0 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1879. POLITICAL KTHICS.-rCondensed. Manual of Calhoun's Disquisition on Covefiif.) "CHAPTER VII. The Concurrent vs. the Numerical Ma jorityAdvantages, Political MnraL nt Former Over Latter. and 1. &aA&iewm mihe Ufm rnvi4tttofetitaM tea cofceutretc majo tV wiffraffe can without disadvantage and ultimate disaster Je . made univer sal. Whereas in governments of the nmprinal maioritv. to make suffrage Tinritv tn makfl suffraire its property, unaer ine con universal erttaa And tml of the ismorant and vicious. In the present state of the world, every com munity shows this class to be in the majority, and there will be no want of demagogues to array the ignorant and dependent against the smaller class of the rich and intelligent Hence the government f alls, into the hands of. the. most vicious element of the country, and a rule at once vulgar, and despotic is the result, as the pages of history so fully attest. Wnf how different the case in eovern- ments of the ponourtentajotity f J mere numuers mtveiru fiusuiuio wu trol, and -, the higher and- lower classes, ttnd their interests' identical, for the anvM-nment bv virtue of its mode of operatioffTa aemagpguer raias jns Tfup". .jsy... and stteltffen, paving the rMici rrte pat. in viftWT control affairs; Hence the Hcht of auff race, under such a condi tion of things, may with safety be en lflrcwl. without detriment to society." 9.. TTnitlna the community. As al ready shown, the concurrent pftncip! unites thf community, however dfver its interests may be. On the cpptr.ar.y, however united its interests may be, the numerical majority tends to divide the community, and gives rise to two ereat parties. These fight for the spoils under the influence Of" amMtton, - av arice, rivalry. Each party looks out for itself and builds itself up on the ruins of the common country. The interests of party come to be. deemed paramount, statesmen sDrinfp ui to reflect tile state of nolitical feeline statesmen ready to give up to party what was meant for mankind. Hence under the evil auspi ces of the numerical majority the coun try is divided into two hostile camps, waging war upon each other until one or the other wins victory . at the expense of countrv and civil liberty, ret emu tra, the concurrent principle, by virtue of its beneficent sway, makes the inter est of each .the interest of all. and. the interest Of 'the whole 'the iinterest of each. Under these circumstances, at tachment to country becomes the pre dominant sentiment, and patriotism rises refulgent over the prostrate lorm of partyism. MORAL ADVANTAGES. ( , l. Imvroved tone ofvarty. The con current principle, being of the essence of self-restraint and of regard for the rights of others, elevates the morals of parties makes high the standard of po litical ethics, because whatever elevates the man will elevate the party of which he is a member. The concurrent prin ciple makes , truth, justice and patriot- commumtv. and hence must produce the result claimed the elevation of the morale of the country, It is under the auspices of thet :copiurrent principle that political battles will be fought with the sword cf truth; and high de bates on matters of State will take the place of petty and heated controver sies. On the other hand, let the numer ical principle prevail, and the individu al demoralization which the lust of power occasions extends to the party to which the individual is attached ; for what injuriously affects the morale of the man will extend to his party. assoi ciates, and then the whole mass pecomes tainted with a vicious element, vln this ease the political; weapons employed win ue tnr?weaij5a auu anaiaise - nooa. 2, inpromatone of wlioU, communi- ty. isor, u may Denaaea, -vauxofigoQa effects esaitiJiEr fxom the cpnenrront princiide ' the bad effects rsTitttog.! irom tncim metieai principle,; oe eonniir ed to tltose immediately (gn gaged in pol itics, i Good and" evil' are alike conta gious: Uence it ' fbllbw& -fromJ ell- established, principles or nu'niancon-' dufit,thatsje rat;iret5ommunity, whUi-4 er voters offojon-oiBrs, wui ue euner elevated, in' a moral and religious point of vie oi tdelisised,' according as you have the concurrent, or the 'numerical principle enthroned. Thus have the political and moiadyaTitages of j the concurrent principx been plainly-portrayed. CHAPTER VIII. The Concurrent vs. fhe Numerical Ma j6HflrdnesloJor$Mr. Over Latfef in est'tonloj&bier ment. . The great end. of government is to protect and perfect. soclety-ko defend society from external assaults and pre serve it from internal abuses and dis orders. Further, tiie great ojbiect of 1 and to poDee6roerty, as well as ner- sons. . jtfufc J6:ll)thls 'reffectiYely--gov J ernment'mltn, 4ts":c0ncessi6u: ofj uue iiDeriy.-reservfj5 td itself a sufBeieiit amount of power This is necessary ,to governmemaremciency. "To "giveTiber ty at the expense of the bower reouifiiTTJwatried-iB swamp -only-iifty-feet 1. i, . . . . . .7 T. uy me government to oo us dutv is the dictate of political weakness and politi cal sentimentality. TJie due prpportion of liberty and power 4is a delicate and difficult problem one that has puzzled the brain of not a few political philoso phers. And yet the solution is necessa ry to the end that the true purposes of government may be subserved. ; It is plain that the proportion of lib erty and power is properly to be deter mined by circumrtances. It is not an invariable quantity nor need it be deemed an unknown quantitv which cannot be found. It is a grievous error to hold that any community is entitled, to absolute, liberty: .as .an inalienable ngnc it is surely more important that a people be safe in person and the"f ruits of their labor than that ; they should be free without restraint, f Liberty, how ever desirable, must be deemed subor dinate to protection. Nor is it to be deemed a free gift to a Countrv. It is a boon to be conferred upon those com munities mat earn it and deserve it. The Jeffersonian proposition that all men are born free and eaual is not trim Men are born dependent, "subject to ba A. 1 j j a - rental uuniroi, ana suoject to tne laws of the country to which they belong, and are , entitled to self-government . oniy wnen tney are worthy of it by their intelligence and virtue and train ing, and consequent power of elf-con-troL Furthertrue . liberty is to be found , within the domain of the law. --Tha reagle, tha emblem of freedom, as , ,,he seeks to reach .the sun' in Ms lofty flight, mustllirect Lis course agreeably to the lawwthKfe Jeriy the passage of birds, or J falls from his pride of place, a vassal shorn of his liberty., ,x , f Or take the majesticV river that, n a lordlv SDirit of -liberty, rolls its ample waters to the"ocean. It inust direct its wayiigreeably? to fixed laws, or it overflows its DanKS, anu, losing its .beneficent freedomr-becomes a; vas ' sal , stream.. mT iThus - is nit .? with ' men nrwl r.t onnrnpi. with communities: of men. Is there any genuine liberty for . him who sets at definace the laws of " firvi ' nr the laws of man ? r He is the t -veriest slave. They only are free whom the truth, that is. coniormity w tu? f"VI j , ., g t Spirit oXTaW. ifaSkes freelTs that mnnir.v rrefl tna inrows on wholesome restraints of the laws that ordinarily govern society ? Then see in ranee tne illustration oi UDerty when thi 're'nch IRevOlution i bhowed so iuuy mat ucense was not iiDeny. Uiso noo uvv uMviv;t i v freest yhoiv post 1 Hence,rfhat,man is ion holds ior tne community. Jaw is not antagonistic to liberty. ijn.the con trary, lawl fiui ,ahl MaMian .of iberty its aima mazer. Any otner view maxes iiDerry run into license, eminent. tirace to er, twwu.. nroffress and ' prosperity. Or to expressic uintsriiwy,'vuw iurewuino erty ana power must ne so arrangea as erty ana power muse De so arran nower makes crovernment wea put power makes government weak and conterqptiblp. vejnment i hereTbe comes a political, paralytic. 'An power without iiDerty maKes government se vere and tyrannical. Government here becomes a cruel rioTBerce giant The question, now arises how can the ends of erovernment be best sub served ? i 'Or, how an .' liberty! andp"G er be secured in due proportion? . The AIlswer,'is,, that these" ; results w 'best promoted by a concurrent majority. And, for these reasons: A."t Tf.rpist;rintfi roSrernment,tQ Its Bri-! fnary ends, and; keepa itiinjita Jwroper; sphere. Tne granatiaency oi gov ernment is to pass Deyona its proper limits. It is this tendency which puts Uberty4n periJ Noar, gavernmenli.,Af. the concurrent majority counteracts thfe tenQeneiIThosef)f thurffcall Mtfoittutmfcnt theiteaciTXihil I 1 1 1 4-ln n vtnwviA erty is, mweeu, inie uiuie tiiau jictuic unaer hii ausuiute guvciuiuwu), iuuuu ing those of u the numerical majority. But in the government of the concur- i-ant principle, ach mterjest having a nigve'ipil ta fcctionJof trie ottieflu- teiesuj. Kuveiiiixiciit is uuuiiucu n it . . T 1 1-1 A. J legitimate enas, ana nuerty is saveu In the one case, liberty is made secure from the inroads of power: in the other pasA. nowp.r absorbs liberty ' 2: Another Ireasonl whir. ihe. In-bpgr ends of government, viz: liberty and power in, due proportion, are best reached by concurrent principles, is be cause such government is more f avora ble; to progj ess ' as .the cortseluenfc$ jof being more favorable to the enlarge ment and security of liberty. 3. Another reason is because power is increased without liberty being di minished, which appear f rora the fol lowing considerations': " 1 Under the influence of the freedom, "which concurrent principle givs, phy sical discoveries are made; and air the i power that comes from such sources is fully realized. But not physical power alone is given. Moral power is likewise afforded. The mental activeness of the people are aroused, and they become buoyant in spirit, robust in sentiment, self-reliant in character. They are al- f so madepatriotieand harmeies, -Thus the community, realize all those men tal, moral and. material influences that make up the largest power, and this, too, as before established, with the least restraint of liberty. Thus the advantages of the concur rent government over that of the nu merical government, in respect to the ends of government, appear in this, that the concurrent government solves the vexed question of government in giving ity piia$mympf Mwer pith minimum of restraint, tlfus securing xo the country all the power needed for the arp ojfovernment, and at the same" timefofvihg to the citizen his full measure of national liberty within- the lines of law. J. V. T. i m TOISONED WATER. Eleven Children Die from Drinking It What Will be Done. Boston, June 1. Further particulars liave beeu received from Vermont rela tiveto the wholesale poisoning of school children?TbeirireraWo' dispatch from Island TVynd aflva that tliA rHrt sflinol iistxu;it Kno'H?astiie.loD tlis tricU at JfewarkteiliJTiiiles from here. numbering twenty '.cfaildtehjanJc water from ft brewkpoisdiied liyhje jQarcasses pi ucau -norses ana eepaiso-Tpotato t0n vhieh Paris green been used, they ;being thrown into tjtie6?ook. Seventeen children were takenSown and eleven are'dead. The others "can niot livHEdward Morttrvlost tWQ,Fred Simpson one, L. Wilson one, Mr.Park pttm John teef Jakii itldriel M v e. thus - taking liis ' en tire" fa milyJM lii ve fchildfen. Mrs. Aldricb is; hopelessly JnsarteU ffhe childrenvaaffered untold ngjonlesl and after deatli the bodies'be- came "putrid ana required immediate uunai. voik. uas ueeirsnspenaeaana great excitement prevails The teacher of the school noticed something wrong about the taste pf , the water and for bade its use in the sehooL but seventeen of the scholars nsed it, ami were strick en tlown within twentv-iour houraJOne of the children, assort4 bfiMr . liidBon, pulled through. ,Justyyj3 tfie school house was a held or potatoes last season. and Paris green iWaaused extensively to exterminate potato bugs. ' The potato tops were dtrmpfd into the barnyard of Horace Cheiiewwno biiilt a drain from the barnvard to tHi 'brdrtk : he alsdiibn- riea a colt, m tne"spxrng of-l&is, ova the terwashed out parts at the carcasa A Air. Simpson K wlicrJiaa lost one child, objected, to tae colt being buried there, and caused Cheney to move it4vndr5ury itiistmttiamaia it I 11.. 1 1. 1.1. 1. l i from the brook, thewater of which ran into the Jbfcook. Cheney remarked that he guessed that he hadn't bettered it much. Violent s threats are f reelv ex pressed toward Cheney. Samples of the water have been sent to Boston for analysis, and the Selectmen will not take any proceedings till the result is known. Old and young are taking the disease, but in a milder form, and will soon recover. Six physicians have been unremitting in their attendance. ; Pub lic opinion runs high, each one having his or her views of the trouble, no two stories being alike. "The brook was poisoned,,and Cheney did it," is a com mon": ,'extJression: ; The matter -wilt be At-. i... i v .!' -.- si j t uiqrougniy ana property siitea, ana tne- offenders, if any, will meet with just punishment. Chemical Works Destroyed by Fire. "VVobtjrn, June 3. The works of the Merrimac Chemical company, at North "VVoburn, were discovered on fire last night. The most valuable portion !of the buildings were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $00,000 to $75.000 be lieved to be f ullv insured. The lead chambers containing vitriol were des troyed, lettinsr loose larere Quantities of vitriol which ran round in pools, mak ing it very dangerous for the firemen A. V. Weeks, book keeceuofor the com panyleUinto a large. paiddie of the vit riol and was ; badly burned, rendering his recovery doubtful. Several others were burned with the vitriol- '; f As the tteTfectlerf 6f erftlrety ieifenfl oa the per fection oi minutiae, so no one can hope for ; rp bust health of the entire system if the blood should ue ennre system 11 me mouu euumu east Impure. Its standard of purity it4 by Jieuse joj pryuU's Blood become In the least 1 best maintained Mixture.' ' - Thousands lit It, Wky Hesitate. It Is adanted especially to those cases where itbe, womD is .oisoraere At .alia lmonana " a jd, and will cure any lrregularitj i Dr. f. Biedieldfs Female Begu- ' m 'tt ica. ly A a mrlHun latorabMi Hke n charm towhftei r-ina sudden eheck-ot the "monthly courses," from coin, trpuoie Of mind, er like causes, by restoring the discharge in evArr lnatnnM. Ho nlno in chronic eases Its ac tion Is prompt and decisive, and saves the eonstitaV uon irom counuess ems ana premature, uoay. Isk your druggist for a circular. ; s - iU8y28 lm 11.1 WWI l"if WI 'iWW m m m m m - r. : tt ' W- m-.M. il It ', "V W . : . II Jinn .of tnn sT aTTthen : --"- c' - i nq i-sio r-i irj-rfzgoi vi 1 uuwivww.w. I JWil WIJUJIMH .in mil i Hit Iliiii "n f TOTT'S - ok j.PDLIL;S2 INTRODUCED, I860. ,S DYSENTERY. PIUOUS FEVSRi AGUE AND FEVER, 8yAUNDlCtfFILtS,J1lREUHATlSli KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. yHi$Ki3KianBM)F a TORPID LIVER. low of Appetite and Wanaea, the bowela are costive, but BometLmea alternate with looseneaa, Pain in the Head, accompanied With a Dull sensation in the back part, Fain in the right aide and nnder the shoulder- , fullness after eatins, with a disin- some duty, Cteneral weariness; Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE W ASKINGS ABjfpjnTTfflfe, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOOHaXCEVEtfrfm i i be ci afl y-fKa pttWrB u c h cases, a single dose effects such a change of feeling as to ftst6nlsh the sufferer. 3 jq'S PILLS are compoandad from anbstaaeea that are free from any properties that can Injure the moat delicate organization. Tbey " ' Search, Cleanse, Pnrlfy, and lavinrnro the entire System. By reHeviug the en . . aTorsed LJyer, they cleanse the blood 1 1vmktixin hameis, kaA ihedjbH T ' 1 bealtVmnd vitality to-tttlbody eiuiafasl the bowela to act naturally, without which no one can feel well. A. .ijptecl, .Divine says:, C l Dr.'TOTt : fSt s Bbr tirt years I hnve besn a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Last Spring your Pills wen recommended to me ; I used them (bat with little faith). I am now a well man, have good appetite, digestion perf act, regular stools. have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools. piles gone, and 1 have gainnd forty pounds solid uesa. imna loriyj litrht in eo'.t They are worth tneir weignt in go.a. Rrv. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville. Ky. TUTT'S PILLS, jTbairfiisf QflHt Increase the Appeti-c, arid canWthe boflfto Take on Flesh, t,uit ,o system is nourished, and by their Tunic A tion oa the Diveative Orgaus, lCegulur Stools are produced. ' DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK SAYS f 5 " Few diseases exist that cannot be relieved by re storing the Liver to its normal faoetonsiuul fer this DurDose no remedy has ever been rnvertlfed tlit - has an hFFT sa tffairt TITTT'fi PlTil .S " SOLD EYERYWHERf- PRICE.25 ENTS. OClce 33 i May J&tcee: tH&. York. PT- Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable Infor- 10 : .0 Gbat Hatb ob TDali as Harmless as SDrinafwai sent by exnru on receipt of f 1. Office; 3? Murriy $t$ew York. apr 1 ly. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE sit. i DR.C.Mc 'S CELEBRATED LIVER FILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. U - : f-: mDG I DAIN in the right side, uhderfhe XT edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie . on- the j left side ; sometimes ',the"3ain 'is ftlt-lmder the shoulder blde, fend it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach, Reflected, ?sv4th loss of, appierite : arid sickness ;ih& bowels ltd general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back $art. There;Js gen erally a considerable loss-6f fnemory, accompanied with a painful sensation of havmgleft undone something which ought to have been doneA slight, dry cough, is somefjfie$ IjSrsjjttendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily , startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains joCa prickly sensation of the skin ; hksrjmts'are low f and Although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try'it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. 3 Seyeralt the abovejmptorns, tttend - the jsekse, Mit-taavV occurred where tew ot them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after deathr has shown.ihe liver to have beerkexten iVlerar5geri QQB(i I ague" And fever. Dr- C. McLane's Liver Pills, in tae wnuinetaferolctive of , the 'most appy results, ; " No better Cathartic Can be Used, preparatory to, or. after, takingnQuinine a would eHie al whaTlre arffiltyiivith this ..(disease to give them a fair trial. ' For all bilious' derangements, and as a simpTelji'pTTreT"theyr'e-TTri-equaly: 'JStQit'J'i 'tj I f; i) IlEWARE OF IMITATIOKS. i ne genuine are a eve ar coated. livery box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's , JLIVER JrlLLS. The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist . tfporfc.ihaving tie genuine .Dr. m . .v. muiANE S l,iver Fills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitfsburn. Pa., thin marketf being i'ull o .imitations of thelic name JO.cL.ane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. JOTICE OF SEIZURE! - . . ' g; S. INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina. Statesvllle, N. C, May 16, 1 879. ?ifrc8TSaBn ot totemal Bevenne Laws, tJ? heJeb7..?lTSn to 1116 owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before -. . . . . oaum wui na TOMeitftrt trt UlA United States, i S-;:.vil.J. J. MOTT. J. . YOCNO. vDenuty, fmayl8 3t InSOdys "J"' - - - Collector. n Tnnnin nucn ri n in uiini "in ii inn l 1 or L.r oiai ibiv-nuivmTi wot rr cri cuo TNT I11AJI1 UILI IxCSS changed to a Gu8aT -I A EAKTE SI awa d t-efii i itn ;ofSt snfiM'iiii j tiiijsffi--JutJsaui? , Hlsth tasrtri .oitrtWTS ;0t 89l5 eri-f OgJ33Ta j HfJSl Tusnitoo boo :.WSiI anllbbim vol ;jjjtRr snifbhtm - :tmn-wmm rrs;4.1.x eJfi.-wn 5m vTiitfibio toe8 ';5I.t l&.r.o ol erto.JX ;0tl. i-jwte : fr-mH.-Buy and sell on consignment all wagsj?foiia Wjfl wol tnlUMiu ;labjO hotoKimjiW 0w aislf-rti tmsli oi : 9f JwJo rtioq t Will give strict persorjiU'' oi;.r- j htlofltobjfliiBisnltO(Ovea ; oit niiumwe (iiM uosva : ' FourdoonUlrteiaiBjBtJBat,or f : : 9 . j-rra : t. : 7 , 'I W WO! WWrtMUflW HiHO I sqAiei vtA'-t- y4Me tmvxrtiitgrriitir XJKh'sTl. ; nlelrra imi-.t ;- esiwiMioa I . I:tjf, -.iis ut : iusnilaoO , for erery class of UnderteJcing. Having on hand ! full assortment of .;bjiJ! fcsoiv hWlu4 uf ttA I CpFBTNS, CASKETS AND BUBIAL --tefeUHS Both Wood and Metallc . T.ii'L i.,. . . .tux r,iH. 1 1 PRICKS A LOW A3 ANT Hearses furnished, f desired '3 .iin Vumlture of every Description Repaired at char .T-.f,y Wf;,, ; With E. G. Sogers, Trade Streets Jane 20. Bottled Ligeri Beer,: , ' ALE AND PORTER, Is comer ftaSjl and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for Jl.odpei dozen."'' :ii . t---i -.if- . Ja -'.Mz-.i r C. MUNZLER. or shop wHI re ceJbre prompt attenllon: 11 raai4 ' .a DR. J. II. Mr Aden, DRUGGIST AMD CHS1UST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extract and Colognes, English Select SPICES Colgate, Honey and Glycerine Soaps. English, French and American TOOTH BRUSHES, v i 1 PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. McADENS Prescription Store. SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY. 200 Barrels of a WEST SONS EXTRA X6. 1 KEROSENE AHT. ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene OIL from C West ft Highest Medal a warded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil works, Canton; Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. c. west Sons, Baltimore. For Sale b jr. . Da. J. BL McADEN, Sole Agent, ,ICE !? ICE ! AT THE SAME OLD STAND, V Where I am prepared to furnish a superior quality w w wn may want ice. six cart win aiso mane jdaUy deliveries at Dlaces of . buslnesfi or nrlvate Laesldances. teders given the driver, addressed to metarough P O. Box 153, or delivered tome at joO qn. lot of Rock Island Factory, will receive yiuiupi sueayvu, . : . . f iatemer whe ,bf trin- with me rwul be suDDUed iue euure seasoa w uie inuowarifcnguresi r HfivtUfQ ' wfj r ' '4i'is.' ..-V,..v..v, J In auantifles less than 6104. , ' ,2c. per fe.. -mai$hviu!t &to 60,lbs., 1 ' iifa. per lb. .The ae flgures are the same at which Ice has ieen sold for the last tmn wuuuini shn I hui combetltlofi: ffnff as I have uuHuriuunMrt-fariiwiMi w cvuuuu me Quwness oa icgiumaie principle, consumers will consoit their -Interest y giving me a trial. : . lee for shipping In any qaanHtr carefully packed and forwarded with dSpatchT Thanktul for yonr patronage in the past,Ire Spectrally sk aoondnuance of the same! ,,,. J. T. AMTHONT. QQQ FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, n v . , MOST APPROTED FORM. -rOTT LsVv Printed and For Sale at the' ; - - OBSERVES OFFICE1, F o mlU K iK. I'.iN illifNl t-i It .iml )s?1 ri "M j'Vff'i.io "ilt .' 'I'JiifilS It JJjOilj;i Tl -tJn :OJi en .IJJU ji .ri - : ; J ,i S Iln eonaectkni wltb, the publication of Thk Oi- SEfiYia , and th4 estabhment ixf 1 one of the larg- eat; mosteoraplete; and most, tboronghly equipped f -.'lii ! t lAtheSeuthflthe proprietor has Just added a eom- BOOK 'BINDERY - ' ' AND ' f Buliug; Department, Capable o executing the very best class of work at sh'orf notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other pooka rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tills class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as it is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handblili, Invitations, Checks, Labels BILL HEADS, Deeds,; ..!,,,,,,; Receipt Books, : .. Business. Cards, Programmes ' Magistrates' and Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice u Special attention given to Railroad Printing. ; BOOK WORK. . . Having a larger supply of type than, most Job es tablishments, , BOOK WORK lias been and will continue to be a specialty with us. " Br SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Address 5'". ' P. a Box 182." ! IhVu 'lifi if si ' tr (iifi'- 'til L.tj uiiJ. -.i rr;. S4t JiH'i; i,"u!.t lh ilvy .A.'Wr- 5 , THE OBSERVER, A ia : i- Charlotte, N. C. Ha...1..- ..I '.'..:, ;.;' . : Jb (JeweJur aadj aucy, Ooodl, od ,ani silver i!liU 'I, u-t , Watches," Mi.! i. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. i - i i s SELER AJKD it si ,t -iti .if !.. f US : . SILVKRk- ; j PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 O LASNE, , , iroui rtiris, inuiue, WITCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL . ' ' ER PLATER, Trade Street, .opposite First Presbyterian Church, -if Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half Drice- and warranted one year! Every kind of Jewelry or Brdrm Gliding, Coloring; 8ilverPlatlng and . Gal vanlalngmade at short notice .and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. - - Mlred work uncalW. fer will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. txitzxizs. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, fob thk tkbM Of twinty-jtvk tears, to which contract the Inviola ble lalth of the State la pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWINGS will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which will take place the 109TH GRAND MONTHLY AND THK EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING At New Orleans. Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, Under the personal supervision and management OF Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. J. A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 8100,000. Notice Tickets are Ten Dollars Only. Halves, $5. Fifths, 82. Tenths, $ I. LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize of $100,000-.. . $100,000 1 Grand Prize ot - .. 50,000.... 50,000 1 Grand Prize of 20,000-. . . 20,000 2 Large Prizes of 10,000,... 20,000 4 Large Prizes of 5,000-. . . 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000... 20,000 50 Prizes of 500.. .. 25,000 100 Prizes of 300 ... 30,000 200 Prizes of 200 ... 40,000 600 Prizes of 100.... 60,000 10,000 Prizes of 10,.... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 $20,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 100 10,000 100 Approximation Prizes of 75 7,500 11,279 Prizes, amounting to J 522,500 ttf.l Jcommissioners. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the company In New Orleans. Write for circulars or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana may 13 JJjetrj gulxyjertiaemjcttts. Reject all violent Purgatives. They ruin tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. the TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT APERIENT SELTZER is used by rational people as a means of. relieving all derangements of the stomach, liver and Intes tines, because It removes obstructions without pain, and Imparts vigor to the organs which it purifies and regulates. , Sold brail Druggists. BECKWITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills will prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner PHI, mlM aperient, and admirably adapted as a family medicine. They are used ; by the most cultivated people In our country, and are extensively UBed bf physicians In their practice.' Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. E. R. BECK WITH, ole Manufaetur er, Petersburg, Va. -x " '.sis CELEBRATED ' " ', DR; WMiSTOKES, Physician, Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore, Writes: "I have great pleasure' In adding my testi mony to the virtues of Cornell's Lleblg's Liquid Ex tract of Beef and Tonic Invlgorator as the very best preparation used for depression; weakness and in digestion, and, therefore, confidently recommend it to the medical . profession. Sold ' by all drag gists. J ! j- i j , . tW vnl A'-lai;y pilwOiH;rmouiJi . and or iii.tiw krty.vinmlMimn, losrltour new n(t wouJerfu 1 i n vent lotin.' , Mr mean toe Mm. fimyjle free. AddreasbHBiLMi 4 Co-, Maibluai, J , tticib a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co., Augus- ta, Maine te'j'lpl- A YEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit rree. Address P. O. ' VICKERY, Augus- ta, Maine, is ; ' THE HOUSEWIFE'S GREATEST ERIEND m il ijfl Ji The latest and most complete Invention of the day Crocker fc Fawns worth's Fluting and Smooth ing Iron.' Saves the expense of fuel and the se vere task, of standmg over a hot fire oh Ironing days.- . r : , This Xrori heats Itself, and win save Its worth In wood consumed under the old process in a abort time, to say nothing of the health of those who do the work. We are the agents for the State of North Caroli na, and we propose to commence the sale of it in Mecklenburg, Gaston and - Lincoln counties - at once. 'Any one wishing to purchase the right to sell in other counties In the State will do well to apply at once' to the undersigned at Charlotte, N. - t. r-.Y i-K:ttNEWCMEB, The sample Irons hare arrived and are at H. T. Butler's hardware store. vC, S. Mallard is our agent lor Mecklenburg county,. ' rl .' :;Mayl5, 1879d3m. , ' v-Vi- ' T ' ' QNE OF THE M03T ONE OF THE MOS'p IMPORTANT COLIC SALVE! ."iwtopound possesses "the most reniartebu :mflabled and abraded isaeeVS 'tor-v . , ;''Ta J "tit itnaEMtd ' u: without a box of ithf the houseVhTslciarr to virtues; and the thZB7 Unite Jn recommendinr it Beware of oBterTeu. Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, en take no olher JOHN F. HENRY, CVRRAN A CO.. Sole Proprietors? '' 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R?Wrlston & Co.. Charlotte. N. c. i marll HI- .SMITH'S WOUM OIL. Athens, Ga.A December 8, 1 878. Worm Oil, and the '-next (day. be passed sixteen little grrt,Htouryeaja eld, and she pissed eteht v worms. &mmmwiMmVuT , - w F PHTTTTPQ Price 25" .eeIlB., w ja. g. AJAJJW4?f AlUtJIlS. US. leb21dwly. Is a perfect 6m! &tu3iC khd ls the only purely Vegexxbi remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and. Permanent Cubes of Syphilis and Scttorvut in all their stages. , . ; v It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin diar eases. : Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. . Bw. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. ,Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It Is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging Is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a " tried- verythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved ky one dose. Rev.'Dr3. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It 1b hot too much to say that no medicine ever had such support in its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote1 to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It Is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It Is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It Is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colie sedative, so politic, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. & SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN ft CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. POLK, MILLER & CO., Apothecaries and Sole Proprietors, Richmond, Va. mar 20 d&t &pQt'kzv3 Jttija (glassware CHINA LAiDE" -OF-; JNO. BR00KFIILD & CO. M LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Just received a lot of Ice Cream Freemen best make, ee In 5'roin Utes; Water Coolers, Hefrigerators, Wire Covers Fly Traps, Pampas Plumes, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Jeny Tumblers. - We constantly leep on hand a full line of Plain and Decorated Clia Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Tin, Wood and Willow Ware. .;.:-;J -,.;..,'. COfiNTRY . MERCHANTS are Invited to calL We sell goods as cheapas Northern houses, and guarantee satisfaction, win send Quotations on application. Thanking you lor the liberal patronage In the past, we are, : ' ' : TeTf:espeetfuu, ; ii v ,s u . vm; jn(v BROOKFIELtk CO., i:. ,;.'; ",nl;i .; J).fftK- ;iJi'i : j Charlotte,.N. &, June 1, 1879. ; t .-Apply to - Jt-'1t t., B. H. MOR8B. ' may t-a-w-l-w- .-'' ". v- ,rf ; .... , . .