r -. 'A i jff'i g . f I lit f :- f V- af , - af -X " J ..-' '::.;. .- I - - . - Stye Cljdrlortbsenfer.1 ' k --a.a-v .... '' W. S. Cason, a former citizen of Wil mington, recently died in Piano, Tex. 5 There are foui new Methodist church es in course of erection in Stokes county. tWilmingtpB iias organized a fox Jui teVsclnb wtf'E. EMJu'frns tfi presil dent. The annAmlnfca StabfclV'ta fer ry, Richmcmad)fenty will' tafcd place on the 18th of June. TUTT f C JOB rPRINTINa n THE WORKIN GM AN 'S- FRIEX T a HEWORKINUMANS FRIEND . In these daw ef JpolItteK triekew n tn, t thetW heed; la SeiS ifuVeafaVd W , DR. WpSLl;s BALSAM ?hi LUNGS. It Is a sure cure for ic6NSOMPTioU,''cOUGB3, COLDS AST BRONCHITTS baiiqp lliM. FRIDAY, MAY? 30, 1879. THE SITUATION AT WASHIIVGTOX 'oK.rpOLLS! wh, AAimirn.menl Question -Tl&hfe- bvjO IqooR leeY r . r .. A ! ,. t' . I. 'il . . ! i Mm f ' , , ii(t-i' .. - S " -v ,,!AT THE-5. -ijwvi-i'.Jl-;.. -,t,. : : ; :?. -j'r"-' f ?! :f4;MTiii . -; .; ,-...:.v: . :'V " - - ,M. : .' i'ir . ": i -.';-'"; r'CHINA:PAEE::'; Ze awrf Stalwarts Secretary Sherman as the Administra tion Candidate for Presi INTRODUCED, 1866. n dentEfforts to Check A,manbv thfljiame. oJLTatj v .-!t.i, '' ';.'-' ')' - ' ; ?- ' ' 'r U j ,!'!:.- Mid M Rnrrrlia hfo&riifhe j-ttjiHW-Kl ".HTif.: - J : BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS. i "H 11 ifopmeltei otor We have this day added to our atockjt-plendid and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Th eiafrtoWWUtoWeSii STEAM POWER. Tlnwft?! f.bft freedom of the line of Buntfegi irr J n y w a shtnoton. Mav 2f . The com rail migtqn, and f rjghte n .Ue:itizen there-J , DYSENTERY. BILIOUS FEVSR, AGUE AND FEVER, tee on ways and' weans determined at ..i ii- or. PLAINT. COLIC. ETC. OF 3 IS CUI1- 1H ft t"H!fiiL: . B t kf ' III II II citVtfWl- members advocated fixing an earlier rtav r.rmtendiner that there should be . a i.. no difficulty in getting away by that time. Mr. Wood had intended to re port the resolution to the House this afternoon and ask immediate action, but Speaker Randall, who has been watching the situation very closely, advised-Mr; Wood that it would; be .best not to offer the resolution until after the reception of the veto -message oh the legislative, executive and judicial anDronriation bill. Several of the Re publican leaders, in ithe JlpusetooJt oc casion during tms afternoon to intimate to the Democrats that triers was a strong' ptfobidiility. that the Republicans would filibuster to prevent the passage of- aHV .adiQUi-ameut-ae.sftliituiii . unless! the appropriation bills were first dis posed of. As all the Oho! Bejufeljicaji members and a number of other promi nent Republican members are now away, there is a feeling on that side of the House in favor of keeping things in statu quo until the return of the ab sentees. The feeling in favor of . an early adjournment ; continues to in crease, and to-day several Northern Democrats of both houses openly de- clawed jtha befr thing; tq do, was to passJ the appfoprraeion mns 'ana go uoree. $ orty memDers or uie iiouse nave oo tained indefinite leave of absence, and it is understoottthat $hfy will ilot re turn this session, whetlfer It be long or short. Leave of absence was refused to several members this .afternoon, but Mr. Morse, of Massachusetts, one of the applicants, who expects to sail for Eu rope in a few days, said he was going anyhow. Under tle rule members ab senting themselves Without leave for feit their pay, but this has always been rpgftrrie&HS a dead lettety--- - HOUNDING THE PEES V3, Apprbftciies Mv Um tetm ,i rTe6n'inuc6eco the Xre8ideiltWfCeWiif disposeawgij wluK-a3afdal ieaUv disoafcreaxTMiLniAt eo out ofitvr"a ani itti cofis elA!tmhJ'aw as iwtmld -place the -atK polntatettf of deputy jnarshals in tlm. haiidsjot the unilea states judges ln ,stQadf the marshals.'? Ehis was 'mot cohstdered a material point, asit wonld leave all the ifiach1hery"of tlre Fearal law unimpaired. - Those, who have con versed with the -President -of late have arrived at the conclusion that he will hold the ground on " which he now stands until after the meeting of the next Republican national convention. They believe that the influence of Sec retary Sherman is now all-powerful with the President 'that it was through his arguments thafthe Xresident aban doned the conservative attitude wmcli he has maintained since his incumbency and has ranged himself alongside of the stalwarts. SHERMAN niEt'KMATIXtJ (I1IAXT. "The object had at heart by Mr.'Sher tnan was and 4s toeheckm'ate theCJrant movement. Shertian s the adminis tration candidate for the next presiden--cy, and the administration being now in full feather with the stalwarts, it am with every reason expect to exer cise a wide inllnence in shaping Repub lican pontics lor tne iuture, and in playing an important part in the man ipulation of the next national conven tion. The recent letter of Mr, Sher man to Mr. Ilaskins, of Xew York, ac quires a new significance in view of the I above. Mr. Sherman there declares for national supremacy in national matters, and he puts himself forward as a candi date for the presidency in words which cannot be mistaken. The election is a national matter, and Mr. Sherman's let ter means that the administration will never ssurrender the Federal election laws, and thflt-the administration, and he personally, propose, to stand bv that issue for the next campaign. Tins let ter was submitted-w-tfr President be fore it was sent to the gentleman to whom it was addressed. These devel opments of to-day: have made the Grant men look grave, as thev show that Mr. Sherman cair-call Gen; Grant on the stalwart idea, or, if need be, go him one better. They are also proof positive to the Democrats that there is ho half-way course left open for them that it is use less to send any measures to the Presi dent intended to undo or cripple any of the partisan election machinery set up by the Iiepublians ; that they 'ftiusfc either pass er jetis: t passthtf appro priation Mlls-iaitd that whichever of hose alternatives is determined upon it should be'carrled out qujckly. THE OBJECtroX ABXE L$W, " Mr. Alex-. IT. Stephens "has' an idea that a proviso can be attached to the army appropriation bill somewhat sim jlar to the-osse eoniitatus clause in the last ariny bill, but more comprehensive, so as to cover some of the; points now aimed at by the Democrats, and which lie rreswent wop Id not object to. But u Mr. fctepnens could succeed n draw ing-a clause of'saeh a milk and character as to receive the approval of the President and Mr. Sherman, it would of course jbe esteemed worthless py his party associates. A South Caro lina 'representative said to-night that mc naa me uuiy yue oi me entire dele-gation- front thatfStaWVjwh'o would 'In upuu jiu utwijn. uuwn: in iic an trie Marv&ttff Members iaM tfaniiirt th0 appropriation bills and adjourn next wnoaa member ot the joint Demc- crauc CAniaiSBairtalite,4f the sac opinion. ! IK) Vk i . -S w i Rich Gold Mine I i o XT -M 11 -I JLRK5kaBlI(S.C.VHerafld.T We learn from private sources that the old Brigaaigoiamilae, situated in ore wnich hasevw. iT;.:: ,..vTr tt" v-iui- ct wj. Liw arounas. a ton of the ore recently Bhippedto-Philadelphia is said to nave.assayed.lQO in Dure ni ti, " tt 'j, t i-c,xu a is ortnern car .(MiBoclQOtt -Jim imw tHaMhV present owner wiU soon havd-'etftensive' - oi its Tiidden treasures. M ill tfuJi .ttlJ- merit uutfwuifi fAlTnnll ilaw.M.i. .I... I. t ' .u - : iftowg daily that JVIrjWren wnf hnS -pnceae J. anaadmit -. v-fa vjt ti u iiiii now. shall run for (vefrr 6f offi .47 ij. II - -- i . oiuer members. . Wou4dvvtfito.cpflsdiie twrr appropriation bills without any noli tlAai hndora uch a fauowHjSJ'iiA is-mgs .Mountain, partly in York coun ty. C and partlyin-Gaston county, JN.Cis now turniner out tho riohoot arvneaT before the Supreme Court as applicants, -for 4ipense net , Monday and Tuesday. The Sentinel says there is talk of or ganizing an artillery company in Win ston. Adjutant-General Jones has promised that the equipments shall be furnished. , "h --..! r Col. Walter L. Steele could not be in Greensboro to deliver-: the address be fore the young ladies of the Greensboro Female College, being detained in Washington by t, official: duties. ;i ;.; lf: ' nleis'armaMMeehhni: Sdm very good verses !are: printed'' in The p,tt a i?t.otte Observer in memory of Franklin Wilson, whose untimely death : artnise"duch-gret -aTncmg his flatmy-- friends. Vf n The StatsViHe" Lartdmark says Mas ter L. D. Tyson, of Rowan, has receiv ed the appointment to the West Point cadetship from the seventh district. Thp contest was between Tyson and Welbom, of Wilkes. TTosrsheads of molasses, barrels of turpentine and timber have been found on the beach at Myrtle Grove Sound, thieh thej IV'ilmintft tfa7jith$nks rf- dicfites that two vessels nave Deen wrecked off that coast. i Three colored Presbyterian ministers froni Xorth'CarotiHa made speeches at the Saratoga General Assembly (North ern Church) last week, and reported the Charlotte (Biddle Institute) and Concord (Scotia Seminary) colleges for colored youth as doing well. Greensboro Patriot: Nicholas Jen nings. Jr., white, and Thos. Wakefield, Indian half-breed, who stole John Mat thews horse a short -while"ago,-were rafittrred 4n Pulaski county, va., and ...-. "i I : .1 C- 4.4. qulsiiion frone"1GiQVernO'r.. They ar- W itt. Wl"p-:Fort'.Tlletr6!. on the of Wake Forest. I-of. Ipyall performed : the . bridal cereinoHfv A Kaleigh News cpn;eiondentrepprts the eyent.'5 -vji.- VftnstOTr-SvntinetT frr-nletter from Governor Yance, received, this week, he says the '' great niicertfiiiity as to what time Congress will adjourn, pre Yents him from iio'aitively accepting the invitation to be present at the Confed erate silryivors' reunion, on the ad and 4th of July, at this place. lie wants to come, and, if possible, will be here. A correspondent of the Kaleigh News from Oxford, describes the sudden de scent on that town of Col. T. li. Long, SpPCial agent of the postoffice depart- mcnt, whose arrival was followed by the instantaneous departure ot the as sistant postmaster, carrying with him $1,700 of the postal money. He waa seen flying across the Virginia border. But his going doses the oniy grog-shop in town, Wadesboro ft' raid : A white lad in tho employ of Mr, AYm. Allen, while ploughing in a field near his residence, on .lones creek, happened to run into the roots of an old stump, which had the appearance of being the remains of an old hollow tree. Jn turning up the roots several counterfeit coins were discovered of the denomination of five dollars, dated '7-V7G. How and by whom the coin was deposited there, is a mys tery. Several hundred pieces of the coin have been found. Kaleigh Farmer and Mechanic : Mr. John E, Tyler, of Boxabel; has patent ed an improved cartridge, having a shell capable of taking a number of balls, each supplied with a separate charge-of powder, and arranged -ho that tne toremost charge, -Will explode first and others -ni 'sbeeeBKioirr M. S. Shot- well, a brother of the editor of the FarrtfeimdmMe0lmfiephHS'myen tion Jot deadening tjdlVarRtwearand tear Bf;car;ivhielsherfpa6sing the in tersetjgffif ftracksajid' in A j umpin g BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. J)uring April the excess of exDorts from the United States over imports of merchandise was i$i2,i7i,uy ; ten months ending April 30, 24 1,448,6 3. Thp. sr.ftnmpv "Rlnnnl-io Uorftn -fv . . j u-wtiuu, iul New Orleans from Grand Isle. -was wrecked last Tuesday niorning at the iiioum oi isaypu J,aiourciie ana was burned to the waters edge. Nobodv was lopt, At the annual meetiriff of the New York Produce Exchange Tuesday, the treasurers report showed that' the in crease in the value of the surplus fund during the year amounted to $38,383, or 8 per cent., making the value of the fund $476,567. The president's address gave a glowing aeeotmtof the condition of the exchange; , . The committee on charities reported collected since 1874 In the Superior Court at Atlanta, Ga; Monday, the trial. .of Samuel Hill, i eambler. charged with tli mnH or r John Simmons, was begun. Hill charges that the murdered man dishonored his home, but the friends of thejatter claim that he never had anv com nrmni nat.irm of any kind Twith Hill's wife, and that Hill shot the wrong man. It is sup posed that the, defense will reply on the theory that Hill had brooded over his , jv4yug untune lost nis reason;,;md did 'mSi : - i m m i - i t . SeDatiJaVid Davis ortijSjfft ts Senator David Davis, of : UlinSini apkjfcwledgirig the receipt. f the reso- ..raupns oi.aaomt caucus oi tn& Demo- cratic members of (Ggneral Assem- bly of that State endorsing his votes.onl tne army 0HvfTites'r r"'X,i-1 w thatl am Hi favor of perfect freedrnn' Mf .leetions.. f rom uth&'interf6fkte&kir tnepresenceor any,, paripf.tbftrijaj; thepl!s7JcauseHlifttoi)fiiaoa was'em- ftftnstl tittnn anamejjwaLmadempursuance thereof, sr-wt-MMgnevances'orwmcll ou? iui eiauieii commainea was thn. 'fi king had quartered-troops "on theraraird sougnc- Dy mmtawr' paww tVJ66-eca them nsbmslofvj It is little Tes tiian a public scandal. ri airUi , iit, of. national'-existeniJeitliat'iany party L WHJqlrnYenlurftt to.i asfc4fc&2 peooleVari 5275 'ap0B of tyranny that U 1oa. W U i 5 a !'-.VZ' r, yjm vi Xlll IS 9Ut I ft ("'rtfWlii govenuneht i "... jeanse -the public affairs, 3i$:8Bi9qd.Mi eanse" your blood. .'jt r .ii J. I i sssss a sssi i iffio. puaucany expressed on tne nopr of the authomauetrjoii the ; TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite and Uausea, tho boweli are costive, bat aometimea alternate with' looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied with a DoU sensation in the back part.Pam In the rightside and under the ahoulder bladgfaUnesa after eating, with a diain 1 clfiiatfon to ererttoii; of body-ar mind, Ir&? i . tability of tamper. Low apirits, Loss o imemory.wTth'afeelMg-ofi some duty, General weariness; Dizziness, SluringrttheJEeartjqts before the ! yeV: yePow- 8tm, HeadacJaeTgenerallyi ' over the righi eyej Restldatttiesj 'at Jiight. . with fitful djL-eams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WAENINGS AEE tTNILEEDEIiy SERIOUS DISEASES WILL DEVEkO?: are especially adapttrf-t such astonish the sufferer. Tunr pills are eoinpcHiwdeU Arotn dbstaac. that Are Tree from any properties tbac can injure the most delicate organization. They 8earcli, :leane, Purify, and Invigorate tk entire Hystem. iBr relievina the n ... r gorged Liver, they cleanse the blood from poUonout humors, and thus Impart health and vitality to the body, causing the bowels to net .naturally, without which no pup can feel well. j. c XSl . lull . L.u kjii , iu( iu xfi d i itnio uuu., martyr to Pyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Last Spring your fills were recommended to me ; I usod them ( but with little faith). I am now a Well man, rUTT: Dear Sir; For'ten years I have Deen bava f oo, appet ifc,-Qiexn rerioor , reguuf szoou piles geneand 4 lvgaiod fartf peands iofcii flesi: They are worth their weight in gold. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect is to Innreaus the Apprtt-o, and canse the body to Take oil FIomIi, tlms o system is nourished, aud by their Tonic Ac tion on the Digestive Organs, Uegulur (! rpto4nced. 4 A , DR. J. Fi HAYWOOD ' OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- Few disease exist that cannot be relieved by re storing the Liver to its normal functions, and for this purpose np remedy p." ever been invented tfi"l baa as happy an effeot fu TUTT'H PILLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. OC1M 95. Murray Street, Nevrk Vork. tsr- Dr. ttTtrS MANUAL of VilnaWe fnfoV mation and Usrfnl Receipts " will be mriled on application. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Out Hats OS WbibkeB8 to a Glosst Dye- It 1m.' Black by single application of parts a Natural Oolpt, acts Instai is Harmless as ipnc'g waisr. - Sql taneooaly, and if -i by"Praggists. or Sent by axnress on leoeipt oi !. Office; 35 Murray St., New York. aprl ly. THE GENUINE DR.C.MoLANE'S ; Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIF.UOEi;. -SYMPTOMS OF WORMS, l0 THE countenance is pale and lead-iir-color$d, with occasional fliudiej,' or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the'jlpwef; eye-lid ; the nose is irritateH, svVeirsahicl sometimes bleeds ; a veing: ofthe upper lip ; occasional headache 'with humming or throbbing of ihe ears; an unusual secretion of sili4 ; i ilimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly the- morning ; appetite yariahle, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, af. others, entirely gone ; fleeting panS4nhe stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting 3 violent pains throughout the abdxmen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged witly4oo4 ; ? elly swollen and hard ; urine tdrbi'd"; respiratiQn occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccougrf; 'cough sometimes dry and convulsive upeasy and dis turbed sleep, with 'gnrfding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above svmptoms-. are found to exist, DR. Q.'U will ertainly effect i cure. ' IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Vfr mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLan and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recp.mmended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in . affections of the liver,-and in aU,Bj)iQUs Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick JIead ache, or diseases of that character,' they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No bjptiercatkaric can. he used, prepar atory to, fcraft &king Qvdmit. As a simple purgative they are un- n r anv Ad tirtiv a ww avs The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a ired wr'ke'iPrin'tifje" lid, with the impression Dft-. MeLANB's-, Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon hsyyins the genuine Dr. c. McLA4T8ia5'TjprePared by Fleming Bros., of Rttsburgh, Pa., the p AetbinxaltM6tmltati(lDL-3lieT same pronunciation. " ' "VTOTICE OF SETTTTRE. U. S. INTERN A TrREVE NT1 li! I CoPector's Ofice, 6th DfctrkfrNortH Carolina. V Stitesvllle, N. C, May y IB, 1879. VI . p j -r 8 boxes mannfactnrMi Also, 2 lxes tobacco, owxteija..wird;' , acco. nwner unknown. .5tt.1 Tetoflftwn or claimants pf tfte aixni escrlbea firoperty to"8pPW before meat my office in, gtatesvljje, and wato claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from .Yo ; : ,.V;CollecJ mayl8 3t ln30dys , " r U AND Bill 1 f LACE EFFECTS. if ? ton Also, an3ff ff BL-vpKyGEENA)INES, from 20c, to Sl,25;. and a general liiie of new and deslraWe' Drews' (JopdV at the most reasonable priceaebftiA tefioT H .'. .. '...... A Special lot of BLACK CASHMERES -AND - ' ALPACCAS, Dress and Trimming Silks. New things In HOSIERY AND GLOVES. An early inspection of the.above will txTto your interest GENTLEMEN, You will find our stock of SPRING AND SUM MER CLOTHING the most complete in the mar ket, at our well-known and. popular , low prices. wiTTKowsrr & baruch. D B. J. R McAPEN. DBUQOIST ANB CKKsOST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, Sngllah Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap' English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECURITY I SECURITY! SECURITY 1 200 Barrels of C, TOT 4 SOWS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No.: l Kerosene OU, from C West 4 -' Highest Medal awarded at Centennial EnweltieA. Orystaioq Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a nre tew or nv oegroes J'ahrenheit before it will Durn. u. wesi oiHBammore. at ...i m . -.,( - ,. For Sale by" fin solo rjLrt;; -r," ... U7 1 ' The latest and most complete Invention of 'the day Crocker & Fawnsworth's Fluting and Smooth lng Iron. Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task of standing over a hot nre on Ironing !;-Thl Iroh hBata fttlf, and win save Its worth in wood consumed ander the oM process in a shert tinjc, W say nothing of the health Of those who do the work!' i--n!,'i i wHiyisvhn t JWe are the afnt'for the State f -Ifortti Caroil ?ft,vS9i propose to oommeuce tbsi 4al -of It lit Meaurg. iTSan'i LlhctfloactlM at raj'Arm'wl8hlni't purobas e rigfat'to fleliteOtheri flOUnUesS Astato iwflldou to uyvvr iu once JO me undersigned t Charlotta,.N. ts. I . -3 iifiCa TfiK. HOUSEWIFE'S H.M, EAMSEUR. i MaxtS, I87$3m.- FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of The Ob BfBVss,, and the establishment of one of the kirg est, most complete, and mpst thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has lust 'added a coni pleie BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to, furnish close, estlnjates on every description Qf .LETTER PllESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their PATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as It is possible to make it. LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards J Ball:Cards, Pamphlets. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks; ..... lofty BILL HEADS, i Deeds, Receipt Books, Programmes - - Magistrates? and ; : " Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given ta Ralhwad Prlnttng. I . HOOK WOKK. Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will - SATISFACTION GUiRANTEED. elnsD brW 'esibsJ ; JNOROOffiSLD & CO;, OK Friday, Satu day and Monday,5 April 25, 2R, & 28. We take gre.it ; pleasure in informing our friend and the public generally that our new stock has arrived and is eompiete We cordially Invite aU to inspect our large and well selected assortment, consisting of m CHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY, PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY, TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Lamps, Buckets, Chandeliers, etc., etc., All of which we will offer very low. at prices to suit the times. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wljU do wll to giv.e ii a caJL ai we. aw prepared TO FILL W H O L E S A L E ORDERS AS LOW AS ANY NORTHERN HOUSE. Very respectfully, JNO. BROOKFIELD 4 CO., Charlotte , N.C., April 24, 1876L W&McUts and zmtx. GREAT BARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wave, J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 p LASNE, From Paris, Trance, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VSR PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nai Gray Store. Every kbuLef repairs mtaOm at onoJit halt prke and warranted pne year, . Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring, saver-Plating and Gal vanlzlng made at short notice and equally as good as new. t, work done for the trade at low trices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references; - Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. . septlS s's GALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSTJV ALDWELL ITOUSE'XJAIJOWELL' HOUSfii. ' ' --i: i . tl,.'ihv. i'l'.i :(;. 7 , Comet Tryon and Sixth Sheets, v t - .;: ,- : - .. ; : j.-i Corner Tryon and Stxth Streets; . .. . '..;is, ...:. h:- CHABLOTTEH. (I. CHARLOTTE, N; C, : r- a P. CAJJJWEIJa.,;.,, . . Ppriefoj f 1 Ui ; fr-. : ...... This Awse to pernoaneritty established and'offera v " r - ,-'---- ' ' j W the5 wnlences arid !eomfortr; aflrrt-eUis it i PleeAailhce.FermlneM. '.'.J H Oiift'W- .lfcfit r-nJi' -.-.. ftobejtamvwlttLioe : !3'-tW 9i.25tper week, SaQOnBegtifejU.tiS room SPRING ; CHICKENS. -. ij;,C, n,t,t ..f:, . , QHBBSBf .-.. -...i ci 'Jj i t;i i't all ii PlCKLm DAEMON, tyjandhed&S wMch were given up as hopeless. 1 "m,,J ocas,' however obstinate, ean resut fi,a , ing properties of Dr. m. X BSe - " th. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A CO.. . . Sole Proprietors, ; I; 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK For sale by L. R. Wrlston & Co., Charlotte v r mar4 - -A SMITH'S WORM () ATDKRS, Ga., December 8, ktx. arm vnrmg aki,0 . Pas!ea sixteen worms from four ta i,.iTiL,r?r.s5a elEl)-s)x Price 25 cents. th9i ., ,.. Is a nerifect Bxood Pt-Rinm mwi i.. i. onrjp pely Vegetable remedy known tcsn vncettoat has made radical ami I'ermankni CUBSS pf STPH1L1S and Scrofi'la in all their It thoroughly removes merciirj- from the system; tt relieves the agonies of" mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin iii eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth.) ,Ltfaf.StoeUent??ITecHve of Indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. ionu "I01. gfcfcoP Doggett in his estimate ot the Vest Pocket Cure. Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hist'n. I am never without it at home or abroad n u an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels reiia Ltf.m?Ilts a attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a " tried-evemh ne " i fs peptic of fifteen years relieved by oi dose Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddua, Dickinson (Bap.) nfItltnd0rse1, br street personal testimony cLIk" naUpi'Hl fame and of btrictuess ot fPf- 11 isnot too much to say that no medicine ThJjS suPPori tot favor as a specific. AZJSJinS"7' Sf ?f eminent divines who SS?118 anUdoteto dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness lofned with the ei ESi and, aPPWvai of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt, it is. be5?n,d QUn-a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev, B. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. JM nhly esteemed here by the regular Medi-SaLF5fsuty5di.PeoPle- 11 is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C ODELL, RAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ. Salisbury, N. C. POLK, MILLER & CO., Apothecaries and Sole Proprietors, Richmond. Va. mar 20 d&w tt. AROMATIC TEETH, GlIMSB HEATH NO. MORE RHEUMATISM OBGOUT ACUTE OR.CERONIt' S A L 1 C Y I C A SUE CURE: Manufactured only under the above Trade iiarfc by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., " ', 1- . - or pass ibrb tiipzie. 'Immediate' 'relief; warranted. Permanent cur? guaranteed:' Now exclusively1 used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, .and. Reliable Remedy on btu continents. The HlgbesOIedleal Academy oi Parte report "85 cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only dlssol vei of the poteonou Uric Acid which exists In tae Blood of Rheumatic gndGouty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes for 50Q. Sent to any address "on receipt of price Endorsed by Jhysieiaos., r6e!d by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBURN E 4 CO - HOT? OnlTln)TiArteni Tinnnt. fUlff-st. N. Y- L?.'1'01' sale f by J. H. McADEN, Druggists, feol8ly.' - Charlotte, Ji.- ICE! ICE! AT THE SAME OLD STAN V, Where I am prepared to fmnsi a superior quality to. all who may want lee. . My carf will also make daily deliveries at places of business or prlvaw tesldenees. - Orders given the driver, addressed to tnettarouglrP. O. Box 153, er deUvered to me Office onlot et Rock Island Factory, will receive prompt attention. : ,,a Customers who begin with me will be siippneo the entire season at the following figures: i tv; : i -u : In (iuantltles less than 5 lbs. 2c. per lb. " of 5 to 50 lbs., lc.P;rlh M m "'! of SOlbssandup, mc ne aoove agures are me same ru - . to couduct the business on a legUlmate consumers will eonsult their luterest by giving w llcoTshrypingin any Quantity carefully packd and forwarded with dispatch.. . Ire. ojThankfuJ lor. your patwpagei ia tte past, specttully ask a continuance of HoNY. S. H. HOWELL. ' -.w.boxikj. Charlotte, N.C. ; MiT 28,

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