oi robbing mm, were arraigned before the AnienprcpurJb yftewy..,iei:ore ine ; was round Sttojs and in- s.8cretJOTisorfoma.''iiem)U3 -weakness. akrifdA. 4 l mv liVua tnonhoAil Jim trial do bund that the bill J of indictment .jvonld not stand agatnBt.tnen, ror tne reaaou that one of the grand Jury that brought in the bill had not paid lift taiM.ird that another member"" f VIT"wiV-iTV3.trJl?1"r?Ii.!2Tit - - . - nir xiiu i iiiu a r viiiiiif in. if ii iiim k rn T(4 leiecataa ito .lm,Oenefiftl,semi)ltf I r f'JinattUt -ltt-.r"rr- rTrttK Pf Thfe PieshAer.W MiVrrW KM I MM rrom wfi-o nnaing supn a -TOfiJtra'A "uwVf'i JbiUQteptto &riqaB)Mdl Imi.. i-..( l:.l ,ti I ...,i,ir.l i.ll ll . ' "T II H I :UUaiKVU YIUU UIIC, UI .UIO HliU tteirKL T1!.-t'?.-raS-S?f .-SIHin TrTnTthe evihene'afnat one 'of 1 :Momy iTnorcohMdeumciWro S ovuii3.AIOUUTj UUfe M7U jrjcisn,t tlAfl TlrtlUArk r.fif tKtd Iriof TriSf IaW' VtAa ihltartaTdt uidestdthe letter&nd.nmtiv fiuii- kted fulAUea f"uea lis prot ir.:22U8ana8 P dollars have been distributed, fn : r.rtleUnl2aP.' apply to M. A. Jtouphln, OW4, Mew uneans. . . ed th'erii drlvict L lait thfrnroof iof iher truitt i?f - fch other f fi iaidto be 'VastTOnff.Tti selcttoii of the names f rom wnichthe'todrsl' e chosen is ine pusjness or wie oouniy commissjqnfjia , ; . A little chll of this city. ana was tton of Henry and The little A 8a AeclMaua W .the .feUlntoa tub of h naaix scaified..,.! rff'Cai-DblIc t Artfenr Banks, Esq., tot water vesterdav he immediate appllca- ve, wmcn was iortu- A GENTS WANTED for the Uesti'twia fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. PriMo reduced 83 per eenfc ttioul Publishing Co.. instantly removed the naln. 4vi,.., ;.,iaW'.h.Af.e iw irftTf AO "TT VIA VI UttllCI. g .-; i A Car. To all who are sriflerine from thp i remedy was X0TK uty. Jan 35 ; ,1 will send 8 recipe that CHARGE. This great vered by a missionary la n a seii-aoaresaea' envelope T. LNMAN, Station D, New Yes, althouglf QeT Waf T98palr 'ot'WlicSirn L KttntnnhlA hv rhnnmaMn aufTAmra fnr tfiAK Io n remedy whjic& carriefl, by means of increased: ortant caaiiflew id activity of the kidneT8-un blood purification the acrw element to wtuW ' grand depurent Is! tafriu18ttg flrww-out by urin aiT tuiHvVHa.'' neuiKne ui irn grana aepurent is ifoaieuers. a Dreourauon iiKewise eeienrated as remedy for constlpatlonr which. causer contamlna-'f tlon of the blood with the bile and a oertaln'i IJT&fn,H extant, am Bumulant-oy distinguished PhysiciansandanalvstH who pronounce it to ' eminently pure and very Visiting Strangers .wjllflnd Ice Cold Soda Water at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store, opposite the Central HoteL These-Hot Days Try Arctic Soda Water, and Sparkling Ginger Ate, 5 cento a glass,, atn,, no- DK TTCrimlTH'S DRUG STORK If Ybtfilioke Don't forgWtrr-t3iei5Mmt Qitars for sale nt bR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. ToiletArticles, Perftimem'rlflrilemhtf till !tb Aline at lowest prices at DR. T. C, SMITH'S DRUGSTORE. SPRING STYLES! THE LARGER STOCK EVER EXHIBITED , f A-H4IUAI11K. IN JAAQIAIA lays mo iaunqoiM weekj and pays animmenae percentage of profits by the new capttaUzrtJon System of operating In stocks, Full explanation on application to Adams, arown x oo ummemm allstrtet. A street, N. Y. . write for large. uayatea uauuogue of TMTT Ti, SHOT fiOiB, RByOLVERSr AddresWfgttebnrg, Pa. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wtnslow's Sootl. ing Synin-has been josed tof cnlldreB It corrects acidity oi tM aoiacp, relljy! wldjbplc, regulates tueuoweis, cures uyaeiiierr ana ouuTnoea, wnemer A r-r-tr r w m.-rjmr rwrjcXT.i .rtnr i-. ; arising from teething or other causes. An old ar.dJ I KtaKllll f M C5I J XSlJjHrR .c,-: --a'.". --i.-j!7Bb' fUf 3 fH-wiq iio arnThdtf bnlitiHi-H'HW pt 1aTj 5r3 8lidi3f .j.ili.frft,TT mmna oireuei in ovsnnnsia. TevHT an nmu. Ann aahm ifbAbiAt Miuf'h nenreus iiimrrtTIt is, perhaps, the finest t tonic I swteai'iiTtutea rndritAASiAV nerson who win cdm I ntrtrnd tn annnd h.lth IfHninh a tViirto. aHKio Sent by mall for 8 letter stamns. LR johnaov 4 CO., Bangor, Me. TtW stock , of Boots, Shoes, Hitts, Trunks, &c embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house In the South. . 'A . '. ThiS Institution W99 rmrnlm-Iir liunnli.j i toe Leglature of the State for EdocaUenal and Charitable purposes in 188, fob thk teem of iwa-itob tkabs, to which contract the inviola- STannnnn HP9 8 capital of 81,000,000 to which a has since added a Reserve aut DBA WINGS will take place monthly. It dibutton: OT P8tP0ne8- '0U0Wlng GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take placer the 109TH GKA1VD MONTHLY i , . . . : .; .: ' i'. !! !r ' I AND THE EXTRAORDINARY' SEMI-ANlfUAii OT.AWI2VG At. New Oceans. TiijajrJ fne 170,1879,, Under tlie personal soperv'lsleri find management ' . !.:.;:'.' j r. i 1 ; . . . . in' .j.ir?: t,j j Gen. B. t. KKAUBEGABIV, of LbiAsiaha.' 4 ' . -;:'aitt40eiiixi; EABtt,' W tittila.- -'ii ;i ji..i ! i; 'ii'i n,; CAl'ITAL;PBr,$lOO,0()p.i. fi mr 1 . t f . . . J '-'I .'il jr on. ii? ??SJi TUR KEYS, cabbage, iish potatoes, af- . . PLES.DBXEp.FBUITS.aA. , Exclusive Dealen m ii BAMSOURf ibiYNIWEU: an4' i Ll' SHU BP'S various raiidfl of tttiVM. . , t . . 'j . .. ;iJ MV -'i:fV;-H A .'illiii' ' i'.jiiiiu.' -: v notj oi jjiiilt: fj; t'ij j;; iov !..-'; ; i'i Jff- I I nn '--:f) (il..-JT : ' '-'AtMrBoi-aUKms ltt' (i!ti( ii" : - i 1 u.'il nn. .' ... .! ii-..' !! JiU' ili-'"j .'':" 'X'.'r"i'riyvM-ttr :-r -;'.-. f!RiPrvn haaim ,iu! .; il i' 1 iiu;! 1 MERCHANTS Will 5d well to eal Jnna examine this Btock, as JU espealally adapted to. the trade of Nprtt and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retatl on most reasonable ; terms. . 1 ' 'I uR:ff5 ";i; ..-! acn : - NotleeTlckets' Mre1 waives, go.? yiftha, 82 Tenths, Sf. r; J7j?'rl,L16Fte3,;? ii'iiiil t):i; VISITORS I?. hfMte ajytftvltetl tft dxamlne-oot i Capital Prlie ot . 'tiimmtimwi flOO 000 1 rPriajeof. .w!fi0,00tt;) t,I000 1 Grand Prize of , 20JQ00.rt.x aaOOO 2 Large frizes pf, . . . : r ? 000. " ffiwo rtOO Prizes of...... '..7.' . 1 n onn phioo n T . . . aAaWUUAAUA1 IBUIU, . - 1 ' I ' .1 i .-nil 1!' n- ':s f iii;ri-!l si il i L ... .- . laaApproxhonPrbeaof $200 .1820.000 . fw Approxmiauoniroesoi JOO. ...wtiaooO auu Approxunaaon wizes or " Tru:. ' 7JM ' ' 4iliV 'Hiii,JjHM JP, " stock. apei n cheaperuan ever before. toraplete in every Thte house hai been refffuia,,,, ! ;.!-.; 1 .;u 1 JJilJi.1 i'Jluiitiiii i''lf iij!"i;; l.'rn:- ljn.-v Iiio- y.f45!rRjw ii ii'd-iofi f -;oiij oni mi. j ! ifolJlafxfijTfi mnibns ajCarriagea aeitraULL FIELD BROTHEBa.. . . . 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 HAliA ill -w'.n.uaniiMniiip, .pupnpiepewfi. fa Smith tt Forbes1 Old Stand, Trade St I 51 JH. A. W. AIaISANdER, ? i T77T Af, . ar in r H ' ' .'-mitu- 7.f . totf STORI5. ,Wuk'25 ream expejteBee 7 guarantee entire i rate toelvbtshouMonlybemade IWiSeofflce of the company In llew Orleans-TTi H'WrueioreiroularsaeMMi oniAMbi i ' -.1.1 ' , i4i?08toIlB92,?wpre j 1 1 '( oj 1 Tlfil'V . .:"r .. J 5'"i.sH This magnificent brand of Cigars has Inst been received, and all who hare triMt if v it ia h 4 i .l-.l. ... ...v..- .... K . rl.1 I --l .-' W ja l ' '."If IItlil " 1 II' J I iH A Hlf 1 BEST 5 OENTCIGAR iAll'J BJ-JDtrt i in J.llih Ml IJjill 1, ,,i 1. 1 1 "(I vr -i i.i r' '.("vili J,5an,'! .rtif! 1 They have 'ewrseeii'te'Cfcariottef'Sjld- 6nly,,at v - " -A- "'Va 4, w .1 Hi PERRY'S." ?..a-UJf.?-0. 5 want Ice. My cart wutalvEai2 MaqriiwuTBnniiAC Mr earl Tl&abflHisiniilAiA'v-iix'.-!. hMn U.i'r' wuica ice nas wwiunui uieir injrest 11 ttvln mm us"4sp nMtaiAArs will eonsuli thelAnrp , ,"Jir?Z?2 ahtand niankful for your patronage U the past. Ire- -spectfully ask a continuance of th7arne7 - May 2. J. T. ANTB02TK. ' if It ISP 1! i 4 ; 1 . 4 f Pi fo 1 '. 5 I: I -HI i 51 IS 4; It ... t - 1 Ii'. a; I '5

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