25SCM Orijc ,l)arbttcj,cpr..- Y27 5t-rfTN r TK& OBSSYM& JOB DgPAHTMBMT Mai "been tMtviigTUy tvrmlied viiCh every htedtd svBscniPTiojr rates i Daily, one year, ( pomVpaidy tn mivtmee. Six Months. .... ..... ..... . ... ... .. Tiuee MwUtis E I r I IP . 00 4 UU 2 00 75 wont, ana wan in uam xiyiet crxvpt. ana auery manner qfjoo norKcannaro oeaomvnuw 0t M win i. i. dispatch and cheapness. Wt can tumUh, at A .nut no noi j notice, .j.i,i).K..vM4J.KliH$ UHLHRH, MLL-RKlbS, - 7 TAGS. RECEIPTS, P08TEX8, :, iHl r;i-x PS06MAMXE8, HAID-BILLS. , WEEKLY EDITION : : . Wv.'(in the county) Out cftto county, postpaid. a-iV j.i,2 10 Six Monti . . UlfP.W. 00 jgf- JXbernL Redttctiontfor CUti. ; -:lf s it. i (Jf it' ti'; TTvT VOL. XX, i. 1 NOi 3i207 V T iff .-li? 3i i TTj7 Tirr, i. ! l r- '.i..." :.t "8t. Lees's Toast." S ii n III Di i 1 1 1 A II; H ig J I I N 1 f i i -1 i SUN A 4SH h fHM-l'' Ladles buying ParasoMaft Mi Ujab will best assortmentlYe find the ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will also find other goods to suit them upon which tbeysoy.burtlck of Fancy and Staple fCitlAlt DRY GOODS Is now wetj among tf hk Q may be found a full supp o4f'iT9'n Goods, Sheeting and fallow Casings In Linen and Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, Slate, Bed and Yeflowj Napkiii3iDoylas aadfl'owels In" every variety; Car- ur stock of Embroidery and Trimmings Is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS. COR- nnim 1.41A)!TIES, 1 u Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Handj Kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrellas. You will tod them cheap, and everything else In proportion Call and see us. It will pay you. )? 'A . i . i iMs.i !CQHiN. T CBGES9 OTtOLSr . . ' : -v- WHOLESALE. AND EETATL Y ;i - ; DKALKH IN ALL KINDS OF I 5 if KUKNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, Ac. BEDDING, AO. 'BEMHNGi Aa SbedvingX Ac FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! i A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEwSTKADti ! ill i 1. i t J LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES I , , i f LOUNGES iii'l LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! lr- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. Si COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . Xx Wtbt Tbadk Strkkt. mkKU&iFTf N. C. Ladies' and Gentljsea's Burial1 Bx)tJ ine supply. ARHAINS VYV URRia'tfN 'VttTTtTU URRR - U UR HHH J.U, T TT TT Tt B. JtF U I- TXKRR.' V UK KN NN II U UE SI RK8B r ri . . .. . . ;a3HTOH a.fsr ; . . .: r . . . . J : . .bmm.i'n Ytitedi I . t - i f My. stock is very Lar. and emhTaeAFUi4ne of I o o H CARLOU, CHAMBER, DINING BOO f -st jM s .J , a .a. 1 - ' '" " " ' . - - - All Goods Packed Free of Charge I ; , rauar 5 s S fe ?..s r : it I i HATS, &C. a )ivv vzn :nn We have raoelved another lot of handsome Silk Handkerchiefs rffilaji. aeejsulteiirrilakli Jxtltps. Also a large line of Ladles' and Gents' in all qualltles. 'Those In ' heed of such art article- wlD de well to canon us before purchasing. Da not fall to see our large stock of f-nf.d ft j; Fancy Dress Goods. (i IT 11 r)Ml ; LADIES ;HATS,',&'fiONNl5X;;' BoA irlrrimed and untrimmed, at grrtitly reduced II! II H ' iriiimer CasslniiM M ' M AND WHITE' ! US LINEN DUCK. Speplar&jsyion tfveft to orders. i .X. L. SEIGLE A CO., . - f 1 m r Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C s ' , r r ii Junel. i I 9 PEING CLOfflNG. H-:: W. KAUFMAN A CO. : I We have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's VOO L OO TTTT H H II NN N GGG O OL O O T H H II NK N G G O L O O T HHHIINNN G We invite public Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every tent wnicn is soia at our nouse is warranieu w as represented, and in price less than can be bought elsewhere. We continue to sell BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaper than any other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing the best in the marke-. we present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Including the best makes In the country. There can also be found in our stock a complete line of tine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest ' ' BARGAINS Can be had at W.KAUFMAN ACO.'8 '" hic-Comer Trule and Tryon Sts Charlotte. N. C. April 10. glcnj &avtvtistmmts. AGENTS WANTED for the best and fastest sellhiar .Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced Srpl fcitl NaMOjab Publishing Co. PhlladelphlatPa. " x lays me ioudqouuu iut buubuuiuoi iuuiuw j week, and pays an Immense percentage of profits by the new capitalization System of operating In oiAMfL -14 lit I AmanaiKin lit i auuucatiiuu w auoiuo. DEAR SI Illustrated Catalogue of 4dWfe GjreatTfeseftf Cft Worka, Pytburg, Pa.- BENSON'S CAPCTNE POROUS PLASTER SMthatea'pllrJlf liefword C-A-P-C-I-N- cut through It, and Insist on having no other. Ask f aamci lebloo&nnaiftentlrit Systahi.-lhree: mom.AMwMLw. rtn mii uM nii?ht from l tola weeks X Bftnui to nnruiipalth. it such a thlnK DO possible. Bent bf maQ fo8 letter stamps. L i A CO., Bangor, THE SALDAHOTEi Tnaiiia or nleasure seekers." who deslre'to annrt.afAw,wks, ci4b, riptf.wefrther in a most iMiro(Milty. are informed that the i.a i,r. tvri tivthTvBhJi.it,ftunatedi36a thcr Spar- lauDurg ana asubviiio iuuiivau ri; w a jh4. gnartanDurg. oniy a xew mues irum HendersonvUle. Imroelightrui cumaie, ana sr mnnded bv snlendid mountain scenery, few placer SPRING CHICKEN. EGGS, "0,uw '.' f ' ' ; aICGMeUARONI, MAGNOLIA MAAlOt :;May28, i nm. Before eacn-eeger guest;. ; .-;;-i sueBcesuaweerawdda nau.. deeD as when the herald's call H mi. Tmills in the loyal breast. IthM nnkU Knot . And smying cried. "A toast! a toasth ', , ' To all bur ladlesf air . ' : 1 Bere, before all,-1 pledge the name ' -rl Of Staunton's proud and beauteous dame The Lady Gtundamere." Then to his feet each gallant sprung, And Joyous-was the shout that rung. As Stanley gave the word ; - And every cup was. raised on high,, , . , . Nor ceased the loud.amj gladsome cry, Till Stanley's voice was neard.- - iclijsJ.j I iiU I "Enough, enoish," he smiling said ; ao4 lowly bent bis haughty head; , "f bat aU may have their due; " ' - Now each to turn may play Mb pa -. And pledge the lady of his heart, Like gallant knight and true.' ; ... . , .. Then onTOc(hertrstehfOretprang up, i 'And dndaedhrttarhtthe. DTiirtmln&cPrt n And named Que laved one's name; , And. each as hand on high he raised. v '. 'Ifls fcidyys grace ad beauty prkfeed-,' - i . Her ooasia&oy and.feuue '! : . Tis now SL Leon's fuih to' rise: t Myw krei flTed thftRR countless eyes: 1 ' i" uBMnwntknlithtlshe: i i HjEtMe4brsom0,adnired byall, , Far famed in lady's bower and hau . The flower of chivalry. ' ' ' ' St Leon raised his. dling eye, Ana lifts ihe sparkling cun 3 111! Idrii con on high; Inki one,J' he sairf, l ;'WlMe( image never, may depart, sepgraveiJ en in tms graterui ni in this grateful heart, memory be deadf - ''Toione whose lovefei me will last , . When lfehfer passions long have past ' ' So hbry t is and true; ''i:T one whose love hath longer dwelt, , . More deeply fixed more keenly felt, . , Tjian anjr pledged by you," : ' Each guest upstarted at the word, ?f- AadlHid a band upon his sword, With fury flashing eye; And Stanley said: "We crave the name. Proud knight of this most peerless dame, . . Whose love you count so high." St. Leon paused, as if he would Not breathe her name in careless mood, Thus lightly to another; , . Then bent his noble head, as though ( To give that name the reverence due, And gently said: ' My mother!!' OBSBKVA'flONS. The i warm fllrtlnir season ..flDDroachea when oeauty.muat keep lta powaer ary. xeqyune i:1ILa'a riCan An nnt la tTitrti- fiAnTfff"Wt. tHtt 1 ftftt V.'i ff"1."" uuui uiejr are aiuc iuo uiiu3 mu,uvn w steppea.on. - jwayttne. , . t , E Perkins hai irone to the Indian territory. ThA linhtanut mn now have a chance to do some thing for the good of the country. xnaanan Tunes. The Norristown Herald says you can't convince- a woman, who is cleaning nouse, mat ine wooa work is clean ontfl she has scrubbed nearly ail tne paint off. When asked how the ladies were dressed at a fashionable party the other night, a modest youth replied: "About as mucn as tne oyster on tne nan sneii." He la an imfeeilnsc wretch whose heart does' not swell with pride on being recognized by the leader qi a pardouig Drass Dana. Oulte; a number of Americans have found en ployment within the last year on the London news papers, rnis, prooaDiy, accounts ior me unprovea appearance or journalism in mat smau town. - n T. Mail-. . , Oh maiden fair, with eyes of blue, With tangled curls of amber shade, Whisper it softly, tell me true, Of whori you are dreaming, pretty maid ? She lifted her hoof, and whistled, "whew! Thas a pesky gravel got into my shoe." Hawkeye. There was a young girl in Mar'etta, An Atlanta boy tried hard to get her, But she turned up her nose At his fine soldier clothes; His presence did nothing but fret her. Atlanta Dispatch. "Rosers." remarked the fraudulent President languidly, "how many vetoes have we still on hand?" "Eleven, me lud," replied the amiable secretary, laying tenderly away tne Doot jacK witn which he had been toying. "Bo!" exclaimed Mr. Hayes, a pleased smile passing across nis ieacures lice an ear-wig minting ioranoie. "in mat case, Rogers, you may as well fetch up another plgglu' ol Aaer. Atlanta uonsiuuivm. List of New Lawjers Liceused Tue?d;iy. fRaleigh Observer. Edward Stanley Abell,Johnston coun ty. quimans. r, , . .. Aloses JNerti Amrs, vvaKe. Walton Manning Busbee, AVake. Leroy Campbell Caldwell, Cabarrus, Eugene Douglas Darter, iiuncomoe Thomas Marion Cross, and Marquis Lafavette Edwards, Cnatham Jjaniei vveoster JJiVans, uumpenana. 1 Justin Field, Guiltord. iTfedV'Charles Fisher, Rowan. Ebberfc Austin Foard, Cabarrus, Francis Murray Fremont, New Han over, -' ' - - Asii Owen (4fmoru; ashington. JolinvAlstoli'Oourley. Cabarrus. Samuel Holeman Jordan. Henderson Edward Sayage Xatimer, New Ilstn-' over. ' 'VJrtliiT.- Ti'iirrono T Htlp Anirtrt wiuiam ijerry mcjt.oy,iiewximT'i Richard Ashe Aleares, w ake. ;" William Zenus Morton, Beaufort. Bascom Headen Palmer. Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Rickman, . Hender son. Edwin Douglas Steele, Guilford. : John Richard Tillery, Edgecombe. Willis Copeiahd Warren, Hertford. John Norwood Webb. Orange. ' ' Allison Coalatncourt Zollicoffer, Hali fax Out of thirty-three applicants on! y -fivtt failed. . . '" u-naJ: ' ,-..J ,. I. I m i'jjJ'H N'.?$MFP FprhpafanceJ Brpvfit MaYnr fJeiief al Henrv L. Hunt; TfiifipH Sfafps armv. wlm'was Statfohed mVCharleston, S. C, during the; excit!J ing pxUticai struggles inere.iaiiring ijie ico- eomposel.iQfath Jtet young'men of thQ-i Htv. and itira letter .acknowriefltarincr the t reconstruction ra, wasv;cecw",iy wan- t ana tne goia precipicatea ro ine. ooccom X&i&t to Atlanta, Ga. r,h4epar:)qnJtrie';m in ettsely- faaS K ; ilm-marjfl 1 Wftw tirRrtjitation is. member of tfae WasMst!On MetttiRJlnromBTet favitrV nf CihArUshrMl' -till- organization: -WWMe compliflsnfft'Paid him Gen. Hunt epep Wi5 Wr44ftlf verv handaomeTvit HftJlfft' (itfmtif'MP f vWtfk?H.r1r.f(, VI UUk v tne military organizations os-iHyttatiess- ton, whosertlroiHeaKacwi lives were en UiWQgKlcU. . . ,11.1 bU, Al UV) . MHJWW.i BUll3, gaVs Gen. Hu-nt bndep-iccessive , ITTJAU . -. .4-L . . w 1. n 1 n " exhibiting- ie!f-cbli(ol and subordina tjdtt to authority that W.have-'rbeen ftftfaijk"arile underthe' iefrc'ttinstances in veteran "trboijs,'' and which, Gen. Hunt -AsMfilfjedhw3 admiration "such ' a tribute Trcm such a source more than coniterbalaaces a half-dozen denuncia tjotV etneehlps from congressional stal :SispcnsIon of the Druid Duck Mills. iJA-rmnroitE; -June The Druid Tinck Millfi,-nf GambMllj bt Woodberry. near this' city, 'will suspend operations to-day lor an ' inaennj.M5i. pejri.o(L c ue reason assiirned for the suspension jb in rh rUn in the nrice of cotton and the! Tom xuree to lonrnnareaanair wi be thrown out of (employment. .... ...... . -.v-'-f,-.- ; v":'' i 1 :. flrjTorapvardiottJpTeaafr.4mslow'a8eot lng yrup nas Deen-wea u cuuureu. xt curwu acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates" thn hnwfthk'curesvsentery and diarrhoea, whether r arising fxom teething or other causes. Aa.old and tCi, i.. muli, ORi tkt Knttlo ' - lISpUii;Mfbd;bg which Ja.ai.GoiSCBjJuBeiltil, 187ft. ( i iiamt teixHsmm v&mmt&in eon iersati6n" wfthr a!1vll! kfroWfi!iebeniist of JtfassachiMettSft thfetiftjcti'au Tif exous u1t)htiretotti0ari6u opin ions of well-known scientifie'taje'fl'were" mentioned ; as ' to- tne 7 most efticaeious tdethod of treating auriferous sulphur-' ec ores, -auwug m' names menuonea was that of Hrot Enrmond. Stata Geolo gist 'if or the lState-'of North Oaralina, whose opinion was-. that' smelting the sutpheret ortfe-wouiii ib& most) feasible ror obtauung ail taei gakfcr Wnicn is to melt tne OfesTnta a maty then : separate thd feold' from, the baser metals.; 1 This1 opinioni is iyen in hiss report' the - Geo-" logical Survey of , the State; sipttWisbecF ihtnevva i8d sAt that time.; land f Oi' years arter.xbat opmion was. me' jnost 1 1 1 ; " bi.'r . wv r prevalent nmuiig scienLiinj uueri f xue gentleman remarked that he, differed' witn au 01 tnen. i 110 Baystirfiav as sayed aurif eroos' stdplraret ores! rf roiar nearly every part ot tne wona waere they are known to exis& anfll aEatfully; convinced- inttheopinleai'that thia only successf ill methodfor the treatment of these aurif drous'auhmrets must; beby chlorination. .SmeltoagJjBaBritojmade effectual, but the cQst M.separating the metals, after Tbeing reduced td a inat, is greiater'tlian the- 3ost Jof ehlotination." Since that timefieeraraitempts have been made to smelt thef - auriferous sul- phurets into mat, and separate the bas er metals, but in every instance it has met with many drawbacks arid proved unsuccessful. About 'the, year 1867 a new flux was said to haye heert discov ered "kavlite," which wOuld reduce the ores by melting in a furnance, at the same time' separate" the gold from 1 1 1 i . J . " 1 ..11 . A- J . me uaser inetaisi saving i uusl ui sep aration from the mat. This process. like all others for .smelting the aurifer ous sulphnret ores, died an, easy death. The skeptic might argue that chlorina tion had been tried without much suc cess; that we admit; hut chlorination as applied by Dr. Meares, with a super abundance of chlorine . gas, ' under a strong pressure, in a pioving body of material.' which had never before been tried on' a' large scale, is' a success. The toethod of treating the ores is as fol lawslThe coarse ore's" areJtaken as com' mg irom ine mines put. uuouim a isiaKe s crusner, wn;a , reauces tne mass down to sizes yarvihgfrom Coarse gravel to that of three-fourths of one Inch in diameter. : From. tlieBlake crusner ifiis material, uoun -yoarse anu fine,1 indlsfcrlmlnately, is'fed; rerough a Walker pulyerizer, which, reduces the whole" to a very fine ; powder. This Walker pulverizer is said liy its inven lor io .naye a capacity iui, puj..v.ei4iuiig one ton per hour. It has a sptjed, of S.uOO'reyplutions per minute. Although it is one of the best ' machines ' which I have ever seen amongst a great num ber for pulverizing ores, it rails to ac complish what has been claimed by the inventor, as stated to me from a relia ble source. -.'From the pulverizer it is carried l)j elevators to the' furnace for the purpose .01 oxydizing tne. suipnur- ets. The present furnace in use is on the reverberatorv pi-mcipie. rne air necessary for'athorough Oiydation of uie suius is luinsneu.uy muwtuv.yuu- uucueu lo uie. saiiua uv v yipu,. wuivu, is perforated witn noies near tne end which 'distributes the, air very evenly through the sands, the same pipe being used as an"agitator. After the' sands are drawn' from the furnace and allow ed to cool, thev are conveyed by eleva tor to' hoppers over the chlorination cy- iiiiueiis, 01 wiiicu iiiere niv uuicc in number, about three feet in diameter, and four feet long, made of wood, lined oh the' '-inside' with lead, also ribs of lead wftich act as agitators. Those cyl inders are strongly bound with iron Tands resting in their.position on strong iron journals. Each cyutiuer 'receives a clfarge of front 1,000 pounds'itO ;i.500 pdtihd. A charge is first let into; the quantity of water is aadi'd to tnake it a thm mass. Tne stoppers Tire an piacea and fastened ; the chlorine gas,' :which is generated in a gasometer, jA then turned into the cylinder unaer; a cer- tafh pretetrre: the cylinder is set inno- nun, reyoiyiijg, wumu, is cuutinucu iui from twetitv . mmutes to two hours.' de- endenHs to'time;cirt the cliarkdter .of jthe goidf":netner nne or .coarse., iir fine, twenty' rnjnhtes is" amply J.stif -fief etib'id dissolve' the gold'if ,C0aT$e i 1 requtris' from ohfetfoTirTo'tp1 Ijours ti dissolve'the ' gold: two ' H6urs being tlte 'ttreme limit of time necessary to dis- T.s6ivethe coarse particles. ; , A second cyimaer receives a cnarge -as at xrrst. ThestoprpeW ate placed andfastened and thesurplugas ;from, the6rnier cylin der is discharged. into the; 'second with such additional gas, from; the gasometer as may foe' necessary" ttnder the ; same tofessure ; to: dissolve .tfee gold. The cy linder Is then set in'motion, &c.' Iri the meantime tne first "cylinder has been 'emptied of Its contents into the ' leach h'opper'where water is applied to leach but the jgefld,' copper and iron that may cbntnedin the- 'mass.r : The liquid. tjahKkrioWfi'as tbeMprecipitatine tank : Hfr this1 tank'tlie chemicals ! are ; applied Sthelidtddldtawn oftthe.pren d'fAfld'isllected.lari.Min cru cibles with at little fliix, melted and cast, a5' Apoiifr thrde dollaM'er tofr;1 the cost of laa-s and fifty cent petfton. The Rowan IX. XX V VI V works are under" the5' Meares" p;itent: Dr. Meares., having sold the ttseJ)Of!lhis Dofefiffto cbraUttnV'fOi? the State bf I forth ftroliha, exclusive ttf Klabarrn county W, H. O. Colored ppOnitioD to Faster. ' : :! !. S TFhlladiBlp&fa.Tlmosti.-v cd OppOni i '.& Phlladjilp sdHepif The colored: I$epifMaas of Ohioc wei e very strong intfceiis oppositioh to-FoK-ter'i hommatibnttndimany of the lead.- er emphatSeallyi declared they wouldn't, vote for MntJThe pastors of two 6l- ored churches in ColumbHS have said' I mat or me six nimureu uoioreq ! TOL&ra iri Franklitiatife;S)Ste?fiwouldi iiot trot. fT-fHnmriWfitMThft -Rfint.imehf. w nn c j 1 1 1 i r vi i . ti i u iii , inu i-mi'h i'iiiiiii m enthusiastic for the author of the Lou-! isianareportaiid Fester would feel the" .lsia4AuAarwwuiuei. tuip, shiciohV.bntlnltlm no room'for.that'; tUey.JI wme.throvgh. bf ;Fpster-electiorvVi4ently: it'-will be necessary .t&rea&omeoiytfrT Hayes vetoes from the stump in OMo tuis fall. conaocted by Jwooden trougns;into a lare tank,: called a settling tank; 'from iSli'itdisenargetf ihto a second thTfifrSrd some of. these rerV)Ha'mt.n' .-In'ttieewly'revrf aa idaidantlibrJtjlauwfaghlonaBlerld, - Our relation to, and uealings't teUlgentiSadeM thai tie Information given 1owr J fxyfW'aLchangea have taken place, both In ghape-and pattern bf taprleg In Men Garmenta, of which D: i:.-. ii mand IhSprlrigGanhi Is oitt new'-' ' ' -i; .!!!! : ;;' :! f- r- WEST END SAGK. :.:'t -,7s'::' ' " . . ' : i;:, :. ,. 1 n, -n-n-n -i-v.-t .- --. : . ; : . It has'many admirers among those who prefer new shares and ideas Iriste ance and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. . ' J ' .' f ; 1 ' I pMr BL Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with thre or four butiris, front enf& trifi of Spring textures. '' : ' . sir 1 THE: 1 t . ' .'.(: ' . . -. I . 1 . ' .. i fo.ahfpQfand skf retaa,, hld In popular favor, fts tehgth ta 'limeloiOuai'.'laU aeaaoiu'and It' is one of the moat useful among the gar mejtftoanuematfwardrotoe.ii3,he toatr . ', '" !Out!Paiilsit0ilsmhBletBVwn4rrhdvBtty rrrOnrHai deriartment'weinvlte the tbapeetfoit'ot the'nOst eul- vitMle8,ilaiereat8'aBd Straw Gaofe' ikearasl6rtment Is almost uriHinfted in pTaeanaverreieirant'' 1 ir " , rTlui ltrrrHrH rrrilPW'HV imtera onTeliable and swndMft goods, an We4ayite the attention of all, both- fax and nearand their advantages will, be the same, for we will of Inspection before payment of bill.' ' :t . .j..j We have IfflN ANa LACE EFFECTS. w : ....... 1 . ' : ' - . Also, an excellent lot of BLiCK GBENiDINES, from 20c. to $1.25; and a general line of new and desirable Dress Goods at the most reasonable prices. A 'Special lot bf - : : BLACK NEW THINGS IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES. In early inspection of the above will be to your interest. Gentlemen, you will find our stock of plete In the market, at our well-known arid popular low prices. p Our $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for $6.f.O. Our $12.60 English Tweed Suit sells now for $10. Our $18 and $20 French and English Casslmere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price, $16.50. Our Dress Coats and Veste of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods at greatly re duced prices. . ( ' TJnlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for $1.00. Linen Collars $2.09 per dozen, and all goods In proportion. Call and see before buying elsewhere, as we are the rulers of lew prices. Respectfully, . ; June 1, 1S79. L. BERW ANGER &BR0., Fine Clothiers and TaDors. ''' Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Ya and thence all Rail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Timcvto all Points South and Southwest. ifO DRAY AGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard Air-Line Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading issued at Steamship Wharves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff. Schedules, &e., apply to either of the jwderslgned. ' ' ' K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, ) T. T. SMITH,- Agent C. C. Railway, , . . . : Charlotte, N. C. April 30 Ojom. . . ; - F. W. CLARKv General Freight Agent, ) TRYON SlllEET, IN ISpRANeE :.li. t ' j I ( , -lt) . PI .'I'SoiiisU iflS s-, A i li,i .U. IS 5s -X" "3 "I O -2 'SS AN 1 1 I , 1 I!.'- L4 2Ji sowvia l..ja..HH'iili5.r iu v. ui .1 f a f V fj f . -;t nTi ,,..,. i --fi rArr-r-v t. r""'rT J TRVOJif STREET, IN INSURANCE BUILPINGK Jfift PHTNCE ALBERT FROCK. ., I .- ' - - . ' - .... ' devices ef shitdes and etyles, bnt boasU particularly :,,, ,!; ... .;-! .. ,rttt '0,y asBei -wcreM In this seasofifo seleetlons. Our efforts have been to place upon our , . 1 . crj respeuuuiij, vhis day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings In , C ASHMERES AND ALPACCAS. -o- -o- IN BipOJtXXES OF- ' i -Emm 'op I ii . .msiCAI, , .ORGANS ! ; i:..r:r. ,fni .;iYierchanclisei ' VIOLINS. Si-.,.ji'iNjos,';.' i..-. .ifoiinnwix, . Drums, Band InstromenW " Yi l.i4V-J:.-W-U Mi,., ri-.i.i, i.i I 111 SHBETMUSIO .... . r 3'flU WHOLESALE V --' ); . . , 1 J ljirii ail i t I ') t i3-vj-ti j tsij isj.Kif n-ivi "0syf i- -t xj-" ' nnsll t-I f b' U 1 ?j ilf. i'TfT S -r. " -: J 'i(i . U wins t .in; -AT alao who are recognlted oar housei Win' aare all tn- . ,,',' 's Special mention will he made. The latest de ;: i;, ,tK ' n, . - j .j- -; , . , of the past very stylish In appear " . , appearance, are made op la 1 every variety .....'!.. . . ' i . v : v. .(i'.t : upon the very recent Introduction ot the Unlver- !- , send goods to any section on appioval, with privilege E. D. LATTA & BRO, The People's Clotheirs. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING the most com WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. BUILDING. BP be a5- I? I Si s ;r 2.. o ; r-i '8- P3 o Fl fin1'-' r . , lj - - LJ-"" W1 V4C ' i' owwriun ,3: ra :ff fjirT'o--T iHT',. ... 'III!, 1 k ii j 7i :T fi I ... i V 1 . tm mm.

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