.: :: ,,, mm a.l friifirriTfTj gaoTt ana 30ti gtttiur : ras observer job dzpajtxext : t nui lhfirmir1T.tu mvnrlirA with cutnt needed . SUBSCRIPTION RATES : -DenZy, fce (JwiJ) n arfttMcr . .... .$8 00 Six Months. 4 00 teani, and vrith the LrieuStyltx of Type, and numnerofJoo wort eon now oeaonemutneaa Torre MoMm 2 00 taspatci ana cheapne&t. we am mmxM, ax u, One Mown 75 notice, . . , . . . , , , letter-heads, cards, TAOS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, i f ' 1 ' PROGRAMMES, JSAKD-BILLS. PAMPHLETS, CZROVLARS, CHECKS, dC Out of the county, postpaid, . -'"2? 10 Six Month..- ........... 1 00 charlotte; n. cM Saturday, june j, 1879. " KOr 3,208. VOL. XX. ;fts f,' Liberal Reaucttontjor Utuot, jtof i iiMimin in n n mi i , ..wi.ii m-w mmm " - Witr J nil I J IBW '111 IB. I iff JT SUN;;UMBRELI.AS. lysine- ""J" W I' l i 1 5 find the best assortment at the lowest prices at pJlrellasfrtll ELIAS & COHEN'S. They will also which they ca ami Staple fijfiiyFgo4iB v c i r . tOt gult them upon tocko- Fancy DRY GOODS lit Air is now eomanicgh may be found a full supply of House FurnlshUig Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Caslims In Linen and Cotton, Linen Tahl Damask llte SMe Yellow; Napkln8Ws T?weto In every variety; Car pets, Rug. Mattings and Oil Cloths. Our stock ot Embroidery and Trimmings is large, jnd will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS, . J. ' .i J. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand- ..w,hiof and S? Sun Umbrellas. Ton will find them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and see us. It will paf you. j , s ELIAS COHEN. : I'('.!.'(.t: We have received another lot of handsome Silk Handkerchiefs "'JKiii ii'IJ;n:-!X In light shades, suitable for making Turbans. Also a large line of Ladles' and Gents' . TRUTs'KS , In all qualities. Those in need of such an article, will de well to call on ' before purchasing. ;Do not fan to see our large stock of - -ii. ' Fancy Dress Goods. LADIES' HATS & BONNETS, Beth trimmed And untrlmmed, at greatly reduced prices. - " I" 1 ITRGESS NICHOLS. WHOLESALE AND EETilL IKALXR IM ALL K I N D S 0 K BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C. FUBNITDKE ? J-UKNITURI ! FURNITURE ! FUKNITUBE ! Mi BEPBING, C. BEDDING, &C. A Full Line Of CHEAP BEDSTEJlDSI CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I C0TF INS of all kinds on hand. w-XFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 WiT Tbaib Btwebt. " CniRLOTTETN: C- .r- Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a i:we supply. Jivn:j ) ARGAINS I s, Summer Cassijueics AND WHITE LINEN DUCK. Special attention given to orders. T. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C, June 1. SPRING CLOTHING. j... . EmlgTat.'-'--i fThe University Magazine. POLITlCiL ETHICS. Eofideosed. ' She elasped her hands on my arms, . She-laid her cheek on my shoulder; The tide of her tears fell warm - On hands that trembled to hold her. . I whispered a pitying word, ' ( ; AS me snip movea siowiy apan, Ana una gnei ox lue uicnuiesa inrareu "v -; Its choking weight on my heart Manual of Calhoun's Dtsquftition on Government. CHAPTER XUL Character of the Several Forms of Qov- ernmenL - r v . The ' popular or. democratic form of government is of all the most complex and dimcult to construct. The reason is that in the other two forms, the aris tocratic and the monarchical, the com munity is divided into classes upon which as a basis its is easy to construct government. In the aristocratic there are the nobles and;the people: in the monarchical, the monarch, the nobles and the people. Thus there is provided a foundation upon which to , rest the concurrent principle. But the case is different in constitutional governments of the popular form. Here there are no artificial, organized, well-defined inter ests, but we have to deal with the va rious natural, often unorganized and uncrvstalized interests that rise into z. chandler is not a revolutionist He sticks to prominence and struggle among them selves tor tne mastery, m tne struggle disorder is apt .to prevail, and the end of government to be defeated, and it is found hard to apply the concurrent principle. Another point is . that in popular constitutional governments it is a harder task to bring compromise into play than in the other forms. In an aristocratic government, the struggle between the people and the nobles is or graves m the evening' shade Were green on a far off hill. Where the Joys of her life were laid With love that had known no chill; But however her heart might yearn, ' We were facing the freshening breeze. And the white wake lengthened astern ; On the rolling floor of the seas. She quenched the fire of her tears, : Uplifting her meek brave head, "Or dark or bright be the years, I will take courage," she said: Smoothing back her loose-blowing hair. And her shawl drawing closer the while, So she drank in the strong sea air, And left the old shore with a smile. OBSERVATIONS. one brand, -AUanta Constitution. "R1t Htlniwil tenmAn lire now Dackinz down the sawdust with elephantine tread In a six dujs' walk ing match in JJew York. "Brkmoli holds his own." . says an exchange. His c&nacltv belnir about two Quarts, this is really doing very well indeed. Buffalo Express. 'What! Refuse to lend a paltry X to me your other self?" "Tnat's why. You'd never return the money. I know myself too well." There passed over the Lake Shore and Michigan more than ten miles long. Miss Cialrmount the last of Byron's loves and victims, died lu Florence the other day. &ne was the mother of "little Allegra," and preceded the Guldcloll in the poet's anecuons. The offer of a "nickel plated revolver" as a pre mium to subscribers to the Church Union, publish ed in New York, ought to start a very hopeful re vival in Texas. Karm City Times. They do say that in September the Princess Louise will we mean that the Marquis of Lome's that is to say, the queen will again confound It, we do not precisely know how to put it; yet such is the case. Now the boy climbs up the trees, And the verdant fruit doth seize. And immediately the poison In his stomach camps, And so do the fidgets and the colics and the cramps. Yonkers' Gazette. A deep well at Stockton, Kansas, has run dry, and is emitting sulphurous fumes. Mr. Dappin, firmly believing that the bottom has fallen into hell, maintains a position day and night at the opening, with an axe at hand, ready to kill the devil when he emerges. Says the London Truth: "One of the West End tailors was deploring with a friend the depression of trade. 'Depend upon it' he said, when eminent bankers in Lombard street come to me to have their trousers reseated, there must be something very wrong in the money market " In the early part of every season there Is a natural desire to know what are the newest, latest and most fashionable styles, and also who are recognized as standard authority in the fashionable world.. Our relations to, and dealings with the rnbllc, and the general standing of our house, will assure all In telligent readers that the information given below Is authentic, reliable and correct. i, - Several changes have taken place, both in shape and pattern, of fabrics in -Men's Garments, of which special mention will be made. The latest de mand In Spring Garments la our new - - ? WEST END -SACK. It has many admirers among those who prefer new shapes and ideas instead of adhering to the old time worn styles of the past very stylish In appear ance and cut from Cheviots of the newest designs. , ; j ' " .. Our St Nicholas Cutaway Frock, with three or. four buttons, front cut a trifle longer, giving It a neat and graceful appearance, are made up In every variety of Spring textures. THE PRINCE ALBERT FROCK, In shape and style retains Its hold in popular favor. Its length is a little longer than last season, and It is one of the most usef ui among the gar ments of a gentleman's wardrobe. The materials are French Castings, Granites and various patterns of English Worsteds. Our Pants stock is complete, with every novelty in fabrics, and the shapes are perfect In our Hat department we Invite the inspection of the most cul tivated tastes, and In fine Felts and Straw Goods we are confident of universal approval. Our Neck Wear assortment is almost unlimited in devices of shades aud styles, bnt boasts particularly upon the very recent Introduction of the Univer sity Scarf. TJnlqne and very elegant la White Vests we have a State reputation, and we wiU only assert "progress" in this season's selecUons. Our efforts have been to place upon our counters only reliable and standard goods, and in the rapid Increase of our business we are assured of the public's appreciation. We invite the attention of all, both far and near, and their advantages will be the same.lor we will send goods to any section on approval, with privilege of Inspection before payment of bill. Very respectfully, , . . .... April 27, 1879. E-1. LATTA & BRO., The People's Clotheirs. W. KAUFMAN & CO. Wa have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include the latest novelties in Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's OUO L OO TTTT H H II NN N OTTO'S ' O -O T sH H,n:SB N o at. o o rTH'nuKH OOO LLLL OO H H II N NN GGO G G G G GG GGG We invite nubile Inspection, and we are at all times ready to give quotation of prices. Every rment wnicn is soia ax our nouse is warnmwsu w i as represented, and In price less than can be bought elsewhere. We continue :o sell BLUE FLANNEL SUITS Cheaper than any other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be ing the best In the marked we present this season to the consumer a fine line of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Southern last month an empty freight train a little on the part of the former not SO much to overthrow tne noDiuty as 10 partici pate in its powers and privileges. The man of the people does not really aim to overthrow the aristocracy but to en ter its ranks and become a recognized member of the body. Thus there nat urally exists on the part of both bodies a tendencv to compromise, and this spirit usually results in the nobility and the people settling down upon a ground mrir.iia.lv aecentable. In the case of a monarchy, both the kinsr and the nobility in their struggle with each other are apt to court the peoDle. and thus without resort to force compromise becomes possible. But in an aosolute democracy, party conflicts involving passion, pride, and avarice, seldom end in compromise. The heated partisans get to blows, revolution en sues, and the result is apt to be military despotism. Of the three forms, monarchy has been the most prevalent, and generally the most powerful and duraoie. un this subject Guizotsays: "We see the development of monarchy proceed for a considerable time at the same rate as that of society itself: they had a com mon progression. And not only had they a common progression, but with every step that society made towards its definitive and modern character, monarchy seemed to increase and pros per; so that when the work was con summatedwhen there remained in the great States of Europe little or no im portant ana decisive mnuence out mai of the government and the public it was monarchy that became the govern ment." It may be said that one reason why monarchy has been the most prevalent form is because, in its absolute form, it is the simplest, the most natural and the most easily constructed. It is fur ther nearer to military power that into which all absolute governments are apt to run. The causes that make the strength of monarchical government ATTEST III, L A'D I E S t We have this day added to our stock a splendid line of Buntings lu ERSKISE AND DUE WEST COLLEGES. Condensed Programme of Examina tions and Commencements. Correspondence of The Observer. The public examinations will begin on the following dates this year, and continue from day to day until they are completed. The examining boards of the respective colleges and Theological Seminary have been appointed and will be in attendance at the several exami nation rooms, as follows: Female College, Tuesday, June 24. Erskine College, Wednesday, June 25. Theological Seminary .Saturday, June 28. Friday night, 27th, the Euphemian and Philomathean literary societies of Erskine College will present diplomas to their graduating members in their rooTUxoHva ha a KPV M II. Mll?K. 1J. D Elf D., of Richmond, Va wiU de- may be summed up under three head- liver the anniversary, ana nev. j. u. x. mgs: x. (svmjjiy y :? PLAIN AND LACE EFFECTS. Also, an excellent lot of BLACK GKENADINE3. from 20c. to $1.25; and a general line of new and desirable Dress Goods at the most reasonable prices. A Special lot of BLACK CASHMERES AND ALPACCAS. -o- NEW THINGS IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES. -o- An early Inspection of the above will be to your interest. Gentleman, you will find our stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING the most com plete In the market, at our well-known and popular low prices. WITTKOWSKY & BABUCH. Lowry, of Selma, Ala., the medal ora tions in the Euphemian hall, and Hon. J. C. Maxwell and Col. J. S. Cothran, of the State, will make addresses in the Philomathean hall. Satnrdav.-28th.-8--o.-m.. the tarewell Military character. 3. Susceptibility of improvement. Nos. 1 and 2 have al ready been" discussed. 3 This suscep tibility of improvement is due to the existence ot hereaitary sovereigns ana heriditarv nobilitv. When these are Includlni can also ;the best makes in the country. There i found in our stock a complete ime or toe Ft, Stiff Tnd "Stow Hats, and any kind of 1 . Monaay nigni, rfuui, nx..nx.x.n'a tsimiahinff anods. Don't Durchase hv- four members of the lunior class VJPlllliOIHWIi a miiwixxxxn .: - . "J mAof;A, thoV t P. nssnpiatinn and heriditarv. it is easv to improve tne missionary society. Addresses to be government, for there virtually exist made by speakers, invited specially tor the occasion. Sabbath, 29th, baccalaureate sermon by Dr. Hoge; and the sermon before the theological students by llev. P. F. Hoddon. before you examine our-slock, as the cheapest BARGAINS jand iir declamation by four members of the sophomore class. Tnewlav. Julv 1st. meeting oi uoarus two principles acting against each oth er. Out of the contest grow popular rights. When thieves fall out, honest men get their dues an old adage home ly, but true. So too it .may be said that when political robbers quarrel and con tend for the mastery, the people the mass of the community get their mo dicum at least of rights and privileges. 4 Another cause of the prevalence of monarchy is its capacity tor expansive Can bejiad at April 10. ' if. KAUFMAN A CO.'S, : ConuMS Trvie and Tryon Sts., Charlotte. M. C. AioIW Prices reduced SH per eeiit., National, Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. V . . lays the foundation for substantial fortunes every seek.' and nays as immense percentage of profits by-the new . capitalization . System of operating in stocks. ' Fun" explanation on application to Adams, PtDfEyAftlK: BSSStSSSBffiSa Address Great Western Gui Wprfe, FJttsbun A (;..-.' RKHJ ITRRB. NW M II TTTTU V a UBRNNNH 'F 0 UBEHNKJU K ITU B Bit NN II ,5U 8 T U T UR KK URBB EB UB BB UU R BEBq Directors of the Theological Seminary sovereignty. Under its auspices a larg will meet at 10 o'clock a. m.; trustees or Erskine College at 2 o'clock p. ra.; Di rectors of the Female College, at 4 o'clock p. m. . . 7 : 80 The annual aeDate panicipaieu in by members of the senior class; two representatives from each society. Wednesdav, 2d Commencement in Erskine College. Forenoon Graduating orations by mfimbers of senior class : baccalaureate hand presentation of diplomas to the i : A nn,r W AT graauaies uv preaiucui, tcv. n. Grier, D. D. ' Afternoon Anniversary oration, by Hon. J. H. Bice, of Ninety Six, S. C. Meeting of alurani association at 5 o'clock NTicrhtJ-Atnm-nfB essav before the Ametian society of the female college by Miss Lizxie Quigg, of Conyers, Ga. Adaress uexore ino iuuium (bow BENSON'S CAPCMB er extent of country may be kept to gether without danger to the govern ment and to civil liberty. Under the monarchical form lanre areas of terri tory may be brought under one head- all of which douotiess is aue unuie em ciency of the executive department of the government, xne monarcmcai form excels we may say in governmen tal methods. Swift, to execute its de crees, no wonder such a form should illustrate efficiency and strength and commend itself to ineh in every age of the world. No wonder further tluit monarchv should 1)6 so generally deem ed as the Dersonification of legitimate. sovereignty M of the collectiye wiU and as Guizot suggests " is the meaning of monarchy as understood by the people, and which is the motive of their gener al adhesion to it. The same author ex presses the same idea strongly and gives another reason in aaaiuon to tnose sug gested by Calhoun why the principle of I! lillini ,1,111 Our $7.50 Cheviot Suit sells now for S6.no. ' Cui 512X0 English Teed Suit sells r.ow fev 1 0. Our $1 8 and $20 French and English Cassimere Sack and Frock Suits sell now at one uniform price. SK.50. Our Dress Coats and Vests of Diagonal, Granite, Basket French and English Goods 'at greatly re duced prices. Unlaundried shirts for 50 cents. The very best made in the United States for Si 00 Linen Collars S2.00 per dozen, and all goods In proportion, and see before buying elsewhere, as we. nre tlie rulers of le w prices. Call Respectfully. June 1, 1879. L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. 3r- Mt - - AT ? c :.ni i"ijiiifr e; iif wnoif:..-'.T -.;, -.fj r;i.Kl3t f.f fw ' " ' I Jt. ft. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, , x ivi r!flsrwl'. b5?iji!ui.'irtf las-' M rrtmlriffi Uut fc.'Jdld.i 1 i Stock J&vei7 La andembracaFufi Uneof o IS w'l :. s o f t ! as"! M ittebar?, Pa, l tion of Erskine College, by 4. JVi. Mc Neil, Esq., of x ork, b. U. 'uHAnvfr.fnf.nV, iif lYlOilUlB Tf. IRA 51 IIP . nmn-r. cessful competitors in the respective monarebjv has been and is so common. iPLASTER . SdSSn Wot commi&e on Itls,-uizo a depositoiT and A yA1iHHr r z.JZn, oniamftfirm.-v.' .. Brotector-of public nhts,.ot general . . ' . r, . niruilJD ciixyj. , ,. . . IJ.x. j -jf J.1 S-, -7.e,l- See that each piaster nas me worn -r---x-- , Thursday 3d . . m . J1L.A ink I -0t -w-. r. 1 -. ---vl I CxftC WW nanBI TtT- AP&ating essays; and persentation cy, the centre aod W of society. that of diplomas to senior class; bacpalan modern monarcny nas . presenieu iiseii Teate by President Rev. J. I. Bonner, to the people, and, m .obtaining their j) I) 3 adhesion, has made their strength its Night-Students and teachers' recep- own." Sound .views these are, and il- tio-and commencement soiree in the lustrated totfay in a government like i ju oil . .. !- arA that of Great Britain! The Tftili-dld authorities have extend- . Howevefc as to the enlightened influ- ed the usual privileges to visitors to and from cornmencement. : . , v jy.vv. Jr. your physician as to Its merits over all others.' ilHlIJ.il Via Steamers to Portsmouth, Va., and 'thence, all Bail and Through Cars, Enabling Quick est Possible Time to all Points South and Southwest. NO DRAYAGE, NO COMMISSION, NO HANDLING EXPENSES, MINIMUM INSURANCE. Mark Goods plainly via Seaboard AhvLine. - Freight received at any hour of the day, and Through Bills of Lading issued at Steamship WHarves or offi ces of the Line. For information as to Tariff. Schedules, Ac; apply to either of. the undersigned. K. S. FINCH, South Western Agent, ) T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte, N. C. F. W. CLARK, General Freignt Agent, j April 30 d5m. IcMIf i lUBSC ;10pE lAElL-CfIE, S. C. TkYON street7in Insurance BtjILding. v ? up o? swia:'f, mraen.a rvasuuMthtum . and win completely change MS Dew?Bl6h Blood, plood, In the entire exaon who will take ayatem mtDrMmenuu.ri'W imnwu ooeoill each night from! to 12 weeks, may be le- mred to sound health. 11 sue a tnmg oe ixilm aZ$m mtui for 8 letter stamps. L S. JOHNSON nnt w man for 8 letter stamps. ii : ;jHaVe'0ne at 111 ot 'Em. ences of the day, Calhoun holds that they are adverse to monarchy a view confirmed by the condition; of Europe in 1879. If, however, the choice is to be made between monarchy and a goyeni inent based apoit the homerical princi ple, the former is to De preierrea. uei a tMiisville Couiter-JournaLl the Cwrirhdth'Uis'U av, ter, far, better, ltftufiOT'indnap. a representative at every male college cliy; .than ar-mccFacy- .If. -.ooweyet,; i - - . JL- i Al, TT-.-. 4 4- rrl Gfo f . -wVltA wVAlrWk'i la ilnintnfl -fftrm.flf -tlflVi nommencemsnti in tuc vj uhui wwud. incii x ....wx..-. . . - . . . , . I J ..1 J .1 X. X..- ! 1 . ,-.,--.. T MI n this season. JNOC tnac jimieDu. i iu; eruiueiw cuitiut& i'1' o A T ffn A TTOTFJ j' 1 :flict its readers withreporta of them ciple as its:vital element, themall other' b A'JLrtHU A,-. flU X Mj, "Jff dntiesof these correspondents feoilwntr'whatevisr ftwd must THE .it 3ft, Witt M :!tarmt'l Sii riJSti Jn jpeo. tfejE.cj -S tool ii;L .iM win i-a si mill v to listen 10 uxo ujrHuwua.f.iuve .wnr-M w iMiutiiw.wv. vauas or uununux r"" .r zzix , .. ny.nmm-.-n ii9 as tn nwnt. .-wiL3 st rovirnment govern- .conuiining combin- . . rm-n r i I 1T1H.KHH ( H UCCJ1 WHO V itflw. I " - T Mr-r . , ....... f, o. 'Htna&AbUUd 4iMh'l- ..juI4.ani.M&l Mr f ndlreetl v-to Greece 1 ter IVfit . based on the.jponeTrwt pwnci .---. -,M,, v h,ated on thi: anS K'Mne. and to; say anything about pie,; y. i T ISS &Sitmia, icrtr J4o6t8top on the. Bands: of timer himig arxtidiitewnvmdgav -.noftflnmiiv. rai FH tbw mutsif inruu jc . ia;irr nwMriaa Trt r-VtiaoTi r. in nin 1 ifuiii T Rr inr.il i, iit'tii liirsi ,iir:i rtiiu lii jiis; con wuva mww w.-- r- - . , , .. ;, (JO i - u . a -H PI ANOS ! S fa-' 95 eE. 33 T3 V.--C.J 'ft S5 c 5; 2? y;.-i;5i The table is supplied wun ins pea "if Sit . p-Wes-reBCtorytiUd7cdiscipli the Jade 8 1m, t gloomy arid peculiar "youthwji'. wa 'Ms worit. in t.hp. snlitude of his own onei-s lality' Thfi p-'ftppnfotiott of this med-Lthing to set it ilghfc Not Mhea-Seo--i draughts al fin theniOOftearroF anft . Str aigji; andOJOlnseft eye? inwnfix.jm iwt ifs mucn io f AKLOli, CHAMBEK, DINING ROO t'-v-- turn OO.S?- -t. 3Jti t - .await !9 ooJt - - , . s Ar V;.TI .S'OffS1 n krf-ri ' I al in T.Tlfl tJttlf IWHf "'tRTTTflTCT-NS eveAt tht 4ftyWi4should happen -ftol remedyi Stated 1 three ft dav--Qf Hostetter'B Stomach-Blttefs, which auord-Ucpeedy o&uel, . ana. evepjajiy .Daniau ys6el6ic id f bflleui ytelWoni; Sick Itead- Wortd'S Fairito New i Ywfc before; thd f 'inewojnest.; iSiow' eompttaoii.' j'm,fseiuaiivt vl an tuc fmuuiip. i upon uie .tongue C t. .'iit! L-a ' r-'-f -i ; i '.jnl.ti;1 rl.rrtfa!1ffnnTia MRRflrt M- i v-w th tne termsaoove and win it) will taite piace oaa spBuwiwui Atttr fnr that tmrnose at tlie coming I or, .9 . . tavi4w Nf-!M AGC ARONI, WPkled salmon, !! A- .-at'1 ft' Tr-r roynrltwriiedv! toit discovered by a missionary: in, I ,tetTie!-itad-r AiTiMUJbilA HAiVlO ,48ouUj AmerMndTa fflg- tHrUeali . - - u- r 7 -ii i f,. 3T- HI Goods Packed Free of Charge t; ;w ' S M. HOWULL. 4 ii s , '' - 1 jndittojara to034tei pei3)ettiate4.by m.uai-k- oii hn are anfferina' from the errors and in-, i jtMf-i . - timoMnt. aKbnV.-iri.Tit? of idttwrtJiiiHWjg'ii . "n-,iMrivi should will cure you, FREE ' OF CHAEGB. This jTeafc )ejtiiii. Bteifcite Ojscove Send if 'dij,l-' m V'i'.iTrt ttf-o'l : : - -i. : . ' m ' r fc ft rv j i:i"fc- i. I " ... r ik S il - 3 , , IJIPOBTEES OF Pa3 ALL KINDS OP 5j rvlerchal4dise, ORGANS n ..: -1.1 1J-i..-itV.;-.! j .;T"iri.: f V,; i Gr!U'ITARS , j,if t.; -VfT x, a : TJtteSPPE&-: U..f'.rus,nu jjisstruuitiiiiax iy.f- :ir ... 'lf,.,i 4 .-. f SHEET : MUSIC rn ... .. ... . ,, ill'.'. . . UU OT -4 H- - L ! n W 'gjg- ; fefiS d.: .59 "feh rtffl : 2. 8' W & rl "I-1 ,!i ill ri'-f 1 tH I lHls- -n wi-i mm m m t- .. ; i w-E..t .m - -SiTLT 'Wf,r - 3 - - . i ' PJ "'O' s - -A-r - 1 1 '"O V W " W " O v OP' S . 11 lf..?t.,-!i i 1 tt . 'i , 7-. . i i . . -i 77T7 - .. ,.f--. r tfr, -.-, t f-fi.l I, , f' r.. t f .L'fl.lT .a:.... V A a. .3 . . -- --pl i . t r fc fl tiiTcol t:d end 99fB sv. jnyr Jo njoO'xi Mar 2S, York City . jana& June3 lw TK TO?? '.STREET, IN INSURANCE 'BUIDDING.-' .

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