f,'f"?e from "the doting wniplt that fetteV our , jtav V. w'i (reborn TeaMD." 51 ',:'-? ''''";: THURSDAY, JUNE 5, ! THE LATE iAROV ROTHSCHILD. TK$ deal lofBarw Nathan' Lionel " iiwueaurui" jxiiuii Binnir uwucii banking house of BotbdchiTcTSp C&JjT an event of great moment in the finai ci.il world. He was a descendant of a longjlnet wise, apd.iWeaHihyanQes ,.; toEs,,ad the affairs of .the great house which may now well mourn him, have "i. under fats management prospered and the name which it bea has, year by year, grown in its power and influence upon the monetary affairs of the world.. The intelligent reader need hardly be. told that the Rothschild are Israelites.'' . Thjelebrated, banking boiise ,, which bears their name, and which has its branches in many different cities of the civilized world, was founded boufc a hundred years ago at jFranKfoB-ori-the-Main by Mayer Ansejm Rothschild, ' whbwas; born tbro'&'jptieii . , , . there, JnTiaiVathan Bpn who has. just died, wasagnmdsori of the found er of the house, and inherited much of the genius of his ancestors. He was bom in London in 1808, and Was, therefore, 71 years of age at the time effete death. ll8cceeded in 183ft totrW lifted and connections of hi&fathen Nathan May er, who wasrecogrtiaBtEio' his day as an of liis tffoth - 4 - era, of whomh ha4,ftveia copartnej- -1.;- ...jifi v.(ii ;tiriiicJl. Hllip 111WK. Jlipu)iiwi;i,jvjy ceased, wasHw l8iTtected tnemtwr of the English House of Commons, from the eity of London, but declining to take the ordinary oath, "on the true faith of a Christian," he did not take his seat, although regularly re-elected, until 1858, when, the disabilities being removed, he took his place in the House, beinfihjMyst adlierent -t the . Jewish relyrigw'.ijo eye! stn thje Conitins. The house of Rothschild has given some exhibitions of financial strength marvellous to contemplate. The house have, for many years, been the principal taker of the loans of European govern ments, and have, in some cases, during the progress of wars, compelled peace by refusing to furnish the sinews of war. Tfief .have made Immense TOffeey addihg almost constantly to their more than princely fortune, and their losses have been few and slight, the only one of any considerable amount having been the result of the1 revolutions of 1848, when they are said to have lost $40,000,000 in the space of nine months. Their wealth, however, was so vast that the loss of this did not in the least in convenience them nor in the least inv pnirthetr creditor position. The members of the family have so generfdlyftir-fialw-ie thai the im mense weajtb; of the house, an" amount which, eannojS estiniated, will proba bly remain for many years in the hands of a few persons, as it has in the past. . Col. Ingersoll at His Brother's Funeral. Bob Ingersoll is undoubt edly a very bad lot, and those who fol low his system of theology will go the way of Ward's ducks, or in other words the way in which Johnston county went on election day in 187G ; but for all that lie is well called "the eloquent infidel," and there is more poetry and , music in him than in one out of a thousand men, lose who are going to TTeaven. thereis har$ly'a Utfef it'thak w'ould . nt ha ai4Bditevefi to l)lckewcf f i f ; . j . ' t m i ' V' A1 I I representeamrUi )mocr cus, Tuesday, which' decided upon the whose system of thlogy; Coat his own is highyainKestiveotpicJenal f iLCehtehet h?md: 51 . announce that their entire Rhronicleof dth ofLittiaNeu! Indeed r&T June is exhausted the appropnattW.tmjs, as outlined irt beddiiWlidbiftMrer arfly -want-yesterday's telegrams to The Obseb-H ed." r-LLi' ver. wasex'Demdly harmonious, there being no material Terence of I vt .f. - 0 ty - - j . "121. V ,ujr jl viuu, 9tW i WOVl-i and the advisory committeeimwy? and several casualties are reported in mendation to thatrwaft opijosed .temiW traversed py only: wViiIa flip RAtTAthm nrftAp.!1. wnrn noaftLTn.! u j jy.Ar-tTvt n i 7. T. j i ?R? I .. t , mous in sustaining the entire retort J Uen. James SHUWMWttft 94: jas. smeids nas died a orave, generoust j impuWlf typlcai rfshman; ' !Hervt ! . J II JI.Af 1! .1 .1 I in two wars, tne Mexican and tue war between f fthe States, hn thi '.litter of whichhe wasaFedraliteileraXr CTioixd,tUe still greater dBiHacHfflftJtfl navingauring uinereni penoas oi ms ii i t i i t i i utiitsr uianwuu nas ever nveu nas ever during his life time represented more tnanone. f ifg r Grave doubts are now expressed as to whether the President -will sign the army and the legislative bills in the rms in which the Democrats next pro- JJfose torubmit them Indeed, the ieruocratj bve teiridbtibts 'cwtbe' Subject and the "mTostMartof tire ICepiiblifcalis confidently assert that the "3-esldentwiU withhold Jiia. signature tf com IhWaills unless t."jiFprrr Nation '"fatttreCjire arid mmpl 3 are iu,: ' ltd. r pife, presnlMfadiffelenff5tatef .UiMiogTfci p monitan3 eane; of Jhr cTiobdJf ! .ii;t- the Tfaiifclibostc" Jbf J orth Carolina?: wa3.t 'H'" ' ' s :isnt- 5; . -ndfthceupinthfeUx - J -.J.he 5- useofshpshell liri:. :t:XptSiiT iae purpose oifm ingscsae ; r Henfeformeetittg the he'ayy.i)biiujir4 : of JRchmh6pifatcelVlrfan Said wasohe of ihc: 3 w-fead per ' pnat Bubscriptloh" oi B'iw tl"al , 4lf.-f ' V2: " " v-; ; " -f Ps ii in Tin ' "u'1 'Itis sated. that there"arff" lwthRe- bircamsKftrid . Pwrrtiify tU ' iyanclieof CongfesifwlW mtf& all iheir efforts to defeat an early adjouw ; . menL AVhy: they - should want Con- eress to remain. In session after the ap propriation bills are passed is a mys- -t'L4iur if I'M. 11 I: ft !! l? I A -1 , - f.TJ r "un3nH 5' ,-V a i ' - 7 . . " UOMJMBUS. Juno ito C wSESm KJHS L . II yoo reel mat evernmnei. f.oi. wr( y nominated for governor Dy tne iemo- tton rrm cbuntieeviis 'd do not want to get up early fn the morning, jr fw 1 f, xVS,K3Taw nn the second I Ak T,r rf7 ."iS. 5Tiu. ud hoMinoinin the fltomach: ttiKe a ow vi vr 1 vvw vuuvcuuuu vv-vj . -a 1 .io wi cuviu&r. , PART-ISAM FASDALlsa. k ' V Col. Jas.R. Randall, resident Washing ton correspond Snt pf the Aug itatU.oW -7-i 4-T... a. ?l i.' L..j-.'Un wk; una lwvuuj, poiua vis sy nuaiauuiu Cabin John Bridea ' neLi ashinton. City, aild close to the great falls f the" Potomac, and after writing glowingly of the exceeding beauty of the bridge and the splendor --of, the surrounding seenefyhe thtpjjarrates an incident of Radical vpaTtiiaV malevolence, as dis- - - i hasvercome tjgHft TTnon the broadside recorded thai it was begun in the Pre sidency f FranldiJFferwtodthe (War SeCTetaryship-of f' Thf;chlselif Jacobin hateflndcowardieefcaserased the name f Jftffejraoiif Jvis;tiwith a malice as impotent as contemptible. Like the absence of the statue of Bru tus in the Roman procession, and like hetodrttaitfcf Marfno M4rciurned U th wall inhlMucat palace of the Dodces of Venice the; presence of J fn ferson Davis is all the more felt be cause of thia aitempted dihcnr. , His . name is blazoned tnere m memory ae spite the erasure, and the men who per- fituated this wretched trick are de oi&S loSSf fa wttUI o?m when gazing on that memorable arch. W. Ml S : ' ttifl!! n"' . ; Judge graves opens' AlXahdrTSdiSrl tiext Monday.' ' ' - '""" i0 ",v,y' iW , Raleigh, thinks of havijng a, swimming school. ' , , . i , The Jiobesonian aayh Wj04'k is taconv mence next Monday on the new Bap tist church at Ijum barton. Thpi Snnreme Court was ensased all ay Munda gxamlJiliiK. appilfaiits fui license to practice 4 law Tngrewere colored? mmittedo jail in Wilmington Monday, for an out rageous assault upon a small colored girl near the city. The lasfei8SHe ofhe Hillsboro .Re corder announces that it will appear no more until the 17th inst, when it will be issued from Durham. ,j, ,. A-.r. .. ,f i.-U-Jsi: r.l -"I Maj. Henry G. Flanner, of Wilming toAen;commissioneilJ)yl.he Grov ernar as ftolohel arid chif pf artlleryi WAnk-ffom Mareh 25th,4f9. The Robesonian says Thomas Broad foot, colored, has been appointed route agent on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, vine Neill Waddell, colored, Removed. ;u , , i r. ' ) Two well known timler dealers in Wilmington were arrested for obstruct ing water highways. The magistrate before whom the case was tried has re- serv SS. Ex-Congressman Waddell writes, to. the president of the Wilniingtoiv cham ber of commerce that steps wiJJi soon be taken for the erection of the. Cape Fear Life,Simnfc fetation f x)7 The News says tlt btst Sunday morn ing about 3 oclpfc Kaleigh saw a me teor of liftus-ttal dimensions and bril liancyv It was observed for some twenty-five seconds and then disappeared. Three minutes afterward a loud detona t Ion was heard, sounding like the dis eliarge of a heavy piece of ordnance. " . btatesvilla J,aiulifiatrtk : Professors Aa Gtati Howard flMversitJ; Cam Ibndge Massf; Wni M. Canby, Wilming tori,l)eU ieptor, Sargent, of hf Bo tanic tJarderts, Cambridge, Mitss. Mr. Reflfield, Philadelphia, Pa., together witn several otner scientinc gentlemen and ladies, all on a tour of botanic in spection, will be in Statesville in a few days. The discovery of Shortiaby Prof. -w c tt . , : if i to scientists to visit our State for the purpose of exploring different regions ofour country, in search of other flora yet undetermined. Woik of the Cyclone. '.St. 'LoL'is, June 2. A St. Joseph, Mo, une 1, 5 :40 p. m reixirts - UTxtf tamUierut FrtkforKCa1 'Jndereji8elessMa - atal i"',1"JS pivYioiujio auuiaiiu s. 'The citizens nf that n of the bridge is I t ci-: :i j.A y.y-uv;!,' 'nl tone .or-'' WO, -J aiMMBM1oated7.'Mrrreid is tieed.' .po a. m, says: "Seentv-five to famr? Vmt3sroinde -11 mu xwni nr w u nuunumrinrui tile latter very severely. f 1 -ioH Qc-nfatAfceafci,t fJibJtehJT tteutsville CourlB-lourpoi.,1 The terrible "commencements" are XI essays " whidh the isWefcl'giflgtidti'ates Of wbnntry'will read, judging from the past, we pre- g'SiJSrS? St? "The Voyage of Life" : one hundred and y-smrBnrnwwom-aa iiro vrwii - x-ir twiic- Va T?b,. n,. -r.,wk " Shore ven4y-f on "True Hero- Rise : Act Well Thv Part." etc. : thirty. nine on the "Philosophy of the Uncon ditioned"; eighty-five on "We Gather Light td Seitteff ftehd the remaining 269 on miscellaneous subjects. With some changes in themes, these figures will belecruaHf afobHcable to the ora tions or the boys. r 1 i a g rSnedal to Richmond Plat county -farmBfs flie xcited ever w ravages of the. arm v aworm. Tl l Pest ii spreading iEeerf diitecttJn, t d daili i there are reports of -shavoc-r3!, le, tne iarmerawh raise; grass r mtui" their tosserf W "thousands c They apprehn that serious L y-; result to the corn and other jrowintf cropsr-M ir-i ! TJ.i l nr-, J-f- T UfyouI seoh fMo.) railfoad- bridge overthejN-t SOUri river for S600.000 as a private . . r Am . eueuuiauuii. x.vci v iwvau y, uhwi several rda-dscrossmg it will4iaWttf pay him four to nve dollars,- ana tne purchase, it is said, gives him complete control of the raiUxiad communications in that region, - The bridge nas costs its bond and stockholders more tnan twice the amount he paid ror it, , , thirl ism;; onenundred and three on "Night Bnjig$ j 0i We J Stafef ; siitHone fn "Honor arid Fame from rlo Condition1 a i KrigIW,".ll. V H tfllftybf Cashmeretoupermtend ffil r imny-vTornr nr me noi ronc" irpit army. 1 vignmiauun ua,iacitci. iLrtjw-wiousatluj THE JDROfVS TvOATH. MKfl'artt if jassia.iiyh mo- til 'Dull. Re port of .Yesterday's 'roceedings. Washington, June ,4. Senate.- Bayard, from the judiciary- committee, reportearWitn -ammuHie8& tnerSena bill septsiing ctiobs szClhu $i tXBYiseu 1 i 1 i i nnlv lAnvrn Anil - i4 w rw m w fcr consideration. Ordei-ed to UCML9A. T CN3JL lCaiO AJ UUi All U LP lA-JUUUr .OTieaiwapiacea on wie caienuer. xne oenaie wok. up ine um lo miwmit f tne act .regarfl, juqic fiicRi m Ivan dims tuetiifieFpirf was afirreed to smthe ThrHuorwwaita the President's signature. Many bills. have been introduced on leave and ierreo.: - -.hu. 1 Jv;Buckner.xaiauraan, ofihe committee. A k?VSA U UAVAA UiilWblllg 1U TOOUgablVil of New York, and theertn?rti'ii4tiQn al Bank, of Chicago, and especially intc the-managements of the assets of tb$ wks Dy meir respecuve receivers., jj Anions' the bills introduced in Utet vised t Statutes so as,, v6 feadas if irt ws ' '"TiiSfwretHrv Tftrtirff Tffeasn 1iriaWutchase tne umteo feiateaaucnorjzea ytiw. sucl rates E.arid. upon cajitormB as mayeem-mqat. 4vdvantagefinato !l public ; intefj,,.an41hefaJibIeby bro umrea orates ior jwxf mirpowexcep for refunding the public debt.' SUBSITUTE rOKTffATARirs BlLt. gniinaJSprjiwirtlonateisjiw wrtht thisine time fTfie ffdlo isfthe substitute io tHeijill repon frails the Senate iudfri dafv committ tfday as a substitutr;epiaDi for Bayard's bill repealing the juroyrfjj test oath section or tue Kevised statw utes ; it will form part of the legislaw; tive and judicial appropriation puiy asreed on bv the Democratic caucuau Sections 801, 820 and 821, and the-last clause of section 800 of the Revised Statutes.are repealed : all grand and Petit jurors in the United States courts shall 7 be pijbtielyjdrawn fropA-fcox contain-, ing tjf tarpes oft not es-han 300 pev sons possessilfg flBuarnrcation pie' scribed in section 800 of the Revised! Statutes, which names shall beM pl$eeaY therein hv the elerk nf t.hA.rrirf. AhAmiimmJsi:miVi commissioner appointed bv the judge thereof. I Sdid commissioner shall pre side fa tm district in which the court is held, be of good standing and a Well known member of the principal politic cal partv opposing that to which I the i clerk Jeloiigs,..Xhe, clerkjand this corn; ne nametoJ said box alternately until the whole number required shall be "placed there-" in ; but nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent any judge in: the district iiwwkich such is now then pratice, f rom ordering the names of jurors to be drawn from the box used 1 j.i 1 j.- . .. 1 wo oilc rtutuuntica in seiwuiie jw irtvvs uuiuiiuuiiif, iicrewiLii are pealed." -'ai sJ. i'i sJ'j.i' -f. A CONGRESSMAN GONE HOME. :U Hon. Emory Speer leaves for Georgia on account or xne tegrannic announcer mefliyriti'iferfcuiillness. ,f 5 i i THflWftt A meeting of the appropriation com. mittee of the House has been called for to-morrow morning when the bills agreed upon by the joint Democratic caucus last night will be submitted for action. ;- SPAKKS FROM THE WIRES. James Orton Woodruff. jthe projector of the' "Woodruff Scientific Expedition,'?; died yesterday morning in New York of brain disease. 1 -w-. Tames D. Fish, of Albany. N. Y- has been appointed receiver of the Globe Mutual Life Insurance CbhitiaJiy. Ha ceipts with the Mutual Trust" Com- tbj .refuse red desperado, of nsrt arre.!?t was re- wap'oOeaA 4estirday bt k pui-suingfflees, s ' , SouiresT-eonvicted murderer, cut his throarat Calusa, Cal., yesterday niiu 1 mil 11 v 111s wilt;. x tGindryf'the Canada Pacific Rail Railp4d.a broken yesterday at Wlf-; -Cookf-'W' witness against Buziiy.' the allied New Hampshire mui-dereh t i.j.5 j iMM icuuMctatua tesuiiiuiiy aim a new tr ffirp?ariUee-tte abli no patter how long . BRIEF FOREIGN ITEMS. , 'o in?'. j-io"i oj rvmw'jia at f it is denied that Bismarck has asked thecifle'Bof Hamburg and Bremen to surrenderjtheir privileges as free ports.' The riveF'Po7as made a breach iriifs embankments between -tllie iMafre'ftf vwd in Tf nltr T'Ka .liintniwi I . . g.....y ? n tic, iu autny. j.uc iinuicxjc io ciy cir ous. The police force fifiStjPeteusfonrsra'l to ue armt wjLtu f gYfftYergt PY mipenai decree.- - . I Jmuj ompfeii wait mmm asum Hanlan and Elliott are in constatii training for the coming match, , attd Dotn are getting in good trim. Hah ran is therfavoiitalrwo toirjne. ! -wm Distressing Famine In Cashmere. Simla, J una. 4. Officials irom .Qapft mere ay n is impossible togtaggerate jM.iuiittiijaiimj.axiisj'xoEnce, ap ; urgent reqUestlof e V"ice33iy or T-ft ve hundred ttms dlt gr: are hi?v -4tothgvaltey'5f C ere, r,-4 ;DetfiBalfei j ls5erW jbefearfHUy ajarming I of lflte &incssed eW year, lonaUeeauieT&ealh TAsmiMmr JmosOiislCTeantoriiiln3.t this sean i bi me. nurry civery day wS were-apt " til sa fnniTAra HAMJ!rfM i . . . . ft a Feve? orXuntroubl. has-already jpuaaiM BjseTBelr lives lfQhis wayev jwhue; had Bd&cHKs's cmak stbcf. 1 a cure woiutftaveresulttand a large iRttatSdoctor ifeen avoidea. Var n.11 rltiieaao'a. ite Throat anC Ldjgs, nBoscnxK's GkbJiaw 1 SrBOThas proven Itself a bethe greatest dlseov-' i''ryJ y"u l" lucuiume; very iZBtssist m this AwJi teu yotig&f &onderfuufieoL iover wbo,ooo bottles squ year wltSout a sirteW tauure known. j.j sse 1 no , , , " w ? - 1 TaousMdiBse it. wr. H-Jra. iusH It . . . . . 1 t wpmbiTdisTreT :N .tronhla V)jn a soharge cnroiue Caaes lis ao . r",1.nrl tiifvc futurevoruers will only be ajjun : . Deal Gently with the Stontcli. If It rreaNtractoiy.'iiilI discipline is the thing to t ttt it K4allth aauous draugbU reef dy It disc 'er$ M a !ew; wlneglas, Jails ay, thri Vurf irnf Tnr fr' ttrtVi -Iph! ZZmm J.mmH. tit. , ... ,,..,1 aiAlr f every dyspeptie and lallloua symptom. Sick head ache, nervousness, sallowness of the complexion, fur upon the: tongue, vertigo, and those many in describable and disagreeable sensations caused by Indigestion, are too often perpetuated by lnjudl uM raSS atdffl'aSJcpeSnhffil 6m fihd madvlsef bcperlii ft) TtoiiUiu iHtiiUliB it next step old alterative, r,?K - MS - ,l??wSS LU I.a ii.'tt "I kiftt edlcal sancUon ZZfott UO Mil ! kfttJTWWrflZtwi xfJ i irrk "5ff 1 o iff rtmatteJHtaiaarMiitieWgi UK ! '-jM.aicliiw York bankers, taaarfttrate tne omblnatlo system of jope&Uihg In aweka, it ,otteo.r;ver4lfficult for uiezpenenctsa uperaiore, or even' out wagecs, u $20,i eanT b ueed witn equal jj.-oportlonate stead of dlstractkiS eflorts anwng many L 4iM InnfAlSl kit fehaiiuinrta KMriJcMMflnti trat- editaW ie vastppl and woperatetfDRitae bene- 4taivKung)rQni.pro.&eTe a. nrcqil6al S'ranasco toadWSiM. 3f from-an Investment r mm hst SenttiT' Other nawflatrbetiiiaai'i$iifJ) paya 8125 5fuhfh,!0()rSetBmsd81.S per teentonastpok. a so on aa we marKN moves. Fsd pri. a& fhe.inarKPt tm ttVJKerring1 roles for aai;f6r7Aoriobe.to opc New ftilftreonut sue- cesyJiHl run ttstruoaow; operate : Sovemtaent 3tas sUbclled.! DeltOBtt Deceived. recent, oflnnwkBae fiiiiefit stock eOanl Xjrtetnoa df i MesslsiSAvlnenee ft Co.. htte JieWiYttfe bankers, pyhpjheenfsotiWiiarka- f proVe! herewost 4prattiaJJliocters of niBianq9wiiu8jeine3miiBa9sea)nm un- canDvesnronuviowKlW nas'-tvfO unerrujg'wiies'ror eaeeeesf' and lteptftns' received. ' Appty Ky(-JLaavrenoevi& Co. BauKers; 57 Exeaange.JilMev Mi aty : ) e Yes, ialthough :the !rnaasiterlf! Uiief, it is attainable- by; rbeumatie sBfferersi lor there Is a remeay. wbiob; earaes on. Dy means, ox increased or 01 ne .Kianeys--iinportant channels for iTWii trariflcailbnthe - nerid ' Mfment 1 tan oncni pataotoglstB the meet eminent attribute -he T)atnful ayinptoms-ra theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis., The name of this grand depurent ia HostettSers, a preparation likewise' celebrated as a remedy for constipation;; which causer: eontamSa t rf the blood ; with! the J&uer-and atcertain Itlsrjerbape, the -flnest tonte extaatandfsJl stirjiulaBt M d tecommeadettae' a medlclnAl ngiuhd- physician and analysts who pronounce ,oe euunenuy pure ana very beneficial. - The craioenqorsesit. ; Y ft woriirltfefrmeaireopl 1 Ther Climate of some;i)aVt8 of rne South 4nis to pecunariy roster utBM,siciai Mobtgesiefitbe gen- epht.theseiafwvjk malarial fever and oonmimption or premature de cline always; The restflt of all of them, when not rapidly SataL complete prostration f: the whole srstemi and.in most easesv'atter inahllltv ta derive rreswrauoo uunLjAenounacraenioi orainary ioa Tnenine aomoraau say; me only mine tne stom- telraiftl'j sna- hvwv cart accept ana (urn Into m TitaBdrftirtTjuBd plid .fibre Is Cod Liver or raihar Scott's lSmuJsioa of the Oil witti the OIL njuuuuirayujies ui wnie imaooaa. xmsisRDer Hypophospfi nutrient thai uWethh'the iOn ktonij and is besides a splen- (did tonie, and thermit bis not! the : least disagreea wsjiujraocnorui acepwDie to.uoe mosti ' ' may28 2w .w frM 1 ' iu liiyi .; ,v .' ey lfcietfcailjtBe Works. ' Generals feeaerogiird,- of Louisiana, and J. A. Sarly, -of T togintoi sUU conOnue to faithfully and eneijeauy discharge ttieir duties as commis sioners on behalf of the State and People, and will give the nexf grand senrf-anhnal - drawing of the Louisiana state lottery lithe lOSth 1 In number of monthly drawings), their personal supervision,' and assume tne sole management or tne distribution which occurs promptly at ncori ' on Taesday, June 17Uk.1 87H. aI1iwionta house In New Orieana. Tor farther information addiess, ere It Is too late. m, a- xmupnin, tr. u.,,tfox ovu, ew uueans. "Tnwtfl 1& r'fi.. .-m. m Chalic' Eder DiMieofntBeat. , Itlssaldlhaithereasoii whV Butier sought the gubernatorial nomination was because he had not beenfairiy treated by the Be publicans. The best oases ffit ehafes of -all, kinds Is Henry's Carbolic Salve. Try tt and be convinced. Beware of coun terfeits. ' " : mhe;i 1 ' . ih A Card, . . jTo all who are Buffering from, the errors and in dlscretlons of youth.-'nervous1 weakness, early de eay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, JTREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the REV: JOSEPH T. IIS MAN, Station D, New: Tork City. - latt 25. ;!.. ... . 1 a , .'! ramRAPBK MARKET REPORTS, -run 5- ii: !.' JUNE 4, 187.. I!. PRODUCE. ' i BAlrrifORX OatB quiet; Southern 30440, Wes tranwhlte ,86a3tf, -d! Mldi!33a36r Pennsyl vania, 85a36. , Hay market dull; prime Fenn syrvanla and Maryland 12al3. Provisions steady; tessborKLld 1050aia75. new ui bulk meats k loose nQuiaera emu. fio siaes 4, 1 packea ftcLLfa haiyui -Rhrail liars Ai&lt. olanr rih niitM -no d,7hams Plfeall. Lard-rrenned tierces 7. Butter quiet; Teholee Westernf packed 1214, ' rollri r tJoftee tarrh; BJo oarcoes liaie. Whiskey -dull ClMonwATtFlouri .easier family n5.10a 0.00. Wheai la good demand; red ,1,09a. IQ. ,Corn steady; at sxai uats nrm, aaao. porK Quiet and firm a lOiOO. Lard quiet and 8ntt;cuiTentmlte 6a7Vi. Bulk .meats Onn? houMersi hold! iSOi short Tibs .sold 4.5. cash 4.75. seller Aumist. short clear 4.75 bacod 8teV8biuders 5.1Cfeim clear ribs 6.80, ciear eraes ' o.ifi VS-' w nisKey- aeu ve sna nrm at tlidl. (Butter steady; fancy creamery lBa20, choice Western reserve laal choice Central Ohio 7Ma 11. SuiaTnrnirtords 9a9iA. A white 8Ua8fc. New n.uln.ObaiiU jiiiiMi;iiii iwiMkhuii.ein.o ie Al X . MMAAintat . AlTMAAna ' 1 1 " 1 - - .' mJJkwi TbMFlonrbtrleclded-chaBaat'No. 2. h 25aa0j superfine W.estemand State .45a3;5S, irYiraraAn tv cnrvul AVrra .WAafArn ntiH fifot 7Ro oiet? ieowmpiiilDi ouiet? tcommpni03rjrauiJextra 4,75as.ao; good Jicofle1 moderate derhimdi Rio; ouoted am car wmaHWwD i iwaaij sugar weak;'! liired area; frusbetf m,ldlasBesNewJtK,1 Sfi8atrlBii demand sod -stedaV; iouisiana KUiau rfcne1 fhesorfstttotO.Oaliaw. bld'O OoaTa woi1..g9ihb no- btm. tni9lfj m't hiOTuaaiij eaKrmsi toikiuwf -m 1101.1 -iwiii ifvt eiiiRnsnj-42mHrf tefrm exports W Urfeal BMtSUr . s : hum'k rkiAA: exuurLS c Aaui iiwu jniu,-unttUUHB low, ron uievw juuxiMtri .)4iK;ji joiiindi ftivaa ; saies aw, BufAJ4t jejenons -looastwiseJ 'iu; gooajQjamaryiaatinet Teceipniiuza; ? iLMuiunia vuiet; miauling lzvsc; low miar- dlmgi2ue.f eoonaTyllrnet receipt -s gmsaWialeltai)Sth3kiifi8Hf sDlnners :ea.' pons coastwise to (ireat Britain : to coa-i i US A ic;' -Urn Ptrn,APicT,PHf AT-l!irmsttmiddjjteg. 13: middling lagobdorharjle,1 ne net' recelDta , 1 rr : . trniHif i : uiim ,J27 v .sales 846i spinner, . 321; .stock' reatBrltafn " .: ' -1 1 Mln4."r21aeAf trend mag.? TOfeeAgeoa ! ordinary l2e.f receipts 4ft j ii viiAjuj-HjnrHir'miaar;.liJ3o.; tiow mia allng 12Vic.; good ordinary 12c... net., receipt 100; gross : sales 100: stock iVKfiti feximkn , coastwise Great. Britain ,. .Continent V; channel. ' ' " i.rancelmu aot-1 reoel vMwwr- .vin: rtvf i 51 -i,- t i'io I ... . " "vt" M.m MllllWi thi iwuuig . frtuiSr? y iw-iyu., uuuuiiug uneans,' a.; sai Shinned fkttnhr ru1 Nnuatrvhu XT.kn.i.n. !; December , September and October per sail .2sT 4 fM-. - . , V'10l sttrANCIAti Mm. si fl St ITi J!!: S ew;6a idoiiV jW j34 aeai proniaqiy meu single nanaea Tenxures. jmovt meieM i0finto every onor-8ddees4Iul onera- itflri. nndnitahltnl .fft-itn kmwitil Imm (if) t uuurfCaniM used ..with. iwmyai ipe aavanfagesooi juionviea capi-tal-ana(cfui.manlDulaUon arejecured, -ly the nfirtt6Sesif.Tf" ::" WyWl.! ; jiLtifn . 81 fie. . mid' OrieHnrt 1 a k.i J .iMniiiAtiwt. axiaum towuwuwi' ana "exoort u.iKMii eddiiiQn ajes, yesterday . after . tegular elosing, ,rt i w FSWTOTf nterlcaiiil,90Qt' Bu' " pituiu wvrjmiaaung' eiaose i June deUvery f UiieJtdJ riv jflim hr, SiofijWi: -iS Sfe fViahr-r if & cash paid for bags. J , . FUTURES. ' , NK W VoKlUirr closed weak. SiitM J hi Vv. ' :X.v. 1 Ul 13 443.15 l&t yfUi. .... .: .. r-3 m if. oaa j Oi lobe'. J Nerember. 4".44a;4 .-a2.3a.85 Hl3i4a.3tf Deeember..... January. CITY COTTON MASJT. - AHO Oftics of thx Obsskvkb. I Charlotte. June 5, 1879. i ThauBMrVnt rmtr-rdax closed irmonowst Jood middling 7TT.-.-nr.T.-n ..... '.- :" ' TS Good middHne ; Mlddllnfc.': A'4JiM0.HT-;ua-v-rwu.- 12ft Strict low middling. . . . . . . . . 1 Low nmdungMii.H.iis-a Tinges . - Lower grades-w t . 12i lOMiallk ''ffl'" aid WESTERN: Nfii rf wH Long and favorably known for their anti dyspep Ueaao, alterative tonic Waters, opened" 20th May, ljS;'Btrd yXpeifasry, sntf-redoeed rates for a Tonirprttme: andTfamnies;' Invandswin have the adrantajK OltouriaifreTe and In, addluon. JTO Tumsn nor-ait vapopaea neaicaiea baths-lf dflslrtd13"- &"JBafya t SprlDW3aS??imT:rWrWfpckdry on the Weatei NorthCailrift Baibxad. over the finest road to the State. For further Information, address tbtfttmwteftorv ."'m ' f"J ' mayi5 'SfirW StfiJltat ! lsol dilW - -mi b.'ihfod Aauf "r -xi : WESRCEBNiNORTP CAROLINA, U13! -.H-.i J?in 1 ..Ji ,. ,i,7?.t, 9!!-jii77- ''b 91'tJi. o t'now ,v(Kf WO" .1 sUiiidl in ammo(ons-fOT eight bundred guests u .tncontoctioy;,witheMmati Influences, al most speclfiOtfor , rheumaUsm, neuralgic, nervous and constitutional diseases diseases of the skin, kidneys and bladder, jmd malarial disorders. Send for descriptive, c1rcolar.3-y- " T OCATEl ten miles west of Tayloxsyttle, on the iar Lenoir toad; ih Atexaoder county climate as healthy as any where in . North Carolina. Booms furnished' with r without board ,. at low terms. Provisions cheap., For further particulars address, - . H. J. ALSPAUGH. LittlltM TJOi, Alexander co., N. C. may 28 lm Cleavelaud Mineral Springs These Springs are 2 mOes frbni!'Shelby. TS.C. and one mile from C. C. Railway. Hacks will be at Sprtng'a station on arrival of every train, i Band of muste and other means of (amusement f or the eomf ort and enjoyment pi guests,. . THE TABLE - i i ; ' lev ' . : ' i-7 : i will be tarnished with the best that the inarket af fords.' ' : "hi, ': . rr,- j Bates to suit the times. - ' iiji-"'- i . ' S.Ma POSTON, Proprietor, , s 'i .Shelby, N.d ' L. S. WruiUMS, Superlntendetit. " JpOR SALE. The Bourgeolseand Minion type on which this Japer was tetely printed. It was made by the old ohasojD ; iypeiiQuodry, of Philadelphia, and wa not discarded because ho longer fit for use, but on ly because It became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good service for several Tears to come. It will be sold In lots to sui pur chasers, and In fonts of 50 to l.OOQlbs, with or without eases. Address : OBSERVER, oct5 . . Charlotte. N. C. FOR SALE. T That valuable property in this1 eity toown as the Tannery of Alexander, Alien McBed. This Tan nery is conveniently located, and bas all the latest Improved machinery. Bark and hides low and In abundance. ' For particulars address ' A. ISAACS, Attorney , for Alexander, Allen & McBee. GreenvUle, 8; C. May 9th, 1879-dlaw8mAw3m -yELI, IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at . teCl8 uiii,;i , THIS OFFICE. Hatid IVIirrprs, Dressing Obmbs, Hair Brushes, ' Tooth Brushes Cologne, Handkerchief Extracts and Fine Soaps, at DR. T. C SMITH'S DRUG STORE. to CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. f.if2WaRtefc rui! ) i Colombia, S. C May 31, 187 .On and after Sunday, June 1st, the passenger schedule over this road wfil be as follows: ; , " '- . ''iAt'?ASSEN()EB,,.r':',f : V'1"-' Z 'M .,,fe:,;:'i n Leave Augusta. , 50 a. m. Arrive Columbia;... .n'.V.'. . ... . . 10 48 am. Leave Columbia,-'.. . ;U .1.'. . i . n a ID 65 jwxf. Arrive Charlotte,.., ..... ... 8 50 rv. i l l FREIGHT WITH COACH ATTACHED." . j :, Goijfo Sotrra, ... ;M I lieu' Leave Charlotto,iUy -v.it .Jiiii'. . -mi. Koamwa,. tu..; - .-'il-Ui Cheater................ ft (ti 1 " Wlnnsboro.:.. .... ArrftiatCbluAbla;K..r.,.v..';;i i.(U.'IB 00 x. LeaveOolumbia iu. ., . iw 'irOO a. x. Arrive Augusta. , . . ;'00 a.k . NIGHT EXPRESS. v ,.' H;' Going Sotrrtf, . j,,,' Leave Charlotte, ..i.L.......i......i. .. 12 45 a. Arrive Aturusta.'. ; . . .; . t:.:':li.v :w ti i. m. rw u iwuBnont . .i i J u i ( fir 45 Jul 4W,i.SdStlHfB trtitf rrrffl iwffttcfiartotti,ua..'.i.miW..vi9 tljiPullman Palace Cats from Augusta Ne ,WasMrLbi).'' J i i joiYfTw v.i .;"uTO, i i iwwww ivmnvf9m auHl .W. i'OI j!:lif -. i .;,:(!?.) OABDwrai,!..! wv. TLANTIC, TENNESEElBJ&iBjULROAD Oiti'i.Vli; 7 'tn I 'Al AJ. .C.'May lS7&f iOn and after Monday. Mav h ih fniinnrinw j wuwnus" mu am niu ww una fvtfu UaliyoUnuuy 9iwh!U ti uu,', o: ; .( i'.-l fii sis) ' Leave Charlotte. i,i,(;..t'.,4j.i!j00!a. n -. J l bU.tIy l.'.l cnw' i ' Alii I r hSitl US ! lid. W.,.,?!.. . ' iave.statesviild,.:::....''.'..;',.,..'..'.-.''4 40 n. m. 1 aaVILvu"cP''''--- .J 'V8 p. m. Arrivstat Charlotte,. i jj :....,.;.; a -0 p. m. 4 1 1 1 I Wlva4 diul njlf I L Ul I 1 I ii inumi, niiu-tn .Diaussvme wim western .CarolUiaRAia-oad. r f-,.Ai Jnlog which there are bo Agehtsi iTfae lywiuooipe re- AC M-. HDEA AVwiw vir.'j ii.l isoicii'-vr K.:-. NIN AiirD?tRAlfAG'ENCY, JtesaUeiuyuig Mlnes,. Lnd a Hpns43T llWMV t .)liJ A 1 ii , oj Mate p 5 P.H vein t nan ireu oserea ior snisment ta SArtiannmUU 1 -1 IIS Hendersorfs,y Alexandrlana and' CaldWelf s must do Drenaia. mev neinir ( inniri sutinnai m SSSf8 fWtopW Atteiit deUyerr,,Hfi stai '"."f f : T -,M " ' tJ.f: GORMLEY. imayzj "J.ii ,;u:ii;,i Ifiiu.u L' ESTATE.'- M-snrti "lol . W s; charlotte; n. c. Have now In store a niee and eomplete stopofp- Conie to I Ul a rnv iooi; SPRING. Bags. . ' ) Jj WiUKhmoiJ en find THE BEST STOCK '! ''- If Ml '-.UB.l tu ' Tif ivii,! i; Celebrated Ladles tQssesf and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. xiwaiwiKeepnues. oun s, uoiorop A A,ua- i iiMftiJ low's, and other best bcamds. . Gents wlfl find there the Miller, MoCullough: , Ober. Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also : )0sl illl HIIlYJ SH, THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR ? PEGRAM SHOES. J Cap sreo uylng. pnrshav persoiuft attention. April 9, 1879. ' PEGRAM ft CO. BOOTS! BODTS ! BOOTS I iiiiiiiifBOOTS 1 BOOTS ! BOOTS ! SHOES 1 .-r. . SHOES,! . SHOES ! Al AND AND AND AND HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! SPRMfi STYLESJ! T,3E LATEST rTlS05fijEtER INHIBITED IN CHARLOTTE. ff ii This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, 4c, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap. asthi saSk)dcao;Usold bj aW house In' the South. . v. :- .. . NTS Will do wen to call and examine this stock, as it is especially adapted to the1 bade of North and South ' Carolina, and wfil' be sold at wholesale or retail uii must leasm table terms. 'tntuteiHtih tin Si ...!: !,! To Charlotte wlhvlteto our eery and O AJ O XAViUCl V JiAV dJo oa 3iil t lolsal bta JU 4&tmsll iu ; Wll .! MOOTVUagIwH II EelrMbpp&dW propose te-geheap feroish. vtthEnJ mi luiia ?a fiWf.?oaaa ,.x NEW YORK. lAdheaOse upon the laws of good society n New Tort?. - . XliT,. , f ikiw KtiA- i.j!.j ij 4-i:,:,iI al iio,dwwa Sttddi Ce.'vCelebtateAj' i v - -jnl J5 r t Mii;sttii fit, njiiV-.o itt'',,i",r RUBBER, PENS, iliPen b soniaeQniadBvnd'ainvTte, tttaM n, i'JoSifill hiwl Salla! w? l 'sVf: m luUisAnimu f S illW .SJBKlib llJdJdi&B S iii' A(Unntnl,ifH CeUbnMdSukber iMfifiue fisidsisiiT c mini .H3X T I. ' I r ana any orders ven them wuT receive ptat leaoon. i r -I mm mm - . A VT 7. !AiSHK)NS ;'. ' rr; " - - MKRCHA i qrflHTrf I 1 i AlaWAiinijnikdt fjj.KUi;fiiUJES vUKAfKB THAN EVKK. , i'-".V;,. new 4yyui v.oifnai'.wn-! , HS nttw i Ofaohtewq.) m .v,,..,, 1 . . "Jt. vomasLxaviAn SKET. All goods delivered In the for cash. cfreeof charge. Hi CBiMMLNGER W, Nt door Ulow Wilson ft Blacked tow P 15. if-!fj mix .J 4Ka UMifci (wnl.'iR tf Ml O fU ll ...: ilOj)i)"l i,. ; T bnn hi ,9ijta ,ai!!W ;lxtir ji. ilf OS , --, waooo :rrni RMuMILlvER&SONS. Ws retail nowing om ehoios goods, Guaraiv tee very article we sell and wfll cheer iuuj rviuiiu yvur money wnen our goods are found as represented. A good stock of not FAMIL1 i.UilJOH i Gr RO CERIES on hand. We make specialties of Corn, Flour Meal, Oats, .Butter, Xggs, Chickens, Hams, and general Country Produce. Solicit correspondent from parties wishing to buy or sell. Respectfully, w F B. ALEXANDER A CO.. May 8. - .3 i Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. ATTENTION EADIEg, LADIES. TUST received a full line FINE ORANGES. fj l,MON8, PINE APPLES. BANANAS and Choice French and Plain CANDIES, Choice Jellies, elites, every Mustard and description; uannea rruits, and Pickles of ever; A fresh supply of GRAHAM FLOUR. OAT MEiL and fresh Crackers of every description. CREAM CHEESK. FIFTY BARRELS OF THE CELEBRATED BRIDGE WATER l -1 ELQTJR. FLOCK, ' -T ! : ,f;!fffi( it - - ALSO A LARGE 8TOCK OF ... '-IHfl IK- (!: CHEAPER GRADES. CHEAPER GRADES. Sugars CoffsMi and auythrng that can be found In a finrt-class Grocery House. ' .Vt..4TTJH junei LeBOY DAVIDSON. gxrttls. 'IELDBBOa, WHOUBALX AHS HXT1IL GROCERS and DEALERS to COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS aad BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUB KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES. DRIED FRUITS, Ac CxnlmlM TWilrii In btaatl rjTTri 11 k k xa 1 - t OtjB l Bntti fal iA l. 8HD- 8 rjORD tarlOSs IWhdtof FL0UB; Auo, notvnmm or nn , ' JCHARLQTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This bouse has been refitted and newly furnished, vm&mW style. TermivDay .... . ... i$00 Great pBrijjr terms see the FIELD! Proprietor. .... Superintendents. Clerk. Mr. SL 8. wmnM k Last... huh wajwi, .j.. $2.00 iVA; MARSHALL H O U 8 O US E H O U 8 O U 8 E SAVANNAH. Gi. ooaiKi.ii A AvlUCE, Proprietor, Redaeed rate S2. 00 and $2.50, aosordlng to Iocs M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel- . i m M il l " i a DTAJVrc HAMS mttlTi rt 25 TIMC I'OY .1,.,,. ; ;; , t ! .U sia i!iii.-..i-iVj ,,,tl -!'' t' 1! ... Inducements iJhnJ t table boara- propnetor. grOlroiM tWages at every traln..ja BROTHERS. iatd-) 10 9T? Wlli? i-i Hi

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