T" i Jii'lilJiU, . 1 :-' t - '-. . - .-. if, ' - : 8 TFB8QRJPTION BATES H H 5 3 iy, one year, (poelpaid) in advance. 00 ix Months.,. ' 4 00 Three Month ........:..,.. 00 One Month I 76 -,- rax Q&SEJtYEii-joB 3gp RTaririry in? :.t Ti ivJfet ft' , . WEEKLY EDITION : Weeidv, tto-mWia?3W;ti 00 Out of the oounivi iw4.'-H'-c.,',',V.M-f-;3 10 Six Month ................... ..vj ujv 1 00 Liberal Seduction for Clube. HUSKS, MLL-IftAI3. TAGS. RECEIPTS, P08TEK8, ' .i,,i pjtooRAMVT. xaanyitLUi. , , f AMPBLBTSt CZRGJfLAJtS,, QHECK&, C,S A ,'ff r.t; t--f : ! !rii .fffn iiit.' uft'jf'i -j-j xt tni; vns'l ;!1ih. ',, VOL. m w r 1 1 J; V . I ; 1N K IIP, "yy: o o&. For can wpm Atrfnw Sy matntu. ,:. ir St SUN UMBRELLA. I' 1 i T '.I -v Ladles buying Parasolsjad i.:id the best assortment elias & cohen;s. Tbey will also find other goods to suit them upon which they can sawjf iConer- of Fancy and Staple jC iU A 8 I. DRY GOODS Is now cmpletemong whli niy be found a full supplfbf IToljie fijrnlHirng Goods, SheeUng and pfilwsInlslnXffielf and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yellow; Napkins. Aoylaa and Ifrwels In every variety; Car er t . -t i ir its. Bi2lIittUixMnU Oil Cloths. Our stocx ofEmbroldery and Trimmings Is large, ami will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, QSIERYv GLOVES, HANDKEBCH1 : it &&&rlm iNi ties. HANDKERCHIEFS, COB- I i I 5 JliLtl Ask to see ur Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrellas. You will find them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see as. It will pay you. nxxxitnxt. JUBGESS NICHOLS, . 7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I n A ) O - ALL KINDS OF KURNITUBE FUBNITUBE! BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, 4C. BEBDING, &C. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE ! FUKNITUBE! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 CHEAP BEDSTEADS I ft t.:.' i.'-f.; LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBEB SUITS ! aflsOt'FINf t all Mb4 COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . No.- r Wirf:.tiUi Strxft'. ; CHARLOTTE N. & Ladi?s' and Gentiemen's Burial Bobes a iine supply. j 1 i f ) jan3 ' JARGAINS , i , i ;-. ; ; 1. 1 . r v ""'''J.- ' it-- i - ' .iV. i 'J' - IN ,f:i ) VVYXS X V IF u UERB kn H tt TTTTU U REE UR RN V It T V US BE i fiRRRRRH fl . T U UPLP f u ua KIT HH 11 ' V V JJ & 4JV, H i f I AT fvnfA;! . H.1S E. G. ROGERS' WABEROOMS, H-4-A3UEf- ,;-W'lii.3iai3HAart' -j- Nsxr TO PosToinc. le mf My Stock Line of viAlfHaTAHHW n '4t I. lit f-4iisJ' f ARD I ii ' OVFIC FUKNITURX; uat-wl f, y Alt Goods Packed Free of Charge? - -utUmtrellas will hats, &c. We hare reeelred another lot of handsome Silk Handkerchief In tfght'biuls tabWfcalTiibane. Also a large line of Ladies' and Gents' TRUCKS In all qualities. Those hi heetf of uch ari article will de wen to call on us before purchasing. Do not fail to see our large stock of H"' Fancy Dress Goods. V r LADIES' HATS & BONNETS, ' ... . .. i Both trimmed and un trimmed, at greatly reduced t Summer Cassimeres l ? i ; ; ; AND WHITE" ' H Ml LINEN DUCK. Special attention? given to orders. T.,L. SEIGLE & CO., , - , if Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. June 1. ; S?RING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO. We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In lien's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's OOO L O O L oo tTtt n h n nn n OO T H H II NN N O O T HHH n N N N OOO o a o o GO ooa O L 0 O L O T H H II N NN OOO LLLti OQ-. T, H. B II K, jXH m We invite public inspection, and we are at an times ready to give quotation of prices. Every garment which Is sold at our house Is warranted to be as represented, and in price less than can be bought elsewhere, we continue :o seu BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaner than anv other house, as we did the season, and they have gained the reputation of be lngthe best in the marked We present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the bpst makes In the country., . There can also be found m our stock a complete line of fine Felt, SUA and Straw Hats, and any. kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cneapest BARGAINS Can be had at W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, . : x i.ComerTride-and. Tryon StR.,. April 10. Charlotte; N. C. CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL H0U8T?! ALDWELL HOUSE. CALDWELL HOUS-C, Corner Tryon and Sixth StreeU. ! Cora me to, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C : - V-i.ir. '; i. QALDWELL.. .Proprietor. and omfortsofr a flrav-ciass Lri ij... i .r. ; .i s.. . -, 'efsons vuiong ine city win una It a pleasant home. , Pennanent boarders wantea Can be furnished with rooms. BATES Bej 'aitliU $1.25; per Bgular-4able, JIS OO; board and week, saoflu l and room per montn, 91s.ua mm 1;. -f..--.Q I, Vy. -L ffv we nave ua . raBw wwnww."? lew JH(& W ABIfWNil l,i Shawl rap,j Hat do3Ladlei aad Gent Fine Shoes and BooUBpeclal attention has beei glvenln wufteto ailonjrfe(,Bupply. thej(wanto of jmrirfnattaiE, vtettto siuBirwoiujn Trunta, Valises, Satehels, Newports, Sandala Sllppew and LadleBoota; also Children's anJr rrWrJtJBontfahdSn j A petty luw wi "" r -; l May 'rftdi- rtitlBlM CO niuw"i TO WW, -- . r Dr. Charles Brown, from London, England, Is itt -.in mim nil rima Tinnions. ChllblainsL ingrowtogaandre Nans he guarantees to give prmMit'TeiiefMo from three to live minutes, without the use of ior tromwW.4,2?yooi- i Addnitugajr yt'f-" 1 1 -mr -m. "T -M ' ' uTTT 4 TT TTT Tk.T C i .EGGSi'i .MAGNOLIA HAMS., j May 28, For the Observer A SIMIIe. BY OLAKD. As the sunshine and the showers. Now the snow and ice are gone; ,.. Ne'er fail to wake to life the flowers. And ine grass upon ine lawn; ijv n is uij ixiux9 ucauiij - .... , r f i. .1 1 V. .- WW llllf IUQ JJQWl M1U 1UOM9 U UWTC-T Yes, with toy to every duty ; . : 'Neath gracious smiles, my love. . , ... , Thus, too, at mom each daily blossom ' , - Hails urora's rising light, And opens wider its soft bosom To the golden sunbeams bright;. . Even delighted thus to cherish ; r In their hearts his beams so elear ; ; Never to let one go or perish Ne'er while aught to them Is dear. . ., So it Is. my dearest loved one, Here your smiles like the sunshine. Warm up all hearts and give them tone : I And will 'till the end of time. Thus I've mused and of ten answered, , When alone I dream of thee; . And thy virtues yet remembered 1 ' v; Are like you all dear to me. 1 7 TOHTATlflMUr, Reform Is neoessaiT. ' There must be more I lemons and less water in this season's picnic lemonade. PAibi. Chronide-fferald. , An inn-keener observeda postfllion with only one spur anAiiwjalred the jeasonu "Why, what I KuM-be thAnseoi tneotnerr if one ' eMe of .the hone stand BtllL'V.; i . .. ;(.; James to M twan. sa t brTthe EagiSx curna too mSch V,. i BfeLouW oneliuhdredta seasou asastmuiier resort is about to open. Her proud position as the champion sunstroke region of the United States will he fully malntalned.-CWco itaa- The Boston Cowtet says: , A sexton )X. one of rwwcTsftmSoung'iadi'hTO bonnet it was the last rose of some her. A New Jersey farmer who visited Philadelphia 1th a cucumber In each pocket was arrested by the police for carrying concealed deadly weapons, I ior carrying concealed ueacuy weapons, om-Adv. I man went into a restaurant ther other remarking, that "Time is money," he t, as he hada. half-hour to spare, if the xi . j.. jj. i a young day, and, aooequiaTias nenaa anau-nourw spare, u uie propjaetor was wunng, ne a taKeuomiapie, . . M i t k ; ; v ; -;" A young artist has painted the picture of a dog under a tree, and Uje work Is so artistically done thatubne but the best connoisseurs can ten the bark of the tree from that of the dog. jv. r. Com. Adv. .... . ' ft Wettoinlhate Hayes for President and TBdea l for Vice-President on the Republican ticket, and J Tildes PuealdeBt and HayesVlee-Presldenton the 1; Democratic? ticket. We aini to please. w aty j DemeK. - - - , i dtiSem&i'&rf sferidlieven teet iwc teches in. ills stockings Xae, sAioany 4 Journal says he's what might be called a long The man, who could not find wows enough: to 4 express hligrautude wUl be pleased to hear that I the mew edition of Webster's Dictionary, lust pub-1 usnea, contains nve uiousana new woras. jv. jr. i Com. Adv. : I Hew York tribune: He fished most ueteevertng- ly all day, used up his bait, and did .not eateh & I a. , as he wended his -pensive way nomewara a t neighbor accosted Urn with What laekr'Well' i said he, with deUberaUon, "not particularly good; 4 and still it wasn't so darned bad. I didn't catch I any fish, but I made out to drown a good many worms. Two belles of Toddtown. Iowa.' went to a ban 1 with a loint beau: but he was not toLhartlal ta his :mm, Me other.can t the majority to a njajbritv othe ma attenabns, and the fair' ones went out to light 1 iorni to, afigenerate, into meir respect "During the bah- pulling which ensued," Bays a ive absolute forms ;; and in all absolute wlrernoeTm7po KtorUccr Their clothing would now make a good variegated pattern for a rag carpet" How foolishly asks that charming old poem In thevery first stanza: Where, where will be the birds that sing A hundred years to come? Most of them will be dead, but the few hens that survive that time will be most awfully tough. FROM WASHINGTON. Proposed Coalition of Ohio Democrats and Qreenbackers Senators and Their Official Gifts Silver Bill ., Prospects. . LSpecial Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Washington, May 30. Senator Mc Donald, of Indiana, states that he is in eis in Ohio uniting. He considers that thommi in Yihin this vpar will h fought on the? issues which have been before Congress, State control of elec- tions without military interference, and a bi-metalic basis for the paper curren- w f tho .nntiti1 TliA - Warnflr silver bill he pronounces the embodiment of the views' Of the Democratic party on diets that it will be made a party meas- ure in that party. If the Ohio Demc- crats and Greenbackers, combine on the above issues, he predicts they will sweeD the State. Several of the Green- back members, of the JEIouse, including North Carolina: Ford, of Missouri, aud others, do not concur with Senator Me - Donald in the nope tnat toe two parties will coalesce. These gentlemen express themselves very decidedly against any crats. They say that the National Greenback party is strong enough to stand alone, and should make uneauiVr bcal platforms andiequiyocal straight is the surest road to success,.and they nrintanri that mvriada of voters from . ReIiHMSI:5fWr ciancrpany win hockio tneiriWanuaro. ' ' PARTISAN CRITICISM. Since the advent of the Demoerafe to jaowefcin the Senate. some harsa critb-' i$m Has been Vented- dn certain "Serfar : tors i f ox the dbestowai or positions in tHeir gift upon sons ohotheu neap ielak fi,,so T Tnlnrht-. Vi smvnnKpfl from thA virtuous iudSitauoV experienced thatar fiUnfy this was a new oractice inaugurateu uj the Democj-ais, ucnj s.j not tne case, Durine the whole period of Republican supremacy in the Senate there was neY- er aiUme,,wneii .aenwoj..uaut.ituw did not have sons employed under thijf. Vinrl v ... :i ffi i.e. 1 W1W4' ntf f 3 ' " -a Sfaficnda of tha Warner gilver-feiU J-rjmWta " -WV agreed to report the bill fttelB4Iie taiieuiub lujjub to iomH impmr at i i 5 vw v x faem .iiiJtwmwwiuw.i - . T i ,f.;,i LI.,, ! TjbSoMJuu3.A9enn dispatch aeiMuiissai totW mined td sltirfTBthcr&kishlflak.llt I . . i l inntvnnfinnl tn thnt iris iuuimmikpm wdwvMr, i'rry f elfeet liavfe1 already been- PashaCa ItJaaiso lintended ito;lay tb$ casetnewre. duct" It - fi TXTrslzf, rlfliei!mfeefel4JfAs Jagtta'tldtoJiaa fitenceif fif f arofef W nftf l ve wmt.k the denial-on Umtatioa 0fllHJ?,fc 3 wiUcure TOuTf eke-oj - ciiaege. Thu great -; . " - . j , . . v y-yienf Jrf gt, S".0 ' ' - ' f I' SouthArnerica, Send a seU-alres e velope 'fc , i A. . jr.-j-;'ir) in which a purgative is employed, Price 25c Jan26-.; - ; .- C ' . ! Manual of Calhoun's DiquiUtk)B en Gerermneott Oil -t V IIi " j - GdvertitnmUt if Numeriaal Majority Forw tte Conservative Principle. j h Not Is ihe gorniinerit of the faumei- icoi majority an exeepironxo1 tae pnn xApteot fe$a"rtltit(e thftttae minor or subject- rportidar ttl th'cdininHnity have the jrigW tp jppe. (majpjr orj and mav.Af they .caa.ffet tho maioritvi ana place. But this merely, chancres the seat f ; towei? wftbm remedyinff of abuse: with the tendency 't6 'abuse from thetsholders,'of ithe 'old liire shotddersbf thefiew inajoritT? Soitoeri - A A 1 J . 1 i or ; ajr (me . cowutcc uween xne cwoi parties ijaust pass ffqi .appeal 1! the ballot-box to., the appeal poforcJ The Conflict between: the, two' parties settles dp wn into a struKglfor iAehon-: ora and ATrirtTirmentsAf Frv iTovAmmnt i i j i.. AiiK j. ji. ii.. i.'Ti -'VTi'W'Sri piauiug ui. power uiw iub uapus pi aj S35? W? puruuni;;m nmsoruj." iiraice 'tnwei vail, and in the end there -will be an ar' peal to arms, thus bringing thecommu- mty to revoluUpn. ; ,x ,',5 . ; ; . A wj laia weTiwue iranBiion, may De.aaaea, jenat wxu. pe, accproing to circumstances more oriless rapidi Th trariaitiAh. f fnm hallafchoir lo.b'mlef! and bavoiiet . will he more or less swift accoraing t ine - temper oitne pppma- won, their number, wealtn ana other "SShS f if ?f Z&SS&S&t said transition. Hence it appears; that the tendency ! of all' popular -g0verh- xne lenaeney 1 oi ail popular -govern- ments is to that of absolute baonarchy. Fori when the two parties into which the community is dividedresorttbforee, toVi nnrTtniAa tha annakv iiip.iir.u ia i ii mi, ii .ii!(niiirn iramRninv: AmanH tha- niiitV ...V; " li jy nave control of the government tti lf pnm TuA qam naiuiA. thnm vt th 8eL : x9 W? same cause, tnerfl IS tne same tendency for aristocratic cgovern- ments to terminate, in absolute goyem- munfa n-f ffia m-n q mVii ral lia.irQfAT Thft tfindftno.v. howp.vfir. ia notao atrnnci' Qt; i ,,1; rtU,mf.nta ttrhon x s wv v . -v, -v governments are unaer the influence of f ne numerical Diinciole. thev stand. however otherwise it may appear, on the edge of absolute monarchy. "' Prom the - ffovrfimen; of th nnnlerieaV trva- there is ati easv ster--ieachimtaininir JSrSn. SkSSr! W Onepower principle, aija tire'ior- uiw uuiuuuyinf ' sum jjiinvipur 111 us worst form. Of r11 ffovrrimehtsi mob- ocracvov uhrestrained amocracryis the worst, as witness, the horrors of the -.t, ik whan tK hona nf '-vr" .wv society were OlSSOlyedaJadiXeugiPB was dethroned. ! . - - ... t nin ,,t The, broad erround mav. indeed, be ta- .n, n mrr t;vyw smtwu v f' f icai iorm. ; - But '-especially str6ne:iand stronger than in either of the' oaierSi is the ten dency for constitutional crovemments of the democratic form to run into their respective absolute forms. The chief reason is that th'e alstmctrbn between the constitutional and Absolute forms of aristocratical and. monarchical' eovi- ernments is far more swonsfly denned than in defmocratic gbveniments-all of which thfr : effect is ' to make the-difE er ent orders or classes ihstn aristocracy, or monarchy far more watchful of en croachments on- their respectit tights, ana more resolute ana persasrenirr irej sistinff attempts to concentrate' power in any one class or order. On? tire con trary, the line between the -constitutional and the absolute form in democ racies is so imperfectly understood and loosely drawn that the L friend4 of ttie i co.nstwuUonat.form, from. a . mistaken sense of -thej dutycomSnr biam a mis- apprehension of tlwunfluences of poll b- ?cal measures, are found unconsciously increasing the tendency to the absolute form thus DlayiujEj into the hands of their antagonists-and subserving the .yery,nl that. they would desire to, de- i ?H6nce; the strong tendency toaWo- JPtfe toentlj(,tQ,fQi:c!a4fche cpneryiii:ermcipl in Jgevernineiitaf the? luraetteal t.f Oiftnh prpmsition ?h it, thfteW1n,mite to esUWish andmakeplain.it J.AM- 1 :.. iif ' ic!v ! v n . ay ,iJ VWh-m. Eegd.ujs IU. I uv&mpmto&&T flO-rCAt 'p tt& KigncQ m J WJ,,) r Jiliha nada emm flcrainatim ttnsmnnv ting we will take1 an! appeal ta the'Su- 1 week, if not directed to the "contrary, . .. J W T.n.w. I n SSwtch Gbr; Jaryis sent the ttArr,, - ' - J JL.Jl.XVJ TTAJUj WXXWtl AiiEiGH, May 30. 'aTU8t-th;easeto: extremities. Say io the.t:eTe nothinff undone. sen me;ofmew-b'-Aiio. m t Aw yjs. . f-;f.:ourQa8e- wiU.De.conciuaeaaxo- tomor- row.' Can t say wnat tne resuic win De. J. W. JjEE. iBaleigh Observer, 1st Yery many in.QUiries were made yes terday is tohe.: Aatst;4ie ws fjtom Forf I Ma 'hnfcan'wniimnmfiumilUCv,KaTitjn , hi itbftrternpoa the.follpwing.spatch V Q0Vt Jarvis ; - ! - li Ji : isifiTh cafee is' being tiiedJtor before 1! and Hartridge' appear r The - "points .-roioa hv thaother side were .that there i , was Ai-ffaW. in';ithei; .loaifitmenf , anWIQ I hHrrad nvitnftvRtatute o&iintH tations. Argurrien6;ls ' pending -6nr 6ur 1 t5tH.rtM'a tntwe nfih gnerffrs retiirrt: 'I'Ar pwia WiU W .ta 9) felKiijrs-'ii it:-eTis3? : Our case is postponed until Mpndaj The ludse rArcMbaldl is very sick, i I t- . .. J W. l.TT?.. I J, W.Lee. caae -;will certainly ae jjarriedi1 meet4 liJastwus Kf It9 'xwtv ?-ti - x0 Bn who are suffering fr6in Uie errors and in 'sawineposniuon p win result a transition 01 power'ijorni ; le'eariaTt'of 'ererf eeasari there Is s natural kat managrq aiithoniy.irithe' fjiahVwapW irorld tXir jmanon given hetow is jGbsvjBial changes liaietekeB -iff land in Spring Garments is our new ;.,; i tillOtJ 1 Jtiiany iijtoiiers amdng'OseywhO prefer bw laacutlfcimloti vuc sx puKuuua uuuiwa; frucfc, wiui ue oc wv of Spring textures. : ! In shape; and i' wtainS !Rs hold lp popular favor. Its. j'etigth is a little longer than last season, and It is one of the most useful among the gar- rioagini8Bvra - . 1 i pur Pit4 stilck1 W cbmplete'wlth every novelty in fabrics! and the shapes are perfect tn our Hat department we invite the inspection of the nost eul- fivated' tastes,, and In fjnxclts'aa Stam Goods we-are eontldent of tmlversal approval. 1 -- ' ' . . Our Neck Wear ajormeBt almost unlimited In devices of shades and styles, but boasts particularly upon the very recent Introduction of the Untver- slty ScarJL'rtWaMandrveryelegHHt.. i? i H .ji. :. . .' ,. :,: . - . rfeWhW Vestawetmeia:stB progress' in-this season's selecUons., Our efforts have been to plaee apoa our cuntertywUabieane?stan&ardg ai ,u ':' We'-&hU) the attention of all, both faf and hear, and their advantages will be the same, for we will send goods to any section on approval, with privilege of inspection .before payment of bill ' ' ' '. . , . , ,,, , ., , i. ..i Yery respectfully, ...! f:-. !.-; . April 27,1879.' ; ; - R D. LATt A & BRO., The People's Clotheiw. ! i f f mm We have PLAIN AND LACE EFFECTS, tAlso, an excellent lot of BLACK GRENADINES, from 20c to $1.25; and a general line of new and desirable Dress .Goods at the most reasonable prices. A Special lot of BLACK nor'f; NEW THINGS IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES. An early inspection of the above will be to your plete in the market, at our well-known and popular Our 87.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.50. Our $12X0 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English Casslmere Back and Frock, Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prices. ' ' TJnlaundrled shirts for 50 eents. The very best made In the United States for $1 .00 Linen Collars $2.09 per dozen, and all goods in proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of lew prices. Respectfully, June 1, 1879. L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Pine Clothiers and Tailors. Tia Steamers to Portsmouth; Va., and thence all Rail and Through Cars Enabling Quick 4.V " ' " est possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. jKO DRXAXjE,1, 0 , COMMISSION, NO HANI) LING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. ..... Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-line. Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading issued at Steamship Wharves or oftl ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff, Schedules, 4e., apply to either of the undersigned. ( . . i: u;,! , . K ; , ...;,., ; ' ' :-t :- " K'S, EDCH, Sbuth Westeiru. Agent,---f .Ya ; ,, . . - " T. T. SMITH, Acent C. C. Railway, , Charlotte, N. Q. ; April 80 d5m. " ' . ;F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, ) ; ,1' Ml ill TRYON STREET, IN INSURANCE t-H ..5 5 -Ba.;-- piAN 0Q iTfLia-is's?!; T3. . 9. is P. . na 3 fc&fi S"r etaWi fli??.ii2W etHri -j'-'f i UINLVId C3 s&nie K: - . ,-. p., . irr., - , - ' A CJOll- 82nilal3 I li.I-. I" o--" A'ir".';V;'a t--j":iin-:i'nvV iJ-jtJ.P'-..tft-ji:rv i;oU;u:..i ti jet M t-ft1--? font -''t?-?.. s i S - TR YONi &TBEET, IN INStJRANCE BUILDING. , v desire to know what are the newest, latest and. most relations to, and dealings with the ruhllc, and the authentic, reliable and correct. menUrawm be made. The latest de- J..n,' : liit'Ji . 'to '.ff i.i'i-i - .WEST END SACK. spes'dnddeas instead of adhering to the ol tune-worn .-. :,:. uuhuus, uvucw inae loiiKwr. giving u, aiuwu ana PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, ;; 1 1 o this day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings in CASHMERES AND ALPACCAS. -o- -'iL -o- -o- Interest Gentlemen, you will find our stock of SPRING AND SUMMLR CLOTHING the most com low prices. I ' ' FM PORTERS ' df ' , : . :.iu '; ,'i. -i-'.ii i : ; ' ! JItTSICAL Merchandise, . -i.i j VIOLINS,1- . f-I ff .... r - -v .. ACC011DEON.S, iJ 1 V i-..ii if .511 MM"., , -4.; irtft j.. .... i : . . ., f 1 x ''pleQBr ; : OS ! Aft-1 Mix r la kit oil I fashionable styles, and also who- art recognized1 general standing of oar house; win auure &n in- hi- i .Ao. , ' .- styles of the past-ery styUsh'in appear.- ' '"'' ! - ' - gracerui appearance, are maue up m every variety ........ WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. . . J.M-l .;:lr.. ' . .. . fiUILDINaj hi. i :Ui lu t- .i.'gr.HiliJin'lo ORGANS ! -rH-g . ... ., f . .-.,. a,, kH t PS. , iii.ii. r TO r v il rl I "i r-i i ,fii irv ii i 'I s 1 i "J (' u Hit; 1. if i. ' i 1 1. f-;. -1 4v, '! lit 4r Iff' vi .in i 4

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