1 1 .".-" , - "',n - " 1 " -wm.mn.KML .1!. JUM 1 USi-ii ;,i nT miO AOi.kjii.;r' - tJ hv7uu7riftioh bats i j ,Hx Months 4 00 TtoNt UonUm.HX. 3 00 O yi Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION .; v. j Outqfthe cotmtv, po$ipaid , . i-.., tr . ,2-1Q .ri jrMMt.'i.r:.' .u . is; i& a -xmsucj i oo ' ET literal SaKioMorClMte. , '!, 1.7 o been thoroughly nmpUed waft every needed manner of Jo Work am sot tm &m wUAjatim. dispatch and cJuapnett. Wtam fwnUh, Wihort TV - 3fl tlXMlQyii;.. ! 1 OELARLpTTE,' N: 0:, THU BSpi!MAY:::295 W -TASSritXOSIFTS, r08TMS8r NO; 3,100. SV4 'H !TtH t,' M!- 'T' PAMPHLETS, CIRCVLAB3, CHECKS, M. II I 4i II ''.! SM K ll - . L-Uj 1 1 III III III II 1 If 111 V W 1 r 1 .i. -- ? v . r- . -n-r .-.--. . . -. ., " 1 , .1 , . ..1 . "T SUN UMBIipS, v,l k.'kx;. HA .1: -.f qi Ladies buying Paranoia and' Sun Umbrella will )IUM Will 1. g 5 find the best assortment at the lowSt prices ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will aba Biwl other goods to suit them upon which they can Bave money, and Staple Our stock of Fancy .Ail 1 DRY GOODS is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow jpaiknfb lnrjnn fnd Cotton. Unn Table Damaslt; to WutteUlBed and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towels in every variety; Car pets, Rugs Mattings and OH Cloths. Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, a nd will be found verrcieap. So will our stock- of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, COB SETS. FANS AND TIES. 4 i 1 r 3hr Ask to see oar Tea peats Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrella. You will find them cheap, and everything else in proportion.. Call and see us. It will pay you. ELIAS & COHEN. , 1 IJKGRSS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nitAunt in ALL KINDS OF Finminmi FURNITURE 1 BEDDING. AC HKDDING. Ac. BENHNG, C BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE! KMCNITURE J A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! - COFFINS of all kinds on hand. ty COFFINS of all kinds on hand. r .'" ' i - 5 l ' - ' . . . i No. 5 Wkst Traps Street. CHARLOTTE, N-C t- Lad!?' and. OfntleraenTi 2)$) 4ies t.ne supply. i : Jan3 J)ARGAINS ! f - Ai H IM i ii -;.:! if;, .-t.;.-f 1 t KK IK I i EK KB J VKFU K U V U ' TjttRK UK BUR N II T T C UK DK1X H S -U U URRBr UR KKoJttjtraAKKK tw MW TT V TT TT H UU R .,. ! '!. '. -t.-...!. : bli irwM- Al AT : S O -Jj r E.G. ROGERS WAREROOMS; .i: .OS i': i '.i: l.i!.' My Slock Is very Lar and embraces a Full Une Of j rti'.a.li i.?, f :Jf ju t.!, PAkLOK. CHAMBER, DINING ROO of 7fJliTft ftWiiUff- . illJlT ra , .'.l t,Jti-ir ti T' sf' 5'.' rt liv'iTU . , OFF?q -fURITURJ! mvk ; .-''.'41 A! , , ,2 " HT All Goods Packed Fret of Cbargw r TO THE LADIES, ! il!J i i We h.ive jast received by to-day's express, a beautiful line of Ladles' Wbjte Embroidered Lawn Ties, "and Sea-Foam' Scarfs,, Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, something new and handsome; aim a handsome lot of Ladles' White Lace Lile Gloves, A new lot of A new lot of A new lot of DRESS BUTTONS, OUR STOCK TS COMPLETE IN EVERY BRANCH. We invite all to give us a rail before purchasing. T. L. 8EIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. May 27. MORE MORE ATTRACTIONS. -O V R- 5 CENT COUNTER HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, -MUCH MORE PSEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE THAN OUR FIRST ASSORTMENT. EVERYBODY SHOULD CALL AT ONCE TO SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. -ALSO A FULL LINK OF- D R Y G O 0 1) S CLOTHING, SHOES OF ALL KINDS. HATS. AC., AC., AC. We are Offering GREAT BARGAINS this week, all brough ourentlre ntoek. i H. MORRIS & BROS. may 11 SPRING CliOTHINGi rs: v. -. f it ft 'I 1 W. XAUFMAN 4 00. 1 Uil . ... ' l!l -'.til mi'rhi WDererit of tomrihaslnK a '.stock id complete as to include the latest Jiovelttei I inKn':Youth'iLBoT'8 andcIren's 3 ' y ; f i JjtXJUijrWr- ooo uuu. We Invite jlle uisrction, and w are at all vVtit fluAowt :Sli5SK Old BWTMIM K KMMMM W ad 4n- wl Jess td can ,be bes;tre Bomral Wonmifr sbu CLUE .FLIMEL , SUITS -iwlMBew4Uasaa9oa tome wnsunwra wip line of Slippy .r '.tj'tsbr'i by- -A 8 ill iki.. wu-. a iru !)J 1'JMiA Loom p xii'V.i iJ &3 ! "irf. .ict' -"i lneiadmgtn:Dm puuMW ut wwuuMf).w an alo toe lotmd. our.i sck a complete JjwM no felt, UT and 8traw HatinA mr. kind, of ttomen'a FiwntehkiClooda;KpoB's puhse before youxamine our stock; as 4he ehjaapest. , !,jsrt" biiu ."'.v'wJiJ-oiii bnu .rtfjtyjivi-h .Ml tHBARGrAIN! 1 .?i 'ilJ t .'fii-ili iT.f JT van ne nau ",,;.. .-r t v m o'r; i '"if I ouo Irs ym -fTemple Bar.1 - 1 And her eyes are weary and dim She has sat at the window for weeks and weeks. For a sight of hls hoat and him. She takes the youngest child on her knee. And turns its face to her breast--. - ..if "O God," she says, "that my babe and me -Were laid. In outbrave to rest!" The boats eome sailing in ever the bay, And the women run down to the shore; But though she sit there OU the Judgment day, - His boat will come m no more. - - - ' ) i OBJ4EKVAXIONS. The saying, "Circumstances alter cases," does not Include pillow cases. . - Folks who have been doing nothing all winter are now going off on a summer vacation. jin' Englishman wants Englishmen to cure na tional drunkenness by brewing German beer. , "But I will not linger upon this point," as the preacher said when he sat down on the carpet tack. hurbngUm Hawteye. & . , i i j . . -. a ., r 1 i If s always the big fellows that get to the front In the crowd. Look at the strawberry box for in rtanoei the little ones are always at the bottom. The bare thought of Zach Chandler foaming at the mouth during dog days while his demijohn contlmer to bleed at the neck, Is enough to cause an early and precipitate adjournment ugusta Chronicle ' When an old backwoodsman was about to take his first ride In a Mississippi steamer he was asked whether he would take deck or cabin fare. "Well," said he, in a resigned sort of way, "I've lived all my life in a cabin and I guess cabin passage, will be good enough for a rough chap like me." ,' Now buds the maddening mosquito, The fluttering fly has come again Now blooms the presidential veto, While parties wax and parties wane. Commencement essays steam and simmer As dawn the dusty, summer days, And down the street we catch the glimmer Of French percales and white pekays. Ait Louis Timm-Journal. The fair sex in Guernsey are not to be trifled with. At a fancy-dress ball given there recently by the subalterns of an infantry regiment a lady not ed for originality and wit was brought by chance to the side of one of the chief military authorities of the place. Said she to Colonel Z., "May I ask, Colonel, what you are?" "Oh," answered the Colonel, who was evidently not in one of his happy moods, "I am nothing. What are you?" "I am next to nothing," was the prompt rejoinder. THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Judge I'hurman's Attitude and Pros pects. Special pis patch to the Baltimore Sun.J Washington, May 26. Ohio politics are engrossing attention in political cir cles here for tire time :beuig. It is un derstood thai wiltit t'or the Re publican no'w'oil''itC3dirernor will be quite aniJftit between iex-Congress-maji Foster,! Attoroey General Taft, andone otif ixiitUerSrhut since Secret tary Sherman haseemed totake him self out of thelisLS, there has not been so much interest manifested as in re gard to the Democratic nomination. In connection with this, the usual number of sensational and imaginative state ments are repeated from mouth to mouth, and some of them have found their way into print. If credence were to be placed in them it would be natu ral to infer that Mr. Tilden and Judge Thurman have been sitting up nights working out the problem of how to kill each other politically. But there is rea son for the belief that so far as Mr. Til den is concerned he is not now troub ling himself with the State politics of Ohio, and that the many reports of his active interference through his friends have no solid foundation upon which to rest The politicians who are most likely to give Judge Thurman trouble; and who seem to be the most interested in putting him down as a presidential candidate, are those of his own State. Judge Thurman, of course, does not want to run as a candidate for Governor if his own personal conveni ence Was the only object to be consid ered, But through the machinations and the manipulations of some of the members of his party at home the situ ation has become such that if he is asked to take the Democratic nomina tion for Governor there is no alterna tive but for him to accept it Neither Judge Thurman nor any of his person al friends or adherents were in favor of such an idea at the first and that they had been brought to that point now, is, as said, not due to any efforts or desires of their own. A Democratic Senator, a warm friend of Mr. Thurman, said to your correspondent this afternoon that it was a shame to impose the nomina tion upon him, involving, as it Would, hia going through one of the most, if not the most laborious, campaigns which had ever been fought in the State of Ohio, "But," continued the Senator, " Thurman must take the nomination if it is put at him, or he will be lost, and I fear the-State will be lost anyhow." This foreboding is due to the opinion which is very generally expressed here, that the Democrats have no show to carry Ohio at the next election. Such foreDOdirigs may, however, and quite likely, not be realized. Ohio has for years , been a very uncertain State, and one which neither party could claim Tmttt "the -ballots were counted, Un doubtedly. RepubJicaft prospects look bright iust now. But the election is more, than four montbg off. If Judge Thurman goes- in as the Democratic standard-bearer, realizing as he will how much there is at stake for himself, he will warm up to his work, and no can didate that the Republicans can nomi nate: will be able to etcel him in effec- ring from one end of the, State to the others and his red bandana would float us the barbinger of , victory in every breezed Said one of his more enthusias tic friends to-night: "Let the old man hare s ballot-box with a bayonet stuck thrmiorh ir and hold it nn to the neonle on every stand from which be speaks ; let mm ten cnenv cnat is me issue on which, President paves and the.RepubK Ilea jpashav4 planted. hftiselyes, and we will see whether the yeomanry of Ohio will indorse such doctrine.! . The fcalloWtKx transfixed with a bayo- :l net would, ior tnat matter, wnue a muteC be a most powerf nl : argument nbtronTr iii Ohio. "but m "every other o. but in eyery oti ooiThei storages warehouse- of . J ohn S. IHchardi tn ' NewTork. nearly filled ,'jfjtb t6iW was bnxneflMonday nigbt "Pouf workmen iwerii on the top floor I hfirt ift ifireibroke - out. : but they suc- Iceeded in making-their.v escape by slid ing, down .a rope to tne siaewaiK. . ine building was worth $30,000, the stock smOoa'.W.Black&Co bad 1,000 bales Grafney iKColOO, Putnam , 1,000, B. R. BmithjJ40, and.I'icherjf .Bros 100 bales. There were besides these some 800 more bales of cotton and 300 bales of hops. !Av)toTt,p.nsive . United Statesi bonded rwarehouse adjacent full of whiskey 'and 1 I'LljL.-. ' L..Hi.iinVita-UlJ'fnti"l,,m"hllf t.hft firfimen-Prevented a catastrophe. Tbe Prig" of Tlie fire is unknowji." U r,i ft . 11. " " '-i O iN-.iVtii; -s. - a; A card. : j : !'frn ii shn am 'knfierlnz from ' the error and in- ! discretions 01 youtn,- nervous wecuuMuw, arv uo eav. losa of manhood, Ae., I wul send a recipe teat SdU you7FRE OF CHARGE. r Thfa great remedy v; was-, discovered by a missionary -in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope tothe BET. JOSEPH T. 1NMAN, Btatldnn,)New Yortf City, . ,t k , Hfil awi ?m,SEHMfMS. i -. .;;v;f At Marshall TexaslMonday, while Wm; Wilfcilison was .speaking to Mrs. Angell concerning; rjafafriagfe with her datightef; to which Mk AngeU object edber "son rtpproacbg from the rear, firing at Wilkinson wttaotit efiEectiwith a' shotguni 1 'Wilkihsor? 'wrested the gun away and shot yonrlg Angell fatal ly in the ' stomach. -; The latter drew a pistol and shot Wilkinson in the wrist. In the clerk's, office of the United States . Circuit . : Court at New York, Monday, the district, attorney filed a bill of discovery in the case .of the United States against Samuel J. Tilden for al leged deficiencies an his income tax. There are 1,406 items in the bill and 472 interrogatories, which Mr. Tilden can answer or not, as he sees fit. ..The snb penatd answer was to. have been is sued Tuesday. ; Judge T. J. Iiatham, recently appeint ed receiver of the old corporation of Memphis by the United States Circuit Court, Monday filed his second report, in which he arrives at jthe conclusion that the available assets will not ex ceed $1,100,000, against liabilities, in cluding all actual indebtedness, of $4,530,000. The city's assets will not Say more than 15 per cent of the in ebtedness. Mayor Poe, of Richmond, has sus pended Policeman Brook&and Sergeant Seal from the city force for not making the necessary arrests in the case of Gen. E. W. Law, of Augusta, Ga, who was robbed by two men of $45 in a Rich mond bar-room recently, but who told the officers in question when they call ed on him that he preferred to keep the matter quiet. A well known detective is said to have been one of the men who committed the robbery. LETTER FROM THE UNIVERSITY. Half Fare on the Railroads The Ser mon and Addresses. To the Editor of The Observer! I am informed by the chief marshal, Mr. J. M Leach, Jr., that he has written to the men who have the railroads named below, in charge, and they have kindly consented to grant half-fare to all persons attending our commence ment. The railroad companies referred to are: the Richmond & Danville, Ral eigh & Gaston, Wilmington & Weldon, and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad Companies, Atlantic & North Carolina, Western North Carolina, Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway, and Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad Companies, I desire to correct two mistakes, concerning our commence ment, made by some of the newspapers. One 18, that Thurman will not be here, which is doubtless a mistake. He has accepted the invitation, and has assur ed us that if he possibly can he will be here, and has written nothing to the effect, that he will not come. The pa pers also, (some of them) have our commencement put down for the 5th and 6th, but it is on the 4th and th of June. The marshals will endeavor to secure accommodations for all our visi tors. Dr. Hoge, of Richmond, Va., will preach the baccalaureate sermon. Hon. S. F. Phillips, solicitor-general of the United States, will deliver the address before the alumni association, and Hon. A. G. Thurman, of Ohio, will deliver the address before the literary societies. Yours trulv, K. P. Battle. A Story of the Sea. LNag'a Head (N. C.) correspondence Philadelphia Timesj Looking west bevond the Sound from Nag's Head is Roanoke Island, with its pines and plantations. Sometimes the1 sail of a schooner can be seen, and often the little white wings of a conoe. The canoes are plentif uL All the toilers by the sea call them "kooners." They are used to bring lumber: and grain from the mainland and to carry over fish and such other game as the people find. When the sounds choose they can be tame, and atrain Albemarle mav sneak to Pamlico from the hurricane deck and with a trumpet Some weeks ago the single occupant of a canoe found a schooner bottom up, in Pamlico, the round, muddy hull lazily bobbing in the trougn and on tne crest of tne waves. The lisherman paddled around - to the stern, and there saw infancy red letter ing the name u Hattaras Beacon." He looked more closely about the over turned boat, and caught a glimpse of a woman's shawl hanging to: - the? vessel rail way, down below. the bubbles. : He fished the shawl out with his boat hook and lo! tied in one end . of the shawl were the pitiful white arms of a baby. At Hatteras Beacon he found that Keener Barnett. his wife; ids sister and the latters child, had sailed out into the gound a few: days before, bound to the 1 i .1 . ai . . 1 , r .- 1. mam litnq. mier provisions, marcii was whistling due west and the keeper ex pected to make the run quickly. Nei ther he or his companions have been heard of sincei This bit of news did not reaoh the papers. : The lands of Cur rituck, Kitty Hawk and Hatteras are cut off an isolated sliee of sand and pine. A Tribute to "The Cornel." New York Correspondence Raleigh Observer. Of course vou remember the late Hay wood W. Guion's very remarkable book, The Comet published by us in 1869. It lately fell into the hands of Rev. Dr. P. G; Robert a distinguished Pres byter in' th! Episcopal church 'in St -r f -ws . TT - t . A U LiOuis, jmssoun. lie was su sliuck. wihi if that he wrote a series of articles about it for the St Lbuis Democrat, and after- wards embodied the"m in a handsome pamphlet of 29 pagesV which he publish ed af his own cost - Hearing of it from a friend in Missouri, I wrefid to Dr. Robert for a copy,- which he lias , kindly sent to me, and in a letter accompany ing it he says : Mlt fe' the most i-emark- aoie DooK i ever reaavana i uiiiik is a demonstration." I doubt riot that the friends oTthe ;gentlemanand scholar, Mr. Guion, will be gratified to know of this. The book: was unfortunate in its title and in the; circumstances of its pub lication, and therefore never naa a tithe of the sale it ought ,'to have had. If it had been issued under tne name or one of the great authorities in scientific subjects, ic would ; have attained to a world wide notoriety, as w is, wno, even in his native State, ; knows the book V Not 6ne in ' ten thousand. It is an honor to the literature of North Caro lina.' ! - ----- , . -! M ' ,' ' ' V : Ease Attainable hy the Baenmatic. i ,,ye, aIQMa(iL.tber-i.-'aWaJ'ef relief, it is attain aoie dj rneumanc suoerers, ior mere is a remedy which carries off; y means of increased activity of the kidneys important channeis for blood purification the acrid, element to which nnthnifuristR the most eminent attribute the Painful Mvmntoms-t theory completriy borne out by urln" i Anr anAivsls. . The name of this grand denuient Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps,- the finest tonic ATtAnL and is hlehlv recommended as a medicinal Mimilant br distinguished physicians and analysts . who pronounce it to be eminenUy pure and very. Deneucuu. ; xue prvss aiau euuorutru ik. st r ' r . .. "TTT ' to the early part of every season then is a natural desire to know what an the newest, latest arid most fashionable styles!, and also who an ' recognize ' as standard authority ln the fashionable world. Our relations to, and dealings with the rrtblic, and the general standing of our house,' will 'assure aB in-' tefflgent readers UuU the tafqma .n I ma lit w Several ehanges have taken placed both ta shape and pattern, of fabrics la Men's Garments, of which special mention Wilt be made'. Th latest de mand in Spring Garments Is our new ". ..... ., ,.. . . ,' , :-; ' ' 'i:;! .: It has many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and ideas Instead of adhering to the old time-worn ance and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. , Our St. Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three or four buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving tt a neai and of Spring textures. ' j; THE In shape and style retains tea hold in popular favor. Its length Is a little longer thah last season, and it. is one of the most useful among the gar ments of a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials ire French Castings, Granites and various patterns of English Worsteds. , ' Our Pants stock is complete, with every novelty in fabrics, and the shapes are perfect: In bur Hat department we invite the Inspection of the most' eiuV Uvated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of universal approval. ' " : ; Our Neck Wear artm la almortnnl upon the vwy recent Intnxrtirtton of the Univer sity Scarf. Unique arid very elegant " ' . " ' ' " : , In White Tests we have a State reputation, and we win only assert progress' .In this season's selections. Our efforts nave been to place upon onr' counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid increase of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. ' ' .. We invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantage wlU be the same, for we will send goods to any section Sn approval, with privilege of inspection before payment of bill; ' 1 Very rcsp&otuUy April 27, 1879. ' E. D. LATTA & BRO., The People's Clotheirs. COME AND SEE ALL Ever shown in this city. April 22,-1879. Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Possible ' C' NO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via SeaLoard Air-Line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading Issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, c, apply to either of the undersigned. April 30 d5m. fflcsmu music miuse, cubem f e, j, c, TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILDING. - 1 Igf PIANOS! ife lilt' rril: 9 o IS I H 02 S ? '12 I ' -4 rl f- - m wt t - va ; i SONVId M .s X! a 2 McMif i .mm umm9 vmmmm,M. ... ,;TRYON,ST D. CT. lUXWXLI & V. HABSI90N Auctioneer, M AXwtLL & HABEISO NV -AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of . . M U MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY JPRODUCE ; . ... , . ' WlU give strict personal ' 1 attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. ' 'i' r s f. i. ni dec3 TTT ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY' FOB SALE. , v Anv rjerson deslrinilo DurShase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of. the public square, eanbeac- WUlIUUUiUiOU UpyiJlUg i..: 14,. dec!8 ;.; OTIS OFFICE. : Ji-M WEST END SACK. PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE ! L CHEVIOT SUITS -o THE FINEST LOT OF CLOTHING Remember that we are the rulers in tP" Low L. BERW ANGER Ya. and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick- Time to all Points South and K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, IMPORTERS OF ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL ORGANS Merchandise, VIOLW, GUITARS , BANJOS, ACCORD EONS, FLUTES, FIFES, Drums, Band Instruments, SHEET MUSIC , &e., &c, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . FOR ... . Bottled ilagerrBeer ALE ' AN V PORTER,1 ' " 'u ; 'J Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city; free of charge for 81.00 per dozen. . i - F. C. UUAZL.KU. All orders left at John Voxel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. , , ., -f - 'TO?, At. THE1 '.V A BO&DKN HOUSE '1 1 1"-"' f? ..,fSalisbury,N.C I J' i 'c;a Bkjwk, Proprietor u ov 'iV Lata of the National Hotel, Raleigh! j ; C S, Brown, Jr- Chief Clerkv V.. 0,Shelbun, As 'j- : .1. styles of the past very stylish la appear-, M. . . , graceful appearance, are made up In every variety " "': j ' '' '' ' '. n 1 FOR S7.50. Prices for Fine Clothing. & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Southwest. j Charlotte, N.O. O 3 ft. p S? C W f I UJ I II I w " ' S3 ..... l..,.. ri- .tsi-fTcj i sNvoao 00 ifi TJNDERTAEINO .. " : l i:i. h;)! i; . -."ii .ti i lU'Jl 'i ( i si'ri The.uQderaigned is now prepared to fill .orders for every class of Undertaking. , Having on luKidt ' iii -i:.?L'v. '.;) full assortment of if Ui te COfTTNS, CASKETS AlfD BUMAL-'CABES;' Both Wood and Metalic L . PBICB8 AB LOW AS IHT . Hearses famished tf, desired , - ' 2 K is fcj -iviiX 1 '.ihij-f !,'),!! HkIZ Furniture of every PescrlpUon Repaired tt hor notiee. .'f tit --.---. .(Kl !r W.1LWTLHELM, , With,E7 Rogers, Trade Street B . , Jane 20? TE SIMPLE DEEDS,8 ' - J yOiliiw Jost Fttptod nd WatfiMfbiii M it A A Vl -a"syBljEBTER OTttcfc r 1 ri i n a 1 1, 1 1 4 ;! if: f'i 1 y i 1 f I ! 5 I't f! I f 1 ii

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