CM !)C i Ijdrlop (Dbccrocr. a) WEDNEoDAlVJUXE 4, 187J'. a The foHoihWIWp ir trains to and front Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washlngtoatlineit t : lI. Biouxunin Arrives from Biehmpnd sad ftoldsbaro.iie 4uY&a. Leaves lor- s Jiwsi 'i Arrives front Richmond,;. ............ 1 1.12 a. m. Leaves for -K.wko,r.6.40rm. '' ATLANTA -'(t4-Of Arrives from Atlanta,., i?.. . . . . . k . ,' ' 8 40 a. m Leaves for Atlanta Vi.iiVtiiti. .-12 40 a. m- Arrives from Atlanta, tt.40p.nv Leaves for Atlanta,. i.iis. ml. j .;... 4.' 11.12 a. ni- CHABLOTW, OOLpipiA A, AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta, 8.50 p. m. Leaves for Augusta, .... ...... ... . visjf- 13.45 a.'m. rrlves from Cjlambta (aorelght). la.lO p. m. Leave lor Clainb1w--yafci6 Pi m. Arrives from WltaUngten,.ni.i. ,, 8.20 a. jn. Leaves for; Wilmington, , 8-25 Pv in. Arrives from Shelby 5.05 p. m. Leaves for Shelby 8.40 a. m. ATLANTIC, TKKNKSSKE OHIO. : :i Arrives from Statesvaie,..,,...,..,... 8.00 p.m. Leaves for StatesvUieU- 4 '- A4. . X .i 8.00 a. m 5 CUARLUtTK P08T 0FFICK. OFFICS HOUB8. opxks. ;. CLoexa., Money Order Department, . . 0.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Registry Department........ 9.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. Gen'l Dellv'y Stamp Dept. . 8. 00 a. m. tt.OO p. m. i i "v f r 1 1 V8.80-a m: ,45p. rju ta- On Sunday t the General Delivery anddtatap Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 anxam. an cxodrso of mails. OFBM& CIX18K8. Danville 4 Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a. hi. 9.00 p.m. " " 11.15 a. liu B.00p.m. Charlotte ft Atlanta R. R., . 8.00 a. at. 9,00 p. m. " Sc Aug5tnR. R.,. 8.80 p.m. 10.00 a.m. Wilm'n A Charlotte R. R.,. 8.30 p.m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte 4 Shelby R.R.,.. 5.80 p.m. fi.00a.rn. 4StatesvUle,.... 5.80p.m. Beattie's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5 oo p. nw, and Tuesdays at 8.00 a.m. , a--' (W Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 n m., aniFrtdays at 7.00 a. m. P f V ; W. W. JXNKTKS, P. M. McSmlth Music House, Charlotte, N. C. ; -S T. C. Smith Drugs, Ac Rowell 4 CoKew Advertisement INDICATIONS. f War Department, y ) Okftck Chief Signal Officer, Wasttington, June 3,' I 30. p. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, slight changes in pressure, variable winds, cooler, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, and lightiocal rain. . Local Itepert ler Yeeterday. 17 A.M. 12 P.M. 9 PTm Barometer,;.. Thermometer Relative Humidity,, lnd-DireeUon.... " Veloqity..... Weather 29.91d 29.913 .74 7S 4 " 29.926 77 89 &f,'f 6 Cloudy t5 Cloudy. LtBaln Highest temperaturs 76 deg.; lowest 4. r'-,. , WXATHKS BXFOWr, jumt 3, 4:201. M-: Htatioaa. VeL Weatuer. Atlanta,.... Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corsleana,. Galveston,. 18 Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clear. Cloudy. Cloudy. Clear. Fair. Fair. Fair. . , Fair. Clear. Cloudy. Fair. Clear. 6 11 6 7 14 2 12 11 Indianola. Jackson'lle, Key west,.. Mobile,. ... Montgom'y, N. Orleans, 14 12 12 11 9 Punta Rasa Savannah. 8t Marks. Havana. . . 6 4 Utitex tw Ifowr AarerthieaientM J. R. Baterree Vegetables. aOlTTE PEKCIIillfOS. , i '4 "Logtowri" had a mad-dog fright yes terday, sso one was bitten. Round trip tickets from Charlotte to . . ! .. . .. ; Ti i ' ipavpiann nrainra una ? Beaou iu sell for $3 good for the season. The funeral of Mrs. Phifer yesterday was 1 arirel v attended. Eev. E. H. Harri- ing conducted the services, which were very impressive. " rhanel Hill commencement is in urncrrpsa this week. Charlotte has about a half dozen representatives there. The "Toodles" has been revolution ized and greatly improved. It will be sent in a few days to Glen Alpine Springs to do service there during the Hummer. . r ThiWis the season of the year when the panting and perspiring young man shooteth up his right arm in the midst ot tne neia ana. cneui juuuu, tfuug mentr . Capt J. B. Erwin, clerk of the Super ior Court and probate judge, has re ceived his codv of tbe acta of the Gen eral Assembly of This is the only copy as yet received in this city. ThA innior dance club's picnic at Bellemont Park next Saturday, is alto gether a nrivate affair. I hose who iiave received invitations will meet at Mai. Dowd's and; the whole party will go out together. ' The board of commissioners of New TT:inovpr fnnntv have' acraiii disallowed the plaim of ft 22.1 2. Dresented by the board of commissioners of Mecklen burg, for medical and other expenses incurred in the care of Frank Johnston, a colored Dauoer. a citizen of jNew Hanover. Arm Broken. v Tn st.fnnmofTOm4ier-earriage-tothe sirtflwaik . onnosite. her. residence. Mrs. W. W. WftTTirriinfir' lost her footing and fell. Her husband, who was near by, assisted her to tile house when it was diu-.nvrM frii tha first time that her arm hart heen broken. The fracture is fortunatelv not a serious one. She sus tained no other injury from the fall. Final Concert. Th final prmperf, nf the Charlotte In-" stitute for Young . Ladies, session of iS7s-'7Q. nc-nrsnn the evening of June loth. The concert will be under the conductorship of Prof. Aloys Bidez, L.L.D . in charge of the musical depart m Ant. nf tha The Droeramme mhrAAPa eiorhteen nieces, all new, and gives a Dleasine ! .variety. .: It will com mence promptly, at 80 p. m. .': i Tbe Weather During- Way. Dr. D. CDonoghue, officer in charge of the signal station in this city, fur nishes the .following ? meteorological la.r fnr t.hft month at Mav: Highest barometer,- 30.406; 1 lowest barometer 520.716 3 . monthly range of ho mm of aw flOTl . Vlirrhoaf fDI nAratUrB. "UlUlUCKtl tWM m "V" W 90. on the 28th: lowest temperatare, 45, on the 3d; monthly range of tempera ture. 45; orreateat dailv ranee of tem perature, 26, on, the 25th; least dairy range of temperature, on the 1st ; to tal rainfall. s.fl7 inches:' number of clear davs. 8 number of fair days, 9 f cloudy davs" on "which rain fell, 12; cloudy days on which no ram f elL 1 : liip.h rain f fell. 16 : total total movement of wind," 4,102 miles ; ymai? mium velocity of wind und .direction, South wflat 10 rnilia. at 11.40 am.On the 4th ; prevailing wind during the month, Northenafc. v , ThA nhenomena of the month consisted of solar halos on the 12th and 13th, and frost on the 3d' If your liver la tornid.' If your appetite te poor; If you want rout stomach thoroughly cleansed, u yoa cannot sleep, if you want a good digestion, use Vt. ouirs ttainmore fuis. rnce oniy zo cuu. Barom Th. i Wind. 29.96 70 Tf.W. 29.84 80 aw. 29.99 83 aw, 29.84) 75 S. 80.15 81 N. E. 30.15 75 N. W. 30.18 78 N. K. 29.95 85 a E. 29.96 81 E. 30.05 77 N. 80.05 78 N. 30.07 75 N. K. 29.96 81 W. 29.99 83 aw. 29.98 89 a 29.95 86 US. Our attention has been drawn j i io kii buaii tt uci wuu cure lor io luiuiu. ixi a Lei maae oi iiie blossoms 6f red clover. It is said that at the seasons when tbe.cloveris not in bloom, the dried flower will answer as well as the green, rand that the tea of the worst case o? cancer. Names are civen of persons who claim to have been cured by this means, ancLseveraJ physicians testify to the entire efffcacjr of the remedy. While declining to vouch for this recipe wer-tve it for what it is worth, since it will, at least, do nobody any harm. .. ., r. Charged with lAterfcrlaff witk a. De- United States Deputy Marshal Fen ton, of Wadesboro, brought to the cily yesterday H. W. Simpson, a justice of 'fi Peace, on a warrant charging Simp sdii vith illegally detaining and inter fering with the marshal in the discharge of his official duties. This was on the occasion of Fenton's visit to Beaver Dam, when h went to search the house of G. W. Walden, who had previously been arj-ested in Wpdesborq, charged with counterfeiting. It was1 lie who issued the warrant under which Fenton was arrested, a full account of which has already, been published., Simpson was taken before United States Hnmrmsu sioner, Waring, who finding that there was riot sufficient cause for the arrest, ordered him to erive bail for his appearance at the next term of the court in the sum of $200. Tha borM was given with Demitv 'Marshal TV.n- ton as one of the suretiesV i Fenton s conduct towards Mrs. den, out of which all these difficulties sprurig;'does not seem tohaebeen such as to justify the. rudtf treatment to .which he was subjected, so far at least as fw6 1. hay 6 . been able t6. learn. Mrs. Waldea suffered no ill effects ? from the fright she . is alleged to have received, and, is now perfecily.weJl. ' ' h IVewro Wamia't I B Kn ni H.n i tyA n Inqnevt. " 'Coroner Alexander. witriaiurvr!om posed of six while .and six colored men, A. X T i ' weiib to x-inewooa cemetery yesterday and .disinterred the body of a colored miant which was buried there a week ago. rs'lhis procedure was based upon inrormatlon that' led the coroner to be lieve; . that the j mother of the Jchild. Sarah' Whttigra miilatf 6' wltinfAri had been guilty of a crime in bringing abotit jlo ucmu. ir. iraixon, wno examinea me umius ooay, iouna it in such a state of, decomposition that he was un able to say whether it was born dead or alive. Witnesses testified that the wo man had given birth to the child in an outhouse on the premises j where rghe lived, and that it bad lived for over twelve hours, but bled at the mouth and nose. The conduct of tbe mother Was shown to have been untiatnrJil airrd lnmiman,but the jury could not ttnd suf- cieni prooi tnat she had ; actually com- imnea any violence unon its person. and rendered a verdict of "death by A 1 i n premature uirtn. A Word of Caution About Ice Cream. It not unf requently happens that per sons are made very sick, and occasion ally this sickness has resulted fatally, from eating ice cream, when the cause of it cannot be accounted for. A phy' sician suggests the cause, which implies the remedy, in the following: "Ice cream is generally made in galvanized iron ireezers, sheet-iron coated with zinc. Zinc is a valuable metal in the arts, but should never be used for cu linary vessels, as it is soluble in the weakest acids. Zinc and its acids are even dissolved to a certain extent by water containing salt, and any of the compounds of zinc are poisonous, and especially in sulphate of zinc which we have in ice cream allowed to stand eight or ten hours in the galvanized iron freezer alter the freezing, if the cream is not served soon after freezing, it should be removed trom this freezer to an earthen vessel packed in ice. It is not that bad eggs and other impurities are put in the custard, but being kept over in the galvanized iron freezer that produces the poison Eggs are one ot the special ingre dients in this custard, and eggs contain more sulphur than any other article of diet we use. It is the sulphur in the egg that discolors a silver spoon, and in the ice cream it is tne suipnur in tne ess, coming in continued contact with the zinc, that produces the poisonous compound. Sulphate of zinc, which is known to produce excessive vomiting and purging, accompanied with anxiety, distressing . restlessness .and. . extreme prostration, and, hut for .the expulsion of the poison by excessive vomiting, it would prove fatal in all cases ot over dosing. Then, if the saloon-keepers will only remove the ice' cream from the freezer after it 4 made, and not allow it to stand in, the galvanized iron vessel, we will nave ho more sickness from ice cream poisoning," . Biddle t7nverlT ' This is commencement day at Biddle University, situated sear this city. The orations of the under-graduates and the addresses by the invited orators will occupy the morning, and in' the af ternoon the graduates : will speak and the president ' of the university award the diplomas. The graduates, four, in number, are Normaa W, Harlee, Rock ingham, N. C.; Adam Frayer, Charles- t-nn m O. J fV Kimnmna Sinmfpp' S n Wm. A. Alexander, Cabarrus county, xr n We have before uSia cony of the cata logue of this institutions for 1878-79. It shows that there have been in attend ance unon the exercises of the college duriiig the year now just ending, a to- tai in au oeparimeni ot ioa, uiviueu as follows: Theological department, . 8 : Classical derjartmeftt.40r English de- partmeatOtflWntler the sub-Caption, "annual statement," is to be found tbe following interesting paragraph: "Of the students whose names are, found in tii0atlbgue;ninety-nine are professing Christian twehty-eightf are studying for the ministry, and seven teen are catechists : severity htave taught primary schools during some portion of the yeanvmaking an aggregate or more than .one hundred and eighty-three months teaching, in these scnoois there were taught more than three thousand nine hundred children ; and in Sabbath schools, under the- superinten dence of the same teachers, over twen ty-four hundred. The earnings bji tearthlnff. over four thousand fou .hundred dollars.. ... , .. - .The following also, is an extracn rrom t.h catalogue: , - "... . . .... . X .1 J.. The institutions consecrajga ra iue adrv iof iCodq and the ; weitare, ipt a needy race. It stands as the only, rep- . . . . -mm 1 i 1 CI A-"l ! -B resentativeol its Kina m-ine owwi, ui mir Presbvterian Church -and it cer- tainlv faone of tAe'-mOfitf- important agencies in the nanus or tne uniu uu iur the accomplishment of good among the four and half nauuonsoJ4 ireeamen m south. It commend itself to? tne and oifts of all firood men.' - a k is well kno wri that the first and most eonstauv. oonor- wwiuus wio riwuuBi itii wim m lit -the university has been w;,inw f Maior Henry J. lildale. in honor of a whom tne k university- re- ceives its name..,,, ;. . ,., : ' BarUg.ilsteVte Mj 8terjr.?4 '"i'ttmmlhflria have an OreanVlf wehaveto: n'M nn hiuol mill water " "AH rififht. hOneT. TOU scratch around ana get we Dreau uuu mwi, aHi ZTriUM Mt to the McSmlth Musio House, and get tne urg&n ai ow x1s.ULS mont A man isno marj who won't give Dollabs a montn ior a iew wwiu w iww u mHn and make his home happy.' 'Save theBweet- I est Was forme," - x ' ' Jd-t The regular annual public drill of the cadets of ihe , Carolina JlUitary Jbsti' tute vaicb Sslio'.soijijB fcense (a)rjart of the closing exercises of the term, will take place this afternoon at 6 o'clock in front of the Central JIoteL Capt. Wm. Cain will be in command of the cadets, and the drill will be had in J17 of haleefte cadets and pass upon their pro ficiency. These cadets are : remarkably well drilled and their movements ; this afternoon will doubtless be observed by a large number of persons. ( The Law, The county commissioners were en gaged yesterday throughout the whole day, in getting ready the machinery of the newrlaw in, regard to the mainte nance)f Jthbuf)! 4 oadi Vjiichi goes into effect on the 1st of July. All the roads have to be re-divided into sec tions, and the commissioners are work ing on this. The supervisors of the sections will probably be appointed to day anv .suggestions or recommenda- Iwm fMM idtihfad, therefore, better be presented this morning. Commencement at the C. M. I. The annual commencement of the Carolina Military Institute occurs on the ISth of June The exercises of the day, commencjng at 1,0 a. m will consist ni orations and essaysbv the graduates. the conferring of - the diplomacy the superintendent, and the annual address Del ore the corps of cadets bv lie v. Elli son Capers, of Greenville, S. C. On the rorihei.mcioiciaheaSBrttfiu mation by members of the 4th class, orations and essays by members of the 3rd and 2nd classes. The annual ser mon will be preached next Sttndav. the tn, at 8 p. m., by Kev. Wm. K. Atkin- son, principal of the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies. These exercises The Contest About a Drummer' Li cense. TjfiS issue between Messrs . Ei Jatta & BixCof this' city, andc'the mayor of Davidson College, in reference to the right Of the town authorities to impose a municipal tax on a salesman of the firm was tried before Justice Warihir. It seems that the salesman was travel ing under a State license procured just before the new law on this subject was changed by the last Legislature, but prior to the time of the incorporation of Davidson College. The firm claimed that at jthe .time they,, procured the license it permitted ihem to sell goods anywhere in the State without addi tional tax, except in , towns where laws were then existing imposing a munici pal tax, and that .as Davidson College was not a corporation then, it had no right to demand a municipal tax now ; also that Davidson College being in the county, they were exempt on account of having paid the county tax. The may or allowed the salesman to exhibit and sell his goods at retail under protest, and subsequently attached a coat in or der to secure the tax. Justice JWaring heard the case, Gen. Johnston appear ing for Messrs. Latta & Bnx, and Capt. A. Burwell for Mayor "Williams. The magistrate decided in favor of Latta & Bro., but an appeal was taken by the mayor. An interesting fact connected with the case is that, as fortune would have it, the coat attached and held by the mayor, fits his honor like a kid glove, so that if the suit goes against him the mayor will not lack for a coat. The firm, will refuse to .take it back, , 1 1 Railroad Notes. The secretary of the North Carolina Railroad company announces that the next annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the company will be held in Char lotte the second Thursday in July. Of course the usual tree excursion to stock holders and their families (even unto the third and fourth generation), will be tendered. The complimentary excursion of the employes of the Air Line by the gener al manager, next Saturday, to Toccoa, is looked forward to with much pleasure. They are allowed to take their families their sisters, their cousins and their aunts. The three cents per mile summer ex cursion rate, agreed upon for all rail roads in Georgia, .North Carolina and South Carolina, is in operation. The tickets are good for the season. The cost of getting to the mountains is real ly very small. preparations lor putting the pos tal cars on the Kichmond & Danville and Air Line the 1st of July have be gun by the appointment of a number of route agents. J he following all from Georgia have just been appointed on the Air Line : B. F. Lennean, Geo. C. Johnson, John Burkhardt, George Rob inson and J. is. uyKeman. :xne ap pointments on the Kichmond & Dan ville have not yet been made public. The charter ot the Cheraw & Salis bury Railroad expires in December. It is asserted that the work can be com pleted to "Wadesboro in sixty days, but it has not yet been commenced. It is estimated that it will take 6160,000 to finish up the work, about $90,000 of which has been secured irom tne sale ot bonds. A meeting was to have been held at Taylorsville, Alexander county, yester day to ascertain wnat Aiexanaer wouia do about the proposed Taylorsville and Concord Railroad. It is designed that this read shall pass through Mooresville, but"what route it shall take from that noint to Concord is a Question about which there is a good aeai ot aiscus- sion. A change of schedules on the Rich mond & Danville. Air Line, and Char lotte. Columbia & Augusta Railroads went into effect Sunday. The train on the C C. & A. which arrived at 3:40 in the morning has been taken off, or rath er chaneed so as to arrive at 3 : do in tne evening, connecting directly with the; train on the Richmond & Danville road which leaves now at 3 : 55 p. m., former ly 6 :40 p.m. The Air Line evening tramps been also changed to; make the northern connection, arriving ats:oO. According to this change, no mail is re ceived in Charlotte irom tne ivu: cc a. road in the morning as heretofore, i TIMMFfflOMET REPORTS. . ... JUNE 8, 1879 n,-; PRODUCE. w iTTTM oki Oata oulet: Southern 89a40. Wes tern white 85a3B, do mixed 34aao, rennsyK vania 85a36. Hay market dull; prime rami srlvanla and Maryland l'2al3. Provisions steady) mess pone oia au ouaiu. io, uow , um iswma sHnnlriAi Han. clear rib sides 43a. Dacked Atitasva- iunn Rhoulders 43a. clear rib sides "liams 1. Lard refined tierces 7. Butter quiet: choice Western packed 13al5, rolls. conee arm: too caixoea nai. muc; uu at 1.06. Sugar steady; A soft Saa. r7ifr&iT THftHr (trim family: 5.10a 6.00. whutflrm- imi 1 iiSft ii. corn omei ai dsava. nat dnii at H'aSR. Pork firm at 10.00. Lard dull current make 5.95 bid. Bulk meats dull; should ers 8.60, short ribs -4.5086 cash 4.65, closing l.WZVz bid, seuer duiy, snon. cicor w unwu easier; shoulders 4, dear ribs 5.10, clears8We8 K. W niHKRT Hf'JJVH H.11U UL1U Ol 1U1 XJWHXiM. steady i fancy creamery 130. fl)ol( Wternro. serve 13al4, choice Central OWo 1V&11 Sugar steady; haras vatwst - wuue omnoi WSULiX i UL. MHJga OCUTO, all US t wuimvu u.uvuu.uut UZH O.OUO-OU, paCKJUg 0.00W: .uuiuuma tto; receipts 4,0 10; amvimuto uo. Niw'VoM Floinwid decided cnanset No. 2. q RnP i n minerfine Western and State 3.45a8.o5. .uvw.v' . . . nT.. ....A af.. O VI.. OOmmOQ UJ eooa eiini nwi miu aww u.iua 8.80, good to obolae do 8.5a4.fiO;8outhero flour i . .. nlM nul Jk TRnC Ala JWVA1 to ,eholce do , 5.65a6.75. Wheat ungraded win teed lvlOa.V.15, No. 2dittol.l5tSo Corn -unerade 41a44,No. 3, 40s Oats,: Ho 8, 87 Coffee moderate demand: Jto qnored la ear Dowdere gut crushed 8 Mtil if nNe0f- leans 2842. Bice In fair demand and steady; Carolina Quoted at a7, Louisiana 6fea6ft Pork new wm oa strati aOOaJttlfc. Lard prime steam spot &22tta25. ? WWskey 1.06. FreWus steady. 5 . MoBTOLX--8teady; middllnf 12c; net leeelpu 225; gross ; stock 6,247; exports coastwise 290; sales 30; exports to Great Britain . : BALTiiroH-UdWf$& 12.; good ordinary I2i; net receipts gross : sales 25: stock 1,999: exports eoastwise Bobtoh Finn : middling 13VI&; low middling 12; good ordinary 12; net receipts 1329; gross 2,803; sales ; stock 5,710; exports to Great BriUdn46?i tUtintutrmupj r.o : bi v.ia ' WrumfOTOS Quiet; ulddllnK 12tte.: low mW- -dlumie-tgosd, ordinary 11 net receipts 9; gross ; sates ; sum oa; spuuwni ; ex ports coastwise s to Great Britain ; to Con sent --; to channel T,ht!, 3Vis utn Ptt.itht.fhia Firm; middling 13&; tow nUddUng 13ctfaoduBdlnaiF 12es net receipts ; gross 438; sales 141; spinners 123; stock 10,434; export to Great Bzttaiaj o i AcevBTA Quiet; middling 12U&; low mld- ining vmrt rnfri .ordinary 12c: recelptir 1, ; shipments ; sates. 73; stock .. , CMimx8ii1t)WtX&iitfa; low mid dune 12iAc; rood ordinary 12c; net receipts 60; gross ; sales 50; stocky ,45l. exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; France -; Continent : to channel . Niw Tom Firm; sales 266; middling uplands lSVtCw middling Orleans 13ifec ; consolidated net receipts 2,044; exports'' to Great Britain 467; Continent . oiuu! .;o 3tl:Jf 1 'ne) n i tim '.': FUTURES. Nzw York. Futures closed steady, Sales 97,- 0Q0 bales. June July august September. October.. November. . December.. January 13.14a.21 13.41a.42 13.60a.61 13 .298,30 12.22a.24 11 .66a.68 . 11. 52a. 54 ll.50a.56 .,. ., "FINANCIAL. Mew Tom Money 5a6. Exchange 4.87&8. governments firm. New 5's 1.03. Four and half per cents 1.6. Four per cents 1.02. State bonds dull, : .-i .- CITY COTTON ItARXXT. 1 ' Ctficx ot tki Obsxbtxk, 1 .... .. !, - CBAKuyrrx. June 4, 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed firm, as follows: -Good -middling auacuing. Strict tow Low middling. Tfr.,,.... ............ Lope grades, ; . . . .f.. . . . v y 11 VI The anniversary meeting of the Philanthropic Society, of Davidson College, will be on Tuesday night, 10th June. The Honorary and Alumni members are cordially invited to attend. J. A. HODGES, Secretary Philanthropic Society. June 4. HEADQUARTERS FOR VEGETABLES. Trade street, opposite Court House. Keeps con stantly on hand a good supply of fresh Vegetables. Family Groceries, Butter, Egs, Chickens, Ac, a specialty. Solicits eorrespeudence from parties wishing to buy or selL Thankful for past patron age I hope to merit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, J. B. BATERREE. June4 tf - gTOP AT THE ' BOTDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C. 8. Bbowx, Proprietor, Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. 1 C 8. Brown, J&, Chief Clerk; W. D. Shelburn As sistant. dec 80 NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE U. S. MARSHAL. Greensboro, N. C, June 2d, 1879. Br order of Robert P. Dick. Judee of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, Jurors and United States witnesses summoned to attend tne June term or tne united States Court at Charlotte, are hereby notified not to attend said term, as tbe condition of the judiciary appropriation is sucn mat iney cannot oe paid. R. M. IXJUliLAS, United States Marshal. une3 3t A CHIROPODIST IN TOWN. TVw "VVi nalan Pivinm fNMn T At1An TiVlJ nA la 11 town, and will cure all Corns. Bunions. Chilblains. Inerrowlnff Nails, and sore feet renerallv. In all cases ot Corns. Bunions, Chilblains or Ingrowing Nails he guarantees to give permanent relief, In from three to five minutes, without the use of in struments, and without drawing blood. Address through rost umoe. myai iw "lOTICE. . NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD UUMrAnI, Secbbtabt and trkascxsb? orriCK,, Company Shops, N. C, May Slat, 1879 The Thirtieth Annual Meetinsr of the 8tockhold ers of the North Carolina Railroad Company will be held In Charlotte. N. C. on the second Thursday of July, 1879; and the transfer books of stock of said company will be closed from this dan unui after the meeting. W. L. THORNBURtt. secy . u. . n. w. June 3 dlw&w5L i 1 Uttlvrmtls. QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA CHABLOTTK, COLDlfBU AND AUGUSTA R. R., Columbia, 8. C, May 31, 1879 On and after Sunday. June 1st. the passenger schedule over this road will be as follows: DAT PASSENGER. Gome North, Leave Augusta. ... 0 50 A.M. Arrive Columbia 10 48 AM. Leave Columbia, ; 10 55 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, 8 50 p. m. FREIGHT "WITS COACH ATTACHED. 'V . , iGonre South, Leave Charlotte,. 2 15 r.u RockHUl... 4 40 r.m. Chester, 6 30 p.m. Winnsboro,.. oa p.m. Arrive at Columbia, . . . .12 00 m. Leave Columbia . . . Arrive Augusta . 1 00 A. M. . 9 00 a. M. WIGHT EXPRESS. "rionnj"SocTH, Leave Charlottet . 12 45 A.M . Arrive Columbia, 5 30 A. M Leave Columbia 5 85a. Arrive Augusta it 9 25 A.M FREIGHT WITH COACH. ATTACHED. ; t ' ! I goiho South; s V Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia . : . Leave Columbia, . . . . . . . 5 15 p. m . 1 80 AM . ..... 2 80 A.M. . 6 45A. M. . 8 15--A. M. ,.VV.;10 00 A. M. .ii...l2 10 P.M, t. ; an. . " M Chester,.... UiZ RockHIll. .... Arrive at :harlotte,v: :v PnTIman Palace Cira from Augusta toKeW Tork and from Greensboro, to Augusta. - a-d . Reclinlns SleeoiQit Chairs rrouj iranvuie io ja R. macmurdo. o. r. Agenr, - I f . v une3 D. Cabdwdx, -..Ass'tG., Agent Steal E SAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and wiQ - i Advertise free of east, all properties placed la my bands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON. Charlotte, N. C. declO Ms U P ?3 hi 4 sfc. SSJ. ) '. mmm 1 Si "Of the most celebrated makers, which will be sold t the yery lo west MmESvZIEGLElt' AND DA1SHEIM)K'S SHOES 1 Andi 8tK of Supers and Newport Ties. In Gents' goods wehaveafcillstockpf the bes grjoto convihee ybu that we sell the same article sold elsewhere in the city from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper : ! - P. Sr-I take pleasure in announcing with an experience of ten years in the May 29, 1879. ": Demoerat and Home copy. BfftGKA.I3STB BARGAINS Another arrival of household and other useful articles for our famous ' " FIVE CENT COUNTER. 4- Far superior to all others received. Also a beautiful variety of PERCALES AND PRINTS, LINEN LAWNS, PLAIN AND FANCY. LOVELY DESIGNS IN HAMBURG EDGINGS, INSERTINGS AND LACES. Great Bargains in ! ;. ' i . 1 Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dresses, HOSIERY, CORSETS AND DRESS LINEN. Be sure to call and look at our great bargains we offer this week. , rT.rn n H. MORRIS & BROS. ry We have Just received a splendid assortment of Rustic Frames, for mottoes and various size pictures, at prices lower than ever known In Charlotte. June 1, 1879. Wheeler's Elixir Phosphates. Aa elegant preparation for sustaining the vital powers- nerve and brain food one dollar per bottle. ' - DR. T. C. SMITH, progglst. Fine Flavcrinj Extracts. Lemon, Vanilla, pine Apple and Strawberry, at DR. T. C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Elixirs and Flnid Extracts. The largest assortment in the city may be found at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. A Full Line of Humphrey's Homeopathic Medicines always on hand at DR. T. CTSMITH'S DRUG STORE. Cuticura Remedies, Salve, Soap and Resolvent, just received at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Bromidia, lodia, Vitalized Phosphates. Tama' Indien. Bedford Springs Mass and Seven Springs Mass, at Da T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Improved patterns, at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG bTORE. Five Cent Cigars One of our specialties we try to net the best call and get some at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Vest Pocket Cure And Horehound Cough Syrup, each 25 cents a bot tle, at DR. Tic. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. 25c. Hair Dye. Has been tried and found satisfactory. For sale by DR, T. C. SMITH, Druggist Pump Cans, For holding Kerosene Oil. The cheapest tn Char lotte, at DR. T. C : SMITH'S DRUG STORE. If Merchants Will but their Drugs and Medicines of Dr. T. C Smith, Druggist, at Charlotte, they will find prices satisfactory and save freight charges from North em markets. Visiting Strangers wm find Ice Cold Soda Water at Dr. T. C. Smith's Drug Store, opposite the Central HoteL These Hoi Days Try Arctic Soda Water, and Sparkling Ginger Ale, 5 cents a glass, at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. If You Smoke Don't forget to try the 5 cent Cigars for sale at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. Toilet Articles, Perfumery and everything In the line at lowest prices at DR. T. C. SMITH'S DRUG STORE. oufcctioucrics. LUXURIES. Fine Apples, Imperial Oranges, Extra Large Lem- ons, Fresh Caramels, French, Plain and Cream Candies, Pop Corn, Ac., AT- PERRY'S. OUR ICE CREASI SALOON, Fitted ap partieularly for the accommodation ol Ladles, Is attracting the attention of those who - .. wish to indulge themselves in this line. r "-a rVJUST HECEIVED i J. MOYER'S NEW SHOE ; STORE, I .:! ... "J , 1 t It ' i r. , . 400 PAIRS FOR LADIES AND iHSSES. to my old friends that I am now staying with Mr, lioyer, and feel satisfied that Shoe and Hat business, I can sell you goods in that line to your satisfaction. D RE S S We are now displaying elegant lines of BLACK AND COLORED SILK GRENDINES, BUNTINGS OF ALL COLORS AND OTHEK DRESS GOODS OF ALL GRADES AND PRICES. This Department is Replenished Dally. May 27. THE BEST SOLO BY B1500.0CL mi i ... ... Vt"MUMBER0 SHUT1'' nnoree FOR PARTICULARS' whiteSewiho Machine Co D&K8S GOODS, I SILKS, SHAWLS, COTTONS, UPHOLSTERY, TRIMMINGS, FLAHKXXS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, 6irla and Boys' Snlta, Ladtea' Underwear, Infants Outfits, DRESS SLAKING, WRAPS, COSTUMES, RIBBONS, NECKTIES, JtttHJUlJIWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITE GOODS, BUTTONS, BAMBTJROS, SKIRT BRAID, SEWING SILK, PINS, FRINGES, NEEDLES, FANCY GOODS, Ae. for prompt QAROLINA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being Freight from fully equipped for business, Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee fc Ohio, As wen as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as "Information furnished F.W. CLARE. IV; Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. septSO RYE, GRAHAM AND WHEAT BREAD AT PRATHER'S.; cakes;! CAKES ! Pound, Sponge, Fruit, elly, and all kinds of Fancy Cakes at , ; PRATHER'S. 'f May 22. .Trade Street' DOT rvTTnrn c I T - - - . I ' .i . ' : h 'it.') Also a frill line bf Hi prices. It:;: HI I: J? Ma ALEXANDER. G O O D S ! We are now displaying elegant lines of This Department is Replenished Dally. ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. SO SIMPLE . y'tO CAM" WAMAuna mm ii " Cleveland, ohio. BY TtTATL. Send for Samples or information, and satisfy yourself how cheaply and quickly you can get everything in DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS of us hy Mail or Express. We carry an averaqe stock-of about $100,000, all bouqht cask! Beg Try us. Have the VhxULren send Jor a set of our Advertising Cards. COOPER&CONARD, Importers and Retailers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established W&. DISPATCH UNT7 -s-u NORTH CAROLINA, TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facilities for the Transport loo of Charlotte, StatesvOle, Ashevllle, Rutherfordton on the Atlanta A Richmond Alr-Llne. and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. ria any Competing Liae, and Time as Quick. upon applicaflon to , .i u;; ;. T.T. smith, ; . Agent a a Railway, Charlotte. J)B. A.. Wi AIXAWHE jiNtlst--. .'..ii.ii'.l t-j'. V , 01TICE OYER L. R. WRISTON A GO'S - With 25 yearn experlenoe I'guaiatuiee .TnQr adsfaetfoftKi M 1 i III if 4t n s If i rr p I!' : h f . if I i

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